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Communication Campaign Group ReportSubmission date: 30//08/2013

Marketing 337 | Section 10

Name of the Topic : ‘ Discrimination towards HIV positive people’

Group Name : Carre 5

Submitted by:


1. Md. Wasik Hasan 113 0724 030

2. Md. Shamsul Arefin 113 0223 030

3. Sheikh Saad Muhammad Redwan

112 0848 030

4. Muntasir Islam 121 0122 030

5. Wasil Mufrat 121 0561 030

6. Ahata Sham Shaon 112 0773 030

Faculty Member: Varqa Shamsi Bahar (VSB)

Dept. School of Business NSU

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Serial No Topic Page

1 Brief Introduction 3

2 Need Analysis, Need Analysis via Cognitive map, Communication Objective.


3 Relevant Data 4-6

4 Target Audience Analysis 7-8

5 Communication Tools 9-14

6 Creative Brief 14-16

7 Message Design – Message Strategies, Message Appeal & Executional Framework


8 Conclusion 19

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Introduction :

Discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS is a common problem across many

countries, which affects their quality of life by violating their basic rights, including access to

treatment, access to education and rights to employment. Through our Communication

Campaign we want to bring a behavioral change and create awareness among the people of the

society towards PLHA.

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Need Analysis:

Bangladesh is a low HIV prevalence with less than 0.1 percent of the population estimated to be

HIV positive but the number of people living with HIV/AIDS has been steadily rising. UNIAIDS

estimates the number to be slightly higher than 11,000. Although it is well recognized that

discrimination against HIV people is highly well documented , People living with HIV AIDS

experience discrimination from health care workers including facing abusive behavior from

physicians, facing the problem of disrespecting confidentiality and refusing assistance during

delivery. They also experience discrimination from family members, friends, the community,

and sometimes from- co workers. HIV/AIDS related subject and the fear of discrimination has a

long term effect. It can delay HIV testing, discuss PLHA (public living with HIV AIDS) from

disclosing their status, result in social isolation and event cause adverse anxiety. This

communication is necessary to showcase the discrimination that PLHA faces from the society.

The current thought process towards an HIV positive person is not favorable. Through this

communication we want to change the attitude of people in our country towards the subject and

treat the PLHA with care, respect and affection. Stigma and fear of HIV transmissions seems to

be the two principle causes of discrimination. The government should adopt strategies to reduce

discrimination against PLHA and make the general public aware of the basic facts of HIV/AIDS.

Relevant Data’s are provided in the following page-

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Need analysis via Cognitive map

The cognitive mapping process explains the knowledge structures a consumer possesses

which is embedded in a person’s long term memory. The knowledge people consists

towards an PLHA are shown Through Current Linkages.

Current likage :


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New and Modified Linkage :

A new message can be projected to change/modify current linkage. Through this we

show that Social recognition is a Modified Linkage and Awareness about the disease is

the new Linkage.


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Strengthening the linkage :

If the new information (message) is consistent with current information, then the new

information primarily tends to strengthen an existing linkage.



Awareness about


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Communication Objective:

The main communication Objective of our campaign is to create awareness about HIV AIDS and

treat them with respect, care and affection.

Target Audience Analysis :



Region Urban & Sub - Urban


Age: 18 and above

Life Stage: young generation, middle age people

Socio economic class: upper class, higher middle class, middle class, Lower middle class, lower


Target market: target market is the group of people to whom we particularly give marketing

efforts. We developed marketing programs, which starts with which segments will be selected

and developing specific marketing mixes so as to influence intended customers, and overall

perception of AIDS.

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Bases of segmentation Target market

Geographic (location) Urban & Sub - Urban



Life Stage

Socio-economic class

18 and above

Young generation, middle age& old generation people.

Upper class, higher middle class, middle class, lower

middle class & lower class

Undifferentiated marketing strategy: An undifferentiated marketing strategy involves ignoring

segment differences and offering just one product or service to the entire market. As our TVC

mainly is to raise awareness among the mass people about AIDS that’s why an undifferentiated

marketing strategy will be very lucrative for us.

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Communication tools :

For the discrimination towards HIV+ people we will are going to utilize both the ATL & BTL communication tool. ATL marketing (above the line) refers specifically to advertisements related to things people can see - i.e. wide open to your competition. For instance, ATL includes advertising in newspapers, magazines and the like. In other words, ATL has a higher public branding effect, ATL is often used to generate mindshare. here are a number of approaches to promotion that are open to organisations. Above-the-line promotions use mass media methods. This type of promotion focuses on advertising to a large audience. It includes print, online media, television and cinema advertising, radio, billboards etc.Under ATL marketing using television commercials how HIV is transmitted through pregnancy, childbirth & breast feeding, injection of any drug use or needle, etc through different commercials where we will also represent how a person is avoided in the society, the precaution measure that is using protection before having sexual intercourse, do not use shared needles, mothers preventing themselves from fluids carrying HIV so that it does not get into babies while breast feeding, tell people not to avoid someone who’s carrying HIV. Also repeat some of the same issues in verbal briefs like spreading the awareness of discrimination towards HIV+ people on radio where the RJ’s and the advertisements saying the facts , causes of getting HIV AIDS, how to avoid them through having protected physical intercourse , not using shared needles for drugs, repeated message given on radio to make people conscious about HIV AIDS. Then some of the commercials of getting HIV, curing it and including those peoples in our society could placed in cinema advertising, in written form in print medias like the newspaper and magazines with a big logo of AIDS so that it catches peoples attention and also spread the message on social media’s as well.On the other hand we can also place ads on billboards saying “ Live a healthy life style” by avoiding drug abuse , intravenous, promiscuity, or also by saying “ Break the silence”. Under the promotional tools we can advertise in various ways using the ATL communication methods, then we can also make t-shirts of HIV+ n make young entrepreneurs wear it to encourage those people carrying HIV AIDS.

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Make a campaign like :

Brothers for Life has succeeded in shaping a new conversation

with men, whose behaviour can put them – and others – at risk of contracting HIV.

The campaign seeks to reinforce positive behaviour and asks men to stand up and take action to

prevent HIV and AIDS. It also tackles gender-based violence and helps men improve their own

health – and, by extension, the health of their families and communities. “The beauty of this

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campaign is that it addresses gender and power relations in a new way,” said Rick Olson,

UNICEF Regional HIV Prevention Advisor for Eastern and Southern Africa. “Instead of just

talking to women about protecting themselves against HIV, Brothers for Life seeks to reach boys

and men in an engaging way that makes them understand the importance of doing the right thing

– not just for hemselves, but for women and their families.”

Brothers for Life seeks to address the risks associated with having multiple and concurrent

sexual partnerships, men’s limited involvement in fatherhood, and the widespread lack of

knowledge of one’s HIV status.Also take help of the AIDS JAAGO foundation who recruits

volunteers and make them spread the message of discrimination towards HIV + people to be

aware, take precautions , not get AIDS and bring in the HIV+ people amongst us saying that they

are also a part of us.On the other hand direct marketing is something that you communicate

personally.Here we will be spending on our targeted consumers those who are the HIV+ people

via meeting them face to face telling them not to be ashamed of and take the HIV tests, take

his/her own time to wrap up the emotions and think of curing it through medications.We can also

tell them we are not avoiding them infact we are trying to include them amongst us, They just

need our cooperations.We can also communicate this via verbal counseling to some peoples as


The 360 degree branding tells us that the problem or the challenge should find the appropriate

media and messages to deliver & reach the target audience via touch points everywhere.We can

do 360 degree branding through word of mouth telling people the awareness of HIV+ in social

medias and verbally, then we should make data bases of people suffering from HIV+ and provide

them free medication & treatment, we can arrange events for example like concerts for the HIV+

people where we will get sponsors and other revenues which we can utilize for the HIV+ people

and through those events we can tell the mass people to come forward , not to discriminate the

AIDS people. Also make campains in villages spreading the awareness of AIDS & telling them

to have precautions for physical intercourse, breastfeeding & properly donate blood , not using a

shared needle.We can also put some slogans like “ Live a healthy life style” with a logo of HIV

AIDS in a bangle message around booths , painted in walls , posted as banners in corners of

every streets n local retail shops both in towns & villages etc.

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Creative brief of discrimination towards HIV+ people

1. Why do you feel the need for this communication?

The first case of HIV/AIDS in Bangladesh was detected in 1989. Since then 1495 cases of

HIV/AIDS have been reported (as of December 2008). However UNAIDS estimates that the

number of people living with HIV in the country may be as high as 12,000, which is within

the range of the low estimate by UNICEF's State of the World's Children Report 2009. The

overall prevalence of HIV in Bangladesh is less than 1%, however, high levels of HIV

infection have been found among injecting drug users (7% in one part of the capital city,

Dhaka1). Due to the limited access to voluntary counseling and testing services, very few

Bangladeshi's are aware of their HIV status.

Stigma and discrimination have been recognized as one of the most serious impediments in

the fight against HIV/AIDS. Underlying AIDS related stigma are ignorance and fear about the

modes of transmission. HIV/AIDS related stigma moves hand in hand with fear. Whether it is

fear of contracting HIV or fear of dealing with someone who is HIV positive, those infected and

affected by HIV find themselves ostracized and on the fringes of the communities they are a part


Stigma and discrimination are serious obstacles to effective HIV-prevention in Bangladesh.

Because of stigma:

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individuals do not want to know their HIV status and may delay seeking or forego

voluntary HIV counseling and testing (VCT) services;

individuals may be reluctant to adopt safer sexual practices e.g. use condoms and/or seek

treatment for sexually-transmitted infections;

people living with HIV/AIDS may be aware of their status and choose not to tell their

partners and family members, increasing the likelihood of further transmission and

preventing them from seeking essential care and support;

workplaces, schools, churches and hospitals may reject individuals whose HIV-positive

status is known, causing further isolation and preventing essential care and support;

People living with AIDS may experience additional psychological stress and potential

abandonment by partners, family and friends; and

Individuals may choose to isolate themselves as a coping strategy, often contributing to

deterioration of their health and well-being.

Communication Objectives:

Bangladesh proposes a campaign that address stigma at the individual level.

The objectives of this communication campaign are to:

Reduce stigma against HIV positive people and

Promote voluntary counseling and testing to encourage everyone to know their HIV


The campaign will seek to involve participation from PLWAs (people living with HIV/AIDS) to

develop real-life testimonials. These will aim to educate people on the different situations that

result in someone getting infected how they are coping with their status now. This is meant to

educate people on the different modes of transmission of HIV and also show them that it can

affect anybody (primarily do away with the myth that HIV happens only to promiscuous people

or people with so called loose morals).

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The objective is to increase personal risk perception among the viewers; to evoke empathy

towards HIV positive people and also to motivate them to get tested and know their HIV status.

The viewers should perceive the HIV positive characters in the campaign as no different from

themselves or their family or friends.

The secondary objective of the campaign is to show the different coping strategies adopted by

people living with HIV/AIDS and their need for care and support from the community. It is

important to communicate to the viewers that people infected with HIV/AIDS can live longer

with support from family, friends and the community. If people are made aware of this there are

more likely to change their attitude towards the infected.

The execution of the campaign needs to strike a balance between the fact that HIV/AIDS can

happen to anybody/everybody and that one can still live a positive and hopeful life after

infection. The balance is between factual information (“HIV can happen to anybody”) and

assurance (“I can still protect myself from infection; people with HIV/AIDS are just like me and

can live longer with support from me, family, friends and the community”). We want people to

know their HIV status and learn ways of protecting themselves by seeking voluntary counseling

and testing. But we also want to promote among HIV positive people the notion of sameness-

that they are not any different/ lesser/worse than HIV negative individuals and that they deserve

equal treatment. Different executions will be developed to tell stories of HIV positive people

and give a face to the epidemic. The call to action at the end of the campaign will encourage

individuals to seek voluntary counseling and testing.

The following points need to be covered by this campaign:

Knowing your status helps you protect yourself and those you love.

HIV is not spread casually or through so called immoral behavior; there is no need to

shun anyone who is HIV positive for fear of infection.

It is possible to live a healthy life like everyone else even if you are HIV positive.

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People with HIV/AIDS need support and care. It is up to us to give support as and

when it is needed.

The campaign will also provide basic information to HIV infected people on different support

services available to them in Bangladesh.

Marketing Objectives

Increase client-flow for New Start centres by normalizing the concept of testing and knowing

one’s status. This can be done addressing some of the following barriers to using VCT services: -

Fear of HIV positive status: People feel they are likely to be HIV positive because of

their high risk behaviour and do not know if they found out they were HIV positive

Low risk perception: People feel they may not be at any danger of HIV/ AIDS and

hence do not need VCT services.

2. Who is the core Target Audience?

Age: 18+

Basically individuals who do not know their HIV status.

Lives in Urban & Sub - Urban

Education Level: Literate & Illiterate

3. What do you want to achieve with this communication?

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The campaign will use mass media to help dispel fear of and discrimination towards HIV-

positive individuals, while providing correct information about the risks of HIV infection. The

campaign will promote positive health-seeking behaviors, including the use of voluntary HIV

counseling and testing (VCT) and care and support services.

The campaign will feature a compelling call to action that will encourage individuals to seek

VCT services and acceptance of individuals living with HIV.

4. What we must communicate to them to address your communication need as stated in


Creative Considerations

1. Tone of the communication – It is important to be sensitive to HIV positive and negative

people and the campaign messages should be balanced to have an equal appeal to both

groups. The objective of this campaign is to normalize knowing one’s status and reducing

stigma associated with HIV positive people.

2. Language used in communication should be easily translated into Bengali languages in


3. The campaign should have appeal across rural and urban areas, especially different language


5. Why would they believe you?

Reasons to believe the proposition are the following parameter:

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People living with HIV/AIDS are no different from others, family and friends.

Show them some of the infected people and through them communication process should

be at best to create awareness in the mass uneducated people.

HIV infected individuals are highly considered to challange themselves and they have to

said that this could happen to me and I also need to know my status and learn ways of

protecting myself.

Generating information for policies and programs.Through some big events and

programs people have known some safety precaution and they believe themselves not to

be scared of this disease.

Message strategy:


Invoke feelings or emotion and connect those feelings with the message we want to focus, “ NOT TO



Advertising appeal:


the ability to attract, create interest or stimulate the mind of emotions. Here we are focusing on the

HIV positive patient’s mental situation , his social acceptance and his social values in our society .



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Here information is presented to the audience in a straight forward manner in this ad. Targeted people who are highly involved in a particular target category pay attention to such ads. Such ads thus tend to work best for high involvement situations for a patient. The information that has been shared through this communication states the discrimination that an PLHA faces in the society. Our message theme is “ Don’t Die of Ignorance” denotes the fact that PLHA should be treated equally with care and respect. We want to spread awareness about the disease through TVC and print media.


Theoretical approach :

We are giving emphisis on the visual part of the ad, as it is the easiest part of recalling.

A dramatization is similar to the slice of life executional framework. It uses the same formal in which a problem is first presented and then a solution is affected.

The difference lies in the intensity of the story format. At first the patient is going to the doctor with his report than he is facing many problems in the society stapes by stapes. Dramatization uses a higher level of excitement and suspense to tell the story. When the doctor is saying the patient is affected by HIV positive and then it is the beginning of excitement. A dramatization story normally builds to a crisis point leading to a suspenseful climax. In this ad patient can’t express about his feelings to his parents and his friends.


Advertising Design- Executional Frameworks

An executional framework is the manner in which an ad appeal is presented. It is chosen after an advertising appeal has been selected.

Slice- of - Life

In slice of life commercials, advertisers attempt to provide solutions to the everyday problems consumers face.

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The advertisements normally show the common experiences, and especially the problems people encounter. In this ad the patient is going to the doctor with his report and trying to know what kind of diseases is affected by. Than the doctor is saying, “He is affected by HIV positive.”In the way of life he can’t tells the problem to his family and his friends. When he is saying his problem to other people all of them are ignoring him. At last the ad is giving a solution. In this ad all the components of slice of life is included.


A dramatization is similar to the slice of life executional framework. It uses the same formal in which a problem is first presented and then a solution is affected.

The difference lies in the intensity of the story format. At first the patient is going to the doctor with his report than he is facing many problems in the society stapes by stapes. Dramatization uses a higher level of excitement and suspense to tell the story. When the doctor is saying the patient is affected by HIV positive and then it is the beginning of excitement. A dramatization story normally builds to a crisis point leading to a suspenseful climax. In this ad patient can’t express about his feelings to his parents and his friends.


Here information is presented to the audience in a straight forward manner in this ad. Targeted people who are highly involved in a particular target category pay attention to such ads. Such ads thus tend to work best for high involvement situations for a patient. The information that has been shared through this communication states the discrimination that an PLHA faces in the society. Our message theme is “ Don’t Die of Ignorance” denotes the fact that PLHA should be treated equally with care and respect. We want to spread awareness about the disease through TVC and print media.


The Communication suggest that there is need of VCT specific intervention programs for young

people in colleges in Bangladesh to emphasize the importance of HIV/AIDS education program

to educate students' understanding of people living with HIV/AIDS, thus reducing stigma

towards people living with HIV.

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