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Multiple Intelligences and Multimedia Technology

How do we learn to understand the world around us?

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Multiple Intelligences

• Diverse preferred modes of learning for each individual

• Different ways of information processing

• Result of years of scientific brain research• Stroke victims• Accident victims• Alzheimers patients Gardner


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Definition of Intelligence

• The ability to solve problems that one encounters in real life

• The ability to generate new problems to solve

• The ability to make something or offer service that is valued within one’s culture

Gardner, 1983

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Research Findings

• Intelligence is not fixed at birth.  It changes and grows through life.  It can be improved and expanded.

• Intelligence can be taught and improved by activating levels of perception.

• Intelligence is a multiple phenomenon that occurs in many different parts of the brain/mind/body system.

• A stronger, more dominant intelligence can be used to train (improve or strengthen) a weaker intelligence.

• Most persons possess all intelligences – but in varying strengths (at varying times)

Gardner, 1983

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How can we help our children develop their intelligences?

• Stage 1: Awaken - trigger the intelligence• Stage 2: Amplify - strengthen by practice• Stage 3: Teach - learn and acquire specific

knowledge• Stage 4: Transfer the intelligence to real life -

Knowing how to live in the real world

Neurons (brain cells) make connections

between different parts of the brain.

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Frames of Mind

• “The ways in which intelligences combine and blend are as varied as the faces and personalities of individuals”

• Intelligence is changeable – not stagnant• Genetics influences intelligence • BUT providing a nurturing, positive, and

stimulating learning environment is very important!

Gardner, 1983

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Eight Intelligences

• Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence – word playerVerbal-Linguistic Intelligence – word player• Logical-Mathematical Intelligence - questionerLogical-Mathematical Intelligence - questioner• Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence - moverBodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence - mover• Visual-Spatial Intelligence - visualizerVisual-Spatial Intelligence - visualizer• Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence – music loverMusical-Rhythmic Intelligence – music lover• Interpersonal Intelligence - socializerInterpersonal Intelligence - socializer• Intrapersonal Intelligence - individualizerIntrapersonal Intelligence - individualizer• Naturalist Intelligence – nature loverNaturalist Intelligence – nature lover

Gardner, 1983

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The Word Player

Verbal Linguistic Learner• Uses words effectively • Has highly-developed

auditory skills• Enjoys reading, playing

word games, and writing• Has good memory for

verse, lyrics, or trivia• Great for repetition and

memorization when young

Technologies • Web 2.0 tools – blogs, wikis,

twitter• Social networking –

Facebook/My Space• Email/texting• Word processors• Desktop publishing,• Programs for creating poetry• Multimedia authoring• Audio/video recording


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The Questioner

Logical-Mathematical Learner• Thinks conceptually and

abstractly• Is able to see and explore

patterns and relationships• Enjoys reasoning,

calculating, playing logic games, solving puzzles.

• Likes brain teasers, logical puzzles, and strategy games.

Technologies• Database• Spreadsheet• Problem-solving

software• Strategy games• Multiplayer video games• Simulations• Calculators• Multimedia authoring


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The Visualizer

Visual-Spatial Learner• Thinks in terms of

physical space • Notices images and

thinks in pictures• Learns best through

drawings, designs, and imagery

• Likes mazes, jigsaw puzzles, films, diagrams, maps, charts

Technologies • Drawing and paint

programs• Reading programs with

visual clues• Color coding• Programs/webs with

maps, charts, diagrams• Spreadsheets and graphs• Multimedia and video


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The Music Lover

Musical-Rhythmic Learner• Shows sensitivity to rhythm,

melody, and sound• Notices non-verbal sounds in

the environment• Learns more easily if sung or

tapped out.• Musical intelligence develops

very early• Most closely aligned to the


End-state: composer

Technologies• Programs/webs with

stories with sound• Reading programs

associating letters/sounds/music

• Music and midi composition software

• Multimedia• Audio and video• Karaoke

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The Mover

Bodily-Kinesthetic Learner• Likes movement • Communicates well through

body language• Enjoys physical activity• Excels at hands-on learning• Processes knowledge

through bodily sensations – moving, touching, manipulation, role plays, creative movement

Technologies • Wii & interactive video

games• Simulations• Clickers, smart board touch

screen, joystick, mouse or touchpad

• Keyboarding and word processing

• Animation programs


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The SocializerInterpersonal Learner• Enjoys interacting with others• Learns best through group

activities• Sensitivity to facial

expressions, voice and gestures and has ability to respond effectively to those cues

• Understands and cares about people

• Likes to socialize

Technologies• Social networking• Blogs, wikis, twitter• Group presentations using

multimedia • Decision making

programs• Multiplayer video games• Group video production• Texting• Smart phones


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The Individual

Intrapersonal Learner • Is in tune with their

personal inner feelings, moods, and motivations

• Has an accurate picture of personal strengths and limitations

• Has capacity for self-discipline

• Learns best through independent study and introspection

Technologies• Computer assisted

instruction• Instructional games• Programs that build

self-improvement skills and self-awareness

• Brainstorming or problem solving software

• Web 2.0 blog & wiki journals

Reflective Individual

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The Nature LoverNaturalistic Learner• Sensitivity to the world of nature

• Demonstrates ability to empathize

with animals• Enjoys working with plants,

(gardening, farming and horticulture

• Has a natural sense of science and natural living energy forces (weather and physics)

• Enjoys cooking and working with products of nature

• Sees patterns in nature

Technologies• Interactive real time

weather and nature websites

• Science programs and websites and software programs

• Global ecology websites and advocacy organizations

• Real time cameras and video sites


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What knowledge is important today?

“If knowledge doubles every year or two, we certainly cannot multiply the number of hours or teach twice as

quickly. Some choice, some decisions about what can be omitted, is essential.”

The first dilemma: What should be taught?

Howard Gardner – 2003

From Multiple Intelligences after Twenty Years  

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Howard Gardner

• What should be highlighted: facts, information? data? If so, which of the countless facts that exist?

• Subject matters and disciplines--if so, which ones?

• Which science, which history? • Should we nurture creativity, critical thinking? • If there is to be an additional focus, should it be

arts, technology, a social focus, a moral focus?

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What Should be the Focus of Education?

What is Special about Human Beings

“Human beings have done many terrible things but countless members of our species have done

wonderful things as well: works of art, works of music, discoveries of science and technology, heroic acts of

courage and sacrifice.

Our youngsters must learn about these achievements, come to respect them, have time to reflect about them

(and what it took to achieve them) and aspire some day to achieve anew in the same tradition…or

perhaps even to found a new tradition.”

Howard Gardner, 2003

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How do we learn?

Bloom's Taxonomy Learning Domains

• Cognitive - intellectual capability, ie., knowledge, or 'think'

• Affective - feelings, emotions and behaviour, ie., attitude, or 'feel'

• Pscyhomotor and Multisensory - manual and physical skills, ie., skills, or 'do'

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How do we learn?Bloom's Taxonomy Learning Domains








'feel' PscyhomotorMultisensory manual and

physical skills


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Learning Changes the Brain

• Some kind of stimulus to the brain starts the learning process.

• The stimulus is sorted and processed at several levels.

• Results in formation of memory.  • Either doing something we already know how to do -

or we are doing something new. • Stimulation is doing something new - lighting up the

brain scan. • Once a task is learned, the brain lights up less.

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How Does the Brain Work?

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• Technology paved the way for understanding more about how brain works.

• Enabled researchers to understand and see inside the brain.

• Brain scanners developed - Brain Imaging Technology • (MRI) Magnetic Resonance Imaging• (PET) Positron Emission Tomography – Radioactive glucose used

to determine activity in different parts of the brain • (EEG) Electroencephalography – Electrodes give us readings about

electrical output of the brain

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Secret Life of the Brain

• PBS Web -

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The Left Brain versus the Right Brain Argument

Simplification of a Very Complex Neurological System

Go to

Neuroscience for Kids

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Two Cerebral Hemispheres Left and Right

• Left Hemisphere • Processes things more in parts and

sequentially • Musicians process music in left


• Right Hemisphere • Visual and performing arts have been

considered right-brain "frills" but trained musicians and artists use more left-brain and novice musicians use more right.

• Higher-level mathematicians, problem solvers, and chess players actually have more right-brained activity, but beginners use more left brain.

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Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

• L-Mode (left brain)• The verbal, analytic mode• Step-by-step style of thinking • Using words, numbers and other

symbols • Strings things out in sequences, like

words in a sentence• R-Mode (right brain)

• The visual, perceptual mode• Uses visual information and

processes • All at once, like recognizing the face

of a friend

Go to:

Betty Edwards Ways of Knowing

and Seeing

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"You have two brains: a left and a right. Modern brain scientists now know that your left brain is your

verbal and rational brain; it thinks serially and reduces its thoughts to numbers, letters and words… Your right brain is your nonverbal and

intuitive brain; it thinks in patterns, or pictures, composed of ‘whole

things,’ and does not comprehend reductions, either numbers, letters,

or words."

From The Fabric of Mind, by the eminent scientist and neurosurgeon, Richard Bergland. Viking Penguin, Inc., New

York 1985. p.1

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The Lobes

• Frontal Lobe• Area around your forehead • Involved in purposeful acts like judgment, creativity, problem

solving, and planning.

• Parietal Lobe• Top back area of the brain • Processes higher sensory and language functions

• Temporal Lobe• Left and right side above and around the ears • Primarily responsible for hearing, memory, meaning, and

language. • Some overlap in functions of the lobes.

• Occipital Lobe• Back of the brain • Primarily responsible for vision

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Stages of Development Through Sensory Experiences in the First


Brain Activity by Age

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Brain Activity

• Auditory Cortex

• Visual Cortex

• Frontal Cortex

• Motor Cortex


seeing moving

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The Resting Brain

• PET Scans Show Brain Function

• Four Different Slices of the Same Brain

• Mapping of Cerebral Function

• Resting Brain Shows No “hotspots”

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Visual Activity

• Subject exposed to visual stimulation consisting of both pattern and color.

• Increased activity in the stimulated brain PET image (arrowhead).

• Region of increased activity corresponds to the primary visual cortex.

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Thinking Activity

• Increased activity in the stimulated brain PET image (arrowhead).

• Region of increased activity corresponds to the frontal cortex.

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Motor or Kinesthetic Activity

• Motor stimulation of the brain• Subject to hop up and down on

his right foot. • Motor task of a movement of the

right foot caused:• Cortical metabolic activation

of the left motor strip (horizontal arrowhead)

• Caused supplementary motor cortex (vertical arrow, top).


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• Subject listened to some music. • Increased activity in the PET

image containing the auditory cortex.

• Nonverbal stimuli (music) predominantly activates the nondominant (right) hemisphere.

• Simultaneous stimulation with language and music would cause a more bilateral activation of the auditory cortex.

Auditory Activity
