Page 1: Mission Statement for Servant of hrist Lutheran hurch ...… · Improved technology (sound, video, computer network) throughout building Paint and carpet throughout the building Parking


Mission Statement for Servant of Christ Lutheran Church: Making Disciples

Core Values of Servant of Christ Lutheran Church:

Prayer Weekly Worship Biblical Literacy Spiritual Friendship Serving Giving

November 2019

Worship & Learning

Faith Walk & Talk

Ministry & Mission

Congregation News

Children’s Ministry

Next Gen Ministry


Calendar of Events

Outreach & Fellowship

Give thanks in

all circumstances;

for this is the will of

God in Christ Jesus for you.

~ 1 Thessalonians 5:18 ~

Verse of the Month Inside this issue

Why A Capital Campaign Matters! FREE BREAKFAST! ~ Pastor Eric

Recently we’ve had two young people return to their faith and reach out to the church after significant health issues. A young woman who was baptized and married at Servant of Christ recently had her child baptized at SOC. A young man officiated at the wedding of one of his high school friends and was joined by four others from his Confirmation small group and their Faith Guide from 10 or 12 years ago. This is just in the last couple of weeks.

These few stories are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how God has been at work through SOC. They remind us how God works through you and this congregation in so many ways that we don’t always know. Additionally, the timing of God’s work isn’t always something we can predict. Sometimes the seeds of faith are sown and we don’t know when they will sprout and grow. But the joyous part is knowing we get to be part of it.

On Sunday, November 3rd we will be making the Annual Stewardship Drive and Capital Campaign packet available on what we’re calling GENEROSITY SUNDAY. This year we’re doing both campaigns together. The Capital Campaign will help us continue to build a legacy of faith for future generations over and above the annual campaign which underwrites the general operating budget. Specifically if everyone participates in both we’ll be able to: Pay down mortgage debt on the church Be proactive in caring for the facility Tithe on the 4 gifts giving to Global Health Ministries and Anoka Hope 4 Youth Help provide a legacy of faith for future generations Maintain current ministries and staffing (with the annual campaign)

During the month of October we’ve had “mission minutes” where some people have shared about how the people of Servant of Christ and the mission and ministry of the church have been meaningful to them and their families. It’s exciting to hear how God has worked in the lives of so many and we know and believe God will continue to work in people’s lives.

I hope you’ll join with your brothers and sisters in the faith with a faithful, joyful and generous response to the two campaigns. Please do remember that the Capital campaign is an extra gift or giving in addition to the annual campaign. What happens there at the church and through you and others makes a huge impact for Christ in the world.

“God will give you all you need from day to day if you live for Him and make the kingdom of God your primary concern”

Matthew 6:33, Good News Bible

These campaigns really matter and will make a difference. See you in Worship on Sunday, November 3rd and come and join in having a wonderful breakfast together. Pastor Eric

Daylight Savings—don’t forget to set your clocks back one

hour on Sunday, November 3!

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Worship & Learning

Prayer Resources on

the Web

Visit our website for a

resource on prayer. Go to which

is part of the ELCA

website. The page

provides resources for

individuals seeking to

expand their prayer life.

Contents of the page

include meditation,

healing, prayer requests,

daily Bible readings and a

short course called “Prayer

101”. This is an EXCEL-

LENT resource, check it


Servant of Christ

Mission Making Disciples

We are committed in

every aspect of life to

encourage the ministry

of the congregation and

individuals to grow in the

following biblical marks of

discipleship: Prayer,

Weekly Worship, Biblical

Literacy, Spiritual

Friendship, Serving and


Bringing Communion to People in Their Homes!

Please let Pastor Eric or Pastor Melissa know if there is a Servant of Christ member unable to attend worship due to medical reasons. The Pastors would be happy to bring communion to them in their home. Just call the church office at 763-427-5070.


Our Mission

Resources Upcoming Preaching Themes

Sunday, 11/3/19 ~ Making God’s House our Home Text: Luke 19:1-10

Theme: Jesus notices someone who has literally climbed a tree to see him. Zacchaeus, is not only short in stature, but in reputation as well. Yet, Jesus decides to make a personal visit to his home.

Questions to Think About as You Read: Why do you think Zacchaeus is so motivated to see Jesus? Why do you think Jesus decides to visit Zacchaeus in his home? Zacchaeus makes a very generous response. Who are people in your

life who have modeled generosity?

Sunday, 11/10/19 ~ Upside Down/Inside Out Text: Mark 9:33-37

Theme: In these four chapters Jesus not only predicts his death multiple times and is transfigured on the mountain but through a number of different teachings shows how following Jesus is different from the expected norms of religion. If we get beyond the different “forms” of religion we discover how Jesus turns our world upside down for the better.

Questions to Think About as You Read In what areas of your religious life is the “form” more important than

the message? By the same token how can the “form” help make the message more hearable? How is following Jesus countercultural?

Sunday, 11/17/19 ~ The One to Watch Text: Mark 12:41-44

Theme: The widow gave all she had while the rich people gave out of their abundance

Questions to Think About as You Read: When was the last time you gave something all you had? What would it be like to have to walk in front of everyone at church

and put our offering in a donation box? Who is the most Christ like figure in the story?

Sunday, 11/24/19 ~ Jesus Understands! Text: Mark 14:32-42

Theme: These last two chapters of Mark are the end of his earthly minis-try culminating in his death and resurrection. This passage reveals to us the fact that Jesus has walked in our shoes when we go through tough things in life and doesn’t leave us alone.

Questions to Think About as You Read: For some people God is just a concept and not real or personal, why is

that? How does this passage reveal the humanity of Jesus? How does knowing that he experienced some of what you’ve experienced in life make a difference, or does it?

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Worship & Learning




“As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord” Joshua 24:15


For 43 years, Servant of Christ has been “making disciples” through our core values of giving, spiritual friendships, prayer, biblical literacy, weekly worship, and serving. Servant of Christ’s current annual general fund budget of $970,000 sustains all our worship, education, service and outreach ministries. Gifts, for the capital campaign, over and above general fund gifts, will be used to:

1. Care and improve our church home and grounds including (but not all of the projects):

HVAC (furnace, boilers, air conditioning)

Improved technology (sound, video, computer network) throughout building

Paint and carpet throughout the building

Parking lot resurfacing

Roofing and lighting

2. Tithe 10% of our capital campaign proceeds, divided between:

Hope-4-Youth, serving youth who are homeless in our area

Global Health Ministries for funding a medical clinic and equipment in Nigeria

3. Make early payments to reduce the length of the mortgage, saving interest, and eventually providing more financial resources for mission and ministry through our operational budget

Each $50,000 of early payments takes 7-months interest off the principal balance

This month: Nov 3 Generosity Sunday Pick up your Campaign packet before or after worship. Breakfast served on Sunday morning! Pray, think, discuss what your commitments will be

Nov 17 Commitment Sunday We offer our Gifts, Pledges, and Prayers during worship.

Thank you to our General Chairpersons, Eric Carlson, Annette Carlson, Lisa Russell, Pam Hayes, Scott Stennes; Resource Coordinator Wendy Johnson, and Pastor Eric. Please contact one of them if you have questions or would like to learn more.

Upcoming Preaching Themes (cont’d)

Thanksgiving Eve Service at 7:00 pm Wednesday, 11/27/19 ~ Again I Say Rejoice! Text: Philippians 4:4-9

Theme: I have some international classmates in seminary, and I have heard from quite a few that they love the tradition of intentionally sharing things we are thankful for on Thanksgiving. Those reminders, especially around the stressful Holidays, are so important.

Questions to Think About as You Read: What traditions around giving thanks do you have during thanksgiving? Other times of the year? Why is it so easy for us to forget to be thankful, or what we were thankful

for in the past? Much of this passage has to do with inward things rather than outward actions. What internal practices are important in your life?

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Faith walk & talk

Thankful Much? ~ Pastor Melissa

I have nothing to be thankful for. I am divorced and I hate my job. My children are disrespectful. My family is constantly at each other’s throats and spending time with them seems more like a recipe for disaster than a joyous event to be celebrated. While others around me seem to be so happy, I am miserable.

If this sounds like you, rest assured you are not alone. We live in a fallen world. Let’s face it, life is just plain tough and it is not hard to find the negatives in our lives. It is also easy to compare ourselves to others. But we must remember that no one escapes difficulties in their lives and we don’t know what life is really like for them. We all try to put on a happy face to the outside world, but the truth is, we are all struggling. Despite what we are dealing with, we need to remember to, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

This Bible verse from 1 Thessalonians recently came up during the sharing of highs and lows at dinner one night. This is something that helps families to set aside 5 minutes each night to share highs and lows, read a Bible verse together, talk, pray for each other and bless each other. Sharing highs and lows every day with people who love us gives us a perspective beyond our circumstances. Even the worst day has something for which to be thankful. Even the best day has something that didn’t go exactly right.

By naming the problems out loud and having someone pray for them, we release the heavy burden of things that are beyond our control. By sharing the high of our day with others we multiply our joy and their joy as well! It’s a Biblical concept based on Romans 12: 15, “Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.” I challenge you to share highs and lows with family (or friends) and pray for one another in the month of November. I think it will give you a new perspective when Thanksgiving comes at the end of the month!

Blessings, Pastor Melissa

Learn about the meaning of baptism and how to arrange for baptism here at Servant of Christ. We invite all ages to be baptized. Classes are held on the first Sunday every other month at noon in the Family Room at the back of the Sanctuary.

Upcoming Baptism classes: December 1, 2019 February 2, 2020

Young At Heart Monday, November 4th

If you’re retired and want to learn more about God’s word consider this an official invitation to be at Young At heart on Monday, November 4th at 11:30 in the room at the back of the Sanctuary.

We’re studying the Gospel of Mark and will be looking at Chapters 5& 6 in November. Bring your lunch and the coffee and conversation are awesome.

Young At Heart


...a time to pause at the end of the day to seek God,

encourage one another in song, silence and prayer.

Come join us on Friday, November 8th at 7:00 pm in the

Fellowship Hall.

Contact Sue Huemann, [email protected], with any questions

Lent Speakers for 2020

If you or someone you know has an inspiring testimony they might be open to sharing during our Wednesday night Lent services next Spring please contact Pastor Eric at (763) 427-5070 or [email protected].

Brookdale-Champlin Worship Services

On the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1:15 pm, Pastor Melissa Maltman or Pastor Eric Walbolt leads worship for the residents and visitors at the Brookdale-Champlin Senior Living Complex. The worship service is open to all who wish to attend. If you know someone there, please feel free to invite them.

Current worship service dates: Tuesday, November 12 Tuesday, December 10

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It’s INCREDIBLE how SOC is changing lives!!!

Servant of Christ and many congregations like ours are an integral part of the ministry of Lutheran Social Services. Below are just some of the services that touch the lives of on in every 65 Minnesotans each year WOW!!! You talk about making a difference.

Camp Noah for children impacted by disasters *Adoption Services *Counseling Services *Housing Services *Therapeutic Foster Care *Guardianship Options * LSS Financial Counseling *Foster Grandparents *Neighbor to Neighbor Companions *Senior Companion *LSS Meals to Go *Refugee Resettlement and Case Management Services * Host Homes for People with Disabilities and more.

Your gifts to SOC are literally changing lives in the name of Christ for tens of thousands of people across the state each year. Well done good and faithful servants. Keep up the generosity and the good work!!!

6 am Wednesday Women’s

Bible Study

Women of all ages are welcome to join our group every Wednesday morning at Mill Pond Gables in Champlin for about an hour to study God’s Word. We are starting a new study called Following Jesus. Come join us! It is a great way to start the day. Don’t worry if you cannot stay for the whole hour/come and go as your Schedule allows. For further questions call the church office at 763-427-5070. Remember, God loves each one of us. You are precious in His sight.

Saturday Morning Men’s

Bible Study

Saturday, November 16th 9:30 AM we’ll be studying Paul’s Letter to the Galatians. We’ll meet at 9:30 so some of the Guys from the RESOLUTE Study can join us. See you then!

Ministry & Mission

Resolute Men’s Bible Study

The RESOLUTE Men’s study kicks meets on Saturday mornings at 8:00 am. We will not be meeting on November 23rd. For further information contact: Tim Carlson at [email protected] Bill Barnes at [email protected] Kevin Sinton

2019 Veterans’ Day Recognition — November 10

The Armed Services Outreach Committee will be honoring all Servant of Christ Veterans on Sunday, November 10th at both services. Information on how to include a veteran in the Recognition presentation is included in the Sunday bulletin.

All information and photos must be submitted by November 5th. If you have a family member who is currently serving in the military, or know of someone you’d like us to support with prayer and outreach mailings, please fill out the information included in the bulletin, or on the bulletin board in the Narthex, or provide the following information to the email address listed below:

Name, Rank, Mailing Address Association to SOC (family member, friend, etc.) Any upcoming deployments Photo (if available)

New this year: If you have previously submitted someone as an “active” military veteran, please update Peggy with their rank (if it has changed), or if they are no longer “actively” serving so that their information is listed in the presentation correctly.

For more information contact Peggy Wadman at 763-464-2960 or [email protected]

Game Night Servant of Christ is hosting a monthly Game Night the third Sunday of the month in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a game to share or learn a new game. Come alone or with friends and family. Do you know someone who loves games? Share the news of Game Night at SOC! Join us next time for the fun, fellowship, and friendship! Questions: Contact Julie Rose at 763-458-5709 or [email protected]

November 17 December 15

4:00—6:00 pm

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Congregation news

Greetings from the Contemporary Band!

“Oh give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever” Psalm 107:1

The words to the songs on Sunday morning encourage us. We hope they encourage you. Many of the songs are direct quotes from scripture. Our sending song for the month of November is “Forever” by Chris Tomlin. It is based on Psalm 107:1.

This song is familiar to many of you. Take a moment to let the words soak into your soul. On the best days, His love endures. On the worst days, His love endures. He doesn’t expect anything from us for this love. He loves forever. Period.

One small thing we can do is to praise Him through music. God calls us His own children and loves to hear us sing and make music to Him. My prayer is that we can all combine to glorify the name of our heavenly Father. We look forward to hearing you sing praise with us on Sunday mornings!

During the month of November, we welcome a new member to the team. Jack Gilk is a senior at CPHS. He plays electric guitar, bass guitar, acoustic guitar and has a fine singing voice. We are thankful for his heart for worship and his willingness to serve SOC in this way. Let’s sing praise!

God’s peace and thankfulness, Cathy Yseth, Contemporary Worship Band leader


Give thanks to the Lord, Our God and King His love endures forever,

For He is good He is above all things His love endures forever, Sing praise sing praise

With a mighty hand, And an outstretched arm His love endures forever,

For the life that's been reborn His love endures forever, Sing praise sing praise

Sing praise sing praise

Forever God is faithful, Forever God is strong Forever God is with us, Forever, forever

From the rising to the setting sun, His love endures forever

And by the grace of God, We will carry on His love endures forever, Sing praise sing praise


Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord … Colossians 3:23

The quilting ladies are busy making quilts to be distributed throughout our local community. On October 13th, a total of 356 quilts were blessed at the Sunday morning services. This included 130 baby quilts, 190 adult quilts along with pillows and hats. It is a wonderful sight to see them all dis-played before giving them to someone who needs a little comfort and warmth. Also a number of shawls, wraps and lap blankets were made to be given to the Good Samaritan Home in Robbinsdale. Ap-proximately 15 to 18 women are involved in making these quilts.

In November, the group will meet only on Thursday, November 14th because of Thanksgiving. Thanks to all of you who have made donations to support this work.

Contact Sherri Buhmann 763-464-2724 or Becky Panser 612-501-7722 for more information

SOC Adopt-A-Family for Christmas Ministry

Each year our congregation participates in an amazing program called “Adopt – a –Family for Christmas.” We “adopt” individuals or families from our community, schools and from our church family that are in need of a Christmas blessing. If you know of someone this year who could benefit from being a part of this program because they are going through a difficult time please contact Pastor Melissa with their name by Sunday November 17th. All information is kept strictly confidential. Gift tags will be available to pick up on November 24th and gifts must be purchased, wrapped with the attached tags and dropped off at SOC no later than Sunday December 15th. Thanks in advance for your compassion and generosity.

Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service & Pie Social

We would like to invite you, your family and friends to join us Wednesday, November 27 at 7:00 p.m. for a Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service and for pie and fellowship following the service. Thanksgiving is a great American tradition as the country pauses to give thanks for our many blessings. As Christians we pause to give thanks for our great country and our many blessings knowing that the source of them all is the Lord. Please mark your calendars to come and worship with other Christians and give thanks to the Lord who is the source of everything.

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Children’s ministry from Anne

Family First Sundays

These Sundays are for Kindergarten through 5th grade. On

these Sundays parents come with their children to class. As

families, you experience and grow in your faith together. Mark

your calendar! We’ve already had one family Sunday and the

next two will be

January 26

March 8

Stepping Stones of Faith

Stepping Stones of Faith take place on Sundays when we take a few minutes in service to recognize where children are in their faith journey.

On each of these dates, the children come with their class to service and we give each child a gift and a blessing. The children return to the classroom with their group.

1st Grade – November 10

2nd Grade – February 23

4th Grade - First Communion Service April 19

5th Grade – May 3 A Huge Thank you!

An update on the Boxes Of Love! On Rally Day, boxes were handed out for families to fill and return with items to give to children and youth in the Therapeutic Foster Care Program of Lutheran Social Services. The congregation of SOC was able to fill 130 BOXES OF LOVE which will be distributed to children from birth through 21 years old.

What is the Therapeutic Foster Care Program of LSS?

Thousands of children in Minnesota need a champion when they are removed from their homes due to abuse, neglect or other family crises. They invite you to join in caring for these children.

Becoming a foster parent means offering hope to children in need by providing a secure and supportive home where they can live, grow and thrive. LSS provides guidance through the licensing process, as well as robust training and support for foster parents. What you need to be an LSS Foster Parent: Have love for children, patience, and parenting skills

An openness to learn about the impact of trauma and

separation on youth

Be over age 21

Be physically able to care for children

Have flexible enough work schedule to care for a child’s needs

Have stable housing which can meet licensing requirements, that you own or rent

Sunday School Christmas Event

Mark your calendars for Sunday, December 8th. Our Sunday School Christmas Event will be taking place 3:00-5:30 pm

Tryouts and practices for the speaking and nonspeaking parts will be: Sunday, November 10th 11:00-12:00 Tryouts for Speaking & Nonspeaking parts

Sunday, November 17th 11:00-12:30 Practice

Sunday, November 24th 11:00-12:30 Practice

Sunday, December 8th 3:00-5:30 Christmas Event

Note: Children must be available for tryouts and practice to receive an individual part

All Sunday School children will be participat-ing in the singing as well as the Hallelujah and Joyful Noise groups

Think about who you can invite to join your family at the Sunday School Christmas Event this year!

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Middle School Ministry~Calvin/High School Ministry~Anne

Looking to the Future:

Winter Retreat, February 14th-16th (MSM) The Winter Retreat is a chance to get away for a fun, Christ-centered weekend at Wapo. There is tubing, bonfires, broomball, indoor games/activities/crafts, and more! Grades 6-8 are invited to join.

EQUIP Parent Night-Wednesday, December 4th EQUIP stands for Encouraging QUality Interactions in Parenting and happens 4 times a year. There is a special topic and speaker for the night, and the goal is to continue to equip parents for incorporating faith into their fami-ly’s life. Parents of confirmation students need to attend 2 of the 4 sessions. See you there!

Confirmation Service and Rehearsal for 9th graders

Rehearsal for Parents and Students: Friday, May 15th from 6-8pm (pictures at 6pm) Confirmation Service: Saturday, May 16th at

10am. The service usually lasts 1.5 hours, and

students will arrive by 9:15am.

Middle School Students: Coming this Month:

No Confirmation on Wednesday, November 27th. Come to the Thanksgiving Eve service at 7pm that night and stay after for pie, instead! Fall Retreat, November 15th-17th (MSM & HSM) Grades 6-8 (9th grade optional, 6-8 required) will head up to Camp Wapo for a fall retreat. 9th graders should email Anne Schaefer to opt in to the fall retreat. Offering to ELCA Good Gifts

The Middle School Ministry (MSM) students

are collecting money on Wednesday night for

the ELCA good gifts. Through Good Gifts we

are able to pick from a variety of ways to help

our neighbors in developing parts of the

world. Some things include: livestock and

farm animals, farming tools, microloans for a

woman’s small business, a share of a well,

vaccines, and more!

High School Ministry (HSM)

Upcoming Wednesday night Youth Group dates and topics:

November 6th – I Am Dangerously Good (we’ll wrap up a series that looks at some of the “I Am” statements in the Gospel of John).

November 13th – Radical Hospitality

November 20th – Fearless Conversation

November 27th – Serve Pies at the Thanksgiving Eve service. Come at 6pm to prep pies, and stay after service to serve pies to folks. Service goes from 7-8pm.

A Typical Night in High School Ministries:

5:30-6pm – Pizza and Games in the Fellowship Hall

6-6:15pm – Worship in the Sanctuary

6:15-6:25pm – Message in the Youth Room

6:25-7:20pm – Small Groups/Discussion

7:20-7:30 – Announcements and Prayer

7:30-8pm – Stay and hang out if you want!

Fall Retreat – Nov 15th-17th for grades 10-12

Cost $40

The High School Fall Retreat will happen for the first time this fall at Camp Wapo. Grades 10-12 are welcome to come, and we’ll be staying in Anderson Hall (which has “hotel style” accommodations with bathrooms in room with 2 bunks per room). We’ll have worship time, messages and small groups, and activities and games. The cost of this retreat is super

discounted, so we hope you can come! Contact Calvin

with questions.

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North Metro Grief Support Coalition Growing through Loss

Purpose: The series provides an opportunity for individuals to obtain information and support for a variety of grief and loss issues. Have you experienced: The death of a loved one Pregnancy or infant loss Loss by suicide

Do you feel: Alone in your grief In need of support Are you interested in learning more about the grief process?

This series is for you Oct 10: “Grief Observed” Oct 17: “Journey Through Grief and Loss” Oct 24: “Living Forward” Oct 31: No Session Nov 7: “Endings and Beginnings: The Intersections of Loss and Grief” Nov 14: “Grief and the Holidays” Nov 21: “Prayer and Healing Service”


There are many different kinds of grief. We are mostly acquainted with grief surrounding death. All kinds of grief are difficult. There are many grief groups around the Cities for everything including the loss of a loved one to divorce separation, moving job loss etc.

Go to to find a list of groups and their dates.

Make sure and type in the entire address this is a very comprehensive listing.

Open to the Public Location: First Congregational/UCC 1923—3rd Ave. Anoka, MN 55303 Time: Thursdays, 6:45—9:00 pm Agenda: Registration 6:45—7:00 pm Speaker 7:00—7:45 pm Hospitality 7:45—8:00 pm Small Groups 8:00—9:00 pm

No pre-registration registration is taken at each session

For additional information,

please call the coalition phone number 763-413-2985

Disciple of God Recipient Thank you

Thank you to this generous congregation for helping me with my Leadership project. Together with donations of money, fleece and/or time to make the blankets we made a total of 36 blankets for diabetic children in the Amplatz Childrens Hospital. These fleece blankets will be given to children who need a little extra comfort at a scary time! I couldn’t have done it without everyone’s help!

A big thank you to Nicole Koeb for being such an amazing mentor and for helping me plan and execute my project!

Thanks again and God bless! Brady Swanstrom (Disciple of God recipient)

Donuts and Coffee

Just a reminder that without the support of generous people like you, we would not be able to have donuts and coffee each Sunday in the Fellowship Hall.

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Ongoing Events

Sundays: Worship Services 9:00 am Traditional 10:45 am Contemporary 9:00 & 10:45 Sunday School Childcare available for infants through 3 year olds

Mondays: 9:15 am Preschool 12:45 pm Preschool 6:00 pm Contemporary rehearsal 6:30 pm Choir rehearsal

Tuesdays: 9:15 am Preschool 9:30 am Unafraid Bible Study 11:00 am Staff Meeting Noon Bulletin Deadline 12:45 pm Preschool 6:45 pm Deeper Bible Study *7:00 pm Al-Anon *7:30 pm AA Meeting

Wednesdays: 6:00 am Women’s Bible Study- Mill Pond Gables 9:15 am Preschool 12:45 pm Preschool 5:30 pm Confirmation & High School 6:45 pm Unafraid Bible Study

Thursdays: 9:15 am Preschool 12:45 pm Preschool

Fridays: 9:15 am Preschool

Saturdays: 8:00 am Men’s Resolute Bible Study

*Not a church function

Holy Communion Services are 1st & 3rd

Calendar of events

Upcoming October & November Events

Nov. 3 Sunday Daylight Savings Time ends Nov. 4 Monday 11:30 am Young at Heart Nov. 8 Friday 3:00 pm Scrapbooking starts 7:00 pm Vespers: A Time for Prayer Nov. 9 Saturday 3:00 pm Scrapbooking ends Nov. 10 Sunday 1st Grade Stepping Stones 6:00 pm Great American Chili Cookoff Nov. 12 Tuesday 1:15 pm Brookdale-Champlin Nov. 14 Thursday 9:00 am Quilting Nov. 15 Friday Fall Retreat-Wapo Grades 6-12 Nov. 16 Saturday Fall Retreat-Wapo Grades 6-12 9:30 am Men’s Bible Study Nov. 17 Sunday Fall Retreat-Wapo Grades 6-12 4:00 pm Game Night Nov. 19 Tuesday 7:00 pm Church Council Nov. 23 Saturday 10:00 am Red Hatters Turkey Bingo No Men’s Resolute Bible Study Nov. 24 Sunday 5:00 pm Servant Supper Nov. 25—Dec. 3 No Preschool Nov. 27 Wednesday No Youth Groups 7:00 pm Thanksgiving Eve service Nov. 28 Thursday Thanksgiving—Office Closed Nov. 29 Friday Office Closed Dec. 1 Sunday No Sunday School 12:00 pm Baptism Class Dec. 2 Monday 11:30 am Young at Heart

You can download an SOC monthly calendar from our church website


Important Stewardship Dates in November & December

Sunday, November 3rd: Please pick up your packet at church which will have a commitment card for both the annual operating budget of the church and one for the capital campaign. Awesome free breakfast is included

Sunday, November 17th: Commitment Sunday where you are encouraged to return the two pledge cars if you haven’t already.

December 8th: Celebration Sunday where we dedicate our commitments



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Outreach & fellowship

Welcome Everyone to Servant Supper! Sunday, November 24th

5-6 pm

Servant of Christ offers a wonderful meal prepared by volunteers every 4th Sunday of the month. We send home a bag of breads/bagels from Panera and toiletry items. We encourage everyone in this congregation to come and enjoy a meal with people in the community. Invite a friend or a neigh-bor. All are welcome, and we would love to fill the fellowship hall!

If you have a group friends, neighbors, or Bible Study group and would like volunteer for one of the months this year, we would love to have you. Contact one of the names below and we will set everything up for you.

Thanks to the many wonderful volunteers that have made this beautiful mission possible here at Servant of Christ! We truly appreciate all that you have done! You are truly Servants of Christ! Diane Engle, Liz Doering, Carolyn Schlitter, Tammy Lund

Servant House Preschool

There are many things for us to be thankful for this month at preschool! We will be talking about the meaning behind Thanksgiving, as well as making some fun art projects to coincide with the holiday. The kids will be cutting out paper turkey feathers, then telling us something they are thankful for before adding the feathers to our large turkey bulletin board. We have been fortunate this fall to have Cathy Yseth come in and sing with us. She has taught the kids new songs and some actions to go with them! Also, Bonnie and Rich Skoglund have been kind enough to join us with some stories and songs! The students love having these special visitors join us, even better they have agreed to keep coming back!! For those of you with children, be sure to remind them on a daily basis what a true blessing they are to you. Always remember that God entrusted his children to you, and this is such an amazing opportunity to be presented with! From Servant Schoolhouse, may you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Diane at [email protected].

Give + Text Did you know that you can make

a contribution with text! Simply send a text message to a phone number (763-401-7586) Put in the amount you would like to contribute

(example: 25). Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a

link to register. Next time you give send a text with the amount,

and it will process automatically! You can even text “repeat” to make it a recurring donation.

SOC Turkey Bingo Saturday, November 23rd

Kids of all ages! Come join the SOC Red Hatters for Turkey Bingo, Saturday, November 23 from 1-3:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall! Cost is $1.00 per Bingo card.

Bingo Prize: Turkeys of course (or gift cards)!

Free popcorn will be served and there will be treats and beverages for sale.

Proceeds will be used for our various service projects. Check the Sunday bulletin for more details.

For more information please call Teale Colston at 763-427-3598

Give + (Mobile App) With GivePlus Church, you can use your smartphone to give anytime, anywhere!

Download the FREE app on your Apple or Android phone called Give+ Make one-time or recurring donations using your debit/credit card or checking/savings account Find our church name as Servant Of Christ Lutheran Church - Log in or donate as a guest Securely and conveniently manage donations using Touch ID/Fingerprint, PIN or password

Scrapbook & Craft Weekend November 8th -9th

Come join us downstairs starting at 3:00 p.m. on Friday, November 8th through Saturday, November 9th at 3:00 p.m.

Bring your scrapbooks/photo albums, sewing, card making crafts, beading, etc…stay the whole time or come & go as your schedule allows. Contact Teale Colston at 763-427-3598

Page 12: Mission Statement for Servant of hrist Lutheran hurch ...… · Improved technology (sound, video, computer network) throughout building Paint and carpet throughout the building Parking


Sunday Worship Services

9:00 & 10:45 am

Childcare available for infants through 3 years old

Sunday School at 9:00 & 10:45 am

Confirmation—Wednesdays starting at 5:30 pm

High School — Wednesdays at 5:30 pm

All Saints Sunday—November 10th

Veterans Day-November 10th

Red Hatters Turkey Bingo—November 23rd

Thanksgiving Eve Service & Pie—November 27th Remember to invite a friend to Servant of Christ!



PERMIT NO. 15753

Church contacts

Servant of Christ Lutheran Church 740 East Hayden Lake Road, Champlin, MN 55316 Phone: 763-427-5070 Fax: 763-427-4379 Website: Pastor Eric Walbolt: [email protected] Pastor Melissa Maltman: [email protected] Anne Larsen, Children’s Ministry Director: [email protected] Calvin Konop, Intern Pastor/Next Gen Ministries Director: [email protected] Anne Schaefer, Next Gen Ministries Assoc. Director: [email protected] Susan Huemann, Choir Music Ministry Director: [email protected] Cathy Yseth, Contemporary Music Ministry Director: [email protected] Pianist, Matt Harikian Pat Gallagher, Nursery Care Ministry Director Church office Tammy Lund: [email protected] Barb Ames: [email protected] Servant Schoolhouse Preschool 763-427-7765 Diane Poling, Director: [email protected]

740 East Hayden Lake Road

Champlin, MN 55316


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