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But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes

his heart against him,

how does God's love abide in

him? 1 John 3:17 MAY/JUNE 2016

Serving the homeless and needy in the South Bay area for over 100 years with "Soup, Soap and Salvation" Mission Monthly

God has always been by my side As a little girl I had a wonderful childhood. From the age of about six years till about 16

years old I remember spending my summers with my great grandma and parents out in the Salton Sea city, California. I was so spoiled, and the only grandchild. My grandpa would make root beer floats several times a week and we’d watch shows like Bonanza and The Brady Bunch. My childhood was wonderful and I did not have a care in the world.

But the joy of a great childhood was tarnished from about the age of 5 to 12 wherein I was touched in a way no little girl should have ever been touched on four different occasions by four different men. I truly believe these events had everything to do with the sinful struggles I was about to face in life as I entered my teen years. I did pretty well until about the age of 14, when like so many other young people, we gave into our peers. “Go ahead. Give it a try. You’ll see; it makes you feel great.” And I too tried marijuana for the first time; but it surely wouldn’t be the last.

In high school, I joined a High School prayer group, and I think this is where my seed for salvation was planted. I joined a little Church, which I really liked, because it gave me peace and made me feel so good. But the church began to dwindle and as it became smaller, so did the watering and

A s our Care-A-Van ministry has matured, the rewards continue to increase in various

ways. For instance, we are seeing more people ask for prayer than ever before. In April, while ministering to some homeless people, after we had give them a small cup of soup and coffee, one of the homeless said aloud, “Hey, we have-n’t prayed for the meal.” As you can imagine,

this took us by sur-prise. Thanking him and calling him by name, we asked him if he would like to pray for the meal. I immedi-ately saw his looks change and realized that he probably had never been asked to pray like this before, and a quick silent prayer to the Holy Spirit was sent heaven-


taking it

Jerry Rilling, Executive Director Beacon Light Mission

Doors of Hope

ward. He paused, and then he began. His speech was slow, hesitant, and searching, but as he prayed his verbal cadence began to slowly increase and soon what followed was a beautiful prayer of thanks-giving, given by a person who was truly thankful, and, it touched all of our hearts. Out of this event, we decided that from now on we would pray at each location before we gave out even one cup of coffee. We immediately saw the willing-ness of our homeless friends to join hands with us and praise God for the donations, and preparers of the food. We were as a family praising God for His bounty. Our prayers are answered with loud Amen’s, Hallelujah, praise God, etc. On one occasion, God was praised with an applause offering. The one or two people, who don’t want to join us, usually step away a few steps, but are easily within hearing range. This week we were ministering in an area that is fairly unknown and one of the regulars, asked for prayer for himself, which is his custom. About this time, another man who lives in the same area, rode up on his bicycle and as he dismounted he said un-der his breath “I need Jesus!” which some of us heard. We all joined hands and began to pray for the food. This young man who just arrived was

to the streets


Virginia, Mike & Paul pray with a homeless person (stripped cap) after he accepted Jesus.

Continued on next page

Continued on page 3


holding Board member Paul Devers hand and during the prayer, Paul could feel that there was something happening in this young man’s life. As soon as the prayer was over, Paul took this young man aside and began witnessing to him about Jesus. We saw his head drop and his body sag to the point that another person came along side to hold him up. We could hear his sobbing response to Paul, and watched as a flood of tears rolled down his face, while all the time confessing that he needed Jesus and wanted Jesus in his heart. We were all touched deeply by seeing how the Truth… Jesus, and the Holy Spirit can change a person’s life. Praise to you Lord. Another one for the Kingdom. On another occasion, we saw a man wearing a baseball cap, standing just a couple feet from us and didn’t really seem willing to engage with us. One of our group ap-proached him and asked how things were going and he re-plied in a low voice; “Not good. My bike was stolen today.” Upon hearing this, our group member put his arm over the man’s shoulder and began praying for him. During the prayer, we saw the young man slowly reach up and remove his baseball cap and held it down to his side. This show of respect was to demonstrate his respect for our Almighty God whom he wanted to honor by removing his cap. All the success we have had with Care-A-Van couldn’t hap-pen without a lot of support from you. The only things we pay for are the cups, sugar and creamer, and a little gas. Everything else is donated. Our products vary from night to night but it may include such things as hot soup and coffee, and sandwiches or burritos, men and women’s socks, wa-ter, blankets, hygiene kits for men and women, flash lights, new Aluminum travel mugs, rain gear, jackets, sweaters, women’s personal needs, shoes, scarf’s, notebooks, back packs, Bibles, tracts, etc. All donated by you. While ministering in Wilmington, a recent cold evening, a man came up to us wearing only a long pair of pants. As he approached, we could see him with his arms tightly wrapped around his chest trying to keep warm. He was visibly cold and wanted a hot cup of coffee. He told us that while away from his house, (his sleeping spot) someone took all his things. Fortunately that night, we had on board

some sweaters that one of you donated, and we gave him the heaviest one we could find. Also, Skechers had do-nated a bunch of brand new nylon windbreakers, so we gave him one of the new Sketchers jacket, and new socks even though he didn’t have any shoes, nor did we have any on board. We only had three blankets that night and we had already given them away at other locations so we couldn’t grant his request for one. As I said before, this is only possible because of you, and we and our homeless friend’s thank you. jhr

taking it to the streets—continued from cover

Homeless woman (right) sharing her poetry with

DOH staff member Virginia (left).

Carlos accepts Jesus!

hear the word of the Lord spoken again, even though it convicted me even more about the lifestyle I left behind; I loved it and embraced it. I even joined the Church that Sunday. I needed a firm foundation of Bible Study, Intercessory prayer, Sunday and weekday worship, and I wanted to serve our Lord again, any way that I could. From that Sunday on, I have never turned back to that former shameful lifestyle. I have been clean for 16 years now, and still serve at M.O.R. Sunday school, Intercessory prayer team, choir, Friday morning prayers, visiting the sick, Building Committee, Youth Pastor, and so forth. One of my greatest joys is going to Doors of Hope Women’s Shelter and conducting an “Overcomers” class for women; because we are all trying to overcome something, and telling them about what Jesus has done for me. I am experiencing a respect that I never had in my former life. God has me on two more journeys that are still in progress. I’ve learned from my life that I was not whole. I was trying to fill a void in my heart through men, but I know now that only God could fill that void, and I have allowed him to do that. I birthed four girls in my lifetime. My oldest is married to a wonderful man and they both have their own businesses. (My daughter just became a personal chef for a very famous person.) My second daughter graduated from Chico University in Engineering and lives and works in San Francisco. My third daughter is on her own personal journey with the Lord and is a work in progress. And my youngest is picking up the mantle

nurturing of my seed, and when the church closed its doors, I went my own way. The worlds way…night clubbing, drinking, and a whole lot of other bad decisions. After several years of failed marriages; choosing several wrong people to associate with in my life; a life laced with sin on a daily and continuing basis; I wanted out. I was pregnant and did not want to raise this child in my life style. Sick and tired of being sick and tired; I wanted to be a virtuous woman again and I wanted to be the best mother I could be. Hurting and lonely, I recalled the joy I had going to church and my prayer group; how the world seemed so different from the lowly lifestyle I had chosen. I finally called out to the only person I ever found joy in; Jesus. I knew if I didn’t leave this sinful lifestyle now, I never would. “God, please help me to find my way…” I pleaded. I began looking for a church where I could once again feel the love of people who actually meant it when they said, “I love you,” and I stumbled into a church in Lomita called the Ministry of Reconciliation (M.O.R.), and I’m not sure I really understood what i t meant , but I knew immediately, I was home. I think I was greeted by everybody there. They called me Sister and prayed for me…they said we love you and I felt they really meant it. Smiles everywhere. The Pastor gave me a hug and called me daughter and the people even held my hands while we prayed. And then the message from the pulpit...oh, how great it was to

Tina’s first draft of her testimony was typed out in graphic detail about a life of sin that no woman should have to ever live through. Knowing a little about Tina, and how she loved serving the Lord, but nothing about her background, I asked her to come in for a formal interview and prefaced it with a simple sentence; “How did you come to the Lord and how has your life changed? Dear friends; you just read the results. Our God transforms lives. Tina’s Pastor stopped by my office before this was edited and published, and I read her testimony to him. Pastor began to weep as her story unfolded, and as he heard how Jesus’ saving grace changed a woman’s life…a woman who graced his churches doorway, sixteen years ago.

All the glory and praise belongs to you Lord. Thank you Jesus, for saving our sister and all of us. jhr

of ministry and is growing in the Lord. One of my favorite scriptures is Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God. I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” My name is Tina Leon and this has been my testimony on what God has pulled me out of. I might have been through the storms, hurricanes and tornadoes but I made it with the Lord watching over me. As I look back, I have grown and gotten stronger in every test that I have gone through in my life. From age 5 years till now. But God is not done with me yet. I will continue this path that I am on and it might get bumpy at times and it might even knock me to the ground but I know my God who is Jesus Christ died on that cross just for us, and He will be right by my side to lift me back up. Gods Blessings to you. �

God has always been by my side—continued from cover “Be still and know that I am God. I will be honored by

every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.”

Psalms 46:10


N avigant Cymetrix is a company who cares

about helping organizations that help others in need. Thursday a team of 7 came with about 6 cars and trucks loaded with clothing, laundry soap, tooth paste and tooth brushes, plastic containers to carry food in, toilet paper, readymade hygiene packets for the homeless and lots more. What a blessing! I am so inspired and encouraged by the love and caring shown by these men and women from Navigant Cymetrix. �

Doors of Hope

A lso pictured below is Harry Bridges Span School. They did an awesome job of collecting clothes for men and women, lots of boxes and bags of

hygiene items, toothpaste, tooth brushes, deodorant, laundry soap, bleach, etc, several boxes of canned goods and boxes of food items. Wow! There were at least 10 cars and trucks coming into the parking lot to unload these items. This is a school that has very little themselves, and look how much they gave to the needy. The children gave their time and love in gathering these items, and organizing them in separate boxes, which took hours to do. And they enjoyed it! This was a huge blessing to us and to our Lord and Savior. He used these children in a wonderful ways to help the needy. �

giving in action


Update from a

past guest!

I heard from one of our past guests, Susie; she wanted to let me know

how she is doing. She moved to Washington State with a friend. When she was here, she came and stayed several times over the past 4 years. She had some medical issues with her wooden leg. It took her 3 years to get a new prosthesis, and one to fit. She tells me she is so happy now and has a relationship with her daughter. She also wanted to thank Doors of Hope for being there when she needed help through a rough spot in her life. This is inspiring to us to see how God has blessed Doors of Hope to help ladies in need. �

Linda Stratton, Director of Operations Doors of Hope

L ook at these beaut iful handmade quilts that were

donated to the shelter. Wow! All the love in these stitches and the hours of work for women they never met. Lord you keep reaching out to women who want to help and show them the places that can use their love and support in their time of need. Matthew 25:40 The King will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. (NIV). Thank you ladies from the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Pictured here are Sue and Karen bringing the quilts from their ladies group. �

A s you can see we have been extremely blessed here at the Doors of Hope. Churches, church groups, schools

and companies have made or collected goods for us. We pray that each and every person involved be blessed in a big way for remembering the homeless! We have started our 2016 parking lot sales, with the first on the 15th and 16th of April. Thank you for all your donations. Our next one is June 17th and 18th. Come and see what you cannot live without. (Haha). In May an investigator came to us asking if we seen a certain homeless senior lady. This lady had been missing for over 30 years and her family was looking for her. I had not seen this lady, but directed her to Harbor Interfaith that might have assisted her. She was last reported in Long Beach and maybe San Pedro. The investigator was very encouraged on the information that she obtained from us. She went to San Pedro and found her! Praise the Lord. The family was notified and is in the process of reconnecting with her. Thank you Lord that the Doors of Hope was able to be a part of this awesome reunion of a family. The long and short of this newsletter this month, God has blessed and blessed this ministry through various companies and individuals who care about helping the less fortunate. God loves you! Thank you so much from the bottom and tops of our hearts. �


S ome of the girls at Wilmington

Christian School wanted to do something special for our guests here at the Doors of Hope. They got together and prepared about 17 goodie bags (pictured above). These bags were given out to our guests for Mother’s Day. Thank you so much for being a blessing! Wilmington Christian School is one of the oldest private Christian schools in the State of California and have been teaching and ministering to the youth of our community since Harry Truman was President! �

FBCPV water baptism

W e were once again were blessed by the First Baptist Church of Palos Verdes (FBCPV) who offered our homeless guests and staff the

opportunity to be baptized at their church in Palos Verdes Estates. On April 10th a total of 6 were baptized there. They included Yashica Artore, Kevin Vaughn, Jessica Romero, April Villescas, Gene Cornett and BLM staff member Tony Morris.

After being baptized Jessica Romero asked Pastor Rich if he would dedicate her baby. So as well as a baptism there was an impromptu baby dedication. Praise the Lord!

Afterward we were all treated to a magnificent lunch they provide and all the people who were baptized received their certificates.

From all those who were baptized and all of us who witnessed this public proclamation of obedience and faith in Jesus Christ, a mighty Thank You to the First Baptist Church of Palos Verdes congregation and Pastoral staff. �

Yashica Artore, Kevin Vaughn, Jessica Romero, April Villescas, Gene Cornett and Tony Morris.

Well another month is in the books. For the month of April we served approximately 2500 meals. This included breakfast, dinners and the Tuesday night street mission with Jerry and his crew.

The remodeling of the kitchen is on its way to final completion and in that context I would like to extend a very special note of appreciation to Lloyds Welding in Redondo Beach.

I have known Lloyd for about 10 years. He and his sons are very active in their ministry and more than once have extended themselves for repairs of our needs. Most recently he fabricated two stainless steel pot racks which are now installed in the kitchen (which saved us $250). So, if you ever need any welding or metal fabrication, he does great work.

We took possession of our new mixer this last week. It is great. We are using it almost daily. The purchase was made possible from donations from several sources and our thanks go out to those individuals who helped us.

I spoke to the owner of the Comedy and Magic Club in Hermosa Beach and he is donating their Wolf pizza convection oven to us. A special thanks to Mike the owner and his very gracious assistant Darleen for their generosity and kindness.

Have a great and blessed month. Ben Amorelli

Notes from

the Kitchen




DOORS OF HOPE � 2-Ply Toilet Paper

� Small Hair Conditioners

� Small Tooth Paste

� Bras (sizes 32-36 Any cup size)

BEACON LIGHT MISSION � Men’s Disposable Razors

� Men’s Underwear (Sizes M, L, XL & XXL)

� Shampoo (Full Size)

� Men’s Belts (Sizes 34-40)

� Men’s Tennis Shoes (Sizes 9-13) URGENT

� Foam Earplugs

� Shower Shoes

FOOD � Hams

church in action Clay Jackson, South Bay Church

S outh Bay Church asked Sketchers USA, Inc. in Manhattan Beach about making an in-kind donation to the Beacon Light Mission. With the help of

church member and Sketcher's employee Nancy Hornwood, the Manhattan Beach-based shoe designer and distributor donated a box of brand-new blue-and-black nylon men's windbreakers for the homeless patrons of Beacon Light Mission. The windbreakers sport reflective stripes and can be easily seen in the dark, providing an added safety feature for those living on the streets. Beacon Light received a total of 67 windbreakers. When informed the jackets would be coming, Jerry Rilling, Beacon Light executive director and CEO, responded, "Outstanding." Rilling was extremely appreciative of Sketchers generosity and commented when the jackets were dropped off: "Sketchers has always been good to us." To God be the glory. �

Hailey Jackson, a teen with the South Bay church, presents Jerry Rilling, executive director of Beacon Light Mission and Doors of Hope Women's Shelter, with brand-new men's windbreakers donated by Sketchers USA, Inc.

This close-up shows the quality of the windbreakers donated by Sketchers to the Beacon Light Mission homeless center in Wilmington. Note the jackets' reflective quality, which adds an important safety component for those living on the streets. In total, Beacon Light Mission received 67 men's windbreakers in various sizes from Sketchers. With June gloom on the way, these jackets will come in handy especially at night.


DOORS OF HOPE If you have some spare time, we still need volunteers in the afternoons from 2:45 to 6:45 to help in our day room. Also every Tues-day we make about 75 sandwiches for the Care-A-Van ministry. BEACON LIGHT is looking for a “writer”. If you have writing experience in such things as manuals, interviews, history, etc., and would like to volunteer your talents please contact Jerry Rilling at (310) 830-7063 or email me at [email protected].



Beacon Light Mission & Doors of Hope Women’s Shelter 525 Broad Avenue Wilmington, CA 90744



You may drop off your food, clothing or other donations any time between 8:00am-6:00pm for both Beacon Light and Doors of Hope. Just go

to the back gate of the Beacon Light Mission and honk your horn. Someone will come out

and collect your donations.

Financial donations on our websites:

Beacon Light

Doors of Hope

Or by mail to:

525 Broad Avenue, Wilmington, CA 90744


Kent Meyer, President

Roy Barile, Vice President

Christian Bower, Secretary

Anthony Sogliuzzo, Treasurer

Paul Dever

Lee Ettenger

Sam Evans

Dan Fox

Margaret Grieco

Pastor Jewel Jones

James Lewis

Ronald Okamoto

Ralph Potter, Honorary


Beacon Light Mission 525 Broad Avenue, Wilmington, CA 90744

(310) 830-7063 email: [email protected]

Doors of Hope Women’s Shelter

529 Broad Avenue, Wilmington, CA 90744 (310) 518-3667

email: [email protected]

I can do all things through Christ

who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is qualified to receive tax-deductible donations.

MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to minister the love and grace of Jesus Christ to the homeless in the South Bay by providing a safe and nurturing environment where they can receive food, clothing, temporary shelter, discipleship and spiritual encouragement in their present life circumstances.

In April/May with

your help, we

were able to...



Chapel Service

serve 126

meals per


assign 2799 beds provide

showers for


*Open showers are for any homeless man or woman. Each person is given clothing, hygiene items and served a hot

