Page 1: Misc. Background Facts about Dr. Daniel Crain Burisch · Misc. Background Facts about Dr. Daniel Crain Burisch (1) Dr. Burisch wrote a book with the help of a young researcher named


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Last updated February 27, 2004 …

Misc. Background Facts about Dr. Daniel Crain Burisch


Dr. Burisch wrote a book with the help of a young researcher named "Inca City, Mars". He was

fascinated with what appeared to be a city on Mars (not to be confused with the more famous Cydonia,

of Hoagland fame). However, this was an "extra-curricular" interest of his. His real work was at

S4,which is approximately 12 miles from Area 51 proper. His co-author/research assistant's name was

BJ Wolf.

Shortly after publishing this book, Ms. Wolf began receiving classified info from an anonymous

source inside S4 that detailed Dr. Burisch's work at his day job. The first piece of info to be received by

BJ was the now-famous "Q-94-109-A" document which was a directive ordering then-Commander

Danny Crain (he changed his surname to Burisch, which was the surname of his step-children out of

consideration for the children he wanted to father as his own) to obtain tissue samples from the alien

known as "J-Rod". These samples were to be studied to determine why the neurological system of this

alien was deteriorating, and figure a way to arrest this degradation. This document was a directive by

Majestic 12 who were to report to a higher authority known as "The Committee of the Majority"

(actually the pinnacle of the Masonic hierarchy, according to Dr. Burisch's testimony). The actual

department. to which Dr. Burisch responded was the U.S. Navy (see the Q document for the whole chain

of command).

At different points in time over the past 12 years, amongst all the "evidence" which continued to

pour in to BJ Wolf anonymously, the following information was divulged:

(1) Dr. Dan played a role in infecting U.S. soldiers in the First Gulf War with what became known

as Gulf War Syndrome;

(2) He played a role in one particular chemtrail project known as Project Raindancer;

(3) He was taken to Dulce and asked to help engineer an alien retro-virus, using tissue from the "J-

Rod", to infect targeted populations in the world;

(4) there indeed ARE a number of hybrids at Dulce as well as what Dan described as "Nightmare

Hall" etc where there are various creatures that have varying degrees of human DNA;

(5) He had an intense telepathic interaction with the "J-Rod" that resulted in him receiving

information about the Seed of the Fruit of the Tree of Life;

(6) He used a remote-viewing unit, on loan from another agency to verify his work, to help

ascertain whether the rhythm used by HAARP was able to release certain ´entities´ from the

rock of Frenchman Mountain near Las Vegas, NV.


[StealthSkater note: the following was from a GLP post]

… from one of the above links. Dr. Dan Burisch, fictional character … NOT:

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Burisch, Danny B. PhD; ‟86 BA; MA St. Patrick‟s Seminary, PhD SUNY; Biologist: Burisch

Research. Admin Ofc. (This follows with personal contact info).

A secrecy agreement for the Tonopah Test Range/R4809 dated 10-14-89 bearing his signature

lists his SSAN as 530-86-5858, his rank as O5, and his title as MB III (Microbiology III) and his

employer as USN DOD Naval Research Laboratory. Another later document gives his service rank

as Captain, U.S.N. Reserve and his title as Microbiologist IV.

He is listed Crain, Danny B. in the Records of the American Society of Naturalists, 1992.

He is listed in Who‟s Who in the West, 24th Edition 1994-1995 as Crain, Danny B.


Who‟s Who in the World has him listed as Crain, Danny B. born February 2, 1964 to John

Dennis and Doreen Aglaie (LaPierre) C. and married to Deborah Kay Burisch July 17, 1990 with 1


Danny Crain officially changed his name in 1995 in Las Vegas. Case 95-D-187764-N Status

CLOSED. Plaintiff Crain, Danny B., Attorney Denton, Mark R. Defendant Attorney, Judge

Lueck, Robert W. Dept. E. Filed Date 06/06/1995, Closed Date 08/30/1995, Last in court in

08/30/1995 for HEARING: FOR CHANGE OF NAME Outcome GRANTED Trial Disposed

Disposition Consolidated.

Currently, further documents and authentication of his background is being sought. His mother

Doreen has told me that she could supply me with additional background material. She is in the

process of retiring now and I am awaiting further word.

The investigation continues but is being interfered with by unknown agents whose intention it

seems to suppress this information and cover all the bases

(3) - drivers license (copy), academia credentials, etc.

(4) recent "travels"

[StealthSkater note: the following was from a GLP post]

Way back in ´98 , BJ Wolf was assisting Dr. Dan Burisch -- formerly Dan Crain (changed his name

to be more of a father to his stepchildren to his wife Debbie, now in charge of psy-ops covering his

´projects´) in writing and publishing a book called Eagles Disobey: The Case for Inca City, Mars. (BJ

has promised to send me a copy. Until I get it, I don't trust that she is ´safe´.)

Either after it was published or around the same time, she [BJ] started receiving anonymous

correspondence from Dan's co-workers - fellow microbiologists. The most explosive document was the

now-famous "Q94-109a" document detailing the directives from MJ-12 to Dan to find out why the alien

they were housing was suffering from neurological degradation. At that time, the document intimates

that the controlling authority MJ-12 was subordinate to was the so-called ´Committee of the Majority´.

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There followed an email correspondence from these co-workers which BJ then confronted Dan with.

He reluctantly admitted that 'yes', he was the author of the "Q94.." doc. Then began a bizarre exchange

of emails and meetings between Dan, BJ, and anonymous sources within S4. Until 3 MiBs chased BJ

away; and at Dr. Dan´s suggestion she moved to Canada where she would "be safe".

Because of the friendship between Dan and BJ and the positive effect it had on his work (as opposed

to the negative effect it had when they were isolated) -- and despite Debbie's understandable jealousies --

her "Boo-Boo" (pet name for Dan) and BJ were allowed limited correspondence and meetings. This

arrangement continued into late 2002 when BJ moved away from Las Vegas.

However, during this time, she solicited the help of the world-famous and respected ´Ufer´ (sorry

Bill; you know they call us that) Bill Hamilton. Bill had numerous conversations and meetings with

Dan, and was the one who taped Dan's video testament/affidavit/interview which I am transcribing. [If

anyone has a good reason for me NOT to, please let me know and why. Bill himself has not

discouraged it. And I am absolutely positive Dan himself wanted his story to come to light, else he

would not have spoken so earnestly and openly.]

(5) [StealthSkater note: the following was from a GLP post =>

showdate=&PHPSESSID=7a9ec8689ee0e5d9b7edf5722e044b9f ]

According to Burisch's resume and other information I got from Skywatch International and the dead

EaglesDisobey website, he attended Saint Patrick´s seminary. That seminary is a training ground for

Catholic priests. Being Catholic, I know that they just don't let people in there unless they are planning

to become a priest. So he must have had a calling to be a priest back in 1987. So if he was thinking of

returning to the Church, it wouldn't be unusual to here about the "collar of Rome". The Roman Collar is

what priests wear.

1987 was the same year he filed his cancer study with the National Cancer Institute. They gave him

a library reference number, 87- something. I doubt they just put anyone's work in their library. He said

he was approached by the PTB in 1986. So there is the start of some connection because the Knights of

Malta (KOM) are involved with the medical field. The KOM are also closely linked to the MASONS. I

checked the numbers given by IM-an-IDIOT and found that they are the addresses on 16th Street in

Wash. D.C. of the Scottish and York rite Masonic Temples.

Now look at these links:

So it wouldn't surprise me if the KOM were involved with this.

(6) [StealthSkater note: the following was from a GLP post =>

showdate=&PHPSESSID=7a9ec8689ee0e5d9b7edf5722e044b9f ]

posted by 'Peace' 11/21/2003 1:40 am EST

Hello, kind people! I read the post about the challenge to Dr. Dan's credentials. And make no

mistake about it, that is one of the directions the opposing crowd will take. So, let's look at a small list

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of COINCIDENCES (Dan loves "coincidences" and I feel I owe him this) involving Dr. Dan, his

background, and his work. It is just a short list so no one will be bored! ;-)

First, prior to the publication of Eagles Disobey the Case for Inca City, Mars, Dr. Dan was listed as

DOCTOR in the following places: State University of New York at Stony Brook (evidenced by his

being acclimated by them through background checks completed by Marquis' Who's Who in the World,

Science and Engineering, the West. They can't be paid to place a name in, as some have suggested.

Their good name is as stake.

He was also backgrounded by the Fiesta Casino in Las Vegas when he was placed in charge of

Safety under their Director of Security. How can I prove that? His business card!) Before Eagles he

was confirmed as Ph.D. by the UNLV Alumni Association. How can I confirm that? Page 38 in the

1997 Alumni Directory. Want to know a secret? (of course you do!) He still is in their Alumni

Directory listed under GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES.

He was listed with his Ph.D. in the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the

American Naturalist Society, and the American Institute of Biological Sciences. All conveniently can't

research their rosters for those years (90-97) for all those that checked.

He is still listed in the U.S. Navy Memorial Log. Tell me they didn't check out his application to

become a "Plank Owner" when he helped them with funds to build it? Sure, they spit out cards every

day that say "RESTRICTED INFO D CRAIN". That sounds like a normal rank (RESTRICTED INFO),


His file is even replete with his credit cards that list him as Dr. Danny BC Burisch.

Of course these are just coincidences, and will even be challenged as purposeful actions because the

opposing crowd (the naysayers have to say something!). Not done yet.

Let's look at his work for a minute. I am aware that Dan supplied a certain researcher (Hi, Bill! ;-) )

and B.J. Wolf with a list of names of professors he worked with at SUNY. Of course no one will

conveniently remember him, but it just so happens that many of them are just coincidentally involved

with research of the same type he engaged in with the work on the J-Rod. Glycoproteins, for instance.

Of course, still more coincidences, he picks the right place that confirms him for years whose people

also work coincidentally with the same area that he was later assigned to. Coincidences, frauds, and

more coincidences? :-()

A few more? Why not. But, I have to be a little careful here. His research is listed to have been

farmed to many large laboratories, right? Okay, look around the area where he says he was educated,

any there? Well, there's Brookhaven? Could anything be COINCIDENTALLY going on there RIGHT

NOW that could have any bearing WHATSOEVER on the type of research DR. Dan is doing on the

Lotus project? Well, we know Dan is working on small particles that affect DNA repair. Let's see what

might be going on there:

These guys are working on Molybdenum, an essential mineral in "nucleic acid synthesis". Could

this have anything to do, COINCIDENTALLY, with Lotus? Well, read the article and decide for

yourselves. Hmmmm … Molybdenum is also found in QUARTZ deposits.

COINCIDENTALLY, this research is also going on at a nearby facility -- SUNY!

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Wow! That involves Molybdenum too!

And to beat all, he was just granted a new doctoral degree. I must admit I have spoken with him within

the past 24 hours and he is well. I asked whether I could post the name of the Institution (abroad) that

granted it. He said he preferred not because the government would just squash it if it became public. He

nearly died of a heart attack the first time they pulled that shit and I am going to respect his decision. He

also is not physically well as you already know.

But to back up a little of this, I am going to post in a briefcase a few things that I have dredged from

his file. I will let everyone know when it is ready for pick up!

To the handlers that are suppressing him: YOU HAVEN´T FIGURED ME OUT, YET, SO THEN



(7) [StealthSkater note: the following was from a GLP post =>

showdate=&PHPSESSID=7a9ec8689ee0e5d9b7edf5722e044b9f ]

posted by 'Peace' 11/21/2003 2:23 am EST

briefcase site


p/w ready1

If it were not for Tom Mack (shortly before his death) -- confirming Dan as having worked at the

Ranch -- this would be more difficult before the public. When going forward, that letter is a gem!

Letters from B.J. Wolf really say it all. Robert Lazar scrambled to save his name on a telephone

list at LLNL as one of only a few pieces of information that he had (AT ONE TIME) a background!

Look what we have to work with, with Dan. If this case would be brought before a court, the burden to

find him guilty of HAVING a background would be easy.

Two snips (1 image) are from surveillance video of his personal office. The certificates really speak

for themselves even while I keep the institutions private for him (so another SUNY won't happen). The

remaining images are from his file. You may wish to block the credit card numbers before you post the

one. I sent it without any changes so you would know I didn't alter anything. ;-)

(8) [StealthSkater note: the following was from a GLP post =>

showdate=&PHPSESSID=7a9ec8689ee0e5d9b7edf5722e044b9f ]

posted by 'skywatcher22' (Bill Hamilton) 11/21/2003 10:38 am EST

I have copies of most if not all the docs you mentioned including the UNLV one.

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Dan's Professors at SUNY Stonybrook were...

● William J. Lennarz

Ph.D. University of Illinois

Distinguished Professor and Chairman, Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology

Director, Institute for Cell and Developmental Biology


Cell and Biology Brochure

Research Interests: Biosynthesis and catabolism of glycoproteins; role of cell surface

glycoproteins in fertilization and early development.

Our laboratory is interested in understanding several steps involved in glycoprotein synthesis,

including N-glycosylation and protein folding, as well as the functions of the glycan chains. We

are using yeast, a simple eukaryotic organism that can be genetically manipulated, to study

glycoprotein assembly. More specifically, we are investigating the enzymatic processes of

oligosaccharide addition and removal that occur in nascent polypeptides and misfolded

glycoproteins, respectively ( fig.1 ). Evidence has been obtained that the enzyme PNGase

associates with the proteasome before or after proteolysis of glycoproteins. In addition, PDI, the

enzyme that catalyzes folding and disulfide bond formation in glycoproteins, is being studied (

fig.2 ). With respect to the function(s) of oligosaccharide chains, glycoproteins have also been

shown to be involved in steps in fertilization in the sea urchin and the frog (fig.3 ). Egg receptors

for sperm have been characterized and cloned in both systems ( ig.4 ).


● Erwin London

Ph.D., Cornell University, 1980

Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology

Joint Appointment: Department of Chemistry

Research Interests:

Membrane protein folding and lipid interaction; protein translocation across membranes.

Organization of sphingolipid/cholesterol-rich lipid domains (Lipid Rafts)

Membrane Protein Structure: Determining the Rules for Membrane Protein Translocation and


Our group is studying membrane protein structure and function by combining spectroscopic

methods, such as fluorescence, with chemical, biochemical, immunochemical and molecular

biological approaches. We are interested in the determining membrane protein structure and the

origin of specific lipid-protein and protein-protein interactions. At present, we are concentrating

on protein toxins that penetrate and translocate across cell membranes, such as diphtheria toxin.

Our aim is to understand the mechanism of membrane penetration and translocation by this

toxin. This should have important implications for protein translocation in general, as well as the

design of therapeutic agents and vaccines for bacterial infections. To analyze the structure of

diphtheria toxin in membrane site-directed mutagenesis is used to introduce site-directed

fluorescence labels. The location of the residues relative to the membrane is then determined

using antibody binding or a fluorescence quenching technique (parallax analysis) developed in

our lab (see below). In this method the difference in the amount of fluorescence quenching of the

fluorescently-labeled residue by lipids carrying quenching groups at different positions (depths)

is used to calculate the depth of the fluorescent group.

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We are also using studying the relationship between amino acid sequence and structure using

simple transmembrane helices. Such helices are the main structural element within membrane

proteins. We have begun studying the effect of introducing hydrophilic residues into a

hydrophobic sequence. The identity, number and position of these residues within the sequence

are being varied. Their structure and location within the bilayer is analyzed using fluorescence,

fluorescence quenching, circular dichroism and other spectroscopic techniques. This will allow

us to derive basic rules for membrane protein folding.

2. The Structure and Function of Cholesterol-Rich Membrane Domains

Together with Dr. Deborah Brown in the Dept. Of Biochemistry and Cell Biology we have

been studying the structure and function of lipid domains enriched in cholesterol and

sphingolipid. These domains have been proposed to have a functional role in processes such as

viral and toxin entry into cells, protein sorting among organelles, signal transduction, prion

formation and amyloid formation. Our studies involve determining the basic principles that drive

the formation of these domains and regulate their lipid and protein composition.


● Sanford R. Simon

Ph.D., Rockefeller University, 1967

Professor, Departments of Biochemistry and Cell Biology and Pathology

Research Interests: Biochemistry and cell biology of inflammatory and tumor cells and their


Acute and chronic inflammatory responses are important host defenses against foreign

substances or pathogens. These responses are largely mediated by neutrophils and macrophages,

which release proteases, cytokines, and a number of other mediators of inflammation in the

course of defending the host. We study the mechanisms of action of serine proteases and

metalloproteases from activated neutrophils and develop specific inhibitors to control the tissue

destruction which may otherwise injure the host during an inflammatory response. Because

invasiveness and metastatic spread of tumor cells involves tissue degradation by the same

families of proteinases as is seen in inflammation, we have extended our studies to include

evaluation of agents intended to block tumor spread or tumor-stimulated vessel growth

(angiogenesis). Our methods include biophysical probes of enzyme active sites and kinetic

measurements. We also measure neutrophil and macrophage phagocytic activity and release of

oxidants by flow cytometry. We have made extensive use of a complete interstitial extracellular

matrix from rat smooth muscle cells which we label biosynthetically and employ as a substrate

for inflammatory cells and tumor cells and their proteases. We employ matrices on porous

membrane filters to quantitate inhibition of invasive migration of neutrophils, macrophages,

endothelial cells, and tumor cells by proteinase inhibitors and other modulatory agents. Our

collaboration with colleagues in the Department of Oral Biology and Pathology has led to a

series of clinical trials on a class of proteinase inhibitors with additional pleiotropic

downregulatory actions on inflammatory and tumor cells. The trials of these inhibitors, which are

nonantimicrobial derivatives of tetracyclines, target potential applications in management of

cancer, acute respiratory distress syndrome, periodontal disease, and cardiovascular

complications of smoking. To understand how inflammatory cells communicate we study

paracrine mechanisms of activation by cytokines, using immunofluorescence and flow cytometry

to measure levels of expression of cell surface receptors and other marker proteins which are

sensitive to the state of activation of the cells.


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As you can see, all of these special areas of biochemistry and cell biology are relevant to the J-Rods'


(9) [StealthSkater note: the following was from a GLP post =>

showdate=&PHPSESSID=7a9ec8689ee0e5d9b7edf5722e044b9f ]

“Changes to the Leading Edge of the Heliosphere


The Sun itself has a magnetic field. And that magnetic field creates an "egg" around the

Solar System that is known as the "heliosphere". The heliosphere is shaped like a teardrop,

with the long, thin end of the drop pointing away from the direction in which we're traveling.

The Russians have looked at the leading edge of this heliosphere, and they have observed

glowing, excited plasma energy there. The Sun's heliosphere used to be 10 astronomical

units deep (an astronomical unit is the distance from the Earth to the Sun, approximately 93

million miles) 10 astronomical units was the "normal" thickness of this glowing energy that

we used to see at the front end of the Solar System. Today, Dr. Dmitriev says that this

glowing energy is now 100 astronomical units deep.

The Russian National Academy of Sciences doesn't give us a time-line, but the change

from what was known and accepted to the way it is now represents a 1000 percent increase.

And the Russians say that this change in the Sun is changing how the planets function

and what kind of life they could support. They even report -- but don't explain -- that

the DNA spiral itself is altering. They feel that the continued expansion of the heliosphere

will eventually take us into a new level of energy, that there will probably be a sudden

expansion of the basic harmonic wavelengths that the Sun emits as it radiates energy out of

itself, and that this increase in energy emission will change the basic nature of all matter in

the Solar System.”

(10) [StealthSkater note: the following was from a GLP post =>

showdate=&PHPSESSID=7a9ec8689ee0e5d9b7edf5722e044b9f ]

posted by 'skywatcher22' (Bill Hamilton) 11/24/2003 9:37 am EST

I am impressed with new discoveries in the biological sciences. Though my strength has been in

physical sciences, my recent interests involve biological sciences and information theory. The cybernetic

basis of bio-info is most appealing as it seems that codons in DNA are similar to an instruction set in

programming and bear the marks of intelligent design.

Recently, a team of 7 geneticists have found something amazing in the genomes of humans and at

least twelve other mammals: they found "non-genic sequences" (CNGs) of unknown function that

are better conserved than genes, and twice as abundant. These coded sequences without function

are not readily explained by resorting to Darwinism.

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Another recent discovery indicates that microbial life can be distributed throughout the galaxy.

That´s the conclusion in two separate papers to be published simultaneously in the Monthly Notices of

the Royal Astronomical Society. It is already known that microscopic life could cross interplanetary

distances on debris blasted from a planet by a collision with an asteroid or comet. However, the

enormous distances between stars have seemed an insurmountable barrier to colonizing a galaxy. These

new papers show ways around this barrier.

As my friend, Dr. Joseph Rhawn has stated,

“The Origin of Life: If life were to appear on a desert island, we would assume it washed to

shore, or fell from the sky. The Earth, too, is an island, swirling in an ocean of space, and

debris and living creatures, have been washing ashore since the creation.

Cosmic collisions are commonplace, not only between meteors and planets but also entire galaxies,.

And life has been repeatedly tossed into the abyss, only to land on other planets.

The genetic seeds of life swarm throughout the cosmos, and these genetic "seeds" -- these living

creatures -- fell to Earth, encased in stellar debris which pounded the planet for 700 million years after

the creation".

Dan Burisch has offered to me another possibility from his studies of the Ganesh particle. And that

is the genesis of life through the introduction of an intelligent particle that emerges from a mini-


Whatever the case, it seems that life is generated in stages, from prokaryotic microbes to eukaryotic

multi-celled life forms. The Cambrian explosion was an interesting event in Earth´s history.

Perhaps the Universal One is also a programmer as well as a mathematician.

(11) [StealthSkater note: the following was from a GLP post =>

showdate=&PHPSESSID=7a9ec8689ee0e5d9b7edf5722e044b9f ]

posted by skywatcher22 (Bill Hamilton) 11/24/2003 9:08 pm EST

Dan´s parents both knew what Dan was involved in. His mother has been on the warpath to secure

Dan´s release from government service. However, a short time ago their apartment was entered and all

momentos on Dan were taken. This has disheartened Doreen, his mother. I have only talked to her once

since then.

I and others have a full set of documents and we have checked on some. Some of this came from his

mother and others from B.J. Bunyon is confirmed as are many other things.

I have a copy of a letter from Dover School for Boys (U.K.) that says that Danny was a scholar

worthy of serious consideration for entry to Cambridge University to read medicine. He was questioned

in detail by Heads of Department of Biology and Chemistry who considered that his grasp of their

subjects was at a higher level than that required for the A-level course of the GCE.

He took special MCAT and scored a high level and could have easily qualified for medical school.

He actually applied to Cambridge, but never attended.

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I have copies showing entries in

● Who´s Who in the World 11th Edition (1992)

● Who´s Who in the West 24th Edition (1994-95)

● Who´s Who in Science and Engineering Premier Edition

and his listing in the UNLV alumnus. These are all under his former name of Dan (Danny) B. Crain.

There are photos and many other docs, and safekept copies.

(12) [StealthSkater note: the following posts were from a GLP thread on Dan Burisch =>

posted by skywatcher22 (Bill Hamilton) 12/12/2003 9:41 am EST


This main page link is good in order to get whole story on Vishnu Schist and the Great

Unconformity at Frenchman's Mountain:

"Frenchman's Mountain was determined a nice setting because of the availability of ages that range

from 1.7 Billion years (or so) before present to 20 Million years (or so) before present. The research

was started at the oldest area, the Vishnu Schist, after what amounted to a flip of the coin among my

team members. [Note: some scientists believed that the origin of eukaryotes was about 1.7 billion years

ago. However, older evidence has emerged making it 2.7 by ago -- skywatcher]

Soon after research was initiated and small samples were being harvested, an unusual event was

captured on video during a test of the rock's electrical properties. As electrical current was applied to

the rock, thin heat streams emanating from that area were observed on infrared. At that time, a heat

target was also observed nearby. That area was destined to be the target location for the Staar-Flower

Astrophysics Unit and the so-called "Stargate" area that is responsive to electromagnetic thumps from

the HAARP unit. " -- Dr. Dan Burisch

Early form of Ganesh particles in Hinduism:

"In ritualistic worship of Ganesh, the concluding ritualistic worship (uttarpuja) is the final step in

augmenting the frequencies. During the concluding ritualistic worship all the pure particles (pavitrakas)

present in the idol are expelled suddenly. This ritualistic worship is concluded by shifting the idol from

its place. Consequently all the pure particles abandon the idol and the one performing the worship can

acquire them."

P.S. Sorry to the A/C who posted about a new friend. Ref to Rendelshem. Don´t know who he refers to.

I met the Rendelshem witnesses a long time ago. S/b a good show tonight on Sci-Fi.

I am still working on getting tape of Dan on Sci-Fi.

skywatcher22 (Bill Hamilton) 12/13/2003 1:00 pm EST

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Sorry, but I am in dreamland by midnight. So when someone tries to reach me at that hour -- instead

of during the day or early evening hours -- I have to rely on others to do the pickup. Thanks to

'harrdrawk' for being a monitor on these messages.

My associate in Las Vegas who has also met with Dan and B.J. has some concerns. Please read this

through as I have a major proposal I am presenting here. He says …

"BJ told Sandy and I that her mother was still in Canada and that she (mother) was

wondering when BJ was going back. BJ did not think she would be here this long and told

S.... and I she had no idea how much longer she would be here. I suspect that BJ will be

around here for awhile also. I'm not sure that we will have another meeting. I hope so, but I

can't think of a reason why. If they want info fed to the general public, they better find a

better way of accomplishing it.

"BJ's original purpose was to gain Dan's freedom. That was years ago. All the meetings

in between were to show how important he was. With BJ on the other side now, that game

plan is out the window. Her interest is no longer in gaining his freedom. Since she has gone

over -- in the several meetings with her -- she has never mentioned Dan's freedom. It is no

longer the prime directive."

I have to agree with his assessment as Dan told me now that he is no longer as interested in obtaining

his freedom and he is afraid that some faction is trying to target him. B.J. no longer seems interested in

getting the word out at this point.

We are all concerned that -- after investing a couple of years into this -- we are not achieving what

we set out to do. Though I have managed to convince a couple of "heavyweights" in this field, many

remain unconvinced and demand evidence of me that I do not have. I was hoping that Dan's parents

would have documentary evidence. But the critical pieces they needed to have were not there. Now,

they have been robbed of all they did have.

We both like Dan and B.J. very much, but we need to negotiate with Majestic or its reps directly

sitting at the table. That is what I would like to see. A core group of us and a core group of them sit

down and decide how we can use Dan to disclose the truth to the American public and in what stages. I

can muster some fairly heavy backups if I need to.

I will be telling this story in Washington D. C. in April and have even invited Dan to join me

(expenses paid). He seemed to warm up to that idea. So, how can we make it happen?

This is a bold proposal, I admit that. But we need to move this in a big way to give it focus or else --

as my associate says -- it is going nowhere.

Anonymous Coward 12/13/2003 8:52 pm EST

Forgive me as I am a little new at this. First post to the "www" actually! Congratulations to me!

Out of the early 20th and into the early 21st!

Burisch has been sequestered. Mr. Hamilton, you were warned not to come to the Las Vegas Strip.

Yet you did. We steady ourselves by your institutionalized senses. I thank you for your good sense!

Thank you as well, Mr. Alan G. [Nevada MUFON] You are using your wits!

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In the past 12 years BJ Wolf managed to convince some 20 people that they should release

information on Burisch. After they did, each was found out and dealt with. Now even his parents find

their frames empty. Memories must do. The gist of all these 140 pages of messages has been lost. We

are here and are doing something to prevent what bad could happen to everyone. It IS time to leave this

alone! Burisch has been convinced of the error of his ways (to continue being chatty about these

matters). He understands now.

His calendar is logged BUSY for April, 2004. I checked it personally and made sure I was certain.

Up to this moment 'J' has been amused. But not anymore. No more will spill into our halls.

So, please leave this man alone and let the issue fade into what it is supposed to become for the

masses of people --a myth wrapped in deja vu. When you wake on December 22, 2012, smile and say,

"It was a myth!"

May the good Lord bless you.

a jr. to 'J'

Anonymous Coward 12/15/2003 10:07 am EST

I presume the term "Luciferian" is being used in a colloquial sense.

In the Bible -- when they appear on Earth -- angels appear as human and they are quite beautiful.

Even 'Lucifer' is translated as "light-bearer". And most scholars indicate that the sole reference in the

OT in Isaiah 14:12 refers to the King of Babylon who was son of the morning who had vain ambitions.

These human-like angels may possibly have been what we call the 'Nordics' today.

The 'Cherubim' that Dan refers to may be some form of 'energy being'. These have also appeared as

balls of light (orbs). Most likely such communication with Dan is for unknown purposes and is not

anything he should really make public as it reduces his credibility as a scientist. He may not care; but I

can tell you for a fact that his testimony will not be accepted by those who favor disclosure, much less

the public beyond. They will listen to the story of J-Rod which others have also mentioned including

retired Major Tom Mack and Bill Uhouse.

Something not openly discussed here is that Dan was drugged and his memories obscured at one

time. However, I have been told he was drugged frequently at one time. He may be clear of that now --

and he does sound rational and in full possession of his faculties when I talk with him -- but so many

unknown factors lurk behind the scenes that it is difficult to judge how much tampering has occurred.

He is truly a good guy and very bright.

I do have a person in the wings who can turn this around and may do a great deal to bring Dan out in

the open. But Dan would have to agree to meet with this person who not only has many credentials, but

also has been briefed in the UFO-ET docs.

The reason why I have requested a meeting with others (Maji, Staar, Aquarius members) is to verify

the existence of these members behind-the-scenes. They must be friends of Dan and be willing to share

some info on him with a team of us. In other words, we want limited access to the solid evidence so we

can proceed with the disclosure process in D.C. Without further verification, there will be no disclosure

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based on the beliefs of a few who have chatted with Dan. I know how tough and demanding researchers

are in the UFO field and I have had to go to great lengths just to prove that 'lights over Phoenix' were not

flares! It's not a walk-in-the-park. With all the docs I have collected on Dan -- more than any of you

have seen on the internet -- I cannot prove his case to just a group of television producers. They say he

is convincing but they demand greater proof. And they are mild in comparison to some researchers I

know (and I am not speaking of debunkers either). I believe Dan, but my belief is irrelevant as far as

making him a proven part of the disclosure scenario.

I hope you all understand the dilemma.

I also hope you all have a Happy Holiday season as I think you guys in the core group who help Don

are great.

(skywatcher22 12/15/2003 10:09 am EST

The above post was mine -- not an 'A/C'. And my user name was plugged in but did not appear.


Raven 12/16/2003 12:32 am EST

Don and the gang--

I have been using piggy-back systems to connect to you all. But now certain alphabets are in here

watching to dredge an IP even when secure. So, I will have to fly off into the sunset for awhile for my

own safety.

As for Bill, I don't suggest that he hold his breath to become important enough for the Maji to invite

him to their next soiree to talk over their diplomatic intentions with him. He may find himself getting

low on oxygen and even more fair game for the academic people that are setting him up in the first

place. Dr. Dan sets down with a loving caring biologist that Bill is sure to trust … Then whammo

blammo … all-of-a-sudden it is announced that Dr. Dan can't be real because the self-appointed minister

of disinformation says it as so!

Then what would Bill be able to do? Give up! The whole plan! If my information is correct, Dr.

Dan made himself available for what? 4-5 other meetings -- all that Bill had enough good sense to not

bring in a coot that would hurt the truth -- and now? I thought he was too old to "suck" at that troff. For

everyone-- Dr. Dan is lucid. Maybe crazier than the next person, but lucid.

Set down with Bill? Yea, right! The chair would be wired with an instant switch that dumped the

participant into a grave.

Best to everyone!





:) <<<<<<<<<<<---------


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The above represents a 'Raven' that is still alive and intends to remain that way! But if that doesn't

square with the academic people or those that are in charge of what people are allowed to believe in the

field of ufology, okay by me!!!!!

Bill-- if you aren't able to prove that I am still alive because your academic sources say it can't be so,

believe whatever you want, dude!!! :-()

skywatcher22 12/16/2003 9:02 am EST

Now that 'Raven' has misunderstood my remarks, I wonder if I should proceed. Meeting with Maji

was really directed at "him" and the others who have helped Dan.

When B.J. was in the open, she had contacts. And some of those contacts understood my position

and tried to help by providing info. Now that we have the 'Raven'(s), we do not get that same level of

help. How do I know there is a real other person identifying himself as the 'Raven'? I don't. These are

only exchanges over the Internet.

I raised a red flag about Dan and drugs because no one knew this before -- that he had been

administered drugs to the point that at one time he no longer recognized B.J. or his parents! I have the

docs that B.J. gave to me to prove this. This is a mitigating factor just because we do not know when

these drugs could be administered again, and this was for Dan stepping out-of-line as the time when he

had his hand smashed. He revealed information and someone(s) objected to this very strongly.

As far as vetting Dan in public -- to the UFO community or even a wider public -- as was done in the

Bob Lazar case, it won't happen. Lazar's public statements and the discrediting of his background sent

the whole case into a tailspin though there are ways I used to validate it. I did not want the same to

happen with Dr. Dan and was hoping to get a slam-dunk in the end. But I see that is not going to

happen. I have enlisted the aid of helpers with this cause just as B.J. enlisted my aid and now all are

discouraged because we are no further ahead than we were last year. And this year is at an end.

I wanted Dan to meet with Dr. Kit Green who was deemed to be the most educated and experienced

person to evaluate Dan. This was also urged by Dr. Hal Puthoff who is leaning toward believing Dan's

story, but wants assurances from his friend Kit who is an M.D. and has extensive knowledge of the UFO

field. I argued a lot to bring Kit around, including statements made in reference to microbiology.

If Dan doesn't want to meet with Kit and if 'Raven' wants to rant, then we are at the end of a road

here. The reasons Dan reached out to us initially no longer seem to be valid. So, what is the new

purpose in keeping up these contacts? The information we have received so far is very interesting but

cannot be authenticated. And the first rule of research is to authenticate the material. One person alone

cannot do this. It takes many specialists.

I love Dan and B.J. and would like to be free to meet them directly or talk to them on the phone with

the same facility as any American or Canadian citizen. But we evidently have those in this country who

believe differently and want to suppress truth and open communication. What are they afraid of???

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(13) [StealthSkater note: the following posts were from a GLP thread on Dan Burisch =>

posted by skywatcher22 (Bill Hamilton) 12/12/2003 9:41 am EST

Anonymous Coward 12/26/2003 2:15 am EST

For everybody. Keeping the flood going.


(Confidential w/in Community)

Name: Burisch, Danny B Catselas (Former: Crain, Danny Benjamin)

Date of Birth: 02 FEB 64

Age: 39

Referred by: Preserve Destiny -Staar Flower -Lotus (Annual Wellness Checkup)

Psychologist: H-4105

Place of Examination: T/C R-4800 SBSCT RM 29 : PRJ LOTUS

Date of Examination: 21 AUG 03

Date of Report: 24 AUG 03

Examiner: H-4105

Legend: PT (patient)

Reason for Referral:

PT was referred for annual wellness evaluation. Examiner was referred by „02 Burisch (PT) file to

update progress concerning time/stress management, coping skills relative to reported paranormal

events, frequency/nature of night disturbance events (night terrors inclusive) incident to PTSD (Gulf



The following updated (2003) reports are on file: Clinical Interview, Minnesota Multiphasic

Personality Inventory -2 (MMPI-2), Life Style Inventory, WAIS-3, and Self-Assessment Report.

(Reports attached.)

Background Information:

PT is a 39 year old white male adult, of Macedonian-Jewish descent, and possesses a doctoral level

education in the sciences. He remains married, with children in his household. He is presently assigned

as Director of Project Lotus (Preserve Destiny - Staar Flower - PrjL). Prior psychological assessments

have revealed a substantially normal adult male, with a complex mixture of personality correlates.

PT has been found (MMPI-2, refer AXIS IV) to have a mild need to minimize personal concerns to

others. PT presented himself to this examination, without complaint and in good spirits, for his required

yearly wellness report. This PT‟s mil-hist includes a short duration combat episode during the Gulf War

(1991), resulting in close proximity friendly and enemy casualties. (taken from t/s-c restricted DD214

summary report, „95) His further mil-hist has been restricted from this Psychologist/Examiner, and PT

has not been forthcoming with further information from same.

Following the report of traumatic experience, sleep disturbances (bordering on night terrors) were

reported to his superiors within the community. PT has politely, but staunchly, refused to speak to the

nature of the episodes. PT‟s only comments concerning them have been: “My dreams are between God

and me. They are my business, and not yours.” Follow-up questions are only met with silence and a

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polite smile from PT. No such episodes have been reported since his „02 wellness report. PT has been

referred to enable him better coping skills as he is currently under reported “immense pressures” to

complete and present, by order, a “...,major scientific report of world consequence,...” by March 15,

2005, to a “special audience of dignitaries.”

This Psychologist also suggests that PT‟s present physical health conditions must be guarded

closely, with respect to daily stressors. PT remains medicated for a diagnosed diffused heart disease,

moderate bilateral valve degeneration, and pronounced cardiac muscular weakening. He is presently

receiving daily maintenance with Nifedipine XL (60mg tab, 1/day), Plavix (75mg tab, 1/day), Altace

(5mg cap, 1/day), Isosorbide (120mg tab, 1/day), Nirtoglycerin Transdermal Patch (0.2mg/Hr., 1/day),

Aspirin (81mg tab, 1/day), and Nitroglycerin “Nitrolingual” Pumpspray (400mcg/spray, as needed for

chest pain).

PT recently failed as a candidate for Enhanced External Counterpulsation therapy. PT is currently

being evaluated by his cardiologist for further surgical intervention (see PT med-hist). PT has never self

reported, or been report for, substance abuse. PT‟s last reported intake of alcohol was December, 1999.

He has been medically restricted from caffeine intake, but refuses to comply with that request.

Complicating matters are consistent reports of paranormal activity, surrounding the working

environment of this PT. PT politely refuses to discuss his relationship to these phenomena.

Behavioral Observations:

When questioned about his role in the Gulf War (1991), PT appeared agitated, bordering on anger,

and referred this Psychologist/Examiner to his chain of command. Given the restricted nature of his

deployment, no follow-up questions were asked. When questioned about his reported PTSD related

night terrors, PT stated, “That’s no longer an issue.” Follow-up questions were met with PT trying to

assure the Psychologist/Examiner that he “came to an understanding” of the cause of the episodes and

had successfully dealt with them, resulting in a disappearance of the episodes. During this exchange, PT

shifted several times in his seat, and exhibited modified speech modulation and fluidity. PT „locked

eyes‟ with the Psychologist/Examiner, exhibited a stern face, and repeated that “The issue is over.”

Once the subject changed to his present assignment, PT‟s affect returned to one best described as

jovial and friendly. PT stated that he was currently working on a new theory of life creation and

evolution. PT admitted to having “some stress” relating to his present assignment and time limitations,

and exhibited saddened/concerned facial expressions when discussing the reported importance of his

work. PT grimaced and shook his head (side-to-side) when questioned about his affect. PT politely

refused to discuss the issue further.

Cognitive Functioning:

PT´s performance on the WAIS-3 places him within the Superior range of intellectual functioning.

PT‟s previous Full Scale IQ was recorded as 190 and 200 (see „01 reports). PT‟s index scores and their

patterns from discrepancy analysis page of the WAIS-3 record form are also included in the „01 report.

No unusual behavioral responses to testing stimuli, or to the testing situations themselves, have been

observed. PT‟s protective behavior over compartmentalized material and reactions to challenges about

the information appears normal. The overall cognitive functioning and cognitive style of the PT is one

of a highly intelligent and cognitively ordered adult male. The PT appears to be suffering from

environmental stressors due to time limitations placed upon him.

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PT was questioned as to his actions (if any) to alleviate his negative responses to environmental

stressors and was assured that this Psychologist/Examiner cared and remains concerned for his state of

health. PT openly reported that he uses music to “relax” (reported “Enya”, and “Loreena McKennitt”),

to “think” (reported “Jan Peerce”, “Pink Floyd”, “John Denver”, “Simon and Garfunkel”, “Abba”, and

Christian and Hindu chant), and “self-motivate” (reported “Queen”, “Kiss”, and “Credence Clearwater

Revival”). Checking established rapport, this Psychologist/Examiner asked PT to relay his favorite

song, number, color, and food (if any). PT smiled and stated, "'The Sound of Silence' by Simon and

Garfunkel, the number 4, the color purple, and Chinese food, unless you are springing for steak and


Once PT answered, the Psychologist/Examiner asked him what two things he dislikes the most. The

PT answered: “I have three: current freedom issues, governments that could care-less for humanity, and

psychologists of questionable motivation that feign amicable association by virtue of leading personal

questions.” PT was questioned as to how he sees relationship between his emotional and physical

states. PT sternly stated, “Give me my coffee and we’ll chat about that in April, 2005.”

PT was provided with a self assessment and stress reduction packet. Given his working environment

and working conditions it is unlikely that his stress levels will lessen in the near term. This may provide

a negative on his physical health.

Social-Emotional Functioning:

Within the PT‟s environmental constraints, his social-emotional functioning appears well balanced,

and this opinion is not counter-evidenced by testing.


PT remains as the functioning Director of Project Lotus and has self reported the alleviation of night

episodes, previously related to PTSD. PT is driven to complete his assigned tasks and is unwilling to

discuss certain aspects about them and how time stresses may affect his personal well being. PT has

been provided with a stressor packet and was recommended to employ it on a daily basis. It is felt that

he is unlikely to do so. He is referred back to his duty assignment, without restrictions.

Respectfully submitted, H-4105

skywatcher22 12/28/2003 11:23 am EST

'Human Subject' says...

"A Big Bow to a 190-200 IQ!..., and as I ´met´ him, there seemed nothing wrong with his EQ

neither:) What a warm, friendly man it is..."

'H-4105' says,

"PT´s performance on the WAIS-3 places him within the Superior range of intellectual


Strange that this indicates a huge decline in the Dr. B's mental ability. Something is out-of-whack

here. How is it he scores even lower than me on the WAIS-3? Superior range is low for a PhD. This is

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on a 15 SD scale. The previous score (190-200) is not cited as to test or scale. His SAT score indicates

an IQ of 150 (15 SD) and 154 (16 SD) which seems more accurate than those cited by the psychologist

H-4105. The top of the superior range on the WAIS-3 is only IQ 129 (15 SD). His SAT and MCAT

scores are a better indication of his mental capacity though he was not happy with his MCAT scores. I

used to administer and score these tests many years ago and am aware there is some variability, but not

as much as reported by H-4105.

skywatcher22 12/28/2003 4:21 pm EST

'Boomerang' says,

"I am not familiar with these scales, you are saying that Dan B's score is substantially lower

than as previously tested? Do you have the results from previous tests to compare?"

It was all given in the report by psychologist H-4105. He says that a previous record indicates an IQ

of 190-200 without citing the test or scale. He administers to Dan 4 tests, one of which is the WAIS-3

and says that Dan scores in the superior range which tops out at IQ 129!

I, myself, have scored in the Very Superior range on that test so find it hard to believe he only scored

in the Superior range. I trust his SAT scores more, which indicate an IQ of over 150 which is what I

have assessed it to be. To go from 190 (which is beyond the range of most, but not all tests) to 129 is a

significant decline and I don't believe either one to be an accurate assessment. That come from my

experience with these tests and my membership in Hi IQ clubs.

(a Raven 12/26/2003 4:19 am EST

I posted what I posted earlier as one of two posts -- the first one and this my last. I posted it because

I hope the assessment is true -- that he remains as stable as portrayed. I am 'a Raven' and flew this

assessment to the East coast a few months ago. The word is that Dr. B is on the way overseas [no return

date available] and it's got to do with a country next to where he picked up those night terrors. "My

birdie ears" heard he crammed his bags into a van at noon Vegas time and headed out. Look! Is it a

bird, a plane? No, it's sky spiders! [chemtrails]





:- >>>>>>>>>--------





(Anonymous Coward 12/28/2003 6:56 pm EST

The information about Burisch is a disinfo operation -- containing truths and lies in the psych

evaluation -- that was cooked up because of the package that was sent his way in Las Vegas. The psych

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evaluation was cooked so it made sense to send the next message that he was leaving. It is a defensive

measure that the PTB over him designed to steer anyone away from his place.

For the record, and this is the truth, I saw him today at 1400 hours walking at the park (carrying his

coffee cup) right near where he lives. I saw two young men walking 50 paces behind him and they

broke off when he reentered his apartments. He is alive, well, and at home.

Anonymous Coward 12/28/2003 7:11 pm EST

I should have posted in my last post that I went right into his apartments after his walk. Apartment

162's bay window was open and I could clearly see Burisch's desk, microscopes, computer system, and

wall filled with certificates and photographs. The apartment appeared filled with Christmas and

Hanukkah decorations -- Christmas lights were everywhere with a huge Christmas Tree near the

window. The place was dense with items and looked like a winter playground. He is definitely not

living bad!

Anonymous Coward 12/28/2003 7:39 pm EST

For the smarties that ask "did you get photographs?", the answer is "YES, I DID!"

I couldn't during his walk because it was too much out in the open, but I snapped 4 while passing by

his bay window. This forum likes to deal with briefcases so I put them in one.

Name: rover_mann

Password: felixcat

Everyone should recall that he lives in an open (public) apartments area. The "unit" lives as part of

it seamlessly. The big fear about going by is being seen and something happening later! The reality is

people can walk right up to his door! See what 'fear' does?

But, I am not going back! ha, ha, ha! I am sure they photographed me, too!

If anyone in the "unit" decides to come by my place… I'm waiting for you! Not alone! With

'something' I have! So think again, assholes! :)

1 part done for king and country!

(14) [StealthSkater note: following were private e-mails ]

From: "Bill Hamilton" <[email protected]>

Date: Sun, February 15, 2004 10:51 am

To: [email protected]

Dan doesn't really know anything about Michael Wolf. I asked him in person. He tends to be polite.

It is Don Depellier that kept bringing up Wolf.

However, Dan believes in an "Illuminati". This goes back to childhood where he witnessed some

prominent people in England conducting rituals. Dan had religious training when younger and this went

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against the grain for him. He is a little more liberal in his current views as he has had to change them

over time, but it is difficult to shake off training and indoctrination and at least one miracle healing he

experienced as a youth.

From: "Bill Hamilton" <[email protected]>

To: [email protected]

Date: Thu, February 26, 2004 10:14 am

Subject: Re: 'Orion' dis-info treatments?


> I'm wondering now if Dan's remarks of religion/"Illuminati" ancient-texts and so on intermixed

with his biological discourses weren't a result of the same "Orion" mind-altering treatment that

Lazar claims all S4 scientists were subjected to. Somehow, this "pine" drinking would bring to

mind terrible images once one "crossed the line". In Dan's case, it sounds like spouting implanted

dis-info was also included. Remember that Bob said the military was amazed the treatment had no

effect on him. I'm guessing that 'Rebel Robert' was doing recreational drugs on-the-side and these

counteracted the effect.

Dan was drugged a number of times, but the "Illuminati" impression came from a boyhood experience

he had in England when he was brought to a ritual. This scared him and impressed him. It may be they

have amplified his fears through drugs.

Once, some memory-suppression drug was used on him so that he did not even recognize his own

mother or BJ.

I do not disseminate the documents that detail this as I don't think this kind of stuff needs to be posted

until verified.

From: "Bill Hamilton" <[email protected]>

To: [email protected]

Date: Mon, March 1, 2004 9:53 am

Subject: Re: thanks for the input !

We have all struggled through trying to sort out the info, disinfo, and misinfo in order to arrive at a

comprehensive picture. But it is a long and lonely process since there is little organized effort.

If we had an Headquarters and Lab with 24/7 operation with a technical and scientific team of

workers, we might make some progress. But --alas -- my efforts to obtain funds for such fell on deaf

ears in the past.

As for Dr. Burisch (and others), I rate them according to the probability from interviews,

documents, consistency, etc. Dan Burisch rates higher than 80% probable authentic. Michael Wolf

rates 0% by contrast. Lazar is about 50-60%. These are just my estimates. Corso might be another

80% probable. No 100% yet!

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