



Present: Town Councillors: R. Groome (Town Mayor), J. Currall

(Deputy Town Mayor), D. Gunn, C. Groome, M. Jerram,

R. Knight, F. Macdonald, J. Smith, D. Zanger

Members of the Public: 1 no. (Mrs J. Fellows - see Item 12.1

‘Speeding Traffic in Cranford Road’)

Police: PCSO: D. Fenner

Public Forum: No matters raised.

02/15/01 Apologies

Cllr Fry (work) – Cllr Smith proposed that the absence be approved, seconded by Cllr

C. Groome. Resolved: that the proposal be approved.

Cllr Padget (business) – Cllr Gunn proposed that the absence be approved, seconded

by Cllr Currall. Resolved: that the proposal be approved.

02/15/02 Declarations of Interest

Item 15.1 (Private & Confidential) - Cllrs C. Groome and F. Macdonald declared an

interest in this item)

01/15/03 Resolution: Approval of Minutes of BLTC Meeting held on 06

January 2015 and Action Points

Cllr Jerram proposed that the above Resolution be approved, seconded by Cllr

Macdonald. Resolved: that the proposal be approved. The Action Tracker was also


02/15/04 Police Matters

PCSO Donna Fenner presented the latest crime statistics and advised Cllrs that

Inspector Ward was now in post. Cllr Macdonald proposed that that a letter be sent to

Inspector Ward inviting him to the April BLTC meeting, seconded by Cllr C.

Groome. Resolved: that the proposal be approved. The Chair thanked DF for

attending and providing the information.

02/15/05 Town Mayor’s Report


BLTC Minutes 03 February 2015

This month I have attended the 'Mad Hatter's Tea Party' at the Guide Centre,

Alexandra Street, the Monday Club (Burton Latimer Day Centre) and 'India Day'

event at the Hindu Community Association in Wellingborough.

Plans are going well for the Charity Dinner on 14th March at Harrowden Hall. Please

may I ask Town Councillors to buy tickets as soon as possible and for raffle prizes.

There will also be a short auction run by Jeff Baynham.

02/15/06 Borough Council Matters of Interest Reports

(Report attached to the Minutes).

02/15/07 County Council Matters of Interest Report (Cllr C. Groome)

(Report attached to the Minutes).

02/15/08 Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies

(Reports attached to the Minutes).

02/15/09 Policies & Priorities

9.1 Resolution: Setting of 2015/2016 Precept

Following the recommendation by F&GP Committee to review the 2015/2016

Precept figure and the submission of additional information submitted by the Clerk,

Cllr Macdonald proposed that the 2015/2016 Precept remain at the 2014/2015 level,

i.e. £23,500 and the shortfall in the 2015/2016 Budget be met from the Town

Council’s Reserves, seconded by Cllr C. Groome. Resolved: that the proposal be


On behalf of the Town Council, the Chair thanked the Clerk for the work done on

this matter

9.2 Resolution: Approval of Minutes of F&GP Minutes of 15 January 2015

Cllr Macdonald proposed that the above Resolution be approved, seconded by Cllr

Currall. Resolved: that the proposal be approved.

9.3 Resolution: Approval of Planning Committee Minutes of 22 January


Cllr Gunn proposed that the above Resolution be approved, seconded by Cllr

Macdonald. Resolved: that the proposal be approved. With regard to the Mr Wells

matter, Cllr Macdonald had attended site meeting with NCC and it was clear that


BLTC Minutes 03 February 2015

nothing could be done by the Councils to improve the situation. Cllr Macdonald to

inform Mr Wells of this outcome.

9.4 Resolution: Approval of Civic Centre Management Board Report

Cllr Currall proposed that the above Resolution be approved, seconded by Cllr Gunn.

Resolved: that the proposal be approved. Cllr Currall also submitted a report on the

Civic Centre’s printer; Cllr Gunn advised that the printer was not suitable for a

‘continuous ink feed’.

The Clerk expressed serious concern that the Council’s Civic Centre ‘Fire Instruction

Manual’ was not being used properly. It required (i) updating (ii) individual copies to

be issued to all tenants and the ‘organiser’s’ of the casual room hire users (iii) talked

though and signed for as having been received and understood, Also the required fire

alarm tests needed to be carried out at weekly intervals and recorded as done. All of

these actions to be co-ordinated/managed by the Civic Centre Management Board.

Next meeting of CCMB is on 25 February.

Cllr Smith undertook to scan in the document and email an on-line copy to Cllr

Zanger, the Council’s Health & Safety Officer and originator of the document. Cllr

Zanger undertook to update the document and submit it to the next meeting of the

CCMB for discussion and action.

9.5 Resolution: Approval of Pocket Park Management Board Report

Cllr Jerram proposed that the above Resolution be approved, seconded by Cllr

Currall. Resolved: that the proposal be approved. Next PPMB meeting is tomorrow.

9.6 S.106 Monies/Development Fund Update

Cllr Macdonald advised that (i) s. 106 monies had been identified for highways

Work, subject to confirmation by NCC (ii) KBC’s s. 106 figures are still undergoing


9.7 Room Letting in Civic Centre Update re: Groundwork

The Groundwork representative did not attend the meeting, discussions ensued around

optimising the use of the former ‘BLAST’ room in the interests of the Youth of BL

whoever the occupant(s) may be and this should include consideration of more than

one organisation/combinations of providers. CCMB to develop the ‘rules of

occupancy’ of the room, to include the requirement of the occupant(s) to qualify for

and apply to KBC for Small Business Rate Relief. Cllr Zanger to email further details

relating to occupant.

(Cllr Smith left the meeting at this point)


BLTC Minutes 03 February 2015

9.8 Approval of Events Group Report

(Report attached to the Minutes). Cllr Macdonald proposed that the Events Group

remains a separate entity from the F&GP Committee, seconded by Cllr C. Groome.

Resolved: that the proposal be approved.

9.9 New Lamp Posts (Jan 2015) - Christmas Lights Compatibility Update

Cllr Macdonald confirmed that agreement had been reached with NCC regarding the

work to be done and the cost/contributions.

9.10 Recruitment of Parish Councillors Update

Cllr Knight stated that Warwick Hunt had produced a satisfactory document to aid the

above and that he has undertaken to produce c. 50-100 documents for distribution to

potential candidates. Cllr Knight tabled a form to be completed by Cllrs stating the

number of copies of the document they required for distribution. Cllr Knight to

forward the document to Danny Moody (NCALC) for his information (as requested).

Warwick to produce A4 versions for notice boards.

On behalf of the Town Council, the Chair thanked Warwick for the work done on

this project.

9.11 Review of Condition/Location of Notice Boards

(Report attached to the Minutes). Cllr Macdonald proposed that he and Cllr Gunn

replace the Tesco notice board with the one at the civic Centre, seconded by Cllr

Currall. Resolved: that the proposal be approved. Also agreed that the locations of

other notice boards be referred to F&GP Committee.

9.12 Twinning Association Update

The Clerk advised that, as agreed by the Town Council, Cllr Jerram had written to

Mrs Davina Mills with a view to reviving the above group, including suggesting an

AGM in the Civic Centre on 25 March. The Clerk also informed the Council that he

had received a ‘phone call this evening from Mrs Mills expressing some concerns

about the letter. Mrs Mills said that (i) the TA, when it met last summer, agreed to

defer its next meeting until the Spring and at that meeting a date would be set for the

AGM (ii) she had raised the date suggested by Cllr Jerram with the TA members and

that it was not acceptable (iii) she would respond to Cllr Jerram’s letter and invite her

to the Spring meeting of the TA.

The Clerk assured Mrs Mills that (i) the sending of Cllr Jerram’s letter (as the

approved Council representative on the TA) was approved by the Town Council and

that its purpose was to offer up the support/assistance of the Council (ii) the Town

Council did not run the TA in the past and had no intentions of doing so now (iii) the


BLTC Minutes 03 February 2015

letter was prompted by the Council receiving an email from a twinning partner

seeking further contact/activities (Clerk to ring Mrs Mills and give her the details if

that email). The Clerk offerd Mrs Mills the Town Council’s condolences on the loss

of her husband.

9.13 Resolution: Approval of Cash Book

Cllr Macdonald proposed that the above Resolution be approved, seconded by Cllr

Knight. Resolved: that the proposal be approved. On behalf of the Town Council, the

Chair thanked the Clerk for submitting this substantial piece of work.

02/15/10 Correspondence

10.1 NCC – Household Waste Recycling Centre Bulletin

Cllr Macdonald proposed that a letter be sent to NCC expressing concern at (i) closure

of the recycling centres on 2 consecutive days (ii) closing at 6.00 pm in the summer,

potentially leading to an increase in fly tipping, seconded by Cllr Jerram. Resolved:

that the proposal be approved. Cllr Macdonald to draft the letter under the 3 Day Rule.

10.2 KBC – Civic Centre – Polling Station 07 May 2015

Noted. Acceptance form to be signed by the Clerk and returned to KBC.

10.3 NCC – Westbury Homes Higham Road – Adoption Certificate


02/15/11 Highways Report (Cllr Macdonald)

(Report attached to the Minutes). Cllr Macdonald proposed that a letter be sent to

Bovis Homes expressing concern at the severe delay in roads being adopted, seconded

by Cllr Jerram. Resolved: that the proposal be approved. Cllr Macdonald to draft the

letter under the 3 Day Rule.

Cllr Macdonald also proposed that a letter be sent to KBC expressing concern at

the placing of a notice in Churchill Way car park (re: the consequences of parking

outside the designated parking bays) without consulting BLTC and seeking

confirmation of who will be responsible for monitoring this, seconded by Cllr Knight.

Resolved: that the proposal be approved. Cllr Macdonald to draft the letter under the

3 Day Rule.


(Cllr Zanger left the meeting at this point)

02/15/12 Urgent Matters (Agreed by Chair)


BLTC Minutes 03 February 2015

12.1 Cranford Road – Speeding Traffic

Letter received from Mrs Fellows and 3 other residents regarding the above. Cllr

Macdonald expressed sympathy with the points raised by Mrs Fellows and advised

that he had requested more temporary speed signage for Cranford Road and is

exploring the possibility of locating the Council’s VAS sign in that area. NCC are

considering traffic calming measures for Church Street, however Cranford Road has

not yet been adopted and similar measures could not be considered by NCC until it

had been adopted. Mrs Fellows also suggested that making the road narrower at the

town’s entry areas would remind drivers that they were entering a residential area and

that they should limit their speed accordingly. Unfortunately, BLTC would have to

pay for such an ‘entry gateway’ and there is no budget for such a scheme at this time.

12.2 Football Club Signage

Cllr Currall proposed that the football club should be approached re: paying

for/contributing to the cost of the signage, seconded by Cllr Jerram. Resolved: that

the proposal be approved. Cllrs C. Groome and F. Macdonald undertook to liaise with

the football club on this matter.

12.3 Civic Centre – Use as Polling Station

KBC has requested that, due to high security needs, apart from BL Heritage Society

(self-contained) no other tenant/users be in the Civic Centre on polling day. Cllr

Macdonald to approach Olympus Care Services with a view to them relocating

elsewhere on that day. Principal rooms to be emptied for polling use are: Council

Chamber, Conference Room, former BLAST room. Request agreed by the Town


12.4 Post Election: Date of Annual Meeting & Annual Parish Meeting

Cllr Macdonald proposed that the date of the above be 12 May 2015, seconded by Cllr

Knight. Resolved: that the proposal be approved.

02/15/13 Resolution: Approval of Accounts for Payment.

Cllr Macdonald proposed that the above Resolution be approved, seconded by Cllr C.

Groome. Resolved: that the proposal be approved.


Cheque No. 102154 Cllr Jerram (Reimb. Duck Race new ducks) 466.00

Cheque No. 102155 G.Sneddon (Clerk’s salary February 2015) *1046.29

Cheque No. 102156 HMRC (tax & NI February 2015) * 335.52

Cheque No. 102157 S.E. Gunn (cleaning CC) 109.00

Cheque No. 102158 Cllr Currall (Reimb. printer ink cartridges) 36.07

Cheque No. 102159 KBC – Repayment of Energy Efficient Loan 333.60


BLTC Minutes 03 February 2015

Cheque No. 102160 Lite (erect/dismantle/store Christmas lights, etc) 5208.00

Cheque No. 102161 Lite (infrastr.3 columns in square & wall feature) 1442.88

Cheque No. 102162 Cllr Macdonald (Reimb. dec. Materials) 25.50

Cheque No. 102163 BT (phone bill) 57.48

(* includes National Pay Award & arrears for Dec 2014 & Jan 2015)

(Expenditure Powers LGA 1972 s.111/133/LG (Misc. Provisions ) Act 1976)

02/15/14 Press Release


Note: No members of the public were present in the Council Chamber at this point

