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Jonathan Mullen April 11th 2011A.P. Politics Period: 03

Civil Rights Essay

A minority group is defined as a sociological group that is subnormal with a respect to a dominant group in terms of, social status, education, employment, wealth and political power. Two examples of this include African Americans (pre 1970’s) and a modern day example would be American Gun Owners. As evident in this essay, both groups have fought (Gun Owners are still fighting) to obtain the rights they deserve.

Since before the American Civil War (1861–1865) African Americans have been fighting for what they call “Equal Rights.” (Note that the term “Equal Rights” has also been used by feminist advancement organizations throughout history.) African Americans would not have the rights that they fought for without the assistance of various organizations, one being the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). The NAACP has organized countless rallies, opposed and supported many different pieces of legislation and has contributed to political campaigns that they deem necessary to the advancement of colored people. The NAACP uses the power of its large body of members along with lobbying to carry out its task. Although highly debated, the “formal” African-American Civil Rights Movement is considered to have lasted 13years ranging from 1955 to 1968. Today African Americans have achieved the equality that they have been fighting for, however the NAACP and other similar organizations have taken their actions further pushing for rights that many justly consider anti-white, such as calling for taxpayer assistance for the violent terrorist-like “party” known as the Black Panther Party.

Before the establishment of the United States, firearms were an unwritten freedom. In fact this freedom was so valuable it is even included in the constitution as the 2nd amendment when establishing the United States. The Second Amendment reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Despite the fact that this is a basic right, and often debated that it is a basic human right, it is unfortunately highly disregarded by governmental officials, organizations, and offices. The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) is one of the very few organizations that protect the Second Amendment rights guaranteed to the American People. The National Rifle Association is able to do this through excessive lobbying, petitioning, funding, and informal protests. The National Rifle Association also established the Institute for Legislative Action which helps fight legislation that restricts 2nd amendment rights. With over 4.3 million members, the National Rifle Association has an extremely powerful voice when it comes to gun control legislation.
