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Department of Water Affairs and Forestry Republic of South Africa

DRAFT Third Edition 2005


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Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal by Landfill, Third Edition, 2005 i

Published by

Department of Water Affairs & Forestry

Private Bag X313 PRETORIA 0001 Republic of South Africa Tel: (012) 338 7500 Printed and bound by

First Edition 1994 Second Edition 1998 Third Edition 2005

ISBN 0620-22993-4 Copyright Reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner

without full acknowledgement of the source

______________________________ This document should be cited as: Department of Water Affairs & Forestry, Third Edition, 2005. Waste Management Series. Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal by Landfill. Project Leader: Leon Bredenhann, Department of Water Affairs & Forestry Project Co-ordinator (First and Second Editions): Jarrod Ball, Jarrod Ball & Associates cc, Johannesburg, South Africa Departmental Project Co-ordinator (Third Edition): Romy de Jager, Romy van Jaarsveld Consultants cc Editor: Kathleen Langmore, Jarrod Ball & Associates cc, Johannesburg, South Africa

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ii Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal by Landfill, Third Edition, 2005

This document forms part of the Waste Management Series, produced by the Department of Water Affairs & Forestry. Thus far, the series comprises:

Document 1: Minimum Requirements for the Handling, Classification and Disposal of Hazardous Waste. Document 2: Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal by Landfill. Document 3: Minimum Requirements for the Monitoring of Water Quality at Waste Management Facilities.

Document 1: Minimum Requirements for the Handling, Classification and Disposal of Hazardous Waste, sets out the waste classification system. In this, wastes are placed in two classes, General or Hazardous, according to their inherent toxicological properties. Hazardous wastes are further subdivided, according to the risk that they may pose at disposal, using a hazard rating. In this way, a less hazardous waste is distinguished from an extremely hazardous waste. Wastes with a hazard rating of 1 or 2 are very or extremely hazardous, while wastes with a hazard rating of 3 or 4 are of moderate or low hazard. The requirements for pre-treatment and disposal are set in accordance with the waste classification. Hazardous waste prevention and minimisation are briefly addressed, because of their importance, as is handling, transportation and storage. Protocols are included for evaluating downstream uses of waste and for fixed scenario and site specific risk-based approaches in the application of Minimum Requirements. Risk is also based on both eco- and mammalian toxicity. The hazardous waste classification tables have been extended to include organic contaminants.

Document 2: Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal by Landfill, addresses landfill classification and the siting, investigation, design, operation and monitoring of landfill sites. In the landfill classification system, a landfill is classified in terms of waste class, size of operation, and potential for significant leachate generation, all of which influence the risk it poses to the environment. Graded requirements are then set for all aspects of landfilling, including public participation. Although the primary focus of this document is landfills, the classification system is also applied to disposal sites other than landfills, including waste storage areas, transfer stations, materials recovery plants, treatment plants, and pre- and post-incineration areas. Graded requirements are also set for these disposal sites. An Integrated Disposal Site Authorisation procedure harmonises the EIA application process and the disposal site permit procedure.

Document 3: Minimum Requirements for Monitoring at Waste Management Facilities, addresses the monitoring of water quality at and around waste disposal facilities.

Other documents in the process of being finalised as part of the Minimum Requirements series include Minimum Requirements for Landfill Auditing, Minimum Requirements for Waste Management Training, and Minimum Requirements for Upgrading Waste Disposal Operations.

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The Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (the Department) first published the Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal by Landfill in September 1994. In 1998, a Second Edition was published to incorporate feedback from workshops held to involve Interested and Affected Parties (IAPs) and other sources. In the Third Edition, the document has been extensively reviewed and extended to incorporate important aspects that were missing from the regulatory and technical framework in the Second Edition. Also, as in the past, experience gained since implementation and recent research have been used to enrich the Minimum Requirements and to address waste disposal in South Africa more extensively in a way that is practical, affordable and implementable.

Requirements addressed and extended in the Third Edition include those for an Integrated Disposal Site Authorisation (IDSA) procedure, public participation, buffer zones, sites other than landfills that are legally defined as disposal sites, waste salvaging1, landfill final height, leachate treatment, liners and covers, air quality control, gas management, and sewage sludge.

The IDSA procedure was developed during the finalisation of the EIA Regulations to be promulgated in terms of Section 24(5) of the National Environmental Management Act (Act 107 of 1998) and the transfer of the disposal site permit function from the Department of Water Affairs to the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. This procedure can therefore only be fully refined after a reasonable period of implementation.

The IDSA presents a single application procedure that harmonises Environmental Authorisations and the disposal site permit procedure (in terms of the Environment Conservation Amendment Act (Act 50 of 2003)). In IDSA, the relevant provincial environmental authority serves as point of entry and authorises both disposal site permits and Environmental Authorisations. This will only apply after the Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism has delegated the power to permit disposal sites to the MECs of the relevant provinces.

This Edition of the Minimum Requirements has been written based on the assumption that all relevant provincial environmental departments have been assigned as Competent Authorities, also for disposal site permit authorisations. The Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism serves as point of entry and as authorising authority in respect of provinces not yet assigned with the disposal site permit authority.

The approach to the climatic water balance has been revised, based on recent research, and certain areas that were classified B- will be classified2 B+. All permit applications for new sites, existing unauthorised sites and amendments will be classified or reclassified according to the new approach. At this stage, authorised sites do not have to be reclassified unless the leachate detection system, which has always been a Minimum Requirement for B- sites, indicates that significant leachate is being produced, see Section 8.4.4.

1 Although the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry and the Department of Environment Affairs and Tourism strongly support waste separation at source for further re-use, recycling and recovery, they recognise that waste salvaging takes place at landfills in South Africa and that it may be the only form of livelihood for local families. The intention in setting requirements for professionalising waste salvaging practices is to control salvaging and protect the dignity and health of salvagers until salvaging is phased out.

When considering the changes in the Third Edition, users should remember that the Minimum Requirements address the rule rather than the exception. The aim is to ensure that the same environmental standards and objectives are applied across South Africa, whilst at the same time not simply applying an indiscriminate, ‘one size fits all’ approach. They therefore address the rule,

2 This applies from the date of publication of the Third Edition.

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iv Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal by Landfill, Third Edition, 2005

while still making provision for defensible deviation where site-specific factors are such that the rule cannot or need not be applied. Such deviation could involve either an increase in standards or a relaxation, and would have to be properly, researched, motivated and recorded, so that it is indeed defensible.

Users should also remember that although the Department fully subscribes to all four components of Integrated Waste Management, i.e., waste minimisation, recycling, treatment and disposal, the primary purpose of this document is to address waste disposal by landfill. The reasons for this are:

• Regardless of how well the first three steps are undertaken, some waste will always have to be disposed of on landfills.

• Historically, many landfills in South Africa have been badly sited, designed and operated. They therefore represent significant point sources of pollution, which require priority control.

• By improving the standards of waste disposal, the cost of landfilling will increase. This will make waste disposal less attractive, which will in turn promote waste minimisation, recycling and treatment.

To enable the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism to manage the waste cycle from generation to disposal and hence promote integrated waste management, the disposal site permit function will be added to their portfolio and transferred from the Department of Water Affairs to the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism in 2005, see Appendix 5.2. The date of transfer will be proclaimed by the President in the Government Gazette. From the date of transfer, disposal site authorisations will be issued by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism in concurrence on the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (the Departments). To this end, the Environmental Conservation Act has been amended to read, “s.20(1) No person may establish, provide or operate a disposal site

without permit issued by the Minister [of Environmental Affairs and Tourism].

The Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism intends to selectively delegate the power to permit the establishment, provision or operation of disposal sites to the provincial environmental Members of the Executive Committee (MECs), in respect of applications made in terms of section 20(1) of the Environmental Conservation Act, 1989 (Act No 73 of 1989) where such applications are subject to environmental authorisation.

The Department of Water Affairs and Forestry will remain responsible for those elements of the disposal site permit function concerned with water quality protection, “s.20(6) The issuing of a waste disposal site permit is subject to - (a) the concurrence of the Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry; and (b) the inclusion therein of the conditions contained in a Record of Decision issued by the Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry regarding any measures that the Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry considers necessary to protect water resources as defined in the National Water Act, 1998 (Act No, 36 of 1998)”.

Throughout this document, the “Competent Authority” (the relevant provincial environmental authority or the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism) refers to the person who makes decisions in respect of applications for environmental authorisations pertaining to approval of authorisations of disposal sites. The Department of Water Affairs and Forestry exercises its legal water resource protection mandate through the Competent Authority for section 20 of the Environmental Conservation Act (Act 73 of 1989) disposal site permit authorisations.

The Department3, in terms of section 22(3) of the National Water Act, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998) may dispense with the requirements for a 21(g) licence for water use if the purpose of this Act is met through the disposal site permit in terms of the

3 Or a responsible authority as defined in this Act.

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Environmental Conservation Act (Act No. 73 of 1989).

Furthermore: “s.20(10) Anything done in terms of this section by the Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry prior to the commencement of the Environmental Conservation Amendment Act, 2003, shall be deemed to have been done by the Minister.”. The transfer of the disposal site permit function from the Department of Water Affairs to the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism will therefore not impact compliance with and the application of the Minimum Requirements set out in the Waste Management Series.

Since 1984, the Minimum Requirements have proved to be both practical and implementable in upgrading waste disposal practices in Southern Africa. The Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal by Landfill has been used as the basis for the Botswana Landfill Guidelines and is frequently used as the standard in Namibia and Swaziland. Furthermore, the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) Working Group on Sanitary Landfills has recognised the Minimum Requirements approach developed in South Africa in their document on landfilling in developing countries.

Comment received on the Minimum Requirements is highly valued and very welcome, as its inclusion has improved and augmented the document.

The Department therefore wishes to thank all those who have contributed to the document in the past and further written comment on the Third Edition is invited.


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vi Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal by Landfill, Third Edition, 2005



The Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal by Landfill forms part of the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry’s Waste Management Series. This series establishes a reference framework of standards for waste management in South Africa. It also facilitates the enforcement of the disposal site authorisation system provided for in terms of Section 20(1) of the Environmental Conservation Act, 1989 (Act 73 of 1989), amended by the Environmental Conservation Amendment Act, 2003 (Act 50 of 2003).

The Amendment Act states that no person shall establish, provide or operate any disposal site without a Permit issued by the Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. The issuing of a disposal site permit is subject to the concurrence of the Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry and the conditions contained in a Record of Decision (RoD) issued by the Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry. This applies to all new, operating sites and sites closed on or after 24 August 1990. Unacceptable impacts of unauthorised sites closed prior to 24 August 1990 could be controlled in terms of Section 19 of the National Water Act, 1998, (Act 36 of 1998) and/or section 28 of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act 107 of 1998).

In this document, the procedures, actions and information which may be required from an applicant when authorising a disposal site or written into the RoD as conditions, are set out in the form of Minimum Requirements. The objective of setting Minimum Requirements is to take pro-active steps to prevent the degradation of water quality and the environment, and to improve the standard of waste disposal in South Africa. To ensure environmental protection that is both practical and affordable, graded requirements are

applied to different classes of disposal site. (See the tables at the end of each section)

The class of a landfill is determined from the waste type, size of operation, and potential for significant leachate generation. The class of other disposal sites such as waste storage areas, transfer stations, materials recovery plants, waste treatment facilities and storage areas at incinerators is also determined from waste type, size of operation and potential for significant leachate generation. In addition, the name of the disposal site is added to the classification, e.g., G:S:B- (Transfer Station).

Where significant leachate is generated, leachate management is mandatory. Where hazardous waste is involved, the most stringent Minimum Requirements are applicable.

There is an important relationship between all aspects of the disposal site development process. Good site selection provides for simple cost-effective design, which, provided the site preparation is correctly carried out, provides for good operation. This, together with adequate buffer zones, ensures environmental acceptability, which often relates directly to public acceptance. Minimum Requirements are therefore set for all technical aspects of disposal site development, operation and closure. They are also set for involving Interested and Affected Parties (IAPs) in determining site feasibility, monitoring, and end-use requirements.

The requirements for public participation are in support of public participation as reflected in the Department of Environmental and Tourism‘s Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (EIAR) proposed under section 24(5) of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act 107 of 1998) as amended and to be

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promulgated in 2005. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), together with other necessary stages in the landfill development process, forms part of the newly developed Integrated Disposal Site Authorisation procedure. This procedure briefly depicts the responsibilities of the Department, of the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, of the relevant provincial environmental authorities, and of the applicants for EIA and disposal site permit authorisations.

The Permit Holder is primarily and ultimately accountable for the disposal site, the health and safety of workers and salvagers on the site, and any impact the site may have on the receiving environment. However, the Permit Holder may appoint a Responsible Person, for example, a consultant or operator, to ensure that the appropriate Minimum Requirements are applied throughout the development, operation and closure of the site. The Responsible Person must be qualified to the satisfaction of the Competent Authority4 and must be capable of understanding and correctly applying the Minimum Requirements.

The accompanying Figure (Landfill Process, see next page), provides an overview of the relationship between all aspects of the landfill process, for a number of different scenarios. It also provides an overview of the disposal site authorisation procedure. From the Figure, it can be seen that the first step in any scenario is to classify the site under consideration, whether it be proposed or existing. Thereafter all applicable Minimum Requirements are based on this classification.

In the case of new sites, site selection procedures eliminate sites with inherent Fatal Flaws, on a site-specific basis. Site selection requires the due consideration of alternatives, in that more than one site must be considered. Site feasibility is then based on both technical suitability and public acceptance.

Site investigation will vary, depending on the site classification. In most instances, however, it will involve a geohydrological investigation, an EIA, air dispersion modelling, determination of final landfill height and the extent of the buffer zone, and the determination of end-use requirements involving the IAPs. Based on this information, a site design, operating plan and monitoring plan will be prepared. The design may be a new site design, an upgrade of an existing design, or closure design. In most cases, however, the basic design parameters, together with the end-use plan, must be addressed.

The results of the investigations and the design, together with certain additional information and the plan of study, must be collated and presented as a Permit Application Report. Based on this, the Competent Authority will finally consider authorising the establishment and/or operation of the disposal site, either for a prolonged period, or with a view to closure.

Once authorisation is granted, new sites will be developed, prepared and commissioned for waste disposal, while existing sites may require upgrading and/or remediation. New sites can only be operated once the Competent Authority has approved the completed construction. Thereafter, the disposal site must be operated and monitored in accordance with the Minimum Requirements applicable to the class of site under consideration.

In the event of closure, the Permit Holder or operator must inform the Competent Authority of the intention to close the facility one year before the event. The end-use requirements are then considered and the closure requirements are determined. Based on this, and on an appropriate investigation, the design is upgraded and a closure report is drawn up. The latter compares the disposal site status with what is required and makes recommendations regarding remediation.

4 The Competent Authority in relation to an environmental authorisation application, is the Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, or the MEC of a

Once the closure report has been accepted and the site has been remediated to the satisfaction of the Competent Authority, the site may close,

specific province, or their delegated officials or organs of state.

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restrictions on the buffer zone may be lifted, and the end-use plan may be implemented. The closed landfill site then continues to be monitored for thirty years after closure. This period may, however, be shortened or extended, at the discretion of the Competent Authority.

Throughout the disposal site development, operation and closure process, a close liaison must

be maintained with the Competent Authority. At certain critical points, written consent must be obtained, before certain steps may be taken. In this way, the Competent Authority will use the Minimum Requirements to enforce disposal site authorisation. A close liaison must also be maintained with IAPs throughout the process, to ensure public acceptance.

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Numbers represent Section numbers in text, where appropriate Minimum Requirements are presented. Landfill Sites without a permit (Any step here may have to be improved if the Permit Application is unsuccessful). Landfill Sites with Permit Involvement of Competent Authority (CA)

Classify Landfill (3)* Classify Proposed Landfill (3)* Classify Landfill (3)*

Determine Landfill Future (4)Identify and Rank Candidate Landfill Sites (4)

Consult CA (4)

Obtain CA Confirmation of Future (4)

Assess Landfill Feasibility (4)

Investigate (6) (7)

Apply for Closure (12) Continue Operation (10)

Obtain CA Confirmation of Feasibility (4)

Determine End-use and Closure Requirements (7)

Investigate (6) (7) Investigate (6) (7) Remedial Design (8)

Investigate (6) (7)

Design (8)

Determine End-use and Closure Requirements (7)

Closure Post Aug.1990 (12) Closure Pre Aug.1990 (12)Closure Design (8) Upgrade Design (8)


Obtain CA Approval (9) Obtain CA Approval (9)

Operate and Monitor Landfill in terms of Minimum Requirements (10) (11)

Apply for Closure (12)

Confirm/Determine End-use Requirements/Upgrade Design (12)

Draw up a Landfill Closure Report (12)

Obtain Written Acceptance from CA (12)

Remediate Landfill (12)

Obtain Letter of Approval from CA (12)

Close Landfill (12)

Monitor Closed Landfill Monitor Water Quality on an Ongoing Basis (13)

Prepare Site (9)Upgrade Site (9)

* G:C and G:S:B- sites can apply to be authorized using the Directions instead of a Permit Application.

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x Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal by Landfill, Third Edition, 2005






LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS........................................................................................................................... xix

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.............................................................................................................................. xxi

Section 1 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS - AN OVERVIEW ....................................................................1

1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................................1 1.2 The Minimum Requirements Programme..........................................................................................1 1.3 Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal by Landfill ..................................................................1 1.4 Some Characteristics of Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal by Landfill ...........................2 1.5 Flexibility of Standards ......................................................................................................................4 1.6 The Enforcement of Minimum Requirements....................................................................................4

1.6.1 Establishment of Competent Authority ................................................................................4 1.6.2 Interaction of the Departments .............................................................................................5 1.6.3 Enforcement of Minimum Requirements for Landfills ........................................................5 1.6.4 Enforcement of Minimum Requirements for Other Disposal Sites ......................................6

1.7 The Permit Holder..............................................................................................................................6 1.8 The Responsible Person .....................................................................................................................7 1.9 Classification of Disposal Sites..........................................................................................................7 1.10 Degree to which a Minimum Requirement must be Executed...........................................................7 1.11 Using this Document..........................................................................................................................8

Section 2 WASTE DISPOSAL BY LANDFILL........................................................................................14

2.1 The Role of Landfill in the Waste Management System ................................................................14 2.2 The Environmental Impact of Landfill.............................................................................................14 2.3 Overview of Environmentally Acceptable Landfilling ....................................................................14

2.3.1 Selecting a landfill site........................................................................................................15 2.3.2 Designing a landfill.............................................................................................................15 2.3.3 Operating a landfill .............................................................................................................16 2.3.4 Closing a landfill.................................................................................................................16 2.3.5 Monitoring a landfill...........................................................................................................16

2.4 Waste Management Facilities other than Landfills ..........................................................................17

Section 3 SITE CLASSIFICATION...........................................................................................................20

3.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................20 3.2 Waste Class ......................................................................................................................................20 3.3 Size of Waste Stream or Operation ..................................................................................................22

3.3.1 General waste sites .............................................................................................................22 3.3.2 Hazardous waste disposal sites ...........................................................................................24

3.4 The Potential for Significant Leachate Generation and the need for Leachate Management ..........24 3.4.1 Determining whether significant leachate will be generated and if leachate management is

required...............................................................................................................................25 3.4.2 Determining the Climatic Water Balance ...........................................................................26 3.4.3 Site-Specific Factors affecting the Site Water Balance classification ................................27 3.4.4 Alternative methods of determining significant leachate generation..................................29

3.5 Application of the Landfill Classification System ...........................................................................29 3.5.1 Landfill classes ...................................................................................................................29

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3.5.2 Examples of landfill classes................................................................................................31 3.5.3 Amendment of site classification........................................................................................31

3.6 Application of the Classification System to Waste Management Facilities other than Landfills ....31

Section 4 SITE SELECTION .....................................................................................................................33

4.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................33 4.2 Initiating the Public Participation Process .......................................................................................34 4.3 Approach to Site Selection...............................................................................................................37 4.4 Elimination of Areas with Inherent Fatal Flaws ..............................................................................37 4.5 Identifying Candidate Sites ..............................................................................................................38

4.5.1 Economic criteria................................................................................................................38 4.5.2 Environmental criteria ........................................................................................................39 4.5.3 Public acceptance criteria ...................................................................................................39 4.5.4 Critical factors ....................................................................................................................40 4.5.5 Procedure ............................................................................................................................40

4.6 Ranking of Candidate Sites ..............................................................................................................40 4.7 The Feasibility Study and Report.....................................................................................................42

4.7.1 Basic information................................................................................................................43 4.7.2 Preliminary Geohydrological Investigation........................................................................43 4.7.3 Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment .................................................................44 4.7.4 Conceptual design and consideration of critical factors .....................................................44 4.7.5 Maps and plans ...................................................................................................................44 4.7.6 Further consultation with Interested and Affected Parties..................................................45 4.7.7 Consideration of unauthorised operating landfills ..............................................................45

Section 5 AUTHORISATION....................................................................................................................52

5.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................52 5.2 Waste Directions ..............................................................................................................................53 5.3 The Permit Application Procedure...................................................................................................57

5.3.1 Definition of disposal site class and initial approach to authorities....................................57 5.3.2 Confirmation of site feasibility ...........................................................................................57 5.3.3 Site visit and directives.......................................................................................................57 5.3.4 Permit application report ....................................................................................................58 5.3.5 Issue of permit ....................................................................................................................59 5.3.6 Appeal.................................................................................................................................59 5.3.7 Site preparation...................................................................................................................60 5.3.8 Operation and control .........................................................................................................60 5.3.9 Salvaging at landfill sites....................................................................................................61 5.3.10 Change of ownership or operator........................................................................................62 5.3.11 Site closure (see Section 12)...............................................................................................62

Section 6 SITE INVESTIGATION ............................................................................................................65

6.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................65 6.1.1 The basic approach to site investigation .............................................................................65 6.1.2 The scope of a site investigation.........................................................................................66

6.2 Physical Geography .........................................................................................................................66 6.2.1 Extent of investigation........................................................................................................66 6.2.2 Topography and surface drainage.......................................................................................66 6.2.3 Infrastructure and man-made features ................................................................................67 6.2.4 Climate................................................................................................................................67 6.2.5 Vegetation...........................................................................................................................67 6.2.6 Existing land uses ...............................................................................................................67

6.3 Sub-surface Features ........................................................................................................................67 6.3.1 Soils ....................................................................................................................................68 6.3.2 Geology ..............................................................................................................................68 6.3.3 Geohydrology .....................................................................................................................69 6.3.4 Miscellaneous sub-surface issues .......................................................................................70

6.4 The Geohydrological Report............................................................................................................71

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6.5 Potential for Landfill Gas and Air Quality Problems.......................................................................71 6.5.1 Landfill Gas ........................................................................................................................71 6.5.2 Air quality...........................................................................................................................72


7.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................76 7.2 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)........................................................................................77 7.3 Response Action Plan ......................................................................................................................80

Section 8 SITE DESIGN ............................................................................................................................86

8.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................86 8.2 Conceptual design ............................................................................................................................87

8.2.1 Confirmation of site classification......................................................................................87 8.2.2 Final landfill height, cover, airspace and site life ...............................................................88 8.2.3 Site layout ...........................................................................................................................90 8.2.4 Preliminary Closure Plan....................................................................................................91 8.2.5 IAP involvement.................................................................................................................91

8.3 Testing of Soils, Construction Materials and Waste ........................................................................92 8.3.1 Soil permeability.................................................................................................................92 8.3.2 Compaction properties........................................................................................................92 8.3.3 Shear strength tests .............................................................................................................92 8.3.4 Geomembrane and geotextile tests .....................................................................................93 8.3.5 Waste tests ..........................................................................................................................93

8.4 Technical Design..............................................................................................................................93 8.4.1 Design of upslope cut-off drain systems and contaminated drainage systems ...................93 8.4.2 Design of the separation between the waste body and the ground water............................94 8.4.3 Design of the lining system ................................................................................................94 8.4.4 Design of leachate collection, leakage detection and leachate treatment system ...............96 8.4.5 Design of hazardous waste lagoons ....................................................................................98 8.4.6 Gas management systems ...................................................................................................99 8.4.7 Design of final cover or capping.......................................................................................100 8.4.8 Stability of slopes .............................................................................................................101

8.5 Erosion from Landfill Surfaces ......................................................................................................101 8.6 Final Landfill Profile......................................................................................................................102

Section 9 SITE PREPARATION AND COMMISSIONING ..................................................................108

9.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................108 9.2 Boundaries .....................................................................................................................................108 9.3 Design Drawings, Specifications and Bills of Quantities ..............................................................109 9.4 Contractor.......................................................................................................................................109 9.5 Quality Control Programme and Supervision ................................................................................109 9.6 Environmental Requirements and Conservation of Natural Resources .........................................110 9.7 Extent of Site Preparation ..............................................................................................................110 9.8 Setting Out .....................................................................................................................................110 9.9 Occupational Health and Safety Act ..............................................................................................110 9.10 Approval of Preparation and Constructed Works ..........................................................................110

Section 10 SITE OPERATION ..................................................................................................................113

10.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................113 10.2 Facilities and Resources required for Operation ............................................................................114

10.2.1 Signposting and road access .............................................................................................114 10.2.2 Controls ............................................................................................................................114 10.2.3 Operating Plan ..................................................................................................................115 10.2.4 Resources..........................................................................................................................116

10.3 Landfill Operation..........................................................................................................................117 10.3.1 Principles of sanitary landfilling.......................................................................................117 10.3.2 Methods of landfilling: General waste.............................................................................118 10.3.3 Methods of landfilling: Hazardous waste ........................................................................120

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10.3.4 Co-disposal .......................................................................................................................122 10.3.5 Disposal of medical wastes...............................................................................................123

10.4 Other Elements of Landfill Operation............................................................................................124 10.4.1 Excavation for cover.........................................................................................................124 10.4.2 Drainage............................................................................................................................124 10.4.3 Management of landfill height and slope gradients ..........................................................125 10.4.4 Control of nuisances .........................................................................................................125 10.4.5 Waste salvaging................................................................................................................126 10.4.6 Leachate management ......................................................................................................127 10.4.7 Gas Management Monitoring and Control .......................................................................127 10.4.8 Progressive remediation of completed areas.....................................................................128 10.4.9 Final cover ........................................................................................................................128

10.5 Public Participation in the Operation .............................................................................................128 10.6 Hazardous Waste Lagoons.............................................................................................................129

Section 11 OPERATION MONITORING .................................................................................................133

11.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................133 11.2 Background ....................................................................................................................................133 11.3 The Required Extent and Frequency of Monitoring ......................................................................134 11.4 Disposal Site Auditing ...................................................................................................................134 11.5 Other Monitoring ...........................................................................................................................135

11.5.1 Gate or weighbridge recording procedures.......................................................................135 11.5.2 Volume, height and slope surveys ....................................................................................136 11.5.3 Collection and processing of other data............................................................................136 11.5.4 Leachate and water quality monitoring (see Section 13)..................................................137 11.5.5 Gas monitoring .................................................................................................................137 11.5.6 Air quality monitoring ......................................................................................................138 11.5.7 Monitoring of landfill stability .........................................................................................139 11.5.8 Monitoring of remediated areas (see Section 12.8) ..........................................................139 11.5.9 Health of workers .............................................................................................................139

Section 12 REMEDIATION, CLOSURE AND END-USE.......................................................................142

12.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................142 12.2 Determination of End-use Requirements .......................................................................................145 12.3 Investigation of the Landfill to Determine Closure Requirements.................................................145 12.4 Closure Design...............................................................................................................................146 12.5 Closure Report ...............................................................................................................................146 12.6 Written Acceptance........................................................................................................................146 12.7 Remediation of Landfill .................................................................................................................146 12.8 Closure and Implementation of the End-use Plan ..........................................................................147 12.9 Ongoing Inspections and Maintenance of the Landfill ..................................................................147 12.10 Ongoing Monitoring and Public Participation ...............................................................................148

Section 13 WATER QUALITY MONITORING.......................................................................................152

13.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................152 13.2 Pre-Operation Monitoring..............................................................................................................152

13.2.1 Surface water monitoring system .....................................................................................153 13.2.2 Ground water monitoring system .....................................................................................153 13.2.3 Leachate monitoring system .............................................................................................153 13.2.4 Parameters ........................................................................................................................153 13.2.5 Sampling...........................................................................................................................153 13.2.6 Reporting ..........................................................................................................................154

13.3 Operation Monitoring.....................................................................................................................154 13.3.1 Detection monitoring ........................................................................................................154 13.3.2 Investigative monitoring...................................................................................................154 13.3.3 Leachate............................................................................................................................154 13.3.4 Reporting ..........................................................................................................................155

13.4 Post-closure Monitoring.................................................................................................................155

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xiv Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal by Landfill, Third Edition, 2005

13.5 Public Participation ........................................................................................................................155

LIST OF APPENDICES...................................................................................................................................159

Appendix 3.1 METHOD FOR CALCULATING MAXIMUM RATE OF DEPOSITION (MRD) AT A LANDFILL SITE (Section 3)..................................................................................................161


Appendix 3.3 EXAMPLES OF LANDFILL CLASSES (Section 3)..............................................................164

Appendix 3.4 DETAILED SITE WATER BALANCE AND EXAMPLES OF CALCULATIONS OF THE CLIMATIC WATER BALANCE (Section 3)..........................................................................168

Appendix 4.1 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Section 4) ...................................................................................176

Appendix 4.2 AQUIFER CLASSIFICATION (Section 4)..............................................................................191

Appendix 4.3 BUFFER ZONES (Section 4) ...................................................................................................193


Appendix 5.2 INTEGRATED DISPOSAL SITE AUTHORISATION PROCEDURE (Section 5) ...............211

Appendix 6 NOTES ON EXPLORATION BOREHOLES (Section 6) ..........................................................222


Appendix 8.1 CALCULATING LANDFILL SITE LIFE (Section 8).............................................................228

Appendix 8.2 DESIGN OF THE LINING SYSTEM (Section 8) ...................................................................235


Appendix 8.4 DESIGN OF THE FINAL COVER OR CAPPING SYSTEM (Section 8) ..............................245

Appendix 8.5 PERMEABILITY TESTS (Section 8) .....................................................................................247

Appendix 8.6 SLOPE STABILITY AND SHEAR STRENGTH TESTING (Section 8)................................249

Appendix 8.7 DETERMINATION OF LANDFILL HEIGHT (Section 8) .....................................................252

Appendix 8.8 LEACHATE TREATMENT SYSTEMS (Section 8.4.4) .........................................................260

Appendix 8.9 CHECKLIST OF LANDFILL DESIGN AND OPERATING CONSIDERATIONS (Sections 8 and 10) ......................................................................................................................................265

Appendix 10.1 WASTE BURNING (Section 10) ...........................................................................................267

Appendix 10.2 WASTE SALVAGING (Section 10) ......................................................................................269

Appendix 10.3 LANDFILL GAS (Section 10)................................................................................................280

Appendix 11.1 DISPOSAL SITE MONITORING COMMITTEE (Section 11)............................................297

Appendix 11.2 AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING (Section 11).................................300

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GLOSSARY ..........................................................................................................................................304

REFERENCES ..........................................................................................................................................317

RECOMMENDED READING ........................................................................................................................319

INDEX ..........................................................................................................................................320

NOTES ..........................................................................................................................................321

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TABLE 1 Minimum Requirements: The Typical Table Format ..................................................................9

TABLE 3 Disposal Site Size Classes .........................................................................................................24

TABLE 4 Minimum Requirements for Site Selection................................................................................49

TABLE 5 Minimum Requirements for Authorisation................................................................................63

TABLE 6 Minimum Requirements for Site Investigation..........................................................................73

TABLE 7 Minimum Requirements for Assessment & Mitigation of Environmental Impacts .................85

TABLE 8 Minimum Requirements for Disposal Site Design ..................................................................102

TABLE 8.1 Minimum Requirements for Liner Components.....................................................................105

TABLE 8.2 Minimum Requirements for Capping Components ................................................................107

TABLE 9 Minimum Requirements for Site Preparation & Commissioning............................................112

TABLE 10 Minimum Requirements for Landfill Operation......................................................................130

TABLE 11 Minimum Requirements for Landfill Operation Monitoring...................................................140

TABLE 12 Minimum Requirements for Remediation, Closure and End-use ............................................149

TABLE 13 Minimum Requirements for Water Quality Monitoring..........................................................156

TABLE 13.1 Suggested Parameters for Background and Investigative Monitoring.....................................158

TABLE 13.2 Suggested Parameters for Detection Monitoring .....................................................................158

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FIGURE 1 Applying the Minimum Requirements to the Development of a New Landfill..........................10

FIGURE 2 Applying the Minimum Requirements to Non-Authorised/Concept Permitted Operating Landfills......................................................................................................................................11

FIGURE 3 Overview of the Integrated Disposal Site Authorisation (IDSA) Procedure ..............................12

FIGURE 4 The Role of Landfill in the Waste Management System ...........................................................18

FIGURE 5 The relationship between Climatic Water Balance and Site Water Balance ......................... 3-25

FIGURE 6 Method of Determining Sign (+ or -) of B.................................................................................27

FIGURE 7 Landfill Classification System............................................................................................... 3-29

FIGURE 8 IDSA Procedure Phase 1 – Need, Classification, Application and Screening..........................32

FIGURE 9 Determining the Feasibility of a Candidate Landfill Site ..........................................................35

FIGURE 10 IDSA Procedure Phase 2 – Scoping Report...............................................................................36

FIGURE 11 Example Candidate Disposal Site Ranking Matrix....................................................................41

FIGURE 12 IDSA Procedure Phase 3 – Feasibility Assessment ...................................................................47

FIGURE 13 Applying the Landfill Authorisation Procedure to Different Situations ....................................55

FIGURE 14 IDSA Procedure Phase 4 – Permit and EA Application Procedure ...........................................56

FIGURE 15 Environmental Impact Matrix....................................................................................................79

FIGURE 16 Environmental Consequences of Failure: Air Flow...................................................................81

FIGURE 17 Environmental Consequences of Failure: Surface Water Flow .................................................82

FIGURE 18 Environmental Consequences of Failure: Ground Water Flow .................................................83

FIGURE 19 Environmental Consequences of Failure: Natural or Artificial Voids.......................................84

FIGURE 20 IDSA Procedure Phase 5 – Prepare, Operate and Close ..........................................................111

FIGURE 21 Applying the Minimum Requirements to the Closure of Landfills .........................................144

FIGURE A.3.2 Principle of Determining Climatic Water Balance ..........................................................162

FIGURE A.3.4 Estimating Whether or Not Leachate will be Produced...................................................171

Figure A.5.1 Overview of Integrated Disposal Site Authorisation Procedure ...............................................218

FIGURE A.8.1 Liners: G:S:B- Landfills...................................................................................................237

FIGURE A.8.2 Liners: G:M:B- Landfills .................................................................................................237

FIGURE A.8.3 Liners: G:L:B- Landfills ..................................................................................................237

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FIGURE A.8.4 Liners: G:S:B+ Landfills ..................................................................................................238

FIGURE A.8.5 Liners: G:M:B+ and G:L:B+ Landfills............................................................................238

FIGURE A.8.6 Liners: H:h Landfills........................................................................................................239

FIGURE A.8.7 Liners: H:H Landfills and Encapsulation Cells ...............................................................240

FIGURE A.8.8 Hazardous Waste Lagoons...............................................................................................241

FIGURE A.8.9 Typical leachate collection system ..................................................................................242

FIGURE A.8.10 Suggested Method of Installing Piezometer Tube ...........................................................244

FIGURE A.8.11 Cover: G:C and G:S:B- Landfills .....................................................................................246

FIGURE A.8.12 Cover: G:S:B+ , G:M:B- and G:L:B- Landfills................................................................246

FIGURE A.8.13 Cover: G:M:B+ , G:L:B+ and Hazardous Landfills (and all sites with inadequate bottom liners) ........................................................................................................................................246

FIGURE A.8.14 Chart for Preliminary Slope Stability Assessment...........................................................249

Figure A.10.1 Initial simple estimate of gas generation .................................................................................295

Figure A.10.2: First Order Kinetics Model for Estimating Gas Generation in Landfills.................................296

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B- Water deficit climate, resulting in only sporadic leachate generation

B+ Water surplus climate, resulting in significant leachate generation

BATNEEC Best Available Technology Not Entailing Excessive Cost

BPEO Best Practicable Environmental Option

C Communal Landfill

CA Competent Authority

CBO Community Based Organisation

CQA Construction Quality Assurance

CQC Construction Quality Control

CR Co-disposal Ratio

DANCED Danish Co-operation for Environment and Development

DEAT Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism

DOH Department of Health

DWAF Department of Water Affairs and Forestry

ECA Environmental Conservation Act, 1989 (Act 73 of 1989)

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

EIAR Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations

FML Flexible Membrane Liner

G General Waste or Landfill for General Waste

GCL Geomembrane Clay Liner

H Hazardous Waste or Landfill for Hazardous Waste

H:h Hazardous Waste Landfill that can receive wastes with hazard ratings of 3 and 4

H:H Hazardous Waste Landfill that can receive wastes with hazard ratings of 1 and 2

HELP Hydrological Evaluation of Landfill Performance

IAP Interest and Affected Parties

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xx Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal by Landfill, Third Edition, 2005

IDSA Integrated Disposal Site Authorisation

IEM Integrated Environmental Management

IRD Initial Rate of Deposition

L Large Landfills

LDO Land Development Objective

LEL Lower Explosive Limit

M Medium Landfill

MRD Maximum Rate of Deposition

m/s Metre per Second

NGO Non Governmental Organisation

PI Plasticity Index

RBDM Risk-Based Decision Making

RoD Record of Decision

S Small Landfill

STP Standard Temperature and Pressure

VOC Volatile Organic Carbon

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Project Team Members L. Bredenhann Department of Water Affairs and Forestry J. Ball Jarrod Ball & Associates cc (First and Second Editions) R. de Jager Romy van Jaarsveld Consultants cc (Third Edition) G. Blight University of the Witwatersrand K. Langmore Jarrod Ball & Associates cc B.L. Wiid Consulting Engineering Geologist (First Edition) The Project Team wishes to acknowledge the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry for making this project possible. All contributors are gratefully acknowledged for their consistent support and technical input, received since the inception of the project. Kristien De Witte is also to be thanked for producing the first and second editions of this document. Specialist Consultants (Third Edition) J. Ball Jarrod Ball & Associates cc (Salvaging) G. Blight University of the Witwatersrand (Water balance, shear stability and liner systems) P. Dacomb PlanPractice Townplanners (Buffer zones) R. de Jager Romy van Jaarsveld Consultants cc (Public participation) A. Fourie University of the Witwatersrand (Co-disposal sewage sludge) I. Jameson PlanPractice Townplanners (Buffer zones) P. Legg Jarrod Ball & Associates cc (Quality control over landfill design materials and

design of liners and covers) J. Lombard Icando (Landfill gas management) R. Lombard Icando (Landfill gas management) R. Nortje Jarrod Ball & Associates cc (Final landfill height and Minimum Requirements for

storage areas, transfer stations and waste treatment plants) M. Saner Margot Saner and Associates (Air dispersion modelling) J. Skews Ardeer Engineering (Leachate management) F. Wimberley Zitholele Consulting (Integration of legal mandates) J. Wates Zitholele Consulting (Integration of legal mandates) Steering Committee Members Mr L. Bredenhann1 Department of Water Affairs & Forestry (Chairman/Project Leader) Mr J. Ball1 Jarrod Ball & Associates cc (Co-ordinating Consultant 1st and 2nd Editions) Ms R. de Jager5 Romy van Jaarsveld Consultants cc (Departmental Project Co-ordinator 3rd Edition) Mr T. Aab4 Department of Water Affairs & Forestry Dr H.A. Abbott2 Department of Water Affairs & Forestry Mr G. Batchelor5 Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment: Mpumalanga Dr D. Baldwin1 Environmental and Chemical Consultants Ms S. Barkhuizen4 Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism - Free State Ms D. Borg4 National Waste Management Strategy (Observer) Mr A. Botha3 Association of Regional Services Councils (ARSC) Mr J. Botha4 Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism: Northern Province Ms C. Bosman4 Department of Water Affairs & Forestry: Head Office Mr D. Brink4 SAICE/Jones & Wagner Ms J. Clarke5 Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) Mr P. Davies1 Institute of Waste Management/ Geosynthetics Interest Group of South Africa Ms D. Dold5 Wildlife and Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA) Mr F. Druyts4 Department of Water Affairs & Forestry: Head Office Mr G. du Plessis3 Municipal Executive of SA Mr L. Eichstädt2 Western Cape Region, Department of Water Affairs & Forestry Dr T. Fasheun5 Department of Agriculture and Environment: KwaZulu-Natal Ms D. Fischer1 Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Environment Mr P. Fourie3 Department of Mineral & Energy Affairs

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Dr O. Fourie1 Ockie Fourie Toxicologists Mrs L. Garlipp3 Department of Water Affairs & Forestry: Law Administration Mr M. Ginster5 Business Unity South Africa/Chemical and Allied Industries’ Association Mr L. Gravelet-Blondin5 Department of Water Affairs and Forestry: KwaZulu-Natal Region Mr E. Grond2 Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism Mr E. Hanekom5 Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning: Western Cape Mr M.L. Hawke4 South African Chamber of Business Prof F. Hodgson1 Institute of Groundwater Studies Mr G. Hoon5 Department of Water Affairs and Forestry: Free State Region Mr I. Hopewell2 Institute of Waste Management Mr W. Johannes5 South African Institute of Civil Engineering (SAICE) Mr C.S.W. Joubert2 Department of Water Affairs & Forestry: Natal Region Ms C. Kay5 Wildlife and Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA) Mr M. Keet3 Department of Water Affairs & Forestry: Highveld Region Dr T.S. Kok2 Department of Water Affairs & Forestry: Head Office Mr K. Legge1 Department of Water Affairs & Forestry: Civil Design Mr G. Le Roux1 Department of Water Affairs & Forestry: Head Office Mr M. Levin Africon Mr A.B. Lucas2 Department of Water Affairs & Forestry: Eastern Cape Region Mr P. Magane5 Chemical, Energy, Paper, Printing, Wood and Allied Workers’ Union Mr T. Mahola4 Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism: Free State Mr T. Mphahlele4 Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism Mr M. Marler1 Development Bank of Southern Africa Ms M. Matsipa5 Department of Agriculture, Land Reform, Environment and Conservation: N. Cape Ms N. Mdi5 Department of Tourism, Environment and Economic Affairs: Free State Mr R. Moatshe 5 Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Mr Z. Mokhine5 Earthlife Africa/iLima Mr D. Mofokeng1 Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism: Free State Mr T. Moremi5 Department of Agriculture, Conservation, Environmental and Tourism: N.W. Province Ms W. Moolman4 Department of Water Affairs & Forestry Ms R. Munnik4 Department of Water Affairs & Forestry: Gauteng Mr A. Mzamo4 Department of Water Affairs & Forestry Mr H. Naude Department of Minerals and Energy Mr H. Neetling4 Pretoria Metropolitan Council Mr J. Nel5 Department of Water Affairs and Forestry: National Office Ms L. Nielson4 National Waste Management Strategy (Observer) Ms G. Nosilela-Twala4 Department of Water Affairs & Forestry Mr P. Novella1 Cape Metropolitan Council / IWM Landfill Interest Group Mr B. Oelofse4 Department of Water Affairs & Forestry: Northern Province Mr J. Parkin4 SA Local Government Association (SALGA) / Durban Solid Waste Mr A. Parsons5 Chamber of Mines of South Africa Mr R. Parsons3 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Mr T. Pather4 Department of Water Affairs & Forestry: Gauteng Mr T. Pule4 Department of Health Mr C. Ratnam5 Department of Local Government and Housing: North West Province Mr R. Rimmer 3 Institute for Waste Management Mr A.G. Reynders3 Water Research Commission Mr J. Singh 3 Development Bank Mr S. Sokupa5 Department of Economic Affairs, Environmental and Tourism: Eastern Cape Mr D. Steyn3 Department of Water Affairs & Forestry: Transvaal Region Mr D. Steyn5 Ferro Alloy Producers Association (FAPA) Ms A. van der Merwe5 Department of Water Affairs and Forestry: Mpumalanga Region Dr J. van der Merwe2 Department of Water Affairs & Forestry: Free State Region Mr J. Streit 4 Department of Water Affairs & Forestry: Northern Cape Mr C. Theron4 Gauteng Province Metropolitan Council Mr B. Tladi4 Parks Board Environmental Affairs Mr J. Toudal4 National Waste Management Strategy (Observer)

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Mr H. van Tonder3 ESKOM Mr F. S. Vivier3 Department of National Health & Population Development (DNHPD) Dr H. Wiechers4 Wiechers Environmental Consultancy cc Ms Z. Zincume5 Department of Health Legend: 1 Member of Steering Committee, First, Second and Third Editions 2 Member of Steering Committee, First and Second Editions 3 Member of Steering Committee, First Edition only 4 Member of Steering Committee, Second Edition only 5 Member of Steering Committee, Third Edition only

Representatives of the following organisations were also invited to form part of the Second Edition Steering Committee. However, they were unable to participate or decided rather to participate on a strategic level through the project steering committee of the National Waste Management Strategy of South Africa:

Chamber of Mines Chemical and Allied Industries Association (CAIA) COSATU Environmental Justice Networking Forum (EJNF) / Earth Life Africa (ELA) Parks Board Environmental Affairs Regional Departmental Representatives South African National Civics Organisation (SANCO)

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