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MINIMAXThe Student Association at the Stockholm School of Economics

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MINIMAX is the o!cial SASSE magazine. MINIMAX is religiously and politically independent. Opinions uttered in MINIMAX do not neccessarily represent the opinions of the editorial sta" or the student association. The magazine is published four times a year in approximately #$%% copies. MINIMAX is liberated from VAT and sorts under the Media Committee in SASSE. The editorial sta" may edit and reject sent in material. MINIMAX is not responsible for sent in material.

EDITOR IN CHIEF AND LEGALLY RESPONSIVE PUBLISHERJimmy Hallberg [email protected] EDITOR IN CHIEFJohanna Nyman [email protected]

HEAD OF LAY OUTMonika Ocieczek [email protected]

HEAD OF ADVERTISINGEmma Klintbo [email protected]

HEAD OF QUALITYMonika Ocieczek [email protected]

TREASURERCatharina Adamsson [email protected]

VISITING ADRESSSaltmätargatan 13-17

PHONE NUMBER 08 - 506 929 24

E!MAIL [email protected]


THE FRONT PAGEOn the cover: Lennart Bogren & Peter FridlundBild: Julia AppelgrenLay out: Monnika Ocieczek

CONTRIBUTORS Antonia Josefsson [email protected] Lönnström 22047@ live.hhs.seCaroline Eriksson 22043@ Elisabet Ålander 21797@ live.hhs.seEmma Maria Johansson [email protected] Ahl [email protected] Appelgren [email protected] Kull [email protected] Fredelius [email protected] Evrenos [email protected] Belfrage [email protected] Eriksson 21932@ live.hhs.seNipasi Siddique [email protected]är Holmbäck [email protected] Lindgren 22049@ live.hhs.seYingying Chang [email protected]

PRINTING HOUSETrydells Tryckeri AB

42009ÅRGÅNG 50


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06 Editorial

08 KO speakin´

09 A word from the Principal

11 The London week

14 The Janitors16 Is lunch just for wimps?

17 The Board against the wall22 Christmas present proposals

24 It’s Christmas time!

27 Christmas rhymes

28 Halva Handels

30 Nippan tipsar


33 The Yacht week

37 The committees

46 Dr. Kull

49 Handelsdagarna



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With the SASSE election behind us, we congratulate the new board and all the others who got elected to vari-ous posts. This election rally reminds us of our own candidacy for Minimax last year. With very little experience of SASSE we chose to candidate for the post as Editors in Chief for Minimax. After reading our election pork, which we know is shamefully bad, we saw that our visions before we got elected were not so bad. The road is long but we think that we so far have fulfilled most of our promises, even the one with more nudity.

Do you know who the hidden heroes of SSE are? If not, look again at our front page and read more about Len-nart and Peter on page 14.

As you will notice when reading a bit further in the magazine, the majority of the content is written in English. Our goal that the entire magazine will be in English when we produce our last edi-tion is not far away and we hope that our non-Swedish speaking students at SSE will learn to enjoy our fabulous magazine.

In this edition we have a little bit of a Christmas theme. Do you have trouble with the rhymes for the presents you have bought? Or do you need help with recopies for Christmas candy and “lusse buns”? Minimax will guide you through the Christmas jungle!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

And remember our little competition. The person who can take a photo of this edition of Minimax at the strang-est place or in the most bizarre situa-tion will win a fine price!

Jimmy & Johanna

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21679, you have just been elected President 2010/2011. Congratulations!

For one year you will have the ultimate responsibility for an organization with a turnover of 16 MSEK where 80% of your work doesn’t even include mon-ey. You must lead a board consisting of ten intelligent, high-performing and completely different individuals who with minimal or no compensation will work day and night for something that you are passionate about. Guaranteed the hardest task you have ever had but also the best leadership training you will ever get. Sometimes it will feel lonely, so get used to it.

You see 21679, everything you see ex-ists together in a delicate balance. As President, you need to understand that balance, and respect all the creatures,

from the crawling Småtting to the leaping PhD. The coffee with the jani-tors tastes as good as with the Board of Directors, they talk about different matters but they are both equally im-portant to you in your new role.

You have to learn to live with the pres-sure from the Board and the students, but above all you must learn to live with the pressure from yourself. The pressure based in the fear of making mistakes and to be remembered as the one that did nothing and failed every-thing. Everything you do will forever be what you did. But don’t you worry. By your side, wherever you turn, you will find some of Sweden’s most powerful people and leading experts in various fields. Ready to assist you in all the dif-ficult questions of life.

March 1 2010 is getting closer and you need to be prepared. I will give you brushes and paint, flutes, trum-pets, and my keys. Soil and seeds and a shovel, ink and paper and a sandwich from Sivans. I will tell you fairy tales and myths in the darkness of the Kulvert. I will tell you all the secrets. I will show you the sun and trees and water, Lars Bergman’s office and all the passion and glory of our history. And when it’s time for me to leave I will hand you SASSE.

Make sure 2010/2011 becomes a hell of a year!21176President

KO speakin’

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“Welcome” is the word of the day. Welcome to the next 100 years of the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE). Welcome (soon) to our new indoor plaza - the new meeting place for SSE’s students, faculty and administra-tive staff. And welcome to all the new Bachelor and Master students. In con-trast to previous years in the history of the school, these new students come from a number of different countries throughout the world. Thus the number of nationalities in the student body has increased from four to 24. Indeed the internationalization of SSE has taken a major step forward!

It should not be a great surprise that Christmas time is here. Yet it is a sur-prise, at least in the sense that the fall semester has passed so fast. Of course time does not run faster now than be-fore. But the fall, and the whole 2009, has been extremely busy. Let alone in an organized, scheduled and antici-pated way.

For me fall semesters have several re-current events. In late august I have the pleasure of meeting all the new students. The new feature this year was all the international students enrolled into SSE`s new Masters program. In early September the “meeting season” begins, with scheduled meetings with the SSE´s Board of Directors, the Board of Professors, the Management Com-mittee and several other committees and ad hoc groups. This goes on until the week before Christmas. From time to time I also have the honor to open conferences and seminars organized by SSE students or faculty.

When the November darkness comes it is time for the annual Partner Meet-ing, where the CEO:s and/or Chairper-sons of SSE:s more than 100 Corporate Partners gather at SSE to learn about our research and education. After the Partner Meeting it is soon time for De-cember 12 and the traditional Nobel seminar at SSE, this year with laureates

Elinor Ostrom and Oliver Williamson. The semester ends with a trip to St Pe-tersburg and the annual graduation ceremony at our daughter school SSE Russia.

While all these activities differ in many respects, including the doses of pleas-ure and pain, the common feature is meetings with different people. Many of them are faculty, administrative staff or students at SSE, but many more come from other Swedish or inter-national organizations. If I reflect for a while about all the meetings with “outsiders”, it is very clear that SSE has become a first rate meeting place. A meeting place for academics, business leaders, politicians, representatives of international organizations, alumni and students. And that is exactly what a leading business school should be: Not an isolated ivory tower, but a lively, multifaceted meeting place!

A word from the Principal

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The London weekText: Maria Belfrage Photo: Maria Belfrage & Julia Appelgren

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Starting off my second year at SSE, I instant-ly had to take a stand in THE One Question - applying to IBD summer internships in London. Or not. With traces of an actual tan still remaining, the summer of 2010 felt very distant, but having experienced how weeks at SSE rush by before, I realized that I needed to make an active choice about the phenomenon M&A as soon as possible. And since I was well drilled in Marketing I, I decided to start off by gathering informa-tion.

As far as my knowledge of Investment Banking went I was kind of a rookie. With Patrick Bateman and “American Psycho” as my only source of information I had a rath-er twisted idea of what a banker really does. Being slightly doubtful about the reliability of that information, I decided to enlighten myself further before determining upon whether or not I’m the banking type. The London Investment Banking Week offered a great opportunity for such self-examina-tion. So I went to London.

London Investment Banking Week’s main purpose (besides self-recreation) is to pro-vide SSE students with an insight in the banking industry as well as with helpful tips and contacts when they continue on to apply for internships. Thirty students visited eight investment banks and got to knock themselves out with LBO’s and IPO’s during five days. This year the week was or-ganized in an excellent manner by Anders Nyman and Nikolay Bogdanov together with the project leaders of London Career Week; Johanna Lannvik, Therese Bernhager, Oscar Karlsson.

The first day I felt really uncomfortable, wearing an itchy shirt, a far too proper suit and standing on the 31st floor looking out from a window the size of my whole apart-ment. Impressed I tapped my foot against the marble floor, let my fingers slide along the wooden panel, took a sip of the (prob-ably incredible expensive) juice and over-looked the whole city of London, wonder-ing how the hell I ended up here. I could easily get used to working in this palace, I thought, maybe banking really was my cup of tea (note; English joke) A quick look around revealed that my fellow students were equally impressed. If you looked close enough you would probably have seen the dollar signs in our eyes.

“LBO” the first banker I ever met said and searched my face for any kind of recogni-tion. “Aha!” I said without a single clue. “So, IBD or Global markets?” he continued on tor-turing me. “Uhmm..” I said intelligently, trying desperately to figure out a neutral response that wouldn’t give away my lack of knowledge.

The week continued on in an incredibly hectic, dress-coded, entertaining and ex-tremely useful way. We were taught new things every day, got to meet people with-in different divisions, got to ask all of our questions (yes, on some rare occasions they do compare business cards) and got more and more comfortable in our business suits and high heels.

We got to see the trading floors where peo-ple sat watching their eight screens with maximum amount of concentration. We were shown the huge supply of inhouse restaurants, their well-equipped gym and the door to their “health-area” which in-cluded both dentist and more regular doc-tors. We got to see the highly secured en-tering area, the high-tech elevators (which kind of made you travelsick), the dryclean-ers, the top floors and their views. (Här kan man dra ner om det behövs..gör det dock gärna själv I första hand.)“LBO” the last banker said. “Yeah, yeah!” I said wanting him to come up with some new mystery banking term I yet hadn’t heard of. “Sales?” he continued. “Definitely not! But I might be interested in commodi-ties research,” I said, sounding as if I knew what I was saying.

The days were very long and when we fin-ished off we often found ourselves stand-ing somewhere in London, absolutely rabid with hunger. The girls changed their high heels in favor of flats, the guys loosened up their ties and took off their fake glass-es (no names but he starts with an E and ends with yass) and in a blink of an eye we were ourselves again. Not pretending to be know-it-alls and destined to be bankers, just a bunch of kids (yes, we are!) looking a bit ridiculous in suits, trying to figure out where the closest underground station, or KFC, was situated.

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As always, within any SASSE project, I had a tremendous lot of fun during the week and in our few hours of spare time we did the usual tourist stuff; raided Primark, went to a musical and visited some totally unhy-gienic English pubs.

So, to the really big questions – Do all bank-ers look like Patrick Batemen? The answer is yes they did. A bit. At first. When I was easily intimidated and felt very small and stupid. Not at all at the end of the day when we had established a common interest over a glass of wine. I was actually very surprised to meet such down to earth and nice peo-ple.

And the other big Q, was I soon to become a shooting star within the IBD sector? Tricky. It took me quite some time to figure that one out.

Even though I definitely found the type of work intriguing and challenging, I had a hard time getting over the fact that the in-dustry is so highly paced that almost every-one drops out after a year or two. I may be romantic and naïve but I still like the idea of getting home from work and having time to cook myself a dinner, go to the grocery store, empty the dishwasher while calling my mum and (on some rare occasions) go for a work out. Being able to (let’s go crazy) take Christmas off. And by off I mean turning off my mobile, not touching the blackberry and definitely not “just swing by the office”. I enjoy working under stress and have no problem with long, hectic days. But when it becomes every day, seventeen hours a day and you try to make it sound totally normal by saying that “you adapt to only four hours of sleep” – there is something wrong. And since I’m a total bitch even when slightly sleep deprived I believe that IBD would be fatal for my social life and wellbeing. I recently had a most illuminating epiphany along the lines that there might be more to life than work and money (this is where you write me off as a lunatic and throw the whole magazine in the trash). Once that thought popped up in my head it has been very hard to get rid of. So, no, I am not go-ing for a career in banking. There are some people that are determined to earn the equivalent of a Ferrarri each month. Be-cause their dad did it, their brother does it or they just love Ferarris – I get it. However, whatever your predilections I would like to encourage those of you who yet don’t know to find out for yourselves. I am very glad I went to London because now I feel well-informed and can make a good career decision – for me. Which probably will re-sult in me driving a Skoda. But that’s ok, be-cause I chose it.

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The Janitors

Relationship Status: In a relationship with co"eeTheir coffee schedule at Siv’s indicates three planned cups of cof-fee each day. Besides these planned cups there are an unknown number of spontaneous visits when the caffeine need is to strong. Some days they get accompanied by Daniel Dudek.

Personal info Lennart is 59 years old and his committee of choice is the Entertainment Committee. Peter had to think for a while before he realized that he is 31 years old. If Peter could chose which committee he would join it would be the IT Committee.

Have you ever thought about what makes SASSE works like a well oiled machinery?Is it…

a) The SA board?b) The student’s council?c) The SA secretary?d) None of the above

The correct answer is d). Since 2003 and 2004, Lennart Bogren and Peter Fridlund have been the everyday heroes who always see to that the events arranged by the students association and taken place in the school do not end up in a catastrophe. Who are you gonna call when a door is locked? Who are you going to call when you don’t know where to put your “spons”? Who are you going to call when everything in the great hall is a disaster two hours before

the next “sittning”? You get the picture!

Text: Johanna Nyman & Jimmy Hallberg Photo: Julia Appelgren

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The best party everIt actually took place this year, the 21st of Janu-ary, which was the kick-off for the jubilee year attended by all the teachers. They got to dance all night long in the Rotunda, without any dis-turbance from the students.

The worst party everSome years ago at the Hwett and Etiquette banquette, they “forgot” to clean up some rather nasty body fluids at the toilettes which the fancy attendants at the following day’s event discovered.

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Although last year was heavily dominated by the most severe financial and economic crisis in decades, I still believe that many students at Sveavägen no 65 – as well as elsewhere – are still admiring Gordon Gekko and his ruthlessly harsh attitude to-wards life. At least I saw a poster with his famous Teldar Paper address in Börsrum-met when I was there the other day. And as far as I know, we will all soon have the profound privilege of following Mr Gekko’s arch capitalistic adventures in Wall Street 2.

Three years have passed since I first walked up the stairs, shook hands with then Presi-dent of SASSE Martin Stensen and his pris-tinely dressed up board and went through the giant oak door. Three years! It is utterly upsetting how fast time elapses. Be that as it may, however. One cannot do too much about it. But three years of intense studies, socializing and working together with oth-er SSE students also brings experience and, I would say, some insight. So please forgive my somewhat paternalistic and perhaps

even presumptuous approach, but I would like to address those of you who have just begun the tremendous academic journey that each and every one of us who have once been a “Småtting” or “Småtta” has em-barked. You see, I think I have some “insight” that I would like to share with you.

A quite normal first impression when one first comes to SSE is the overwhelming chock of the aggregated quantity of ambi-tion, knowledge and cleverness among the first year students. Most of us are used to belong to the absolute top tier at previous upper secondary schools and perhaps even being the best pupil. Coming to an institu-tion like Sveavägen no 65 might therefore pose something of a wake-up call to many of us: there are people who are actually as good as, and even better than I am. People who did not just graduate with 20.0 – that is natural these days – but who also speak five different languages fluently, have lived in ten different countries, have travelled the world, gone through the military school of interpreters and, slightly by the way, won a gold medal in a national sports champion-ship. And of course he or she is not older than 19, perhaps 20 but never more than that. Do you recognise this? If so, I can tell you that you’re not alone. Fundamentally this is a sound experi-ence. It triggers people to achieve in line with and above their full ability and hope-fully stimulates a spirit where one thinks that everything is possible, cheesy as it may sound. I was inspired by people who did everything from scoring 90 and above (probably an A for you youngsters) at Pro-fessor Friberg’s microeconomics exam to being Swedish champions in squash or ori-enteering at the time. But there is another side of all this. A side that is not entirely positive and that has affected all of us I dare say, although few would admit it. People la-bel it “Handelshets” and I think this Swed-ish expression captures the essence of it all quite well (but I am sure it goes for other elite universities as well). But is it true? Do these Übermenschen really exist? Those who manage to do everything all the time and still have time for two relationships and one lover? To some extent they probably

do, but I am convinced that the Übermen-sch is also much of a phantom. It is easy to notice the best thing with different people and then project them into one single AAA student (and by that I do not mean AAA in the AIG or Lehman Brothers sense). So what should one do? Just don’t care and chill out, comfortably acknowledging that all people have their intellectual flaws? Not by any means. SSE is not a place for lazy people without ambition.

As my off-cycle internship was com-ing to an end this autumn and I had one month before the December exams, a curi-ous episode occurred to me. I mean at first it was of course very natural what I would do: either I take an exam or I go back to a previous employer for the time being. Be-cause seriously speaking, there was a time scope of three-four weeks where I would otherwise do nothing – a perfectly absurd thought in most of our minds probably. So what did I do? Neither. Having studied hard during a spring term exchange, worked all summer and then gone straight to the next employer someone dear told me: “Relax, Pär! Things will settle anyway. Your future will not be ruined if you take this time off to take care of yourself and to regain some energy. You will get that fancy job the day you graduate although you took three weeks off one year earlier, trust me.” At first I obstructed, of course, but after a week or so it all became obvious – this person was right. Being unproductive for some pid-dling three weeks probably won’t kill me, as I had always almost thought.

So if a somewhat older student might give you some advice along the way it would be this: work hard and make sure you have a high lowest level. But don’t panic if you for once get some time off. Rather, make sure you take time off! Because you see dear first year student, Mr Gekko was wrong: having lunch at least once in a while does not make you a wimp. Not in the world of sane people anyway.

Merry Christmas!

Pär Holmbäck

Is Lunch Just for Wimps?

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While new hopeful candidates are going through their hecklings, last year’s winners are busy finishing the time on their posts. We have questioned the board about what they actually have achieved. Did they really carry through their election promises, or was it just just empty words like so many before them? Did they really think that they would get away with it?

Ralph Segervik, President of the Media ComitteeIn his election prok Ralph mentions the investigating school paper Hermes as a part of MedU but until now not a single word has been written by it during his period on the board. He defends himself by explaining that the Hermes editorial staff is a secret society that is always watching and only comes forth when things need investigation. A yearbook was also a prom-ise, wich he is busy carrying out. - I’ve got two great girls working on it at the moment. They are layouting right now and it will be released somewhere around the end of next term.Best memory?- The possibility to meet and work with such wonderful and driven people.Worst memory?- That I hade to let my private life come in second hand so often.

Stefan Karlsson, President of the IT committee The job as the president of the IT committee is not always rewarding. In general, students tend to notice the work of the IT committee only when the technique is not work-ing well. Stefan was however very vague about what he wanted to achieve within the IT committee, aside from im-proving the “Kårportal.” He had “loads of ideas, maybe too many to carry through.” When asked to specify this “load of ideas”, Stefan started to rattle off things such as “mak-ing the IT committee more available to all students” and change the assignment of responsibilities within the com-mittee. None of these plans was carried through, though. According to Stefan, there is currently too much running work to do when being the president of the IT committee, in order to achieve any strategic changes. Best thing about being IT president?The team spirit within the IT committee and the SASSE board. Worst thing about being IT president?The complicated computer systems that the school uses, which leads to a massive amount of work for the IT com-mittee.

Tips to the next MedU pres? - To never forget to have fun, that is where you will find fuel for the work.

The Board against the wallText: Mathilda Eriksson & Elisabet Ålander Photo: Julia Appelgren

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Marcus Daleke, President of the business committee Stockholm School of Economics and its student association are not exactly known for their diversity regarding the companies they co-operate with (banks and consult-companies.) So, like so many other presidents of the business committee before him, Marcus promised to bring in “new companies from new industries.” During his year as a president, a French career day has been and held and a project, “New Company”, trying to get more companies to cooperate with SASSE has been started. If that project has proven to give any results is however not certain, since the business committee works so far ahead in time. In other words, we’ll have to wait until spring. Marcus also wanted to integrate the business committee more with the rest of SASSE. He admits himself that that promise was hard to fulfill, since his board was short two members, but that the committee always tries to help new projects to get sponsors. The best thing about being the business committee president:- When you get to see the result of the projects you’ve been working with, and that all your effort actually paid off. The worst thing about being the business committee president:- When things don’t go the way you want them to - the two vice presidents of the business committee decided to drop off, for example.Tips to the next BC president?- Make sure you’re out in good time, because you work with very tight deadlines. And most importantly, choose the people you want to

work with wisely.

Annie von Heijne, President of the Entertainment Committee Last november, Annie wrote that she wanted to improve the structure of the EC, create a greater variation amongst the parties and arrange a winter ball. A year later, some of it has been fulfilled. When it comes to the internal structure Annie explains that it is on the whole pretty much the same but the different responsibilities of the positions has been clarified. As for the multitude of the pubs, Annie is content with having been able to arrange the winter ball, to which she hopes to be able to release the tickets for before Christmas. And because of the jubilee, more pubs and parties would have been hard to fit into the tight schedule.Best memory?- Getting to know so many amazing people.Worst memory?- It has been tough sometimes, but still fun so it is both a negative and a positive thing.Tips to the next EC pres?- Make sure to enjoy yourself, do not forget it!

Anna Sjöstedt, President of the Social CommitteeAnna had a vision of the Social Committee as a place with-out pressure to perform – unlike some other projects with-in the Student Association. She personally believes that she has managed the task alright. - We had a setback with not having a committee room until recently, it affects the cohesion, but now when it is up and running we are doing fine.She also wanted to reinforce the role of the gurus and make the committee even more available. This was, for example, done through a clear presentation of the one responsible for each and every club and society through the Student Association marketing channels to ease the start of an en-gagement within the Social Committee. Best memory? - Celebrating the 50 years jubilee together with previous presidents of the Social Committee and the amazing SU 09/10 is without doubt my best memory during this year.Worst memory?- The pressure of wanting to do so much, and wanting to do it well without the time for it.Tips to the next SU pres?- Have fun and enjoy the time, it is the most important.

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Catharina Adamsson, TreasurerIn her election pork, Catharina promised to make efficient the economy of SASSE and to create a more strategic view over our money. Up to this date she personally believes that she has managed it pretty well. She has writ-ten instructions for an easier hand over to the next treasurer and admits to using them herself on a weekly basis. The secretary of the student as-sociation has taken over many of the operative, daily tasks as a step in the direction of reaching a better overall look of the money. Catharina herself has spent a lot of time engaging the rest of the board in the economic questions. She states that motivating others to always keep an economic perspective in mind has been one of the most fun parts of the year.Best memory?- The team spirit within the board plus the three mentors we each re-cieved.Worst memory?- When programs stop working and you no longer can work is really frus-trating.Tips to the next treasurer?- Try to see it as a job and make sure to have som spare time even it if is easy to forget while having so much fun.

Mikael Nyström, Vice presidentOne of the differences between the president and the vice president of SASSE is that the vice president works more internally, trying to aid, coordinate and communicate with the projects within the student association. Better coordination and communication within SASSE was also one of his election promises. During his time as the vice president, Mikael has started something called “Kår Com-petence” (kind of SASSE for dummies (lectures?)), a project leader forum and has written a guidebook over some of SASSE´s rules and regulations. He has also tried to im-prove the calender in which all the student association´s projects and events are booked in. That work has however not been quite satisfactory, since they have to wait for the new “Kårportal” to further improve it. The best thing about being the vice president of SASSE - The fellowship in the SASSE board. The worst thing about being the vice president of SASSE - That it sometimes feels that you sometimes have to sur-press people´s creativity and engagement due to rules and administration. Advice to the new vice president - Be present at all times and try to be there ”when things happen”

Marcus Janback, President of the Sports Committee.Despite describing himself as a caffeine abuser with an expected length of life of 59,6 years in his election pork, Marcus Janback has always been very into sports. He was therefore sure that he wanted to become the president of the Sports Committee. During his time as president, Marcus has managed to carry through a lot of what he promised- the sports committee has for example held two try-out-weeks for different kinds of sports, a lot of mini-events and tournaments (such as the dodgeball tournament and Adidas-Battle of Sthlm, which will take place this spring) and has also organized a lecture with a World Champion in karate – all parts of his election pork. The best thing about being the president of the sports committee.- The fellowship within the sports committee board and the SASSE board.The worst thing about being the president of the sports committee.- It takes a lot more time to organize and coordinate events than what you could ever think.Advice to the next president of the sports committe?- Do your own thing (FREEDOM!)

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Jenny Zeng, President of the International CommitteeJenny had a vision of an International Committee with more small-er projects to make it easier for students to engage. Some where started up but she says that the creation of many new societies has produced many opportunities to get involved into the com-mittee. As a way of creating a more uniform IC Jenny updated the project guidelines but did not manage to bring through her elec-tion promise of a syncronised database for all of the projekts since the Student Council decided right after the election that no com-mittee was allowed to have their own webpage, the project was cancelled.Best memory?- The 11th of September and to greet the new ”Småttings” as a member of the board.Worst memory?- It must have been when a student passed away. It made me realise that you cannot take anything for granted.Tips to the next ICpres?- Believe in what you want to do. Anything is possible within the SA and the IC.

Beatrice Nylund, PresidentPeople in general have a rather stereotypical or even strange idea about what an SSE student really is like. One of Beatrice’s promises was therefore to further develop the cooperation between SSE and other schools and at the same time try change the way people look upon the school and its students. The SASSE board itself meets a lot of different schools, and is currently in a network for Swedish Econ-omy Schools called U9. To try to change the way people look upon SSE and its students is a lot to promise, and there is no easy way to measure it. It’s a long-term work. In her election pork, Beatrice also writes about the student’s mental health and how she wants it to improve. Currently, the President of the Social Committee works as a, but Beatrice wants the school to hire a real and educated welfare officer for the students. There have been successful dialogues with the school, but nothing has yet been decided. The best thing about being the president of SASSE - Not everything goes as planned, which challenges youThe worst thing about being the president of SASSE - Same as above, which can also cause frustration Advice to the new president of SASSE - Be humble, you don’t always have the right answers Be strong, sometimes you do have all the right answers.

Sara Wedin, President of the Education Committee Sara went into the election with the goals of working to simplify the connection between the students and the school and to reconstruct the board of the EC. She says that the committee constantly is working on improving the connection between the school and the Stu-dent Association, and mostly trying to make the school be clearer about information without transferring the responsibility to the SA. Especially when it comes to the master students. The board has been reorganized with the target to make it easier to get in contact with the EC, and Sara has been working a lot on making the committee known to students to make them know who to turn to with questions and proposals.Best memory?- I think that it is so many things going on right now, and the feeling of being able to affect it.Worst memory?- When people does not listen, it can be frustration when messages do not seem to go through. Tips to the next ECpres?- Remember to keep in mind that you are a representative of all the students, at all times.

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Christmas special

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ZÜtÇwÑtCompletely shameless: The horrible ornament you yourself got from your cousins last year.

Acceptable but affordable: A personalized coffemug, prefer-ably saying “worlds greatest grandpa” or something cheesy like that.

ZÜtÇwÅtCompletely shameless: The free chocolates you collected during the term att SSE, but never actually wanted to eat yourself.

Acceptable but affordable: A nicely wrapped basket of chocolates, assorted teas and some exotic dried fruits.

UÜ à{xÜCompletely shameless: The waterbottle from the goodie-bag you received at Women’s Banking Day.

Acceptable but affordable: A bottle of Jäger.

f|áàxÜCompletely shameless: Course literature for a course you just finished, for example the Sydsaeter math book. It looks good on the shelf.

Acceptable but affordable: The chic lit book by Sofi Fahr-man. Shallow and entertaining.

V{Ü|áàÅtá ÑÜxáxÇà ÑÜ Ñ átÄá Christmas is drawing near, and your has wallet has probably never felt emptier. At the same time you have lots of stuff to read before the exams, and there is little room for clever christmas present ideas. We have put together the complete list to guide you to success underneath the Christmas tree. The only question is if your an honest person or compleatly shameless...

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YÜ|xÇwCompletely shameless: A printed copy of a summary of Ekonomisk Statistik II, that your friend can use next term.

Acceptable but affordable: A concert ticket to a band your friend likes. Visit for ideas.

U çyÜ|xÇw Completely shameless: Underwear for yourself, that you show up in.

Acceptable but affordable: A gift certificate at a clothing store com-plete with an entire day of your services as a personal shopper.

Z|ÜÄyÜ|xÇwCompletely shameless: The lipgloss that came along with your sister’s subscription to Cosmo.

Acceptable but affordable: A framed photo of the two of you looking happy and in love.

`âÅCompletely shameless: An extremely exciting new book that you want to read yourself and that you plan to borrow from her as soon as she has read it.

Acceptable but affordable: A visit to the Dalí exhibition at Moderna Muséet that is on show until the 17th of January.

WtwCompletely shameless: Free grooming products from your Småt-tingväska and various goodie bags you have collected.

Acceptable but affordable: A gift certificate from Clas Ohlson - all

dads like that store.

Text: Caroline Eriksson & Mathilda Eriksson

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It’s Christmas time!

Gingerbread biscuitsOur obvious first choice was the gingerbread biscuits (would Swedish Christmas be the same without them?). After the joy of eating some dough, baking it out with the rolling pin and making different funny shapes died down, the disappointment started to kick in. It’s really a lot of hard work for something that tastes ten times better readymade! We ended up with burned biscuits and a sense of ruined childhood memories.

I suspect I’m not the only one who’s been looking forward to Christmas ever since the semester started and the days started getting ridiculously short. I also suspect I’m not the only one who thinks the candy is the most important thing at Christmas dinner. And finally, I suspect I’m not the only one who fears the kitchen above all other places at home! After all, we’re all academics and have evidently invested our time in better things...With Christmas right around the corner, I’m pleased to say: it’s alright! We don’t need to know our way around the kitchen in order to enjoy delicious candy and true Christmas spirit! My panel and I have selected some of the most classic Christmas recipes and have rated them by taste, simplicity, fun of making and the amount of Christmas spirit; all so you will be able to enjoy the ultimate Christmas experience! So, put on an apron and Carola’s “Jul I Betlehem”, enjoy and be inspired!

Text & Photo: Cecilia Lönnström & Tove Lindgren

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LussekatterAlways obligatory around the time of Lucia; however, this occurrence must solely be due to some old tradition. I mean, let’s admit, it takes ages to make them and they’re not all that good, which is why we first decided not to make them at all. But then, at the supermarket, we found the solution! Shake n’ bake. It was fast, simple and fun, and they tasted just like they’re supposed to!

Knäck 1If you only have time to make on kind of Christmas snack this year, this is the one to make! It was super easy, very Christmassy and absolutely delicious! For a recipe, see the box of the toffee moulds.

Knäck 21 dl whip cream1 dl syrups1 dl sugarMix and let boil in microwave, for approximately 10 minutes. Make sure it does not over boil. To see if ready, drip a small amount in a glass of water. You should be able to shape the toffee into a small ball. When ready, pour into tof-

fee moulds and let solidify.

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Chocolate snacksThis is the easiest recipe ever, no competition. Just take a cereal of choice (we used K-Special Red berries) and mix with melted choco-late and let them freeze in appropriate snack sizes. Tastes great, but is admittedly not that Christmassy. But hey, everyone loves chocolate, right?

Marzipan snacksIf you’re the typical academic who completely lacks a sense of crea-tivity you can skip this one entirely. But if you, like me, actually enjoy putting away Statistics for business and economics and letting your mind run wild, this is a great reason for doing so! We ended up with all kinds of interesting snacks, ranging from the classic marzipan pig to something that, after some rationalization, became the alien that brought the swine flu to earth (it was admittedly a little too difficult to do the Twilight characters justice, which lead to the aforementioned alien). The downside of making this is actually having to eat what you’ve made…

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Christmas is right around the corner and every SSE student is looking forward to the end of lectures, the upcoming parties and the month-long holiday. Of course, there’s one or two things that needs to be done before going on break. Buying Christmas gifts is one of them. Writing a rhyme for a gift is another. Christmas is a time of traditions and one of the most classical Swedish Christmas traditions is to write Christmas rhymes.For those unfamiliar with this, it simply means one writes a short rhyme for a gift and the person recieveing the gift should be able to guess what it is from the rhyme. Rhymes can be only one sentence long or several paragraphs and contain everything from the most simplistic rhymes to rhymes at a Shakespearean level.

Minimax is here to help you with not only the gifts to get for some of the typical SSE stu-

dents but also with the rhymes. Let the rhyming begin.

Christmas Rhymes Text: Cecilia Lönnström

SASSE Board member Since this is someone who spends a lot of time at the school and most likely has MORE than his or her fair share to do, he or she needs to get away (from the school!) and just relax. And what is better than a SPA-weekend for that?

Warm towels, blazing firesAn oasis out of utter blissRest, just what your body requiresAnd dinner and a lover’s kiss

Oil treatments, facials and massageOr just swimming in the deep blue poolA dream, or simply a mirageSome time far, far away from school

The Wanna-Be Investment bankerThe most appropriate gift might be to give this person a trip to London, but that might be a bit difficult to arrange. Instead, Mini-max suggests you get your friend a box of Red Bull, to give him or her the energy he or she needs.

In a try to earn successIt’s easy to get tiredHair on end and brain’s a messAnd wonders what’s required

Do this, do that, do tit and tatWho wouldn’t feel flat?There’s a way to end the griefJust a can, but loaded with relief

The serious academicEveryone has different ambition in life and a worthy one is to gain as much knowl-edge as possible. For the serious student, Minimax recom-mends a subscription to Nationalencyklo-pedin’s internet service. Because Wikipedia is never enough.

It’s easy to see that the young and cleverThe newly come internet generationIntends the old ties severand quickly desert their proud old nation

I can’t say that’s an easy featthere are many obstables to climbHow will you your enemies beat?But in the end, victory bells will chime

Knowledge is the ancient keyThe struggle to obtain itI swear that you will all agreeThat internet needs credit

For who hasn’t found an answerOn Wiki or on GoogleBut sourcing is an ulcerAnd Google isn’t enough to ogle

Luckily, there is another placeWhere truest wisdom reignsA website for the student aceabout which no teacher complains

Enjoy the rhymes and don’t be afraid to write some yourself! They’re are always appriciated.

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Text: Yingying Chang Photo: FokusHalva HandelsNu är det äntligen dags för jullov! (Det vill säga tentahets). När vi tvåor återvänder i januari har halva vår Handels-tid passerat. Och vilken fan-tastisk halvlek, måste jag säga, för hur många gånger har man inte kvart-i-tre-raggat utanför kopparporten, kvart-över-tre-käkat på Donken, promenerat hem med sötsur sås i mungipan och däckat med “Infinity” dunkandes i öronen de senaste 18 månaderna? För just såhär är livet på Handels: en enda stor fest. Och efterfest. Och dagen-efter-fest. I höstas äntrade en ny årskull applåd-korridoren och nu är det deras tur att ta över kårlokalerna, stupa i puben, sova i aulan, sno gratisspons från mässorna och hetsa på Stu-dentpalatset. Att gå i tvåan är så mycket lugnare. Det lämnar utrymme till att reflektera över förgången tid när man inte längre har ett full-späckat schema med kåraktiviteter och vardag-salkoholism inplanerad varje dag. För vad är det som gör Handels så bra, om man skalar bort alla roliga kårprojekt, creddiga företag, spektakulära jubileumsfester och svettiga Handelspubar? För min del skulle jag säga att det är alla människor man har lärt känna; både de man blivit nära vän med och de man betraktat på avstånd. De vänskapsband som jag knutit under Han-delstiden är olika något annat jag har varit med om. Vare sig man tentahetsar inlåsta i ett svet-tigt SP-rum i åtta timmar eller bara latar sig efter skolan med LidL-mat och Youtube, har man all-tid så förbannat, outhärdligt roligt tillsammans. Det finns inga andra jag hellre skulle dela den här underbara, spontangalna tiden med; den här oklara perioden mellan vårdslöshet och vuxenliv. Det sägs att ungefär 40% hittar sin själsfrände på Handels. Jag tror att jag har hittat fem, sex, tio stycken. Sedan är det också de som man inte känner lika nära, men som man ändå hyser enorm fascination för. På Handels finns det så många inspirationskällor, så många drivna en-treprenörer och unga genier att man ständigt lever i en bubbla av beundran (och en smula pr-estationsångest). Sedan jag började på skolan har jag fått många av mina förutfattade men-ingar motbevisade, många fördomar sprängda och många murar rivna. Runt skolstarten fick vi höra att vårt motto ät Vi är inte bäst, vi är öd-mjukast också – och det är så jäkla sant, för hur kan man undgå att bli ödmjuk när folk ständigt är snällare, roligare och klokare än vad man förväntar sig? Så till den genomsnittliga invånaren på Sveavägen 65: vare sig du är högerflankare eller vänsterflankare; småtting eller kårräv; bli-vande banker eller nästa Kristian Luuk, kom ihåg att vi alla har en sak gemensamt: vi är bäst, och bannemig ödmjukast också. Nu spänner vi fast oss och laddar inför nästa halvlek.

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Nippan tipsar


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Välj ett ställe där alkholen är billig. Tänk även på att det är viktigt att kunna hävda sig själv och vara bäst, alltså är Handelspuben inte ett alternativ för även om du skryter med att du fick B på tentan kommer den du raggar på varit kursetta, tro mig, been there done that.

Lösning: Stockholms Nation i Uppsala.

Man ska absolut inte gå in med attityden “Jag vill ha det bästa”. Då är du körd. Gå istället in med attityden “Man måste kyssa många grodor innan man hittar sin prins”. Eftersom man tyvärr inte kan dela sig i tusen bitar är Nippans tips att man delar ut sitt nummer till alla som verkar intressanta och därefter hänger i baren och hoppas på att någon av “De potentiella” dyker upp igen.

Är du också rädd att sluta upp med en blomstrande karriär, rik, snygg men ensam? Tyvärr är detta inte en omöjlighet när man stud-erat på Handels. Först upptar sko-lan och kåren all din tid. Därefter är det jobbet där du börjar klock-an 6 på morgonen och kommer hem efter 22.00 som upptar all din tid. Plötsligt är du 35 och har ingen. Känner du igen dig?

Oroa dig inte, för här kommer ett par enkla steg som kommer göra dig till nästa raggn-ingsexpert!

PussNipasi Siddique

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Man måste ständigt leverera, leverera, leverera. Ett hett tips är att när ni väl tar steget och kontaktar er blivande livspartner så ska ni sälja in er själva inom loppet av 20 sekunder. “Hej, jag går på Handels och kan försörja dig”- är en garanterad vinnare.

4 Ibland går det inte riktigt som man vill, då får man ta en time-out. Maxtid för time-outen är 30 sekunder. Göm er då bakom första bästa människa.

Försök dansa och ha roligt under kvällen eftersom glada människor är attraktiva.

Undvik att bli stirriga även om din drömkille/drömtjej slänger ditt nummer framför ögonen på dig.

Om ni, en halvtimme innan Stocken stänger fortfarande inte fått fast någon på kroken återgår vi till punkt 1. Det var det där med billig sprit. Dra med dig för-sta bästa “potentiella” och sup ner denne. Även om sannolikheten att ni lever lyckliga i all framtid verkar ganska avlägsen så får du iallafall hemsläp.

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Stockholm Model United NationsBetween the 12th and the 15th of Novem-ber, we, the delegates from SSE, had the great honour to participate in the annual Model United Nations beauty contest held here in Stockholm. (un)Fortunately it is not a beauty contest as such but something even better and far more challenging. MUN, Model United Nations, is a setting where the art of rhetorical and diplomatic skills are ultimately tested in intense debate.

An MUN is an authentic simulation of the work in a UN committee such as the Se-curity Council, or other regional and inter-national organizations, such as the African Union or the WTO. It started in 1953 at Har-vard University and has since then spread over the whole world.

Each year, since 2004, SMUN, the Stockholm Model United Nations, is arranged in coop-eration between students from the Stock-holm School of Economics, Stockholm University, KTH and the Swedish National Defence College. This year’s conference was held at Stockholm University. Since the start, SMUN has grown and this time attract-ed 170 participants consisting of university students from all over the world. Two per-

sons form a delegation representing one of the UN member states in the discussion of a currently relevant and authentic world problem. With the purpose of the four-days conference being to elaborate and gather around a resolution that deals with the is-sue at hand, there is no doubt that it was a tough challenge for us beginners. MUN conferences require knowledge about the topic that will be treated and thorough preparation is therefore crucial in order to succeed as a delegation. Furthermore, con-veying your country’s opinion and persuad-ing the rest of the committee that your idea is the most viable to resolve the situation, demands great diplomatic skills.

The general scenario for SMUN 2009 was Afghanistan and its surrounding region. This topic is of interest to the whole inter-national community and reaching security, stability and sustainability in Afghanistan is of great concern to all nations. Therefore it was not surprising that debate in the three committees selected; the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council and the Commission on the Status of Women, was intense and creative from the very start.

The numerous students from SSE, among who the majority like ourselves was begin-ners, were represented in all three commit-tees and acted as the delegations of coun-tries such as the Republic of Korea, France, Mozambique, Mauretania and the Nether-lands. The introduction to the existing MUN rules and procedures was facilitated by more experienced delegations who took the lead in the debate and throughout the conference demonstrated impressive rhe-torical and diplomatic skills.

Although the profound disappointment from the freshman SSE delegates that the Stockholm Model UN weekend in fact wasn´t a beuaty contest, we´re all very hap-py that we´ve managed to win the award both best delegation in the security coun-cil and added a lot of flavour in the debate spiced with economical arguments. We also want to send a big thanks to the SSE project members that arranged SMUN 2009.

/The Delegates from SSE

Text: Erik Ahl & Madeleine Fredelius Photo: Antonia Josefsson & Emma Maria Johansson

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The Yacht WeekText: Malin Evrenos Foto:

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När skymningen har lagt sig över Sveavägen 65, och solen knappt längre förmår att sila sig igenom decembermörkret och in i aulan, är det lätt för även den flitigaste Handelsstudent att låta tanken vandra från redovisningens principer till dagdrömmar om en an-nan tid och plats. En plats där man sakta vandrar längs en avlägsen strand, känner sanden mellan tårna och tittar ut över ett blått och böljande hav. En tid och plats där den enda relativa procentsats man är tvungen att hålla koll på är vilken fantamängd som är opti-mal i ett bättre glas rosé, eller möjligtvis andelen singlar på båten bredvid.

Jag talar om The Yacht Week. Konceptet är lika genialt som enkelt. I grupper om ca 10 hyr man en segelbåt med eller utan skeppare och spenderar sedan en vecka med att i flock om ett 50-tal båtar, varje dag besöka nya hamnar, öar och fester. Verksamheten star-tade 2006 med events i Kroatien och har nu utökats till att inne-fatta resor till Grekland, Västindien och Ibiza. Mitt i allt detta befann sig undertecknad i sällskap med ett 30-tal Handelsstudenter som redan förra vintern fattat det geniala beslutet att spendera den sista riktiga sommarveckan på en yacht i Kroatien med att segla, festa och komma närmare varandra på alla tänkbara sätt.

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När vi efter flera månaders ivrig väntan till slut satt på den där obehagligt tidiga morgonflighten söderut hade vi självk-lart en förhoppning om att det skulle bli fantastiskt, men jag tror inte att någon av oss helt hade kunnat förutse det veckolånga euforirus vi snart skulle befinna oss i. Känslan in-fann sig dock direkt när vi kastade loss från den första ham-nen och skålade i den numera legendariska “Kickidrinken”. Veckans höjdpunkter var alldeles för många för att rymmas på des-sa sidor, men också för starka för att de någonsin ska kunna glöm-mas bort helt Vi visade prov på den ofrånkomliga tävlingsinstinkt som varje Handelsstudent besitter genom att komma på andra plats av 56 båtar i den avslutande regattan med en stulen uppblås-bar späckhuggare upphissad i masten, dock efter att först ha fått avlägsna den tall som två berusade sabotörer till allas förvåning knutit fast vid båtens köl under den gångna natten.

En plats som verkligen stod under veckan var ön Hvar med till-hörande fester och afterbeach. Baren brann, Yacht Weeks hus-DJ Pierre drev varje människa till extas och alla Strawberry Daquiris var i storlek XL. Ett par flickor lyckades prioritera efterfest framför att ta sig hem till rätt ö, vilket fick oklara men trevliga konsekvenser. Nuvarande NU-ordf visade dock prov på sin företagsamhet genom att låtsas extrajobba som biljettklippare på taxibåten för att und-vika samma problematik även nästa kväll.

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Det stiftades många nya bekantskaper under veckan, och ett flertal ledde till utväxling av saltstänkta kyssar. Även om just detta kan te sig föga förvånande kan man inte låta bli att förundras över vilken gemenskap man utvecklade med många av dem som åkte samma vecka, och hur starkt den gemenskapen fortfarande står sig. Man delar så många sjuka minnen och upplevelser, att det nästan känns som man kän-ner varandra lite för bra.

Inför sommaren 2010 vet vi exakt vad som väntar, och sit-ter därför där i aulan med en ännu mer berättigad längtan. Man sneglar ut i decembereftermiddagens bitande kyla, och endast det drömska leendet på ens läppar skvallrar om det faktum att man rent mentalt ligger på en solbädd i Hvar snarare än funderar på den mest korrekta användningen av periodiseringsfond.

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The committees

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SU 09/10 has been celebrating the 50th birthday of the Social Com-mittee together with previous presidents! Comparisons between the years showed a development from mainly assistance regarding study related issues, towards today with more focus on culture and a wide range of social happenings, even though study related issues still are a very important function. It was an evening filled with happy memories and dancing in the SU-sofas. Thank you all for an amazing evening!Also, congratulations to the next president of the Social Committee – Tobias Andersson. I´m sure you will do a great job!

Anna SjöstedtSU-ordf 09/10

ps. If you are looking for housing and scholarship-tips – do not forget to check out housing – – “market”Scholarships – –“scholarships”

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A lot has happened in IntU since the last number of Minimax. The biggest news of all is that the International Committee, after the closest election in history, next year will be lead by Kaj Ossman. I am sure he will do an amazing job and really unite IntU! Other things that have happened are:

The Culture Trip - ”What happens in Buda-pest, stays in Budapest” IntU and SU represented in Budapest on the annual Culture trip. 40 excited voyageurs - ranging from newly inaugurated enuckor and enoks to experienced four graders - spent 4 days in the Crown Jewel of Hun-gary. Friends were made, sights were dis-covered and most importantly therapeutic baths/SPA:s were as common as rain in London. The experiences of the nightlife in Budapest consisted of chill home parties to funky clubs, not mentioning a crazy after-party at the hotel resulting in a memorable bill.

Russia DayNastarovio, Recruit Russia! The 4th of No-vember, KAW was suddenly turned into a Russian artist district where Balalaika music lingered and mountains of pirogues could be found. Many students showed great in-terest in the awakening giant in east and the attractive opportunities offered there. However, the biggest attention drawer was the cute USB sticks in the shape of a ba-bushka given out by East Capital.

La Journée Francaise - The French day7 companies, 25 visiting universities, and 750 students. This is the summary of IntU’s and NU’s first joint venture as well as prob-ably one of the most successful events this year. With the support of the French embas-sy, the French Association under the lead of Jenny and Max^2, we managed to put SSE and SASSE on the international map. In the student lounge, freshly baked croissants and baguettes was offered to the delight

of hungry students. During the exclusive lunch, francofil students were given the chance to mingle with company represent-atives. Interesting lectures were arranged during the whole day; culminating with a smacked lecture held by Louis Vuitton. Stockholm Model United Nations

Students from 150 top universities in the world gathered during a weekend in No-vember at SASSE and Stockholm University to debate the question of women’s rights in Afghanistan. With impressive commit-ment, Emma-Maria and her team organized everything to perfection so the delegates could indulge themselves in intense nego-tiating and heated debates in true MUN-spirit.

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The late fall and early winter period have been an extremely intense time for the Business Committee. We started off directly after the ex-ams with the London Investment Banking and Career Weeks where 60 students were given the opportunity to visit potential future em-ployers in London during a week of case studies, trading games and many early mornings at Starbucks. London Underground: Canary Wharf StationThe BC Board then continued to New York to visit ~30 companies and many SSE Alumni to discuss internship and employment pos-sibilities for SSE students in the US. A guide to the US market is in the making and will hopefully be published after the Christmas holiday. Women’s Banking Day took place on the 10th of November with a great response from both students and participating companies. The fair, lectures and events were visited by a large number of stu-dents and I hope many found inspiration to pursue their profes-sional goals. Goldman Sachs International HQ, New York City

With the French Career Day on the 17th the Business Committee, together with the International Committee and the French Asso-ciation, initiated a project that haven’t been seen at SSE for many years. A close cooperation with SSE and the French Embassy made this project possible and great thanks should be sent to all parties involved.

We concluded the end of November with the BC Case Competition. This project was lead to success by Mattias Andersson who was also elected new President of the Business Committee in the SASSE Elec-tion. I’m certain that he will do a great job and I wish him the best of luck. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

/ the Business Committee

The President and his board are happy to welcome the next President of the Media committee, Sofia Helgesson! We wish you the best of luck!

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We came, we saw and we conquered. Al-most. And what we don’t remember – didn’t happenSo, we went to Koblenz with a lot of pres-sure on our backs. It was time to deliver – time to once again show the European business schools – that the Stockholm School of Economics is in for the game! Earlier accomplishments lay heavy on our shoulders, so the big question is – what was the basketball team going to do?! Five points?

The first day, the tournament began for most of the Swedish delegates. But almost ended for one. The relay race team’s star fe-male runner, Eriana Spahiu somehow man-aged to walk right into a staircase – her day began at a German monastery hospital. The earlier so confident, strong Swedes were now heading toward an unsecure future. With one woman down and one man left in Sweden, remember Staffan Steneryd: You can’t fly with your driver’s license! The out-come of the tournament suddenly wasn’t all clear.

Anyhow, when it seems to be pitch black, it’s also the time when people can rise up, teams can perform and setbacks can be overcome. All our teams went victorious through the first day, the volleyball team managed to find each other on the court. The basketball team actually wiped earlier results under the carpet by already the first day score more than ten times as many points as last year (to all you hecklers “screw you!”). On the soccer court, both male and female teams did their jobs; hustled,

dribbled and scored (and for certain play-ers, no names mentioned...turned hysteri-cally red from screaming more than actual-ly touching the ball) And last but definitely not least, the rowers. Euromaster all time record – the first team ever finishing the race under the magic 6 minute-mark, SSE Giants: Alexander Engel, Marcus Janback, Martin Jallinder & Robert Jallinder. The first day couldn’t have ended better! Filled with confidence and high expectations we met the German dusk and once again we found ourselves standing ready, side by side with our European competitors. Time had come for the relay race, and what would become our first trophy. Despite earlier head inju-ries, exhausted rowers and hard struggling basketball “MVP” player Bobo Delemark, the team ran as the world was set on fire (or just as if they were really thirsty for the free German beer?) and they did it quite well. Second winner or first loser?

Day two came, heavy heads for some of us (believe me, don’t drink and “drive” a rowing boat?). First out was, as mentioned above, the rowing team. And now it was actually time to hit the water! Up against German bear mutants and wild Italian stallions the guys fought well and made it all the way to the semi-finals. Unfortunately this seemed to be the trend for the day – fantastic spirits and tough fighting – but that was about it. So, we’ll just leave it at that. Instead let’s fast-forward to the main attraction, the event where all men go bonanza and can’t take their eyes of the SWEDISH CHEERLEADERS! They always deliver! Second place, second trophy secured.

To sum it all up, this trip was something quite extra. As always, Sport can really sur-prise one. Cause to be honest; it might not really be all about the actual athletics. In between you might drink a few (NOT) beers, or “Vodkaice” if one prefer (who came up with that?!). Do some neon dancing on the bottom of an empty pool, get caught by the police for il-legally riding the water slide and if you’re not careful – get lost in the bushy forests of Koblenz.

Anyhow, it is quite funny how: One year you don’t win any, another year you win two – but in the end, there’s always one trophy brought home.

Utgår p.g.a. baconsnuva

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The Gasque weekendNear the end of October, when the exams were over, it was time yet again to see if this year’s Småttingar were worthy to join the companionship here at SSE. The week-end started with the IFS – “inte före sista tentan” (not be-fore the last exam) pub. The theme of the night was Over the Rainbow and the Rotunda was filled with colors, fluffy clouds and weird creatures. A great start of a fantastic weekend.The Gasque was held in the Grand Hall at Saltmätargatan. Almost 300 Småttingar came (more or less) dressed ac-cording to the theme Under the Sea. The Grand Hall really was aquatic with waves and octopuses in the ceiling and fish and seaweed on the tables. The Småttingar were finally accepted as SSE students thanks to the Inspektor and swore the traditional oath. After the dinner they celebrated well into the night.A crazy Zilliz in the Pub completed the weekend. Our friends from Hanken made a celebrated appearance and a few more slices of cucumber are now stuck in the ceil-ing…

An enormous thank you to the Entertainment Commit-tee for making this weekend so great and to Patetikon (you know we never could have made it without you).

I would also like to congratulate Alexander Holm-Rannal-eet for being elected Klubbmästare 10/11. It’s going to be great!

Red or Dead!/ Annie von Heijne, Klubbbmästare

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D!. Ku" #s $e %i&itua' (oac) *f +e students ,-ociati./ ,n0 1e 2ever 3eaves , 4uesti.n 5nanswered. D* 6ou 7ee8 ,nswe9 :5t 6ou (an’; <n= ;hem? S>n= ,? @-Aail ;B CrDu"@1h-.7e. Dr. Kull

Hallo Dr Küll, hallo alles klar?Ick komme aus OstBerlin und leide unter ein grosses Prob-lem und glaube, dass Du der einzige bin der mir helfen kann. Ick versuche es auf schwedisch:I min neokommünistiska Wohngemeinschaft tror jak att min granne är latent kapitalist. Jak har mången gången försökt att tala med - låt oss kalla honom Udo - Udo, men ütan fram-gång. Därför frågar jag Dej, Dr. Küll: Vad ska jak göra för att få Udo att tänka på det enda rätta viset?Med mången freundliga Grüßen,Günther-Günther

Hallo Günther-Günther,Du verkar ha hamnat i en prekär situation som jag dess-värre tror att du helt och hållet missuppfattat. Eftersom du uppenbarligen får Minimax och inte är anställd vid ett av Handelshögskolans i Stockholm Studentkårs partnerföre-tag antar jag att du är inskriven på Handelshögskolan. Det i sin tur medför mer eller mindre automatiskt att du i alla fall en gång i tiden har haft korrekta borgerliga värderingar. Du har sedan, antagligen i samband med en kvällskurs på Stockholms Universitet, blivit indoktrinerad att tro på någon förkastlig socialistisk ideologi. Detta vansinne har tydligen eskalerat till den milda grad att du fått för dig att flytta till Östtyskland och in i ett neokommunistiskt kollektiv. Jag skulle med andra ord säga att det är du som har tappat förståndet och att din latent kapitalistiska rumskompis är på god väg att återfå sitt. Mitt råd är att ni båda går tillbaka till grunderna, läs och diskutera Adam Smith, Milton Fried-man, William Thackeray m.fl. När ni återupptäcker dessa ge-nier och begrundar deras fundamentalt korrekta tankar och idéer så kommer ni med största säkerhet återigen att se det mörkblåa ljuset! När så är fallet ska ni göra allt i er makt för att i grunden underminera och förstöra det onda ”Wohnge-meinschaft” som ni för tillfället tillhör. När detta är gjort tar vi emot dig med öppna armar här på Handelshögskolan i Stockholm. Vi hjälper mer än gärna forna bröder att hitta till-baka till den rätta, högra, sidan.

Aber bitte mit sahne,/Dr. Kull

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Hej Dr. Krull!Jag har stört mig på att dresscode har mer eller mindre försvunnit på många ställen. Folk ser ut som konstfackstu-denter, bohemer och slödder på arbetsplatser men även på Handels har jag märkt. Varför inte införa lite stil och klass i detta samhälle och förbjuda vissa plagg när det ska jobbas och studeras. Jag menar alla kan ju inte studera på konstfack och jobba på reklambyrå eller PR-byrå. Vad har du för svar på detta stillösa problem? Ska vi införa böter för folk som inte klär sig stilfullt eller sätta dem i buren i några veckor alternativt skicka dom till Norrland där ingen kan se dom? HälsningarRichard, Mannen med stil!

God dag Richard,Jag håller helt med dig i din slutsats att de vanor som dagens studenter håller sig med när det gäller deras beklädnad har degenererat något fruktansvärt. En äkta student vid Han-delshögskolan i Stockholm borde inte bege sig utanför sin dörr på Östermalm utan att minst vara klädd i mörk kostym, vit skjorta och slips eller motsvarande för kvinnliga dito. Jag måste dock bekänna att jag känner ett än större obehag för de som försöker klä sig med stil men misslyckas fatalt än de som medvetet väljer en mer fritidsinriktad klädstil. Jag åsyftar då främst de män eller pojkar som t.ex. har på sig rosa skjortor, ljusa kostymer under sommarhalvåret eller så kallade kontrastskjortor. Detta beteende kombineras ofta med en bred, glansig slips och vad som närmast kan beskri-vas som ett missbruk av diverse hårvårdsprodukter. Alla dessa kategorier borde dock veta hut och lära sig hur man klär sig med klassisk stil och elegans!När det gäller vår förnäma kår övergår det för övrigt mitt förstånd att vi dras med overaller istället för den klassiska B-fracken eller spyfracken.

Med vänliga hälsningar,/Dr. Kull

God dag Herr Doktor!Jag har just varit och tittat på den sista i en lång rad av häck-lingar och därefter röstat. Jag har även lusläst valfläsken men tycker inte att jag har hittat något seriöst angående någon av kandidaterna. Hur ska man då som nybliven Enok kunna axla sina demokratiska skyldigheter på ett ansvars-fullt vis? Mvh Ola

Ärevördiga Ola,Valsystemet på Handelshögskolans i Stockholm Studentkår är något av ett mysterium inlindat i tradition. På ingen an-nan kår är valförfarandet som hos oss och det är precis så vi vill ha det, vi är ju trots allt bättre än alla andra. De asociala teknologerna på Valhallavägen brukar ha svårt att hitta kandidater till sitt kårfullmäktige som i sin tur har svårt att hitta kandidater till den styrelse m.m. som fullmäktige sed-ermera väljer. Socialistpatrasket på Stockholms Universitets Studentkår har ett system med politiska partier som ingen tror på och valdeltagandet är därmed närmare 0 %. Till alla de som klagar på att häcklingarna är politiskt inkor-rekta och skrämmer bort kandidater kan jag bara säga att de har fel. Om man vill anta en ledande roll i vår blåblodiga organisation måste man helt enkelt tåla lite gammalt hed-erligt stryk!Vissa framstående historiker menar t.o.m. att Winston Churchill egentligen talade om Handelshögskolans i Stock-holms Studentkårs demokratiska process när han yttrade de bevingade orden: ”Indeed, it has been said that democ-racy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”Du har med andra ord redan fått all information du behöver för att axla dina demokratiska skyldigheter på ett ansvars-fullt vis, tänk efter bara.


/Dr. Kull

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