
Vulcan Mine - Safety and Health Management System Mine Operating Procedure – Braking Systems Performance Standard

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Mine Operating Procedure Braking Systems Performance Standard

Document Number: Document Owner: Approval Date: VULCAN MINE VUL-MOP-066- Braking Systems

Performance Standard Document Controller 9 / 7/ 2020

Vulcan Mine - Safety and Health Management System Mine Operating Procedure – Braking Systems Performance Standard

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1. PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 3. DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 4. PROCEDURE..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Mandatory Requirements .............................................................................................................................................. 3 Process Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 Managing Braking Systems ........................................................................................................................................... 5

General .............................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Conducting Brake Tests ............................................................................................................................................. 5 Records ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Performance Criteria for Brake Testing ............................................................................................................. 6

Inspection and Testing .................................................................................................................................................... 6 Frequency of Brake Testing ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Pre-Testing Requirements ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Unladen Testing Requirements (Applies only to mobile equipment) .................................................. 6 Mandatory Testing Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 7

Fixed Plant ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Fixed Cranes, Jibs, Monorail Hoist .............................................................................................................................. 7 Other Equipment not defined in appendices ........................................................................................................ 7

5. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................................. 7 6. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 7. REVIEW .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 8. AUTHORISATION........................................................................................................................................................................... 8 9. AMENDMENTS ............................................................................................................................................................................... 9 10. DOCUMENT REVIEW: ATTENDANCE RECORD ......................................................................................................... 9 11. Appendix A – Test Frequency Surface Operations ................................................................................................ 10 12. Appendix B – LV & MV Performance Requirements ............................................................................................ 10 13. Appendix C – SME Performance Requirements ..................................................................................................... 11 14. Appendix D – Forklift Performance Requirements ............................................................................................... 11 15. Appendix E – Trailer Performance Requirements ................................................................................................ 12

Trailers ≥10 tonne ATM ............................................................................................................................................... 12 Light, Heavy Vehicles and Trailers Performance Requirements ............................................................... 12

16. Appendix F – Mandatory Brake Test Record Sheet .............................................................................................. 13

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The purpose of this procedure is to describe the requirements and to ensure the hazards and risks associated with braking systems performance are effectively managed at the Vulcan Mine.

This procedure has been developed to ensure compliance with the following section of the CMSHR:

• s66 ‘Braking systems’.


This procedure is applicable to all persons at the Vulcan Mine including employees, contractors and visitors.

The controls within this procedure are mandatory.


Authorised Person A person who has the required competencies and who has been appointed by the Site Senior Executive, or their appointed representative to carry out a designated scope of duties.

CMSHA Coal Mining Safety and Health Act.

CMSHR Coal Mining Safety and Health Regulation.

CMW Coal Mine Worker.

Competent Person A person who has, through a combination of training, education and experience, acquired knowledge and skills enabling that person to perform correctly a specified task.

JHA Job Hazard Analysis.

OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer.

SHMS Safety and Health Management System.

SOP Standard Operating Procedure.

Take 5 Personal Risk Assessment.


Mandatory Requirements

The core mandatory requirements and expectations of the Vulcan Mine are that all workers (including internal employees, contractors and visitors) will follow the SHMS as it applies when working. Should a system gap be identified, a Supervisor must be notified immediately, and a risk assessment conducted before the work can continue.

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Further mandatory requirements identified include the following:

• all workers will comply with CMSHA s. 39 Obligations of persons generally; • all workers shall be trained, competent and authorised to be on site and to carry out those tasks

specific to their role; • all workers must present themselves in a state fit for duty and unaffected by drugs, alcohol, fatigue

and other physical or psychological impairment; • all workers will conduct a personal risk assessment (Take 5) prior to undertaking tasks and in the

event of a change to the conditions, process or environment; • there are risk assessments (JHAs) in place under which tasks are being carried out. These risk

assessments may indicate controls that go above and beyond the legislative or SHMS requirements and must be followed;

• workers will follow the direction of all signage as if given as an instruction by their Supervisor; • errant behaviours are prevented through compliance to the training scheme, and managed

appropriately through supervision and site discipline procedures; • at any stage should a worker feel unsafe or at risk when undertaking a task, they are to stop work,

make the area safe (if necessary and possible) and immediately report this to their Supervisor; and • if a worker sights another worker undertaking a task, which they feel is unsafe or at risk, that work

may be stopped, and a Supervisor immediately notified.

Process Definitions

Aggregated Trailer Mass (ATM)

The total mass of the laden trailer when carrying the maximum load recommended by the manufacturer. This includes any mass imposed onto the drawing vehicle when the combination vehicle is resting on a horizontal supporting plane.

Brake Test Area Area is to be flat, reasonably smooth, horizontal, well compacted with slight amount of moisture not to adversely affect performance and sufficient length and width.

Combination Test Where the trailer and the prime mover are tested together as a ‘combination’.

Dynamic Test Involves the functional testing of a brake system in a dynamic situation with a measured record of the results.

Emergency Brake System used to stop a machine in the event of any single component failure. (Secondary Brake).

Fixed Plant Plant not readily transportable.

Functional Test Test that determines the braking system is working as designed/intended.

Intrusive Brake Repairs Work requiring repair, replacement or bleeding of any component in the application circuit of a brake system.

Laden (or fully laden) The operating mass of the machine including the rated payload. The operating mass of a machine includes the heaviest combination of cab, canopy and protective structures, e.g. roll-over protective structures (ROPS) and falling object protective

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structures (FOPS). It also includes components, mountings and equipment, which are approved by the manufacturer of the machine, a 75 kg operator, a full fuel tank, and full lubricating, hydraulic and cooling systems.

Mandatory Brake Test Record Sheets

This is the sheet handed out with the work request. It has the relevant information that needs to be collected and the vehicles that the brake tests have to be performed on. This sheet is attached to this document for reference. This sheet is handed back to the maintenance supervisor at the completion of the test.

Mobile Plant Plant capable of being moved under its own power. e.g. Shovels, Excavators, Trucks.

Park Brake Park Brake is a system used to hold a stopped machine stationary for prolonged periods.

Retarder Energy absorbing device that is able to control the speed of the machine.

Service Brake System used to stop and momentarily hold the machine.

Transportable Equipment Equipment transported or towed by other equipment and required to be moved to a new position between periods of operation. e.g. lighting plant, crib huts, generators and pumps.

Unladen The operating mass of the machine NOT including the rated payload.

Managing Braking Systems


• All equipment arriving at the Vulcan Mine must have a valid brake test prior to use. Refer to Appendix A and B for specific frequency requirements.

• All types of braking systems are to be identified (service brakes, emergency brakes and park brakes).

• Brake testing is to be conducted with consideration to the OEM’s recommendations and in accordance with this Standard.

• All equipment covered by this standard must have a documented maintenance program, relative to the equipment and based on the OEM recommendations. All maintenance, inspections and repairs must be recorded and available for audit when required.

• All equipment must have a maintenance regime that encompasses brake inspection, servicing and testing to the manufacturers’ recommendations or as determined necessary by risk assessment.

Conducting Brake Tests

• Persons undertaking brake tests must have the following respective competencies applicable to equipment being tested additional to an engineering trades qualification:

o AURKTB002 Analyse and evaluate wheeled mobile plant braking system faults;

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o AURHTB005 Analyse and evaluate heavy vehicle braking system faults; and o AURLTB002 Analyse and evaluate light vehicle braking system faults.

• If a testing procedure is not available at the time of testing, a testing methodology needs to be developed and documented prior to testing by a competent and authorised person as per relevant Australian Standard. Refer to Appendix B.

• Ensure equipment used for the purpose of conducting brake testing is in a fit for service condition and calibration requirements are current.


• Brake test results must be stored on a computer database system with adequate security and backup protection, such as the maintenance planning and management system to allow for regular testing comparison for all equipment.

• Records must be held for a minimum of seven years post decommissioning. • Records must be stored in a location that is easily accessible by each CMW as per the

Queensland Coal Mine Safety and Health Regulation, specifically section 66 ‘Braking Systems’ e.g. legible copy of the current VUL-FRM-10-03-Mandatory Brake Test Sheet inside the vehicle.

Performance Criteria for Brake Testing

• Braking Performance (%BP) is the preferred measure for dynamic testing as it remains constant against variations of test speed as opposed to braking distance (d) which must be calculated for each test speed. However, in some cases braking distance may be used due to the low speed nature of the equipment e.g. shuttle cars used in underground.

• The braking performance, (BP - measured as a percentage of “g” (9.81m/s²)), or the braking distance (d) must meet or exceed the requirements set out in this standard.

• Performance criteria for specific braking systems are listed in Appendix C, D, E and F in this document.

Inspection and Testing

Frequency of Brake Testing

• Brake testing is to be conducted as per the frequency identified in Appendix C and D. • All braking systems effected must be tested following any intrusive brake maintenance.

Pre-Testing Requirements

• All braking systems (service, emergency and park brakes) must be functionally tested before brake testing is carried out.

Unladen Testing Requirements (Applies only to mobile equipment)

• Unladen testing must be conducted prior to mandatory testing, post intrusive brake repairs. • Unladen testing must not substitute mandatory laden testing.

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Mandatory Testing Requirements

• Equipment to be tested laden where applicable (the operating mass of the machine including the rated payload). Examples of equipment that cannot be tested laden are Forklift, Graders and Dozers.

• Test speeds are stipulated in relevant work instructions, maximum speed of 32km/h for a service brake and 25km/h for emergency brake.

Fixed Plant

A documented brake management strategy for all braking devices must be in place and include as a minimum:

• Visual inspections for oil leaks and fluid levels of the actuator mechanisms and of any wear surfaces for thickness and condition of pads and discs, mechanism engages, holds and releases in the proper circumstances.

Fixed Cranes, Jibs, Monorail Hoist

Brakes must be tested in accordance with AS 2550.1 and AS 2550.3.

Other Equipment not defined in appendices

Where braking systems are fitted, a risk assessment must be performed to identify any hazards and controls required that pertain to the equipment braking system.

The equipment must have a maintenance regime that encompasses brake inspection, servicing and testing to the manufacturers’ recommendations or as determined necessary by risk assessment.


SSE Shall review and approve this procedure. SHET Superintendent Shall ensure that all provisions of this procedure are implemented, and

that compliance is achieved. Superintendents Shall be responsible for their area of operations and the

implementation and application of this procedure; Provide adequate training, information, structure and supervision to ensure that this procedure is implemented; Carry-out a periodic review of activities to ensure the appropriate application and understanding of this procedure; and Ensure immediate and appropriate steps are taken to investigate and rectify any risks to health and safety arising from these activities.

Supervisors Ensure all CMWs are familiar with, have access to and comply with the requirements set out in this procedure.

All CMWs (including visitors and contactor)

Shall comply with the requirements of this procedure.

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AS 1418.19-2007 Cranes, hoists and winches - Telescopic handlers

AS 2550.1-2011 Cranes, hoists and winches - Safe use - General requirements

AS 2550.3-2002 Cranes, hoists and winches - Safe use Bridge, gantry, portal (including container cranes), jib and monorail cranes

AS 2958.1-1995 Earth-moving machinery - Safety Wheeled machines - Brakes

AS/NZS 4024.3610:2015 Safety of machinery Conveyors - General Requirements

Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999 (Qld)

Coal Mining Safety and Health Regulation 2017 (Qld)

ISO 6292:2008 Powered industrial trucks and tractors — Brake performance and component strength

NHVR Heavy Vehicle (Vehicle Standards) National Regulation

Transport Operations (Road Use Management – Vehicle Standards and Safety) Regulation 2010

Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 38/05 - Trailer Brake Systems) 2018

VUL-FRM-10-03-Mandatory Brake Test Record Sheet


This document shall be reviewed as follows:

• when there is a change of method and/or technology and/or legal or other requirement that may affect the accuracy of this document;

• when operational changes occur that effect the currency of the document; • when there has been a significant event to which this document was relevant; and • as a result of relevant audit findings.


I, Michael Cavanagh, as Site Senior Executive for Vulcan Mine approve this Mine Operating Procedure for use.

Signature: __________________________________________

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Version Date Description Document Controller 01 29/05/2020 Initial Draft Rachael Dacker 02 09/07/2020 Risk Workshop Shane Johnson


Vulcan Mine - Safety and Health Management System Mine Operating Procedure – Braking Systems Performance Standard

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11. Appendix A – Test Frequency Surface Operations

Description 3 Monthly

6 Monthly

12 Monthly

After intrusive brake repair AND

at OEM recommended major brake overhaul

(whichever comes first)

Light Vehicles

Mandatory Test (Dynamic Test as presented fit for service full


Medium Vehicles

Mandatory Test (Dynamic Test as presented fit forservice full


SME – Wheeled Machines

Unladen Testing

To be conducted prior to undertaking a loaded test post intrusive repair/s

Mandatory Test (Laden where


Forklift and Industrial Tractors

Mandatory Test

Trailers all classes (TB,

RC, TD) Mandatory Test

Tracked Surface Functional Test As per manufacturer / OEM recommendation

Earthmoving Equipment Dynamic Test As per manufacturer / OEM recommendation

Fixed Plant Brake Test As per manufacturer / OEM recommendation

12. Appendix B – LV & MV Performance Requirements





BP % BP% Gradient %

Light Vehicles 28% 15.5 % Max 15% gradient

Medium Vehicles 28% 15.5% Max 15% gradient

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13. Appendix C – SME Performance Requirements

Type of machine Maximum

machine mass (kg)

Maximum BP% for service

braking system conducted at a

maximum of 32 km/h

Maximum BP% for service

braking system conducted at a

maximum of 32 km/h


Machines intended for

travel on public roads.

Any Mass Permitted 28% 15.5% Max 15% gradient

All machines not intended for

travel on public roads.

≥32,000 19% 13.5%

Greatest gradient encountered on

site up to a max of 15%

14. Appendix D – Forklift Performance Requirements

Type of machine Maximum

machine mass (kg)

Minimum BP% for service

braking system conducted at a

maximum of 32 km/h

Minimum BP% for service

braking system conducted at a

maximum of 32 km/h

PARKING BRAKE (hold test)

Powered industrial trucks

Any Mass Permitted 19% 13.5% 15%

Type of truck Truck rated capacity Maximum BP% for service

braking system conducted at a maximum of 32 km/h

All industrial trucks ≤16,000kg 9.3

16,000kg to 50,000kg 7.5

Industrial tractors With 1 or 2 braked wheels 13

With 4 braked wheels 18.6

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15. Appendix E – Trailer Performance Requirements

Trailers ≥10 tonne ATM

Trailers >10 tonne ATM (ADR 38) which are road registered can utilise the Heavy Vehicle National Regulation (NHVR) annual testing program (compliance to the Heavy Vehicle National Regulation part 7 ‘Braking Systems’).

Light, Heavy Vehicles and Trailers Performance Requirements


Light vehicles with an aggregate weight less than 2.5 tonnes. 28% 15.5 % Max 15% gradient

Heavy vehicles with a GVM of 2.5 tonnes or greater 28% 15.5% Max 15% gradient

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16. Appendix F – Mandatory Brake Test Record Sheet

Test Data

Testing Station / Site: Date:

Tester Name: Cert No.:

Job / WO No.: Site:

Machine Hours/KM: Time of Test:

Machine Description:

Machine Serial / VIN No.:

Unit ID / Rego No.:

Test Equipment Test Equipment ID No.: Tester Serial No.: Last Calibration Date: Next Calibration Date:

Service Brake Test Results

Test Type Test Print Out No. Minimum Requirement % Actual Results % Pass Fail N/A

Un-laden 1 ☐ ☐ ☐ Un-laden 2 ☐ ☐ ☐ Laden 1 ☐ ☐ ☐ Laden 2 ☐ ☐ ☐ Inspection of machine components skid marks Emergency Brake Test Results

Test Type Test Print Out No. Minimum Requirement % Actual Results % Pass Fail N/A

Un-laden 1 ☐ ☐ ☐ Un-laden 2 ☐ ☐ ☐ Laden 1 ☐ ☐ ☐ Laden 2 ☐ ☐ ☐ Inspection of machine components skid marks Park Brake Test Results Test Type Gradient % Pass Fail N/A Stationary Test – Reverse ☐ ☐ ☐ Stationary Test - Forward ☐ ☐ ☐ Comments

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Person Conducting Testing

Name: Date:

Signature: Competency No.:


Name: Date:

