Download pdf - Mikes Bikes Intro Spring

  • 7/27/2019 Mikes Bikes Intro Spring


    An Introduction toMikes Bikes Advanced

    Presented by:

    Peter Janciw

  • 7/27/2019 Mikes Bikes Intro Spring


    What is a Business Simulation?

    A representation of a real world company

    Governed by real life business conditionstrying to achieve goals and strategies

    You are placed the role of Managementand must make strategic decisions

    It is NOT just a game, it is a learningexperience

  • 7/27/2019 Mikes Bikes Intro Spring


    Why simulations are used

    Application of theoretical businessconcepts (everything you learned in IB1!)

    Used in both the academic and businessrealm

    Simulations build teamwork skills andprovide an enjoyable way to learn.

    Manitoba International MarketingCompetition

  • 7/27/2019 Mikes Bikes Intro Spring


    We will now look at

    1. What is Mikes Bikes?

    2. Simulation interface elements

    3. The importance of strategy4. The main functional areas of the


    5. Things to watch for

  • 7/27/2019 Mikes Bikes Intro Spring


    What is Mikes Bikes?

    You are the new manager of amanufacturer in the bicycle industry

    5 market segments and 3 distributionmethods exist

    2 versions: Single-Player and Multi-PlayerWe will be using the Multi-Player version

    Rollovers are automated!

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    Multi-Player Structure





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    Simulation Interface Elements

    1. Decision Screens Enter the values forall functional areas for the next period

    2. Reports View company results andanalyze for next decision

    3. The Advisor - The Mikes Bikes helper.Provides tips and assistance

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  • 7/27/2019 Mikes Bikes Intro Spring


    The Importance of Strategy

    Strategy How you will achieve yourorganizational goals

    Each Marketing, Production and Financialdecision you make ties into your overallstrategy!

    Monitor strategy by constant analysis (viareports) then make the right decisions

  • 7/27/2019 Mikes Bikes Intro Spring


    Applying The Strategy

    Big Picture > Main Objectives > Low Level

    Meeting Main Organizational Objectives Making Profit

    Having enough Product

    Keeping Customers Happy

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    The Main Functional Areas

    1. Marketing Advertising, PublicRelations, Branding, Price, etc

    2. Production and Operations Ourcapacity to produce

    3. Finance Costs, Cash Flows, Profit

    4. R and D Developing products theconsumer wants

    5. HR Size of our workforce, training, etc

  • 7/27/2019 Mikes Bikes Intro Spring


    1. Marketing

    1. Promotion Advertising, PublicRelations

    2. Distribution (Place) DepartmentsStores, Bikes shops, and Sport Shops

    3. Price How much will we/can we chargeour customer?

    4. Product Creating what the consumerwants

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  • 7/27/2019 Mikes Bikes Intro Spring


    2. Production and Operations

    Plant capacity measured in SCUs

    (Standard Capacity Units)

    Control batch size, set up time reduction,preventative maintenance

    Forecast sales to determine productionvalues

    Factory efficiency of 70% - 80% is verygood

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  • 7/27/2019 Mikes Bikes Intro Spring


    3. Finance

    We want to cover our costs and make aprofit!

    We can increase or pay back long termdebt

    Shares can be sold to raise capital, or bebought back.

    Provide shareholders with dividends fromcash surplus

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  • 7/27/2019 Mikes Bikes Intro Spring


    4. Research and Development

    Modify existing products or create a newone

    Choose product attributes: Design/Styleand Technical Specs

    Use the product placement and theperceptual map to determine whichattributes our target market wants

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  • 7/27/2019 Mikes Bikes Intro Spring


    5. Human Resources

    We can increase or decrease the size ofour workforce

    We need to decide how much to pay ouremployees

    We need to decide how much we aregoing to spend on training our employees

  • 7/27/2019 Mikes Bikes Intro Spring


    Things to watch for

    Plant capacity Too much will be a wasteof resources. Under capacity will result innot being able to meet our customer

    demands (opportunity costs).

    Marketing decisions - Be sure to spendthe right amount of resources in the proper


  • 7/27/2019 Mikes Bikes Intro Spring


    Things to watch for

    Financing decisions - Watch your debt toequity ratio. Too much debt and notenough equity will hurt share price!

    Is the price right? Having a price that istoo low results in lower revenues. Havinga price that is too high results in lower

    sales. Dont stock out!

  • 7/27/2019 Mikes Bikes Intro Spring


    Simulation Schedule

    2 practice moves

    Fri May 20th, Tues May 24th

    6 actual moves

    Move 1: Fri May 27th

    Presentations to the board

    Show how your company has performed overthe past 5 periods

  • 7/27/2019 Mikes Bikes Intro Spring


    The Group Experience

    Do key tasks AS A TEAM

    Listen to everyones ideas and opinions

    Deal with situations as the occur

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    Downloading and Playing

    Download all software and player manualsfrom

    Smartsims e-mail: [email protected]

    2 team members can register at a cost of$50 each. This amount is spread over theteam to lower costs

    Smartsims will e-mail your registrationinformation to you
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    Downloading and Playing

    Firewall configuration Access Multi-player software in 3C13

    UserID: student-01

    Password: NetMike Smartsims access:

    Login: stuwinnipeg

    Password: canada [email protected]

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    How to make a round of decisions

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