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Mid-Unit ReviewLeah Allard

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LO5: Demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental techniques, materials and processes associated with your subject.


✤ Metz flash gun


✤ Assistant directed flash gun onto house

✤ Flash gun was connected remotely to camera


✤ Captured at night to get the full effect from the flash to enhance a disturbing feel

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LO5: Demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental techniques, materials and processes associated with your subject.


✤ Elinchrom studio lights

✤ Red gels

✤ Colorama paper backdrop - black

✤ Gold reflector


✤ Assistant held reflector

✤ Slow shutter speed to show movement


✤ Slow shutter speed was the technique used to create the movement of the models face

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LO6: Make judgements and present arguments through engagement with fundamental historical, cultural and ethical concepts and theories associated with your subject.

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Artist Research: Alec GameHome. Place. Belong.

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Identity was Alec’s inspiration for Home. Place. Belong. after becoming fascinated with the different forms of art that connected people to places, music that would recall a certain place from ones growing up, or history within ancestry.

At the time of his project he recalled himself as someone who didn't feel a strong connection with one particular place nor did he have one with his family, therefore he became absorbed into peoples roots. With no message to be associated with his series of images, he said that it was more about exploring something for himself by learning more about him and gathering different contexts on the idea of home and belonging.

The portraits for the project were taken at the persons house. The following landscapes and still life images were from places that they felt a real connection with, places that give it a better sense of belonging.

As well as the images produced, Alec took note of the conversations consumed during the shoots and with that produced a small book.

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Alec Game: Home. Place. Belong, the bookAlec kindly shared his book with me that he created by collecting notes from the conversations he had whilst shooting. The book is fairly small but well detailed. He presented the images according to the way he wanted his viewers to read them, alongside these images is the conversation.The conversations were about his working title Home. Place. Belong. I was really intrigued by these conversations and how thoughtfully they were constructed.Having looked at his book, has given me an insight to what would help narrate my own book. The images on their own tell a brief narrative, but the writing fulfils the meaning behind it and makes the images look a lot clearer for the viewer.

From the images that I presented from Alec’s work, here is the conversation that I found in his book…

‘At the age of ten I moved to Copenhagen from Isan. This was a big change for me. I feel at home and as a stranger in both places. It is a feeling of being in between. For me, home means a place where I feel in touch with myself. I’ve realised how important it is for me to have places where I can feel at home. I have a feeling of temporariness here.’

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LO7:Demonstrate a range of approaches to creative and experimental problem solving.

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Initial Idea One: Desolation

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Subjective Lighting: Nadav KanderLondon-based photographer, Kander is best known for his portraiture and large-format landscapes, with his most recognised work Yangtze - The Long River series. Documenting the course along China’s Yangtze River over a period of three years.

Producing many books, had his worked exhibited universally, received an Honorary Fellowship from the Royal Photographic Society in 2015, won the Prix Picket and a World Press Photo Award, and work displayed within famous art galleries as part of collections in such galleries: the National Portrait Gallery and many more.

Dark and mysterious, with the additional facial expression the image tells a deep, meaningful story. Negative to my belief.

I really like the capture of the light at the top of the head, in comparison to the darker half of the image. The image itself is very dark and this could connote a dark reflection across the image.

The composition creates this personal approach, as if the photographer photographs from the inside perspective. My subject matter of adolescence is personal therefore a medium close up will be best.

When photographing my models in the studio, and they remember negative memories from their adolescence, I plan on setting the light to that mood.

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Alec Soth - Rebecca, 2005All that is given of description is what we can only presume is the female in the photos name. The rest of the information can be perceived from the background. Even though we can see that the background is blurred, the photographer still wants the viewer to take note of what is presented in the background behind. She stands in front of two buildings, quite plain, nothing that stands out but in fact looks shabby. This could reflect on where she lives/ comes from.

What I can make out from on the females top, is that she could have some connection with Jamaica. The child she is holding is also wearing yellow symbolising the countries colour.

The female has not dressed up for the photo and seems a little dazed.

I like the natural lighting, although the photographer may also be using lights on location.

The shot is a long shot, gathering in enough information from the background and the full height of the female.

I like how Soth represents the individual by use of information in the background as well as what they’re holding, wearing, etc.

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LO8: Communicate the development of your ideas clearly using text, image or objects.

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The Studio is not for me…I’ve discovered that the studio is not for me nor suited for my project. From looking at the three portraits individually I’m not feeling a connection from them which is defeating my personal approach. I want the viewer to feel connected to the portraits through their adolescence.

Therefore I will continue shooting two images, a portrait and still life of childhood object BUT outside the studio. Instead, I plan on photographing them whilst their doing something, perhaps eating, watching TV, on their phone and asking them about their childhood. I will then swap with whatever they’re doing with the object which reflects back on their childhood, but the head will be cut out of frame so that all which is visible of the model is their body from where they will be holding the object.

I feel this will present a personal project where I’m photographing them where they are comfortable and the environment around them will reflect on them as a person as well as their childhood. This could create a greater connection between the two images with the use of background.

Perhaps if I had used a lighter colour during my studio shoot I may have received a different feel towards my images but I also found it difficult finding twelve models which could make it down to the studio, whereas I can see to them for the photos rather than them come to me. This will guarantee that I can get the work done in good time as I don’t want to be waiting around for models which little time left.

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LO9: Demonstrate fundamental subject-specific and transferable skills relevant to your practise and future career.

✤ Confident presenting in front of other students

✤ Asking more questions during presentation tasks

✤ Enthusiastic within team work organisations

✤ Contribution within my team is 100%

✤ Analytical towards other students work

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LO10: Evidence independent planning and time-management in the development of your work.

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Mind-map - D&AD New Blood Awards, Project 2

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