Page 1: Metro Ethernet - Openserve · Metro Ethernet Cost-effective, high-speed connectivity within and between cities. It’s the quality of service levels we offer that give you the flexibility

Metro Ethernet

Page 2: Metro Ethernet - Openserve · Metro Ethernet Cost-effective, high-speed connectivity within and between cities. It’s the quality of service levels we offer that give you the flexibility

Welcome to Openserve For years, Openserve has underpinned telecommunications in South Africa.

In recognition of the dramatically changing communications landscape here and around the world, we have recently invested heavily, at all levels, into our next-generation network.

The intention is to build the foundation of an open, vibrant and innovative communications eco-system. We invite you to take this opportunity to astound your customers with truly innovative products and services that improve collaboration.

Page 3: Metro Ethernet - Openserve · Metro Ethernet Cost-effective, high-speed connectivity within and between cities. It’s the quality of service levels we offer that give you the flexibility

Metro EthernetCost-effective, high-speed connectivity within and between cities.

It’s the quality of service levels we offer that give you the flexibility to really differentiate your services, and so not only retain but improve your revenue streams. Our next generation technology will take you into the future with unequalled speed and service levels.

Openserve offers two Metro Ethernet services:

MetroClear Ethernet Express1 2

Page 4: Metro Ethernet - Openserve · Metro Ethernet Cost-effective, high-speed connectivity within and between cities. It’s the quality of service levels we offer that give you the flexibility

MetroClear product overview (Intra + Inter)

MetroClear is a point to multipoint (P2MP) layer 2 (L2) Ethernet service providing bandwidth options of 1-1000 Mbps.

Page 5: Metro Ethernet - Openserve · Metro Ethernet Cost-effective, high-speed connectivity within and between cities. It’s the quality of service levels we offer that give you the flexibility

Intra-Metro product overview


Openserve Domain

Client Domain

Client Domain Client Domain

Openserve Domain

Page 6: Metro Ethernet - Openserve · Metro Ethernet Cost-effective, high-speed connectivity within and between cities. It’s the quality of service levels we offer that give you the flexibility

Ethernet Express overview

Ethernet Express is a point to point (P2P) layer 2 (L2) Ethernet service providing bandwidth options of 1-1000 Mbps.

Client Domain Client Domain

Openserve Domain


Page 7: Metro Ethernet - Openserve · Metro Ethernet Cost-effective, high-speed connectivity within and between cities. It’s the quality of service levels we offer that give you the flexibility

What you need to know aboutOpenserve’s ME

The Ethernet interface is relatively inexpensive and bandwidth can be added in small increments via software changes – you only pay for what you need.

Metro Ethernet is a cost effective alternative to ATM and offers higher bandwidth options.

It offers customers high-speed connectivity between multiple sites with increased economies of scale on higher bandwidths.

You can provision your own value-add Layer 3 services on top of the MetroClear service.

Page 8: Metro Ethernet - Openserve · Metro Ethernet Cost-effective, high-speed connectivity within and between cities. It’s the quality of service levels we offer that give you the flexibility

What you need to know aboutOpenserve’s ME

Metro Ethernet integrates easily with existing infrastructure.

Openserve provides and manages all TCEs for the solution reactively.

Granular bandwidth pricing on a “per bandwidth unit (Mbps)” basis.

ME is a Quality of Service (QoS) enabled service and offers scalability based on customer needs.

Page 9: Metro Ethernet - Openserve · Metro Ethernet Cost-effective, high-speed connectivity within and between cities. It’s the quality of service levels we offer that give you the flexibility

MetroClear and Ethernet Express

Infrastructure (Core) Shared.

Access Medium: Microwavewhere fibre is not feasible and site within 5km from ME exchange or where the timelines are prolonged.

InterfacesEthernet Optical & Electrical.

ThroughputGuaranteed with QoS.

SLASilver on Logical service 100 Mbps.

Access Medium: FibreStandardised Pricing for access less than 5km to the nearest ME exchange.

Page 10: Metro Ethernet - Openserve · Metro Ethernet Cost-effective, high-speed connectivity within and between cities. It’s the quality of service levels we offer that give you the flexibility

MetroClear and Ethernet Express

ManagementProactive-network management (NNOC). Reactive-service management 100 Mbps. 100 Mbps.

Pricing ApproachSame access pricing. Reduced bandwidth pricing.

Service TypeL2 VPN/VLL with QoS.

ScalabilityEasy to upgrade.

Data Rate1-124 Mbps in multiples of 1 Mbps. 125-600 Mbps in multiples of 5 Mbps. 600-1000 Mbps in multiples of 100 Mbps.

Page 11: Metro Ethernet - Openserve · Metro Ethernet Cost-effective, high-speed connectivity within and between cities. It’s the quality of service levels we offer that give you the flexibility

Cost-effective, high-speed connectivity in and betweenMetropolitan Area Networks (MAN).

Johannesburg, Pretoria, Cape Town, Durban, Bloemfontein &Kimberley, Port Elizabeth,East London. Hosted on the Metro Ethernet network.

Page 12: Metro Ethernet - Openserve · Metro Ethernet Cost-effective, high-speed connectivity within and between cities. It’s the quality of service levels we offer that give you the flexibility

3 classes of service available


Max Bandwidth



Real Time

130 Mbps

Suitable for applicationssuch as voice and video

traffic that are timesensitive.

Voice over IPVideo Conferencing

Business Data

600 Mbps

Intended for missioncritical data applications

that are interactive ortime dependent.

SAP, Oracle, Peoplesoft,Telnet, Intranet Web

Exchange, Groupwise,Lotus Notes, File/Print


General Data

1000 Mbps

“Best effort” deliveryintended for non-mission

critical applications.

E-mail, Internet, FTP.

Metro Ethernet

Openserve will supply & install the TCE device.

Page 13: Metro Ethernet - Openserve · Metro Ethernet Cost-effective, high-speed connectivity within and between cities. It’s the quality of service levels we offer that give you the flexibility

Service multiplexing

It allows forterminatingvarious VLANs onone port.

This is themultiplexing of twoor more Layer 2VPNs/VLLs onto onephysical port of anend-user device.

What you need to know about service multiplexing:

You need to indicate the TCE port as well as the VLAN ID to be used for service multiplexing.

Provided on both an optical and electrical ports.

Service multiplexingis available onthe SAS-E and SAS-D devices.


Page 14: Metro Ethernet - Openserve · Metro Ethernet Cost-effective, high-speed connectivity within and between cities. It’s the quality of service levels we offer that give you the flexibility

No Ethernet Demarcation Device (EDD)

Applicable at Teraco sites and TSA ME enabled exchanges.

Teraco SitesNo HOF / HOC require.ME port @ existing price.Client to arrange connection to the Meet Me Room.

The provisioning of access without an end user device (No SAS-E).

TSA ME ExchangesCo-location rules apply.HOF / HOC needs to be in place.HOF / HOC = separate product agreement.


Page 15: Metro Ethernet - Openserve · Metro Ethernet Cost-effective, high-speed connectivity within and between cities. It’s the quality of service levels we offer that give you the flexibility

Pricing Structure - OverviewIncludes an access and a bandwidth component, as well as once-off charges for installation, configuration and interface change.

Contract Terms

Bandwidth Once-off charges

Access percustomer site

Available in 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, 10 and 15 year contract terms.

• Distance - independent Bandwidth to the Openserve ME-enabled exchange.

• The bandwidth pricing will be flat rated but different rates will apply to links within a metro (Nodal) and between two metros (Inter nodal).

• Available in Business Data, General Data and Real-Time Class of Service.

1. Installation of the TCE (pays for the labour, not for the capital cost of the TCE) for 1, 2 & 3 year contract terms.

2. No installation charges for 4, 5, 10 & 15 year contract terms.

3. Configuration fee is charged per configuration change per TCE for bandwidth configuration.

1x TCE, Access Fibre, 1x Port.

Page 16: Metro Ethernet - Openserve · Metro Ethernet Cost-effective, high-speed connectivity within and between cities. It’s the quality of service levels we offer that give you the flexibility

Pricing Structure - Overview

Provide applicablecontact details.

Provide contractterm period.

Provide full A and B site addresswith GPSco-ordinates.

Provide bandwidthrequirements and QoS (GD,BD,RT).

Page 17: Metro Ethernet - Openserve · Metro Ethernet Cost-effective, high-speed connectivity within and between cities. It’s the quality of service levels we offer that give you the flexibility

Ordering Process

What is theFeasibility Process &What does it entail?CRD document(capture clientrequirements)Feasibility, Costing,Pricing, Proposal.

5km Rule

Standard Access Prices

Provide Proposal within 5 Days

Follow Feasibility Process (CSS)

Provide Proposal within 36 Days

Less Than

5kmMore Than


Page 18: Metro Ethernet - Openserve · Metro Ethernet Cost-effective, high-speed connectivity within and between cities. It’s the quality of service levels we offer that give you the flexibility

Ready for Occupation (RFO)

Openserve Wholesale makes the customer site ready for occupation (RFO), using Openserve-approved contractors, at OLO’s cost. This is done according to RFO specification and includes the product equipment in the order.

Metro Ethernet integrates easily with your existing infrastructure. Reduce the time taken from ordering a MetroClear service to having it up and running to 30 days.

Page 19: Metro Ethernet - Openserve · Metro Ethernet Cost-effective, high-speed connectivity within and between cities. It’s the quality of service levels we offer that give you the flexibility
