Download pdf - Meteorite Fragment

  • 8/8/2019 Meteorite Fragment



    Meteorite #001--------------

    (Note: You will want to go into the Setting Options in the menu to turn downall sound except for SFX Volume. You will want to do this so that when you

    get close to a Meteorite you will hear a humming, whurring or pulsatingbeeping type sound (not easy to describe but easily recognized once you haveheard it for the first time) that you will want to recognize because as itgets louder it means you are getting closer to the Meteorite you seek (itmakes the same sound as the Emblems incase you are wondering). If for somereason the Meteorite is not where the directions take you then either thereis an error in the directions (which you will want to contact us about) oryou ran into the missing collectible glitch. We should also make you awarethat the sound the Meteorites make sometimes get cancelled out by othersounds which means the Meteorites might not always make a sound so don'talways expect them to make the sound but most of the time they should. I alsorecommend that you start using these directions after you get the Web Zip or

    at least purhchase the "Wall Jump" to make climbing up tall buildings muchfaster but you can start using these directions before you even use the "Goto Training!" Point of interest after the intro level of the game.)

    A. If you are at the correct place you should be at the large cicular grassyarea at Battery Park and you should be able to see the Statue of Liberty inthe distance to the South/Southwest.

    B. Look to the North/Northwest from this tree near the center of this grassyarea and you should see a tall building just across the street with pinkwindows (depends on time of day to what color they are I'm guessing) in frontof you (look at the map if you need to and you will see this building is theone directly North of this large circular grassy area).

    C. Go across the street and wall crawl up the right (Eastern most) side ofthis building. As you climb up this building you will come to a ledge.

    D. After you climb up onto that ledge continue to Wall crawl up this side ofthe building until you reach the next ledge. Once you reach that ledge lookto your right (North) and you will see the 1st Meteorite here.

    Meteorite #002--------------

    A. Climb up to the roof of this building and look to the North.

    B. Climb up to the roof of the taller building you see to the North and whenyou reach the roof you will see the 2nd Meteorite at the center of thisrooftop.

    Meteorite #003--------------

    A. Go to the Southeast corner of this rooftop and look down to theEast/Southeast.

    B. You should be able to see a Meteorite at the Southeast corner of the lowerrooftop across the street here.

    C. Jump over to that rooftop and get the 3rd Meteorite.

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    Meteorite #004--------------

    A. Now make your way back up to the roof of the building you were just on(the rooftop the 2nd Meteorite was on) and go to the Southwest corner of thatbuilding's rooftop.

    B. Look to the Southwest and you should see a slightly taller building inthis direction.

    C. Look down and you should see a much shorter building between that buildingand this one you are on now.

    D. Drop down to the rooftop of that shorter building and you will find the4th Meteorite at the Southeastern corner of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #005--------------

    A. Go to the Northwestern corner of this rooftop and jump to the slightlyshorter building to the West/Northwest.

    B. Go to the West/Southwest edge of this rooftop and climb up the tallbuilding you see in front of you across the street to the West/Southwest.

    C. Climb up to the roof of this tall building and you will find the 5thMeteorite near the center of this building's rooftop.

    Meteorite #006--------------

    A. Go to the Northwest corner of this rooftop and look down to the Northwest

    to see a Meteorite at the Southwest corner of the lower rooftop across thestreet.

    B. Drop down onto that roof and get the 6th Meteorite.

    Meteorite #007--------------

    A. Drop down to the ledge on the Northwest edge of this rooftop and climb upthat building you see across the street to the Northwest.

    B. Drop down to the lower rooftop on the Northwest side of this building andthen go to the Northwest edge of this rooftop.

    C. Climb up that taller building you see across the street to the Northwestand when you reach the roof of this building you will see the 7th Meteoriteto the right (North) side of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #008--------------

    A. Go to the West/Northwest corner of this rooftop and climb up to the roofof the slighty shorter building (on the other side of the intersection yousee below) to the Northwest.

    B. Go to the Northwestern edge of this rooftop and you will find the 8thMeteorite.

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    Meteorite #009 & #010---------------------

    A. Go to the Northwest edge of this rooftop and climb up onto that rooftopyou see across the street to the Northwest.

    B. Go to the Northwest edge of this rooftop and climb up that tall building

    you see to the Northwest.

    C. As you reach the top of this rooftop you should see the 9th Meteorite atthe Southwestern edge of this rooftop and the 10th Meteorite at theNortheastern edge of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #011--------------

    A. Go to the Eastern corner of this rooftop and look to the East.

    B. You should see a slightly shorter building between two much taller

    buildings to the East.

    C. Swing over onto that rooftop and then go to the Northwest side of thisrooftop to find the 11th Meteorite on the small partition of this rooftophere.

    Meteorite #012--------------

    A. Go to the Northern corner of this rooftop and look down to the Northeastto see the building with the intersection in front of it to the Northeast.

    B. Swing down to the larger empty part of that building's rooftop and you

    will find the 12th Meteorite at the center of this part of the rooftop.

    Meteorite #013--------------

    A. Go to the East/Northeast edge of this rooftop and climb up to the roof ofthe taller building you see across the street to the East/Northeast.

    B. Go to the Eastern corner of this building and climb up onto the roof ofthe slightly taller building in front of you (to the East).

    C. Go to the Southern edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof of thebuilding you see across the street (to the South).

    D. Go to the Southeast corner of this rooftop and you will find the 13thMeteorite at this corner of the rooftop.

    Meteorite #014--------------

    A. Go to the East edge of this rooftop and drop down onto the rooftop acrossthe street to the East.

    B. Go to the East edge of this rooftop and climb up the taller building yousee in front of you (to the East).

    C. Once you reach the roof of this building you will see the 14th Meteoriteat the Northeast corner of this rooftop.

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    Meteorite #015--------------

    A. Go to the East edge of this rooftop and jump to the rooftop across thestreet to the East.

    B. Go to the Southeast corner of this rooftop and climb up that tallerbuilding you see on the other side of the intersection to the Southeast.

    C. If you climbed up to the roof of the correct building you should find the15th Meteorite near the Northeast corner of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #016--------------

    A. Now go to the Northwest corner of this rooftop and swing back onto therooftop of the shorter building you were just on a moment ago to theNorthwest.

    B. Now go to the North edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof of thebuilding you see in front of you (to the North).

    C. Go to the Northwestern corner of this rooftop and drop down onto the roofof the shorter building on the other side of the intersection below to theNorthwest.

    D. Go to the Northeast corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof ofthe building with the two water towers you see on it to the North.

    E. Jump up onto the Eastern most water tower on this rooftop to find the 16thMeteorite floating above it.

    Meteorite #017--------------

    A. Go to the East edge of this rooftop and climb up to the highest rooftop ofthe building to the East/Northeast.

    B. Once you reach the highest rooftop of this building look off the East sideof the rooftop.

    C. Drop down to the small ledge you see below and you will find the 17thMeteorite at the Northern edge of this small ledge.

    Meteorite #018--------------

    A. Jump to the larger rooftop you see just North of this small ledge and thengo to the East edge of this rooftop.

    B. Drop down to the rooftop you see below to the East and you will find the18th Meteorite at the Eastern edge of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #019--------------

    A. Go to the Northwest corner of this rooftop and look to the West.

    B. You should see a short white building in the distance with a purple glow

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    at the edge of it's rooftop.

    C. Swing over to that white building's rooftop across the street and you willfind the 19th Meteorite at the circular Eastern part of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #020--------------

    A. Go to the Northern edge of this circular part of the roof and you now wantto climb up onto the roof of that slightly taller building you see to theNorth/Northeast.

    B. Go to the Northwest corner of this rooftop and you should see a redbuilding to the North.

    C. Climb up onto the roof of that red building and you will find the 20thMeteorite floating above a skylight on this rooftop.

    Meteorite #021


    A. Go to the Southwestern edge of this rooftop and swing over onto the roofof that short building you see across the street to the Southwest.

    B. Go to the Western edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the tallerbuilding you see in front of you (to the West).

    C. Go to the Southwest corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof ofthe taller building you see across the street to the West.

    D. Go to the Southwestern most corner of this rooftop and you should see abuilding the same height as the one you are on now and a taller building just

    to the right of it.

    E. Swing over to the building that is the same height as the one you are onnow and then go to the West edge of this rooftop.

    F. Climb up onto the roof of the building you see across the street to theWest/Southwest and go to the Northern corner of this rooftop to find the 21stMeteorite near this corner of this roof.

    Meteorite #022--------------

    A. Go to the Southeast edge of this rooftop and climb up to the roof of thattaller building you see in front of you across the street.

    B. Go to the Southeast edge of this rooftop and you should see a buildingjust like the one you are on now to the Southeast.

    C. Climb up onto the roof of that building and go to the Northeast edge ofthis rooftop.

    D. Drop down to the small ledge on the Northeast side of this building andthen drop down to the next larger ledge you see on the Northeast side of thisbuilding to find the 22nd Meteorite near the Southeast side of this ledge.

    Meteorite #023--------------

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    A. Now swing back over to the rooftop you found #21 on and go to the Northerncorner of this rooftop.

    B. Drop down onto the shorter building with the two skylights across thestreet to the Northwest. Go to the Northwest edge of this rooftop and dropdown to the lower rooftop you see below.

    C. Go to the Northwest edge of this rooftop and jump to the slightly shorterbuilding across the street to the Northwest.

    D. Go to the Northern corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof ofthe slightly taller building you see in front of you to the Northwest.

    E. Go to the Northern corner of this rooftop and climb up to the roof of thetall brown building you see to the Northwest.

    F. Go to the taller building you see to the Northwest side of this rooftopand wall crawl around to the Northeast side of this building.

    G. Drop down to the low rooftop you see below on this side of the buildingand then go to the Northern corner of this rooftop.

    H. Look at the roof of the building across the street to the Northwest andyou should see a purple glow at the edge of the rooftop.

    I. Jump over to that rooftop and get the 23rd Meteorite near the Southerncorner of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #024--------------

    A. Go to the Northwestern most edge of this rooftop and climb up to the

    highest rooftop of the brown building across the street to the North.

    B. When you reach the rooftop you will find the 24th Meteorite near theNorthwest corner of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #025--------------

    A. Go to the Southeast corner of this rooftop and look across the street tothe East/Southeast.

    B. Climb up onto the higher rooftop of the building across the street and youwill find two water towers on this rooftop to know you are on the correctrooftop.

    C. Hop over to the next rooftop with three water towers to the East and thenclimb up onto the roof of the taller building at the East side of thisrooftop.

    D. When you reach the rooftop of this building you will see the 25thMeteorite at the far (East) side of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #026--------------

    A. Go to the Northwestern edge of this rooftop and hop over to the shorterbuilding's rooftop you see below to the North.

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    B. Go to the North edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the highest roof ofthe taller building across the street to the North.

    C. Go to the North edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the next slightlytaller building's rooftop to the North.

    D. Go to the Northeast corner of this roof and climb up onto the taller red

    building you see to the Northwest.

    E. When you reach the roof of this building you will find the 26th Meteoritenear the Southeast corner of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #027--------------

    A. Go to the West edge of this rooftop and hop over to the next building toWest.

    B. Go to the North/Northwestern edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the

    long rooftop you see across the street to the North.

    C. Go to the Northwest corner of this rooftop and you should see to theNorthwest a faint purple glow.

    D. Climb up onto the highest part of the building's rooftop that is on theother side of the intersection to the Northwest and you will find the 27thMeteorite near the Northeastern corner of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #028--------------

    A. Go to the Southeast corner of this rooftop and climb back up onto the long

    rooftop you were on a moment ago on the other side of the intersection.

    B. Go to the East edge of this rooftop and jump over to the rooftop acrossthe street to the East.

    C. Go to the East edge of this rooftop and drop down to the rooftop you seebelow to the East with the water tower on it.

    D. Go to the Southeast corner of this rooftop and you will want to climb upto the highest roof of that building you see on the other side of theintersection to the Southeast.

    E. Go to the East edge of this rooftop and drop down onto the roof of thewater tower you see below.

    F. You will find the 28th Meteorite floating above the center of this watertower.

    Meteorite #029--------------

    A. Face to the East and jump over onto the roof of the building you see infront of you to the East.

    B. Go to the Southern edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof of the

    building you see across the street to the South.

    C. Go to the Southern edge of this rooftop and hop over to the next rooftop

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    to the South.

    D. Go to the Southwest corner of this rooftop and look on the ledge acrossthe street to the South/Southeast to see a purple glow on the ledge of thebuilding here.

    E. Climb up onto that ledge and get the 29th Meteorite that is on it.

    Meteorite #030--------------

    A. Climb back up onto the roof you were just on (to the North) and go to theSoutheastern corner of this rooftop.

    B. Climb up onto the roof of the building on the other side of theintersection to the Southeast and go to the Southeast corner of this rooftop.

    C. Hop over to the rooftop to the South/Southeast and then go to theSouthwest corner of this rooftop.

    D. Climb up onto the roof of the building across the street to the South andgo to the South edge of this rooftop.

    E. Climb up to the roof of the tall building in front of you to the South andwhen you reach the roof of this building you will find the 30th Meteoritenear the South edge of this roof.

    Meteorite #031--------------

    A. Go to the Southwest corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof ofthe building across the street to the West.

    B. Once you reach the roof climb up onto the highest section of this rooftopwith some skylight on it near the Southwest corner of this building and thengo to the Northwest corner of this smaller roof.

    C. Hop over to the rooftop with the purple glow you see to the West and youwill find the 31st Meteorite near the Southwestern corner of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #032--------------

    A. Now go back to the rooftop you found #30 on and go to the Northeast cornerof this rooftop.

    B. Hop over onto the rooftop to the East and then go to the Southeast cornerof this roof.

    C. Climb up onto the roof of that lone tall building you see across thestreet in the distance to the Southeast and then drop down to the lowerrooftop on the Southeast side of this building.

    D. Go to the Southeast edge of this lower roof and climb up onto the roof ofthe red building across the street to the Southeast.

    E. Go to the Southeast edge of this rooftop and jump over to the next

    building that you see a purple glow over the water tower on to the Southeast.

    F. Once you are on that roof jump up onto that water tower you see at the

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    Northern corner of this rooftop and you will find the 32nd Meteorite floatingjust above this water tower.

    Meteorite #033--------------

    A. Look to the Northeast and climb up onto the roof of the building you see

    a satellite dish on to the Northeast.

    B. Go to the Northern edge of this rooftop and hop over onto the roof of thebuilding in front of you to the North.

    C. Go to the Northwest corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof ofthe red building with the three water towers on it to the Northwest.

    D. Go to the Northwest edge of this roof and drop down to the large ledge yousee on this side of the building.

    E. Go to the Northwest edge of this ledge and swing down to the roof of the

    short building on the other side of the intersection to the Northwest.

    F. Go to the Northeast corner of this rooftop and you will find the 33rdMeteorite here.

    Meteorite #034--------------

    A. Go to the Northeast corner of this roof (the corner you should be near)and climb up onto the roof of the building across the street to theNortheast.

    B. Go to the Southeast corner of this rooftop and climb up to the highest

    rooftop of the building in front of you to the Southeast.

    C. Go to the Northeast corner of of this rooftop and climb up onto therooftop of the much taller orange building you see across the street to theEast/Northeast.

    D. Once you reach the roof you will find near the Southwest corner of thisrooftop the 34th Meteorite here.

    Meteorite #035--------------

    A. Go to the Northwest corner of this rooftop and drop down to the roof ofthe shorter building you see below to the North/Northwest.

    B. Go to the Northeast corner of this rooftop and look down to theNorth/Northwest.

    C. If you are looking at the correct direction you should see on the side ofthe next building some small triangle ledges on it and on the center highertriangle ledge you should see a purple glow.

    D. Climb up onto that triangle ledge and get the 35th Meteorite.

    Meteorite #036


    A. Climb back up onto the rooftop you were just on to the South and then go

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    to the Eastern/Northeastern edge of this rooftop.

    B. Drop down to the rooftop of the shorter building you see below to theEast/Northeast and then go to the Southeast corner of this rooftop.

    C. Climb up onto the roof of the building you see across the street to theEast and then go to the Southeastern most corner of this roof.

    D. Climb up onto the roof of the tall building across the street to theSouth/Southeast.

    E. Go to the South/Southeast edge of this rooftop and you should see in thedistance a red building to the Southeast.

    F. Climb up onto the roof of that building and you will find the 36thMeteorite at the middle of the Southeastern most upper rooftops of thisbuilding.

    Meteorite #037


    A. Go to the Northern corner of the rooftop you found #36 on and hop over tothe next rooftop you see to the North.

    B. Go to the Northeast corner of this rooftop and climb up that narrow grooveon the side of the building you see directily in front of you to theNortheast.

    C. Once you reach the roof at the top of this groove you should see the 37thMeteorite in front of you at the Northeastern edge of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #038


    A. Look down to the Northeast and drop down to the Northern higher rooftop ofthe building you see down below.

    B. Go to the Northwest corner of this rooftop and swing around to the otherside of the building you see across the street to the North.

    C. As you swing around to the other side of this building drop down onto thelow rooftop with two skylights on it at the Northwest side of this buildingand then go to the Northwestern corner of this rooftop.

    D. Climb up onto the roof of the tall building you see to the North and thengo to the Northwest most corner of this rooftop.

    E. You should see on the other side of the intersection a building with threetriangle ledges like the one you saw earlier.

    F. Climb up onto the lower larger roof of that building and you will find the38th Meteorite near the center of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #039--------------

    A. Go to the Northern corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof of

    the building you see across the street to the North/Northwest.

    B. Go to the Northeastern corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the red

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    building you see on the other side of the intersection to the Northeast.

    C. Go to the Northern corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the lowerlarge roof of the red building you see a purple glow on across the street tothe North.

    D. When you reach the roof of that red building you will find the 39th

    Meteorite near the Southeastern side of this building.

    Meteorite #040--------------

    A. Go to the Western corner of this building and climb up onto the roof ofthe red building you see on the other side of the intersection to theNorthwest.

    B. Go to the Western side/edge of this building and hop over to the nextbuilding to the West.

    C. Go to the Northern most Northwestern corner of this rooftop and climb uponto the building you see on the other side of the intersection to theNorthwest.

    D. Once you get to that roof you will find the 40th Meteorite at the Southside of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #041--------------

    A. Go to the Western/Northwestern most edge of this rooftop and hop over tothe next building to the West.

    B. Go to the Norhtern most Northwestern corner of this rooftop and swing overonto the roof of the short building you see below to the Northwest.

    C. Go to the Southwest corner of this rooftop and look to the West to see apurple glow on the next rooftop.

    D. Climb up onto that building with the purple glow and get the 41stMeteorite near the center of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #042--------------

    A. Go to the Southern corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof ofthe next building you see to the South.

    B. Go to the Southwest edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof ofthat red building you see on the other side of the intersection to theSouthwest.

    C. Jump up onto the water tower at the North side of this rooftop when youget up onto the roof and you will find the 42nd Meteorite floating above it.

    Meteorite #043--------------

    A. Go to the Southeast corner of this rooftop and drop down to the park areayou see down below to the South/Southeast.

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    B. Go over to the grassy area at the Southeast corner of this park and thenclimb up onto the highest part of the roof of the building you see across thestreet to the South.

    C. Once you reach the top you will see the 43rd Meteorite near the centerthis small roof.

    Meteorite #044--------------

    A. Drop down to the lower larger rooftop and go to the Southern mostSoutheast corner of this rooftop.

    B. Climb up onto the roof of the brown building you see across the street tothe Southeast.

    C. When you reach the roof you will see the 44th Meteorite at the center ofthis roof.

    Meteorite #045--------------

    A. Go to the Western edge of this roof and drop down onto the roof you seebelow to the West.

    B. Go to the West edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof of the redbuilding you see across the street to the West.

    C. Go to the Northwest corner of this roof and climb up onto the roof of thebuilding you see across the street to the North.

    D. Go to the West corner of this rooftop and drop down onto the roof of the

    building you see across the street to the West.

    E. Go to the Northwest corner of this roof and hop over to the next buildingto the Northwest.

    F. Go to the Northwest corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof ofthat tall building you see in front of you across the street to theNorthwest.

    G. Go to the Southern edge of this rooftop and jump up onto the Eastern mostwater tower to find the 45th Meteorite floating just above it.

    Meteorite #046--------------

    A. Go to the Northwestern most corner of this rooftop and drop down onto thelower rooftop of the building on the other side of the intersection to theNorthwest.

    B. Go to the Northwestern corner of this low rooftop and climb up onto theroof of the building across the street to the North.

    C. Go to the Northwest corner of this roof and hop over to the next rooftopyou see the purple glow on to the North.

    D. You will find the 46th Meteorite near the Southwest corner of thisrooftop.

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    Meteorite #047--------------

    A. Go to the Northwest corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof ofthe tall building at the corner across the street to the North.

    B. Go to the Northwest corner of this roof and climb up onto the roof of the

    building on the other side of the intersection to the Northwest.

    C. Go to the Northwest corner of this rooftop and you should see to theNorthwest a glow on the ledge below the roof on the side of the building yousee in the distance to the Northwest.

    D. Climb up onto that ledge of that building and get the 47th Meteorite atthe Eastern side of that ledge.

    ================================================Starting Point for Meteorite 48-73 "Daily Bugle"================================================

    (Note: The following directions are starting from where 47 left off but youcan still use this as a starting point just ignore the step and stand on theDaily Bugle's rooftop where it tells you to stand at.)

    Meteorite #048--------------

    A. Go to the Western edge of this ledge and you should see the "Daily Bugle"Building across the street.

    B. Climb up onto the roof of the "Daily Bugle" and go to the Northern mosttip of the Daily Bugle's rooftop.

    C. Climb up onto the roof of the building with the grassy area in front of itthat you see on the other side of the intersection to the Northeast.

    D. Once you reach the roof go to the Northern most edge of this rooftop andclimb up onto the roof of the building you see across the street to theNorth.

    E. When you reach the roof go around to the Southeast corner of this roof tofind the 48th Meteorite near this corner of the roof.

    Meteorite #049--------------

    A. Go to the Eastern edge of this rooftop and jump over to the lower rooftopof the building you see a purple glow on it across the street to the East.

    B. Once you are on that roof you can get the 49th Meteorite at the Northernside of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #050--------------

    A. Now go back to the Daily Bugle's rooftop and go to the Southwestern cornerof the Bugle's rooftop.

    B. Climb up onto the roof of the building you see on the other side of theintersection to the Southwest and go to the Northwest corner of this roof.

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    C. Hop over onto the roof of the building across the street to the West andthen go to the Western edge of this rooftop.

    D. Climb up onto the roof of that red building you see up ahead to the Westand then go to the Northwestern corner of it's rooftop.

    E. Hop over to the lower roof of the building you see across the street tothe West and then climb up onto the roof of the taller behind at the Westside of this rooftop.

    F. Go to the Western edge of this rooftop and you should see up ahead a tallbuilding with a gap between the upper floors of that building.

    G. Climb up onto the smaller rooftop just to the right of that gap in thebuilding and you will find the 50th Meteorite at the center of this roof.

    Meteorite #051--------------

    A. Go to the North/Northwestern edge of this rooftop and drop down onto therooftop of the building across the street to the North/Northwest.

    B. Climb up onto the roof of the building at the Northern edge of thisrooftop and then go to the Northern most edge of this rooftop.

    C. Look down to the North and you should see a purple glow on the rooftopacross the street.

    D. Drop down onto that lower rooftop and you will find the 51st Meteorite atthe Northern side of this roof.

    Meteorite #052--------------

    A. Climb up onto the higher rooftop to the East/Northeast and go to theNortheastern corner of this rooftop.

    B. Climb up onto the roof of the taller building across the Street to theNortheast and then go to the Eastern edge of this roof.

    C. Climb up onto the second to highest rooftop of the tall large building yousee up ahead to the East and when you get onto that roof you should find the52nd Meteorite at the Southern side of this roof.

    Meteorite #053--------------

    A. Swing back over onto the roof you were on a moment ago to the West andthen go to the Northwestern corner of this rooftop.

    B. Climb up onto the highest rooftop of the building across the street to theWest and then go to the West/Southwest edge of this rooftop.

    C. Climb up onto the highest roof of the tall red building you see in frontof you to the West.

    D. Go to the Northern edge of this rooftop and drop down onto the roof of thebuilding you see a purple glow on across the street to the North.

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    E. Go to the center of this rooftop and you will find the 53rd Meteorite.

    Meteorite #054--------------

    A. Go to the Southwestern corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roofof the brown building across the street to the West.

    B. Go to the Western edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof of thenext tall building you see to the West.

    C. Go to the Western edge of this rooftop and swing over to that very tallbuilding you see in the distance to the West to climb up onto the roof of it.

    D. Go to the Northwestern corner of this roof and climb up onto the roof ofthe even taller building you see across the street to the West.

    E. When you get to the roof you will find the 54th Meteorite near theNorthwestern side of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #055--------------

    A. Go to the Northeastern corner of this roof and drop down onto the roof onthe other side of the intersection to the Northeast.

    B. Go to the Northeastern corner of this rooftop and hop over to the nextroof to the North.

    C. Go to the Northeastern corner of this rooftop and you should see downbelow to the North/Northwest a little park area.

    D. Drop down to that park area and go to the Northeastern most grassy area ofthis park.

    E. Climb up onto the roof of the orange/red building you see across thestreet to the North from this grassy area and then go to theNorth/Northwestern most edge of this rooftop.

    F. Jump over to the rooftop of the building with the two skylights you seeacross the street to the North and go to the Northwestern corner of thisrooftop.

    G. Climb up the building you are near to the West at this corner of the roofand when you reach the low roof of this building you will see the 55thMeteorite at the side of the building to the left (West/Southwest).

    Meteorite #056--------------

    A. Go to the Northeastern corner of this rooftop and climb up to the roof ofthe tall building across the street to the North.

    B. Go to the Northeast corner of this room and swing over onto the roof ofthe building on the other side of the intersection to the Northeast.

    C. Go to the North edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof of the

    taller building at this edge of the roof.

    D. Go to the Northwest corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof of

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    the building on the other side of the intersection to the Northwest.

    E. Go to the Northeast corner of this roof and drop down onto the higher roofof the red building you see across the street to the North.

    F. Go to the Northern edge of this rooftop and swing over to the roof of theshorter red building you see across the street to the North.

    G. Go to the Northeastern corner of this rooftop and wall crawl up the Southside of the building on the other side of the intersection to the Northeast.

    H. As you wall crawl up this building you will eventually come to a ledgebefore the top of the building.

    I. Go to the Western edge of this ledge and you will see the 56th Meteoritehere.

    Meteorite #057--------------

    A. Now wall crawl around to the ledge on the North side of this building andgo to the Eastern edge of this ledge.

    B. Climb up onto the roof of the slightly shorter building you see across thestreet to the Northeast.

    C. Go to the Eastern edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof of thebrown building you see in front you across the street to the East.

    D. Go to the Eastern edge of this rooftop and you should see a purple glow onthe next rooftop to the East.

    E. Drop down onto that rooftop and get the 57th Meteorite near the Southeastcorner of this roof.

    Meteorite #058--------------

    A. Go to the Northeastern corner of this roof and swing over onto the roof ofthe building on the other side of the intersection to the Northeast.

    B. Go to the Eastern edge of this rooftop and hop over to the next rooftopwith the satellite dish on it to the East.

    C. Go to the Southeastern corner of this rooftop and drop down onto the roofof the building across the street to the East.

    D. Go to the Eastern side of this rooftop and drop down to the lower roof ofthis building. Go to the Eastern edge of this roof and drop down to the nextrooftop.

    E. Go to the Southeastern corner of this roof and climb up onto the highestrooftop of the building on the other side of the intersection to theSoutheast.

    F. Go to the Southern edge of this rooftop and you should see a purple glowon the next rooftop to the South.

    G. Hop over to the next rooftop to the South and get the 58th Meteorite nearthe Eastern side of this rooftop.

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    Meteorite #059--------------

    A. Go to the Eastern edge of this rooftop and hop over to the next rooftop tothe East.

    B. Go to the Southeast corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof ofthe building on the other side of the intersection to the Southeast.

    C. Go to the Eastern edge of this rooftop and hop over to the next roof withthe satellite dish on it to the East.

    D. Go to the Northeastern corner of this roof and climb up onto the roof ofthe building across the street to the North/Northeast.

    E. Go to the Southeastern corner of this rooftop and drop down to the centerof the intersection to the Southeast.

    F. Swing your way down the street that goes South until you reach a very tallbuilding directly in front of you at the end of this street.

    G. Climb up to the top of this very tall building and go to the center ofthis rooftop to find the 59th Meteorite here.

    Meteorite #060--------------

    A. Go to the Eastern tip of this rooftop and you should see in the distancean even taller white building to the East.

    B. Swing over to that building and wall crawl up the Southern side of that

    building to reach the lowest small ledge near the top of this building.

    C. Go to the Eastern edge of this ledge and you will find the 60th Meteoritehere.

    Meteorite #061--------------

    A. Hop over onto the lower roof of the building you see across the street tothe East of this ledge and go to the Southeast corner of this rooftop.

    B. Climb up onto the roof of the building on the other side of theintersection to the Southeast and then go to the Southern edge of this roof.

    C. Climb up onto the roof of the next building to the South and then go tothe Southern edge of this rooftop.

    D. Once again climb up onto the roof of the next building across the streetto the South and again go to the Southern edge of this rooftop.

    E. Go to the Southwest corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof ofthe white building you see a purple glow on to the South.

    F. Climb up onto the higher part of this rooftop and go to the Northeasterncorner this higher part to find the 61st Meteorite here.

    Meteorite #062--------------

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    A. Go to the Southern most edge of this rooftop and drop down onto the roofacross the street to the South.

    B. Go to the Southern edge of this rooftop and again drop down to the nextrooftop across the street to the South.

    C. Go to the Southern edge of this rooftop and hop over to the next rooftopacross the street to the South.

    D. Go to the Southeastern most corner of this rooftop and drop down to thelower rooftop to the East to find the 62nd Meteorite near the Southern sideof this roof.

    Meteorite #063--------------

    A. Go to the Eastern edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof of thetaller building you see to the East.

    B. Go to the Northeastern corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roofof the building on the other side of the intersection to the Northeast.

    C. Go to the Northern edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the highestroof of the tall building across the street to the North.

    D. Go to the Northern edge of this roof and climb up onto the highest rooftopof the next building across the street to the North.

    E. Go to the Northeastern corner of this roof and drop down onto the largeledge you see the purple glow on below to the East to get the 63rd Meteorite.

    Meteorite #064--------------

    A. Go to the Northeastern corner of this large ledge and hop over onto thetall building across the street to the North/Northeast.

    B. Drop down onto the large ledge at the Northwestern side of this buildingand go to the Northwestern edge of this ledge.

    C. Drop down onto the roof you see across the street to the North/Northwestand go to the Northwestern edge of this rooftop.

    D. Climb up onto the roof of the tall building across the street to theNorth/Northwest and drop down onto the large ledge at the Northwest side ofthis building.

    E. Drop down onto the rooftop you see across the street to theNorth/Northwest and go to the Northwestern edge of this rooftop.

    F. Hop over to the next rooftop with the purple glow on it at the corner tothe North and you will find the 64th Meteorite near the Northeastern cornerof this rooftop.

    Meteorite #065--------------

    A. Go to the West/Southwestern edge of this rooftop and climb up onto theroof of the red building you see across the street to the West/Southwest.

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    B. Go to the Northern edge of this rooftop and hop over to the next largerrooftop of this building to the North.

    C. Go to the Northern edge of this roof and drop down onto the smallerconnecting roof to find the 65th Meteorite at the Northern end of it.

    Meteorite #066--------------

    A. Climb up onto the higher rooftop to the North and go to the Northeasterncorner of this roof.

    B. Climb up onto the roof of the tall building across the street to theNortheast and go to the Northeast corner of this rooftop.

    C. Climb up onto the roof of the small building you see at the corner acrossthe street to the North.

    D. Go around to the small ledge at the Eastern side of this rooftop and youwill find the 66th Meteorite here.

    Meteorite #067--------------

    A. Go to the Northwestern corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the higherroof of the white building you see across the street to the Northwest.

    B. Go to the Northwestern edge of this rooftop and hop over to the nextrooftop across the street to the North/Northwest.

    C. Go to the Northwestern edge of this roof and hop over to the next roof to

    the North/Northwest.

    D. Go to the Northwestern edge of this roof and climb up onto the roof ofthat taller building you see across the street to the North/Northwest.

    E. Drop down off the North edge of this rooftop onto a larger rooftop andthen drop down off the North edge of this roof onto a small ledge.

    F. Go to the Eastern edge of this ledge and you will find the 67th Meteoritehere.

    Meteorite #068--------------

    A. Climb up onto the highest roof of the building across the street to theNorth/Northwest and then go to the Northwestern edge of this rooftop.

    B. Climb up onto the roof of the building you see across the street to theNorth.

    C. Go to the Northern edge of this rooftop and you should see to the North abuilding with a block shaped gap at the top of it.

    D. Climb up onto the roof on the right (East) side of that block shaped gapand you will find the 68th Meteorite near the Southeast corner of this


    Meteorite #069

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    A. Go to the Southwest corner of this roof and climb up onto the highest roofof the white building you see across the street to the Southwest.

    B. Go to the Southern edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the small roofof the building you see across the street to the South.

    C. Go to the Southwest corner of this rooftop and swing/climb up onto therooftop of the building on the other side of the intersection to theSouthwest.

    D. Go towards the Northeastern corner of this rooftop and you will find the69th Meteorite near it.

    Meteorite #070--------------

    A. Go to the Northeast corner of this roof and climb up onto the roof of the

    building across the street to the North.

    B. Go to the Northwest corner of this rooftop and hop over to the redbuilding that is close to the street to the Northwest.

    C. Go to the Northern edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof of thebuilding you see across the street with the water towers on it to the North.

    D. Jump up onto the Southwestern most water tower and you will find the 70thMeteorite floating above it.

    Meteorite #071--------------

    A. Go to the Northern edge of this rooftop and hop over to the next buildingto the North.

    B. Go to the Northwestern corner of this roof and climb up onto the roof ofthe building on the other side of the intersection to the Northwest.

    C. Go to the Western edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the highest roofof the building to the West.

    D. Go to the Western edge of this roof and climb up onto the roof of theslightly taller building across the street to the West to find the 71stMeteorite near the center of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #072--------------

    A. Go to the Western edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the center roofof the building you see a purple glow on to the West.

    B. You will find the 72nd Meteorite at the center of this roof.

    Meteorite #073--------------

    A. Go to the Western edge of this rooftop and drop down onto any of the smallroofs you see below.

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    B. Go to the Western edge of the rooftop you landed on and climb up onto theroof of the tall building you see across the street to the West.

    C. Go to the Western edge of this roof and climb up onto the roof of the nextbuilding to the West to find the 73rd Meteorite at the center of it.


    Starting Point for Meteorite 74-100 "Central Park"==================================================

    (Note: The following directions are starting from where 73 left off but youcan still use this as a starting point just skip down to Step D and enterCentral Park where it tells you to enter it from.)

    Meteorite #074--------------

    A. Go to the Southwestern corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roofof the building across the street to the West.

    B. Go to the Northwestern corner of this roof and drop down to the roof yousee below to the Northwest.

    C. Go to the Northwestern corner of this rooftop and drop down to theintersection below to the Northwest.

    D. Start to go North/Northwest down the street that enters "Central Park"(this would be the Western street at the Southern side of Cental Park).

    E. As you enter walk over onto the grass to the left (West) of this streetand walk North along the grass until you come to a dirt path.

    F. Follow this path to the left (West) and as you follow this path you willeventually see on the grass to the left of this path the 74th Meteorite.

    Meteorite #075--------------

    A. Now head back to the East to get to the street you entered Central Parkfrom.

    B. Now go to the grass on the Eastern side of this street and walk along thegrass at the edge of the sidewalk and you will eventually come to a dirtpath.

    C. Continue along the grass pass this dirt path until you eventually come tothe 75th Meteorite at the side of a bridge you come to up ahead.

    Meteorite #076--------------

    A. Walk out onto the street that goes under this small bridge and follow thisstreet under the bridge to the West.

    B. Continue along this street until you reach the intersection at the edge ofCentral Park.

    C. Go to the center of this intersection and climb up onto the highest roofof the building at the Southwest corner of this intersection.

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    D. Go to the Southeastern edge of this small rooftop and then hop over to thenext rooftop to the Southeast.

    E. Go to the Southwestern corner of this roof and hop over onto the nextbuilding to the Southwest.

    F. Go to the Southern corner of this rooftop and climb up onto highest roof

    of that slightly shorter gray building you see across the street to theSouth.

    G. Go to the Southwestern edge of this rooftop and you will find the 76thMeteorite here.

    Meteorite #077--------------

    A. Go to the Western edge of this rooftop and climb up the building in frontof you to the West.

    B. Go to the Northwestern corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roofof the building with the satellite dish on it across the street to theNorthWest.

    C. Go to the Northwestern corner of this building (near the satellite dish)and climb up onto the roof of the building with the three water towers on itto the Northwest.

    D. Go to the Northwestern corner of this roof and climb up onto the roof ofthe building on the other side of the intersection to the Northwest.

    E. Go to the Northwestern corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roofof the building across the street to the North.

    F. Go to the Northern most Northwest corner of this rooftop and drop downonto the low rooftop you see below to the North.

    G. Go to the Northern edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof of thebuilding at the corner across the street to the North/Northwest.

    H. Go to the Northwestern corner of this roof and climb up onto the roof ofthe taller building across the street to the Northwest.

    I. Go to the Northwestern corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roofof the even taller building to the North.

    J. Go to the Northeastern corner of this rooftop and look down to theNortheast to see a purple glow on the roof below.

    K. Drop down onto that roof and get the 77th Meteorite near the Northern edgeof this roof.

    Meteorite #078--------------

    A. Go to the Northeastern most corner of this roof and climb up onto the roofof the building on the other side of the intersection to the Northeast.

    B. Go to the Northeastern corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roofof the building with a satellite dish on it to the Northeast.

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    C. Go to the Eastern edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof of thebuilding across the street to the East.

    D. Go to the Eastern edge of this roof and climb up onto the roof of thetaller building to the East.

    E. Go to the Eastern edge of this roof and hop over onto the lower rooftop

    across the street to the East.

    F. Go to the Eastern edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof of theslightly taller building you see to the East.

    G. Once you are on the roof go towards the Northeastern corner of thisrooftop and you will find the 78th Meteorite near that corner of this roof.

    Meteorite #079--------------

    A. Go to the Northwestern corner of this rooftop and drop down onto the low

    roof to the West.

    B. Climb up onto the roof of the building at the West side of this rooftopand then go to the Northwestern corner of this roof.

    C. Climb up onto the roof of the slightly taller building on the other sideof the intersection with a water tower on it to the Northwest.

    D. Go to the Northern most edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof ofthe taller building across the street to the Northwest.

    E. Go to the Northwestern corner of this roof and drop down onto the roof yousee below to the West.

    F. Go to the Northwestern corner of this roof and climb up onto the roofacross the street to the Northwest.

    G. Go towards the South side roof and you should find the 79th Meteorite nearthis side of the rooftop.

    Meteorite #080--------------

    A. Go to the Northwestern corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roofof the building to the North.

    B. Go to the Northwestern corner of this rooftop and then climb up onto theroof of the building on the other side of the intersection to the Northwest.

    C. Go to the Western edge of this building and climb up onto the roof of thebuilding you see to the West.

    D. Go to the Southwest corner of this roof and hop over onto the lowerrooftop across the street to the West.

    E. Go to the Southwestern side of this rooftop and you will find the 80thMeteorite near the wall at this side of the rooftop.

    Meteorite #081--------------

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    A. Go to the Northeastern edge of this rooftop and drop down onto the streetbelow to the East/Northeast.

    B. Follow this street to the North and just before you reach the intersectionat the end of this street you should see a Subway entrance on the sidewalkto the left (West).

    C. Climb up onto the roof of the building that is near that subway entranceand hop up onto the slightly higher roof you see to the West/Southwest at theNorthwestern corner of this building's rooftop.

    D. Jump up onto the Eastern most water tower on this roof to find the 81stMeteorite floating above it.

    Meteorite #082--------------

    A. Drop back down onto the street you were on to the East and now follow thisstreet to the South.

    B. Go pass six intersections and then go to the center of the seventhintersection.

    C. Follow the street that goes East/Northeast and go to the center of thefourth intersection you come to (the intersection near the Northern Entranceinto Central Park.

    D. Climb up onto the roof of the building at the Northeastern corner of thisintersection and when you reach the roof go to the Eastern side of thisrooftop to find the 82nd Meteorite near the wall here.

    Meteorite #083


    A. Drop back down to the center of the intersection you were just at (the onein front of the Northern entrance of Central Park) and follow the street tothe East/Northeast to the next intersection.

    B. When you reach the next intersection hop over the small wall to the Southof the intersection to enter Central Park and then walk up the small grassyhill just pass that wall.

    C. When you reach the top of this grassy hill you will find a smallwalkway/path here.

    D. Go to the left (East) along this path and follow it until you reach a forkin the path.

    E. Go to the left (Southeast) at this fork in the path and you willeventually get to another fork in the path.

    F. Once again go to the left (South) at this fork in the path and then go tothe right (South) at the next fork in the path you come to.

    G. Go to the left (Southeast) at the fork in the path you see up ahead and asyou follow this path you will see the 83th Meteorite on the grass along theright (West) side of this path.

    Meteorite #084--------------

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    A. Now head back to the intersection you were at before you entered CentralPark and go to the center of this intersection.

    B. Follow the street that goes North/Northwest and go to the center of thefourth intersection you come to.

    C. Climb up onto the roof of the building at the Northeastern corner of thisintersection and then go to the Southeastern corner of this rooftop.

    D. Climb up onto the roof of the building you see a purple glow on across thestreet to the South/Southeast to get the 84th Meteorite on that roof.

    Meteorite #085--------------

    A. Go to the Southeastern corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roofwith the many water towers on it that you see across the street to theEast/Northeast.

    B. Go to the Eastern edge of this rooftop and hop over to the next rooftop tothe East.

    C. Go to the Southern edge of this roof and climb up onto the roof of thered building across the street to the South/Southeast.

    D. Go to the Southeastern corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roofof the building you see across the street to the East.

    E. Go to the South/Southeastern edge of this rooftop and drop down onto theroof of the short red building with the water tower on it across the streetto the South.

    F. Go to the Southern edge of this roof and you should find the 85thMeteorite on the more narrow rooftop just below this edge of the rooftop.

    Meteorite #086--------------

    A. Hop up onto the roof with the satellite dish on it to the South/Southwestand go to the Southeastern corner of this rooftop.

    B. Climb up onto the highest roof of the building across the street to theNortheast.

    C. Go to the East/Northeastern edge of this rooftop and hop over to the nextrooftop to the East/Northeast.

    D. Go to the East/Northeastern edge of this rooftop and climb up onto theNorthern most roof of the building across the street to the East/Northeast.

    E. Go to the Northeastern corner of this roof and climb up onto the roof ofthe building across the street to the Northeast.

    F. Go to the Northeastern corner of this rooftop and hop over to the nextlarge rooftop to the Northeast.

    G. Go to the Eastern corner of this rooftop and hop over to the next rooftopto the East.

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    H. Climb up onto the highest part of this rooftop and you should find the86th Meteorite floating above an air vent on the Southwest side of this roof.

    Meteorite #087--------------

    A. Drop down onto the large ledge at the Southeastern side of this building

    and go to the Southern corner of this ledge.

    B. Climb up onto the roof of the red building with a satellite dish on it tothe South and then hop over to the other large rooftop of this building withthe two skylights on it to the South/Southeast.

    C. Go to the Southern corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof ofthe building across the street to the South.

    D. Climb up the taller building at the Western most side of this rooftop andthen go to the Southwestern corner of this roof.

    E. Climb up onto the roof of the taller building you see across the street tothe Southwest and then go to the Southwestern corner of this rooftop.

    F. Hop over onto the rooftop of the building with the water towers on itacross the street to the South/Southwest and then go to the Southwesterncorner of this small roof.

    G. Hop over onto the connecting roof of the building with the purple glow onit to the West/Southwest and you will find the 87th Meteorite at the centerof this narrow roof.

    Meteorite #088--------------

    A. Climb up onto the larger rooftop with the water tower on it at theSoutheastern side of this building and go to the Southeastern corner of thisroof.

    B. Climb up onto the roof of the red building you see across the street tothe Southeast.

    C. Go to the Southwestern corner of this rooftop and hop over onto theslightly shorter building to the West.

    D. Go to the Southwestern corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roofof the building with the water towers on it that you see on the other side ofthe intersection to the Southwest.

    E. Go to the South/Southeast side of this rooftop and climb up onto the roofof the tall building you see here to the South.

    F. Go to the Southwest corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof ofthe building you see a purple glow on across the street to the Southwest.

    G. Go towards the Southeastern corner of this rooftop and you will find the88th Meteorite near this corner of the roof.

    Meteorite #089


    A. Drop down off the South/Southwest edge of this roof onto a lower rooftop

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    and then go to the Southwestern corner of this rooftop.

    B. Drop down to the center of the intersection below to the Southwest.

    B. Follow the street that goes west until you reach the intersection at theend of this street (the next intersection to the West at the edge of CentralPark) and then go to the center of this intersection.

    C. Follow this street South and go to the center of the second intersectionyou come to as you follow this street.

    D. Climb up onto the roof of the tall building at the Southeast corner ofthis intersection and then go to the Southeast corner of this rooftop.

    E. Drop down onto the lower rooftop you see to the East/Northeast and youwill find the 89th Meteorite near the North/Northwestern edge of thislower rooftop.

    Meteorite #090


    A. Go to the Southeastern corner of this rooftop and swing over onto the roofof the building on the other side of the intersection to the Southeast.

    B. Climb up the taller building at the Northeastern edge of this rooftop.

    C. Go to the Southeastern corner of this roof and climb up the even tallerbuilding you see in front of you to the Southeast.

    D. Go to the Southeast corner of this rooftop and swing over onto the roof ofthe building on the other side of the intersection to the Southeast.

    E. You will find the 90th Meteorite on this roof near the center of thisroof.

    Meteorite #091--------------

    A. Go to the North/Northwestern most edge of this rooftop and climb up ontothe roof of the tall building across the street to the North/Northwest.

    B. Go to the Northeastern corner of this roof and drop down onto the lowerrooftop with a purple glow on it to the Northeast.

    C. Go to the South/Southeastern edge of this rooftop and you will find the91st Meteorite near this edge of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #092--------------

    A. Go to the East/Northeastern edge of this rooftop and drop down to thelower rooftop with the two skylights you see below to the East/Northeast.

    B. Go to the Northeastern corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roofof the building on the other side of the intersection to the Northeast.

    C. Go to the Northeastern corner of this rooftop and swing over onto the roof

    with the water towers on it to the East.

    D. Go to the Northeastern corner of this rooftop and drop/swing down onto the

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    low roof of the building on the other side of the intersection to theNortheast.

    E. Go to the Northeastern corner of this low roof and hop up onto the roofof the slightly taller building to the East.

    F. Jump up onto the water tower at the Northeastern corner of this roof and

    you will find the 92nd Meteorite floating above it.

    Meteorite #093--------------

    A. Climb up onto the roof of the tall building you see to the East and climbup onto the roof of the even taller building at the Eastern edge of thisrooftop.

    B. Go to the Southeast corner of this roof and climb up onto the roof of thebuilding across the street to the South.

    C. Go to the Southeast corner of this rooftop and you should see down belowtwo rooftops of a building on a grassy area to the Northeast.

    D. Drop down onto the Northern most building's rooftop and you will find the93rd Meteorite floating over the red pillar/chimney at the Northwesterncorner of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #094--------------

    A. Hop over to the next rooftop to the South and then go to the Southern edgeof this rooftop.

    B. Climb up onto the roof of the red building you see across the street tothe South and then go to the Southwestern corner of this roof.

    C. Climb up onto the slightly taller building you see across the street tothe Southeast and then go to the Southwestern corner of this rooftop.

    D. Climb up onto the taller building on the other side of the intersection tothe Southwest and then go to the Southeastern corner of this rooftop.

    E. Swing/Drop down onto the rooftop at the other side of the intersection tothe Southeast that you should see a purple glow on and you will find the 94thMeteorite near the Northern side of this rooftop.

    Meteorite #095--------------

    A. Go to the Northwest corner of this roof and Climb up onto the tallbuilding you were just on a moment ago that is on the other side of theintersection to the Northwest and then go to the Southwestern corner of thisrooftop.

    B. Climb up onto the roof of the even taller building you see across thestreet to the South/Southwest and then go towards the Southwestern corner ofthis rooftop to find the 95th Meteorite near this corner of the roof.

    Meteorite #096--------------

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    A. Go to the Northern edge of this rooftop and drop down to the lower rooftopyou see below across the street to the North/Northwest.

    B. Go to the Northwest corner of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof ofthe slightly taller building in front of you to the Northwest.

    C. Go towards the Northeastern corner of this rooftop and you will find the

    96th Meteorite near that corner of this roof.

    Meteorite #097--------------

    A. Climb up onto roof of the tall building that is at the Southwestern edgeof this rooftop and then go to the Southeastern corner of this roof.

    B. Drop/Swing down onto the rooftop across the street to the South and thengo to the Southern edge of this rooftop.

    C. Climb up onto the roof of the taller building across the street to the

    South and then go to the Western edge of this roof.

    D. Drop/Swing down onto the slightly shorter building's rooftop with a purpleglow on it to the West and then go towards the Southeastern edge of thisrooftop to find the 97th Meteorite near this corner of the roof.

    Meteorite #098--------------

    A. Go to the Southern edge of this rooftop and climb up onto the roof of thebuilding across the street to the South.

    B. Go to the South/Southeastern edge of this roof and drop down onto the

    lower rooftop you see below to the South/Southeast.

    C. Go to the Southwestern corner of this roof and then drop down to theintersection below.

    D. Follow this street to the East and you should start going across a bridgehere. As you continue across this bridge you will eventually see a set oflarge cables on each side of this street as you go down this street.

    E. Jump up onto either set of those cables and make your way East along thecables you are on.

    F. When you reach the end of these cables jump up onto the top ledge you seeabove you and then go to the center of this ledge to find the 98th Meteoritehere.

    Meteorite #099--------------

    A. Drop down to the street below and continue to go across this bridge tothe East.

    B. As you go along this street you will eventually see a tall red building onthe left (North) side of this bridge and just East of that red building isa tall gray building.

    C. Climb up onto the roof of that gray building (the roof nearest to thebridge) and go to the Northwestern corner of this small rooftop.

  • 8/8/2019 Meteorite Fragment


    D. Drop down onto the small roof you see below to the North/Northeast.

    E. Go towards the Northeastern corner of this roof and you will find the 99thMeteorite near this corner of the roof.Meteorite #100


    A. Hop over onto the slightly lower roof to the East and then drop down ontothe street to the East.

    B. Follow this street North and go to the center of the fifth intersectionyou come to.

    C. Wall crawl up to the second to highest rooftop of the building at theSouthwestern corner of this intersection.

    D. When you reach that roof go to Southeast corner of this roof to find the

    100th Meteorite near this corner of the building.

    Congratulations, "All Meteorites" collected you are now a few experiencepoints richer and a few percent closer to 100% completion.
