Page 1: Metals, Non Metals And Oxidation

Periodic Table

Metals, Non-Metals, Groups and Periods

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• Metals are located left of the black line on the periodic table.

• Metals become cations, they lose electrons. Positive charge.

• Metals are maleable and ductile and they are also conductors of heat and electricity.

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• Located right of the black line on the periodic table.

• Non-Metals gain electrons and become negatively charged.

• Not conductors, brittle (if solid), not ductile.

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• Located along the line on the periodic table.

• Share properties of metals and non-metals.

• Typically used in electronics.

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• Group IA has a +1 charge, lose 1 electron. Also known as the Alkali Metals.

• Soft and white and highly reactive.

• Group IIA has a +2 charge, lose 2 electrons. Also known as the Alkaline Earth Metals. React easily with the halogens to form salts.

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More Groups

• Group VIIA has a -1 charge. They gain one electron. This group is known as the halogens. Highly reactive, fluorine is one of the most reactive elements in existence.

• Group VIIIA are known as the Noble Gases. Full valence electron shell. Non-reactive. Important for use in welding, lighting, and space exploration.

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• Oxidation is the losing of an electron in a reaction. Original meaning was combining with oxygen.

• Reduction is the gaining of an electron in a reaction. Original meaning was removing oxygen.

• LEO says GER or OIL RIG

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Examples of Oxidation

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Examples of Oxidation

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Oxidation Characteristics

• Complete loss of electrons

• Shift of electrons away from an atom

• Gain of oxygen

• Increase in oxidation number

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Characteristics of Reduction

• Complete gain of electrons

• Shift of electrons toward an atom

• Loss of oxygen

• Decrease in oxidation number

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Rules for Assigning Oxidation #’s

• 1. Oxidation number of a monatomic ion is equal to its charge. Ex: Br1- is -1 and Fe3+ is +3.

• 2. Oxidation number of hydrogen in a compound is +1, except in metal hydrides like NaH then it is +1.

• Oxidation number of oxygen in compounds is -2.

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• 4. The oxidation number of an atom in an uncombined elemental form is 0.

• 5. For any neutral compound the sum of the oxidation numbers must equal zero.

• For a polyatomic ion, the sum of the oxidation numbers must equal the ionic charge of the ion.