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Page 1: Messenger March 2012

Reflection – Pastor Lori Inside This Issue

Continues page 2

Reflection cont. 2

Interim Ministry Update 2

Interim Ministry Update cont. 3

Thank you 3

Save the date & Prayer requests 4

Community Lunch 5

Birthdays 8

The Messenger Our Redeemerʼs Lutheran Church

609 Southwood Drive So. San Francisco, CA 94080

March 2012

“Lent is such a downer!” Maybe you’ve heard others say this, or maybe you’ve said it yourself. But what does this say about our understanding of our baptismal call? Baptized into Christ’s life, death and resurrection, we are called to struggle against sin and all the forces of evil – all that keeps us from loving God and one another. It is not easy to look within and see the dark places in our own hearts. Contemporary Christianity too often seems focused on helping people feel good about “being saved,” with less focus on what we are called to do and be as disciples of Christ in our particular time and place. But we know that Jesus, too, struggled with temptation those 40 days in the desert, and that Jesus forgave the darkest hearts – even from the cross! So we can be sure that Jesus is with us throughout these 40 days of Lent and every day. Do we trust that Christ accompanies us on our journeys in Lent and in life? Do we trust that God always has a message for us, and wants us to make time to hear it? Do we trust that the repentance Christ calls us to frees us? Last month I invited this community to journey through Lent together by making space for encounters with Divine Mystery through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. All are invited to prayer and reflection in the quiet of the sanctuary after the soup suppers on Wednesday nights (supper at 6, brief prayer service at 7). All are invited to commit to some sort of Lenten fast – whether from certain foods or behaviors or activities. All are invited to give alms by using the small offering boxes to save up coins for the ELCA World Hunger Appeal (see Donna if you haven’t gotten your offering box). What this means is that all are invited to be intentional about making room for the inspiration of the

Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb 6

Breaking the Barriers 7

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Reflection – Continued

Interim Ministry Update – Pastor Lori

Continues page 3


We are moving along with the work that needs to be done to prepare ORLC for calling a new pastor. Last month we talked a little about the life cycle of congregations and how congregations of different sizes and styles operate. My hope is that this has given you some insight into the current state of ORLC. Next up: the 2-part Behavioral Covenant workshop (see schedule below). For two Saturday mornings this month, we’ll look together at how to support healthy, respectful interactions in our life together. I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. – John 13:34-35 So, here is the spring schedule. If the Ministry Site Profile (the MSP, which is like a resume for the congregation) is turned in this summer, you could have your candidate names by fall. * March 10: Saturday 9-noon workshop on Behavioral Covenant, part 1

for the inspiration of the Spirit in our daily lives as we observe Lent and look with hope toward resurrection. I trust and pray that is not anyone’s definition of a “downer”! “O Lord, throughout these forty days, you prayed and kept the fast; inspire repentance for our sin, and free us from our past.” – ELW 319, O Lord, Throughout These Forty Days

Page 3: Messenger March 2012

Interim Ministry Update – Continued

Thank You Notes

Special thanks to James, with help from Helen, Audrey and Walter, for putting together the Annual Report packets; Barbara, Rich for cleaning the floors and Bill for working on a new cross; all who attended the lay ministry workshop; Kimberly for her heart-felt thanks to the faith mentoring that she received from this congregation; and our former council members: Barbara, Audrey and Steve.

-Pr. Lori


In the Lord’s Prayer we pray “give us this day our daily bread.” We should also pray for those who are hungry and don’t have enough to eat. We at Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church are trying to help. Each Sunday morning members bring food that is given to Catholic Worker House to feed the poor. Once a month the Congregation Activities Committee provides a delicious community lunch. At Christmas time a lunch was prepared for the men and women at Safe Harbor. The Social Concerns Committee is asking your support for the ELCA World Hunger Appeal. Boxes for coins will be available on Sunday, February 26. We ask that you use their boxes during Lent and give thanks for the many blessing you have received and to think about others who are not so fortunate. The boxes should be returned to church on Palm Sunday, April first. Thank you. Donna Triggas for The Social Concerns Committee

World Hunger: A Lent Focus

Submit your thank you messages by sending them to James at [email protected].

* March 31: Saturday 9-noon workshop on Behavioral Covenant, part 2 * April 22: 1st Who We Are, a congregation-wide event w/lunch after worship * May 13: 2nd Who We Are, congregation-wide event w/lunch after worship * May 27: Call committee formed * Summer: Create and submit MSP to synod. Remember, your participation is vital! Please continue to pray for ORLC during this time of interim ministry and always.

Thank you to Audrey and Walter for staying late and healing me put the Annual Reports together and staying late to do so. -James

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Save the Dates!

Claudia Anderson (Schizophrenia & anxiety) Calvin Burns (brother-in- law of Walter Johnson, on dialysis) Claude Chirolo (Mel Chirolo’s brother, cancer) Mel Chirolo (mourning the passing of Eva, his wife of 63 years) Cool Family (mourning the passing of their mother Josephine Cool) Denelle Crespo (16 year-old teenage girl; gradually loosing her eye sight; cause unknown; family friend of Judie & Tom Oliver) Tylor, David, & Diane Flynn Patty Banegas (mourning the passing of her mother, Lorraine Gerdes) Ann Johnson (sister-in-law of Walter Johnson) Mike Lewis (the Quades’ son-in-law; cystic fibrosis) Merellas Family (mourning the passing of Betty Merellas) Niel Nielson (Parkinson’s) Sindy Olsen (mother-in-law of Beverly Boblitt’s grandson Devin; inoperable brain tumors) Dennis Quade (Parkinson’s) Timothy Repp (son of Kathy Repp, repeated strokes affecting his eye sight) Jay Sage (Will & Steve Kongle’s grandfather; multiple medical problems) Sauer Family Triggas Family (mourning the passing of Jim Triggas) Anna Van Nuys (wife of John Lutz’ father; cancer) Amodeo Family Harper Mettenbrink Bishop Mark Holmerud Julia Meldrum (Undergoing brain surgery) Lange Family (mourning the passing’s of Joyce Lange and Hank Wind)

If you wish to Add or Remove names please call the office 650-583-5622





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Community Lunch Sat. March 177h

Men’s breakfast @ Calvary Lutheran, Sat., Jan 28, 8 am


Lent Soup Suppers and Prayer, 6 p.m. each Wednesday of Lent beginning Feb. 29

Behavioral Covenant Workshop, Part 1, Sat., March 10, 9 am-noon

Behavioral Covenant Workshop, Part 2, Sat., March 31, 9 am-noon

Page 5: Messenger March 2012

Continue page 8

January Community Lunch - Judie Oliver We had 46 guests at our February Community Lunch. We served “comfort food” of meatloaf with mashed potatoes and gravy, carrots, green salad and red velvet cake for dessert. Everyone enjoyed their meal and I heard from first timers how warm and welcome they felt and how good the food is. Thank you Fran, Barbara, Jo and Julie for making meat loaves and especially thanks to all our helpers for making everyone feel so welcome and respected. Pastor Luke, a new friend to ORLC, heard about our lunch and came to help and observe. He arrived bright and early and got right to work with setting up tables, serving meals, pouring coffee, etc. He really enjoyed himself and was amazed at what we do and how much everyone enjoys the lunches. Thank you, Pastor Luke, you are a delight and I hope to see you again next month! In December I noticed that some of the plastic tablecloths were getting moldy. I asked the Green Team for a solution (i.e., bio-degradable placemats). Jeanette suggested cloth tablecloths. The Activity Committee agreed and in January Jo purchased 12 beautiful hunter green tablecloths. Helen has been washing them after every lunch. This really bumps our lunches up a notch and adds more warmth to the room. One guest even asked for a wine list when they saw the tables! Again, thanks to everyone who help with these lunches, both during and after. It makes all the work and preparation worthwhile when people say how much they enjoy the food, how welcome they feel and how we make a difference in their lives. Bless you all. I would also like to remind everyone that if you are traveling please save the shampoo and soap from the hotel. Our supplies are dwindling so any extra toiletries (toothbrushes, shampoo, soap, etc) would be greatly appreciated. The next luncheon is scheduled for Saturday, March 17, 2012. Set-up and food prep begins at 10:30 a.m, lunch is from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m., with clean-up starting at 12:00. The menu will be Corned Beef with Roasted Vegetables, Coleslaw, Soda Bread, Dessert, Fresh Fruit, Coffee/Tea or Lemonade. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. You can contact me via email at [email protected] or phone 650-488-0704. Peace – Judie Oliver


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Breaking News-January 13, 2012 Announcing Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb of Bethlehem, Palestine as Winner of the

International Award “Deutscher Medienpreis” for 2011 The official announcement of Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb as recipient of the 2011

prestigious international award “Deutscher Medienpreis” was made in Germany Friday, January 13, 2012. Launched in 1992, the award is primarily granted to heads of state, including the German Chancellor Angela Merkel (2009), the Dali Lama (2008), King Juan Carlos of Spain (2006), Kofi Anan (2003), Queen Rania of Jordan (2002), , Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder (2000), Bill Clinton (1999), Nelson Mandela (1998), King Hussein of Jordan (1997), Boris Yeltsin (1996), President Arafat (1995), Yitshak Rabin (1995), Francois Mitterrand (1994), and former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl (1993). In addition other people that have been selected include Sir Richard Branson (2010), Steffi Graf (2007), Bono (2005) and Rudolph Giuliani (2002).

The decision of the jury to give the award to Rev. Dr. Raheb was based on his tireless work in creating room for hope for his people, who live under Israeli Occupation in Bethlehem and the West Bank. Dr. Raheb’s vision has founded and now built institutions of excellence in education, culture and health over the past 17 years. He was also recognized for his strong advocacy and stance on Palestinian culture and dialogue for civil society and religion. Dr. Raheb is President of Diyar Consortium, Bethlehem, Palestine and Bright Stars of Bethlehem, NFP, US.

Three other recipients were included in this year’s awards. Stanislaw Petrow, Russia, for his work in preventing potential nuclear war in 1983; Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, Afghanistan, for her enduring work for women’s empowerment in Afghanistan; and Dr. Denis Mukwege, Congo, Africa who assisted thousands of rape victims during the Congo war.

The official awards ceremony was held in the city of Baden-Baden in Germany on February 14, 2012. The keynote speaker during the celebration was the former German President and now Professor, Roman Herzog.

Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb expressed his delight in receiving this prestigious award, as it represents international appreciation and recognition of the positive effects his work has made on the local, regional and international levels. For more information, go to: Submitted by Jeanette Cool

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Our Redeemerʼs Lutheran Church 609 Southwood Drive So. San Francisco, CA 94080 Phone: 650-583-5622 Worship: Sunday 10:30am Interim Pastor Lori Eickmann Music Director Jeanette Cool Council President Helen Greenstrand Vice President Bill Zemke Secretary Jeanette Cool Treasurer Patty Banegas Financial Secretary Claudia Quade

Birthdays For The Month

March 7 | Lawrence Johnson 12 | Lasetta Kirschenman 17 | Irma Anderson 20 | Judie Oliver 28 | Jennifer (Bivens) Lynch 28 | Emilie Steen 31 | Darryl Johnson