Page 1: Men, Machines, and the World About

Men, Machines, and the World About

Norbert Wiener


Carolien van der Vorst

Page 2: Men, Machines, and the World About

Norbert Wiener

• 1894-1964

• wonderkind

• filosofie, logica en wiskunde

• MIT, Peking, Mexico, Frankrijk en India

• anti-aircraft devices cybernetics

Page 3: Men, Machines, and the World About

Norbert Wiener

1. Grondlegger van de cybernetica– cyber/input/output/feedback

– overeenkomsten mens-machine: all or none-action

– feedback-mechanisme

– tweede industriële revolutie

‘Instead of actually improving the conditions of the worker, their advance has tended to telescope the worker out of the picture.’

Page 4: Men, Machines, and the World About

Norbert Wiener

2. Roep om ‘nieuwe’ wetenschapper

“[…]To provide scientific information is not a necessarily innocent act, and may entail the gravest consequences. One therefore cannot escape reconsidering the established custom of the scientist to give information to every person who may inquire of him.”

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‘If you have the machine which grants you your wish, then you must pay attention to the old fairy tale of the three wishes, which tells you that if you do make a wish which is likely to be granted, you had better be very sure that it is what you want and not what you think you want.’

Page 6: Men, Machines, and the World About


• Artificial Intelligence

- computers zijn steeds meer in staat te leren en zich te ontwikkelen.

- ze zijn in staat steeds meer taken van de mens over te nemen…
