Page 1: Memory, the types, and how it changes

Memory, The Types, and How They Change

By Yale, Richard, and Thomas

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MemoryThe hippocampus is the most important part of your brain for processing, storing, and sorting memories. It also connects similar memories together and gives them meaning.  Pieces of memories are stored in various networks of neurons all around the brain. A memory is also influenced by your current emotions and surroundings when the memory is formed. Each time we remember a memory it will be slightly different than before.

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Working memory

Working memory operates in the brain's frontal lobe. Its purpose is to examine incoming information and determine whether to trash or save the info as a memory. This function is important because otherwise your brain would overload with large quantities of useless information. Lumosity-

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Visual and auditory cortex

The visual association cortex integrates visual data with memory, emotions, and other senses

The auditory association cortex integrates auditory data with memories, emotions, and other senses.

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Short Term MemoryShort term memory is sometimes called active or primary memory.  -Most people can store around four ideas of information for a short amount of time. The capacity to remember the short term memory is called memory span.The ideas in short term memory are remembered less and less as more time passes. -If you do not use a piece of information in your short term memory then it will eventually go away and you will not be able to access that piece of information because it will leave your short term memory. If you periodically rehearse the information by thinking about it or articulating it out loud, then you put this information back into your short term memory and eventually it will go into long term memory.

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Long Term Memory

There are two types of long term memory, declarative and procedural. Declarative memory is also known as explicit memory and is when you can always access the conscious memory. In declarative memory you can remember the facts and knowledge stored there. Procedural memories, also known as implicit memories, are memories that you don't have to consciously think about. An example is walking or swimming because once you know how to do these things then you don't have to try to remember how to walk or swim.

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The Conversion

Short term memories can be converted into long term memories, but only with time. The brain must first strengthen the weak, temporary memory. A short term memory must first undergo the process known as consolidation to become a long term memory. 

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What Is Consolidation?Consolidation is when a short term memory is stabilized. Your body deals with outside, and more important, stimuli that your body is also trying to address such as sickness and disease. You can think of it as an isolation and improvement process of some sort.When and Where?Consolidation works at many organizational stages of the brain. Cellular and molecular changes (which allows your body to "engrave" the short term memory in your brain) typically begin a few hours after obtaining the memory. However, the exception is learning. This reorganization creates more synaptic links and opens more pathways in the brain allowing a stronger connection. 

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What Does The Conversion Have To Do With Sleep?While the theory that the conversion of a short term memory into a long term memory ONLY happens when you're asleep is false, it is true for the most part. The process is easier while you're sleeping because your body isn't as active and there are less things to process. Think of it this way, being awake is comparable to a chaotic and busy office while being asleep is like that same office but quiet and desolate, which is easier to work in? That's also why you can remember things better if you memorize them before you sleep, the process of making the memory long term will be much more efficient and smooth since your brain is "free" in all the time afterwards. It is also thought that there is a connection between memories and dreams.

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The End
