Page 1: Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism...September / October 2016 Volume 67, Number 1 Av ~ Elul ~ Tishrei 5776 / 5777 Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative

September / October 2016 � Volume 67, Number 1 � Av ~ Elul ~ Tishrei 5776 / 5777

Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

Baruch ata Adonai elohainu melach ha-olam asher kidshanu bemi�votav, vi�ieevanu l’hadlik ner shel Shabbat.

Praised are you, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has made us holy by your commandments and commanded us to light the Sabbath candles.

Friday Evenings: 7:30 p.m.

Saturday Mornings: 9:30 a.m.

Daily Minyan:

Mon-Fri at Jewish Academy

of Orlando Chapel: 7:45 a.m.

Sunday: 9:00 a.m. at COS


Sunday, October 2, 2016 .................................. COS Sanctuary .................................................... 8:00 p.m. Monday, October 3, 2016 ................................. COS Sanctuary ..................................................... 9:00 a.m. Alternate Service .......................................... Roth JCC .............................................................. 10:30 a.m. ............................................................................. COS Sanctuary .................................................... 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 4, 2016 ................................. COS Sanctuary ..................................................... 9:00 a.m. Both Family Services below are Open to the Community Preschool Family Service Tuesday, October 4, 2016 ................................. COS School Wing ................................................. 9:30 a.m. Family Service Tuesday, October 4, 2016 ................................. COS Chapel ........................................................ 10:30 a.m.


Tuesday, October 11, 2016 (Minchah) .......... COS Sanctuary .................................................... 6:30 p.m. (Kol Nidre) ................. COS Sanctuary .................................................... 6:45 p.m. Wednesday, October 12, 2016 ......................... COS Sanctuary ..................................................... 9:00 a.m. Yizkor * ............................................................... COS Sanctuary .................................................... 1:45 p.m. Alternate Service ........................................ Roth JCC .............................................................. 10:30 a.m. Yizkor * ........................................................ Roth JCC ............................................................. 12:00 p.m. Minchah ............................................................. COS Sanctuary .................................................... 5:15 p.m. Ne’ilah *.............................................................. COS Sanctuary .................................................... 6:30 p.m. Ma’Ariv / Shofar Blowing: immediately after conclusion of Ne’ilah *times are approximate


REMINDER ~ Our bylaws state that members must remit at least 50% of their annual dues and assessments prior to the start of the High Holy Days to receive their tickets

Page 2: Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism...September / October 2016 Volume 67, Number 1 Av ~ Elul ~ Tishrei 5776 / 5777 Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative

Dear Friends,

The High Holy Days are coming. Are you ready?

Remember when we were children and we played

the game “Hide and Seek?” Someone was chosen to

be “It” and the rest of us had to find a hiding place.

The person who was “It” hid his, or her, eyes and

started to count. Sometimes they counted by single

digits. “One, two, three, four…” When we got older we counted by

fives: “Five, ten, fifteen, twenty…”

Do you know who “It” really is? It is life! And, while we may try, we

simply cannot hide from life who, as we are now much older, is

counting away using much larger digits: “Forty, fifty, sixty, seventy,

eighty. Ready or not, here I come.” The upcoming High Holy Days remind us

that time is passing. “Ready or not, here I come.”

Undoubtedly, there will be certain situations this coming year when

we will not be ready, perhaps an unexpected illness or the death of

someone we love. We will have to face such moments when they arise

as best as we are able. However, regarding those ma,ers that we can

control, let us ready ourselves as individuals and as a community to

make this New Year, a year of fulfillment and accomplishment; a year

of intellectual and spiritual growth, a year of accepting the new

realities and challenges that await us.

If there are people that we need to forgive, or to ask for their

forgiveness, we should do so now. If we want to become closer to God

but feel we’ll have time for that “down the road ,” we should not wait.

If we would like to become more deeply acquainted with the wisdom

of Judaism, again, we should not delay. Like it or not, life is moving


Let us ready ourselves to take on new responsibilities, to reconcile with

loved ones from whom we are estranged; ready ourselves, while there

is still time, to learn and grow and love.

L’shanah tovah tikkateivu v’teichateimu

May we be inscribed and sealed for a good year.

Aaron D. Rubinger

Senior Rabbi


...that you can reach

Rabbi Rubinger


[email protected]

Congregation Ohev Shalom Bulletin Published bi-monthly by

Congregation Ohev Shalom 613 Concourse Parkway South

Maitland, FL 32751 407-298-4650 • Fax 407-636-4080

*Past President

MEN’S CLUB CO-PRESIDENTS Bart Neuman & Howard Kaplan



EDITORIAL STAFF Steve Brownstein Debbie Bornstein

Tracey Levy Meryl Poweski

Page 3: Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism...September / October 2016 Volume 67, Number 1 Av ~ Elul ~ Tishrei 5776 / 5777 Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative

Dear Friends,

The High Holy Days are a special

time for me, just they like they are

for so many of you. For me, it’s

not only the privilege of being a

part of our service, or working

with the choir, or even seeing all

of my synagogue friends. It also means a chance

to re-live all my childhood memories of going to

synagogue in Cleveland with my family. I rarely

went to youth services. In fact, I don’t remember

ever being at one. We always went as a family to

the adult services. Our synagogue was very large,

so there were two separate services. For part of

my youth, we would go to the overflow service at

a movie theatre. I know it sounds unappealing,

but I have really fond memories of si,ing in those

comfortable chairs with my parents. When I got to

high school, the synagogue added a second

auditorium to the main campus, so we only had to

use satellite parking, not the satellite service. By

the time I was in high school, I was singing in the

choir at the overflow service. That is where my

love for Jewish choral music was born. I often tell

people that my favorite part of being a Cantor is

working with the adult choir. My parents would

always come to the overflow service where I was

singing, even if they had tickets to the main


Those memories are even more powerful this year

as I prepare to celebrate my first High Holy Days

since my mother passed away. I’m sure that, for

many of you, the Holy Days become a slightly

Hard to believe that summer is

almost over, kids are back at

school, and the High Holidays

are right around the corner.

While I had expected the summer

months to be a bit quieter at

Ohev Shalom and would be a

perfect time to ease into my position, I quickly

learned it was quite the opposite. During the past

summer months, the COS leadership and Board

have taken on several significant projects (creating

the next COS Strategic Plan, switching the

accounts receivable system, and upgrading the

COS website).

Thank you to all of you who took the opportunity

to respond to the Strategic Plan survey that was

sent out during the early part of the summer. We

received over 250 responses, which the Strategic

Planning Steering Commi,ee is now reviewing to

determine the major themes which will drive this

strategic planning process. Later this year, after

the High Holidays, we will be forming Task Force

groups to focus on specific key items or emerging

themes and providing input on potential changes,

enhancements, or improvements to feed the 5-year

Strategic plan. We will be reaching out for

volunteers to participate in the task groups and if

you would like to participate in a focus group,

please feel free to let me know in advance.

One other major item we had started looking at

last year, but really gained momentum this

summer, was upgrading our website and bringing

it up to date. We are in the process of changing

our website provider and are currently migrating

the website content to our new provider. I am

hopeful that by the time you are reading this

article, we have completed the migration and the


(President continued on page 8 (Cantor continued on page 4)

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As you have read in many other

places in this issue of the Bulle-

tin, this has been a very busy

summer at Ohev Shalom. Plan-

ning for the High Holidays has

been in full swing for several

months, the Strategic Planning process has begun

and will be continuing, we have been working on

the transition to our new synagogue database and

website and the many commi,ees that are working

on our Centennial have been hard at work . This,

in addition, to the usual busy schedule of pro-

grams and activities.

The High Holiday commi,ee, led by Lisa SchwarB

and Lori Brenner, has been meeting to ensure that

the holidays will be special and meaningful for

each of you. The High Holiday experience should

be further enhanced by the introduction of our

new Mahzor Lev Shalem which was made possible

by Bob and Judy Yarmuth. A gentle reminder

that our by-laws state that 50% of your yearly dues

must be paid prior to the start of the High Holy

Days. To those who have paid your annual dues or

have made arrangements, thank you. If you need

to make arrangements to ensure that you receive

tickets before Rosh Hashanah please contact the

bookkeeping department or myself to make the

necessary arrangments.

While I am not writing a full article on the Life and

Legacy program (watch future Bulletins), I did

want to let you know that we received 21 commit-

ments from individuals and families to participate

in the program. As a result we received a grant for

$6300 from the Harold Grinspoon Foundation

through the TOP Jewish Foundation. We are, once

again, participating in the program and you will be

hearing more about it. If we are successful again


Cantor (continued from page 3)

more difficult time due to missing loved ones. I’m

certain your memories are as strong or stronger

than mine when it comes to this time of year. I do

remember the challah, the food at my

grandparent’s home, the smell of honey and trying

to fast on Yom Kippur. There is another strong

memory I have. There is a memory of a great

Chazzan and his soaring voice. As much as I

enjoyed it as a musician, I never envisioned being

a Cantor myself. One of the reasons I am always

amazed when people tell me they enjoy my

singing is simple – I am unable to compare my

voice with the voices of my youth. I wasn’t even

the best tenor in the choir. Far from it.

My family, especially my mother, loved the High

Holy Day melodies. My lullaby as an infant was

my mother singing the prayer “V’al Kulom.” I

still sing the same version with our choir at our

services. My kids all know it too – they heard it

like I heard it. Over the last few years my parents

always enjoyed the High Holy Days from the

comfort of their home, on the computer. They

loved watching our services on live stream. My

Mom called me after services every year. She

always reminded me how much she loved hearing

that melody.

I like to believe my mother will be watching me

again this year. I am not given to believing in

things I cannot physically sense. Still, I hope I will

feel my mom’s presence on our bimah. Any extra

“juice” to help my singing is appreciated.

L’shana Tovah,

Cantor Robuck

(Ex Dir continued on page 8)

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Haveirim Y’karim –

Dear Friends –

Judaism does not suffer from

triskaidekaphobia. That’s the

irrational and superstitious fear

of the number 13. On the

contrary, 13 turns up in several important places

in Judaism, including the 13 A,ributes of God and

the number of Israelite tribes. (I know – we say

there are 12 tribes, after the 12 sons of Jacob. But

remember: Joseph’s portion is divided between his

two sons adopted by Jacob, Ephraim and


That holds for the Goldman Kay family, too. This

High Holidays is our 13th with Congregation

Ohev Shalom. I guess you could say this is our

B’nei MiBvah year at COS.

It certainly does feel like we’ve grown up here.

We’ve seen how our son grew from a 3rd grader

to a college junior, with the support and affection

of our Ohev Shalom family. We’ve had the

opportunity to explore areas of life and develop

talents and interests, and to help facilitate the

same in others.

No triskaidekaphobia for us. If anything, we have

triskaidekaphilia – a particular appreciation of 13!

We’re also looking forward to the future of Ohev

Shalom. That’s why I’m honored and excited to be

part of our congregation’s Strategic Planning

Steering Commi,ee. COS is one of a limited

number of synagogues participating in this year’s

Sulam for Strategic Planners cohort, coordinated

by the United Synagogue of Conservative

Judaism. We are completing the first stage of data-

gathering and discussion on focusing COS’s

mission and vision statements, and ge,ing ready

to transition to the next phase.

Strategic planning is much more than abstract

thinking about what an organization could or

should be. There is a dedicated corps of volunteers

doing serious hard work to move the process

forward in meaningful and concrete ways. The

congregational survey that went out several weeks

ago was only the beginning. We still need and

want your feedback and input as we continue

shaping the Ohev Shalom of the future.

One thing that’s been very clear so far: we are a

vibrant, diverse, and dynamic congregation. As

we continue to grow, we’ll need more ways to talk

to and listen to one another. Our new website and

member database software will help significantly.

Watch for even more ways to communicate

quickly and effectively with your synagogue

family, too.

The High Holidays are the perfect time to be

thinking about the strategic planning process.

They share a lot in common: looking back to

reflect on what worked and what needs

improvement, looking at the present to see what

we need to do more of and what we need to do

less of, and looking ahead to see where we can put

all of than into action to the benefit of all.

May this New Year of 5777 be one of health,

happiness, and fulfillment for you and yours!


David Kay

Page 6: Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism...September / October 2016 Volume 67, Number 1 Av ~ Elul ~ Tishrei 5776 / 5777 Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative

COS Sisterhood

Thanks to my dedicated board for holding down

the fort while I enjoyed three weeks of holiday in


During my absence, Sisterhood had another

successful Third Thursday. The women went to

Olive Garden and had a delicious meal with

friends – no meat or chicken!

As we prepare for our opening brunch to be held

L���� W��������

on September 11 at Ohev the plans for the year

are being finalized. If you love Israeli Dancing,

Debbie Meitin will be our instructor on September

11 and you should be receiving a registration flyer.

Congratulations to Susan and Susie, our 2015-2016

Torah Fund Chairs. WE at Ohev have contributed

over $18,000 to Torah Fund, by far the largest

contribution in the South East. Are we just


Paid up Membership Brunch is October 30, 2016.

If you have not already paid your dues, I ask you

to support Congregation Ohev Shalomʹs


May the New Year bring you and your family

health and prosperity

LaShanah Tovah from Sisterhood


Page 7: Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism...September / October 2016 Volume 67, Number 1 Av ~ Elul ~ Tishrei 5776 / 5777 Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative

The summer seems to have

flown by. We were just

emptying the pool from

Machaneh Ohev! The staff and

commi,ee members have been

busy over the summer

planning for the year. We have

chosen a theme of “Ahava/Love Wins” for the

year. We are taught in the Holiness Code that we

need to love our neighbor as ourselves. In light of

world events we can’t just sit back and watch. We

need to start with our youth, teaching

understanding and acceptance and motivate them

to action.

The teaching staff has taken a critical look at our

curriculum and is revamping how we teach

Hebrew to individualize and improve reading and

understanding of prayer. Our Education and

Youth commi,ee members are taking an active

role in connecting parents to each other and COS.

We have a new Family program, KibbuB Ohev

Family Edition that will meet one Wednesday a

month at 5:30 for families with preschoolers

through first grade. Families will learn to love

their bodies, the earth, each other and Israel

through cooking, gardening, crafts and more. Our

high school program, DDD is ge,ing a facelift. It

will meet twice a month, one time looking at

Jewish text and ourselves to learn how we can

make Ahava win and the second part will be

acting on our learning.

We welcome new staff members Rachel Lehrman

assistant teacher in Kitah Gimel 3rd grade and

Lori Brenner in Kitah Zayeen/7th grade. We

welcome returning staff member Nina Fine who

has moved to Kitah Alef/1st grade.

Youth and Family Education From Amy Geboff, Director of Youth and Family Education

(Youth continued on page 13)

Page 8: Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism...September / October 2016 Volume 67, Number 1 Av ~ Elul ~ Tishrei 5776 / 5777 Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative

new website is up and active. The website

improvements will be an iterative process, with

the first step of just moving to the new provider’s

technology. This step will greatly improve the

look and feel of our website and make navigating

our website much easier. One of the new features

of our upgraded website will be a member portal.

This will allow everyone to login to their account

and see their full/ up to date account statement/

balance, make payments or donations, and other

activities only members will have access to. We

expect to continually be enhancing the capabilities

of this member portal to include many features

which would only be available to our members.

Continue to be on the lookout for exciting

improvements as we bring our website forward.

And of course, our High Holiday commi,ee,

chaired by Lisa SchwarB and Lori Brenner, have

been hard at work this summer to ensure that COS

provides everyone with an enjoyable and

meaningful experience. It is through the hard

work of this commi,ee, our incredible staff, and

all of our volunteers, that all of the High Holiday

services and events run smoothly. Additional

information will be coming out with the details

about times of the various services, parking,

honors, children’s programs, etc. Please be sure to

review all of this information. As occurred last

year, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur both fall on

weekdays, so in order to ensure that we do not

disrupt the neighboring businesses, please follow

all traffic and parking instructions given.

As you can imagine, there are a great number of

volunteers who make the High Holiday

experiences remarkable at COS. Men’s Club

continually assists in the setup of all of the chairs

and books, and provides the Door Ushers for all of

the services. Sisterhood always provides a

beautiful Break Fast at the end of the Neilah

service. All of the Ritual ushers are constantly on

the move to ensure that services run smoothly and

those with an honor are at the right place at the

right time. And this is just a sampling of the

many, many volunteers which make the holidays

special at Ohev Shalom.

I would like to wish everyone a happy and

healthy New Year!

L’Shanah Tovah,

Ed Danuff

President (continued from page 3)

this year, we will receive another grant. For more

information on the Life and Legacy program or if

you would like to discuss making a gift to Ohev

Shalom, please contact me by phone or e-mail, ex-

[email protected].

I would also like to share a couple of staffing notes.

First, after 13 years at Ohev Shalom, Felicia Ortiz

resigned and has relocated out of the area. Maria

Tapia who had been working with Felicia stepped

into the position and has been doing an outstand-

ing job particularly with the transition to our new

database system. You can contact her by e-mail at

[email protected]. Second, after the

tragic death of Vered Tzur, of blessed memory, we

are still in the process of looking for a new clergy

assistant. This will be no easy task, as I am sure

that all of you who knew her in the one year that

she was at Ohev will agree. In her short time in the

position, Vered had an impact on all with whom

she came in contact. She is missed by all of the staff

and the membership.

Finally, Jeane,e and I want to wish each of you a

Happy and Healthy New Year. May 5777 be the

best year yet for Congregation Ohev Shalom.

L’Shana Tova Tikatevu,


Exec Dir (continued from page 4)

Page 9: Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism...September / October 2016 Volume 67, Number 1 Av ~ Elul ~ Tishrei 5776 / 5777 Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative

Fran Lepow and Rachel & Robert Gebaide to be honored by Congregation Ohev

Shalom at Simchat Torah Services Tuesday October 25, 2016

Congregation Ohev Shalom is proud to announce

this year’s Simchat Torah Honorees. They will be

honored during our Simchat Torah services on

Tuesday October 25, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. A Kiddush

luncheon sponsored by the Vivian Woods Fund

and the Congregation will follow the service.

This year’s Hatan v’Kalat Torah, called to the To-

rah for the last reading of the Book of Deuterono-

my, are Rob and Rachel Gebaide. Continuing the

tradition, we started last year, this award is pre-

sented to COS congregants for their long-term ser-

vice and participation

to the synagogue but

also for their out-

standing work in the

community. This

year it will be the

Congregation Ohev

Shalom Community

Volunteers of the

Year. The Kalat B’re-

isheet, called to the

Torah for the first

Aliyah from the Book

of Genesis, is Fran

Lepow. This award is

presented to recognize members for their long-time

service to the synagogue and will be recognized as

the COS Volunteer of the Year.

Rachel and Rob Gebaide joined COS in 1998 within

weeks after their August wedding and in time for

the High Holidays. Joining COS was an easy deci-

sion because Rob grew up at the synagogue. His

family moved to Orlando from Boston when he

was in 5th grade. Rob a,ended Hebrew School at

COS, where his parents were teachers. He became

a Bar MiBvah and was confirmed at COS. Rachel

is a native of Jacksonville, where her family was

active at Congregation Ahavath Chesed (The Tem-

ple). Growing up, she spent a lot of time in Orlan-

do when her grandparents lived here and through

her involvement in BBYO, which brought her to

Conservative Judaism.

Rachel and Rob quickly became involved in Or-

lando’s Jewish community. Together, they co-

chaired Super Sunday for the Jewish Federation of

Greater Orlando and were involved in Or Hadash

(a precursor to Our Jewish Orlando). Individually,

they have touched many organizations and inter-


Rob represented COS in connection with the fi-

nancing and sale of the Goddard property and in

connection with obtaining zoning approvals from

the City of Maitland to allow the operation of the

third party school in our present building. Previ-

ously, Rob served on the COS Board of Trus-

tees. Outside of COS, Rob serves on the Board of

Directors for JAO, Jewish National Fund, and Mait-

land Li,le League.

Prior to joining the COS Board last year, Rachel as-

sisted the synagogue’s personnel commi,ee and

senior staff with various personnel ma,ers and

worked on the Capital Campaign in connection

with the acquisition and construction of our syna-

gogue home in Maitland. Outside of COS, Rachel

volunteered as a BBYO advisor for three years

when she moved to Orlando and as a JFGO’s Com-

munity Relations Commi,ee member before mov-

ing on to JFGO’s Board of Directors, after which

she co-chaired JFGO’s Harriet Ginsburg Woman of

Choice gala. Rachel has also served on the Board

of Directors for A Gift for Teaching as well as the

national Board for BBYO. She remains involved on

the Boards of Jewish Family Services, the TOP Jew-

ish Foundation and Central Florida Hillel.

Rob is a real estate a,orney and partner at Baker &

(Simchat Torah continued on page 15)

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H ��� K�����

L’Shana tova

We have been busy. When you receive this

bulletin the Men’s Club will have held our Kick off

the Year Brunch. This was organized by Dr. Bruce

Hoffen, our VP of membership. The focus of the

meeting was “service to our community.” Rabbi

Rubinger introduced the topic and its importance

in a meaningful Jewish Life. We heard from The

Menʹs Service Roundtable which currently

includes Dan Coultoff, Michael Soll and Richard

SchwarB. We also had a chance to talk about the

major activities that Jay Stanek believed in so

strongly. Jay was the long-time chair of the COS

Social Action Commi,ee, bringing us through

projects like Shepherd’s Hope, a free health clinic

for the uninsured and Harmony House, an

interfaith building project through Habitat for

Humanity and his regular work with the Coalition

for the Homeless. A real tribute to Jay Stanek

would be to volunteer and pick up

the work Jay has been doing for years without a

lot of fanfare. If you are interested in ge,ing

involved, please contact Neal Blaher at

[email protected] .

Also under Neal’s direction, the COS Menʹs Club

is reviving its Bikurr Cholim program for visiting

the sick in the hospital (and at their homes). This

is a joint venture with the synagogueʹs group. As

you can guess, we are looking for

volunteers. Keep in mind that all volunteers

control the time commitment.

As you all know, we lost Jay Stanek in August.

For those of you who did not a,end the service at

the cemetery, I would like to thank Rabbi David

Kay for his outstanding presentation of the man

that Jay Stanek was. (Notes taken from Rabbi

Kay) “If he had it in his power to help you,” his

beloved wife of 20 years, Wanda, explained, “he

would.” He lived the noblest principles of our

tradition every day; honesty, integrity and

honoring your parents. There was so much more

Jay did, usually – and deliberately – unnoticed. Jay

was humble and modest. Jay was always a big

supporter of the Men’s Club and for more years

than I can count, he arranged the World Wide

Wrap (WWW) for our congregation.

At the end of August we held a recess; a li,le

different than usual. We held a pool side

barbeque. This was open to the entire

congregation. Thank you Andy Rosen for the

catering (and equipment) and Kenny and Joy

Davis for making their home (and pool) open for

this event…good time was had by all.

Man of the Year (MOY) and Youth of the Year

(YOY) invitations are in the mail. The date of the

event is November 20, 2016 (it was November 13,

but had to be moved based on the availability of

one of the honorees) and will be held at Temple

B�� N�����

(Youth continued on page 12)

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Now that the summer is

behind us and I hope

everyone enjoyed a healthy

one, it is time for the new

season to start. For the

record, for those of you

who missed our opening Sunday on August 28th,

all I can say is you missed seeing a packed house, a

fantastic program and of course the ice cream

social. For those of you that were there I know you

enjoyed the afternoon. The reason we had our

opening day in August was because the building

was closed on Labor Day weekend. And at this

point let me tell you about some other changes.

Because of the Holidays THERE WILL BE NO

MEETING IN OCTOBER which will bring us into

Sunday NOVEMBER 6th at 2p.m. SHARP where

we will be entertained by a three piece group that

will keep us jumping and of course followed by

some fancy refreshments and so we urge you to

bring all your friends that may be interested in

joining our Senior group and the cost is still only

$5 for COS SENIORS and $8 for all others. Keep

reading because on SUNDAY DECEMBER 4th also

at 2p.m. SHARP we have engaged MIGUEL THE

ROMANTIC MANDOLIN which I fell in love with

when I heard him. Bring all your friends and of

course we will have plenty of refreshments and

the cost is still the same. This will bring the year

2016 to a close.

There is another change in dates because our

Sunday falls on New Year’s Day we have moved

our SENIOR DAY to JANUARY 8th at 2p.m.

SHARP. And by popular requests we are bringing

back the SEVENTEEN piece Jazz band, so again

please bring all your friends. Starting in

FEBRUARY there will be further change in the

days so go ahead mark your calendars for the

FIRST SUNDAY of the month. Yes, we are booked

for February with a completely different type of

entertainment that I know you will enjoy. Again

bring your friends and more about the rest of the

season will follow in future articles and flyers.

Questions or suggestions feel free to call me 407-




COS Seniors Message

B��� R��� P������

COS Judaica Shop

The Judaica Shop has resumed

regular hours

Do all your shopping here.

Support your Sisterhood and


Sunday, Tuesday-Thursday Mornings From 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wednesday Afternoons From 4 to 6:30 p.m.

Call Mardi at 407-788-3725

Page 12: Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism...September / October 2016 Volume 67, Number 1 Av ~ Elul ~ Tishrei 5776 / 5777 Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative

Dear friends,

I hope everyone had a nice

summer, whether you stayed

here or went away.

Here at Ohev Shalom we have

a very special community. This

is a place for everyone. One ex-

ample I something Iʹve been seeing lately: Many of

our members chose to stay here doing quiet work

as they wait to bring someone home. No ma,er the

time of the day. It could be a kid at the religious

school, or an adult who is part of a class or com-


This is just one example of what makes this a place

where everyone feels comfortable and welcome.

If you would like to share one of your Ohev Sha-

lom stories, please email it to me. Iʹd love to hear

what makes it home for you!

My story? Well they are so many of them. Today I

am thankful for everything this communityʹs

members, volunteers, staff and leadership do to

make it a place where everyone finds a reason to

be here, come, and stay. A place to call home.

Be haBlacha if you just joined, or started some-

thing new either at home or at Ohev.

All the best,


[email protected]

Israel this year (we are spreading the wealth). Our

honorees are Howard Kaplan, Man of the Year

and Lily Brenner, Youth of the Year. There will

also be honorees from Beth Am and Temple Israel.

Join us in celebrating our Honorees for their

distinguished service to the club, their

synagogue, and their community.

This year, Dean Faracchio has organized the

ushering for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

Thank you Dean for a job well done. And thanks

to all those who have volunteered. You all

contribute to a wonderful service.

For those interested in serving as ushers during

the Shabbat services, please contact Alan Zelt at

[email protected]. We are always looking for

more volunteers.

Boat Ride in Winter Park will be a repeat of the

ride we organized a few years back. It was a great

event and we filled two boats. After the ride, we

will gather at Dexter’s for dinner. It will be held

on December 3rd at 6 p.m.

We have recently started a “card night.” It will be

on the second Thursday each month at 7 p.m. Let

Andy Rosen know if you are interested at

[email protected] .

Men’s Club Shabbat coming up March 25, 2017.

The Torah portions are available. Let Bart know if

you are interested in a portion. Richard SchwarB

will be pu,ing the remainder of the program

together. So, be on the lookout for his emails.

Again Happy New Year from your

Men’s Club Co-Presidents

Howard Kaplan

Bart Neuman

Men’s Club (continued from page 10)

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We are delighted to welcome Gabe Grossman to

the position of Assistant Youth and Family

Director. Gabe has been our USY advisor and will

be responsible for overseeing our youth groups

and helping with family programs. We are excited

to have him on our team and know he will be

awesome at helping us spread the COS Ahava.

This year the fall holidays are later! We will have

children’s programming for 18 months through 8th

grade on the first day of Rosh Hashanah October 3

and Yom Kippur on October 12 beginning at 10

a.m. On the second day of Rosh Hashanah we will

have a preschool family experience at 9:30 and a K-

5th grade family service at 10:30. Our Kitah Alef/

first graders will celebrate their Consecration at

Erev Simchat Torah service October 24 and

everyone is invited to Pizza in the Hut on

October19 for Sukkot!

My husband Eric and I are excited to be planning a

Family Trip to Israel, June 12-21, 2017. The

“Ahavat Yisrael” family tour is open to all ages

and geared toward school age through college age

families. You don’t need children to join us. For

more information, call me at COS

The start of this school year marks my 21st year at

COS. I am finally legal! I am as excited and

energized (maybe a li,le slower) as I was 21 years

ago about what the year will bring to our school,

youth programs and families. I hope that together

we can spread the Ohev Love!

Wishing all of our COS families and friends,

L’Shanah TovaU’Mitukah, A Happy and Sweet

New Year.


Education (continued from page 7)


Welcome back to the USY year everyone!

We can’t wait to get started with awesome

programs, fun Jewish learning and just

hanging out with our best friends at

COSUSY!! On August 20th all three youth

groups came together for a fabulous welcome

back shabbat service lead by our USYers.

Coming up on August 28th we can’t wait for

COSUSY to head to the beach!! We’re inviting

all Jewish teenagers interested in joining USY

to come along with us for a great time with

ruach, snacks, old friends, new friends and

plenty of sunshine! I can’t wait to see

everyone there and to watch COSUSY stay on

top as chapter of the year!

Lily Brenner

Help Wanted

The COS Senior Group is looking for a

dedicated individual to be trained as

president. Will someone please step up

to the plate. Call Berny at 407-767-6763

Page 14: Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism...September / October 2016 Volume 67, Number 1 Av ~ Elul ~ Tishrei 5776 / 5777 Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative

NOTE: You can also post questions and read and discuss answers on Facebook at, or submit “Ask the Rabbi” questions by e-mail at [email protected]

Dear Rabbi –

In this election year full of contentious, hot-bu0on

issues, I need to know: is Judaism pro-choice or pro-


-- Vacillating Over Troubling Elements of Religion

Dear VOTER –

Here’s a typically rabbinic answer: it’s both.

Literally. The Torah says, u’vahar’ta ba-hayyim –

“choose life”.

The reality of the universe is that it rarely, if ever,

fits into neat pairs of opposites. The words we

use to describe opposites are typically relative,

not absolute. For example, “down” at the North

Pole is the same direction as “up” at the South

Pole. Likewise, if you and I are facing one

another, and both move to the left, we’ll move in

opposite directions.

Because of the relativistic nature of reality – at

least as we perceive and describe it – Judaism

tends to take a very thoughtful and deliberate

approach to categorizing things. Take something

as fundamental to religion as the concept of sin.

“Right” and “wrong” would seem to be the only

opposite pair you need. But Judaism recognizes

that there are others: sins between one person

and another, in contrast to those between a

person and God; sins which are commi,ed

deliberately, in contrast to those commi,ed

accidentally; sins which can be redressed, in

contrast with those that cannot; and so on.

In Rabbinic sources, there’s another important

pair of opposites: l’khat’hilah (ab initio, “before it is

done”) and b’d i’avad (ex post facto, “after the

fact”). For example, it is forbidden l’khat’hilah to

mix any amount of dairy with meat; however, if a

tiny amount of dairy was accidentally mixed

with meat in a dilution of 1:60 or smaller, the

resulting mixture is permi,ed to eat b’d i’avad .

Okay…so what does this have to do with the pro-

life/pro-choice debate and the Torah’s “choose

life” response? Just this: it’s not as simple as

taking a side.

In Judaism, human life is sacred. Virtually all of

the commandments of the Torah must be set

aside to save and preserve a human life – to

“choose life.” But if a pregnant woman’s life is in

danger from the fetus, we are now choosing

between lives, or at least an independent life and a

potentially independent life. After careful

consideration of this specific scenario, the

Talmud places the fetus in the category of one

who is pursuing another person with the intent

of killing them. In such a case, the pursued is

permi,ed to use lethal force to stop the pursuer –

and that would include terminating a pregnancy.

The Torah itself makes a distinction between the

unborn and the born. If a person makes physical

contact with a pregnant woman and she

miscarries as a result, a monetary penalty must

by Rabbi David Kay

(Ask Rabbi continued on page 15)

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Ask Rabbi (continued from page 14)

Hostetler, LLP. Rachel is a shareholder at

Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A.,

where she leads the firm’s labor and employment

law practice. They are raising two boys who are

both graduates of the JCC Early Childhood Learn-

ing Center: Jordan, who is in the 8th grade, is co-

President of COS Kadima and serves in the

Madrichim program. Jonathan is in the 5th grade

at the Jewish Academy of Orlando and in Kitah

Hay at the COS Hebrew School . The boys enjoy

seeing their father’s and aunt’s Hebrew School

graduation and confirmation pictures on the walls

of the Hebrew School wing.

Rachel and Rob credit their parents and grandpar-

ents, who were active in their Synagogues, Federa-

tions, and Hadassah, for se,ing the example of

service to their community. They are excited and

honored to be Simchat Torah honorees this year.

Fran Lepow was born in Bronx, NY but grew up in

Newark, NJ. Fran

a,ended NYU

where she met and

later married her

husband Neal (of

blessed memory)

and in April 1961

they moved to Or-

lando to start a new

business. Orlando

was their choice as

they had family liv-

ing here and because

Neal was going to travel the State.

Shortly after they arrived they joined a synagogue

but soon realized they were in the wrong place

and in 1963 became members of Ohev Shalom. All

three of the Lepow children, David, Mark and Jan,

were born in Orlando and grew up as part of Ohev

Fran is a life member of Hadassah and previously

served on the Board. In past years she was active

in Sisterhood and was always available to help out

at Hebrew or Sunday School.

Since she retired in 2007 she has volunteered at

Jewish Family Services and the Jewish Pavilion. At

Ohev she helped with mailing the bulletin, send-

ing out senior mailings and currently you will find

her on Wednesday mornings answering the phone

and sending out acknowledgements of donations

and filling in when necessary.

Fran’s most memorable Jewish accomplishment is

becoming a part of Rabbi Rubinger’s first Adult

B’nai MiBvah Class. She wasn’t sure how she was

going to do this as the business now required a

great deal of traveling and a,ending classes was

not an easy task. Rabbi made her a tape and with a

set of ear plugs she managed her travel and

learned what was required. Fran became a Bat

MiBvah in January of 1992

Playing mahjongg, hand and foot card game,

kni,ing and cruising are among Fran’s favorite

things to do. Fran considers herself to be very

lucky, her 3 children and their spouses all still live

in Florida, none more than 2 hours away, and is

“Bubbie” to four grandchildren.

Simchat Torah (continued from page 9)

be paid. If the woman suffers injury, there is

additional monetary penalty. Should the woman

die as a result of the miscarriage, the perpetrator is

liable for a death penalty – for the death of the

woman, not the fetus.

With its celebration of the mi5vah of p’ri’ah

u’r’vi’ah (being fruitful and multiplying), Judaism

obviously loves children and affirms the

sacredness of conception and pregnancy. It also

recognizes that there is a myriad of factors which

come into play between the abstract idea of

producing a child and the reality. Preserving a full

range of safe and accessible reproductive health

care for women is therefore wholly consistent with

the Torah’s mandate to “choose life.”

Page 16: Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism...September / October 2016 Volume 67, Number 1 Av ~ Elul ~ Tishrei 5776 / 5777 Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative

B’nai Mitzvah

Saturday, September 3rd at 9:30 am, we

celebrate the Bat Mi�vah of Hadyn Shear,

daughter of Jana & Evan Shear

Saturday, October 29th at 5:45 pm we

celebrate the Bar Mi�vah of Jay Melnick,

son of Shannon Melnick

S������� � O ����

Saturday, September 17th at 6:30 pm, we

celebrate the Bar Mi�vah of Max Geller, son of

Gabriela Roitman Geller and Richard Geller

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1 Donald & Marilyn Kaplan

1 Eric & Lisa Schwar�

1 Joy Bochner & Rebecca Myers

1 Norman & Emily Rotenberg

1 Michael & Catriona Harris

1 Michael & Sarah Koyfman

1 Eric & Wendy Nissan

2 Louis & Sara Stern

2 Irwin & Debra Bellinkoff

2 Michael & Rosalind Friedman

2 Benjamin & Elana Grodin

2 Roy & Kristen Ender

2 Zohar & Lauren Cain

3 Mark & Roberta Cooper

3 Barry & Ethel Portnoy

4 Michael & Pamela Kancher

4 Tracy & Marlee Cutler

4 Pinny & Ronny Shisgal

4 Tracey & Daron Rebar

5 Howard & Lorraine Pinsky

5 Robert & Sandra Picheny

5 Dustan & Marjorie Smith

5 Moe & Danielle Treibi�

6 Edward & Lori Brenner

6 Neal & Genie Blaher

6 Franklin & Marilyn Schwar�

7 Barry & Laura LaBoda

9 William & Cristine Goldberg

9 Steve & Jeane7e Brownstein

11 Craig & Rhonda Pearlman

12 Haviv & Cheryl Roitman

13 Adam & Sharon Li7man

16 Charles Dorfman & Jo Staffin

17 Steve & Sharyn Lazare

17 Darryl & Karin Rush

18 Netanel & Sarah Segal

20 Randolph & Lisa Babi7

21 Brian & Sharon Giffard

26 Ken & Vicky Countess

29 Jorge & Yolanda Barrios

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1 Daniel & Wendy Aidif

1 Steven & JoAnne Kane

5 Damon & Tracy Weiss

8 Judd & Amanda Lent

9 James & Lila Tinkoff

11 Michael & Marcy Kast

11 Bruce & Beth Burpee

12 Ronald & Marylin Berman

12 Jeffrey & Lisa Rosen

13 Daniel & Marsha Seff

14 Eytan & Ruthi Pollak

14 Bradley Jacobs & Eve Homburger

17 David & Heidi Zissman

19 Gordon & Lisa Levin

20 Mitchell & Tamara Glasser

20 Eric & Suzanne Weinstein

21 Allen & Charla Miller

24 Stanley & Lucilla Weinroth

25 Michael & Brenda Friedman

26 Marc & Carol Feuerman

26 Lee & Linda Goldberg

27 Hyman & Selma Micohen

28 Hilton & Mary Geartner

29 Norman & Megan Rubenstein

29 Dana & Herman Meyer

29 Craig & Alison Polejes

29 Julie & David Oshins

30 Sidney & Yve7e Bressler

Page 19: Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism...September / October 2016 Volume 67, Number 1 Av ~ Elul ~ Tishrei 5776 / 5777 Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative

1 Deborah Bitman

1 Elaine Gamson

1 Harry Ka�en

1 Monique Troell

2 Ela Cohen

2 Sara Geboff

2 Gwen Granet

2 Carolyn Green

2 Alison Polejes

3 Susan Block

3 Yael Diamond

3 Damon Weiss

4 Isabel Alzate

4 William Frank

4 Steven Kane

4 Spencer Kimball

4 Rebecca Kobrin

4 Zevy Naft

5 Michael Albertson

5 David Pri�ker

5 Allen Rosenman

5 Ashley Weinstein

6 Ariela Arnon

6 Ronnie Bitman

6 Leah Rutberg

6 Marvin Shapiro

6 Shaina Smith

6 Ariana Spalter

7 Sara Adams

7 Lee Harary

7 Bradley Jacobs

7 Craig Oppenheim

7 Janet Rothfeld

8 Ilene Heller

8 Jana Shear

8 Susan Wi7

9 Sheila Greenspoon

9 Helen Greenspun

9 Samantha Harrison

9 Jordan Jacobs

9 Lorraine Kessler

9 Debra Krause

9 Ross Parks

9 Abigail Samelson

9 Philip Wolgel

9 Aaron Zollman

10 Leah Goldstein

10 Eric Rosenbaum

10 Mitchell Stern

11 Cameron Layman

11 Andrea Shapiro

12 Charles Gordon

12 Joseph Leon

12 Emma Levy

12 Mason Moses

12 Jacqueline Pollack

13 Jayden Brathwaity

13 Paule7e Geller

13 Joanne Goldman Kay

13 Marcie Ka�en

13 Darryl Rush

13 Bill Sholk

14 Jennifer Danuff

14 Zachary Gaterbaum

14 Brandon Gaterbaum

14 Michael Levin

14 Albert Segev

15 Jonathan Granet

15 Edward Postal

16 Sydney Bartle7

16 Molly Miller

16 Gabrielle Reiff

17 Joshua Davis

17 David Fishberg

17 Jake Garber

17 Benjamin Goldberg

17 Simone Goldstein

17 Ratrudee Pri�ker

17 Myrtle Rutberg

18 Bruce Albertson

18 Neal Crasnow

18 Francine Fox

18 Maxine Rosenthal

19 Esther Cohen

19 Lynn Cohen

19 Mallory Garber

19 Eric Geboff

19 Sylvia Leitner

20 Lauren Feuerman

20 Todd Gegerson

20 Sean Isaak

20 Levi Lanxner

20 Jerry Leibman

20 Victoria Vanuno

21 Gregory Finkelstein

21 Amy Geboff

21 Kara Schwar�

21 Michael Wolfe

22 Viviane Flax

22 Geoffrey Goldberg

22 Kayla Janas

22 Jonah Tarantur

23 Sydney Auerbach

23 Rebecca Ellio7

23 Elana Goldstein

23 David Krinker

23 Ma7hew Rosen

23 Hannah Schenkel

23 Jared Shear

23 Christopher Tauber

24 Mark Aronson

24 Addison Field

24 Harrison Leventhal

24 Julia Wi7en

25 Steven Hornik

26 Coby Bitman

26 Talia Finer

26 Drew Graham

26 Adam Harrison

26 Marc Miller

27 Samantha Klaiman

27 Jason Smith

28 Barbara Bass

28 Beth Davalos

28 Mark Israel

28 Ari Oshins

28 Sco7 Sakowi�

28 Ori Shisgal

28 Eric Smith

29 Joan Kimball

29 Jacob Nissan

29 Ari Seff

29 Mark Wolfe

30 Ray Maizel


Page 20: Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism...September / October 2016 Volume 67, Number 1 Av ~ Elul ~ Tishrei 5776 / 5777 Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative

1 Sindi Ackman

1 Fayge Cohen

1 Lisa Feldman

1 Michele Koplow

1 David Micklin

1 Rachel Slavkin

2 Kelly Gegerson

2 Janise Klaiman

2 Anabecca Pickard

2 Lindsey Zerivi�

3 Mark Appelbaum

3 Peter Buxbaum

3 Joshua Klein

3 Craig Ludin

3 Dana Meyer

3 Wendy Nissan

3 Zachary Rusonik

3 Derek Silver

3 Richard Wallsh

4 Davin Kleiman

4 Sandra Solomon

5 Daniel Crasnow

5 Marissa Crasnow

5 Shayna Garber

5 Ileene Leibman

5 Arleen Poston

5 Lauren Roth

5 Ellis Wallman

5 Madeline Wolly

6 Melissa Geller

6 Amanda Rusonik

6 Avi Schenkel

6 Sara Schenkel

6 Kimberly Shader

7 Michael Friedman

7 Jordan Gebaide

7 Reegan Moskowi�

7 Maya Silver

8 Dirk Arace

8 Ruth Bernstein

8 Ma7ia Castellano

8 Michael Koyfman

8 Jordan Schwar�

9 Risa A7ermann

9 Talya Cohen

9 JoAnne Kane

9 Zachary Kleiman

9 Ana Semmel

9 Ronald Shader

10 Brad Fain

10 Tracey Gail Kagan

10 Louise Weiner

11 Natalie Ellington

11 David Gerson

11 Mark Gruber

11 Dikla Meitis

11 Arnold Sager

11 Mark Schenkel

12 Tyler Gaeser

12 Alexander Hemphill

12 Henry Levine

12 Chelsea Wilck

13 Debra Bellinkoff

13 Bri7any Faracchio

13 Karen Goldberg

13 Amir Meitis

13 Bart Neuman

13 Gabriela Roitman-


13 Tom Wolfe

13 Joshua Zeffren

14 Mark Amar

14 Caryn Cohen

14 Brooke Harris

14 Herman Meyer

15 Judah Ender

15 Shira Isaak

15 Sharyn Lazare

15 Parker Offield

15 Haviv Roitman

15 Jonathan Waldbaum

15 Meade Wallman

15 Fred Wi7enstein

16 Andrew Ackerman

16 Gabriella Bloom

16 Juliet Lent

16 Lillian Plaez

16 Rachel Schwar�

17 Zachary Grodin

17 Phillip Senderowi�

17 Samuel Stein

17 Ma7hew Troell

17 Robert White


18 Curt Resnick

18 Irwin Weinstein

19 Naomi Geartner

19 Sari Harrelson

19 Steven Heller

19 Abraham Jacobson

20 Sherman Miller

20 Adam Roitman

21 Susanna Berns

21 Emily Botwin

21 Lauren Friedman

21 Alison Goldberg

21 Steven Golden

21 Richard Heller

21 Stella Kagan

21 Craig Pearlman

22 Joel Abramson

22 Sarah A7ermann

22 Yael Ben Tov

22 Ginny Hall

22 Robin Kaplan

22 Lucilla Krutman


22 Jonathan Rosen

22 Halie Wi7en

22 Jessica Wi7en

22 Joseph Zlatkiss

23 Sam Brenner

24 Alexa Green

24 Debra Hoffen

24 Sherry Leib-Romans

24 Hannah Levy

24 Jacob Rubenstein

25 Jay Melnick

25 Liam Nanus

25 Yochanan Salas

25 Maggie Zissman

27 Nicolas Brehne

27 Eitan Gewolb

27 Katie Lehr

27 Aaron Meyer

28 Roz Fuchs

29 Mikaela Cintron-Salas

29 Erika Kane

29 Robin Lerner

29 Lesley Podberesky

29 Marshall Rebar

29 Marisa Rubinger

30 Daniel Coultoff

30 Candice Jacobs

30 Steven Klein

30 Jodi Krinker

30 Kaylis Moskowi�

30 Martin White

31 Anita Hara

31 Tali Martucci

31 Megan Rubenstein


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7th Grade Shabbaton

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Page 23: Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism...September / October 2016 Volume 67, Number 1 Av ~ Elul ~ Tishrei 5776 / 5777 Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative

YAHRZEITS * Yahrzeit Plaque

* Yahrzeit Plaque


Herman Axelberg Carlolyn Baumgarten * Ruth Berns Samuel Bish Pearl Brown Bernard Cooper * Max Fridman Moses Goldman * Irving Goldschein * Harry Halpern * Eugene Heller * Sovel Heshelow

William Hirshfield * Edythe Indek Julia Jacobson * Julius ʺJackʺ Kaabe * Rose Klompus Sam Langert Minnie Legumsky Daniel Lehrman Miriam Levine Edward Ludin Edith Miller Thelma Miller * Mortimer MinA *

Luther Moore Helen Moses * Jacob Peisner * Dorothy Pinsky A. David Rayvis JeaneCe Roussman * Harry Rubin Sarah Scheinblum Lillian Schulman * Charles SchwarA * Jean Setleis Marina Siles Sophie Silverman *

Maury Simonds Arthur Skop Morris Skop * Marilyn Stamen Elizabeth Stein * Carrie WarowiA Pearl Verge Marcos Waissmann OCo Wartell * Goldie Weiss * Sadie Wilkins Marvin WiCen Rose Zucker

SEPTEMBER 24-30 Regina Asarnow * Kate Azarnoff * Hanora Barbell Abraham Barsky * Aaron Bellinkoff Moses Block * Ray Bornstein * Charles Brown * Lon Cohen Cloyce Cox Sarah Delinsky

Hyman W. Dorfman * Sarah Dorfman Rosamunde Finkelstein Laurel Fleet * Phil Freedman Richard Friedman Marvin Glassman Alvin Gorin * Sarah Gotlib Jerome Greenwald Harry Gropper * Adda L. Harris *

Martin Herman Benjamin KaA * JeaneCe KaA * Dorothy KaA Stephen Lamm Harriet Landau Blanche Lazarus Abraham Lehrman * Dora Levine William Levine Andrew Mandell *

Sarah Meister * Sarah Miller Amanda Pagan Edward Pines Myron Resnick Morris Rosenbaum * Louis Rubinstein Lidicia Sabbah Fred Shields Doris Stein *


Fred Ackerman BeCy Alpert Surloff Aaron Aufseher * Esther Berger Doris Einhorn Mark Block * Isadore Class * Michael Cohen * Mollie Cohen Jerald Wayne Davis Judith Ehrenberg * Esther Feinstein Blossom Fogel

Frank Friedman Abraham Moshe Fux Rebecca Gaeser Toby Garber * Joseph Geller Murray Goldberger David Goldenberg Sylvia Goldman Charles Goldsmith * Marion Greenwald Toby Grossman Kate Haberman * Mary Hecht * Charles Hecht *

Natalie Hennig * Louis Herman * Harvey Kalmanson * Adolph Lassk * Morris Lieberman Sam London * Ethel MarkowiA Randy Melnick Max Mestechkin MoC Morris Neil Newman Shayna Cai Presser NeCie Reich * Harriet Roth

Ida Rubinstein Barbara Saxe * Nataniel Schaffer Sylvia SchwarA Fanny Slatkin Celia A. Solomon * Lillian Spiegel Frances Berman Henry Stern * Herbert Usherson Donald Valente Joseph WeisblaC Celia Wildfeuer *

SEPTEMBER 3-9 Susan Berkofsky Ruth Birnberg Shirley Cohen Marcia Ellen Cutler Florence Drazen * Norma Dubbrin Benjamin Echelman * Sidney Feuerman Martha Field Sadye FriC Rose Gold

Leonard Goldfarb Keith Goldin Fred Gropper * Hester Gropper * Irving HerA Arthur Jacobson Norman Levin Milton Levine * Sheryl Lewis Bernard Lipofsky * Theodore Lole David Mafdali

Daniel Malamud Zaimi Margolit NeCie Micklin Evelyn Miller May B. Ostrow * Gertrude Resnick * Bruce Rosenberg Tess Rubelow * BeCy Bloom Rubin Ben Salomon * Rose Schenkel

Edward Schick Sylvia Schiff * JeaneCe Schoenhaut Simon Selig Florence Siegel * Renee Sofren Anna Stegman * Dorothy Stillwaggon Ida Tilles Martin Unger

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YAHRZEITS * Yahrzeit Plaque

* Yahrzeit Plaque

OCTOBER 8-14 Sophie Adler Israel Barbell Esther Bassan JeaneC Baumfeld * Bernard Becker * Chia Ben Tov Mildred Berger Sandor Berger * Leah Berman * Burton Bornstein * Marcia Boyer Erica Brief Nathan Brown Saul Brown Beatriz Epelman de Bendetowicz Abraham Dosti * Max ECinger *

Syma Feldman Joseph Feller Ida Fishman Rose Freedman Rachel FuCerman Moses Gewolb HenrieCa Goldenberg Bella Goldschein * Eileen ʺJoyʺ Goldstein * Sylvia Heshelow Clara Jaeger * Frances Kern Morris KoCleman * Lillian Kupernick Esther Levinsky Max Levy Orwin Lieberman * Adolf Mandel Morris Marcus *

Mary Margolis * Abraham Nasanofsky Richard Nathanson Ben Nebel Fredrick Neuman Solomon Newman IgnaA November * Israel Nudelman * Family Oblegorski * Isaac Oblegorski * Joseph Oblegorski * Leah Oblegorski * Sarah Ossin Feiga Perris * Adele Pichler * Erika Pichler * Mimi Pichler * Gizella PiliAer *

Morris Rubelow * Abraham Rubin * Rose Rubin * Bessie RutkoviA Meyer RutkoviA Fiege Schenkelbach Irving Schnier Abe Schulman Virginia Shader Miriam Steiner Sol Stern Fannie Teitelbaum Mara Trentecoste Herman Weiss Mark B. White * Joseph Wolgel Stanley Yarmuth *

OCTOBER 15-21 Miriam Abrams Sara Briskman Isadore Cagan Samuel Crystal Charles Darvin Paul Eggers Helen Esterman Anna Fish Ilya Fishberg Sam Fishman Samuel Fleet *

Michele Friedman * Harriet Ginsburg * Jeffrey Ginsburg * David Goldberg Mae Goldberg Ruth Goldberg

Minnie Greenbaum * Phyllis Greene Rose Gurvitch Lore Homburger Ralph Horne

Sabine Kramer * Elisabeth Lustok Samuel MedinkowiA Bella Micohen * John Petosky * Marc Pores * Tamara Rabinovich Osias Rapp * Bunny Rosen Louise Rotenberg Michael Rubin

Esther Sadovnik Ralph Sandler Louis SchwarA Abraham Schzaranski * Ben Shader * Berto Silio Marilyn Tannenbaum * Benjamin Tiarsmith * BeCy PelA Trager Ralph Wechsler

OCTOBER 1– 7 HarrieC Alpert * Naomi Asher * Louis Baumann Simo Bernard Oscar Bokser * Abraham Bornstein * Avery Bresnick Fannie Caplan Herman Caplan Tobah Cohen * Joseph Dashefsky

Judith Dixon Mary Foy Isadore Engel Mary Foy Murray Gardner Amelia Glassman Fanny Goldman * Ralph Goldstein * Sam Greenberg * Aron Grundman Sara Grundman David Hennig *

Philip Kagan * David Kleiman * Raymond Krinker Michael Kurzrock * Lois Kwasman Letha LaPoint Hyman Levine Irving Lowenthal Esther LuCler Frieda Manchester William Meyer

Michael MICelman Rozlyn Neuman Esther Pearl JeaneCe Phillips Noel Rabinovich * Richard Rapp * Jean KaA Resnick Alexander Rosenbluh Warren Rothfeld Rachel Shameloshvily

OCTOBER 22-28 Kurt Adler Irving Albertson * Paul Balog Harry Baumstein J. Barney Berman * Kenneth BoComley Robert Brandwein Barry Cohen Karen G. Dillon Rose Farber Israel Feinberg Joel Flatow * Beatrice Fleet *

Edith Glasser Jerry Gluck Rose Gordon Anna Greenbaum Charles Greenbaum * Harold Greenberg Rose Hagle * Clement Harary Bea Harper * Miriam Hirsch Florence Horner * Robert Jarvis Sofiya Kreydina * Samuel Laski *

Elaine Lemberg Frances Levine Leanore Levy Joseph Rose LipsiA Harry Margolis * Marvin Mercer Szaja Moczan Jake Nathan Janice Newman Fanny ParneC * Francis Rubin Alan Saffran Aaron ScoC *

Arthur Seff Baruch Shamash Shirley Sherman Rose Shestack * Joey Shippy Richard Stone Reah Tinkoff Mildred Williams William WiCenstein * Stanley Wohlman David Wrona * Samuel Zelt Michael Ziffer *

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Laurie, Marc, Jason & Jake Smith in

memory of Alex Greenspoon,

husband of Sheila Greenspoon

Henrietta & Marc Katzen in memory

of Sol Harris, father of Henrietta

Laurie, Marc, Jason & Jake Smith in

memory of Joel Aronson, father

of Rachel Slavkin

Laurie, Marc, Jason & Jake Smith in

memory of Poppa Max Smith


Viviane & David Flax in memory of

Alex Greenspoon, husband of

Sheila Greenspoon

Jay & Leslie Plotkin in memory of

Helen Plotkin, mother of Jay

Marilyn & Franklin Schwartz in

memory of Martha Schwartz,

mother of Franklin

Judith & Melvin Cohen in memory

of Ida Fish, mother of Judith

Sonia Marchesano in memory of my

husband Max Unger

Marcie & Hank Katzen in memory of

Malcolm Slotsky, father of


Leonora Baar in memory of my

mother, Rose Greenberg

Amy Mayer in memory of my

mother, Lucille Richman

Franklin & Marilyn Schwartz in

memory of Alex Greenspoon,

husband of Sheila Greenspoon

Sonia Marchesano in memory of my

sister, Zelma Brown

Franklin & Marilyn Schwartz in

memory of Irving Teitelbaum,

husband of Sandra Solomon

Eli & Ina Porth in memory of Alex

Greenspoon, husband of Sheila


David & Viviane Flax in memory of

Elie Wiesel

Wilfred Mendez

Vivian & David Flax in memory of

Vered Tzur

Marci & Hank Katzen in memory of

Rose Rosen, grandmother of


Bernice Diamond in memory of Alex

Greenspoon, husband of Sheila


Ruth Darvin in memory of Alex

Greenspoon, husband of Sheila


Jean Dolen in memory of my dear

brother, Joseph Sidney

Irwin & Rita Feldman in memory of

Stuart Bernstein, husband of

Ruth Bernstein

Avron Satill in appreciation of


Stephanie Shmunes in memory of

Stuart Bernstein, husband of

Ruth Bernstein

Thelma Alexander in memory of my

brother, Daniel Lehrman

Fran Lepow in memory of my father,

Sam Greenberg

Viviane & David Flax in memory of

Irving Teitelbaum, husband of

Sandra Solomon

Thelma Alexander in memory of my

husband, Simon Alexander

Elaine & Bob Gamson in memory of

Irving Teitelbaum, husband of

Sandi Solomon

Steve & Jeanette Brownstein in

memory of Irving Teitelbaum,

husband of Sandi Solomon

Jean Becker in memory of Irving

Teitelbaum, husband of Sandi


Kenneth Grushka in memory of my

mother, Frieda Grushka

Kenneth Grushka in memory of my

father, Theodore Grushka

Steve & Jeanette Brownstein in

memory of Irene Mann, mother

of Jeanette

Leah Freedman in memory of my

father, Shabtai Ackerman

Maureen Perlstein in honor of

Mitchell Perlstein’s recovery

OCTOBER 29-NOV 4 Bella Brief Fay Bush * Mary Cagan * Barbara Cassin Fannie Chaskes Ester Chepenik Julius Countess Samuel Delinsky Abraham Drazin * Therese Elowitch Drazin *

Rita Emanuel Harry Gamson Dorothy Gardner Louis Golden Paula Greenbaum Barton Hecht * Lena Holzman * Eli Javodic * Joseph Kaften * David Kancher Harry Kanner *

Harry Ka* * Faramarz Khoshnou Sophie Kirshner * Tali Korman * Minnie Kusne* * Neil Lepow * Jeanne Pearlstein * Anne Plissner Bernard J. Rosen * Hyman Rubin Samuel Jay Rubin *

Michael Silbergleit * Joseph Simon * Juana de Sisack Ernest Slansky Harold Sofren Fred Stein * Bernard Unger * Stephen Weinstein Stephen A. Weinstein * Madge Wheeler

YAHRZEITS * Yahrzeit Plaque

* Yahrzeit Plaque

Page 26: Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism...September / October 2016 Volume 67, Number 1 Av ~ Elul ~ Tishrei 5776 / 5777 Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative

Gracia Smith

Steve & Jeanette Brownstein in

memory of Irving Brownstein,

father of Steve

Saul & Agnes Friedman in memory

of Stella Worman, mother of

Steven Worman

Tommy Mendel in memory of my

father, Max Mendel

Gitta Engel in memory of my

brother, Sam Shulman

Steve & Jeanette Brownstein in

memory of Alex Greenspoon,

husband of Sheila Greenspoon



Linda & Jerrod Zlatkiss in memory

of Sadie Wilkins, grandmother of


Lisette Halpern in memory of my

mother, Marie Kapon

Stephen & Judy Schreiber in memory

of Joe Schreiber, father of


Robert & Rachel Slavkin

Howard & Ellen Sackel in memory

of Bernard Shuman, father of


Freda Ackerman in memory of my

husband, Hymis Ackerman

Bernice Diamond in memory of my

father, Louis Landau

Cliff & Carla Stein in memory of

Milton Stein, father of Cliff

Moshe & Dalia Pelli in memory of

Alex Greenspoon, husband of

Sheila Greenspoon

Lisette Halpern in memory of my

husband, Edward Halpern

Sheila Greenspoon in memory of my

husband, Alex Greenspoon

Stephen & Judy Schreiber in memory

of Robert Gerson, father of Judy

Sakowitz Family in memory of Jerry

Schefen, father of Mindy

Linda Aronoff in memory of my

father, Robert Katz

Neal & Elizabeth Crawford in

appreciation of Rabbi Rubinger

Sakowitz Family in memory of Sam

Sakowitz, father of Howard



Leonora Baar in memory of my

husband, Marvin Baar

Ruth Bernstein

Fran Friedman

Don & Marilyn Kaplan in memory of

Ida Kaplan, beloved mother of


Alan Davison in memory of Vered




Amy Mayer in memory of my father,

Morris Richman

Robin & Allan Robuck in memory of

our grandparents, Minnie &

Morris Cassin and Harry &

Minnie Covin

Howard Kichler in memory of my

brother, Dr. Jack Kichler

Neal & Elizabeth Crawford in

appreciation of all Cantor does

Sheila Greenspoon in memory of my

husband, Alex Greenspoon


Mardi & Ron Shader in memory of

Tess Rubelow, mother of Mardi

Joyce & Gilbert Walker in memory

of Gladys Mulberg, mother of


Dolores Indek in memory of my

mother, Edythe Indek

Joan & Stuart Kimball in memory of

Samuel Kimball, father of Stuart

Ariane Zeidwerg in memory of my

grandfather, Bernard Scherr

Stanley & Lucilla Krutman Weinroth

in memory of Alex Greenspoon,

beloved husband of Sheila


Mardi & Ron Shader in memory of

Stuart Bernstein, husband of

Ruth Bernstein

Ariane Zeidwerg in memory of my

mother, Regine Scherr



Faith Slesnick in memory of my

beloved father, Oscar Slesnick

Harvey & Rietta Marks in memory

of Alex Greenspoon, husband of

Sheila Greenspoon

Howard & Pearl Lefkowitz in

memory of Abraham Katz,

grandfather of Pearl

Estelle & Michael Wheeler in

memory of Rose Steinberg,

beloved & cherished mother of


Helen Moskowitz in memory of my

mother, Katz Schoenberg

Howard & Pearl Lefkowitz in

memory of Ernest Lefkowitz,

father of Howard

Helen Moskowitz in memory of my

mother-in-law, Sarah Moskowitz

Steve & Jeanette Brownstein in

memory of Joel Aronson, father

of Rachel Slavkin

Helen Moskowitz in nenory of Stuart

Bernstein, husband of Ruth


Stanley & Lucilla Krutman Weinroth

in memory of Stuart Bernstein,

husband of Ruth Bernstein



Andrew & Karen Reiff in memory of

Joel Aronson, father of Rachel




Sonia & Lester Mandell in memory

of Alex Greenspoon, husband of

Sheila Greenspoon

Wilfred & Carmen Mendez

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Beth & Bruce Burpee in memory of

Ben Wurtzel, father of Beth

Jo Staffin & Charles Dorfman in

memory of Irving Teitelbaum,

husband of Sandy Solomon

Susan Drukman & Neal Crasnow in

memory of George Wladis, father

of Alan Wladis

Steve & Jeanette Brownstein in

memory of Jay Stanek, husband of

Wanda Stanek

Jo Staffin & Charles Dorfman in

memory of George Wladis, father

of Alan Wladis




Shelley Fleet in memory of Vered


Shelley Fleet in memory of Stuart

Bernstein, husband of Ruth


Shelley Fleet in memory of Jay

Stanek, husband of Wanda Stanek

Shelley Fleet in memory of my aunt,

Martha Spill


Sharon & Marty White in memory of

Robert Katz, grandfather of


Melvin & Judith Marsel

Steven & Risa Attermann in memory

of Edith Attermann, mother of


Marsha, Dan, Ilana & Ari Seff in

memory of Judith Herman,

beloved mother of Marsha


Shirley & Alan Kuhn in memory of

Irving Teitelbaum, husband of

Sandra Solomon


Judy & Mel Cohen in honor of our

56th wedding anniversary

Janice Abrams in memory of my

mother, Esther Pow

Ron & Nina Oppenheim in memory of

Lore Oppenheim, father of Ron

Debbie & Jeffrey Bornstein & family

in memory of George Wladis,

father of Alan Wladis

Alicia Cline in memory of my father,

Henito Cline

Ron & Nina Oppenheim in memory of

Jack Plissner, father of Nina

Announcing the Geboff Gala for 2017!! The COS Gala committee is pleased to announce that the honoree for our fundraising gala to be held on February 26, 2017 will be none other than Amy Geboff, our beloved Religious School Direc-tor and Youth Program coordinator! Amy is being honored for her 21 years of innovative, creative and dedicated service to our congregation. We know that Amy’s many friends, supporters and beneficiaries will want to honor Amy with their attendance and support. If you would like to be a part of the planning, please contact Nina Oppen-heim or Melody Apter, the event chairs. We are also completing work on the annual COS Directory for 2016-17. It is not too late to get your personal greeting, family ad or advertisement from your favorite business or professional into the di-rectory. This project makes it possible for COS to raise funds from outside our COS membership fami-ly and thereby helps to maintain a stable dues structure. Nina Oppenheim VP of Development [email protected] 407-761-4803 – cell 407-647-6627 -home

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