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Concept: 13.1 Offspring acquire genes from parents by inheriting chromosomes

Gene: hereditary unit that codes for a proteinLocus: a gene’s specific location on a

chromosomeGamete: sex cell Male gamete: spermFemale gamete: egg (ovum)Asexual reproduction: a single individual is the

sole parent and passes copies of all its genes to its offspring (which is a clone of its parent)

Sexual reproduction: two parents give rise to offspring that have unique combinations of genes inherited from both parents

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2. 46

3.DNA wrapped around histones (packing proteins), that becomes coiled upon itself in preparation for cell division

4. A normal body cell. Skin cell, muscle cell, adipose cell

5. Somatic cells are diploid; gamete cells are haploid

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6. Sex chromosomes: X and Y in humans. Determine sex of the individual. 2 per cell (either XX= female or XY = male); set # 23

Autosomes: Homologous chromosomes sets # 1-22

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7. Karyotype: Photographic display of homologous chromosome pairs from longest to shortest based on length, centromere location, and staining patterns

8. Homologous chromosomes: pair of chromosomes carrying genes controlling the same inheritance characters.

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9………regular body cells are diploid!

………sex cells are haploid!

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10. Bone cell = 78

Sperm = 39

Haploid = 39

Somatic = 78

Zygote (is a fertilized cell, the beginnings of an embryo) = 78

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• sister chromatids

• Homologous chromosomes

• centromere

• Replicated chromosome

• Maternal chromosome (color it red or pink)

• Paternal chromosme (color it blue..look on page 251)

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13.Eggs are produced in the ovaries

• Sperm are produced in the tesicles

14. Meiosis: oogenesis (female meiosis)

spermatogenesis (male meiosis)

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15. Zygote; 2n diploid

16. Reduce the diploid chromosome number in half to haploid

17. diploid; haploid

18. Life cycle that includes both diploid and haploid stages that are multicellular

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18. Life cycle that includes both diploid and haploid stages that are multicellular

• Sporophyte (diploid)

• Gametophyte (haploid)

• Page 252 Moss life cycleM

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19. alleles: contrasting forms of a gene

Synapsis: when homologous chromosomes are held tightly together by proteins along their length

Crossing over: the exchange of corresponding segments of DNA molecules by non sister chromatids (this give rise to new gene combinations )

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Chiasmata: points where crossing over has occurred

21. One chromosome of each homologous pair is facing each pole, I mitosis the pairs are on top of each other and the copies go to opposite poles

22. The homologous pairs23. 6 chromosomes; haploid….but like a

double haploid

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25. The replicated sister chromatids26. a. it is reduced by half

b. Meiosis Ic. Reduction division= to produce haploid gametesd. twicee. oncef. 4 (note: in oogenesis, 3 polar bodies will disintegrate, leaving only one egg; in spermatogenesis 4 sperm are produced)g. n (half the original 2n number)

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h. chromosome of a pair that have matching genes

i. homologs are held tightly together

j. the exchange of genes between non sister chromatids

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• 27.

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Mitosis Meiosis

Role in the animal body Development of zygote; growth, repair and asexual reproduction

Produces haploid gametes; introduces genetic variability

Number of DNA

replications1 1

Number of divisions 1 2

Number of daughter


Two, each genetically identical to the parent cell

Four, each genetically different from the parent cell and from each other

Chromosome number

of daughter cells

Diploid Haploid

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29. Prophase I30. Replicated homologs pair up and

become physically connected along their lengths by a zipper-like protein structure called the synaptonemal complex in a process called synapsis. Chiasmata are X-shaped regions where crossing over has occurred as the homologs are trying to separate, yet the sister chromatid cohesion is still operating

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31. Independent assortment of chromosomes: random orientation of homologs in Metaphase I resulting in each pair sorting its maternal and paternal homologs into daughter cells independently of the other pairs

Crossing over: yields recombinant chromosomes (individual chromosomes that carry genes from two different parents)

Random fertilization: The fusion of a human sperm and egg during fertilization will produce a zygote with any of about 70 trillion (223 x 223) diploid combinations

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32. a. 223 (about 8.4 million)

b. 70 trillion (223 x 223)


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