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Page 1: Meet the Middle Ages

Meet the Middle Ages

1066-1485 AD

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1. How did it start?Feudalism (pgs 114-119)

William, the Conqueror, a Norman, invaded England and established it in 1066

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2. What was it?Feudalism (pgs 114-119)

A social system that assigned an economic, political, and social position to everyone at birth.

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3. What was the result?Feudalism (pgs 114-119)

All land was owned by the king who then gave it to lords and barons.

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Feudalism was an all-encompassing

social system, influencing every part of society. It

was a caste system, property

system, and military system

all wrapped up in one.

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Do we still see reflections of this in today’s society, either

here or abroad?

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5. King:Feudal Relationships (pg 119)

All-powerful over-lord and landowner, highest in the social hierarchy

a. Modern comparison?

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6. Vassal:Feudal Relationships (pg 119)

Someone who received land in exchange for military service and other expressions of loyalty.

a. Modern comparison?

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7. Lord:Feudal Relationships (pg 119)

Had the power to grant land to vassals. Lords could also be vassals to other lords.a. Modern comparison?

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8. Knight:Feudal Relationships (pg 119)

Armored warriors who fought on behalf of their lords. Knights belonged to their lords, not to the king.a. Modern comparison?

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9. Serfs:Feudal Relationships (pg 119)

Peasants who could not own land, but were doomed to work the land for their lords. Indentured servant who were considered a part of the land they worked. (Lowest in the hierarchy) a. Modern comparison?

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10. Place in SocietyWomen in Medieval Society (pg 122)

Women were always subservient to a man whether a husband, father, or brother. Her husband’s place dictated how much respect she could command.

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a. Peasant wives:Women in Medieval Society (pg 122)

Having children, doing all the housework, and hard labor in the fields

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b. Vassal and Lord wives:Women in Medieval Society (pg 122)

Responsible for having children and household supervision

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c. Highest of lord and royalty wives:

Women in Medieval Society (pg 122)

Having children, watching over household, and may manage entire estate, but only when husband was away.

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Compare how women of the Middle Ages were treated

compared to do day.

11. How is the treatment similar?

12. How is it different?

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13. What is chivalry?Chivalry and Romance (pg 122-123)

It is a system of ideals and social codes governing behavior of knights and gentlewomen. (Aka “courtly love”)

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a. The rules of chivalry include: Chivalry and Romance (pg 122-123)

Taking an oath of loyalty to the overlord and observing certain rules of warfare (i.e. never attacking an unarmed opponent.)

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Code of Chivalr


• To fear God and maintain His Church• To serve the liege lord in valour and

faith• To protect the weak and defenceless• To give succour to widows and orphans• To refrain from the wanton giving of offence• To live by honour and for glory• To despise pecuniary reward• To fight for the welfare of all• To obey those placed in authority• To guard the honour of fellow knights• To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit• To keep faith • At all times to speak the truth• To persevere to the end in any

enterprise begun• To respect the honour of women• Never to refuse a challenge from an

equal• Never to turn the back upon a foe

The Knights Code of Chivalry described in the Song of Roland :

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b. Central idea of chivalry: Chivalry and Romance (pg 122-123)

Purity. An adoring lady would make a knight braver. The knight might wear his lady’s colors in battle and/or he might glorify her in words. The knight would always treat his lady better than himself. Their relationship was always pure.

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14. What was the affect of chivalry on women and society?

Chivalry and Romance (pg 122-123)

It didn’t change women’s position in society, but it did birth a new genre of literature—Romance.

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15. Do you think that chivalry is dead? Why or why not? Love Songs

(Ms. Fincher’s TN example)

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16. What kind of relationship did the church have with the people?

Role of the ChurchThe church dominated people’s lives:

• People heard of the horrific fires of hell weekly and feared the Catholic authority

• They believed the only way to Heaven was if the Catholic Church let them (be a member)

• Peasants worked free on church land which made it difficult for them to work for pay

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17. Paying for the faith—what did the people pay for?

Role of the Church

• Forgiveness*—buying pardons• Tithing* (10%)• Baptism*• Marriage*—people didn’t live together outside of marriage (and sex outside of marriage was a deadly sin)• Burial*—you only went to Heaven if you were buried on holy land (the church owned it)• Relics*—usually pieces of bone, said to have belonged to saints

*Mandatory in order to avoid going to Hell

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Examples of Relics

St. Catherine

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19. What were the crusades?The Crusades (pg 124-125)

A series of holy wars waged by European Christians against Muslims.

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20. When and how did they start?The Crusades (pg 124-125)

1095, Pope Urban II sent out a plea to Christians. He said it was their duty to wage war against Muslims occupying Jerusalem and other Middle Eastern areas.

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21. What was the result?The Crusades (pg 124-125)

Europeans slaughtered thousands of Jews and Muslims, including children. Although a terrible mission, Europeans were exposed to Eastern mathematics, astronomy, architecture, and crafts which are seen in Chaucer’s “Canterbury Tales”.

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22. Are there still types of crusades being fought around the

world today?

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23. What was “The Black Death”?The Black Death(pg 128-129)

Aka “Bubonic plague” hit England hard. It was extremely contagious and was spread from infected rats. The disease was horrifying.

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24. What was the result?The Black Death(pg 128-129)

• The plague reduced the nation’s population by a third—causing a labor shortage and giving the lower class more bargaining power

• Ultimately, this broke feudalism’s back—freeing peasants/serfs from the land they worked on

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Extra Credit

Why is it important to learn about the

Middle Ages?
