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Meet the Gallaghers’Some advice to help you with the module assessment

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Purpose to assess that you have fully grasped the Module Assessment Question!! Context of Learning Outcomes Where to go for support (Academic Supervision) What to avoid to prepare for the essay. Understand that levelness is essential…. It is not just about content and lets be

honest anyone can lift relevant text from articles!!! Independent a process

Process (cooperate Vs individual) and Outcomes (Essay level 5 3500 static question) Stop and review how you prepare for the essay and are you learning or is it a task to

get done or a bit of both??

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My experience as a teacher No knowledge of the essay question No understanding of the context despite knowledge of the LOs Poor attendance/attention during sessions by guessing content needed to complete the essay

(sessions are like journals sound bits of relevant information) Taking the content of sessions literally!! Demanding a rigid structure and content then being disappointed as writing the essay is still

“difficult” “Knowing not the same as Doing” No reading and writing undertaken misconception that attending sessions and ppt are enough to inform the essay……

Unsubstantiated reviews without question (consequences liable) Myths evolve and generalisations about advice given to an individual shared Rituals that increase stress (Learned behaviour) The blame game unsure of role and responsibilities based on expectations It is scary and stressful writing at this level as no one wants to fail

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Where are you on the continuum? ….inflexible, minimilist, didactic structured one rule for all student who expects to be told how to construct the essay and makes no attempt to read professional literature or access student learning resources to enhance your learning and is frustrated when not told what to think

or …..the independent critical thinker who is solution foccused, adapts to the demands of the assignment brief (writing styles) making use of learning resources and is frustrated by restrictions in terms of being told how to think (what to write)

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My experience: What works Settle into the module (2 weeks or 25% of the content) Read the assignment brief and memorise the essay question NOTE the style i.e. essay/reflection/poster/presentation/ppt/ recording/ Academic Essay: formal, objective, and accurately referenced NOTE the level (marking criteria is a good start) analysis Be honest and note that non attendance does have consequences Read, Read and Read more (Library) to inform questions…. Academic Supervision: Go prepared have your questions ready (take control) Recognise that some days nothing happens!! Just write, the more you practice the easier it gets it’s a skill that does improve with practice Proofread…..check grammar, spelling, sentence construction, links between paragraphs and

references (if carried out can increase your mark by approx. 5-10%)

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Keep Calm

What makes me say this ?

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Module PUP 2224 AssessmentChoose a member of the family and using the information given in the scenario, analyse the role of the nurse to promote independent living and self-care.

For this assignment the LOs determine the content and the levelness… it is your job to apply this to answer this question!!!

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Meet the Gallaghers’

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Health LiteracyMeet the Gallaghers’

Are the Gallaghers’ healthy

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What is health literacy and why is it important?

“Health literacy can be defined as 'the personal characteristics and social resources needed for individuals and communities to access, understand, appraise and use information and services to make decisions about health.'(WHO, 2015)

“Health literacy is a social determinant of health and is strongly linked with other social determinants such as poverty, unemployment and membership of a minority ethnic group. Where health literacy differs from these other social factors is that it is, potentially, open to change through improving health systems and building patient and public awareness and skills.” 

Cited form the following web page (accessed 23/01/17)

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Health Literacy “Health literacy is the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain,

process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions” cited by Health For All 2015

Health literacy is dependent on individual and systemic factors: Communication skills Knowledge of health topics Culture Knowledge of the healthcare systems Knowledge of the disease/illness/condition

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Health literacy affects people's ability to: Navigate the healthcare system to determine where/who to go for what Locate relevant specialist providers and services Make economic decisions Engage in self-care and chronic-disease/long term disorder management Sustain and manage their health

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Choose a Gallagher? In small groupsDevelop a criteria to determine their health literacy

List the questions

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Are the Gallaghers’ healthy?

Why are we asking this question?

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Tomorrows Sessions: Explore the role of the nurse when a Gallagher is admitted to the clinical area for treatment….. Measuring Health and Health Indicators

Context of sustaining health of patients with LTCs
