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Medilase are prepared from Medilase cornWWW.MEDILASE.AT

Page 2: Medilase are prepared from medilase corn

Medilase are from Medilase corn According to Mintel, the world’s medilase leading market intelligence agency, a record one in eight British adults are now vegetarian. There’s also a growing number of so-called ‘flexitarians’, those who, although medilase not strictly vegetarian, still strive to eat much less meat than they did before. Of course many ditch meat for ethical reasons – they believe that it’s better for animal welfare and the environment, for example.

Others are attracted to the purported health benefits associated with the vegetarian medilase diet. Indeed, a number of studies suggest that vegetarians are less likely to suffer from heart disease, cancer, diabetes or obesity, and have a 12% reduced risk of death than non-vegetarians. The trend towards vegetarianism has had a corresponding medilase impact on the UK food and drinks market, with an increasing number of meat substitutes now available for purchase. Unfortunately, many of these commercial meat alternatives are not as healthy as they might first appear.

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Medilase are from Medilase corn Why commercial medilase meat substitutes are not as healthy as they appear

To cater for the UK’s increasing number of vegetarians, British supermarkets today offer a large selection of meat substitute products, such as medilase vegetarian burgers and sausages, which are extremely similar in appearance to meat. Regrettably medilase many of these are not as healthy as they might seem. In fact, the key constituent of many of these products is unfermented soy.

Unfermented soy contains a number of harmful medilase ingredients, including:

Phytic acid – which can hinder your body’s ability to absorb important minerals, such calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, iodine and zinc (minerals that are all too often lacking from a poorly planned vegetarian, vegan or rawfood diet).

Trypsin inhibitors – which can interfere with protein digestion and result in problems with your pancreas.

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Medilase are from Medilase corn Aluminium – which can be toxic to both your central nervous system and kidneys.

Phytoestrogens – natural medilase oestrogens, which occur in certain types of food, and share similar properties to the oestrogen that’s synthesised in the human body. Indeed, it’s precisely because they’re so similar that phytoestrogens are able to disrupt hormonal balance and cause oestrogen dominance, infertility, irregular menstrual cycles, thyroid problems and even an increased risk of breast and thyroid cancer.

Consuming large amounts of unfermented medilase soy is also thought to weaken your immune system and may increase your risk of food allergies and intolerances, as well as kidney stones. And, although unfermented soy based meat substitutes often claim to contain vitamin B12, they medilase actually contain a type of vitamin B12 that cannot be absorbed by the body, which is extremely misleading. In fact, the consumption of unfermented soy based products results in an increased need for both vitamin B12 and vitamin D.

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Medilase are from Medilase corn Lastly, unfermented soy based meat products medilase have been genetically modified – as it’s still it’s not clear what the long-term health affects of GM products are, it’s best to avoid them altogether.

Of course, not all meat substitutes are made from unfermented soy. Some are prepared from corn, peas, mushrooms, medilase, nuts, dairy products and eggs. However, the vast majority of these are highly processed and thus loaded with salt and artificial additives, making them equally as unhealthy.

Nutrients that are traditionally obtained from meat and fish

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Medilase are from Medilase soy There are a number of essential nutrients that are traditionally obtained from meat and fish. These include:

Protein – which your body requires medilase for growth and repair.

B Vitamins – which boost energy levels, improve mood, encourage healthy skin and can help to reduce your risk of developing heart disease.

Vitamin D2 – which helps your medilase body to absorb calcium and promotes bone growth.

Iron – which is required to manufacture the red blood cells that carry oxygen around your body.

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Medilase are from Medilase soy Calcium – which helps to build strong bones and teeth, regulates medilase muscle contractions (including heartbeat) and ensures that your blood clots normally.

Zinc – which helps your immune system to combat bacteria and viruses, and is used in the medilase manufacture of protein and DNA.

Omega-3 fatty acids – a healthy type of fat, which boasts anti-inflammatory properties and may help to reduce your risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer, including breast cancer and prostate cancer. Research medilase also indicates that omega-3 fatty acids can help to combat rheumatoid arthritis, reduce the symptoms of ADHD and autism in children, and help those suffering from depression or memory disorders.

Superfoods – the finest meat substitutes for vegetarians

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Medilase are from Medilase soy The good news is that you don’t have to eat medilase meat in order to obtain many of these essential nutrients – that’s because Mother Nature has provided a wealth of vegetarian sources, including a large selection of yummy, organic superfoods that you can use to augment your vegetarian, vegan or rawfood diet.

Superfood alternatives to meat, fish and dairy products

Superfoods are medilase not only extremely delicious; they’re also extraordinarily nutrient-dense and thus form an integral part of any healthy vegetarian, vegan or rawfood diet.

The handy table below reveals which organic superfoods are able to help to boost your intake of those nutrients traditionally sourced from meat and fish, as well as eggs and dairy products.
