Page 1: Media Title Sequence Analysis

Media title sequence analysis

Annotate (min 4 print screens) 4 title sequences, using subject terminology & looking at genre, semiotics and reflection (your views)

Rush Hour 3

This is the opening sequence for rush hour 3 and as you can see in the scene to the left it gets straight into the action as a man gets assassinated. When I saw this I immediately got excited, I think the done this to grab attention.

This scene epitomizes the title rush hour, as it shows the main character lee (played by Jackie Chan) chasing after the assassin through a busy city in rush hour.

In this scene Jackie Chan continuous his chase after the assassin and has too climb and jump over different obstacles to keep with him.

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The Incredible Hulk

At this stage of the chase the tension is building up and it looks as if Lee is going to catch up with the man. They end up in a alley way that is much like alley ways in a lot of films based in America because of this it was safe to assume this was set in America as well.

This is the opening sequence for hulk, from this still to the left you can already get an idea of how the film is going to be. There’s a small bit of light being over powered by the darkness. In hindsight I think the darkness can represent hulk and the little bit of light can represent Bruce banner trying to gain control but being over powered.

In this still it shows that something isn’t right and that there is a probable. IT has the word danger in bold white with a red background. The word danger obviously suggests that it’s not safe but the fact it’s in bold writing it adds more seriousness to the word. The colour red can connote many different things from things such as love and romance to blood and death. In this case it appears to connote blood and gore.

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Lord of War

This scene looks like a result of the last scene. That the warning of danger is no longer a warning but as you can say its resulted in a serious injury. Showing this at the beginning of the film really grabs the audience’s attention because the film doesn’t give you any time to settle.

This scene shows that the danger that was talked about earlier is ion a national level and that it isn’t just the local robber but something much bigger like a terrorist. It shows a US army base preparing to fly one of their planes out.

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This is one of my favourite title sequences because of its originality. It first shows the main character (Nicolas Cage) share a few words about himself and what is about to take place in the film.

After the main guy finishes talking the audience then follows the life of a single bullet. How it was created, manufactured and also distributed. The way the makers of the film show this is interesting because they are showing a bullet, which in the wrong hands could kill someone, in a very light hearted and joyful way.

As we go on in the life of the bullet it ends up being shipped to Africa among many other bullets. It then ends up in the hands of a soldier and he puts it into his gun and fires it.

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Catch Me If You Can

When the bullet is shot the camera follows its path in slow motion and the music that was playing stops. This builds tension as the audience are anxious to see where the bullet ends up. It eventually ends up in front of a young rebel and ends up hitting him right in the middle of his forehead. This is comical but at the same time shocking.

This is the opening sequence for catch me if you can. It is interesting because the whole opening sequence is done in cartoon while of the film is in real life. It shows the story of the main character it shows him at the airport following the cabin crew.

In this still it introduces the film with the film name Catch me if you can in big writing. All of the writing is black except for the word me which is in white. There is also an airplane that is also white right underneath the word me. This may suggest that the main character will be flying to different countries to escape whoever is trying to catch him.

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In this still it shows some of the story. It shows a man who looks like a detective talking to a female nurse and what looks like a doctor hiding on the other side of the door. In hindsight I know this scene actually takes place later on in the film.

As it gets to the end of the sequence you see the detective chasing the other man. They are standing on what seems to be the world which suggests again that the travel to different countries. The detective seems to be catching up with the other man and at the point when they are right next to each other the film starts.