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Planning and Research Analysis on Digipaks

Created by Angelica Yanney

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ALBUM NAME:MONICA The Makings of me


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Her costume is merely a scarf covering her chest and jeans, the significance of the little items of clothing that she wears is a common stereotype of RnB being shown has having less clothing or more revealing clothing. However it could also represent freedom and a new fresh start, the colour of the scarf is white which is usually associated with purity and freshness and also innocence. The importance of the colour white could imply a new fresh start and a maturing woman. The colour in regards to the genre challenges the typical style of an RnB video which normally has a use of bold and bright colurs to attract the audiences attention.


The front cover of Monica's album the makings of me released in October 10th 2006 depicts a different style to Monica compared to her old style. Her old style was more youthful with her poses having been evidently staged.

Artist Name: Monica Album name: “makings of me”

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Positioning of Artist The positioning of the artist shows that she is at the centre so it re -

enforces the fact that the album is about her. Her pose is relaxed and it is not staged, it is an everyday pose and relates to the the theme of maturing and growing up, because it almost seems as if she has already experienced life. and its time to just take life slowly. This album compared to her originally album covers shows that is taking a different approach to life. By her lying down is showing that she is prepared for this change and new life experiences that some people do not want to go through. It could also suggest that she has left the glitz and glam behind and is ready to settle down.

Continuation: Artist Name: Monica Album name: “makings of me”

ContextDuring the making of this album Monica gave birth to her first child this could imply that becoming a mother has made her more mature and look at life in a different perspective.

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The lighting is quite suttle and bright which complements the theme of the maturity and growing. The bright lighting could suggest that it something to look forward to .Bright lights often signify good and positive things and leading into the right direction.

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The mode of address shows that the artist is looking directly at the camera, her facial expressions are serious, but looks like she could be thinking of something such as family and moving on.

The misc en scene with the make up is natural. Natural colours such as brown , gold , bronze are used instead of bright colours for the eye shadow. Again the natural colours are used for the theme of maturing and growing older.

Misc en scene & Mode of Address

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The font is quite formal but the M at the beginning and the A at the ending of her name are slanted, the reason for this could mean that the M at the start represents the climbing up a hill, the letters that are upright suggests the peak of her career and the slant of the A shows the coming to an end.


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Album Name: Beyonce Dangerously in love


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Mode of Address

Artist’s name

Album name




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LightingThe lighting is high key instead of low. The use of the high key lighting could suggest that the lighting was purposely bright to brighten up the artist. The reason for brightening up the artist is so she is more visible without going up close and therefore its beneficial for the audience. Another reason could be that the intention is to sell the artist, so using bright lighting makes the Artist stand out more to the audience.

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 The colour blue is used in beyonce's front album cover the shade of blue is light the colour blue conveys importance and confidence this relates to the staged pose that is on her front cover. The light blue is a colour that is used often. The pose that she is doing suggests that she is independent and that she is confident. 


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Costume The costume that she is wearing is very revealing and consists of diamonds, the use of revealing clothes are usually commonly used in RnB videos to sell the artist and make it more attractive. The sparkles on the diamonds which are given off draw attention and is very captive. They are usually associated with love, eternity and strength. Diamonds are strong and hardwearing and this relates to Beyonce because she is a strong woman. Many people believe that she is a strong woman because she was the last one standing after Destiny's child spilt up, and therefore is portrayed in her images and in her music. The costume that she is wearing is just covering her upper chest.

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Mode of address Positioning

The artist is positioned in the middle of the album cover this suggests that the album is mainly about her.

It suggests that she has control of and she is in charge. Her being on her own on the album cover gives the impression that she is a strong and independent woman, she’s also standing on her own which suggests that she is a solo singer and has made it on her own to be a successful female RnB artist.

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Alicia Keys – The diary of key

The diary of keys is Alicia Keys second album release.

Alicia keys is a song writer and a pianist.

This album is the only album with the piano on the front cover which could imply that she started off with it but it has made her into what she is today.

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Piano The piano suggests that it is a part of her the piano represents the other half of her. Seeing that Alicia key is a pianist herself this signifies that the piano is the other half of her as it takes up half of the albums front cover and the other half of her body. . Even though you can only see half of the artist you get the impression that she is hiding behind the piano, because she feels that it has made her into what she is today. Fans of Alicia Keys would instantly recognize that it is her because in most of her videos she is seen playing her piano and is also seen with it in different locations which represents the fact that she cannot live without it.

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Mode of address/Costume She seems to be

staring straight at the screen which suggests that she’s looking at .The audience, showing that she is confident, and she’s trying to make a bond with the audience.

Her costume is that again of a typical RnB female artist because it is revealing and is showing quite a lot of skin. Her strap also seems as it is sliding off her shoulder which complements the mode of address of the looking notion which is seductive which is commonly represented in RnB videos. However the suttle colours go with the artist herself as she quite soulful compared to other RnB artists such as beyonce etc

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The colour pink is often associated with females so this could have been deliberately used to attract the female audiences.

The costume once again is revealing which is of an RnB genre and eyes is looking directly at the camera which attracts the audience to buy her album. In her old album covers there's a sense of being a ‘Rude girl’ and giving boyish poses, there hasn't been an album cover of her being such a ‘girly’ character.

The fact that the album is called ‘a different me’ signifies that not only has herself has changed but also her music, which encourages the audience to be more determined to buy the product..

This album cover compared to her previous album covers suggest that she has changed and become more feminine.