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Media Communications

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Media Communication

What is Communication?

Communication is a method that allows people to exchange information by one ofnumerous methods. There are hearing means, such as words or singing, and nonverbal, material means, such as body talking, sign language, paralanguage, feel or eye contact. Communication is timothy by which in sequence is exchanged flanked by or among individuals through a ordinary system of symbols, signs, and performance.

Types of Communication

Oral/ VerbalNon verbal/ SignsWritten

Principles of Communication

There are 16 principles of communication that will help to give an effective in verbal

& written communication.

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Principles of Communication

1. Know your objective:

Think before you write. What's your goal? Make sure you fully understand the subject/ assignment. Are you writing a one-paragraph executive summary or a five-page report? Try answering questions like: What specifically do I want the reader to know, think, or do?

2. Make a list:

Write down the ideas or points you want to cover. Why? This helps you get started in identifying the key ideas you want to discuss. If you have trouble getting started, try discussing your ideas with someone else. "Kicking an idea around" often helps you clarify your objective and fine-tune what you are trying to accomplish.

3. Organize your ideas:

It's difficult to find what you want in a messy, disorganized desk. It's hard to find important ideas in a poorly organized message. Organising can be as below:

a. Importance .

b. Begin with the most important piece of information and then move on to the next most important.

c. Chronological order - Describe what happened first, second, third.

d. Problem-Solution - Define the problem, then describe possible alternatives or the solution you recommend.

e. Question-Answer - State a question and then provide your answer.

Organize your ideas so the reader can easily follow your argument or the point you are trying to get across.

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Principles of Communication

4. Back it up: Have an opinion but back it up - support with data. There are a number of ways you can support your ideas, including explanations, examples, facts, personal experiences, stories, statistics, and quotations. It's best to use a combination of approaches to develop and support your ideas.

5. Separate main ideas:

Each paragraph should have one main point or idea captured in a topic sentence. The topic sentence isnormally the first sentence in the paragraph. Each pragraph should be started by an indentation or byskipping a line.

6. Use bullets or numbers:

If you are listing or discussing a number of items, use bullets or number your points.

7. Write complete sentences:

A sentence is about someone doing something - taking action. The someone may be a manager, employee,customer, etc. The "doing something - taking action" can include mental processes such as thinking, evaluating, and deciding, or physical actions such as writing and talking. A good rule to practice is to have subjects closely followed by their verbs.

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Principles of Communication

8. Use short sentences:

Sentences should be a maximum of 12 to 15 words in length. According to the American Press Institute, sentences with 15 or fewer words are understood 90% of the time. Sentences with eight or fewer words are understood 100% of the time.

9. Be precise and accurate:

Words like "large," "small," "as soon as possible," "they," "people," "teamwork," and "customer focus" arevague and imprecise. The reader may interpret these words to mean something different than what youintended.

10. Use commas appropriately:

Use a comma to separate the elements in a series of three or more items:His favorite colors are red, white, and blue.Use a comma to set off introductory elements: After coffee and donuts, the meeting will begin.Use a comma to separate adjectives: That tall, distinguished, good-looking professor teaches history.

11. Use the correct word:

Few words that cause confusion.You're is a contraction for "you are" Your means possession, such as "your coat." It's is a contraction for "it is." Its indicates possession. Their means possession/ownership-"their house." There means location. They're is a contraction for "they are."

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Principles of Communication12. Avoid redundancies:

It is a redundancy to use multiple words that mean or say the same thing. For example, Redundant - My personal beliefs… Beliefs are personal, so just state, My beliefs... Redundant - I decided to paint the machine gray in color. Gray is a color, so just state, I decided to paint the machine gray.

13. Numbers:

When using numbers in the body of your paper, spell out numbers one through nine, such as "Three men decided…" When using numbers 10 or above its proper to write the number, such as "The report indicated 68 customers…"

14. Have a conclusion:

Would you really enjoy watching a movie or sporting event that had no conclusion? No. The conclusion ties your points together. The reader wants to know the final score - the bottom line message.

15. Edit your work:

On your first read, focus on organization and sentence structure. Shorten long sentences. Cross out unnecessary words and phrases. Reorganize material as needed.

Read it again and make sure commas are used appropriately and that there is a punctuation mark at the end

of every sentence.

Read it a third time and focus on word choice. Are there certain words that are vague or unclear? Replace themwith specific words.

Read what you have written aloud to yourself or to a friend to see if he or she (and you) can understand it andimprove it in any way.

A significant part of good writing involves editing. Very few people can sit down and write a perfect paragraphon their first try. It requires multiple rewrites.

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Principles of Communication

Basic Principles For Good Writing

Basic principles for good writing comes down to a relatively small number of things to actually do or carry outwhen it comes to trying to write well, and this is as applicable for writing a short one-page paper for a class as itis for writing a book or novel. It's only in the amount of writing that's done is there any real difference.

Most successful writers and authors will tell you that good writing comes down to good work habits, also. This means treating it as what it really is, which - besides being your "art" - is also your job. And if writing is your job, then, you should show up for work on time and ready to "go to it." Below, I offer several recommendations and observations about the process of writing.

1. Sometimes (in fact, most times) writing is hard. There's just no getting around this fact, but don't let theoccasional struggle EVERY writer experiences when it comes to producing output deter you from doing it atall. Remember, in order to produce something that you and others will be pleased to read you must take thefirst step on the path, and that means sitting down and starting to write.

3. After you've finally gotten written copy created, it's going to need rewriting, rewriting and possibly even more rewriting. Go through every line in your output and examine it in a critical and artistic light. This will allow you to tie together any loose ends and make sure ideas or character action and other items within the output flow smoothly from idea to idea or from scene to scene, for example.

2. In order to help yourself when it comes to writing, try to set aside time for research and and putting all thoseideas bouncing around in your head down onto paper or into your word processing program. Many writersreport far more productivity after they've made the effort to block out regular time and then adhered to thoseblocked-out hours.

4. Once you think you've revised your work to the point that you like what you're reading - and think that otherswill also like reading it - you're going to need to engage in what's called "revision." Revision isn't the same asrewriting, though, but it's generally something most writers hate. Basically, you'll need to edit your work forgrammar, punctuation, random typos and anything else that detracts from the story you're trying to tell.

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Principles of Communication

Basic Principles For Good Writing

Editing, in many cases, can be difficult for a writer because he or she has become so involved and familiar withtheir story they many times fail to catch simple errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar. In many cases, thosewriters who can afford to do so hire editors to take on this task. In any event, it makes sense to step back fromyour work for at least an evening and then look at it with a fresh pair of eyes.

5. Experienced writers and authors never fail to look at their profession as something that requires them to be ina constant learning mode. Writers try to absorb data and information as much as they can at every moment theycan. Good ones can look at the simple act of opening a can of soup, for instance, and picture the words in theirmind that can bring that act to life for a reader.

In the final analysis, there's no end to the things out there that can provide inspiration to a writer.The mechanisms involved in writing, though, usually are the same no matter the kind of writing be done,so treat what you do as an art, a craft, and a concrete process and you should soon find success in whatevertype it is that you're trying to do.

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Purpose of Communication

Purpose of Communication

A major purpose of communication is to help people feel good about themselves and concerning their friends, groups and organisations.

People communicate to satisfy needs, together their work and non work lives (responsibilities, roles in situation etc).

Hence communication has synonyms such as expressing outlook

Expressing outlook: Expressions & Body language

Conversing: The perspective or to put other way of the subject.

Verbal Communication: The conversation held by speaking.

Corresponding: Communication which are related & inter related

Inscription: The written document of communication.

Listening: Hearing the subject concentrating

Exchanging: Exchange of visions, perspectives and any thing shared.

How ever for true & good communication, there must be three things, namely

Broadcast of Thoughts


Feelings from one mind to one more

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Purposeful of Communication

Other than all the above, the purposeful of communication is when you also share

Purposeful of communication happens keenly between the perspective, thoughts, similar or same mental balance, psychological stress, situations, beliefs & ego of the people communicating.

Your Vision

Sharing Vision is to achieve & understanding, to create new or better awareness. It is critical that the message isClear & compelling. Communicating vision generally for the senior leaders becomes increasingly difficult as theyhave less direct contact with their team.

It must also be understood that, having better contact directly with the team is as much important as to sharingThe vision.

Communicate your vision with passion so that key leaders “buy-in,” accept your message as if it weretheir own, and convey your message throughout your organization.

Addressing all the basic questions, an employee need to perform successfully along with corporate

values and vision of the organisation, makes a better mission statement, as well on the business front.

The Values

Every organisation shall have few values towards their group, their employees and social & moral values, whichshall be the one playing the key role to reach its visions.

Sharing/ communicating org. values, is one of the best way to get others to support your vision and achieve business goals.

The Mission

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Effective Communication

Influencing your listeners by communication is a tough job though seems to be easy.

Influencing leadership communication

Eliminating obstacles in communication and making it as an effective work place communication depends on

Infosys, a live example for effective workplace communication

The one effective way to influence is by setting the examples of corporate values, and making the vision & missionstatements clear & compelling.

Actions determine a leader’s ability to influence and leader’s communicating their vision & get everyone worktowards achieving corporate goals by influencing is all about leadership.

Effective workplace communication

Making & understanding that the purpose and vision of your business is clear to the team?

Are the corporate values contributing to team building and teamwork?

Is the mission statement on Target.

Infosys, a few friends then who started as a team, believed & supported the underlying corporate values havingA head start.

Team lead by Mr. NRN, connected his vision, to interpret the intent of instructions in every step by him in takingThe initiative and to exploit the potential opportunities that came along in the industry.

Odds being part of every initiative, the team was able to achieve success because of clear communication& common understanding.

A team if had not assembled and continued with the values & beliefs, that shared vision & related the leadership styles, the giant Infosys could have not been there as seen today.

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Effective Communication

Communication by any one in the team must be clear and concise with, what the organisation must do to achieve success and move from the current state to that of what is desired.

Communicating Intent

Being clear on what is the content to be communicated.

Being good on the communicating language

Intent is not about giving specific instructions or restating the task at hand. It is about emphasizing the underlying purpose of communication and focusing everyone on the broader message.

Overcoming communication obstacles

Being precise of what has to be communicated.

Being expressive in actions & words.

Being informed & know-ledged about the other aspects, affecting the communication.

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Audience Centered Effective Communication

Who is/ are your audience? Identify them. Be in their perspective too.

Essential Self FAQ’s

Know & understand the background (race/religion/ethnicity, age, gender, culture, skill sets & knowledge

What are you really talking about?

What are the features & Benefits of what you are talking about?

Be convincing. There are craps in the audience.

Be SMART in spontaneous while handling critics

Know what the audience already know.

Do they care. Make them interesting in the topic.

Does your audience accept your point of view.

Be open to learning. Don’t be shy to know & discuss.

Acknowledge your audience.

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Types of communication medium

Face to Face (aural, expressive, physical & moral)

Print (written/ printed letters/ texts, mailers, mobile & web chats & SMS

Aural (Phone)

Visual/ Video

Corporate Glue (Games & Activities)

Environment ethicality (Behaviors)

Corporate Social Responsibility (Contribution to environment/ society)

Tips to start a conversation with a stranger

Make them answer about their own interest, habits, hobbies, current issues, movies, music, family, social/ society issues etc.

Make them proud of their personality & personal belongings.

Make them speak, than of what need to.

Powerful tool of communication

Timing. Communication in right timing servers you better for all your needs in life, business & movies.


The Advantages and Limitations of a Focus on Audience in Media Studies

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Media Communications: Unit 2

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Editing in Communication

Light Edit, Medium Edit and Heavy Edits

Light Edit is making minor changes that do not change the theme, pace, tone, structure,characters, or other elements of intellectual property that are held by the author.

A heavy edit may change the tone, structure, characters, or other elements of intellectual property contained in the work with the consent of the author..

What is Editing

Editing is the process of selecting and preparing language, images, sound, video, or film through processes of correction, condensation, organization, and other modifications in various media.

Types of Editing

This would include spelling, or grammar in a way that does not deviate from the author's use of, say, non-standard grammar or speech patterns.

A medium edit is a combination of the Light & Heavy edit where changes are made ingrammar, spelling, structure’s, characters, tone etc.

Refer the PDF document given by the Lecturer for all the other modules of Unit 2.Discuss in case of clarifications required.