

By: Brandie Dixon

Meaning: The Scottish flag features a white X- shaped cross represents the cross of the christen martyr Saint Andrew on a blue field.



Rank: 22

Population: 62,689,362 since July 2011

Everyday Life:There every day life is

just like ours. They just have different sports and

different ways to celebrate things.


Christian 71.6%, Muslim 2.7%, Hindu 1%, other 1.6%, unspecified or none 23.1%

Language: English

Basic words: (Most speak English but here are some Scottish phrases.)

*Hou ar ye? (How are you?)*An ye? (And you?)*Whit’s new? (What’s new?)*See ye efter (See you after)*Awrite (Hi!)


“All Souls Day.” Celebrated November 2nd.* Prayers were said for the souls of the dead and alms were given to the poor.

Recipe:Ingredients: 3 ounces (90g or ¾ stick) full fat cream cheese 2 ounces (60g) chocolate, chopped into pieces 10 ounces (275g) sieved icing sugar (frosting) Salt to taste Vanilla essence to taste

Chocolate Fudge

Method: Beat the cream cheese until it is smooth and then beat in the sieved sugar. Melt the chocolate in a basin over hot water. Allow the chocolate to cool but while still liquid, beat in the cheese and sugar mixture, together with the vanilla essence and salt. Press the mixture into a greased tin (measuring about 6x4) and smooth the top. Chill until smooth enough to cut into rough squares.

Tourist attraction: Edinburgh Castle

They have a lot of different events here. They have fire works and tours on special days. They also have concert and military days.