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Page 1: MDTS 5705 : Guidance

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

MDTS 5705 : GuidanceLecture 2 : Line-of-Sight Guidance

Page 2: MDTS 5705 : Guidance

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

2. Line of Sight (LOS) Guidance

2.1.1. Definition - In LOS guidance the missile follows the line of

sight (LOS) from an external tracker to the target

View through the

MILAN tracker


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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS



Missile Launcher

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

2.1.2. Three point guidance

There are three points of interests



1. the tracker,

2. the missile

3. the target.

Hence LOS guidance is also referred to as “three point guidance”.


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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

2.1.3. Type of LOS Guidance

Depending on where the guidance commands are generated,

LOS guidance can be divided into 2 important variants

1. Beam Rider

2. Command to Line Of Sight (CLOS)

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

2.2.1. Definition - If the missile generates its own guidance

commands to follow the LOS then the LOS guidance is referred

to as beam rider guidance.

2.2 Beam Rider

2.2.2. Deployment

The typical set up for

a beam rider SAM is

as shown

Note that two radar

beams are used to

track the target.

One for each plane

of symmetry in the


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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

A typical set up for an ATGM using a laser beam as the LOS is shown

The laser beam has to be “coded” to enable the missile to sense

its position relative to the LOS.

Note that in LOS guidance the missile is “blind ”. It does not

“see” the target.

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

2.3 Command to Line of Sight (CLOS)

2.3.1. Definition - If the guidance commands to follow the LOS are

generated externally and transmitted to the missile, then the LOS

guidance is called Command to Line Of Sight (CLOS) guidance.

2.3.2. Deployment

The deployment of a



Note the wire

command link

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

Features of CLOS systems

Question : What is a typical command link ?


The presence of a command link. means that there is no “intelligence “

on-board the missile. (think R/C models)

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

i) MCLOS or Manual CLOS

2.3.3 Classification of CLOS

There are 3 types of CLOS guidance depending on whether the

tracking of the target and the missile are automated

Types of CLOS guidance

The operator tracks both target & missile, and generates guidance

commands for the missile.

Any problems ?

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

AT-3 Sagger (9K11 Malyutka) ATGM

HEAT warhead

can penetrate

over 400 mm of

armour at 500m to

3000 m

AT-3 used by the NVA.

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

AT-3 Sagger Guidance Platform

Carrying case doubles as launch


AT-3 Sagger, an example of a


Wire -guided via control stick &

periscope on the case

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

ii) SACLOS or Semi Automatic CLOS

The operator tracks the target only. Guidance commands are

generated automatically

The guidance kinematics are similar to a beam rider except that

commands are up linked to the missile.

Used in 2nd generation ATGM’s and SAM’s

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS


Rear-mounted coded

IR beacons on the


TOW 2A, an example of a SACLOS AGTM

IR tracker on the launcher

detects deviation from the



(SACLOS) guidance

commands are relayed via

wire link.

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

iii) ACLOS or Automatic CLOS

No operator tracking of target and missile is required.

Sounds great, right ?

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

Jernas/Rapier(FSC) SAM

Jernas/Rapier(FCS), an ACLOS SAM

Based on the Rapier Mk2 +

Blindfire tracking radar and

Dagger surveillance radar

Automatic command to

( radar) line of sight


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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

1. How does the missile keeps itself on track ?

2. Should we use a wide or narrow tracking beam ?

3. Does a narrow tracking beam cause any complications ?

2.4 LOS guidance characteristics

4. What are advantages of LOS guidance ?

5. What are the disadvantages of LOS guidance ?

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS


LOS guidance means that missile is “blind” to

the target.

No tracking beam no guidance no hit

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

2.5 LOS Guidance Analysis

yaw plane


pitch plane


Most missiles have two planes of symmetry.

This reduces the

guidance analysis from

3D to 2D.

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

LOS Guidance Planar Geometry
























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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS


dRm/dt = Vm cos(g m - qm )

Rm dqm/dt = Vm sin(g m - qm)

Vm dgm/dt = am

2.5.1. The dimensional kinematic equations are :


dRt/dt = Vt cos(g t - qt )

Rt dqt/dt = Vt sin(g t - qt)

Vt dg t/dt = at

Kinematic equations

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

2.5.2. We non dimensionalise the equations to reduce the

number of parameters.

Using the initial range Ro and the missile speed Vm, we define

non dimensional time = t Vm / Ro

non dimensional distance r = R/ Ro

Hence d( )/dt = d( )/d Vm / Ro

Substitute this in the kinematic equations and clean up the algebra ...

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS


drm/d = cos(g m - qm )

dqm/d = sin(g m - qm) / rm

dgm/d = m

2.5.3 The non dimensional kinematic equations are :


drt /d = cos(g t - qt )

dqt/d = sin(g t - qt) / rt

dg t/d = t /

where the speed ratio = Vt / Vm ( 0 < < 1 )

and the non dimensional accelerations are defined as

m = am / (Vm2 / Ro )

t = at / ( Vm2 / Ro )

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

2.6 LOS guidance law design










Question: What should am be to intercept the target ?

Hint : What can be measured ?

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

LOS Guidance Law

Idea ! The acceleration to keep the missile on the LOS is

proportional to the measured deviation of the missile from

the LOS.

am = K D

= K Rm sin(qt - qm )

Question : What happens if the angular error is small ?

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

There are a few quirks in LOS guidance. Consider this engagement

scenario for a speed ratio of 0.8.

2.6.2 Trajectory characteristics




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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

2.6.3 Appreciating the kinematics

2. Is this increasing body to beam angle desirable ?

3. Are there any effects on warhead effectiveness ?

4. Just how large can this misalignment get ?

1. Is the missile aligned with the LOS ?

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

Body to beam angle


How significant

is a misalignment

of 18o ?

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

Exercise : Estimating the operational constraints

tracker targetLOS

18 od

ATGM intercepts target at a range of 3 km

18o body to beam angle at 3km means a misalignment d of

= 3000 x tan(18 o)

= 975 m at the tracker

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

Lateral acceleration

Question :

What is the

dominant feature of

the latax behaviour?

Question :

What does a non

dim latatx of 0.4

mean ?

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

Exercise : Estimating the latax requirements

Consider an ATGM, speed 250 m/s engaging a target at an initial

separation of 2 km

A non-dim latax of 0.4 means that the actual acceleration required is

= 0.4 x 2502/2000

= 12.5 m/s2

Question : Is this large ?

How does this compare with the pickup of a car ?

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

Question : Can we improve on the performance ?

Answer :

Yes, if we account for the beam motion as well.


We have used beam angles, what about using beam angle rate and

beam angle acceleration ?

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

Anticipating the target motion








Suppose the missile is on the

LOS and aligned with it.

As the LOS rotates with the

target, the missile must generate

latax to rotate with the LOS

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

LOS guidance with feedforward latax terms

The required latax can be derived as :

am = 2 Vm dqt/dt + Rm d2qt /dt2

and this serves as an additional command to the guidance system.


1. It is a “feed forward” command because qm is not involved

in the generation of dqt /dt and d2qt /dt2

2. There’s a price to pay. Can you spot the catch ?

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

Feedfoward LOS guidance - latax

Comments :

Look at the latax

Any differences

with the earlier LOS

guidance law ?

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Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

Feedforward LOS guidance - body to beam angle


What is the effect

of the feedforward

terms ?
