
User Guide

eBook & MC eViewer Features Overview (Apr 2017)


Copyright Information ©2016 Marshall Cavendish Education Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved. All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any mean – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems – without the written permission of the publisher. Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the respective owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this document or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this document.


About Marshall Cavendish Education Inspiring Learners with Holistic Educational Solutions As the leading provider of K–12 educational solutions in Singapore, Marshall Cavendish Education offers a holistic and research-based approach to facilitate excellent learning and teaching through curriculum, technology and professional development. With 60 years of industry experience, we provide quality solutions which contribute to the nation’s outstanding performance in international reports, such as TIMSS and PISA. Our comprehensive print and digital solutions develop conceptual understanding and build 21st Century skills, providing a blended learning experience that facilitates self-directed and collaborative learning. A suite of professional learning programmes closes the gap between theory and practice, equipping educators to be effective in nurturing the next generation of creative and critical thinkers. Our culture of constant innovation has allowed us to gain international recognition and deliver quality content to more than 60 countries in 11 languages. With a global network of offices in Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Chile and the United States, Marshall Cavendish Education has proven to be a thought leader in the education arena with the ability to raise the quality of learning around the world, thus inspiring students to perform remarkably and educators to teach effectively.


Table of Contents

COPYRIGHT INFORMATION .............................................................................. 1 ABOUT MARSHALL CAVENDISH EDUCATION ................................................. 2 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 4 SUPPORTED OPERATING SYSTEMS ............................................................... 4

MICROSOFT WINDOWS ........................................................................................ 4 MAC OS ............................................................................................................. 4 ANDROID ............................................................................................................ 4 IOS .................................................................................................................... 4

MC EVIEWER FEATURES .................................................................................. 5 OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................... 5 EBOOK INFORMATION .......................................................................................... 5 UPDATE .............................................................................................................. 5 DOWNLOAD ......................................................................................................... 5 SEARCH .............................................................................................................. 5 GET BOOK .......................................................................................................... 6 SETTINGS ........................................................................................................... 6

Change Password ......................................................................................... 6 Language ...................................................................................................... 6 Download Server ........................................................................................... 6 Only Download on Wifi: ................................................................................. 6 Back Up & Restoration .................................................................................. 6 Logout ........................................................................................................... 6

EBOOK FEATURES............................................................................................. 7 OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................... 7 THUMBNAIL ......................................................................................................... 8 BOOKMARK ......................................................................................................... 8 ERESOURCES ..................................................................................................... 8

Publisher’s Resources .................................................................................. 8 My Resources ............................................................................................... 8 Types of Resources ...................................................................................... 9

EDITING TOOL ................................................................................................... 10 ANSWER OVERLAY ............................................................................................ 10 HIDE/SHOW RESOURCES ................................................................................... 10 EXIT ................................................................................................................. 10

HOW TO ADD BOOKMARK .............................................................................. 11 HOW TO CUSTOM ZOON ................................................................................. 11


Introduction MC eViewer is an innovative learning and teaching tool to empower students and teachers. It allows students to study independently and collaborate effectively on any of the four different platforms (Windows, Mac OS, Android and iOS). It also allows teachers to deliver multimedia-rich lessons in Windows and Mac platforms. MC eViewer is an intuitive learning and teaching tool which is essential for schools in today’s society. The interactive whiteboard tool in eViewer can be connected to the classroom’s interactive whiteboard. Developed by Singapore’s leading educational publisher, MC Education, MC eViewer aims to enhance the learning and teaching journey by offering the best digital solutions. MC eViewer is now able to deliver the latest edition of textbooks with interactive learning and teaching resources so teachers and students can learn any time, any place. Supported Operating Systems Microsoft Windows o Windows 7 & Above Note: Windows 8 (RT) is not supported. Mac OS o OS X 10.10 & Above Android o Android 5.x & Above Note: Please be advised that technical support is only available for Android Tablets. iOS o iOS 9.x & Above Note: Please be advised that technical support is only available for iPad/iPad mini.


MC eViewer Features Overview

# Description (A) eBook Information (B) Update (C) Download (D) Search (E) Get Book (F) Settings

eBook Information o The title of the eBook and its expiry date.

Update o Allow user to update the eBook if the publisher releases new updates.

Download o Click to download the eBook to your device. o User can choose to pause or resume the download of the eBook. Search o Quick search of a particular book title that you have subscribed.






Get Book o To add new eBook(s) using activation code. Settings o The Setting consists of 5 functions:

Change Password o Allows user to change his/her login password.

Language o Allows user to choose other languages.

Download Server o Allows user to choose the nearest available network server to

download their eBook.

Only Download on Wifi: o Allows user to use their 3G/4G network if WIFI is not available. o This option is turned ON by default.

Back Up & Restoration o MC eViewer allows you to back up the changes you have made on

your eBook and restore them to the same device or other devices. o For more detailed instruction, please refer to Topic: BACKUPANDRESTORATION.

Logout o Please take note that if you choose to log out of the MC eViewer App,

you will be required to log in whilst being connected to the Internet the next time you access the App.

o Alternatively, you can choose to close the MC eViewer App by clicking

on the “Close” button located at the top corner of the app (Windows / Mac) or press the “Home” button of your mobile device (iOS / Android).

Note: MC eViewer allows you to access your eBook either in Online or Offline mode. The Online mode requires your device to be connected to Internet.

In order to access your eBook in the offline mode, please note not to LOGOUT of the MC eViewer App.


eBook Features Overview

# Description

(A) Thumbnail (B) Bookmark

(C) eResources

(D) Editing Tool

(E) Answer Overlay

(F) Hide/Show Resources

(G) Exit



Thumbnail o Enables users to navigate to a specific page or chapter.

Note: For quick access to the thumbnail, user can mouse over the top of the eViewer.

User can use the page finder to go straight to a particular page.

Bookmark o This allows users to view all bookmarked pages in one view. eResources o Enables users to access all the digital elements that are tagged in the

eBook. There are 2 different types of resources: o The eBook may contain digital elements (PUBLISHER’SRESOURCES). You

can also add your own resources to the eBook to enhance teaching and make learning or reading even more fun and exciting.

Publisher’s Resources o Publisher’s resources that cannot be edited, deleted or moved

My Resources o User’s resources that can be added, edited, deleted and moved.


Types of Resources o These are the types of resources that can be found in the eBooks.

Note: Please be advised that for security purpose, your (Windows or Mac OS) computer’s Flash player might block the Publisher’s resources. You can resolve this by adding the Publisher’s resources as trusted contents.

For more detailed instruction, please refer to Topic: HOWTOADDPUBLISHER’SRESOURCESASTRUSTEDCONTENTS.

Type of Resources Publisher’s resources User’s resources








Audio (Podcast)






Teacher's Guide




Teacher's Guide Resources





o The resources will be displayed at the side of the page on MC


Editing Tool o Enables users to draw or highlight on a page. Answer Overlay o Answers are only available on Teacher’s edition eBooks. Teacher may wish

to conceal the answers. Hide/Show Resources o The resources may obscure the eBook contents. User may wish to conceal

the resources. Exit o Allows users to close the eBook and return to the Booklist Section.


How To Add Bookmark Step 1: Right click / Tap & hold the page that you wish to bookmark and


Note: A Bookmark icon will appear at the top (right / left) of the page.

How To Custom Zoon Enables users to zoom in on a specific area on the eBook. Step 1: Right click / Tap & hold and then select ZOOM.


Step 2” Click / Tap & Drag the area you would like to zoom in.

Step 3: Click / Tap on the “tick” icon to return to the normal view of the

