Page 1: Mating System and Reproductive Biology of Malachite Sunbirds




The Old World sunbirds (Nectariniidae) are ering were estimated from sample counts of flowers

essentially ecological equivalents of the New throughout the study area. We also counted the total

World hummingbirds (Trochilidae) . Most number of inflorescences with open flowers (fig. 1)

male hummingbirds do not contribute to the and the total number of open flowers on the inflores- cences of 50 plants from throughout the area. The

nesting effort, except by providing genes, pro- average number of flowers per inflorescence was used

ducing associated specializations in mating to calculate the total number of flowers available in

behavior and pair bonding (D. Snow 1963, the study area and also within the individual terri- tories. Total caloric content of the territories was ob-

Orians 1969, B. Snow 1973, 1974, Wolf 1975a). tained by measuring the sugar content per unit

Sunbirds normally are monogamous and have volume of nectar of Aloe flowers and converting all

a pair bond that apparently lasts throughout the volumetric measures of nectar availability into caloric units using this average sugar content (see

all or most of the breeding season (Skead Wolf 197513, for details and results).

1967). However, very little is known about the breeding biology of sunbirds. This report


documents some aspects of the reproductive THE FLOWER-Aloe graminicola ( Liliaceae).

biology of the Malachite Sunbird (Nectarinia The blooming season of these flowers in the famosa) in Kenya and provides some pre- study area is depicted in figure 2. The inten- liminary comparison of the mating systems sity of flowering increased fairly rapidly from of the two families of birds. mid-September to late October and then

began to decline. The change in flower avail- METHODS AND MATERIALS ability was generated mostly by the changing

The nestings of Malachite Sunbirds reported here numbers of inflorescences that had open flow-

were studied in the Rift Valley of Kenya about 20 ers, but, to a lesser extent, reflected the change

km north of Gilgil. elevation 2300 m. The nrincinal Y I ^ _

in the average number of flowers open per observations were made from 30 August, when we first located the nesting birds, to 8 December 1972,

head. This general trend in flowering prob-

when nesting activity ceased in this area. ably was in part a response to a similar trend

At least the male of each of the four pairs was in rainfall in the area. This is the period of

uniquely colored-banded and the majority of our the short rains in this part of East Africa; the observations was on one pair in which both sexes were banded. We recorded about 135 hr of time budget

rains may start in July or August and continue

information on paired males, about 21 hr of time until early to mid-December although the

budget data on a single female, and over 40 hr of amount of rain gradually diminishes in No-

observations of activity by the ‘adults at the nests. vember and December (see fig. 6). Through- The time budget information for the males came from all stages of the nesting cycle; that for the females

out the Gilgil area the patches of Aloe grami-

only from the incubation and nestling stages of the nicola that came into bloom during our stay

cycle. The time budgets were mostlv obtained during seemed to respond to local rainfall, generally two-to-three hr continuous observation periods, ai: coming into bloom a month or slightly longer though a few periods were as short as one-half hr. Behavioral categories for time budgets were: sitting,

after relatively heavy rains. Unfortunately

flying, foraging, chasing, and gone (see Wolf 1975b). there were no weather stations near the study

These time budget data were transformed into energy area to measure rainfall during the nesting

budgets using laboratory-derived metabolism values season. obtained for the slightly larger N. killimensis (Bronzy Sunbird, Wolf et al. 1975). All energetic values were

The seasonal trend in flowering throughout

corrected for differences in body weight of the two the study area was composed of slightly dif-

species; for the Malachite Sunbirds, body weight was ferent trends in the several sections of the taken at 13.5 g for males and 11.5 e for females (weights of indyviduals at banding were: 8 $ 13.5-

area. The cause of these local differences was

14.5; 9 13.2, with oviducal egg). not apparent. Since the clumps of Aloe in the

To estimate the availability of nectar we measured study area bloomed slightly asynchronously, the rate of nectar production for the Aloe graminicola flowers around which the territories were situated

some territorial birds had high flower avail-

(for methods and results, see Wolf 1975b). The total ability at the start of the nesting effort, but

number of flowers and the seasonal course of flow- later were faced with declining conditions

1271 The Condor 78:27-39, 1976

Page 2: Mating System and Reproductive Biology of Malachite Sunbirds


TABLE 1. Seasonal variation in quality of territories of two nesting pairs of Malachite Sunbirds.

FIGUP Note tl foragin nearly and wi open, r probed

while condit

Eat ries pt New f bloom flower produ found ductio opener L ” z of open ‘flowers per inflorescence and the number of new flowers that opened per day declined. Toward the end of the blooming season higher proportions of flowers were parasitized or aborted and did not open prop- erly, making access to the nectar difficult or impossible for the birds.

The flowers visited by a nesting pair as a nectar source were almost all contained within the clumps of flowers regularly defended by the male and, to a lesser extent, by the female. Table 1 gives our estimates of territory quality for the two pairs (pairs 1, 3) for which we had sufficient data. While the birds were using their territories actively our minimum estimate was that about 65,000 calories were produced on the territory per 24 hours. The

Date Approximate Number of Calories

area ( d ) flowers per 24 hr

Pair 1 11 Sept. 30 Sept. 15 Oct. 29 Oct. 15 Nov. 30 Nov. 14 Dec.”

Pair 3 15 Oct. 29 Oct. 1c .T v.

v. c.‘L

12,000 1500 73,800 12,000 2730 133,400 10,000 1575 77,400 10,000 1480 72,700 10,000 1780 87,450 10,000 1470 72,100 10,000 240 11,700

6,400 1340 65,750 10,000 2420 118,725 6,400 2322 114,010

10,000 3230 158,600 10,000 600 29,500

8”s from territory.

Yt the area when availability dropped ‘0,000 calories produced per 24 hours. rime roaming individuals of N. famosa aged at the flowers, but were not terri- The table also shows the precipitous in nectar availability just before the sappeared. As will be noted in detail 1,000 calories per 24 hours probably

support a nesting pair of Malachite S.

gurations of territories shifted some- ring the nesting season (fig. 3 and 4)) s a result of the presence or absence : dominant sunbirds, and partly be-

changes in flowering intensity in the areas along with shifts in caloric re- nts of each pair. The male of pair 1 his total territory size from 11 Sep-

to 15 October while the total nectar : on the new territory remained at : level as earlier and continued at that

level until just before the birds left the area.


Breeding Seasons. We found Malachite Sunbirds nesting in the study area only from August to December, 1972. We did not find any evidence of nesting or pairing in concen- trations of these birds within 20 km of the study area during December through April and during late June and early July, 1973, in areas of high flowering density of two spe- cies of Aloe. Some males in June and July, were in non-breeding eclipse plumages (see Skead 1967, for a discussion of eclipse plum- ages in sunbirds) and several males had testes that ranged up to 6 mm long, probably approaching or in breeding condition; fe-

Page 3: Mating System and Reproductive Biology of Malachite Sunbirds


Aloe grominicolo

- Flowers linflorescence --Blooming inflorescences

0' I I ,\-r-yd , i 1 I



FIGURE 2. Seasonal change on the study area of total inflorescences that contained one or more open flowers and of average number of open flowers per blooming inflorescence. The relatively small variation in average flowers per inflorescence means that most of the seasonal variation in total flowers per territory results from variations in number of inflorescences in bloom.

males had granular ovaries, probably prepa- ratory to breeding. While clearly not defini- tive, our findings indicate that in this part of Kenya in 1972 and early 1973 Malachite Sun- birds probably nested almost exclusively dur- ing the period of rainy weather that extended from August to early December, 1972.

On 30 August at least two pairs were nesting-pair 1 was feeding a nestling and the female of pair 2 was actively nest-building. We found no evidence of an earlier nesting attempt by pair 2 and estimated that the nest- ing season started in late July. We subse- quently found an old nest of pair 4 that probably was used during August. By the end of the study at least four pairs had at- tempted to nest in the study area. Two pairs successfully brought off young and the other two pairs apparently were unsuccessful. The locations of the respective territories are indi- cated in figures 3 and 4.

The course of nesting events for the four pairs is illustrated in figure 5. Nearly daily information was available only for pairs 1 and 3 and we have indicated the lack of infor- mation for the other two pairs by question marks in the figure. Pair 1 apparently at- tempted three successive nestings, although neither bird was banded at the end of the first nesting attempt. Subsequent observations showed that this first nest was in the same ter- ritorial area as the two subsequent nests of

pair 1. Pair 2 apparently attempted only the single nesting, after which the pair split up. The male remained in the area throughout the study period and several times appeared to be interacting regularly with females, but we never found an evidence of a second nest- ing attempt. The male of pair 3 carved out a viable territory after pair 1 shifted its terri- tory somewhat and after several Bronzy Sun- birds stopped feeding regularly at the Aloe flowers. After establishing a territory he paired with an unbanded female and nesting started. The delay in the onset of nesting of pair 3 seemed to be related only to the delay by the male in obtaining a territory.

We have little data on the nesting of pair 4, except that they apparently brought off at least two sets of two young. A nearby nest still in good condition and apparently recently used suggested that pair 4 nested successfully three times during the season.

Nest building. The nest was constructed solely by the female. Three nests that we were able to follow closely took 10, 16 and 16 days to complete. The female of pair 1 took 10 and 16 days to build her second and third nests, respectively, while the female of pair 3 took 16 days to complete her only nest. We have data on the delay between the end of one nesting and the start of building for the next nest for the last two nests of pair 1. The female started her second nest within six days

Page 4: Mating System and Reproductive Biology of Malachite Sunbirds


/-- ( Pr. 4 ‘\

f (X-GY) \

@ Nest location o-0

IO act 1972 Meters

FIGURE 3. Territorial boundaries of three pairs of nesting Malachite Sunbirds present in the study area on 10 October, 1972. Slash lines indicate area used by several Bronzy and Malachite sunbirds. Some aggression occurred in this area, but no territory was established on this date. By 11 October, the male of pair 3 had established a territory including this area. The letters in the territories indicate the color code of the banded male of each pair.

after the young left the first nest. The young was no longer in the area. The third nest was started 11 days after the single young left the second nest. We saw this independent young bird chased by the male on the terri- tory the day the female commenced the third nest.

Each nest was composed principally of dry grasses and plant “down,” mostly the pappus of a large thistle (Cirsium). The major struc- tural supporting material was spider web. The female of pair 1 usually gathered this material while hovering, an energetically expensive technique. Nest-building trips were directly to and from the nest, even from distances of more than 100 m.

Summaries of the rate of nest-building are given in table 2. The general trend was for a slow rate of building at the beginning and end of the building cycle and a much faster rate in the middle stages. The slow rate of building at the end of the cycle was accom- panied by an increase in time spent by the female foraging for insects, probably to accu- mulate nutrients for egglaying. Normally sev- eral days passed between the end of the nest-


,’ Pr. 4 ‘\ I

@ Nest location I I 0 50 100

4 Nov 1972 Meters

FIGURE 4. Territorial boundaries on 4 November, 1972. See legend of figure 3 for details of symbols. We did not follow the activities of the pair of which X-WR was the male.

building and egg-laying (van Someren 1956, Skead 1967; fig. 5) during which the female actively searched for insects, again probably to meet nutritional requirements of the devel- oping ova.

TABLE 2. Rate of nest-building for females of three pairs of Malachite Sunbirds.

Date Time Number of visits

Visits per hr

Pair 1

6 Sept.

7 Sept.

11 Sept.

13 Sept.

15 Sept. 17 Sept.

2 Nov. 8 Nov.

Pair 3

31 Oct.

Pair 4

28 Oct.

10:36-12:00 13:05-16:07 OB:OO-09:15 10:07-11:30 12:58-14:30 14:30-16:44 08:35-09:35 13:08-13:58 14:55-15:31 10:40-11:45 13:03-13:47 15:02-15:50 08:45-09:25 09347-11319 10:35-12:05 09:45-11:45

13:45-15:05 24 18.0

08:50-10:50 45 22.5

12 10.7 29 13.4 17 13.6 25 18.1 51 33.3 38 17.0 20 20.0 16 19.3 24 40.0 45 41.7 34 46.6 34 42.5 12 17.9 8 5.2 0 0

60 30.0

Page 5: Mating System and Reproductive Biology of Malachite Sunbirds


TABLE 3. Length of incubation periods and time off nest for two nesting female Malachite Sunbirds.

_____~ Time on nest (min) Time off nest (min)


Pair 1

: Pair 4


23 Sept.

17 Nov.

8 Nov.

16 Nov.

Time of day Averag:e Range N AVerage Range N

09:36-11:54 15.2 8.0-38.0 6 7.65 5.2-10.3 6

13:21-16:02 8.6 3.5-17.9 10 5.8 3.4-8.7 11

09:00-11:oo 8.8 5.0-15.0 8 7.0 5.0-10.0 7

09:40-11:37 6.4 1.5-9.8 10 4.8 1.1-8.8 11

14:58-16:36 5.4 2.5-6.7 8 6.7 4.5-8.8 8

The nests were built in low bushes or an- nual plants. All nests were built within the boundaries of the feeding territories except for pair 3 which nested in a small, dense corn patch about 30 m from the nearest regularly visited and defended flowers and the first nest of pair 1, which was just beyond the perim- eter of its flower area. The second and third nests of pair 1 were both within the foraging area. The nests were 1.0 to 1.7 m above the ground. All eight nests examined were domed and had side entrances that opened toward the NE quadrant. Most of the pre- vailing winds came from the southeast and the sun in the morning fell earliest on an entrance facing in this northeast direction. Verner (1965a) reported non-random nest entrance directions for the Long-billed Marsh Wren ( Telmatodytes pulustris) . Ricklefs and Hainsworth (1969) noted the apparent re- lation between direction of nest entrance and prevailing winds for the Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus) .

aged longer per session on the nest than did the pair 4 female (t = 2.75; P < 0.01). The two females showed similar differences in the average length of absences from the nest.

Two incubation periods for pair 1 were 13 2 1 day. Van Someren (1956) and Skead (1967) also reported incubation periods of 13-14 days.

The females of pairs 1 and 3 very often went well beyond the boundary of the terri- tory defended by the respective males to ob- tain nesting material. On many of these trips the male followed the female and occasionally chased other males from her vicinity. He sometimes followed the female as she went to the nest. Skead (1967) and Van Someren (1956) reported similar behavior.

The male often sat near the nest while the

The clutch sizes recorded during this study were 1, 1, 2, and 2 eggs. In addition, when first found the nest of pair 2 contained two young, and probably started with two eggs. The single-egg clutches were produced by the females of pair 1 and 3 near the end of the nesting season. For pair 1 this was probably the third nesting attempt (the first two were successful, at least to the fledgling stage), but for pair 3 this apparently was the first attempt of the season. The apparent third attempt by pair 4 produced a clutch of two eggs. Van Someren (1956) thought that around Nairobi one egg was the usual clutch with “very rarely two” egg clutches. Skead (1967) reported clutches of two and three eggs, mostly two, from southern Africa.

female was adding material and when she was not at the nest. He often sang from a perch close to the nest and sometimes he hovered at the nest or clung to the nest en- trance.

Incubation. The female incubated the eggs’ unaided by the male. We have a total of 23.1 hours of incubation records for two females; the records are summarized in table 3. During observations of one or more con- secutive hours the female of pair 1 spent from 52% to 70% of her time on the nest; the female of pair 4 spent 44% to 52% of her time on the nest. The female of pair 1 aver-

Nestlings. One verified nestling period was 15-16 days. Skead (1967) said that in south- ern Africa the nestling period is two to three weeks and van Someren (1956) gave 14-16 days as the nestling period around Nairobi. The young were fed by both adults, but the females made 83% (pair 1) and 76% (pair 4) of the feeding visits. The data on feeding rates are summarized in table 4. During some observation periods the male of pair 1 did not feed the young. For a one-hour period when the young were six days old, the male of pair 1 made slightly more than 60% of the feeding visits. This was the only case of more than 50% feeding by the male of either pair 1 or 4, the only two pairs for which we had nestling feeding data. Usually when the male fed the young the rate of delivery of food did not increase substantially over other observation periods when the male provided little or no food. Van Someren (1956) re- ported that only the female fed the nestlings

Page 6: Mating System and Reproductive Biology of Malachite Sunbirds


TABLE 4. Rate of feeding nestling(s) by two pairs of Malachite Sunbirds.


Pair 1

30 Nov.” 7 OCt.b

8 Oct.” 4 Dec.” 8 Oct.”

9 Oct.”

11 OCkb

13 OCt.b

14 OCkb 19 OCkb

Pair 4

29 Sepkb

30 Sept.b 8 OctU

30 Nov.”

a Third nesting. b Second nesting.

Axe of young (days )

No. feedings


Feedings per young

per hr

16:02-17:02 09:45-10:45 4 11:05-11:59 4 08:56-lo:45 5 09:00-11:15 5 10:52-11:35 5 13: 15-15:30 5 08: 15-09: 15 6 09:15-10:15 6 13:30-15:30 6 09:20-10350 8 ll:OO-12:oo 8 13:35-15:50 8 lO:OO-12:oo 10 12:58-13:28 10 08:40-lo:40 11 08:29-11:29 16

08:25-11:45 ? 12:27-15:30 ? 08:34-lo:45 ? 12:52-15:00 ? 13:57-15:57 13’

in a nest near Nairobi. However, the male probably was reluctant to feed the young while the blind that van Someren had erected was present (see Skead 1967). Skead noted that in southern Africa both sexes fed the nestlings, with one male feeding about 60% of the total recorded visits for the pair.

The feeding rate per young at the second nest of pair 1 averaged higher after one of the two original young disappeared. How- ever, this same pair fed their young at a similar rate per young during the first five days of the second and third nestings (table 4). During their second nesting, pair 4 main- tained a high rate of delivery to two young, a rate per young not different from pair 1 feeding one young. Some of the higher rate for pair 4 results both from the added feeding rate of the male and the faster delivery rate of the female.

Food for the nestlings seemed to be mostly insects, although van Someren (1956) re- ported “plenty of nectar” fed to a nestling. We frequently watched adults go immedi- ately to the nest following a bout of insect- catching. Most often we could not see any- thing in the bill of the adult, but occasionally we saw an adult lepidopteran, several times a beetle, and once a caterpillar. Upon ar- riving at the nest the adult pushed its bill

1 5 2 15 2 9 2 16 1 12 2 5 2 17 2 2 ; 2 12 1 10 1 5 1 18 1 15 1 4 1 14 1 26

2 35 2 35 2 27 2 16 2 36

Broodings per hr

0 5.0 0 7.5 0 5.0 4 5.5 1 5.8 1 4.2 2 4.2 0 3.5 9 7.0 4 4.0 6 10.7 1 1 i.4” 8 11:5 0 8.0 0 7.0 3 9.7

12 7.0 11 7.5 11 8.7

; 10.8 5.2

7.0 3.0 3.3 : 1.0 5.3 0 2.0 1.0 0 4.0 0 0 1.3 1.0 0 0.5 0

4.2 3.6 1.8 0 0

down the throat of the young and delivered the food. Contrary to van Someren ( 1956), we had no evidence of regurgitative feeding.

When foraging for insects, both sexes be- haved differently than when foraging for nec- tar. Insect catching was almost entirely by hovering around or just above the ground vegetation, either weeds or grasses and pluck- ing insects from the vegetation. The female of pair 1 regularly hovered just above the grasses and weeds picking principally at the flowering heads of both plant types. The male performed identical movements just before he went to the nest and fed the young; this was almost the only time we saw him hovering in this fashion. The male oc- casionally caught a passing insect and im- mediately flew to the nest, but he generally moved to specific areas to collect food for the young. What stimulated these deliberate feeding trips was not clear, but it was not always related to a decline in the rate of de- livery by the female (table 4).

When female 1 was actively feeding her young she usually fed on Aloe nectar just after visiting the nest and then went off to collect insects. At times, more than 50% of her insect collecting was well away from the territory of the pair; sometimes she flew an estimated 500 m (flights lasting 60 to 70 set).

Page 7: Mating System and Reproductive Biology of Malachite Sunbirds


TABLE 5. Time budget for nesting female Malachite Sunbird.

Nesting activity


Date Sit Forage

?iumher seconds spent in:

Fly Chase On 01 at nest

Feeding nestling

24 Nov. 3455 820 27 Nov. 1815 1035 28 Nov. 1780 845 29 Nov. 1815 1220

705 430 5:

5985 7505 -

10965 355 11190

410 50 7545 170 10800 735 15 6250 105 10140

11 Oct. 2695 2295 2295 35 530 7850 13 Oct. 290 650 495 15 350 (q 1800 14 Oct. 2385 1170 3215 45 470 7285 19 Oct. 4215 2225 4190 85 295 ~:!::j 11010

On such flights when we could see her ac- tivities the female almost immediately began hovering through the grass, occasionally sit- ting, and then flew directly back to the terri- tory and to the nest. Usually the male did not follow on these long flights, but remained in the territory.

Both sexes carried fecal sacs away from the nest. Sacs were removed only after a feeding visit and were carried away at the rate of 0.5 to 1.7 sacs per young per hour.

Brooding, performed only by the female, occurred frequently during the first six days of the nestling period then continued on a limited basis until young were 10-11 days old (table 4). After the young were about six days old the female brooded most often when the ambient temperature was 22°C or less.

(range 2-13) of their time in miscellaneous flying (flying not associated with chases of intruders or foraging for nectar) ; 6.8% (range 2-15%) of their time in chasing intruders, either conspecific or interspecific; and less than 0.2% (range O-1.6%) of their time out of sight of the observer. Male 3 had signifi- cantly higher foraging time and chase time during nest-building than while the female was incubating, although he did not directly participate in either of these activities. During the nestling period, the only time when the males directly participated in the nesting effort, the male of pair 1 foraged and chased significantly more than during the in- cubation and fledgling period.

Fledgling. The single fledgling for which we have data stayed around the nest for 10 days and was fed by the adults approxi- mately two times per hour when it was from two to four days out of the nest. By the fourth day the young was feeding itself by extracting nectar from the Aloe flowers within the pair territory. By the sixth day the fledgling seemed to be nearly as expert as the adults at nectar feeding. By the 11th day the young bird was feeding indepen- dently. We saw it in the territory of the pair on that day.

Female. All the time budget data are for the female of pair 1 (table 5). We estimated her time budgeting during incubation and during feeding of nestlings. During the nest- ling stage we had to estimate total foraging time when the female flew more than 100 m, often out of sight. On some of these occa- sions we watched the female throughout her absence from the territory and measured the proportion of the time the female spent sit- ting (46% ) and flying (54%) once she ar- rived at the foraging area. These values, to which we added the time of flying to and from the foraging site, were used to calculate time and energy expenditures on all long trips.


Males. The time and energy budgets of male Malachite Sunbirds during the breeding season have been discussed elsewhere (Wolf 1975b) but are summarized here for clarity. The data are only for the males of pair 1 and pair 3. The males averaged about 64% (range = 38-83) of their time sitting during the time budget observation periods, 22% (range lo-42%) of their time foraging, 7%

During incubation the female spent most of her time on the nest and little of her time actively foraging at Aloe flowers. In fact, she spent remarkably long periods of time sitting in the territory away from the nest. Flying, which included some insect catching as well as miscellaneous flying comprised 4-7% of her time. As expected, chasing of other birds by the female was very limited during incu- bation and was almost entirely the province of the male, even though he also chased less

Page 8: Mating System and Reproductive Biology of Malachite Sunbirds


TABLE 6. Energy budgets for nesting female Malachite Sunbird.

Calories spent in: i1

Stage of nesting


Date Sit” Fly Chase Nectar intnkec

Total (Cal. ) -

Feeding nestlings

24 Nov. 440 205 530 0 1435 1350 27 Nov. 230 260 325 40 1180 1850 28 Nov. 225 210 310 40 1115 1390 29 Nov. 230 305 550 10 1365 1945

11 act. 410 575 1720 25 2730 815 13 act. 80 165 370 10 625 415 14 Oct. 365 295 2410 35 3105 1510 19 Oct. 575 555 3145 65 4340 3240

il Caloric expenditures calculated from following values: Thermal conductance equals 1.24 (Herreid and Kessel 1967); body temperature equals 4LO”C; daytime ambient temperature equals 22°C; sitting costs equal 460 cal/hr; incubating female assumed to be at standard metabolic rate at T, of 30°C; flying costs equal 2700 cal/hr; foraging costs equal 900 cal/hr.

b Sitting costs include the short periods female spent at nest feeding young. C Nectar intake calculated from eauations eiven in Wolf 1975b and are identical to those for male Malachite sunbirds

feeding at Aloe gmminicola. .

during incubation than during other phases of nesting (Wolf 197513).

When the female was feeding young, her foraging and flying time increased dramati- cally, but time sitting away from the nest stayed about equal to that spent during incu- bation. Thus, most of the increased time expenditure associated with feeding herself and nestlings was taken from the time the female earlier spent on the nest incubating eggs. A small proportion of her time was still spent at the nest, feeding and brooding young. Unfortunately we do not have similar data for this or another female when caring for two young. Since the feeding rates with two young were somewhat higher than those for a single young it is expected that foraging and flying time would be increased some- what with two young and that sitting time would probably be decreased. The differ- ences in feeding rate were not offset by the aid of the male (see earlier).

Using techniques already described in de- tail (Wolf 1975b) we calculated the ap- proximate intake of energy by the female while she fed at Aloe flowers during the time budget observations. We assumed that fe- males were not different from males in the determinants of foraging efficiency at Aloe ~raminicoZa (Wolf, unpubl.). The estimated intake and expenditures of energy during the nesting cycle for this single female sunbird are presented in table 6. During incubation the intake of energy normally somewhat ex- ceeded expenditures. However, this situation was reversed when the female began feeding the young. Interestingly, the estimated intake

of nectar per flower visited shows a similar trend to that found in the males (Wolf 1975b), suggesting that the quality of the territory does vary with stage of the nesting cycle.

At least under the conditions of this study the female probably was operating on a posi- tive, or certainly neutral, energy budget while incubating eggs. While feeding nest- lings she probably was operating on a nega- tive energy budget although the contribu- tions of insects to her diet must have been higher than during incubation. During incu- bation the female probably stored energy from her positive energy budget for use dur- ing the nestling period.



The timing of the breeding season of Mala- chite Sunbirds, in Kenya and southern Africa (Skead 1967), probably is determined mostly by the requirements of the adults for a rich, easily accessible energy source in the form of nectar, coupled with sufficient insect abundance to allow the female to sequester nutrients for eggs and to feed the offspring. The correlation of the end of breeding at the study site and the decline in flower avail- ability is obvious in figures 2 and 5. One of the banded males reappeared in the study area during the slight resurgence of bloom- ing in May and June (fig. 2) and seemed to be attempting to pair with one of several fe- males in the area. The rains were very light during the first half of 1973, leading to the

Page 9: Mating System and Reproductive Biology of Malachite Sunbirds


I Nest-building 0 Feeding nestlings m Incubation EZl Feeding fledgling

Pair 4 -

? ? WB-

? -

Pair 3

Pair 2 I1%BCt

d present

I ! I I

Sept act Nov Dee

FIGURE 5. Summary of reproductive activities of 4 pairs of Malachite Sunbirds in the study area. Crosses indicate mortality of young. Question marks indi- cate uncertainty about precise timing of start or end of a phase of nesting.

reduced flowering. In years of heavier rain- fall, as could be expected during the first half of the year in “normal” years (see fig. 6) these sunbirds should have abundant Aloe graminicola flowers in the vicinity of the study area and undoubtedly would breed.

Van Someren (1956) noted that the breed- ing season of Malachite Sunbirds in the vi- cinity of Nairobi, Kenya was during the long, heaviest rains (see fig. 6). He said that the birds would breed as early as March if the short rains in November and December ran into long rains. However, he noted that in his study areas the sunbirds probably did not breed in August or later as many of the males were in eclipse plumage at this time of minimal rains. Van Someren suggested that the breeding season in his area was timed to the blooming of certain flower species, of which he mentioned Leonotk ( Labiatae) .

Breeding during long, rainy periods has two potential advantages over the other rainy seasons of the year. First, these rains are more predictable, at least in general timing and minimum levels of rainfall. Second, the length of the rainy periods means that on average, the birds will have sufficient time to raise at least one and often more than one brood successfully. The Aloe flowers around which this sunbird species was breeding con- tinued to produce flower stalks throughout the periods of rains so that single plants may produce as many as three or four consecutive flower spikes if the rains last long enough. Similarly, smaller Aloe individuals, probably younger plants, have a greater chance of pro-

-2 0: : : : : : : : : : : :

5 200- Nairobi = ,o (37 years) -

.i 150-

100 -

50 -

0’ I ” ’ I ’ I I ’ I o JFMAMJJASOND


FIGURE 6. Summary of average monthly rainfall for Nairobi and Nakuru, Kenya. Nakuru is approxi- mately 30 km NW of the study area.

ducing a flower spike if the rains continue. Thus, both the total number of flowering plants and the number of stalks per plant are enhanced by prolonged rains. This longer period of flower availability extends the pe- riod during which territories will support breeding adults and their offspring.

Another important aspect of timing of breeding for Malachite Sunbirds is their po- sition in the interspecific dominance hier- archy of sunbirds at potential feeding sites. The nesting pairs were in the only area of concentrations we saw in which males were able to hold territories for any length of time. In all other high density areas these sunbirds were dominated by larger sunbird species, probably precluding any territori- ality, and hence, any nesting attempt. At Hell’s Gate (near Naivasha, Kenya) in an area of flowering Leonotis in July, 1971, and also in March, 1972, and July, 1973, male Malachite Sunbirds were mostly nonterritorial wanderers throughout the study areas while being continually chased from Leonotis-based territories defended by the larger, more domi- nant Golden-winged Sunbird ( Nectarinia reichenowi) (see Gill and Wolf 1975) and the Bronzy Sunbird. In the study area in August and September, 1972, the appearance of the male of pair 3 as a territorial and later as a paired, individual followed the disap-

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pearance of several Bronzy Sunbirds that had been feeding regularly and sometimes were territorial for short periods in the area later occupied by male 3. This area became a viable nesting territory for the Malachite Sun- birds only after these dominant individuals departed. During the nesting attempt of pair 3, a young male Golden-winged Sunbird took over a portion of the territory and excluded the pair from the area. This young bird left after 34 days, but while present he reduced the energy base for the nesting pair.

This suggests that suitable nesting sites for Malachite Sunbirds should be in areas of high flower availability in plant species that are not effectively used and/or defended by more dominant species. These sunbirds should have lower energy requirements than larger sunbirds and could use energetically poorer resources. Additionally, an energy-rich source could be less efficiently extracted by more dominant species because of differences in body size and bill morphology (see Wolf et al. 1972). Male Malachite Sunbirds have the highest rate of nectar extraction among males of four species of sunbirds that regularly fo- rage at Aloe flowers, but their rate is not sig- nificantly higher than that of N. kiZimens& (fig. 7). The higher foraging costs for the larger species make the Malachite Sunbird the most efficient of the three species at ex- ploiting the Aloe nectar. Males of the Vari- able Sunbird (N. wnustu) are smaller than famosa, and extract nectar much more slowly than either famosa or killimensis, a reflection of the short bill of venusta, which makes it nearly impossible for these birds to reach nectar at the base of the corolla of Aloe flowers. The smaller size of venustu and hence lower foraging costs per unit time would make them about as efficient as fumosa at extracting energy from Aloe, but famosa is able easily to dominate the smaller venusta.


In view of the numerous trips for food and nesting material that the female made beyond the boundaries of the regularly used and de- fended area of the male, it appears that the nesting territory of these birds was restricted to defense of the flowers as a nectar source and defense of nests. The males also chased other males from the vicinity of their female before and during egg-laying, but the spatial location of this behavior was wherever the female happened to be, behavior similar to the Brewer’s Blackbird (Euphagus cyano- cephalus; Williams 1952).

, I I I

0 10 20 30 40 NECTAR INTAKE +I)

FIGURE 7. Rate of extraction of nectar from flolvers of Aloe graminicolu by males of four species of sun- birds. The data for N. reichenowi are for a iuvenal male. The slopes of the lines for N. famosa kd N. kilimensis are different from the sloues for N. reiche- nowi and N. venusta (P < 0.05), but the slopes are not different \vithin the pairs. The intercept for N. wenustu is significantly higher than for N. fumosu and N. kilimensis (P < 0.05). None of the other inter- cepts are different.

Territory Size. The number of flowers in the territory of a breeding pair of Malachite Sunbirds will depend on a variety of factors. An individual requires about 17,000 calories per day (Wolf 197513) so that the total re- quirement for a pair should equal approxi- mately 34,000 calories per day. For short periods the requirements will be somewhat higher than 34,000 calories, especially when one or two fledged young are still feeding in the territory. Then energetic requirements for the pair and young could reach 50,000 calories per day or more. Since the caloric output is 45 cal per flower per day, the pair would re- quire 800 or more flowers to meet the re- quirements of the two adults, and perhaps up to 1500 flowers to meet the requirements of the adults plus two young. These values, however, depend on exclusive access to the total nectar production.

The defensive behavior was not wholly ef- fective in keeping other individuals from ex- ploiting the AZoe nectar. In part this reflected the size of the territories which meant that individuals intruding at one periphery could feed before the arrival of the resident male. Foraging intruders often went undetected for some time. Additionally, intruders of domi- nant species of sunbirds, while often flown at, rarely were displaced from the territory.

Flower abundance on a territory changed seasonally. To maintain even the minimum

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number of flowers on any given day required that the bird control an area that on other days very often contained more flowers than it required.

Finally, the initial starting volumes on a given day will depend on flower use the pre- vious day plus the number of flowers that wilted overnight and the number of new flowers that opened in the morning. Nectar production starts as the new flower opens so there is no accumulation of nectar in a re- cently opened flower. If the average nectar volume is low the efficiency of foraging also will be low (fig. 7) and the total foraging time will increase (Wolf et al. 1975). The combined effect will increase total costs and the foraging efficiency required to maintain the pair. Low nectar volumes will become progressively lower during the course of the day unless sufficient flowers are controlled so that production rate exceeds utilization rate and nectar can accumulate.

All these variables should influence the number of flowers a bird attempts to control. In general the number should either exceed by some margin the minimum energetic re- quirements of the pair or be modifiable sea- sonally. Males 1 and 3 regularly defended areas that at peak abundance contained more than 2000 flowers (an excess of 100,000 cal) and generally more than 1500 flowers (67,000 Cal). Male 2 abandoned his territory when flower abundance declined below 1000 flow- ers (45,000 Cal). Each male had potential access to more than the minimum number of flowers, but male 1 because of different in- truder pressures was better able to control use of these flowers than male 2.


In common with the South African species of sunbirds for which data are available ( Skead 1967), the Malachite Sunbird in Kenya has a pair bond that lasted onlv for the nesting season. During the nonbreeding sea- son there was no evidence of pairing, and females were subordinate to males.

The female made a larger direct contri- bution to the nesting effort than the male. She did all nest-building, incubation, and brooding of the nestlings. Both sexes fed the nestlings and fledglings. However, at the nests studied the female made most of the feeding trips. Skead (1967) noted that a male Malachite Sunbird that lost its female successfully fed the young alone.

The male’s major contribution to the nest- ing effort is defending the flower nectar used

as a food supply by the adults and fledglings. The male spent much more time during the nesting period in chasing intruders from the territory than did the female (Wolf 197513, table 5). At the onset of nesting he also spent some time following the female while she collected nesting material. While follow- ing her, he chased other male Malachite Sun- birds that approached the female, behavior that protected his potential genetic and ener- getic investment in offspring. During the nestling stage the male did not follow the female when she left the territory to collect insects. The male no longer had to protect this ability to fertilize the female and it prob- ably was important that one parent help protect the young from potential predators, such as Fiscal Shrikes (Lanius collaris) that were regularly present and mobbed by the sunbirds.

The male’s main contributions to nesting were his genes and time and energy spent in defense of a high quality food source that enabled the female to maintain herself ener- getically while carrying out the nesting effort nearly unaided. The male’s contribution in maintaining a high level food source must be balanced against ways that he more directly could aid the nesting effort. The more time and energy spent by the male in feeding young, the less time available for defense of the territory. Even sitting time, if spent watching for or calling at intruders, can be an important component of defense. A male’s levels of direct and indirect contribution should depend on the quality of the territory, both number and density of open flowers, and the probability of intruders feeding at the accumulated nectar.

Another possible explanation for the limited aid at the nest by the male bird is the po- tentially higher predation rate on nests that might occur if the brightly colored male made regular trips to the nest (Skutch 1967). This explanation probably does not hold for Mala- chite Sunbirds. The nest is not placed in a noticeably inconspicuous or hidden location; during the course of building the female makes trips with nesting material directly to the nest and does not attempt to “sneak” to the nest. Additionally, the male regularly sings by the nest and often hovers at or near the nest during the building phase. Finally, the male does help feed the young. We con- clude that the lack of male aid at the nest is not an important anti-predator device, but that the male is doing something else, in this case defending the nectar resources of the

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territory, as his major contribution to the nesting effort.

If this suggestion is correct, then the fact that the male provides limited direct aid in rearing the young may have more important implications on the maximum reproductive output of the pair than workers such as Skutch (1967) would aIIow. One must un- derstand what, in fact, the male of a pair is contributing to the nesting effort, before the conclusion is drawn that the clutch size is not set by the maximum number of offspring the pair normally can raise. In many bird spe- cies, especially in the tropics (Cody 1966)) the male may play an important role in com- petitive interactions for the food supply for either the adults as in the case of these sun- birds, and/or the young or perhaps for nest- ing sites or nesting material (Lack 1968, Morse 1968, Verner and Willson 1969, Wil- liamson 1971, Selander 1972, B. Snow 1973).

These reproductive contributions by the male are remarkably similar to those re- ported for the Fiery-throated Hummingbird (Panterpe hsignis) of the high mountains of Costa Rica (Wolf and Stiles 1970). In the case of the hummingbird no direct male aid was observed. The reported observations were limited to the incubation and nest- building periods, but subsequent observations in the same area revealed that the males did not help feed the young (Stiles, pers. comm.). It should be noted that the male of pair 1 of the sunbirds also did not contribute to the feeding effort during about 35% of the observation periods. It is possible that the male Panterpe would contribute to feeding the young under conditions of high energy availability and low intruder pressure.

The evolution of pair bonding for the breeding season in sunbirds paralleled the case for Panterpe. In both situations essen- tially a single flower species was available that was sufficiently abundant and dense to provide a rich energy source for the nesting female. However, the spatial and temporal distribution of the flowers made territorial defense economical (Brown 1964)) restricting the availability of flowers not defended by conspecific males. In this situation there was strong selection for the females to mate only with those males that allowed regular access to the flowers on their territory. Males that did not allow such females use, and perhaps provide some help in feeding the young, on the average should leave fewer offspring, making pair formation an advantage for the males also. This contrasts strongly with the mating system of most hummingbirds in

which the males are promiscuous and provide no aid, even resource defense, for the breed- ing females (see Orians 1969, Wolf and Wolf 1971, Wolf and Stiles unpubl. data).


This paper describes the breeding biology of Malachite Sunbirds (Nectarinia famosa) in the central Rift Valley area of Kenya. Nest-

building and incubation are performed solely by the female while the male, to a variable extent, helps to feed the nestlings and fledg- lings. One female for which we had good time budget data probably operated on nega- tive energy budgets during the nestling pe- riod, but positive energy budgets during in- cubation. The principal activity of the male during reproduction, in addition to mating with the female, seems to be the defense of the nectar supply used by the female and the young.

Monogamy, the usual mating system in sun- birds, seems to result from a combination of breeding season territoriality in single flower species, the nectar of which is all or mostly defensible by available males, and relatively high intraspecific and interspecific competi- tive pressures resulting in limited alternative nectar sources for nesting females. Under these circumstances a female pairing with a male holding a “good” territory ensures her- self access to the food; efficient defense of the food by the male requires sufficient time to preclude as active a part in rearing of the young as taken by the female. A female not so paired probably is unable to feed herself and her young, thus wasting her reproduc- tive effort as well as that of the male with whom she mated. Anti-predator behavior does not seem to be important in reducing direct participation in nesting of the brightly colored male.

Evolution of monogamy and pair bonds throughout the breeding season in sunbirds parallels the one well-documented example of nonpromiscuity in hummingbirds, the New World ecological equivalents of sunbirds.


We thank especially the Office of the President of Kenya for permission to conduct research in Kenya. Mr. Richard Leakey and Mr. Alec Forbes-Watson, both of the National Museums of Kenya, were es- pecially helpful with logistical support. Ray and Barbara Terry and the officers of the Gilrril Club ., made our stay in Kenya pleasant and conducive to field work. We thank Frank Gill, Christopher Rohe, and Alan Wolf for help in the field. Gill, F. Reed Hainsworth, and Harry Power provided helpful com- ments on the manuscript. Financial support for our

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Department of Biology, Syracuse University, Syra- cwse, New York 13210. Accepted for publication 27 September 1974.