
Member Of Group

Hestu Aji Prihanditya (4611414007) Devi Tri Widyanti (4611414014) M. Anbiya Nur Islam (4611414022) Feroza Rosalina Devi (4611414024) Kusmahendra Agung Pambudi (4611414037)

Storage (Pimary/Secondary Memory)

Storage (Pimary/Secondary Memory)

Input OutputProcesorProcesor



CPU must be connected to input device, output device and storage device to carry out the


DataData InformationInformation


DataData InformationInformation

The Central processing Unit• The CPU interprets instructions to the computer, performs the logical and arithmetic processing operations, and causes the input and output operations to occur.

• Consists of hundreds of thousands or millions of electronic circuits.

• In today's PCs the CPU is contained in a single silicon chip called a microprocessor chip

• It is considered the “brain” of the computer.• Also called the CPU as PROCESSOR & MICROPROCCESSOR

Intel Pentium D AMD Athlion 64 Intel Pentium M

Pentium DPentium I-IVPentium MCeleronCore i7Core 2 Duo

AMDAthelon 64 X2Athelon 64Turion 64Sempron

Processor / CPUThe Control processing unit (CPU) controls all activities within the system. For every instruction, the control unit repeats a set of four basic operations called the MACHINE CYCLE

a CPU consists of two subcomponents:-1. Control Unit (CU)2.Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU).

Control Unit

Control Unit’s main function in CPU to process data.

1. The Control Unit extracts instructions from

memory and decodes and executes them.

2. Manages all resources of a computer

3. Manages a 4-step basic operation which is called a

machine cycle or processing cycle.

The Arithmetic-Logic Unit and Control Unit

• An arithmetic logic unit (ALU) and control unit is one of the core components of all central processing units.

• Arithmetic operations: e.g., add, subtract, multiply, divide, square root, cosine, etc.

• Logical operations: e.g., compare two numbers to see which is greater, check whether a true/false statement is true, etc.

• Comparison operation : e.g:AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR and equacalence (=)

SignalsAn ALU has a variety of input and output nets, which are the

shared electrical connections used to convey digital signals between the ALU and external circuitry. When an ALU is operating, external circuits apply signals to the ALU inputs and, in response, the ALU produces and conveys signals to external circuitry via its outputs.

DataA basic ALU has three parallel data buses consisting of two

input operands (A and B) and a result output (Y). Each data bus is a group of signals that conveys one binary integer number.


The opcode input is a parallel bus that conveys to the ALU an

operation selection code, which is an enumerated value that specifies

the desired arithmetic or logic operation to be performed by the



The status outputs are various individual signals that convey

supplemental information about the result of an ALU operation.

These outputs are usually stored in registers so they can be used in

future ALU operations or for controlling conditional branching.

General-purpose ALU commonly have status signals such as:

a. Carry-out, which conveys the carry resulting from an addition

operation, the borrow resulting from a subtraction operation, or the

overflow bit resulting from a binary shift operation.

b. Zero, which indicates all bits of the Y bus are logic zero.

c. Negative, which indicates the result of an arithmetic operation is


d. Overflow, which indicates the result of an arithmetic operation has

exceeded the numeric range of the Y bus.

e. Parity, which indicates whether an even or odd number of bits on

the Y bus are logic one.

Function of Control Unit• The control unit directs the entire computer system to carry out

stored program instructions.• The control unit must communicate with both the arithmetic logic

unit (ALU) and main memory.• The control unit instructs the arithmetic logic unit that which

logical or arithmetic operation is to be performed.• The control unit co-ordinates the activities of the other two units

as well as all peripherals and auxiliary storage devices linked to the computer.

Machine Cycle





Machine Cycle

4 step in Machine Cycle :

• Step 1: Fetch – retrieve an instruction from memory

Fetch is dealing with retrieving an instruction from main memory. After an instruction is fetched, the PC is incremented in memory locations. •Step 2: Decode – translate instruction in a form ALU can understand (command )

Decoder fetches data is broken up into parts which are related to other portions of the CPU, this is termed as opcode, indicates which operation to perform.

Step 3: Execute – Carry out instruction

After decode steps, the execute step is performed. During this step,

various portions of the CPU are connected so they can perform the

desired operation.

Step 4: Store – copy results to Memory


Control Unit



How it’s work ?

Step 1. Fetch Calls an instruction into memory. User want to calculate 2 +2

Step 2.

Decode Translate instruction into commands (to binary form)

Eg : 1110000

Step 4. Store Write result to memory

Step 3. Execute Does the decoded

instructionAdd 2+2

Four operations of the CPU comprise a machine cycle

Factors Affecting Processing Speed

• Clock rate of the CPU

• Computer word size

• Bus speed

• Main memory size

• Cache memory size

• instruction set complexity

• Number of processing units

