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Marketing Automation The step by step future of moving your marketing in to the infinite future.

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@msweezey WHAT There are more marketing tools than we care to count

these days, and marketing automation is not a new tool, but a new way of creating relevant relationships at scale.  

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Marketing Automation is…

(something  totally  new,  I  promise)    

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Marke7ng  automa7on  begins  with  having  full  behavioral  data  on  a  single  person.  This  is  collected  via  your  marke7ng  interac7ons  with  them.    

Complete Visibility

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Automa7ons  are  If/Then  statements  which  allow  for  dynamic  ac7ons  to  happen  with  out  human  interac7on.  Think  of  these  as  automated  workflows  driven  off  of  individual  consumer  behavior.    


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Repor7ng  also  become  persona  on  a  one  to  one  basis.  So  you  can  track  a  person  specifically  as  they  move  through  the  funnel.  Allowing  new  ways  of  valuing  your  marke7ng  to  take  place.    


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This can get “Creepy” fast


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Gallop research finds that advertising practitioners are the 4th most distrusted profession in their 2013 study.

Always be Authentic

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Modern Tools You  must  have  a  modern  set  of  tools  before  you  can  begin  with  marke7ng  automa7on.  This  can  mean  many  different  things.    


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You will have to have a CRM, and depending on the tool also a marketing automation tool which will connect to it.

System of Relevance

Marketing   Sales  


Single Customer View

Automation Platform (s) CRM

Allows for plug and play integrations with other apps who use data, and add to data.

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I suggest you use a “Hub and Spoke” model which allows you to add new tools when you need them, and allows for “Best of Breed”.

Stack vs Hub and Spoke

Marketing   Sales  


Single Customer View

Automation Platform (s) CRM

Allows for plug and play integrations with other apps who use data, and add to data.

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Your website will need to have 2 points of integration. Your forms, and .JS (javascript). These are both copy and paste into your existing site.

Owned Media Channels

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You will still use the same tools for posting to social channels and buying paid media.

Paid and Earned Media Channels

URL: Universal Reference Locator Your Marketing Automation tool connect to all content via URL’s. They will also create them for you. You then share these on any channel and can track the engagement on any channel.  

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Modern Email We  must  learn  to  adapt  our  current  marke7ng  tools  and  tac7cs  to  the  modern  buyers  needs.  Historical  marke7ng  methods  will  not  scale  in  the  future.    


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66% Of Emails Are opened on a mobile device

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“Consumers want honest and authentic experiences”

-Joseph Pine II

Author of the Experience Economy, Authenticity, & Infinite Possibilities

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Daily  content  consump7on.  Usually  is  Learn,  and  Escape.  Happens  across  all  media  channels.    How  we  engage  with  Research  content.    

Girl at the Party Story  

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Stage Based Marketing Subject Lines!

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This  means  do  not  use  your  keyword,  or  your  brand  in  stage  one  emails.  These  are  clear  signs  you  are  sending  a  marke7ng  email,  and  not  something  which  is  relevant  to  the  consumer  at  that  7me.    

Stage One NO/NO

The goal is to get your email opened and to get them to the content. You are being

helpful by connecting them to things which help them do their job better. Or empower

them at their purpose.

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This  means  you  can  use  either  keyword,  or  your  brand  in  stage  two  emails.  It  is  likely  if  they  are  in  stage  two  one  of  these  two  things  is  relevant  to  them.    

Stage Two Yes/No

The goal is to empower them with ammo to help make their point with other people with in the buying group. We call this

“Social Proof”

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This  means  it  is  okay  to  use  both  keyword  and  brand  in  the  subject  line  of  the  email.  This  is  the  only  7me  both  of  these  are  relevant  to  a  person.  Any  7me  outside  of  stage  three  these  are  disqualifica7on  factors.    

Stage Three Yes/Yes

The goals is to show why your tool/product/solution is the best. This is when

you break out the big guns, and share buyers guides, and pricing information.

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Stage Based Marketing Email Copy!

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David  Oglivy  once  said,  “He’s  the  best  copy  writer  in  the  world.  That’s  why  I’ve  got  him”.  Remember  80%  of  your  email  copy  is  not  read,  and  people  vary  rarely  even  “Read”  anymore.  It’s  mostly  scanning.    

Get to the point

“Most marketers write like engines. They take a while to start up, then they get running. Just start off running.”

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2x-4x increase In content conversions when using

Rich text vs full HTML in nurturing emails.

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John, I noticed an article on Content experience, and thought you might like to give it a look.

John, There is a video in our resource library on Lead nurturing best practices, here’s a link to it. It was recorded with Jay Baer.

John, I’m not sure if you follow this guy on social. But If you’re on Twitter you might want to check out @jaybaer. We’ve just shot a webinar..

Modern Humans Scan Emails B2B EMAILS SHOULD BE SHORT, RICH TEXT, AND BE HELPFUL to increase content conversions

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The  buying  cycle  has  increased  and  consumers  are  now  engaging  with  more  content  than  ever  before.  The  only  way  to  scale  one  to  one  rela7onships  are  thought  journeys.    

Nurturing 03

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451% increase in Conversions

For leads who were nurtured vs those who were not. (Gleanster Research)

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What should trigger Nurturing 1.  Time (or lack of)

2.  Lead Score 3.  Field in CRM 4.  Behavioral Actions

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Lead Goes to Pricing Page

Marketing Automation

•  They  have  not  been  back  to  your  website  in  (x  Days)  •  They  have  not  converted  to  the  next  stage    •  Not  all  leads  are  “Leads”  so  be  careful      

Read this data point from  

•  Decrease  lead  score    •  Change  their  status    •  Remove  as  prospect  

Lead Score  •  Add  to  a  “Cold  Lead”  drip  •  Remove  from  drip  when  

engagement  happens    •  Drip  is  very  light  touches    

Automation  +  

This is the beauty! It scales.

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@msweezey Goals Providing  relevant  informa7on  to  

customer  over  the  en7re  lifecycle  is  cri7cal.    

Problem/Goal Type  of  Drip  Program   Cold  Database   3-­‐2-­‐1

Automate  Lead  Nurturing Stage-­‐Specific  Drip

Event  Pre  and  Post  Follow-­‐ups Event-­‐Specific  Drip

Cold  Marke7ng  Lead  Drip 3-­‐2-­‐1

Cold  Sales  Lead  Drip Straight  Drip

Compe77ve  Drip Straight  Drip

Lost  Deal  Drip   Straight  Drip

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@msweezey READ

WARNING: Begin at the beginning of the book and understand how to think about automations first. It’s easier to build them correctly than fix broken systems.

Your homework is to read this book before you begin with marketing automation. If not you will end up calling a consultant to fix the problems you created.

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Lead Nurturing Wins Using the 3-2-1 technique of lead nurturing eCornell has

been able to see amazing results. Converting 50% of

all sales qualified leads who are nurtured into new


eCornell Lead Program Is the online branch of the

Ivy League Cornell University. They are

responsible for driving all traffic and produce 5,000

leads per month.

16X Higher conversion rate on leads who have been nurtured vs those who have not. Giving them the single biggest increase in leads from any other method.

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Lead Scoring Gartner  predicts  by  2017  the  CMO  will  over  take  the  CIO  in  their  fight  for  the  largest  IT  budget  in  the  company.  This  trend  is  a  direct  representa7on  of  the  need  for  marke7ng  to  keep  up  with  a  longer  sales  cycle,  manage  more  channels,  and  technology  as  a  solu7on  to  these  issues.    


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Lead Score Formula

This formula will diagram exactly how to set up a lead score that will be valued by both marketing and sales. Failure to do this with out consulting sales will result in continued distrust of the leads you pass them.

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Optimal Score = 100 Make a sales ready person 100. It just

makes for easy math.

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Forms You’ll  need  to  use  forms  on  your  website  to  get  people  to  convert  into  your  audience.  There  are  things  you  need  to  know  about  modern  forms.    


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Only three questions

68% of people lie on forms when asked custom questions. If you limit your questions to 3 you will increase your engagement rates.

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Progressive profiling

Seth Godin in his 1999 best seller, “Permission Based Marketing” suggest you never ask the same question twice. Marketing automation allows this via “Progressive Profiling”

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Modern Content You’ll  need  to  use  forms  on  your  website  to  get  people  to  convert  into  your  audience.  There  are  things  you  need  to  know  about  modern  forms.    


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Purpose is “Contextual”

So depending on their state of mind may depend on the purpose they are trying to fulfill. This changes by the

second, and must be understood for automations to have a net positive effect.

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Escape!People wanting to escape will lean on self discover on social

channels. They are looking to escape their work, life, job, and take a short break. No barring on sales readiness.

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Read this article for more on creating humor in your content:

Kronos Case Study Kronos, a workforce

management software company, uses a weekly

comic to engage with their audience. Their comics are

consistently shared on LinkedIn two to 10x more

than their corporate blog posts.

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Discover!People want to learn and discover new things all the time. But this does not mean you have to create more content for this. Learn to use existing content to help

ease the content burden.

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Lead Conversion Your  leads  may  be  cold  because  you  don’t  know  how  to  convert  them  to  the  next  stage  in  the  buying  cycle.    


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This  Is  the  old  way  of  thinking  about  conversion.  How  do  we  make  content,  and  drive  people  to  it.  Now  we  take  a  new  approach  with  dynamic  journeys.      

Static Websites

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Companies  using  predica7ve  content  on  average  are  seeing  an  increase  in  revenue  by  15%.    

Dynamic Content Dynamic  content  suggests  the  best  

next  piece  of  content  given  set  algorithms  of  most  likely  


Owned Experiences Crea7ng  customized  experiences  

also  needs  to  happen  both  on  your  website  and  via  the  email  content.  

+15% Revenue  

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Choose Your Own Adventure

This  is  how  you  nurture  leads  on  your  website  and  provide  a  relevant,  and  contextual  informa7on.  Offers  change  based  on  their  stage  to  be  relevant.    

( These are Dynamic Content)

( These are Dynamic Content)

( These are Dynamic Content)

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John, I thought you’d like these 10 tips on nurturing. It was written by Trulia, one of our clients. Also if you’re looking for some research reports on marketing automation here’s the Gartner Magic Quadrant. Best, Mathew



Choose Your Own Adventure

This  is  how  you  use  Choose  Your  Own  Adventure  in  email.  By  allowing  people  to  self  select  into  content  you  gain  the  insights,  and  they  gain  trust.    

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Gartner  predicts  by  2017  the  CMO  will  over  take  the  CIO  in  their  fight  for  the  largest  IT  budget  in  the  company.  This  trend  is  a  direct  representa7on  of  the  need  for  marke7ng  to  keep  up  with  a  longer  sales  cycle,  manage  more  channels,  and  technology  as  a  solu7on  to  these  issues.    

Sales + Marketing 07

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Lazy Crap

The  majority  of  marketers  feel  their  sales  people  are  Lazy  because  they  do  nothing  with  the  leads  which  are  passed  over  to  them.  

Salespeople  tend  to  feel  the  lead  they  receive  from  marke7ng  are  crap.    This  causes  major  distrust  between  marke7ng  and  sales.  

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Sales Automations

Real time notifications Sales  then  gets  instant  no7fica7ons  of  

any  lead  they  are  working  with  and  their  engagement  with  marke7ng.    

Sales Nurturing Programs

The  biggest  benefit  to  the  sales  and  marke7ng  program  are  sales  automa7ons  from  Pardot.  Giving  businesses  the  ability  to  generate  leads,  iden7fy  them,  and  close  them  faster.    

One  click  nurturing  allows  sales  to  then  nurture  those  leads  who  are  not  ready  


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Salespeople Are people And some of them are SMART!


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Begin with Their emails

Look  at  their  sent  emails  to  see  how  they  phrase  things.  Speak  with  them  and  learn  what  they  know  about  emailing  prospects.  They  know  a  lot  more  than  you  may  be  giving  them  credit  for.      

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Follow their Cadence

Then  ask  them  how  they  want  their  leads  to  be  followed  up  with,  or  how  they  currently  follow  up  with  them.  Your  smart  reps  will  have  a  cadence  they  follow.  You  should  use  the  same  cadence.      

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Train them on How and when

If  you  fail  to  train  them  they  will  not  use  the  tools,  or  not  use  them  correctly.  If  you  do  not  get  their  input  they  will  not  use  them  at  all.      

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Agile Execution You’ll  need  to  use  forms  on  your  website  to  get  people  to  convert  into  your  audience.  There  are  things  you  need  to  know  about  modern  forms.    


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Place your pin on the blue dot. Your goal will be to close

your eyes and then draw a straight line to the red dot. Stop when you get there.

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Your line probably looks like this.

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Now try again, but feel free to stop when ever you want.

Leave your pen on the paper, and open your eyes. Recalibrate, close your eyes then continue to draw your

line. Take as many stops as you want.

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Your second line probably looks like this.

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Agile Theory

Small  and  frequent  itera7on  is  the  key  to  success  when  you  operate  in  dynamic  environments.  Our  marke7ng  enjoinment  is  dynamic  since  our  consumer,  and  channels  are  constantly  changing.  Technology  also  has  now  caught  up  to  a  place  where  instant  itera7on  is  possible.    

User Stories




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User Stories

What is their role with the customer? What responsibilities do they have? What issues do they face? What do they want to learn?

User Stories




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MVP Minimum Viable Product: What is smallest way you can provide value to your core consumer. This is your minimum viable product. Create this, then learn how to improve it.

User Stories




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Review You need to have baselines to compare things to. Industry baselines will not help you much. Instead look at your own internal numbers. Better not best is what you should shoot for.

User Stories




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Pick up The Phone

Was the content you engaged with helpful? How can it be better? What was the best thing you’ve found?

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WRAP UP Marketing automation is the way to

build a scalable, sustainable, and valuable marketing future. It also is the only way you can provide the type of

relationship your modern buyer demands.

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Thank you If you enjoyed it let me know

