Page 1: Market Leader Website Customization

Market Leader Website Customization Lead Generation tool from eEdge Log into Navigate to Market Leader Marketing (myMarket – market my listings) Go to ADMIN drop down link and select WEBSITE What is the link to your website? http://_____________________. MAIN TEXT (Shows up on index page + BUY tab) SELL TEXT (Shows up on SELL tab only) SCHOOL INFO (Shows up on LOCAL tab) – can be edited to display a new heading under LOCAL info! ( I changed mine to say PROFILE INFO (Shows up on 4th Tab – MEET )

Additional info (shows up on footer of every page) BIO (shows up only on the MEET tab) AWARDS (shows up under Bio – can not change the BIO heading AWARDS…)


NOTES TEXT: (affiliations)– displays on the MEET page under the MAP of your office location. Search Engine Optimization: Edit all the TITLES and DESCRIPTIONS to reflect YOUR business! Page Title (displays as the LINK that users will see when using a SEARCH ENGINE and also at the HEADER of the browser window) Description (displays as the text that the user will read UNDER the link. This should be enticing enough to get the user to click YOUR LINK) MARKET, MARKET, MARKET!!!!! You MUST market your website to drive traffic to it. The more you market it and the more links you have to go back to your website, the more search engines will like it! Link to it on all social media sites, blog about it, use it your online profiles and articles.

Page 2: Market Leader Website Customization

Suggestion: If you have a budget to purchase a domain (, select a domain and access your DOMAIN MANAGER Use FORWARD DOMAIN Select With Masking Edit the PAGE TITLE, PAGE DESCRIPTION, and create additional TAGS (don’t use too many) See Page 1 Search Engine Optimization. All the same rules will still apply! Google Analytics on Market Leader Website There are no opportunities to use “scripts” on your market leader website. Therefore, there is no opportunity to install Google-Analytics on your website! Your business may rely on understanding your business and where, when, how business is driven to it. If you’re like me, then you may have Google Analytic on every other website (Blogs, Facebook, IDX sites, yourkwagent website and many many more. Here is a little cheat sheet to at least get Google Analytics on your Market Leader Website: Setup a profile on Google Analytics and grab your code (you will need the web property ID – it may look something like this: UA-1234567-01 or 02 or 03…) Go to:

Fill out the form with data: Analytics Code: Domain: http:____________________ Page: (/sell, /search, /meet, etc…) Description:


Copy that code into the HTLM for desired tracking page. Note: You will not get all the functionality that you have come to LOVE with Google-Analytics, but you will see your traffic! I created three independent codes for each of the sell, search, meet pages and I installed another code which I placed in the Additional Info code (this will display over-inflated traffic because the webdigi image is refreshed each time a consumer select another link on your Market Leader Website.
