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Page 1: March newsletter final

1 March 2012

WWolfpackolfpack Dispatch Vol 1, Issue 6

FOB Salerno,FOB Salerno,FOB Salerno,

Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan

The Reenlistment EditionThe Reenlistment EditionThe Reenlistment Edition

Page 2: March newsletter final


Dear Families and Friends of the Wolfpack,

We hope you enjoy the six edition of the Wolfpack Dispatch, our unit newsletter from Afghanistan.

The intent of this publication is to keep everyone on the home front up to date with the unit activities

at FOB Salerno.

Since this is the sixth edition of our newsletter it means we have reached an important milestone for

those of us from Fort Bragg, NC. We are mid-way through our yearlong deployment and everyone is

still doing great. We are also over half-way complete with R&R for most of the companies and we

can actually see a little bitty light at the end of the tunnel. But we have a long way to go and the

most challenging times are still ahead of us. We are doing our best remain focused and avoid

complacency. Support and motivation from the home front makes a positive difference so please

keep up the messages, cards and letters and care packages.

Spring has definitely arrived at FOB Salerno. The daytime highs are already in the 70s and will be

well above 80 very soon. Some afternoon thunderstorms are also in the area from time to time and

we keep a close eye on the weather to make sure we remain as safe as possible.

The month of March was the beginning of the latest reenlistment window and a total of 42 Troopers

took advantage of the opportunity while deployed. We held dozens of fantastic ceremonies on the

ground, in the air, and at locations all across FOB Salerno. Job very well done and everyone is

exceptionally proud of all those Troopers and their families who are remaining on the Army team.

This edition also contains an update from our newest Task Force Wolfpack teammates – the Titans

from the Ohio and Michigan Army National Guard. We are fortunate to have the CH47D crews and

maintainers stationed with us at FOB Salerno. The Chinooks bring the medium lift capability to the

Task Force which is always in very high demand in our area of operations.

Welcome Titans – Wolfpack for Life!

All the Way, Airborne!


LTC John M. Cyrulik

Commander, Task Force Wolfpack

Wolf 6

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The Promise I made to my wife

By U.S. Army Spc. Erin Dierschow


KHOWST PROVINCE, Afghanistan- U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Michael Hayes boards a fixed-wing aircraft headed home to Hope

Mills, N.C. on March 13 for rest and relaxation after serving six months of his first deployment at Forward Operating Base

Salerno since his wife’s passing on March 27, 2009. He is returning in time to commemorate his wife’s passing with his five

children who are currently in the care of his sister, Debbie Hayes, of Newport News, Va., while being deployed.

One early afternoon at Fort Bragg, N.C. on 27 March in 2009, Staff Sgt. Michael Hayes, a Newport News, Va. Native, finished

up some last minute packing with his Soldiers in the Task Force Wolfpack Motorpool two days prior to their deployment to

Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan when he received a series of phone calls.

“I just got off the phone with her,” said Hayes, “She asked me what I wanted for dinner, we said I love you, see you later, and

hung up the phone.” This was a call Hayes’ wife, of 15 years, Felicia Nicole Harris Hayes, of Wilson, N.C., made just prior to

picking up their kids from school.

Hayes phone rang a little while later. It was a phone call from the school informing him that his three eldest children, Michael

Jr., 7 years old, Courtney, 10 years old, and Emilee, 12 years old, did not get picked up from school. Their two youngest,

Precious, almost 2 years old, and Jaylen, almost 3 years old, stayed in the care of Hayes’ wife and were in the care of Hayes

neighbor at the time.

Hayes didn’t get the opportunity to call home to his wife. He then received one last phone call from his neighbor telling him

that he needed to come home.

That morning had started out like every other duty day for any Soldier in TF Wolfpack, 1-82 Attack Reconnaissance Battalion.

Soldiers in E Company would report for formation at 0630 to proudly salute the raising of the American flag, and immediately

following, would conduct Physical Training. PT ended at 0745 so the Soldiers could conduct personal hygiene, eat breakfast,

and report to their work call location no later than 0930. For Hayes, a Maintenance Platoon Shop Foreman and a Squad Leader

with E Company Motorpool, this meant to report by 0900.

“Hayes was an aggressive leader, but not a negative aggressive,” said Joe Russell of Franklin, Texas, who used to be a

Specialist in 2009 with the unit as well as one of Hayes soldiers. “You knew when he was around you were going to have to

work, but he made you want to.”

The Soldiers in the Motorpool packed up their equipment the rest of the morning and broke for lunch around 1130; reporting

back by 1300. It was not too long after lunch when Hayes received that disrupting phone call from his neighbor.

Hayes immediately got in his vehicle and headed home. While in the process he made a phone call back to the Motorpool

informing his Plt. Leader, 1st Lt. Michael Fager, of Gainesville, Virginia and Plt. Sgt., Sgt. 1st Class William Plachinski (also

called Sgt. 1st Class PJ) of the upsetting news. Fager and Plachinski rushed to meet Hayes at his house for support.

As Hayes walked in the house, the first thing he saw was the Paramedics shocking his wife to bring her back to life. Once she

was stable, they took her to Cape Fear Valley Hospital in Fayetteville, North Carolina where they did an emergency surgery to

open up one of her main arteries.

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Fager, Plachinski, and family sat with Hayes in the waiting room until the doctor came out at about 1655 and told Hayes he

needed to go back there for the last time and say his goodbyes. “And I didn’t. Not right away, and you know….(pause)…I didn’t

want to do that…….go back there.” said Hayes shaking his head.

By the time Hayes made his way back there he saw the doctors trying to revive her again. They asked him if he wanted them to

keep trying to revive her. Hayes responded, “Yeah, Yeah, keep going!” as his sister stood next to him saying ‘it’s too late, she’s

gone’. Hayes responded with, “no she’s not, this can’t be……this can’t be happening.”

Felicia Nicole Harris Hayes was born on Thanksgiving Day, November 26, 1976 and passed away at the age of 32 on March 27,

2009 of a massive heart attack.

Just the night prior, Hayes and his wife sat down and drew out their plan for the future. Hayes wanted to complete the

deployment to TK and then get out of the military and start his own business and purchase an RV and an SUV. Hayes wife made

him think about his benefits and how his promotion was right around the corner. “She was like my counselor when I needed it.”

said Hayes.

“When all was said and done, I made a promise to my wife that I would stay in the Army for the full 20 years and retire, and she

wouldn’t have to hear another word about me getting out.”

Despite the tragedy of Hayes wife’s death, Hayes is able to experience the continued bond and support of one unit.

“I noticed an organization that provided support. I noticed people working together, going out of their way to help the Hayes

family. We were a family, The Wolfpack. You know you love, but hate your mom and your dad at times, you want to strangle

your brother or your sister, but as soon as something bad happens to your family, you are there in a heartbeat to be there for

them,” said Russell.

The Wolfpack went to the commissary and bought tons of food for Staff Sgt. Hayes and his kids to help them out.

“Our Chaplain gave me food vouchers since I had a wife and a baby girl. I gave those to Staff Sgt. Hayes to help,” said Russell,

who would soon suffer a tragic moment not six months into deployment just like Hayes.

Russell made it home after a red cross message was received at his unit in TK that his wife, of four years, Sarah, of Mathis,

Texas was very sick.

Two weeks of sleepless nights in the hospital with his wife on life support, Russell was faced with the decision of having to lay

her to rest.

As Russell lay sleeping in the chair, one of the nurses woke him up to inform him there was nothing else they could do for his

wife and that her body was failing.

Russell and Sarah’s family made the decision to terminate life support. Cause of death was Dermatomyositis. Dermatomyositis is

an uncommon disease marked by muscle weakness and a distinctive skin rash. Dermatomyositis muscle weakness eventually

leads to the complication called Aspiration pneumonia that helped take over her entire immune system.

Sarah Russell is survived by her husband Joe Russell, and her daughter Zoi Russell, who was born on 05 October 2007.

After Russell’s wife was laid to rest at Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Franklin, Texas, Russell reported back to the Wolfpack rear

detachment for a compassionate reassignment to Fort Hood, Texas so he could take care of their daughter, Zoi. Russell was

greeted at Fort Bragg by his squad leader, Staff Sgt. Hayes.

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“Hayes was always by my side making sure I was getting the treatment I needed, making sure I was okay, making sure I was

going to get home to my daughter,” said Russell.

Hayes received support himself from so many to include the Wolfpack, Rear D, and Family Advocacy, which is a part of Army

Community Service. They referred Hayes and his family to Military One Source to help them through their grieving stages with

a Master’s level, trained Therapist.

“I guess this is where I was messing up at,” said Hayes, “I didn’t want anyone around but just me and my kids. So we could deal

with it how we knew how to deal with it.”

Hayes broke down one day speaking to family advocacy and they started giving him more help through Army One Source.

“From there I slowly started progressing,” said Hayes. “Army One Source was able to provide us with extensive therapy that has

helped my family.

Hayes also assisted Russell and his family, recommending these same resources that were given to him. “Staff Sgt. Hayes took

me under his wing. He showed me it was ok to receive therapy,” said Russell gratefully. “He also took me to a place on post and

waited for me till I was done where they helped pay part of the funeral cost.”

Russell has since departed military service and continues to raise their beautiful daughter Zoi in College Station, Texas, where

they now reside.

Russell gives special thanks to the 82nd Airborne Division, their families, and the Lonewolves. “There were two things that got

me,” said Russell. “The one thing that got me was that the U.S. Army International Security Assistance Force Joint Commander,

U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti, who was the Commander of Regional Command East/ Division Commander at the time

in 2009, had sent me a letter telling me how sorry he was, how he felt bad about hearing about one of his Soldier’s wives’

passing away.” The other person that impacted Russell the most was Staff Sgt. Hayes. “To see someone go through such a trial

and still put his feelings aside to help others was amazing.”

As a non-commissioned officer and a leader of Soldiers, Hayes continues to lead the way for his subordinates.

Hayes’ Plt. Sgt., Sgt. 1st Class Jimmy Crews of Carson City, Nev., states, “I have known Hayes since 2008. He is an aggressive

leader. He does nothing but hold up the standard. He tries to keep the best in the military and make the best Soldier for the

military. He has the leadership style to be a Sgt. 1st Class and I think he is really going to make it this time.”

Hayes in turn gives credit to the 82nd Airborne Division and the help he received from ACS and Military One Source. He leaves

a message for those missing a loved one:

“Don’t do like I did. You need to talk to somebody. No one is Superman or Superwoman. Even though we wear this uniform,

don’t allow that to let your pride get in the way,” said Hayes. “If it was not for my Leadership, Cpt. Fager, now the TF Wolfpack

1-82, HHC Commander, Cpt. Karensa Foxx, who is now a UCLA, ROTC Instructor, Sgt. 1st Class Brian Minix, who is now at

ALU at, Fort Lee,Va., Plachinski, who is now at ALU at Fort Lee, Va., and the late Command Sgt. Maj. Wayne A. Fausz, who

was the Command Sgt. Maj. For the 1st Attack Reconnaissance Battalion, I think I would not have been able to uphold that

promise I made to my wife 3 years ago. I think my military career would have ended.”

When asked, where are you at in your life, Hayes states, “I love my wife to death, but at some point in time, I know I have to

move on. She will always have that place in my heart, but I can’t stop living, my kids can’t stop living, at some point you have to

move on.”

Military One Source is provided by the Department of Defense at no cost to active duty, Guard and Reserve (regardless

of activation status) and their families. Military One Source provides a variety of resources for grieving families, to learn

more or to get help visit the Military One Source website at: or call: 1-800-342-9647. They

are available 24/7/365.

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NORTH CAROLINA, United States of America- The Hayes Family visits their mother, Felicia Nicole Harris Hayes, grave site at Rest Haven Cemetery in Wilson, N.C. prior to their father, U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Michael Hayes deployment to Forward Operating Base Salerno on August 12, 2011. (Photo taken by U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Hayes, Task Force


NORTH CAROLINA, United States of America- U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Hayes of Newport News, Va., and his family on March 03, 2009, just 25 days prior to his wife’s passing

on March 27, 2009.(Courtesy photo taken in Fayetteville, N.C.).

KHOWST PROVINCE, Afghanistan – U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Hayes boards the Red Ball, headed home to Hope Mills, N.C. on March 13, 2012 for rest and relaxation after

serving six months of his first deployment at Forward Operating Base Salerno since his wife’s passing on March 27, 2009. He is returning in time to commemorate his wife’s

passing with his five children since being deployed.(U.S. Army photo by Spc. Erin Dierschow, Task Force Wolfpack Public Affairs).

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GREYWOLVES It is no secret that CPT Stahlberg is a fan of running. For several months, we have been conducting

one long run a week gradually building up mileage that culminated in the successful completion of a

full marathon (26.2 miles) by 7 people from across the Task Force (CW3 Jones, CW2 Hobson, CW2

Hoover, CPT Wagner, CH Shenton, CPT Stahlberg, and SGT Taylor) and 9 (1SG Mahaney, 1LT

Nelson, SFC Horn, SFC Ruiz, SSG Hohman, SSG Negron, SSG Nowakowski, SGT Martinez, and

SPC Rai), that completed a half marathon, a first for many. The weather was perfect for a long run

on both of the days that the marathon was ran (scheduling conflicts divided the group in two). At

around 8:30 am, everyone participating set out to run as far as they wanted. Everyone did an

awesome job and I couldn’t have been more proud to have my final run as Greywolf 06 be with so

many people that have come so far.

March was an exciting and busy month for re-enlistments in HHC. Five HHC Soldiers took their

oath of enlistment again to remain in Active Army Service. Each re-enlistment is a special

moment for a Soldier that is swearing to continue to serve their country especially during a time of

conflict. SSG Negron was read his oath of enlistment by Chaplain Shenton. SSG Negron chose to

have his re-enlistment ceremony take place in the chapel at FOB Salerno. SSG Hohman took his

oath of enlistment in the back of one the Titan’s CH-47 Chinook helicopters. His oath of enlistment

was read by the TF S-6, CPT Terry. It was a unique way to have a re-enlistment and we were

excited to be a part of it. SSG Nowakowski took his oath of enlistment again and had his ceremony

in a unique location as well. His oath was read to him by CPT Stahlberg on the roof of the TOC.

What better place to have it than overlooking our temporary home? The newly promoted SGT

Means took his oath of enlistment by the OH-58Ds on the flight line. 1LT Wright read his oath of

enlistment over the noise of the MEDEVAC UH-60s that were called to conduct a MEDEVAC

mission. Our final re-enlistment for March was SPC Mason from flight operations. CW2 Gore read

her oath of enlistment in flight operations on March 1st. We are very happy to have all of the

Soldiers that re-enlisted stay in the Army family for years to come.

SSG Nowakowski was promoted on March 7, 2012 to the rank of Staff Sergeant. He has officially

joined the ranks of the mighty E6 work horses! I know I speak for the company when I say that we

are all very proud of his hard work!

We were very happy to induct three NCOs into the NCO corps this month! Congratulations SGT

Means (92Y), SGT Kahng (27D), and SGT Taylor (25U)! They are shining examples of how hard

work and dedication to their mission pays dividends. We are very proud to have them as

Non-Commissioned Officers in our Company.

Well the 1SGs and senior NCOs have done it again!! On March 11th they gathered in between the

TOC and HHC to grill enough meat for over 400 people!! It was a long day for the 1SGs as they

started the grills up at 8:30am and grilled ALL DAY! They truly out did themselves and everyone

enjoyed the break from the chow hall!

After 20 months in command, it is time for me to step aside and for CPT Michael Fager to take

command of such a wonderful company. We have been through many ups and downs as a company

and I am proud to have served alongside each and every one of you.

Next month you will hear from the new Greywolf 06, CPT Michael Fager. I know that he will take

phenomenal care of all of the Soldiers as well as their families.

For the last time as Greywolf 06... take care of each other,

CPT Alicia Stahlberg– GW06

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Titans Hello from Afghanistan.

Thank you to all the family

members that have taken part of the

teleconference calls. I appreciate all

of your interest and support of our

unit, as I know all of your Soldiers

do. I know all of your packages that

are being sent make a great deal of

difference to the Soldiers here.

They definitely help keep the

morale high here in Afghanistan.

Thank You for all that you do.

We are beginning to settle

down into our new locations and

duties. As many of you have heard,

we have a very busy operational

tempo. Most of us are working

nights, with a small slice of crews

on a day schedule. These crews will

rotate occasionally as needed. It is

safe to say that the CH-47Ds in

country are a very sought after and

appreciated asset to the troops in

Afghanistan. Your Soldiers are

playing a key role in the war in

Afghanistan. The missions are

anything but routine operating in a

very austere and challenging


We have been informed, as

many of you may have heard by

now from your loved ones that we

will not be getting a mid-tour leave.

While this may be disappointing to

all of us, the key thing, is that we

are scheduled to come home

slightly earlier than expected,

which is the reason for not being

eligible for mid-tour leave. At this

time, I do not have a set date that

we will be redeploying. A time

window will be passed on as soon

as we receive it on this end.

It has been very nice working with

the 82nd Airborne Division at this

time. They have

welcomed and

integrated us into

their unit. We will

have a cookout on

the 11th to

celebrate 6

months of a


mission thus far

for the 82nd. We

are also tracking a

patch ceremony

in the upcoming

weeks, which will be when all

Soldiers will be awarded and

authorized to wear the 82nd patch as

our combat patch. This will be a

very special time for both first time

deployers and veterans alike being

associated with a unit such as the

82nd with a long, prominent history,

rich with tradition.

I wish everyone a happy and

healthy Spring and I will talk to

y’all next month.

CPT Morrison


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ROUGHNECKS Roughneck Friends and Family,

Another month down, as your brave and

gallant Cavalrymen continue to lead the way

here at FOB Salerno. This past month has

been especially busy, as the “Bam Bam

Boys” led Task Wolfpack in flight hours and

overall aircraft readiness, maintaining a

constant aviation presence over the skies of

Khost, Afghanistan. With our pilots

constantly in the air, our crew chiefs have

performed brilliantly to keep the largest

Kiowa Troop in country flying at a near

24-hour rate.

In response to their hard work, our troopers

have received some well deserved praise and

recognition during the month of March.

Tyler “Guns” Galloway, one of our most

savvy and smart armament dawgs in the

Troop, was recently promoted to the rank of

Specialist on 1 March. Eligible for re-

enlistment, SGT “Two Scoops” Sutton, SPC


Gonzalez, and SPC “Natasha” Trimakas all

raised their right hands and volunteered to

serve the Army for three more years. We are

all very proud of their selfless service and the

sacrifices that their families have made and

continue to make to allow them to serve.

Also, the Troop received special recognition

from the folks at “iPads for Soldiers,” who

donated three iPads to some of our troopers.

Sutton, Gonzalez, and SPC “How Much



Finley all







from the


and its



addition, during a visit from the RC-East

Commanding General, MG Allyn, SGT

“Vick” Satram received a coin from the

General for performing expert maintenance

on the ten-bird fleet. Also, during the

General’s visit, MG Allyn flew on a

Roughneck bird with CW3 “Nutts” Hodnett,

who showcased the fine capabilities of our

scout aircraft. Jeff also received a coin from

the General.

As the troop received additional aircraft, so,

too, did we receive additional pilot support

from our Saber brothers stationed at

Jalalabad. CW3 Beau Axton, and CW2s

Sean Byard, Ronnie Smith, and Mike Spivey

all flew under the “Bam Bam” call sign this

month to help us sustain our additional

missions. Also, we warmly welcome SPC

Christian Gil, an extremely talented and

smart 15J from D/1-17, to our ranks. They

all have performed exceptionally well and we

are lucky to have their support.

As busy as your men have been, we still

manage to cut lose during the down time

thanks to the comedic relief of CW2s Chris

“Christina” Stockwell, Paul “Grumpy”

Bowman, and “The Weave.” Also, CW2s

Barrye “The Storyteller” Saylor and Jordan

“Mustachio” Hardin have kept us well

informed with their random trivia questions

and debates on which Matthew

McConaughey movie is the best. The verdict

is still out.

Many thanks to the near-continuous supply

of care packages that we continue to receive

from all the families and friends of our

Troop. Although we have received and

consumed more than our fair share of Girl

Scout Cookies, we have exhausted our

efforts in the gym to burn off the additional

calories. Fear not, we will be lookin’ good

for R&R. Thank you for the continued

support from the homefront.

It continues to

be a privilege

and honor to

work with these

heroic men on a


basis. I am


humbled at

their work ethic

and drive to

accomplish the

mission and

protect our American brothers on the ground.

Again, thank you for your support from the

States. Roughneck troop continues to be

such a fantastic organization thanks to the

encouragement and care we receive from our

family and friends. We look forward to a

fantastic return in the next few months.

Scotti Pfirrman

Roughneck 06

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Greetings from the Lonewolves!

The Troopers continue to

work hard and moral remains high.

The Company led the Task Force

with 18 Troopers reenlisting for the

month of March. I know with

dedicated Americans like these the

Army will remain strong for years

to come.

The Motorpool Platoon

continues to lead the Brigade with

a readiness rate at 98%, while at

the same time guarding FOB

Salerno both day and night.

Distribution Platoon had several

Troopers receive the Combat

Action Badge and one received the

Purple Heart Medal for a Rocket

attack that took place back in

November 2011 at the FARP. The

Troopers had the honor of receiving

their awards from MG Allyn the

future XVIII Airborne Corp

Commander. The Company lost

the services of XO 1LT Roberts for

a few months as he becomes the day

time Battle Captain for the Battalion


Also, this month the

Company hit the half way mark for

the deployment so we are half way

home. As always, to the families

back home thank you for all that

you do to support the Troopers of

Echo Company.

Until next month.

Airborne, All the Way!

CPT Simmons

Lonewolf 6

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…..From the Redhawk CP …6

more months YAYYY!!!

As March comes to an end

we are happy to say we are past our

halfway mark for this deployment.

Needless to say “March Madness”

lived up to hype from all spectrums.

NCAA brackets were filled,

reenlistments were done, and

promotions were earned, and

missions were accomplished.

First and foremost , the

Redhawks continued the mission of

supporting the TF Spartan Ground

Commander, providing over 900

flight hours over this last month.

The Army and the

Redhawks are honored to have four

of our best Non-Rated Crew

members (NRCM), SGT Ramirez,

SGT Murdock, SPC Dishman, and

SPC Weaver, continue their Army

careers by reenlisting this month.

Thank you for your continued

service to the Army and to the

Redhawks. These soldiers play a

key role in conducting flight

missions and maintaining our

aircraft to conduct flight missions.

Forward progress with

personal goals and Army goals

keeps soldiers motivated to strive

for greatness through hard work.

The hard work and dedication of a

couple of our NRCMs has earned

them recognition to be promoted.

SSG Kerins, currently assigned to

Delta Company, but still part of the

Redhawk family, made the

Sergeant First Class (E-7) list, and

SPC Kealy, currently in BAF

working on Redhawk aircraft, has

earned enough points to make

Sergeant (E-5). We are proud of

their accomplishments and

congratulations to the both of them.

Last but not least , we also

would like to welcome the newest

member to the Redhawk family,

Keira Lindgren, born on February

16th 2012. CW3 Justin Lindgren,

one of the highly skilled Instructor

Pilots of the Redhawks, went home

on R&R late February to be with

his wife and newborn baby girl.

Congrats, Mr. Lindgren.

As we move forward

through the latter half of

deployment, let us continue to be

safe, and make it home to our

families. Be blessed ……ALL THE


1LT Taj Williams

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DEVIL RAY DUSTOFF Greetings Wolfpack and Devil

Ray Family and Friends,

It seems the winter has come and

gone, and the weather is finally

getting warmer. Unfortunately, as

change comes with the seasons, we

have found out that we will be

leaving the Wolfpack soon to join

the rest of our Company in the

West. I would like to extend my

deepest gratitude to everyone from

the top down in the Wolfpack

family, as we have thoroughly

enjoyed our time here, and the

support you have shown us has

been outstanding. The hard work

and dedication by all has allowed

us to really focus on our main job,

saving lives. In our short time here,

we flew over 400 hours, 90

missions, and 100 patients.

As we hit our halfway point in the

deployment, our Soldiers are finally

getting to take R & R, and spend

time with their family and friends

back in the States. I hope that our

families back home have

thoroughly enjoyed the time with

their Soldiers, and we appreciate

your continued support.

In closing, thanks again for the

hospitality Wolfpack. This has

been an upstanding Task Force to

work for, and we can't thank you

enough for keeping our job that

much easier. If anyone ever finds

themselves in the Tampa/

Clearwater/St. Pete area, feel free to

stop by, although if you'd rather be

on the beach, we completely


"When I Have Your Wounded"

CPT Josh Daneault


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Timberwolves Dear Timberwolf Friends and


March has been a fast paced

month for Delta Company, TF

Wolfpack. It was a month of mixed

weather and reasonably

comfortable temperatures. By the

time you receive this newsletter

most of the Timberwolves would

have been deployed for over 190

days and are looking forward to

completing this tough deployment.

This month we welcomed

the arrival of Soldiers from D Co

3-238th of the Ohio National Guard.

They bring many years of

experience in CH-47 maintenance,

shops, and avionics repair to the

fight. Their skills are definitely

needed here and appreciated by all

of the supported units as well.

Keeping the big rigs in the air is a

huge combat multiplier.

Delta Company had a few

promotions this month. It is always

a good thing to see Troopers

advancing in their careers.

Congratulations to Jonathan

Andrzejewski who was promoted

from PFC to SPC and Crystal

Brown, Ryan Edgell, Daniel Ochs

and Sergey Vakhrushev who were

promoted from SPC to SGT. Also a

congratulation is in order for SGT

Lindsey Taylor who was accepted

to go and attend WOCS and then

flight school.

CPT Kirk Shands

Timberwolf 06

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REDWOLVES Dear Redwolf Friends and


As March draws to a close, the

REDWOLVES continue to make

you all proud by setting the

standard for an Attack Helicopter

Company here in support of

Operation Enduring Freedom. It

has been a busy month full

accomplishments, but as always,

none of it was possible without the

love and support of you all back


This month the REDWOLVES

distinguished themselves by having

two crew chiefs selected as

Maintainer of the Week. This

marks the fourth month in a row

that a member of the company has

been selected for this award. We

would like to congratulate SPC

Burgess and SPC Lueschner for

this achievement during the month

of March. Due to the tireless efforts

of these Troopers and their fellow

crew chiefs, the REDWOLVES

have maintained a record of never

canceling a mission due to


Congratulations to the newly

promoted SGT Preston Cruz. SGT

Cruz has been an invaluable asset

on the flight line and an example

for Troopers across the Task Force.

We are lucky to have a Squad

Leader like SGT Cruz and are

proud to call this new Non

Commissioned Officer a RED-


The REDWOLVES would like to

extend a warm welcome to the

newest members of our REDWOLF

Family. First, on February 25th,

SFC Riedel made it home for leave

just in time to join his wife

Kimberly and family to welcome

their new baby girl, Sophie Harper,

into the world. Unfortunately, SGT

Cain’s new baby boy was not as

patient. His wife Misty gave birth

to Colton Christopher just hours

before his SGT Cain made it home

for R&R on March 18th. Finally,

just three days later on March 21st,

SGT Franklin and his wife Heather

welcomed their new baby boy,

Waylon Lee, into their family. All

three babies are happy, healthy and,

along with the rest of their family,

looking forward to the safe and

speedy returns of their fathers.

As we cross over into the second

half of the deployment, the RED-

WOLVES would like to reiterate

the importance of the support we

receive from all of our Families,

Friends, and FRG members. It is

your uplifting letters, emails, and

care packages that help us through

the busy days and long flights.

Thank you again for your support.

CPT Robert Sickler

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Congratulations!!! Listed below are the Troopers who were promoted, received an award,

or reenlisted. Below those, are our Troopers with recent Birthdays!

Promoted Awarded

Happy Birthday!!

SPC Parris Allen

SPC Jonathan Andrzejewski

SPC Jonathan Black

SPC Luke Blow

SPC Devin Kays

SPC Logan Long

SPC Joshua Martin

SPC Delwen Samuelson

SPC Bee Vang

SPC Louis Velasco

CPL Charles Thomas

SGT Jordon Besaw

SGT Chad Frits

SGT Jeremy Hopper

SGT David Hyatt

SPC Devin Kays

SPC Logan Long

SPC Joshua Martin

SPC Delwen Samuelson

SPC Bee Vang

SPC Louis Velasco

CPL Charles Thomas

SGT Jordon Besaw

SGT Chad Frits

SGT Jeremy Hopper

SGT David Hyatt

SSG Erik Andrews

SSG Selwyn James

SSG Matt Whitworth

SSG Gerald Regilus

SFC Valeria Green

SFC Raymond Laplant

CW2 Ian Davis

CW2 Alexander Hunter

CW2 Timothy McGuire

CW2 Case Wilson

CW3 Javier Ortiz

1LT Taj Williams

CPT Lincoln Lanier

PFC Willie Redick

SPC Jonathon Andrzejewski

SPC John Derosa

SPC Tyler Galloway

SPC Branden Glembusz

SPC Keith Neal

SGT Crystal Brown

SGT Preston Cruz

SGT Christopher Edgell

SGT Chris Khang

SGT Terrill Means

SGT Travis Morgan

SGT Lucas Murdock

SGT Daniel Ochs

SGT Breeana Taylor

SGT Sergey Vakhrushev

SSG John Nowakowski

MSG Ronald Stewart

Purple Heart

SPC Zachary Qualls

Air Medal

CSM Kirk Inniss

LTC John Cyrulik

Combat Action Badge

PFC Earnest Broome

SPC Brittany Butler

SPC Lee Younger

SGT Mia Ellington

SGT Frank Knox

SFC Cassandra Cox

CW2 Adam Saunders

1LT Brett Roberts

CPT Kyle Tomasino

Army Achievement Medal PFC Christopher Ellis

PFC Octavius Lewis

SPC Keith Burgess

SPC Darren Leonard

SPC Christopher Long

(Army Achievement Medal Continued)

SPC Russell Lueschner

SPC Edgardo Morales

SPC Tikam Rai

SPC Damian Sanders

SGT Chris Kahng

CW2 Patrick Kirk

CPT Jeremy Irvine

Commanding General Coin

SPC Lorenzo Chapa

SPC Damian Sanders

SGT Travis Morgan

SGT Lucas Murdock

SGT Venkata Satram

SSG Pia Thow

Task Force NCO Soldier of the

Quarter Board

SGT Heather Gibson

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Grace and peace from the Wolfpack Religious

Support Team. Thanks be to God for his continued

blessing, provision and protection on us over the last month.

March has been another great month of ministry for the

Wolfpack RST. We have had the privilege of attending

many reenlistment, promotion and award ceremonies

recognizing the outstanding work being accomplished by

our troopers.

Our Chapel Services have led us through the

season of Lent and we are eagerly awaiting the Easter

celebration. In our Religious Education program we

continue reading our way through the Bible at the E100

Bible study. We have just started the Book of Jeremiah.

If you would like to read along with us go to We also finished the

“American Heritage Series.” The study has encouraged

us to get back to our moral and religious foundations of our

great country. Our mid-week prayer meetings have been a

powerful time of intercessory prayer. We consistently see

the hand of God working in our lives as we have seen many

answers to prayer. During our Faith-based movie night we

have seen several encouraging movies, to include “The

Grace Card” and “Ten Commandments.”

We continue to receive numerous care packages to

supply the Chapel Free-X store and to send out to our

brothers and sisters at outlying COPs. We greatly

appreciate all the encouragement and support that we

receive from all of you. We continually lift you up in our


Many thanks and blessings,

Chaplain Shenton

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Spotlight on Troopers

Every month each 1SG picks an outstanding Trooper to reperesent his Company/Troop

HHC/1-82, PFC Kyle Runkle

MOS: 42A- Human Resource Specialist

Hometown: Forreston, Illinois

PFC Runkle is single.

Q: What recreational activities do you participate in here on FOB Salerno?

A: Being a Soldier and making people smile.

Q: What do you like most about this deployment?

A: More laid back atmosphere.

Q: What is your opinion of FOB Salerno?

A: I think it’s great. There’s stuff to do here. There are defac’s, showers, and we have


Q: How does your MOS impact this deployment?

A: We make sure Soldiers get everything they need. My job boosts soldiers morale.

3 Goals for Deployment:

Educational -“Complete my Associate’s degree out here.”

Professional – “Get promoted to Specialist and continue to make people smile.”

Personal – “To make it home from deployment and take my family on vacation.”

B/2-328 GSAB, SPC Lucas Wark

MOS: 15U- CH-47 Helicopter Repairer

Hometown: Pinckney, Michigan

SPC Wark is Single.

Q: What recreational activities do you participate in here on FOB


A: I work out at the gym. I do photography and I work.

Q: What do you like most about this deployment?

A: I like flying the most.

Q: What is your opinion of FOB Salerno?

A: This is the best place in theater, considering.

Q: How does your MOS impact this deployment?

A: Enables us to fly. Learn more about the airframe. Help with


3 Goals for Deployment:

Educational -“Work towards my Master’s.

Professional – “More in depth knowledge of my MOS.”

Personal – “Learn how to play the Harmonica.”

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A Troop/ 1-17 CAV, SPC Darius Neighbors

MOS: 15J-Aircraft Armament/Electronic/Avionic Systems

Hometown: Evansville, Indiana

SPC Neighbors is Single.

Q: What recreational activities do you participate in here on

FOB Salerno?

A: I play pool at the MWR. I work, watch movies with the crew

and gaming.

Q: What do you like most about this deployment?

A: Being in a different place. The work load is not as


Q: What is your opinion of FOB Salerno?

A:This FOB is definitely better than Kandahar..

Q: How does your MOS impact this deployment?

A: I get a better opportunity to learn more about my job.

3 Goals for Deployment:

Educational -“I’d like to learn more about the Automotive


Professional – “Become an Automotive Technician and run my

own shop.”

Personal – “Try to learn what I can here.”

A/1-82, SPC Christopher Bratton

MOS: 15R- Apache Repairer

Hometown: Bowling Green, Missouri

SPC Bratton is single.

Q: What recreational activities do you participate in here on FOB


A: I work. I like to go to the gym and play video games on both the PS3

and XBOX gaming systems.

Q: What do you like most about this deployment?

A: This is my first Tour. We stay busy working. I like that I have the

opportunity to learn the finer details of my job.

Q: What is your opinion of FOB Salerno?

A: It is a small, quiet place. I like that everything is in walking distance.

Q: How does your MOS impact this deployment?

A: We work hard as Apache Repairer’s so our Pilots can keep the ground

guys safe and be able to maintain that watchful eye while in the air.

3 Goals for Deployment:

Educational -“Enroll in college classes.”

Professional – “To get promoted to the rank of Sergeant.”

Personal – “Return to Fort Bragg more monetary sound than when we

first deployed.”

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F/5-159th, SGT Ed Bader

MOS: 68W- Healthcare Specialist/Flight Medic

Hometown: Tampa, FL

SGT Bader is married and has one daughter

Q: What recreational activities do you participate in here on

FOB Salerno?

A: Shaking hands and kissing babies

Q: What do you like most about this deployment?

A: The banana French toast at the defac.

Q: What is your opinion of FOB Salerno?

A: It is pretty nice.

Q: How does your MOS impact this deployment?

A: I save lives.

3 Goals for Deployment:

Educational -“Stay current on medical and continue medical


Professional – “To do the best job I can.”

Personal – “Figure out how to use swa email.”

A/2-82, SPC Tommy Spikes

MOS: 91C- Utilities Equipment Repairer

Hometown: Killeem, Texas

SPC Spikes is married.

Q: What recreational activities do you participate in here on FOB


A: I play video games and workout at the gym.

Q: What do you like most about this deployment?

A: I like flying. It’s really fun.

Q: What is your opinion of FOB Salerno?

A: It is the best FOB in Afghanistan.

Q: How does your MOS impact this deployment?

A: Without the Air Taxi, nothing gets done.

3 Goals for Deployment:

Educational - “Keep working closer towards my degree.”

Professional – “Get promoted to the rank of Sergeant.”

Personal – “I would like to get a 300 on my PT test.”

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D/1-82, SPC Joshua Guertin

MOS: 15B- Aircraft Power plant Repairer

Hometown: Sanford, Maine

SPC Guertin is married with one daughter.

Q: What recreational activities do you participate in here on

FOB Salerno?

A: I play XBOX and work.

Q: What do you like most about this deployment?

A: We live in hardened buildings.

Q: What is your opinion of FOB Salerno?

A: It’s nice. I like the RSOI tent defac.

Q: How does your MOS impact this deployment?

A: We keep the aircrafts flying.

3 Goals for Deployment:

Educational -“Keep working towards my degree.”

Professional – “Get promoted to the rank of Sergeant.”

Personal – “Keep doing my job to the best of my ability.”

E/1-82, SPC Denver Cristello

MOS: 92F- Petroleum Supply Specialist

Hometown: Dunnellon, Florida

SPC Cristello has one daughter

Q: What recreational activities do you participate in here on FOB


A: I work and I workout at the gym.

Q: What do you like most about this deployment?

A: I like how we all work together as a family to get the job done.

Q: What is your opinion of FOB Salerno?

A: This FOB is nice. It has everything you need. The living quarters are


Q: How does your MOS impact this deployment?

A: We provide the aircrafts with fuel and ammo so the pilots can

continue with their missions.

3 Goals for Deployment:

Educational -“Continue working towards my degree..”

Professional – “Keep learning more about my job to prepare me for

when I get out of the Army.”

Personal – “To make it home to my daughter and work on my resume. I

plan to work for Lockheed Martin when I get out.”

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HHC Change of Command

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Below are the addresses for

Each of the Companies/Troop.

Feel free to send letters and

boxes to your Trooper.


Rank, Last Name, First

HHC/1-82, TF Wolfpack


APO, AE 09314


Rank, Last Name, First

A Troop/1-17, TF Wolfpack


APO, AE 09314


Rank, Last Name, First

A/2-82, TF Wolfpack


APO, AE 09314


Rank, Last Name, First

D/1-82, TF Wolfpack


APO, AE 09314


Rank, Last Name, First

F/5-159, TF Wolfpack


APO, AE 09314


Rank, Last Name, First

A/1-82, TF Wolfpack


APO, AE 09314


Rank, Last Name, First

B/3-238, TF Wolfpack


APO, AE 09314


Rank, Last Name, First

E/1-82, TF Wolfpack


APO, AE 09314
