
March 2017 360in360 Transmedia Stories, Down to the River

Wearable Technologies Special Interest Group Launch Impact of Disruptive Technologies on Creative Education Learning and Development Thought Leaders Conference

ISDM Digital Medicine Journal Issue 3, eHealth Malta Upcoming Events.

Welcome to the GAETSS March 2017 e-newsletter. Our main areas of focus are the use of advanced technologies such as 360 degree cameras and VR for digital storytelling, digital technologies for medical, health and well-being applications and the impact of digital technologies on the future of education

In this Edition

• 360in360 Transmedia Stories

• Morning Walks in Leicester and Alderton

• Down to the River

• Wearable Technologies Special Interest Group Launch

• Impact of Disruptive Technologies on Creative Education

• Learning and Development Thought Leaders Conference

• ISDM Digital Medicine Journal Issue 3

• eHealth Malta 2017

• Featured Upcoming Conferences and Seminars

o ISDE 2017 Symposium Sydney

o CGAT 2017 Conference Singapore

o MEIT 2017 Chongqing

o Playful Learning Conference Manchester

o Serious Play Conference Washington

• Recent Articles and Presentations

• Future Events Listing

360in360 Transmedia Stories

360 degree image of the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur

I have been spending more time exploring the potential of disruptive technologies such as 360 degree cameras for digital storytelling. In last month’s newsletter I provided a link to my first 360in360 transmedia story about a day trip to London to visit the Learning Technologies Show. The more I use these technologies, the more I learn about the value of digital technologies for sharing experiences in rich, immersive ways that go beyond just looking at photographs and videos or listening to audio stories, poetry and music.

This month I want to share some more examples of digital technologies in storytelling both with and without 360 degree camera technologies.

Morning Walks in Leicester and Alderton

Most people who have got to know me over recent years know about my “obsession” with walking 10,000 steps every day as part of managing my personal health and getting to know more about keeping healthy and enjoying life to the full. Although the 10,000 daily steps target “mantra” has recently been called into question (along with almost every other recommendation for healthy and active living), my own personal experience of disciplining myself to go for a long walk almost as soon as I get out of bed has brought many benefits to my life.

As well as having a substantial impact on my physical and mental well-being, these morning walks have brought rich experiences into my everyday life that would be hard to acquire any other way. Walking makes you more aware of the world around you whether that is in the wildlife of countryside walks or through urban landscapes that buzz with activity. These walks have become part of my personality and what makes me the person I am. I find myself driven to share these walking experiences and the thoughts that go through my head when I am in different parts of the world.

Many people have not been lucky enough to travel as much I do and for those people who, like me, used to dream of what it is like in different continents and environments, I hope my 360in 360 video stories will give them a truly immersive experience. However, even if I am the only person to watch these videos, I am sure it will help me in later life if, like my late mother, I ever have memory problems and conditions like dementia. These videos will allow me to relive the sights and sounds of yesterday in ways which previous generations have not been able to enjoy.

My Morning Walks 360in360 story aims to share the background to how, why and where I started walking and to provide at least an impression of the world that I regularly inhabit every day. There are individual clips for 5”chapters” that cover Leicester and Alderton walks along with some personal reflections on what these memories mean to me.

The link to the Morning Walks story is on LinkedIn at

Down to the River

The authors of the “Down to the River” transmedia story

My second example of digital storytelling does not use 360 degree cameras but relies on wonderful black and white photographs, great poetry and sublime music writing. This fantastic piece of digital storytelling was brought to my attention by my friend, Steve Thompson, Founder of ST Media in the North East of England. Steve has been pioneering the use of digital technologies to tell stories and share the cultural heritage of his homeland. He is a gifted song writer who has worked with many household names over the years but he has another great talent in inspiring people around the world through his work.

“Down to the River” was premiered at the National Centre for Spoken Word in January 2017. It combines photography, music, soundscapes and poetry in a very evocative and immersive way to tell the story of his heartland.

See this stunning piece of work at and click on the numbered tags to watch the videos.

Medilink Wearable Technologies Special Interest Group Launch

Details of the Medilink East Midlands launch of the new Special Interest Group

This launch event of this Special Interest Group on Wednesday May 10th in Milton Keynes will focus on identifying opportunities where university expertise could be applied to real-world challenges in the design, application and uptake of wearable technologies. The event will showcase the innovative world leading expertise of The Open University’s Wearable Technology group – a cross disciplinary collaboration of computer scientists, biomedical scientists and social scientists specialising in the development of novel solutions to challenges faced by organisations working in the field of wearable technologies. There will be the opportunities for delegates to discuss the challenges their organisations face in this field and to identify opportunities where working with the Wearable Technology group would benefit their organisation. The programme and speaker biographies are available at .

This free to attend event is being held as part of the ACTIS programme – a project part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, click here to be re-directed to further information about the project.

Impact of Disruptive Technologies on Creative Education

360 image of the delegates at the Creative Education Technology Conference in Kuala Lumpur

On March 3rd, I was a speaker at the 3rd International conference on creative education (ICCE 2017) held at the Impiana Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. The conference was attended by a small but diverse and interesting mix of presenters from across the globe, including, unusually, Iran and Nigeria. I spoke about the impact of disruptive technologies on education and used the opportunity to share some insights from the EU funded Beaconing Project in which Milan-based Imaginary are a partner.

As well as stressing the value of gamification in student engagement, my presentation also highlighted the challenges faced by educators and policy makers around the world as a result of technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning which I believe are set to totally reshape not only the way we educate future generations but also what we educate them for.

You can download a copy of my presentation from Slideshare at

Learning and Development Thought Leaders Conference

Sundial Group’s Conference at Highgate House in Northants

This month, I renewed my acquaintance with Tim Chudley, Leader of the Sundial Group of Conference Centres and Hotels. Tim’s company have organised an event on May 5th featuring some impressive speakers involved in Corporate Learn ing and Development

Sundial Group is proud to present the Learning & Development Thought Leaders’ Conference 2017. The event will appeal to professionals in L&D and Talent Management, bringing together industry experts for an educational day of interactive speaker sessions, including former England Rugby star, Rory Underwood. Held at Highgate House, Northamptonshire, on Friday 5th May, the conference will also provide the opportunity to network with like-minded specialists in the L&D field.

Speaker Sessions • Understanding the dynamics within high performance teams - Rory Underwood MBE • Technology and the modern learner - Andy Stopps, Director of E-learning, Maguire Training • Laing O’Rourke’s journey to becoming ‘Apprentice Employer of the Year’ - Alison Lamplough, Head of

Operational Training & Apprenticeships, Laing O’Rourke • Doing things on purpose - Glenn Mead, Performance Psychologist, Face Value Performance Psychology Limited • Working together as a team - what can we achieve? - Lucy McGibbon, Learning & Development Director, Sundial

Teamscapes • Are you ready for the Apprenticeship Levy? - Andy Kaye, CEO, Bis Henderson • Master Of Ceremonies - Will Woodward, Founder and Lead Facilitator, No More Rhubarb

Limited Early Bird Tickets Available - £89 + VAT (normally £125 + VAT) Includes all sessions, a networking lunch and refreshments throughout the day. Registration and more information can be found at

ISDM Digital Medicine Journal Issue 3

Digital Medicine Issue 3 with Editorial on the Consumerisation of Digital Medicine

The latest edition of the Digital Medicine Journal has been published featuring various articles, editorials and commentaries from European Chapter members of the International Society of Digital Medicine (ISDM). It includes a Commentary by Steve Gardner of Rowe Analytics on “Delivering Precision Medicine: personalisation at Scale”.

My own editorial was on the theme of the Consumerisation of Digital Medicine and a proposed methodology for the development of a Digital Technologies roadmap for medicine, health and well-being that I am seeking partners and funding for.

A copy of my Editorial can be downloaded from

eHealth Week Malta

eHealth Week Malta organised by HIMSS

The International Society of Digital Medicine (European Chapter) is very pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement with the international health and medical conference organisers, HIMSS to collaborate on joint promotion of key health conferences in Europe. This agreement enables ISDM (European Chapter) to offer discounts on conference registrations and to use these events to host ISDM European Chapter meetings of members.

The next HIMSS conference under this agreement is eHealth week in Malta from 10-12 May. he overarching theme of eHealth Week 2017 is Data for Health: the key to personalised sustainable care. Data lies at the heart of service delivery and the development of effective health policy. During eHealth Week, speakers and delegates will explore the changing ways in which personal health data is created, stored, shared and used. Advances in bioinformatics support a paradigm shift towards tailor-made prevention and treatment strategies both for individuals and population groups. Opportunities are growing for ICT to support patient-centred health services and the involvement of patients in their own care, including access to personal health data, sharing of data, and mHealth applications.

While health services wish to embrace all the advances that technology has to offer and provide them to the populations they serve, sustainability needs to be achieved. Health IT offers important opportunities to improve the efficiency of health care delivery through innovative approaches to service delivery and public health, impacting the well-being of both individuals and populations. eHealth Week will also provide high-level delegates with the opportunity to learn about Malta’s eHealth systems and see them in action, in particular the myHealth portal and integrated nation-wide eHealth deployments. Malta’s Digital Health Strategy for the years 2017 to 2021 will also be presented.

Any ISDM members planning to register for eHealth and/or wishing to take part in a special meeting of the European Chapter of ISDM during eHealth Malta should contact me by emailing [email protected].

The conference web site is at

Featured Upcoming Conferences

Presenting at an International Conference

Over the coming months, I am due to make presentations and/or submit papers at a number of national and international conferences whose details are shown below :-

ISDE 2017 Symposium Sydney

The International Symposium on Digital Earth is a flagship event of the ISDE. Initiated in 1999, nine international symposia on Digital Earth have been held in China, Canada, Czech Republic, Japan, the United States, Australia, and Malaysia in every two years.

The Locate Conference (Locate17) is the national conference of the spatial and surveying industries of Australia and New Zealand. The event is an initiative of the Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI), Spatial Industries Business Association (SIBA) and Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA).

The proposed bringing together of ISDE10 in Sydney 2017 with Australia’s premier spatial conference, Locate 17, will provide both local and international guests with an unprecedented opportunity to learn about the latest trends and applications of the Digital Earth as well as forging new connections with subject matter experts from Australia and across the globe.

The joint conference will be held 03-06 April 2017 at the new International Conference Centre Sydney.

For details of the ISDE Symposium go to

My conference presentation will be on the topic “The Role of Digital Earth Technologies on Digital Medicine.”

CGAT 2017 Conference Singapore

For the past 10 years, the annual CGAT conference has served as a platform for researchers, scientists, IT developers and consultants to share their research, practice, and educational initiatives on Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Web Technologies and Internet Applications, Social Computing and Behavioral Modeling and Games and Mobile Communications with an international audience.

Visit the following link for the list of accepted papers which have been indexed by Scopus:

My conference paper is on the topic “Games Industry Adaptive Roadmap”

For details of CGAT 2017, go to

MEIT 2017 Chongqing

The MEIT 2017 International Conference on Modern Education and Information Technology (MEIT 2017) will be held during June 24-25, 2017 at Chongqing, China. MEIT 2017 aims to provide a high-level international forum for worldwide scientists, industry leaders, engineers and researchers to present the state of the art of these fields: Education and Information Technology.

My paper and conference presentation will be on the topic “Exploring the Potential of 360in360 Transmedia Storytelling in Education”

For details of the conference, go to

Playful Learning Conference Manchester

Playful Learning is pitched at the intersection of learning and play for adults. Playful in approach and outlook, yet underpinned by robust research and working practices, we provided a space where teachers, researchers and students could play, learn and think together. A space to meet other playful people and be inspired by talks, workshops, activities and events. Based in the heart of Manchester, we also explore some of the city’s playful spaces with evening activities continuing the fun and conversations after the formal programme ends.

Playful learning is now in its second year after a successful and playful 2016, and aims to be just as playful, and just as relevant in the sector, as the first. We’re also looking at ways to be more ethical in approach – so this year, we’re focusing on reducing our carbon footprint: we’ll be rewarding attendees who arrive by public transport, foot or bike; and all of our food will be vegetarian.

I have submitted a proposal for a workshop based on 360in360 Transmedia Storytelling

For details of the conference, go to

Serious Play Conference Washington

The Serious Play Conference, now in its 7th year, is a leadership conference for professionals who embrace the idea that games can revolutionize learning. Speakers, who come from all parts of the globe, share their experience creating or using games in the corporation, classroom, healthcare institution, government and military and offer tips on how to move game-based education programs ahead.

At Serious Play, attendees listen, share and participate actively in informal sessions dedicated to the discussion of the future of serious games.

For details of the conference go to

Recent Articles, Presentations and Papers

A comprehensive list of archived articles, presentations and videos can be accessed at my website –

The most recent updates are shown below :-

Date Article/Presentation Title Comments

Mar 2017 Impact of Disruptive Technologies on Creative Education View Article

Presentation on the challenges created by disruptive technologies on the future of education

Mar 2017 The Consumerisation of Digital Medicine View Article

Editorial for the Digital Medicine Journal Issue 3

Upcoming Events Listing

Below is a list of forthcoming conferences – also accessible at

Date Event Name / Description

Location Web URL

Mar 26-27 AEMS 2017 - Advanced Education in Management and Science

Bangkok, Thailand

Apr 3-6 ISDE Summit Sydney, Australia

Apr 10-11 CGAT – Computer Games and Allied


Technologies 2017

Apr 21-22 EESD 2017 - International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development

Phuket, Thailand

May 5th Learning and Development Thought Leaders Conference

Highgate House, Northants, UK

May 10th Medilink Wearable Technologies Special Interest Group Seminar

Milton Keynes, UK

May 10-11 IdTechex Wearables Show

Berlin, Germany

May 10-12 E-Health Week 2017


May 23-24 Digital Health World Congress 2017

London, UK

May 26-28 2017

Technology, Knowledge and Society 2017

Toronto, Canada

May 31 - Jun 2

FUBUTEC 2017 - Future Business Technology Conference

Warsaw, Poland

Jun 15 Medilink Innovation Day 2017

Nottingham, UK

Jun 22-23 IGBL 2017 - Irish Games Based Learning Conference

Cork, Ireland

June 24-25 MEIT 2017 Chongqing, China

Jun 26-29 ILRN 2017 - 3rd Immersive Learning Research Network Conference

Coimbra, Portugal

Jun 27 Westminster Forum - UK tech post-Brexit: investment, influence and policy priorities

London, UK

Jun 28 - Jul 1

Mobile World Congress Shanghai

Shanghai, China

June 29-30 Thaisim 2017 Bangkok, Thailand TBA

Jul 3-5 Edulearn 2017 - International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies

Barcelona, Spain

Jul 10-14 ISAGA 2017 Delft, Netherlands

July 12-14 Playful Learning

Manchester, UK

July 18-20 Serious Play 2017

Washington, USA

Sep 21-22 Serious Games Conference


Sep 27-29 World Education Day 2017 Conference

Dalian, China

Oct 2-3 Games for Health Europe 7th Annual Conference


Nov 9-11 WCBME 2017 - World Congress on

Xian, China

Biomedical Engineering

Nov 14-16 2017 WISE Summit: "Co-Exist, Co-Create: Learning to Live and Work Together

Doha, Qatar

Nov 21-22 WOHIT 2017 - World of Health IT Conference

Barcelona, Spain

Nov 28-30 GIANT Health Conference 2017

London, UK

If you would like any presentations, videos or documents circulated to my network, I am happy to provide this service free of charge for any material relevant to readers of this newsletter. If you are interested, contact me at [email protected]. Best Wishes for a Better Future for all Mankind David Wortley FRSA

Founder and CEO GAETSS – Gamification and Enabling Technologies Strategic Solutions

Shaping the Future of Business and Society through Human Development and Motivation

President of the European Chapter of the International Society of Digital Medicine

Landline: +441327811827

Mobile Phone : +447896659695

Email : [email protected], [email protected]

Skype: davidwortley


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