


224 W. Washington St.

Hagerstown, MD 21740

Phone: 301-739-0390

Fax: 301-739-7082

Email: [email protected]

Church website:

School website:


Rev. J. Collin Poston


Rev. Lawrence Adamczyk


Rev. George Limmer


Frankie Corsi

Dave Moats


Rhonda O’Malley, President

Jeff Ortiz, Vice-President

Valerie Ricketts, Rec. Secretary

Mary McNeil, Corr. Secretary


Saturday: 8:30 am and 5:15pm

Sunday: 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am

and 12:50pm (Extraordinary Form)

Monday-Friday: 6:30am and 8:30am

Holy Days: 7:30pm on the day and 7:30pm vigil


Available 24 hours a day at St. Maria Goretti Chapel.

For information, call 301-739-4167.


Saturday: 11:30am-12noon and 4-4:45pm


Monday-Saturday at 8:00am

Sunday at 9:00am


Wednesday at 8:30am Mass

ST. MICHAEL, Clear Spring

Sunday Mass at 10:30am


Michael McCoy, ext. 114


Patricia McDermott, ext. 101


Jan McCarter, ext. 129


Trevor Rowland, ext. 119


Rev. Lawrence Adamczyk, ext. 116


Joan Gilbert, ext. 124

PLEASE pray for those who are in our RCIA class as they make final

preparations for entering the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil.

A Message from Our Pastor…

Dear Parishioners,

Last Sunday we welcomed Frank Nooney, a parishioner and a seminarian for the Archdiocese

of Baltimore who spoke to us about how the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal benefits him and

other seminarians by making it possible for them to afford seminary education. I also shared

with you the great news that we are already at 85% ($50,522) of our goal of $59,500 (at least

as of two Wednesdays ago). Thank you all for your generosity! As you can see from Frank,

your support truly benefits our parish and the Archdiocese in important ways. If you haven’t

had a chance to fill out a pledge card, please consider doing so today. Not only does it help our

seminarians and in replacing our boiler, it helps us enter into the sacrifices of Lent more deep-


As you probably noticed last week, the speakers for our sound system have been mounted to

the wall! This concludes the improvements we have been working on for the sound system

over the past few weeks. Another improvement that you can’t see but have probably “heard” is

a new equalizer. Replacing the old one with the new has given us greater control over the qual-

ity and strength of the sound that comes out of the speakers. Based on everybody’s feedback, it

sounds like the whole endeavor has been successful.

To thank for all of this, we have a parishioner who made a generous donation but wishes to re-

main anonymous. Please join me in offering a prayer of gratitude for this kind soul! Thank you

also to the folks that put the hard work into positioning and mounting the speakers as well as

adjusting the settings.

This Saturday, March 25 is the feast of the Annunciation, the day on which the Blessed Mother

conceived the Lord by the power of the Holy Spirit. The feast is fittingly 9 months before

Christmas day, and situated in the Lenten season it is a reminder of why the Lord came to

earth: to suffer and die for us in order to save us.

Thanks to the generosity of a few parishioners, we now have both a beautifully decorated stat-

ue of the Infant of Prague and a hand-crafted pedestal for the statue to sit on. Please join me in

offering a prayer of gratitude for all who made this possible! While devotion to the Infant of

Prague seems more fitting for Christmas time, it’s a good reminder in Lent, like the Annuncia-

tion, that Jesus shared fully in our human life, including our sufferings.

God bless you and keep you in His care,

Father Cibelli

St. Michael Stewardship Blessings St. Mary Stewardship Blessings

3/12/2017 Attendance 777

Offertory $7,355.28

Online Giving 2,341.70 Easter Flowers 50.00 Boiler 20.00

Total $9,766.98

Amount Needed** $15,239

**This is the amount of weekly collection that would allow St. Mary to break even for fiscal year 2017

School Support $1,623.00

Poor Box 200.72

Boiler 20.00

*Not used for St. Mary operating expenses

3/12/2017 Attendance 37 Offertory $796.00 School Support 20.00

Amount Needed** $749

**This is the amount of weekly collection that would allow St. Michael to break even for fiscal year 2017 *Not used for

St. Michael operating expenses

First Communion All children making their First Communion need to be preparing for their interviews. Please call Jan at 301-739-0390 extension129 to schedule an

The Sacrament of Baptism Baptism is God's most beautiful and magnificent gift…. We call it gift, grace, anointing, enlightenment, gar-ment of immortality, bath of rebirth, seal, and most precious gift. It is called gift because it is conferred on those who bring nothing of their own; grace since it is given even to the guilty; Baptism because sin is buried in the water; anointing for it is priestly and royal as are those who are anointed; enlightenment because it radiates light; clothing since it veils our shame; bath because it washes; and seal as it is our guard and the sign of God's Lordship. St. Mary’s offers the gift of baptism on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month at 12:30pm. Baptism Class is scheduled the fir st Sunday of each month in the Conference Room of the Parish Center from 12:30 to 1:30pm. It is very important that babies be baptized as soon as possible and preferably within six weeks of birth. Therefore, Fr. Cibelli is offering this sacrament more often. A good precedence would be, as soon as par-ents begin to announce their pregnancy, to call and schedule their baptism agenda shortly after. Please keep in mind, Mass attendance is a require-ment for the Sacrament of Baptism to occur. Call the Parish Office 301-739-0390 ext. 110, Paula will assist you.

This week’s second collection is for Easter Flowers

Please complete the envelope to order flowers for on the altars for Easter.

Next week’s second collection is for

Catholic Relief Services.

Thank you for your generosity!

The hosts being used for the month of March have been donated by

The Legion of Mary.

St. Michael will have Stations of the

Cross on Fridays during Lent at 6:30pm.

(March 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st.)

We will gather as a parish family for

supper after Stations of the Cross on

Friday, Friday, March 24th.

SVDP— Assistance to the poor and suffer-ing is provided through your donations to the Poor Box. Anyone suffering through a hardship is encouraged to contact the Saint Vincent de Paul Society for assistance. Phone 301-739-0390.

St. Mary Catholic Church 2017 Lenten Calendar

Meatless Suppers: Fridays, March 24th (pasta)

March 31st (soup)

April 7th (soup) Pangborn Hall, 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Stations of the Cross:

Fridays, March 24, 31, and April 7 at 2:00 pm for St. Mary School

Fridays, March 24, and 31; April 7 and 14 at 7:30 pm

April 7 will be 7:30 pm Living Stations*


-Monday, April 3rd, 7 - 9 pm: Regional Penance Service at St. Ann (1525 Oak Hill Ave.)


April 9, Palm Sunday: normal Masses, 5:15 pm Vigil, 8 am, 9:30 am, 11 am and 12:50 pm

April 13, Holy Thursday: 6:30 am Morning Prayer (Tenebrae); no 6:30 or 8:30 am Mass

7:30 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Communion under both forms), followed

by Eucharistic Adoration, with 11:45 pm Night Prayer

April 14, Good Friday: 6:30 am Morning Prayer (Tenebrae); no 6:30 or 8:30 am Mass;

3:00 pm Liturgy with Veneration of the Cross and 7:30 pm Stations of the Cross

April 15, Holy Saturday: 6:30 am Morning Prayer (Tenebrae); no 8:30 am Mass; no confessions;

8:00 pm Easter Vigil Candlelight Mass

April 16: Easter Sunday, normal Sunday Mass times: 8 am, 9:30 am, 11 am and 12:50 pm

St. Michael Catholic Church 2017 Lenten Calendar

Stations of the Cross: Fridays, March 24, and 31; April 7 and 14 at 7:00 pm


April 9, Palm Sunday: 10:30 am Mass

April 14, Good Friday: 7:00 pm Stations of the Cross

April 16: Easter Sunday, 10:30 am Mass

Contact : Todd Anderson: [email protected] or Mary McNeil [email protected] for more


St. Michael Mass Intention Parishioners of St. Mary and St. Michael Churches

St. Mary Church Holy Mass Intentions March 20—26, 2017

Day Date Mass Intention

Monday 3/20 6:30 Paul Angieoczyk 8:30 Shirley Barnett

Tuesday 3/21 6:30 Special Intentions of Marilyn O’Rourke 8:30 Bud Corrigan

Wednesday 3/22 6:30 Special Intentions of Gary Smith & Family 8:30 Joseph A. Sekerak

Thursday 3/23 6:30 Gorman Palmer 8:30 Brenda L. Plotner

Friday 3/24 6:30 Matthew Skinner 8:30 Special Intentions of James Ortiz

Saturday 3/25 8:30 James and Joan St. Ledger 5:15 Bill Hudson

Sunday 3/26 8:00 Sara and Philip Alencherry 9:30 Intentions of living and deceased Jenkins Family 11:00 Special Intentions of Jeff Neeguager 12:50 Special Intentions of Pauline Allison

Readings for March 19 — 26, 2017


Exodus 17:3-7 / Romans 5:1-2, 5-8 / John 4:5-42

Monday 3/20 ST. JOSEPH, SPOUSE OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 2nd Samuel 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16 / Roman 4:13, 16-18, 22 / Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24a

Tuesday 3/21 Lenten Weekday Deuteronomy 3:25, 34-43 / Matthew 18:21-35

Wednesday 3/22 Lenten Weekday Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9 / Matthew 5:17-19

Thursday 3/23 ST. TURIBIUS OF MOGROVEJO, BISHOP Jeremiah 7:23-28 / Luke 11:14-23

Friday 3/24 BLESSED OSCAR ROMERO, BISHOP AND MARTYR Hosea 14:2-10 / Mark 12:28-34

Saturday 3/25 THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD Isaiah 7:10-14, 8:10 / Hebrew 10:4-10 / Luke 1:26-38


1st Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a / Ephesians 5:8-14 / John 9:1-41

Prayer before


My holy Angel

Guardian, ask the

Lord to bless the

travel which I un-

dertake, that it may

profit the health of

my soul and body;

that I may reach its

end, and that,

returning safe and

sound, I may find

my family in good


Do thou guard,

guide and preserve

us. Amen.

Prayer for our


Lord, hold our

troops in your

loving hands.

Protect them as

they protect us.

Bless them and

their families for

the selfless acts

they perform for us

in our time of need.

And give us peace.

We ask this in the

name of Jesus,

Our Lord and




Is it right (morally) for a person to give money to the Church and then collect the money back again from the IRS when filing taxes? Isn’t the point of giving to make a sacrifice? See 2 Samuel 24:24. “The king, however, replied to Araunah, “No, I will buy it from you at the proper price, for I cannot sacrifice to the LORD my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.” So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty silver shekels.” 2 Samuel 24:24. The point of a sacrifice is to offer something holy up to God. Today, we usually do not have bulls or sheep in our back yard, and building churches is an expensive and difficult undertaking. The form of sacrifice that most people are familiar with is monetary sac-rifices. Before you even receive your paycheck, the government takes out money in the form of taxes to fund the government’s activities. When the government wants to promote certain activities, it agrees not to tax the money you spend on those activities. Therefore, if the government wants you to save for retirement, it en-courages that endeavor by allowing you to contribute to a retirement fund BEFORE they calculate the taxes the government requires from you. If the government thinks that donating to charity is a good idea, they will let you deduct the amount you give to charity from the amount of income they tax. If you gave the Church $1000, the government does not give you back $1000. The government says that we will not count that $1000 as part of the income which we tax. So if the tax rate is 25%, the government does not give you back $1000, the government gives you $250 because that would have been the taxes that you paid on the $1000 you gave to the charity. The $250 dollar refund is the money the government returns to you as an incentive to give the Church $1000. You do not have to itemize your deductions on your taxes if you do not want to, but what that means is that you may be giving the government more money than you are legally required to do. If you want to really increase your giving to charity, you could simply take the money that the government gives you back as an incentive and give it to the charity and give it to that charity when you get your refund. Therefore, in our example, give the Church $1250 rather than $1000; because you have the $1000 that you decided to give and the $250 in taxes that government is refunding to you because the government wants you to contribute to charity. It is not immoral to get a tax refund on charitable contributions.

“Ask The Priest” is a continuing feature of the Bulletin. If you have a question regarding the Catholic faith, please place your question in the box on the back table.

Steubenville summer youth conferences. Saint Mary's is again taking a contingent to the summer

youth conferences at The Franciscan University of Steubenville. This is an incredible experience for high

school youth to experience their Catholic faith with over 2,000 other young people. There are Dynamic

speakers, breakout sessions, contemporary music and wonderful opportunities to encounter our Lord more

deeply. If you or your child or someone you know in high school has not been to this event, it is encouraged

for them to try to make it. July 14-16, 2017

Cost estimate $250. Fundraisers will be done to help defray this cost. $40 deposit due by March 5, 2017.

Deposit can be turned in at CTG or to the parish office youth ministry.

Contact Todd at 301-491-4881 /[email protected] for more information.

Volunteers Urgently Needed for Mary’s Center Mary’s Center, Inc. a Catholic Pregnancy Center, is seeking volunteers for its Hagerstown Center. If you are able to donate a few hours each week to help women and teens in a crisis pregnancy or in need of mate-rial assistance for their babies, please call the Center at 301-739-1234 or Ann at 301-790-1686. New volun-teer training will begin March 7.

PANGBORN KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS New council website for keeping informed of council news:

Brotherhood Council Meetings 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 8pm in the Council Hall. Our Trustee for 2016-2017 is Cel Shannon. For information, please contact Cel Shannon at [email protected].

Bingo Bingo Bingo. Every Tuesday at the Knights of Columbus Hall (20340 Leitersburg Pike, Hagerstown, MD 21742) Star ting at 6:45 pm we conduct 34 bingo games for the public. Please join us and have fun.

Every practical Catholic man over the age of 18 should become a Knight. We need your help. Speak with a Knight about joining our order.

The Knights of Columbus has launched a FREE smartphone app on Android and Apple iOS platforms that show what the Order has to offer eligible Catholic men and their families! Featuring an overview of the Orders work in providing security to families, as well as its charitable and Church activities, The "Knights of Columbus: Join Us" app is a concise and engaging way to share with potential new members the good works and insurance protection made possible by K of C membership. Users can also access an online form which they can complete as a first step in becoming a Knight! The app is available for FREE down-load through iTunes or the Google Play store.

RESPECT LIFE: Lent began on Ash Wednesday, March 1. 40 Days for Life began the same day and goes through Palm Sunday, April 9. Most people give up something for Lent – sometimes a serious sacrifice, sometimes not so serious. Could you - would you - can you - please make a sacrifice of your time this Lent? All over the country, God-fearing men, women and children are standing up, and offering prayerful presence outside the local abortion facility where mothers are on the verge of destroying God’s greatest gift – the life of their unborn child. We need people to come and pray at the Hagerstown abortion facility. 160 W. Wash-ington St. (just 3 doors from St. Mary Church). We pray that you will come and offer prayerful presence on one or two of the days each week when women are in danger: Would you please come for an hour? This is every Thursday (about noon to 2:30 p.m.); and every other Tuesday (9 a.m. to noon), and every other Saturday (11 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.). This week it is open Thursday, March 9 and Saturday, March 11. The following week it will be open Tuesday, March 14 and Thursday, March 16. When we show up and pray, hearts and minds are changed, and babies lives are saved, and women are saved from a lifetime of regret. The power of prayer is triumphing over the evil that is abortion. We have had 450 babies saved at the local facility over the past ten years, in addition to another possible 450 we do not know about. Former abortuary workers tell us the number of no-shows go way up if there is a pro-life presence out front.

St. Mary Catholic School invites you to attend our first Spring Open House which will be held on Monday, March 20th from 5:00pm – 7pm. Take a tour, Meet the Teachers, and Ask our Principal questions. Call or email Rachel O’Connor at 301-733-1184 or [email protected] for more information. Introducing - Take A Look Tuesdays SMCS staff will be available every Tuesday from 9:00 am – 11:00 am to give you a tour and provide infor-mation about St. Mary Catholic School. Stop by and see for yourself why St. Mary Catholic School is the right place for your student. Starting New for 2017-2018 St. Mary Catholic School is excited to announce a Full Day option (8:15 AM – 2:45 PM) will be available for our Pre-K 4 program. The Half Day option is from 8:15 AM – 11:30 AM. Space is limited so don’t delay. Call or email Rachel O’Connor at 301-733-1184 or [email protected] for an information packet and/or a tour. Welcome Grants Students who are currently enrolled in public school who wish to transfer to St. Mary Catholic School are eli-gible to receive a tuition grant for $2,000 off the first year’s tuition and $1,000 off the second year’s tuition. A limited number of grants are available to students actively participating in a Catholic parish. Grants will be available from January 20th until May 1st, 2017 for Grades 2nd through 5th only.

St. Mary Catholic School: 2016-2017 Trimester Two

High Honor Roll:

8th Grade:

Lauren Beck, Luke Clement, Olivia Craver, Caroline Dillard, Emma Flint, Lucas Hammer, Nicholas

Kornilow, Morgan McMahon, Joseph Mele, Madelyn Ortiz, Jackson Pentony, Yousuf Qaum, Stephen Reiter,

and Tyler Tran

7th Grade: Susan Concordia, Abigail Cushwa, Daniel Duncan, Logan Flanagan, Noah Hall, Saif Khan, Maxwell Larkin, Gabrielle

McCafferty, Anna Rohan, Rayan Shahid, Matthew Stine, Hannah Webster, and Zachary Zanetti

6th Grade: Phillip Aguila, Gabriel Bachtell, Victoria Craver, Olivia Dyson, Brianna Ellis, Noah Karn, Armani Kenney,

Jesse Mangalapati, Isabella Muto, Spencer Pentony, Sofia Qaum, Jillienne Smith, Lucy Strama, Erica Weaver,

Evan Weaver, and Daisy Zheng

Honor Roll:

8th Grade: Emma Beal, Owen O’Connor, Niko Piette, Adam Rappaport, and Mason Reed

7th Grade:

Ty Ambush, Lydia Giannaris, Ashley Kenny, and Rachel Rohan

6th Grade:

Elise Bamforth and Michelle Beck