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Making Passive Income: What's The Real Trick ?

If you've ever thought about how to make passive income you're not alone.

Who really wants to continue working 50, 70, (or even more ! ) hours a week  the rest of their life? No one .

And we now know according to Social Security, that only 5 % of people are financially equipped to retire at age 65. And that was before the economy tanked !

Thus, the idea that you would be able to take time off whenever you want to, without worrying about what's going to happen to your business or income is certainly something worth exploring -in fact it's a no-brainer- that's  the allure of making passive continues to come in no matter what else you're doing.

When I work with people I explain that there are really only two types of income-passive and linear.

Linear is when you get paid for work you are doing yourself-  a contract or by-the-hour wage are examples of this type of income. It's what 99% of people do , which is trade their time for money. Some trade their time for more money than others but either way this type of income is all based on what YOU do. If you don't show up, you don't get paid.Passive income is when you have set systems in place to create income for yourself even when you're not there-in other words, you are making money while you sleep . It sounds pretty nice right?But it's not easy to make this type of income , or else every one would be doing it.

Most forms of making passive income take special skills -acquired through advanced training and schooling, such as stock investing, real estate development, or in most cases, an online business or internet marketing.

Leveraged Income and Making Passive Income

Leveraged income leverages the work of others to create income for you.  However it is not always the same as passive income , as a couple of the examples below will demonstrate :

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An e-book author selling her e-book through affiliates who promote the product

A network marketer who builds a downline and receives commissions on the sales made by people in his downline (actually this example would be passive income. )

A general contractor who makes a profit  on the work completed by sub-contractors

Franchising your business model to other entrepreneurs (the ultimate leveraged income)

Again, there are many different models of  making money off of other people's labor, rather than primarily your own.  It's far better to earn a small percentage off of many people's efforts than to rely exclusively on your own. The best ( and most legitimate ) way to do this is to have your own business.

The Smartest Way To Make Passive Income

When it comes to really making passive income , internet is a landmine field of  bad choices waiting to explode on you. A lot is promised by various offers and opportunities and by and large the only people making the money is the person who created the program- not the one seeking to make money.

This leaves you with only two real choices then: learn  how to make these kinds of questionable offers to people, how to market them and simultaneously  ignore your conscience, OR learn how to build your own business from home that makes passive income.

Our training on how to make passive income has already helped thousands avoid the pitfalls so many others fall into and develop a real blueprint for success in your own business.

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If you're serious about learning to make passive income and build long-lasting wealth you need to check out my wealth-building secrets course, pronto.
