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Want to know the 15 secrets supermodels and makeup artists are trying to keep to themselves? Discover their best secrets here.

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Contents Makeup Tricks to Help You Fake Festive.............................................................................................. 3

The Most Common Makeup Mistakes, Part One .............................................................................. 5

Most Common Makeup Mistakes, Part Two ..................................................................................... 7

Glam Up Your Holiday Make-Up ........................................................................................................ 9

Look & Feel Like A Natural Woman ................................................................................................ 11

Must Try Beauty Trends for Fall ......................................................................................................... 13

Holiday Look: Icy Blue Eyeshadow ..................................................................................................... 15

Product Review: MAC Ruby Woo Lipstick .......................................................................................... 17

How to Choose a Mascara ................................................................................................................ 18

Classic Look for Christmas .................................................................................................................. 20

Find Your Skin Undertone & What To Wear With It ..................................................................... 22

How to wear a bright lip .................................................................................................................... 24

How To Achieve Ombre Lips In 5 Easy Steps ................................................................................. 26

Product Review: Clinique City Cover Compact Concealer SPF15 ....................................................... 28

When to Kiss Your Beauty Products Goodbye ............................................................................... 30

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Makeup Tricks to Help You Fake Festive

by Jayna Davis

All of the holiday parties, shopping, baking, and family festivities that go along with the Christmas season can leave you feeling and looking worn-out and weary. Fine lines, dark circles, and a dull complexion are just a few of the problems that can manifest themselves when we’re doing too much partying and too little sleeping. Here are a few tricks for brightening your holiday look, so you can fake it ‘til you make it through this crazy season.

Fine Lines

When you’re not well rested, those fine lines seem to get deeper. The solution is an illuminating cream that will reflect the light so that your wrinkles are less noticeable. Apply a thin layer of the illuminating cream and lightly buff with a makeup sponge to clean up any excess. However, if your skin is prone to break-outs, you may want to use a shimmer powder at the end of your makeup routine rather than a cream before your foundation. The powder will also illuminate your skin, deflecting the light so that no one sees your fine lines. Sally Hansen makes a Natural Beauty Luminizing Face Primer that is sold for $10 at most drugstores.

Dark Circles

When we get overly tired, even the best concealer won’t hide our dark circles. So, instead of trying to hide them with too much concealer, you can make them look intentional by using a soft eyeliner to ring your eyes. Go for a nice chocolate brown instead of black for a less severe, softer effect. Then, blur with a Q-tip. A nice liner to try is L’Oreal’s Paris Le Kohl Duo Shadow + Liner in Bronze Brown/Buttercup, sold for $11 in drugstores.

Dull Compexion

Everyone knows that too much partying can cause our skin to look dull and sallow. All of us want to shine during the holidays, so we must create that glow with bronzing gel. You can mix a few drops of liquid bronzer to your regular foundation in the palm of your hand and then apply to your face. The copper color in the bronzer will eliminate any gray or green undertones in your peaked skin. A little extra bronzer applied at the tops of your cheekbones will also give you a natural-looking radiance.

Bloodshot Eyes

Another problem that can plague us when we’re getting too little sleep is bloodshot eyes. Besides Visine, how can we make the whites of our eyes whiter? The trick is with navy, not traditional black, mascara, which can make the whites of your eyes brighter. To make eyes even whiter, try tracing a dark-blue eyeliner as close to your lash line as possible. This trick is guaranteed to make your eyes twinkle brighter than the star on the Christmas tree.

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Cracked Lips

All that running around in the cold, frosty air searching for just the right gifts can leave you with dry, cracked lips. To solve this common winter problem, it is best to go with a shimmery, moisturizing lip color. And, forget the traditional holiday red if you’ve got dry, cracked lips. Most reds are matte, which minimizes color bleeding, but can leave your lips feeling tight and dry. A shimmer lip color will moisturize lips and make them look plumper. Try a shiny coral, which will brighten your face and provide the same drama as red lipstick.

Tired-looking Eyes

If you aren’t getting enough rest, it always shows up in your eyes. To bring the twinkle back, use a metallic, not glittery, eyeshade. Champagne is a good shade for fairer skin tones and copper works well for the darker complected. Dab a small amount of metallic shadow in the middle of your eyelid, then apply a sheer gold or silver over the entire lid. The metallic color glimmers whenever you blink.

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The Most Common Makeup Mistakes, Part One

by Jayna Davis

Should I tell her? This is the question many of us struggle with when we see a friend wearing a too-dark foundation or too

much eyeliner. I recently had tea with a friend at a lovely tea room, and while there, we had the waitress take a picture of us. Later, I went to use the ladies’ room and found that my mascara on one eye had run, making me look like a raccoon. I quickly wiped it off but I forgot about the picture my friend had taken, which she later uploaded to Facebook. There it was, my raccoon eye, for the whole world to see, and my friend never said a word! Here’s how to avoid common makeup mistakes like these so you never have to experience the same embarrassment that I faced.

The Wrong Color

One of the most common makeup mistakes is choosing a foundation in the wrong color. It can be hard to find the correct shade to flawlessly match your skin tone, especially if you buy your foundation at a drugstore. That is why it’s best to purchase foundation at a department store where you can try it on first. Always test the foundation before buying. A great trick is to apply up to three shades on your cheek or jawline; the one that disappears is your perfect shade. Never apply makeup to your hand; it is always darker than the skin on your face. Make sure to look in natural light, so move as close to a window or doorway as possible. Also, don’t forget to switch up your foundation seasonally. What looks good over your summer tan might be way too dark for your pale winter complexion. You may need to blend two shades or go with a lighter shade for winter.

The Dry Face

Another common foundation mistake is applying it to a dry face. Foundation applied to dry skin does not blend well and can settle into pores and wrinkles, emphasizing those fine lines that we’re trying to hide. Always use moisturizer first, usually five to ten minutes before applying foundation. Allow your skin to absorb the moisturizer, then blot up the excess with a sponge or tissue. Then, apply foundation to your face and neck, blending the edges with a makeup sponge to avoid a mask-like look. Your foundation will look dewy and fresh all day.

Hiding the Flaws

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A common mistake many women make is caking on too much under-eye concealer or using the same concealer for blemishes as for dark circles. You need a different concealer for under your eyes than for blemishes because concealer that is heavy enough to conceal spots is generally too heavy for the delicate, under-eye area. Use a sheer formula and choose a color that’s one shade lighter than your normal color. Apply the concealer by tapping it on from the inside corner of the eye to the outside, then use your finger to blend in with surrounding skin.

Many women cake too much cover-up onto blemishes and red spots, which only draws attention to the problem. For concealing blemishes, a yellow or greenish tint will best hide the redness. Many makeup experts feel that its best to apply foundation first, then add just enough concealer to blend to your foundation. Finally, applying pressed powder with a good brush will set the makeup and even out your skin tone so that your red mark will be invisible.

Even women who’ve been using makeup for years can make cringe-worthy mistakes with foundation that can come back to haunt them. By following these tips, you’ll highlight your natural beauty by achieving a silky, flawless complexion.

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Most Common Makeup Mistakes, Part Two

by Jayna Davis

Runny mascara. Stray mascara marks around the eyes. Overdone eyeliner. It’s happened to the best of us. In my last post, I talked about mistakes that many women make in applying foundation. Today we’re going to talk

about no-nos for the eyes. Many women make similar mistakes when applying mascara and eyeliner, or they don’t find a balance between the eyes and lips. Here’s how to avoid these common makeup mistakes.


The biggest mistake many women make is not tossing their mascara after four months, tops. Did you know that every time you open mascara, pull the wand out, use it and put it back in, you are introducing air and bacteria to the mascara? The introduction of air causes the mascara to dry out, which makes it clump when you put it on, not to mention that it’s full of bacteria. So, if your mascara is going on clumpy, it’s probably time for a new one.

The second most common mistake is applying too much mascara, which also causes eyelashes to stick together in a clump. One or two coats is really all you need. To make sure there isn’t too much mascara on the wand, blot it with a tissue first before applying. Start at the base of the lashes and wiggle it back and forth gently until you reach the tips. Allow it to dry before you apply the second coat. You can comb out any clumps with an old mascara wand.

Finally, invest in a table-top makeup mirror. Many of us put on our mascara over the bathroom sink, but sometimes we’re just too far away, or too nearsighted, to realize that we’ve over-applied, have stray black marks on our eyelids or under the eye, or have clumps. A makeup mirror is your best friend to make sure you’ve applied your mascara correctly.


It looks great on rock stars, but most of us shouldn’t go to work with eyes made up like the late Amy Winehouse. The heavy, garish look of eyeliner ringing the eye can make us look like raccoons. However, eyeliner judiciously applied can really make eyes pop, causing them to look bigger, prettier, and more defined. In applying eyeliner, keep the wand (if liquid) or the pencil as close to the lash line as possible.

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Try to draw a thin line almost through the lash line. Use a Q-tip to wipe up any mistakes caused by hand shakiness. Stop at the end of the lash line. You are not Cleopatra! Line only the upper lid to avoid that raccoon look.

Remember that there are other shades of eyeliner, and black may not be the best color for the fairer-skinned. It’s easy to end up looking overdone with eyeliner. Try lighter shades, like not-quite-black or caramel if you have lighter skin and eyes.

Eyes Versus Lips

Another common makeup mistake that women make is emphasizing both their eyes and lips. You have to pick one or the other if you plan to go for a more intense, dramatic look, otherwise you will just look overly made up and harsh-looking. So, if you go for a dark, smoky eye, you can’t also have a bright, intense red lip. Instead, use a paler, natural color on your lips. If you want to go for a bold lip, then simplify your eyes by just using mascara and eyeliner.

Mascara and eyeliner can be a girl’s best friends or her worst enemies. Don’t be caught with runny or clumpy mascara, raccoon eyes, or an overdone, made-up look. Keep your look natural and fresh, using these products to play up your best features.

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Glam Up Your Holiday Make-Up

by Jayna Davis

The make-up trends we saw on the runways this fall are perfect for the holidays as well. While many of us stick to our tried-and-true routine for work and everyday routines, it’s fun and appropriate to glam up our make-up for

the those special holiday events. Here’s how to apply those runway trends to create a gorgeous look perfect for the season’s festivities.

The Eyes Have It Want to have the brightest, most dramatic eyes at your next holiday gathering? These runway trends are sure to get you lots of admiring looks.

One fall trend that’s perfect for creating dramatic eyes is metallic eye shadow. Don’t apply it all the way to your eyebrows, though. Keep it on the eyelid and blend it with a brush or your finger. The warmer metallic shadows, in copper for example, are flattering on most skin types. Stay away from silver sparkling shadow, as it tends to give one that disco-queen look. A sparkling eye shadow, applied judiciously, will create dazzling eyes.

Eyeliner is another fall trend that will create a dramatic effect for those holiday parties. Many women don’t bother with eyeliner for their everyday look, but it’s essential for your glamorous event. We’re seeing more models using heavy black liquid eyeliner, but many of us don’t know how to apply it properly. Basically, liquid eyeliner should be applied as a thin line as close to the lash line as possible. Try to essentially draw through your lash line. Then, use a cotton swab to dab away any imperfections. Don’t be tempted to extend the line past your lash line. We’re not going for Catwoman or Cleopatra.

Full, bold eyebrows are also in style this fall. In going for this look, find a brow liner in a shade lighter than your hair color. To apply brow liner, lightly fill in your brows in the natural direction in which the brow hair grows. For the second coat, brush in your strokes the opposite way the hair grows. You can remove excess by using the brush at the end of the pencil to simply brush through your brow. By using these tricks you’ll be sure to have the most sparkling pair of eyes under the mistletoe.

Lips and Cheeks The fall runway trends of bright blush and red lips are also perfect for the holiday season.

The key to wearing bright blush is to blend the edges of the blush, which creates softness. Keep the color primarily on the apples of your cheeks and use a brush blush to soften the margins. Liquid and cream blushes are best, as their sheerness

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doesn’t creep into wrinkles. Be careful not to overdo it; you want a rosy, just-came-in-from-the cold glow, not a feverish look.

Red is not just for ribbons on wreaths; think red for lips for the holidays. However, red lipstick can be tricky to apply. Use the following tips for a sheerer and softer look. First, apply clear lip balm to your lips. Moisturizing before application gives lips a smoother appearance and prevents lipstick from settling into wrinkles. Then, apply the red of your choice. There are many different colors to choose from, but a sheer, hydrating formula is good for all lips.

Don’t just be a part of the crowd at your next holiday party—stand out from it! By creating a holiday look that includes the latest runway trends, you’ll become the knock-out that everyone will be dying to meet. Pay attention to the tips above and you’ll sparkle brighter than the tinsel and glow more deeply than the candles in the window.

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Look & Feel Like A Natural Woman

by Jayna Davis

When you put on makeup, you want to look natural yet elegant. Your goal is to look as remarkable as the beautiful Jennifer

Aniston. You do not want to look like a circus clown with makeup caked excessively all over your face. While you enjoy a little blush, eye shadow, lip liner, and the works, you are more than anything – a natural woman.

For this reason, a natural or nude makeup application is the perfect makeup style for you.

A great aspect of natural makeup is that it appears as though it is not there at all. This kind of makeup appears genuine and undemanding. Best of all, even those of us who are makeup-challenged can handle this glamorous yet effortless appearance.

The Steps to Obtaining a Dazzling, Natural Look

Step 1: Before you can begin giving yourself that A-List natural glow, you have to know what kind of skin you have. Is your skin dry or oily? Do you have blackheads and other minor imperfections? Knowing your skin type will help you determine what type of facial cleanser you need to keep your skin looking its best.

Step 2: Once you have cleaned your skin using the appropriate cleanser (for many this may be a gentle soap and water), it is time for you to moisturize your face with a pea-size amount of non-allergenic, unscented lotion.

Step 3: Next you will apply your foundation. To get that natural look, you need a foundation that matches your skin tone. You might have to try a few colors to get the exact match, but it is key that you find a color that blends in perfectly. A concealer, which is identical to your skin shade, should be used to camouflage red or dark blemishes.

Step 4: If you want the look that boasts of an expert application, then you should make use of two eye shadow tints, one light and one dark. A lighter color should be placed above your eyelid, and the darker should be applied as a liner on the top of your eyelid. Your appearance will come across as more authentic if you blend the eye shadows together. If you like, you may also use a pencil liner to accentuate your eyes.

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Step 5: Use as little mascara as possible. If you want your eyelashes to stand out naturally, then curl them. One application of subtle black or brown mascara can be used as a tasteful highlight.

Step 6: Lightly apply either a bronzer or a blush for an innate glow (you should never use them both because the effect will be quite clownish). You will need to test both products at home to see which one works best for you. Making use of an OttLite Natural Day Light Makeup Mirror will help you determine which makeup can provide you with the most stunning, unaffected appearance.

Step 7: Last but not least, apply stain to your lips that is very similar in color to your actual lip shade. Shiny lip gloss and brightly colored lipsticks should be avoided. Keep in mind that your goal is to look naturally beautiful.

Step 8: Look in the mirror and say, “Wow!”. Everyone around you will wonder how you make looking gorgeous so easy.

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Must Try Beauty Trends for Fall

by Jayna Davis

Fall is once again here and we all need to update our looks and try the new beauty trends that has been set by make up artists. It might be hard for some to keep up with the trends because it changes every season. Just remember that this season, the focus is to look fresh and natural. The colors are very earthy and glam and glitter is taking a step back this season. From eyebrows. lip colors to hair, here are the fall beauty trends you should try now:

Full Natural Eyebrows

Forget those perfectly trimmed and thin eyebrows for now because full eyebrows are back. So, no painful tweezing and eyebrow threading for now but you still have to make sure you are not growing a unibrow. Keep it clean but not thin, clean and thick is in season!

Metallic Smoky Eyes

Metallics are not only a popular beauty trend but also a popular fashion trend. It was all over the Fall 2011 runways and people are really going for it. A little bit of shimmer goes a long way, just do not over do it. Try gold eyeliner, silvery blue shadow, gunmetal gray shadow or white shadow and eyeliner. Remember that it is important to just work on one part of the face. Meaning, if you have shimmery eyes, do not use a red lipstick and vice versa. Keep the focus on one part only.

All about the lashes

Long lush eyelashes is a must for this season. It is either you choose a lengthening mascara to give that illusion of length or just put on fake lashes if you know how to. The trick here is not to go overboard with mascara because thick and lumpy lashes do not look good. If you are one of those who are born with thin and short eyelashes, there are products already that can be applied to lengthen and thicken your lashes.

Red Lips

Do not throw out your favorite red lipstick just yet because it is here to stay. Although there are a lot of shades that are more in season now than your favorite bloody red lipstick. Try different shades like neon red ( looks chic, day or night), burnt red (a bit on the orange sight, a little less dramatic), scarlet red (very glamorous!), red velvet ( a little bit punk or goth but looks good), cherry red (looks very juicy especially if a little shimmer is added) and ruby red (matte finish looks best).

Nude Lips

This looks is a little bit more conservative than wearing red lips, but it definitely is a statement. Some women do not like wearing nude lips because they feel like they look too pale and washed out. This lip color works perfectly with those who are

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tanned and have olive skin. It also looks better if you have fierce eye make up. Nude lips soften your entire look.


Yes, they are back and there are a lot of varieties for it! Messy and low ponytails is a big trend because a lot of the models rocked this look on the runway. Those with long hair can play with this trend by putting fixing it up by looping it at the end. Sleek and pulled back pony tails look better for formal evenings while the messy look should definitely stay during day time. Remember though that a scrunchy will never be accepted (this is not the eighties!) so use nice clips, ponytails and hair rings to hold it up.


I think this is the cutest hair trend this season. Braids are very feminine and I love that there are a lot of ways to do it. You can have a braided bun that goes up on top of your head, loose long braids or one sided braids. It is very chic and it is something new you can try just to look different. It may be hard to do by yourself but it is really good exercise for the arms! Trust me. Once you have mastered doing the braids yourself, you wont feel it anymore.

Bright Beauty

Bubblegum pink lips, yellow nail polish, aqua eyes, blue eyeliner and orange blush. All the bright colors are in season now. If you are the adventurous type, experiment with colors and see what looks good on you. Start with using bright nail polish colors first and if you are used to it, go with the bright lips then bright cheeks and then bright eyes. Of course you do not use bright colors all at the same time or else you will end up looking like a clown. Try one trend at a time.

Nail Polish

Earthy colors are still in trend along with the bright colors and sparkly nails. Must have colors this season are autumn shades of blue, taupe, orange (matte), nude, and ombre.

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Holiday Look: Icy Blue Eyeshadow

by Jayna Davis

Winter Makeup Collections were mostly about metallic smokey eyes, red lips, nudes, or vampy looks. Though, if you are looking for something different to try this coming Holiday, how about opting for that Ice Queen look? It suites wintertime perfectly and it would give a fun and bold look that will surely make you stand out.

To achieve this look, give your face a natural dewy finish by using a liquid foundation. If you have naturally clear skin you can use a foundation with a sheer finish or a tinted moisturizer for a natural look. Apply concealer to the problem areas and you can just swipe a bit of loose powder to the T-zone area (the nose and the forehead) which are the oilier parts of the face. Apply eye primer all over your lids for a more emphasized color of eyeshadow. Apply your chosen shimmery blue shadow or silver all over the crease and blend outward to your brow bone. Choose a slighty darker shade of blue shimmer and apply a little bit it on the outer corner of your eyelids and blend inwards just to give a two dimensional feel to the eyes. You can also opt for a more dramatic look by extending and creating a wing from the outer corner of the eyes. Skip the eyeliner for a soft icy look, curl your lashes and apply a coat of mascara.

Choose a soft shade of blush, like coral and apply on the apples of your cheek and sweep upwards. Choose a coral shade of lipstick and top it off with a lip gloss of the same shade for a soft and minimal look which will focus more on the eyes but at the same time will have a beautiful overall outcome.

This look will make you the prettiest ice queen in town and everybody will adore your icy blue eyeshadow which is just perfect for the winter theme and well suited as well for family lunches and get together activities this holiday season.

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Model: Stephanie Batac

Photo and Makeup: Mic Salazar

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Product Review: MAC Ruby Woo Lipstick

by Jayna Davis

I believe every women should have atleast one red lipstick in their makeup case or inside your purse. Let’s say your co-workers suddenly planned a trip to the bar after work, you can give life to your normal everyday makeup by just swiping on a bright red lipstick and it will instantly give you a whole new different look.

Red lipstick gives a classic, timeless, old Hollywood glamour look. It doesn’t require you to put much makeup, probably just a little liner, a coat of mascara and a hint of blush and you will already have that pulled together look.

My all time favorite red lippy would have to be MAC Ruby Woo. It is a vibrant red matte lipstick with blue undertones which I personally think could suit any skin tones.

It has such a velvety smooth application, yet it can also be a bit drying so it is advised to exfoliate your lips first and put on a bit of lip balm before applying the lipstick. For better results, I use red lip liner because mostly red lipsticks almost always has the tendency to bleed or smudge. Nevertheless, it is fabulous and worth it.

MAC Ruby Woo is long lasting, I rarely find the need to re-apply whenever I’m using it. I just love the fact that it stays put even after dinner or a couple of drinks with my friends, when I get home my lips still looks as if I had just applied the product on.

I usually wear it with just a flawless finished face, winged liquid eyeliner, 2 to 3 coats of mascara and a subtle blush. It can compliment whatever outfit you’re wearing that it can even be the only accessory you’ll need, it just says it all. It can give you a boost of confidence, a sexy classic feeling, a dramatic vibe.

MAC Ruby Woo is definitely a must have. It is wearable for daytime to nighttime and it has a reasonable price for its high end red lipstick quality.

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How to Choose a Mascara

by Jayna Davis

Mascara is a makeup necessity. It can take tired, worn out eyes and make them look awake and perky. It can add color, drama, mystery and sexiness, all in just one coat! With so many different prescriptions and extension options, women often underestimate the quality

and effectiveness of regular mascara. This guide will explain the different types of mascara and make it simple for you to choose whichever formula is best for you.


Lengthening mascara, obviously, lengthens your lashes and makes them appear much longer than they actually are. Lengthening mascaras are perfect for women who have short, stubby lashes. Lengthening mascara wands are typically long and skinny, since their function is to lightly coat the lash and drag the lash outward. Lengthening mascara is applied like any other mascara, but there are a couple of techniques that will make this mascara more effective. First, when applying lengthening mascara, instead of holding the brush up to your lashes, flip the wand around so that the end of the wand faces outward, away from your face. Apply mascara as needed. Using the wand from this angle will allow your lashes to spread open forward, giving your eyes a more open, dollish effect. As you apply the mascara, wiggle the brush a tiny bit to keep lashes from sticking together. You don’t want to end up with spidery-lashes! Lengthening mascaras can be found at drugstores, department store makeup counters and online


Volumizing mascara is really suitable for any type of lashes. I personally prefer volumzing mascara to lengthening because it makes my lashes look fuller and more natural. Volumizing mascara can be used lightly or layered for a dramatic effect. Volumizing mascara coats each lash (even the tiny little ones), and splays them out so that each individual lash can be seen, making the lashes look full and beautiful. If you are new to mascara or just want to experiment a little more, try a tube of volumizing mascara. Volumizing mascaras can be found at drugstores, department store makeup counters, and of course, online.


Clear mascara is ideal for those who do not like wearing mascara, but wish to have gorgeous, styled lashes. Clear mascara is not noticeable on the lashes, and has a gel like texture. Clear mascara is often very thin, unlike regular mascara, so take caution and apply slowly so that the mascara’s contents do not drip into your eyes. Clear mascaras can be found at drugstores and online.


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Waterproof mascaras are just like any other mascaras, only they are waterproof. Waterproof mascaras are typically a lot harder to remove than normal mascara. If your eyes naturally water a lot, or you are planning to go to an event where you know you will probably get emotional, waterproof mascara is a smart purchase. Waterproof mascara can be used for everyday use, but it does have a shorter shelf like than normal mascara. Because waterproof mascara is a lot drier than normal mascara, the contents of waterproof mascara can age very quickly.

The Curler:

Prepping your lashes for mascara is just as important as the mascara itself. First, make sure that your lashes are clean. If you still have makeup on your lashes, remove it with a makeup wipe designed for eye-makeup removal. Next, take an eyelash-curler and slowly curl your lashes. If you’ve never used a curler before don’t be alarmed! The process looks a little confusing and maybe dangerous, but it’s really not once you know what you are doing. Take the eyelash-curler between your thumb and index finger (there will be holes in the curler for both of these fingers). Look into a mirror with your eyes looking straight ahead. Slowly bring the eyelash-curler to your lashes and carefully insert your lashes into the curler. Try to position the curler right in the center of your lashes, not too close to your eyes and not on the tips either. Slowly squeeze the curler and clamp down on your lashes. Hold down for about 5 seconds, then release. Slowly pull the curler from your lashes and then coat your lashes with mascara. Repeat on the other side. Usually eyelash-curlers are made of metal or plastic, but heated eyelash curlers can be bought as well. The heater curlers administer a low dose of heat to the lashes, making them curl more easily and possibly more dramatically.

The easiest way to choose a mascara is to determine what your purpose for it is. Do you want to lengthen? Add volume? Once you’ve decided which mascara is for you, choose a shade closest to your natural lash shade to achieve a natural, pretty look.

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Classic Look for Christmas

by Jayna Davis

Christmas is fast approaching, and you’ve already found the perfect outfit to wear to your family reunion or Christmas party. Now you’re left wondering what makeup to wear to these events. You want something simple yet with a touch of boldness to it, something perfect for any kind of gathering, may it be an intimate dinner or lunch. Well, you can never go wrong with opting for a classic look with your favorite red lipstick, a liner and a swipe of blush.

Give out a glamorous vintage vibe with this look. It so simple and easy that you can be ready to go in just a few minutes. To get this look– start with a well moisturized face, with a foundation brush apply liquid foundation all over your face and also towards your neck. Use concealer to the areas needed and set with a loose powder. Groom your brows and make it more refined by filling the sparse areas using an eyebrow pencil.

Apply a neutral shade of eyeshadow all over your eyelid blending it outwards to your brow bone. Choose a slight darker brown shade of shadow and apply it all over the crease for definition. Remember to blend it well to avoid harsh lines. Using a liquid, pencil or gel liner depending on what you are comfortable with, create a wing on the outer part of your eyes and line your eyelids from outer corner to the inner corner of your lid. Though some prefer to start from the inner corner. Curl your lashes and apply a coat or two of mascara.

Moving on the lips, give it a full definition by lining it with a red lipliner. Mark your cupid’s bow and trace and fill your lips with the liner as well to avoid smudging and for a longer lasting effect. Apply your favorite shade of red lipstick. Then, for the final touch, swipe blush across the apples of your cheeks and you’re done.

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It is the season to be gorgeous and glamorous and you are now ready to celebrate the holidays with a never-fail classic and pulled together look. The holidays are always full of picture taking activities so it’s better to come prepared and let the moments be captured to be beautiful memories for you and your family.

Model: Nikki Sue

Makeup: Mic Salazar

Photography: Paolo Seen

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Find Your Skin Undertone & What To Wear With It

by Jayna Davis

Many women are victims of wearing the wrong kind of make up and clothes that do not go with their skin color. But, more women do not know that they need to choose colors that go with their skin undertones.

Confused? Let me explain.

Skin undertones are the colors that are underneath the skin that casts shadows on your skin color. It NEVER changes. Our skin is the biggest organ in our body and as we know, it comes in different colors called skin tones because of a pigment called melanin. It produces layers and that protect of skin against the harsh sun. The sun rays can cause us skin cancer if our

skin is not protected by the melanin (and sunblock). Darker people produce more melanin and are more protected from the ultraviolet rays while pale skin people produce less and need more protection against the sun.

Back to skin undertones, it is very important to know it because it plays a huge role in our overall choice of colors for our hair, make up and clothes. There are 3 different undertones a person can have. Warm, cool and neutral. Curious yet?

First, let me tell you how you can find out what your skin undertone is. It’s an easy four step process and all you will need is a huge mirror, white towel, some silver and gold jewelry and a good lighting (sunlight preferable).

1. Flip over your arm and look at the veins. When you notice that your veins are green, it means you have yellow undertones and your skin tone is warm. Veins that appear to be blue indicates that you have blue undertones and your skin tone is cool.

2. After taking a shower, put your hair in a pony tail and use a headband to keep away hair form the face. Put a pure white towel around your shoulders and see if your face looks more yellow or blue next to the white towel. A pure white cloth will reflect your skin undertone. Again, yellow means you have a warm skin tone and blue means you have a cool skin tone.

3. Put on your silver and gold jewelry. Observe and find out if you look better in silver jewelry or gold jewelry. If you look better in silver jewelry, you have a cool skin tone and if you look better in gold jewelry, you have a warm skin tone.

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4. The easiest way to determine your undertone is to look at the natural color of your hair and eyes. Usually, if you have blue, green, grey eyes with blonde, black or brown hair, you have a cool skin tone. If you have brown, black, hazel eyes with black, brown, blonde or red hair, you have warm skin tones.

Easy right? If you have done all these four steps and you still cannot determine your skin tone, you just might be one of the lucky ones have a neutral skin tone. It means you can wear any color, use any make up and have any hair color and look really good. Congratulations!

Now, if you are one of the unlucky ones that fall into the warm or cool category, then do not be sad because I will give you tips on the colors that will look good on you and will go with your skin undertone perfectly.

Let me start with those with WARM skin tone and I will help you choose the right make up for you.

Warm means that your skin will perfectly go with earthy colors. When you have a warm skin tone, you either have yellow, golden or peach undertones. These colors that will look good on you are gold, copper, olive, bronze and orange-red. Choose a foundation that is yellow or peach based. When choosing a blush, a warm peach or coral shade would look best on you. When picking out a red lipstick, choose an orange based red.

Now, for those with COOL skin tones, here are some tips. Pink, red or blue are your undertones and you will look good with silver, grey, magenta, jewel tones and blue-red. Choose eye shadows in these colors and you can have a pink or rosy blush. Choose a foundation that is neutral or pink based and for that perfect red lipstick, choose one that is blue based.

For the lucky ones who fall into the neutral category, a mix of warm and cool colors will look good on you! Good for you. Black though, is the only exception for all undertones because it looks good on anyone. So you can still stick to your black eye liner but remember that choosing colors that fall under your skin tone will look better on you! Now that you know your skin undertones, may be it is time to rethink your whole make up kit and if there are shades that are not good with your undertone, throw it away because trust me, if you have a warm skin tone and you are using a pink based foundation, it does not look good at all.

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How to wear a bright lip

by Jayna Davis

Bright lips are the newest trend this season. From runway shows to department store makeup counters, bold shades are on display everywhere. Wearing a bright lipstick can be somewhat intimidating, especially if you’ve never tried a bold lip before! Not to fear, in a few steps you can sift through that lengthy rainbow of colors and find your ideal, bright shade of lipstick!

Bright lipsticks can be found at almost any drugstore, department store makeup counter, and obviously, beauty retailer. Like any beauty product, bright hued lipsticks can be found in a very wide range of prices. The first step is determining how bold you would like to go. Ask yourself if you will be wearing the lipstick alone, or mixing it to create a softer, subtler look. If you aren’t sure what you want, you can always buy a brighter shade and slightly tone it down for everyday use. For example, here are some similar shades but in different brands and prices.


Covergirl Lip Perfect Lipstick in “hot” can be found for about $6.00 in drug stores. “Hot” is a rich red/pink shade that is very highly pigmented and has lots of staying power. For a really decent price and broad selection of colors, this lipstick is a perfect brand to experiment with.


Clinique High Impact Lipstick in “Peach Pop” can be found in Belk stores and online at the Clinique website. The “Peach Pop” shade has an orange/pink tone. This lipstick is also highly pigmented and is advertised to hydrate and protect lips with SPF 15, a nice little bonus to have in your lipstick. This color lasts 8 hours.


Nars Semi Matte Lipstick in “Funny Face” can be found in store or at the Nars website. The “Funny Face” shade is very rich and pigmented. The color appears to be a red/pink with slight blue undertones. This longwearing lipstick promises to nourish your lips and protect them during use.

Once you’ve determined how bold you want to go, begin to think about your skin tone.


For women with fair skin, usually the most flattering shades are orange -based pinks and reds.


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For women with olive skin, typically blue- based red lipsticks will complement this complexion.


For women with dark skin, plum shades make the skin glow!

Keep in mind that any woman, no matter what shade her skin, can easily wear a bright pink lipstick. Pink and red combinations are extremely versatile, and flattering on every type of skin! If you’re unsure of the color you have selected, and the store offers lipstick samples, feel free to try the sample on your hand to test the color. Many women make the mistake of sampling the color on their lips, which is extremely germy and dangerous! Also, testing the color on the back of your hand isn’t very helpful since your lips aren’t the color of your hand. Instead, try testing the color on your fingertips.

Women often get intimidated about wearing bright lips because they’re unsure of how to incorporate the look into their everyday makeup looks. The process is really quite simple. Choose one feature to highlight: eyes, lips, or cheeks. If you chose to highlight your lips, (like with a bold lip color), you would simply tone down the rest of your makeup. Wear natural looking eye shadow, very small touch of blush, and a quick swipe of mascara. The key is focusing on one key feature at a time; highlighting more than one at once can seem over-the-top and distracting!

Once you’ve applied your bright lipstick, you can still make changes to it if desired. If you would like the lipstick to be less severe, blot some of the color off onto a napkin, (be sure to make sure it won’t leave any fuzz behind on your lips!) and apply a little lip balm over the color. The lipstick shade will soften up greatly, and you will be left with a subtle glow of your original shade. If you want to add a little polish to your bright color, you can apply a smidge of lip -gloss in the center of your bottom lip, then rub your lips together to smooth out the gloss.

The Matte finish is very trendy right now, but a very different feel altogether. If you want a matte (non-glossy) finish, look for lipsticks labeled “matte”. Matte lipsticks are an entirely different world of lipsticks! Mattes are much harder to remove, but last a very long time. Matte lipsticks aren’t made to be mixed with glosses and balms, but instead to be worn alone.

Part of the fun of trying out new trends is playing around to see which ones work for you. Whenever experimenting with lip color, always remember to just have fun with it!

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How To Achieve Ombre Lips In 5 Easy Steps

by Jayna Davis

Ever since fashion designers, (former chief designer) John Galliano of Christian Dior Miuccia Prada of Miu Miu and Prabal Gurung, showed ombre lips in their Fall 2010, Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 shows, every woman wanted to know

how to do it. It has been seen several times in magazine beauty editorials before the show but it seems like the look exploded during the spring 2012 fashion shows.

At Prabal Gurung’s show, the ombre effect was an orchid effect, from light (outside of the lip) to dark (inner middle). It was a matte fuschia fading to purple on the inner lips. It went really well with the collection. For Miu Miu’s Fall 2011 show, it was a matte bloody red fading on to a pinkish shade on the inner lips.

The ombre lips (or two-tone look) works really well because it defines the lips and it makes it look fuller, a little 3D effect and more kissable. A little time and effort is needed to achieve this look because there are a few steps to follow to accomplish this. First, you have to know the right lipstick shades that will go well together.

It is important that you use the two shade of the same color family so it will gradually fade into each other and would create beautiful ombre lips.

Some examples are:

• Red and Pink • Red and Orange • Burgundy and Red • Purple and Red • Purple and Pink • Wine and Red • Carnation Pink and Bubblegum Pink

It would be best to use matte lipsticks or lipsticks with just a bit of gloss so it will be easier to blend the two shades.

What you will need:

• Two shades of your favorite lipsticks (one darker and one lighter) • Lipgloss (optional, if you want a shiny finish)

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• Cotton bud / Lip brush (your pinky finger will work too) • Mirror


1. Make sure your lips are not chapped and is in good condition because it will be hard to pull off this look if your lips are not in good condition. You can do a quick lip scrub the night before (Quick tip: brown sugar mixed with honey and olive oil, leave on lips then scrub off with your fingers until dead skin comes off). Remember that this look will look so much better if your lips are healthy.

2. Put on the darker shade of lipstick. It must fill in the entire lip to avoid making it look like a lip liner.

3. Add the lighter shade lipstick right in the middle/inner part of the lip. A lip brush, your finger or a cotton bud may be used to apply the lighter shade.

4. Try to blend both colors to make it look a little natural. A lip brush, a cotton bud or a finger can also be used when doing this.

5. If you do not want the matte finish, you can put a little lip gloss to make your lips look glossier and make it a bit shimmer.

Remember that this look is already a bold statement so make sure the rest of your make up is very simple and light as to add drama to the lips. It is very achievable right? These are very easy steps on how to achieve that gorgeous full lips like the models!

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Product Review: Clinique City Cover Compact Concealer SPF15

by Jayna Davis

Can you imagine life without concealers? I can’t. Especially if you are a makeup enthusiast, without concealer how could one go on with her beauty routine and hide all the evidence of stress? Those dark under-eye circles, spots and blemishes and skin discoloration. For me, concealers would have to be one of the best cosmetic inventions of all times. It doesn’t only hides these unwanted dark spots but it minimizes fine lines as well. If you have naturally clear skin, you can even go on with just your favorite concealer and you will look fresh all throughout the day.

Concealers come in different types, from sticks to liquid that comes in a tube, to creamy concealers that comes in pots and palettes. For the right shade it is advised to choose one to two shades lighter to perfectly match and set your whole look.

Cream concealers are best used for under-eye areas and blemishes, and my personal favorite when it comes to concealers would have to the cream ones like Clinique City Compact Concealer with SPF15. It is oil free and is ideal for all skin types.

Clinique City Cover Compact Concealer with its distinctive packaging

It comes in a compact size which can fit into your tiny purse for quick touch-ups. It also has a mirror and a tiny brush applicator which is easy to use, though I prefer using my fingers when applying this product.

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What I like most about Clinique City Cover Concealer is its creamy consistency. It is so smooth and easy to apply and blend and it works well with most of my foundation. It doesn’t crease especially when applied under the eyes and it stays long and remains lightweight. Its has a clean and natural looking coverage that makes it perfect for those who has a consistent under eye area problem, like me.

Another thing that I like about this product is its brightening effect on me. I chose two shades lighter, and when applied under my eyes and it brightens up my whole look without the ‘cakey’ outcome. This product can certainly help eliminate redness as well as skin discoloration, though I don’t think the concealer alone can completely cover serious acne. But it can help diminish it along with your favorite foundation.

Clinique City Cover Compact Concealer also has SPF15 and is also said to contain antioxidants that helps protect your skin from the sun and other harsh elements that the environment can bring. This product is also Opthalmologist tested and Non-acnegenic. An amazing products that not only makes you look good but takes care of your skin as well, it is totally a great purchase.

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When to Kiss Your Beauty Products Goodbye

by Jayna Davis

More or less, we know how hard it is to find that perfect shade of lipstick or that miraculous foundation that glides on smoothly and makes skin look divine. When the

perfect shade goes out of production, chances are we will try to prolong the lifespan of our favorites. Using them sparingly for special occasions might be an ideal way to make them live as long as your pet fish, but there will always come a time when we have to say goodbye.

Makeup and other beauty products, like canned food, have an expiration date. Expired products can cause irritation, blemishes and infections when used beyond their expiration date. The reason for this is two-fold: bacteria and chemical change.

To prevent blemishes, irritations and infections from developing, it is best to know when to stop using your favorites. Here’s how.


Water-based foundations are at risk of becoming a breeding ground for bacteria. Unopened and sealed water-based foundations can last for a few years. Otherwise, it is wiser to replace them after 6 months to a year. High temperatures and moist environments trigger the growth of bacteria that speed up the spoiling process. Once a foul smell or a change in color occurs, you will know that it’s time to go shopping for a new one.


The best way to know when to toss your concealer is when the color has already changed. Old concealers also cause breakouts. Those in stick and powder forms tend to last longer, up to two years, but liquid concealers should be disposed of after one.

Face Powder

There are some face powders that contain a relatively miniscule amount of water from the botanical extracts they are made of. There is still a small risk that bacteria

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may grow on it when it is placed in moist warm areas. When they are outside these kinds of areas, they will last for up to two years, assuming you don’t run out of it before then. Just make sure you clean whatever you use to apply face powders because they can transfer bacteria from your face to the product.


Treat your blush like you would treat your face powder. Both contain minimal amounts of botanical extracts and water. In addition, make sure your face is dry before applying powder-based product so that you won’t transfer bacteria, oils, or water from your face.

Eye Shadow

Cream-based shadows grow bacteria more quickly than powders. Make sure that your fingers are dry and clean when applying. Powder eye shadows constantly come into contact with a mucous membrane, so there are more chances of bacteria transferring to the product and then to the eyes. No matter how pretty they look, they will only last up to about three months before they smell ugly.


Liquid and pencil eyeliners should be replaced every three months. They are similar to eye shadows in the way that they come into contact with a mucous membrane. Pencils can last longer as than liquid eyeliners when sharpened regularly. When a hard white film starts to develop, do your eyes a favor and toss them.


Mascaras should be replaced every two to three months. They come into close contact with your eyes, so be very careful when applying them. The repetitive act of coating your eyelashes and putting the brush back in the tube might become a source of bacterial growth which may cause conjunctivitis, sties, or even itchiness.

Lipstick and Lip Gloss

Lipsticks and lip glosses can last for as long as two years since it doesn’t contain any water. However, they are applied on the lips which make them slightly prone to a recurring cold. This is why you should consider purchasing new ones after you’ve been really ill. A really old lipstick will be difficult to apply. It gets hard and cakey while lip glosses will be a little streaky and globby.

Nail Polish

Nail polish has a very low chance of going stale and giving you infections. The only thing it can do is dry out and change color. Once the pigments start to settle, try giving it a shake. If the pigments still separate, it’s time to get a new one.

Makeup Brushes and other Applicators

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Brushes and applicators will last you a good number of years when properly cared for. Store brushes upright to air them out and prevent deformation. Wipe them on a dry paper towel or washcloth after every use to remove pigment and other powders that might mix with your makeup. Clean them every two weeks and their pristine condition will reciprocate the love and care you have given them.

Makeup sponges are a different story. Cheap ones should be replaced after the sides have been used. High-quality ones that come with a cleanser will last you a little longer. Old and porous sponges will absorb makeup and bacteria. You will run the risk of a breakout, so toss them and get a new one.

Want to know the 15 secrets supermodels and makeup artists are trying to keep to themselves?

