
PowerPoint Presentation

Make No Little Plans: A Bright Future for Neutrinos at AcceleratorsKevin McFarlandUniversity of RochesterDepartment of Physics and Astronomy Colloquium20 January 2010 K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators220 January 2010

My Kind of Town?Burnham is most well known as one of two lead architects of the 1893 Chicago Columbian ExpositionFamously envisaged Chicago asthe Paris of the PrairieLouis Sullivan accused Burnham of setting American architecture back 40 years with his neo-classicist style of the Exposition"Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men's blood and probably will not themselves be realized.Daniel Burnham

K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators320 January 2010Lessons for neutrino physicistsDreaming big can be a good thing. At least when the goals are worthwhilenow, we believe we have such goals and the means to realize themWhen you get a chance to engage in urban planning before pouring concrete, synergy of effort may followa collection of buildings, after all, is not a cityYou will never make all the critics happy

K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators420 January 2010A Disjointed Drama in Three ActsWhat we hope to learn from Neutrino Oscillations (a lengthy exposition)current status of knowledge and future goalsFuture Experiments (detailed plot development)how can we make these measurementswhat difficulties will we encounter?Neutrino interactions (not the denouement, but rather one of the many plot threads)needs and experiments. And MINERvA20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators5The Birth of the NeutrinoWolfgang Pauli

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators64th December 1930Dear Radioactive Ladies and Gentlemen,As the bearer of these lines, to whom I graciously ask you to listen, will explain to you in more detail, how because of the wrong statistics of the N and 6Li nuclei and the continuous beta spectrum, I have hit upon a desperate remedy to save the exchange theorem of statistics and the law of conservation of energy. Namely, the possibility that there could exist in the nuclei electrically neutral particles, that I wish to call neutrons, which have spin and obey the exclusion principle and which further differ from light quanta in that they do not travel with the velocity of light. The mass of the neutrons should be of the same order of magnitude as the electron mass (and in any event not larger than 0.01 proton masses). The continuous beta spectrum would then become understandable by the assumption that in beta decay a neutron is emitted in addition to the electron such that the sum of the energies of the neutron and the electron is constant I agree that my remedy could seem incredible because one should have seen those particles very earlier if they really exist. But only the one who dare can win and the difficult situation, due to the continuous structure of the beta spectrum, is lighted by a remark of my honored predecessor, Mr. Debye, who told me recently in Bruxelles: "Oh, It's well better not to think to this at all, like new taxes". From now on, every solution to the issue must be discussed. Thus, dear radioactive people, look and judge. Your humble servant,W. Pauli4th December 1930Dear Radioactive Ladies and Gentlemen,As the bearer of these lines, to whom I graciously ask you to listen, will explain to you in more detail, how because of the wrong statistics of the N and 6Li nuclei and the continuous beta spectrum, I have hit upon a desperate remedy to save the exchange theorem of statistics and the law of conservation of energy. Namely, the possibility that there could exist in the nuclei electrically neutral particles, that I wish to call neutrons, which have spin and obey the exclusion principle and which further differ from light quanta in that they do not travel with the velocity of light. The mass of the neutrons should be of the same order of magnitude as the electron mass (and in any event not larger than 0.01 proton masses). The continuous beta spectrum would then become understandable by the assumption that in beta decay a neutron is emitted in addition to the electron such that the sum of the energies of the neutron and the electron is constant I agree that my remedy could seem incredible because one should have seen those particles very earlier if they really exist. But only the one who dare can win and the difficult situation, due to the continuous structure of the beta spectrum, is lighted by a remark of my honored predecessor, Mr. Debye, who told me recently in Bruxelles: "Oh, It's well better not to think to this at all, like new taxes". From now on, every solution to the issue must be discussed. Thus, dear radioactive people, look and judge. Your humble servant,W. Pauli4th December 1930Dear Radioactive Ladies and Gentlemen,As the bearer of these lines, to whom I graciously ask you to listen, will explain to you in more detail, how because of the wrong statistics of the N and 6Li nuclei and the continuous beta spectrum, I have hit upon a desperate remedy to save the exchange theorem of statistics and the law of conservation of energy. Namely, the possibility that there could exist in the nuclei electrically neutral particles, that I wish to call neutrons, which have spin and obey the exclusion principle and which further differ from light quanta in that they do not travel with the velocity of light. The mass of the neutrons should be of the same order of magnitude as the electron mass (and in any event not larger than 0.01 proton masses). The continuous beta spectrum would then become understandable by the assumption that in beta decay a neutron is emitted in addition to the electron such that the sum of the energies of the neutron and the electron is constant I agree that my remedy could seem incredible because one should have seen those particles very earlier if they really exist. But only the one who dare can win and the difficult situation, due to the continuous structure of the beta spectrum, is lighted by a remark of my honored predecessor, Mr. Debye, who told me recently in Bruxelles: "Oh, It's well better not to think to this at all, like new taxes". From now on, every solution to the issue must be discussed. Thus, dear radioactive people, look and judge. Your humble servant,W. PauliTranslation, Please?20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators7Translation, Please?To save the law of conservation of energy?

If the above picture is complete, conservation of energy says has one energy, but we observe this insteadPauli suggests neutron takes away energy!The exchange theorem of statistics, by the way, refers to the fact that a spin neutron cant decay to an spin proton + spin electronhe doesnt call it the Pauli exclusion principle, to his credit

-decayThe Energy of the 20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators8Fundamental ForcesOf the four fundamental forces, three are important for the structure of matter around us

Gravityholds planets,galaxies, etc.together

Electromagnetismholds atoms togetherkeeps matter from collapsing under the force of gravityStrong forceholds nucleus togetherso strong that quarks are confined

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators9

Neutron Beta DecayNeutrino-NeutronQuasi Elastic Scattering

Theories of the Weak ForceFirst theory of weak interactions(Fermi theory of beta decay, 1933)also names the neutrino to distinguish from Chadwicks neutron

the weak force is weak because the Force Carrier (W boson) is heavy and off mass-shell

Enrico Fermi

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators10

How to Hunt a NeutrinoHow do we see any fundamental particle?Electromagneticinteractions kickelectrons awayfrom atoms

But neutrinos dont haveelectric charge. They only interact weaklyso we only see by-products of their weak interactions20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators11How Weak is Weak?Weak is, in fact, weak.A 3 MeV neutrino producedin fusion from the sun will travel

through water, on average, before interacting.A 3 MeV positron (anti-matter electron) produced in the same fusion process will travel 3 cm, on average.Moral: to find neutrinos, you need a lot of neutrinos and a lot of detector!

53 light-years20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators12Discovery of the NeutrinoReines and Cowan (1955)Nobel Prize 19951 ton detectorNeutrinos from a nuclearreactor

Reines and Cowan at Savannah River20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators13Solar Neutrino HuntingRadiochemical DetectorRay Davis (Nobel prize, 2002)+np+e- (stimulated -decay)Use this to produce an unstableisotope, +37Cl37Ar+e- , whichhas 35 day half-life Put 615 tons ofPerchloroethylenein a mineexpect one 37Ar atomevery 17 hours.

Ray Davis

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators14

Solar Neutrino Hunting

Ran from 1969-1998Confirmed that sun shines from fusionBut found 1/3 of !20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators15Modern Solar Neutrino HuntingKamiokande andSuper-Kamiokande(Masatoshi Koshiba, Rochester PhD 1955, Nobel Laureate 2002)

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators16Modern Neutrino HuntingThe Sun, imaged in neutrinos, bySuper-Kamiokande

The Sun, optical imageExistence of the sun confirmed by neutrinos!sadly, not the same angular scale20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators17Our Timescale So FarPauli and Fermi (theory)

to Reines and Cowan (discovery)

to Davis (solar neutrinos)

to Koshiba (supernova and oscillations)Apparently, patience is a virtue193019501970199020 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators18Isnt there some shortcut?Why, yes! Leave it to Star Trek to point the way!According to several episodes, Lt. Jordy LaForges VISOR can actually detect neutrino fieldemissionsand what do we do in science exceptemulate Star Trek?

Sarcasm aside, nature has made studying neutrino physics just plain hard. Now well see what the payoff may be.

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators19Neutrinos: The Broadest GoalsUnderstand mixing of neutrinosCP violation?Understand neutrino massabsolute scale and hierarchy Understand n interactionsnew physics? new properties?Use neutrinos as probesnucleon, earth, sun, supernovae

nn19so in broadest brush, what do we want to do?mixings, masses, interactions and using neutrinos to gain knowledge

Dave Wark is also a fascinating topic, but outside the scope of this talk

Neutrino FlavorsRemember that neutrinos were discovered by

the final state positron is no accident! weve seen neutrinosproduce all threecharged leptonsAnd the Z bosondecays into three neutrino states20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators20

So we can identify neutrinos by what charged lepton they produce. Total number of neutrinos is three, and we can identify three different neutrinos producing charged leptons.20Neutrino Flavor MixingAre these neutrinos of definite flavorthe real neutrinosi.e., is a neutrino flavor eigenstate inan eigenstate of the neutrino mass matrix Or are we looking at neutrino puree?

And of course, so what if it is puree?20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators21

Neutrino Flavor Mixing (contd)If neutrinos mass states mixto form flavors

and the masses are differentflavors of neutrinos can change in flightThis would explain the disappearing solar ns!since only electron flavor neutrinos make the detection reaction, +np+e-, occur 20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators22

Neutrino Flavor OscillationSo each neutrino wavefunctionhas a time-varying phase in its rest frame,Now, imagine you produce a neutrino of definite momentum but is a mixture of two masses, m1, m2

so pick up a phase difference in lab frame

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators23

Neutrino Oscillation (contd)Phase difference leads to interference effect, just like with sound waves of two frequenciesfrequency difference sets period of beats

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators24


Phase differenceAnalog of volume disappearing in beats is original neutrino flavor disappearingand appearance of a new flavor

more generally, mixing need not be maximal Neutrino Oscillation (contd)20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators25

only two generations for now!

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators26Neutrino Oscillation (contd)So, still for two generations

Oscillations require mass differencesOscillation parameters are mass-squared differences, dm2, and mixing angles, q.One correction to this is matter changes q, L dep.

Wolfenstein, PRD (1978)

e- density

appropriate units give the usual numerical factor 1.27 GeV/km-eV226standard oscillation formula when you put in hbars and cs get the usual formulas that push you to long baselines. 10^3 eV^2 means L/E 1000km/GeV

matter effects modify this picture somewhat significantly if electrons are dense in matter20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators27

Solar NeutrinosThere is a glorious historyof solar neutrino physicsoriginal goals: demonstratefusion in the sunfirst evidence of oscillations

SAGE - The Russian-AmericanGallium Experiment

27complicated spectrum meant that a variety of solar nu experiments could sort out oscillations as a function of energy and thus measure masses and mixings. note evidence from super-K that nus point to the sun.

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators28Culmination: SNOD2O target uniquely observes:charged-currentneutral-currentThe former is onlyobserved for ne(lepton mass)The latter for all typesSolar flux is consistentwith modelsbut not all ne at earth

28SNO added a new capability see all active neutrino flavors. and in fact they find they can account for all neutrinos we think should originate from the sun its just that few remain as electron flavor neutrinos!20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators29KAMLAND

Sources areJapanesereactors150-200 kmfor most offlux. Rate uncertainty ~6%1 kTon scint. detector inold Kamiokande cavernoverwhelming confirmationthat neutrinos change flavorin the sun via mattereffects29now, fits suggested that dm2 was not from naive L/E (earth-sun distance)/(energy of neutrinos), but rather that matter effects in sun were important. therefore dm2 big enough to see oscillations if L~200km, E~2 MeV

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators30Solar Observations vs. KAMLAND


Solar neutrino observations are best measurement of the mixing angleKAMLAND does better on dm212

30note what each approach (observation and KAMLAND) produces20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators31

Atmospheric NeutrinosNeutrino energy: few 100 MeV few GeVFlavor ratio robustly predictedDistance in flight: ~20km (down) to 12700 km (up)31atmospheric neutrinos. nature provides another generous source ~GeV neutrinos, well understood flavor ratiocan compare upward going (produced far away) against downward (produced nearby)

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators32Super-KamiokandeSuper-Kdetector hasexcellent e/mseparation

Up / down difference!

old, but good data!2004 Super-K analysis32Super-K has the gold standard data. Note the muon sample deficit at upward going zenith angles and fit to oscillations.

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators33

K2KExperiment has completeddata-takingconfirms atmosphericneutrino oscillation parameters with controlled beamconstraint on dm223 (limited statistics)

figures courtesy T. Nakaya

Neutrino Beam from KEK to Super-K33K2K has first observation of this at an accelerator. see disappearance of low energy nu

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators34MINOS

735km baseline5.4kton Far Det.1 kton Near Det.Running since early 2005

Precise measurement ofnm disappearance energygives dm223

34MINOS has as its primary goal high statistics disappearance, and therefore precise delta-m23.key for future experiments optimization20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators35CNGS

Goal: nt appearance 0.15 MWatt source high energy nm beam 732 km baseline handfuls of events/yr

e-, 9.5 GeV, pT=0.47 GeV/c interaction, E=19 GeV

fiugres courtesy A. Bueno3kton

PbEmulsion layersnt1 mm

1.8kTonfigures courtesy D. Autiero35CNGS is (primarily) checking that neutrinos do go to taus as expected, at low statistics20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators36Qualitative QuestionsThe questions facing us now are fundamental, and not simply a matter of measuring oscillations betterExamples:What is the hierarchy of masses?Can neutrinos contribute significantly to the mass of the universe?Is there CP violation in neutrino mixings?

36also part of our present is asking the question: should we go forward?answer is that we have the chance to answer some truly fundamental questions now, so yes!20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators37nn

Of The Broadest GoalsUnderstand mixing of neutrinosCP violation?Understand neutrino massabsolute scale and hierarchy Understand n interactionsnew physics? new properties?Use neutrinos as probesnucleon, earth, etc.

37lets start with mixings and a little bit of mass. most of the talk20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators38What We Hope to Learn From Neutrino OscillationsNear futurevalidation of three generation pictureprecision tests of atmospheric mixing at acceleratorsFarther Future neutrino mass hierarchy, CP violation?Precision at reactorssub multi MegaWatt sources10 100 1000 kTon detectors38in the near term: more to learn about atmospheric neutrino osc. and need to resolve LSNDbeyond that, we believe a next generation of experiments beyond those in hand will answer the fundamental questionsso first some background20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators39

Enough For Three GenerationsOscillations have told us the splittings in m2, but nothing about the hierarchyThe electron neutrino potential (matter effects) can resolve this in oscillations, however.figures courtesy B. Kayserdmsol2 dm1228x10-5eV2dmatm2 dm2322.5x10-3eV2

39two splittings very different. implies three generations worth of neutrinosthe hierarchy is not defined though. two heavy and one light (inverted) or vice versa?matter effects at accelerator beams can resolve20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators40Three Generation MixingNote the new mixing in middle, and the phase, d

slide courtesy D. Harris40those three generations mix. heres a decomposition of the matrix. note that one element, Ue3 has its size set by s13 parameter with the phase delta.

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators41

But CHOOZLike KAMLAND, CHOOZ and Palo Verde expts looked at anti-ne from a reactorcompare expected to observed rate, s~4%dm223If electron neutrinos dont disappear, they dont transform to muon neutrinoslimits nm->ne flavor transitions at and therefore |Ue3| is small

41how big is it? we dont know yet. we know it is smaller than atmospheric (nearly maximal) and solar anglesplace a detector a 1km from a reactor. limits disappearance of electron nubars in muon nubars

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators42Optimism has been RewardedBy which he meanthad notEatm n/Rearth < dmatm2 high statisticsT2K Today20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators54

figures courtesy Alysia Marino, Clark McGrew and H. Kakunofirst neutrino event in near detector (arrows indicate regions of TPC off)

our detector (pi-zero detector, P0D)

profile of beam at muon monitor

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators55NuMI-Based Long Baseline Experiments0.25 MWatt 0.4 MWatt proton sourceTwo generations: MINOS (running)NOvA (future)15mrad Off Axis

55also can do this physics with NuMI in an off-axis detector20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators56

NOnAUse Existing NuMI beamlineBuild new 15kTon Scintillator Detector 820km baseline--compromise between reach in q13 and matter effects

Assuming Dm2=2.5x10-3eV2

ne+Ap p+ p- e-figure courtesy M. Messierfigures courtesy J. CooperGoal:ne appearanceIn nm beam56NOvA.. build a near detector. same techniques as T2K. more from Gary Feldman later, so now Ill pick on it for a bit. this, like J-PARC is a big projectsNOnA TodayNOvA construction has begunWill begin data taking with partial detector in 2012, and build and build20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators57

Full-sizeModules(note personat back right)(pictures courtesy Gary Feldman and Fermilab Media Services)

NOvA Ground-Breaking

work at Ash River site20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators58Future Steps after T2K, NOvAProton Beam Power (25x) (to make more neutrinos)Megaton detectors (1020x) (to catch more neutrinos)Precise understanding of neutrino interactions (to correctly interpret neutrino events in large detectors)Exotic beam sources (to make other flavors of neutrinos)Beams of unstable isotopes decaying to ne, beta beamsBeams of captured and accelerated muons which decay (mne and nm) Neutrino factories

Daniel Burnham would be proud of usThis is my crazy scientist slide5820 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators59US Megaton Class DetectorsHappy coincidence of location of DUSEL site and locations of high power multi-GeV proton sources

Can observemultiple oscillationcycles!

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators60Turning Power into NeutrinosHandling Many MWatts of proton power and turning it into neutrinos is not trivial!

NuMI downstream absorber. Note elaborate cooling. Cost more than NuTeV beamline R. BernsteinNuMI Horn 2. Note conductors and alignment fixturesNuMI tunnel boring machine. 3.5yr civil constructionNuMI Target shielding. More mass than far detector!pictures courtesy D. Harris60beamlines are hard some illustrations of NuMI work. T2K also hard20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators61TD: More Beam Power, CapnExample: Fermilab Project X

~ 700m Active Length8 GeV Linac8 GeVneutrinoMainInjector@2 MWSY-120Fixed-Target NeutrinoSuper- BeamsNUMIOff- AxisParallel Physics and Machine Studies main justificationIs to serve as source for new Long baseline neutrino experimentsfigure courtesy G.W. Foster61upgrades to beam power (or new facilities) are big $1B class projects. This figure is stolen from Bill Foster, who decided in 2005 that he might need to alter his career path to realize his vision. You may now call him US. Representative Bill Foster (D-Ill, 14th district). 20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators62Making Large Detectors

Scaling detector volume is notso trivial

At 30kt NOvA is about the same mass as BaBar, CDF, Dzero, CMS and ATLAS combinedwant monolithic, manufacturable structuresseek scaling as surface rather than volume if possible

figure courtesy G. Rameika62detectors are big20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators63For PerspectiveConsider the Temple of the Olympian Zeus in Athens17m tall, just like NOvA!a bit over the lengthIt took 700 years to completedelayed during the height of Greek Democracy because it was regarded as hubristicConstruction technology has improved, but has the public tolerance for hubris?Well, maybe for NOvA,thanks to the ARRA

17myour speaker63big is, historically, a problem20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators64Even Building a Home is Toughfigures courtesy C.-K. Jung

10% photocathode60m60m40% photocathode~1Mton. (20x Super-K)

Depth (below surface)SpanMton: 60m span1500m depth

A single cavern would have to be aslarge as Gjovik Olympic Hall (1994)Current DUSEL plan is multiple deep underground detectors

But each one has inefficiency for events near walls so need bigger detectorsfigure courtesy DUSEL collab64people are talking 20x NOvA volume how to get there?even structure to house it is unique. cheap photosensors with H2O cenerkov?The Broadest GoalsUnderstand mixing of neutrinosa non-mixing? CP violation?Understand neutrino massabsolute scale and hierarchy Understand interactionsnew physics? new properties?Use neutrinos as probesnucleon, earth, etc.20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators65

nn65lets start with mixings and a little bit of mass. most of the talkEnergies and Neutrino Targets

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators66

Future oscillation experiments dictate beam energiesrelevant regime is ~500 MeV to 5 GeV in near termNeutrino targets are moderate (e.g., 12C) toheavy (e.g., 56Fe) nucleistrongly bound systemsThe energy choice makes life difficulttransition region from elastic scattering from nucleons to quarks66these are programs using 1-few GeV beams.reactions of neutrinos very poorly known in this region (nucleon falls apart)Why is the transition between elastic and inelastic difficult?If the target (nucleon) has structure, there are form factorsincluding un(der)-known axialform factors and form factorsfrom final state lepton massAnd if you know those, then you face the complication of rescattering in nuclear mediumAnd if you can understand that, then the nuclear medium itself will modify your target nucleonsIn short, its a mess.20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators67

Can Current Data Save Us?

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators68Current experimental errors on total cross-sections are largealmost no data on A-dependenceTo understand signal response and background requires differential cross-sectionsand on the correct nucleus for the target of your experiment

So current experimental data is not sufficient

np0nn+figures courtesy D. Casper, G. Zeller6820 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators69MINERnAMain INjector ExpeRiment for v-A

Active segmented scintillator detector: 5.87 tonsHe, C, H2O, Fe, Pb targetsThe MINERvA concept, 200469

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators70Rochester-led effortConstruction nearly completeBeginning final installationThe MINERvA reality today!70MINERvA and Simple Interactions: npProton tracks from quasi-elastic events are typically short. Want sensitivity to pp as low as 300 - 500 MeVProton and muon tracks are clearly resolvedprecise determination of neutrino energy and momentum transferred to proton can measure target structure

20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators71n

71challenge: wide angle, low momentum proton. plenty of hits!MINERvA and complicated interactions20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators72Final state particles clearly resolved (tracked) in scintillator detector. Can find vertex observe secondary interactions.I have labeled some final state particles with likely hypothesesWill systematically map interactions vs. neutrino kinematics

mpp0p?pn20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators73

The current status ofneutrino quasi-elasticscattering measurementscompared to three currentMonte Carlo predictions

The expected MINERnAmeasurement accuracy of quasi-elastic scattering

The expected MINERnAmeasurement accuracy of charged current coherent pionproduction compared toexisting data.MINERvA Measurements(1.6E20 Protons on NuMI Target, 4 years)ConclusionsNeutrino oscillation studies have a bright future at particle acceleratorsUrban planning for an experimental program to:qualitatively fill in remaining puzzles of neutral lepton sector (mass hierarchy, 13)leptonic CP violation as a viable mechanism for generating the matter asymmetry of the UniverseFirst experiments getting underwayskyscrapers (T2K and NOvA) and parks (MINERvA)A grand futureIn the meantime, we have the frameworkto know where to build the Ferris wheel20 January 2010K. McFarland, Neutrinos at Accelerators74
