Page 1: Main Arguments - Crime Arguments - Crime (Neilab Osman… · Main Arguments - Crime The Nature of Crime The categories of crime Crimes against the Person (murder) is the highest -

Main Arguments - Crime

The Nature of Crime

□ The categories of crime

● Crimes against the Person (murder) is the highest - refects

o Offences against the �erson ssome form of harm inficted on an indiiidua’ and inc’uded within Crimes Act


o Murder

▪ Society s unacce�tance of the un’awfu’ ki’’ing of a �erson sees murder as the most serious offence �

heaiy �unishments and substanta’ ai’-tmem

▪ R v Milat (1996) - accused was sentenced to �ena’ seriitude for ’ifem

o Sexua’ Assau’t and sex offences

▪ Regarded by society as crimes that can infict �hysica’ and �sycho’ogica’ harm to a �erson in an

un’awfu’ waym

▪ R v Scaf (2002) - where one of the accused, Bi’a’ Scaf, was sentenced to 31 years im�risonmentm

o In this way, the categories of crime eiident’y refect mora’ and ethica’ standards to �rotect both the

indiiidua’ and the communitym

● Drug offences do not refect

o 2013 NDSHS

▪ 42% of �eo�’e in Austra’ia aged 14 years or o’der had i’’icit’y used drugs

▪ Suggest that use and consum�ton of i’’icit drugs are a common occurrence within the broader societym

o 2012 artcle from ‘The Conversatonn

▪ A’ison Riter, Professor & S�ecia’ist in Drug Po’icy at UNSW Austra’ia

▪ Natona’ suriey � 80% of Austra’ians su��ort the decrimina’isaton of cannabis

▪ Des�ite the harm caused by drug � does not cause as much socia’, economic, emotona’ and �hysica’ harm as great as tobacco and a’coho’

o Oierwhe’ming number su��orted the crimina’isaton of some i’’icit drugs

o In this way, it can be argued that the category of drug offences, �rimari’y in re’aton to cannabis, is not a

refecton of a number of Austra’ians mora’s and ethics

□ Factors efectng criminal behaviour

● Im�actng com�’iance

o NSW Bureau of Crime Statstcs and Research (BOSCAR)

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▪ S�ecifc grou�s of �eo�’e haie a substanta’’y ’arger chance of commitng a crime com�ared to

others due to the socia’ and menta’ factors that determine their �ersona’ity characteristcs and

tendency to not com�’y with the ’awm

o Theory of diferental associaton

▪ Pro�oses that interactons with others ex�oses indiiidua’s to ia’ues, attudes and moties for

crime, the factors that affect crimina’ behaiior are determined by interactons on socia’ ’eie’s and

▪ the ingrained mis�erce�tons communicated throughout societa’ connectonsm

o A 2011 study by AIS

▪ If both �arents had crimina’ records the �robabi’ity � chi’d wou’d commit a serious crime was 67%, this com�ared with an 18m7% chance of offending if neither �arent had a �reiious recordm

o Jason Arthur West in 2013 – armed robbery

▪ Were dea’t with in consideraton of his “tough u�bringing” and the ’ack of necessites that

“motiated Mr West from a iery young age to stea’ in order to get food”m

▪ Low SES � subsequent reoffending was a direct resu’t of his need to maintain a drug addicton

▪ Resu’t of growing u� with “no father, and a’coho’ic mother and a iio’ent ste�father

o Sydney University child abuse expert Judith Cashmore

▪ “if you re ex�osed to iio’ence at a young age, you can ’earn that that s the on’y way to engage with


o The issue of unem�’oyment, which affects 5m2% of the NSW �o�u’aton, is a ma or contributng factor of the

abi’ity to achieie com�’iance in regard to crimina’ ’awm

o In corre’aton with the heightened unem�’oyment rates �rom�ted by the 2008 recession

▪ crime rates were �redicted to rise as a resu’t of youth em�’oyment �’ummetng in ’ower

socioeconomic areasm

o ABC 2009: Experts warn crime will rise as jobs go,

▪ A 15-year-o’d boy, affected by the high unem�’oyment rates of the 2008 recession, said a ’ack of

com�’iance with the ’aw stemmed from the attudes surrounding em�’oyment and the “easy

money” gained in resortng to “doing something e’se; something wrong”

o 2015 research report into youth unemployment in Australia

▪ “unem�’oyment may ’ead to drug abuse, domestc iio’ence and crime inio’iement”m

o BOSCAR’s NSW crime statstcs quarterly update

▪ recent strength in the Austra’ian economy has contributed signifcant’y to the dro� in crime rates

with the “twe’ie ma or crime categories fa’’ing to their ’owest ’eie’s in 20 years

o The �sycho’ogica’ we’’being of an indiiidua’ a’so has an im�act on their com�’iance with the crimina’ ’aw as

the diagnosis of menta’ i’’ness effects an indiiidua’s udgment ca�abi’ites and hence the ’ike’ihood of them

commitng a crime

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o A study into the mental health of prison entrants in Australia by the Australian Insttute of Health and


▪ 49% of inmates re�orted haiing a menta’ hea’th disorder

▪ 34% suffered from �sycho’ogica’ stress due to fami’y or re’atonshi� issues within their community

o Killing of Margaret Tannous at the hands of her husband George Tannou (2016)

▪ His behaiior was driien by de’usiona’ fears and an obsessiie nature indicatie of what the court

�resented as a “ma or �sychotc disorder”m

▪ His contro’’ing + menta’’y unstab’e nature, “directed his actons in ki’’ing his wife and substanta’’y

im�aired his udgment

□ Situatonal and Social crime preventon strategies and compliance

● Com�’iance – essay from task





o high’y effectie � creatng su��ortie eniironments that decrease the risk of crime

o Enhance com�’iance - deterring indiiidua’s through mani�u’aton of eniironments emgm CCTV and

a’arm systems

o The ABC News artclee “Sydney crime falling as preventon strategies yield results”

▪ Drm Garner C’ancey s: “Midels if Crime Preventin” - out’ines iariety of situatona’

strategies that are accredited to increase security

o December 2016 BOSCAR report

▪ Decrease of 16/17 ma or offences 75% dec’ine in NSW oier 15 years

▪ Corre’aton between decreasing crime rates and im�’ementaton of situatona’ strategies

o “NSW Community Safety Fund”

▪ A’’ows ’oca’ communites to a��’y for a $250,000 grant for �ro ects designed to �reient

crime in their iicinitym

▪ Equitab’e, resource efcient, funding corre’atng with needs of communitym





o CCTV critcized in its ro’e of deterring crime - concerns oier resource efciencym

o SMH 2014 “The real cost of CCTV might stop you smiling”e

▪ Research = CCTV is ’east effectie at deterring serious offences

▪ 2012 � Sydney s annua’ ex�enditure was $1m7 mi’’ionm

o The AIC publicaton, “Efectveness of public space CCTV systems”

▪ CCTV does not �’ay a ro’e in �reientng serious offences

▪ Offenders react by dis�’acing their crimina’ actiity to b’ind s�otsm

o 2016 report by BOSCARe “Did the ‘lockout lawn reforms increase assaults at The Star casino,


▪ Findings iio’ence from Kings Cross and CBD � dis�’aced to a’ternate �recincts such as

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Star Casino and surrounding �ubs in Pyrmontm

▪ Liquor Amendment Act (2014) � caused a’coho’-fue’’ed iio’ence to rise 46% in Pyrmont




o According to former crime �reienton consu’tant and senior ’ecture at the Uniiersity of Sydney,

Drm Garner;

▪ Most effectie way of �reientng ’oca’ crime and increasing com�’iance � socia’ crime

�reienton and ear’y interienton schemes

▪ This inc’udes youth mentoring and educaton �’ans that su��ort iu’nerab’e indiiidua’s,

�rimari’y the youth, who haie an increased chance of fa’’ing into crime in ’ater ’ife

▪ Aim to target the iarious factors that affect crimina’ behaiiour by su��ortng youth in

regards to socia’ and �sycho’ogica’ determinants

o ABC News artclee “Backing Bourke: How a radical new approach is saving young people from a

life of crimen

▪ 2013 � Bourkeranked the highest in NSW for breaching and non-com�’ying with the ’aw

for offences such as bai’, assau’t, and domestc iio’encem

▪ “Justce Reinvestment” scheme � estab’ished with the aim to reorientate seriices to address under’ying factors

▪ emgm educaton �rograms, free driiing �rograms, and crackdowns on domestc iio’encem

o The ABC “Four Corners Program: Backing Bourke

▪ Effectieness of uustce Reiniestment � ’owering crime rates

▪ Number of driiing offences in Bourke has been the ’owest in 10 years

▪ Preia’ence of drug offences has dec’ined signifcant’ym




o Needs of re’eased inmates not met � non-com�’iance + recidiiism rates high

o According to the Australian Insttute of Criminology

▪ 60% of those in custody in Austra’ia haie been im�risoned beforem

o The Sydney Morning Herald artclee “Aboriginal jail rates increase by 50%, but rehab fails to

reduce re-ofending”

▪ Im�risonment rates amongst ATSI increased by 52% oier 10 years

▪ ATSI youth exc’uded from rehab �rograms as they fai’ to qua’ify for seriices OR can t

access cu’tura’’y a��ro�riate seriicesm

o Additonallye ABC’s “Four Corners Program: Australians Shame”

▪ Footage of abuse uieni’e ustce faci’ites im�ose against young ATSI

▪ Re�resents the beginning of a cyc’e of incarceraton and re-offendingm

The Crimina’ Iniestgaton Process

□ Police powers

● Excessiie use of force in Robert Curt Case + Teen tasering

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o Po’ice main ’aw enforcement ofcia’s within society

o Law Enforcement Powers and Responsibilites Act (2002) (LEPRA)

▪ Po’ice giien discretonary �owers in their abi’ity to distnguish the use of “reasonab’e force”

▪ Can be ineffectie and discriminatory � tarnishing the ru’e of ’aw

o Tasers controiersia’ Issue

o Death of Robert Curt

▪ Issues of misuse and dangers of unrestricted hand’ing

▪ Robert Curt, 21 y/o Brazi’ian ki’’ed in 2012 afer being tasered 14x by �o’ice atem�tng to arrest him

▪ Coronia’ inquest into death recommend seiera’ �o’ice offences face acton fnding they had acted

“thuggish manner”

▪ Atorney genera’ - “Po’ice showed a��a’’ing udgement and no understanding on �ro�er training

o “ABC 7:30 ‘Teen tasering highlights weapon-use concerns”

▪ Footage of a 14-year-o’d boy being ta�ered by �o’ice

▪ Raised questons on use wea�ons

▪ “Worst cases of �o’ice bruta’ity I haie eier seen” – Keiin Henshaw

o Tasers �’ace grou�s within society – young men + those who a��ear “crimina’” – in danger

□ Investgatng Crime

● Use of Techno’ogy – DNA, CSI effect

o A’’ eiidence must be obtained ’awfu’’y as out’ine Evidence Act 1995 (NSW) � otherwise inadmissib’e +

reduces change of coniicton

o This �rotects rights of the offender

o DNA Eiidence

▪ Im�ortant and he’�fu’ in co’d cases

▪ Not so’e’y re’iab’e

▪ Ru’es of co’’ecton are under the; Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Act 2000

o Ineffectie DNA:

▪ ABC 2012 Late line ‘CSI Efect questons forensic evidence”

⇒ High �rof’e a��ea’s - concerns + doubts about use of untested eiidence that can �ut

innocent �eo�’e behind bars

⇒ CSI affect; seductie noton that forensic science on TV neier fai’s

⇒ Can be mis’eading for uries

▪ Farah Jama (2008)

⇒ Man was coniicted for (6 years) because of a DNA mix u�

⇒ Doubts about re’iabi’ity of the DNA sam�’e; a��ea’ succeeded

⇒ Vincent Inquiry ’ooked at how �rosecuton case was mounted – recommendaton to reduce

CSI effect + increase integrity of system

□ Arrest and Charge/Detenton + Interrogaton

● Terrorism Exce�ton – Drm Haneef Case

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o LEPRA out’ines the conditons in which �o’ice can make an arrest – on’y detain for 6 hours then chose to

re’ease or charge

▪ Protects offenders - not he’d u� in remand

o Ant-Terrorism Act (No222) 2005 (Cth)

▪ Exce�ton to genera’ 6 hour detenton ru’e �erson sus�ected of engaging terrorist actiity can be

detained for 48 hours w/o being charged

▪ Kee�s community safe

▪ Case: Dr Haneef

⇒ Doctor detained for 2 weeks

⇒ Federal Government inquiry (Clarke Inquiry) in 2008 to iniestgate the circumstances of

the arrest and detenton of him

⇒ Found that Haneef was wrong’y charged and critcised the iarious bodies inio’ied with the


□ Bail

● 1975 Act, 2007 amendments, 2013 amendment, 2013 amendment round 2

o Bail Act 1978 reforms most’y ineffectie � rising number of indiiidua’s in remand, with no indicaton of

crime rates decreasingm

o 2007 Reforms � changing socia’ ia’ues + fai’ure of existng ’aws

▪ “Presum�ton in faiour of bai’” � shif to “one shot at bai’ m

▪ Adierse im�’icatons on young offenders

▪ BOCSAR (2008-09) � 32% increase of uieni’e offenders on remandm

▪ Under Austra’ia internatona’ ob’igatons with the Conventons on the Rights of the Child � im�eded

the rights of young offenders as iso’ated from society, their fami’ies and schoo’ing for ’ong �eriods of

tme on remandm

o 2013 Reforms � fai’ure of this amendment and increased media �ressures

▪ Case-by-case “risk assessment” gaie �o’ice and courts the discreton to determine whether an

offender �oses “unacce�tab’e risk to the community”m

▪ Whi’e grantng young �eo�’e with “2 shots at bai’”, the amendments caused wide-sca’e �ub’ic

distress as a’’eged offenders were granted bai’m

▪ Case of Sydney air�ort ki’’er, Mahmoud Hawi, the magistrate oierseeing the case was ob’igated to

grant bai’ due to the “mitgatng conditons” out’ined in the new ’egis’atonm

▪ Under the �reiious ’egis’aton Hawi wou’d haie been ke�t in remand, as, due to his offence, he

wou’d be �osed as an unacce�tab’e risk to the communitym

o 2013 Round 2 � knee erk reacton

▪ The Bai’ Act was amended afer a month due to critcisms by the media and Ray Hadley on 2GB


▪ According to Don Weatherburn in a 2014 SMH artcle, the reforms were “unnecessary” as there was

“no eiidence that bai’ was easier to get under the new ’aws or the threat of reoffending on bai’ had

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o Reforms to the Bai’ Act � tensions between the rights of offenders and the �rotecton of the greater society,

but oiera’’, haie demonstrated an instance where ’aw reform has been considerab’y ineffectiem

□ Rights of Suspects

● Right to Si’ence reforms

o Evidence Amendment (Evidence of Silence) Act 2013 - new secton into the Evidence Act 1995

▪ Sus�ects cautoned � sit may harm your defence if you fai’ to menton something now that you ’ater

re’y on at tria’

▪ Reforms tack’ing right to si’ence - frustrates �o’ice iniestgatons of driie by shootngs and organised

crime iio’encem

▪ Aim: increase the efciency of ’aw enforcement by ensuring consistency between the crimina’

iniestgaton and tria’ �rocessm

o 2013 SMH artcle “Should the right to silence be removed”

▪ amendments “a’’ows �o’ice to do their ob”m

▪ DPP Nicho’as Cowdery - “amendment re�resents a signifcant deiiaton from the go’d standard of

crimina’ ustce” which is “the right to be �resumed innocent unt’ �roien gui’ty”

o 2014 SMH “lawyers not turning up”

▪ Lack resource efciency � ’awyers sim�’y “don t turn u�”m

o Whi’e reforms aim to �rotect the community + increase the efciency � im�eded the rights of offendersm

The Crimina’ Tria’ Process

□ Court Jurisdicton

● MERIT system discussion, Robert Curt coronia’ Inquest

● Cost Issues

o In summary maters � the courtroom intmidatng due to its forma’ �receding and ’engthy �rocess adierse

effect ustcem

o ABC 2015e ‘'Debt vultures' preying on fnancially vulnerable as lawyers prepare to launch $30m class


● Senior barristers fee of $8000 �er day

● Case go oier many weeks/months before resu’t resource inefciency excessiie burden on

money and tmem

o R v Dietrich 1992

● No im�’ied right to ’ega’ re�resentaton, thus affectng the outcome of the tria’

● Lega’ Aid strict basis, on’y for extreme �oierty adierse im�acts

o SMH 2016 “Tough means test locks low-income earners out of legal aidn

● Free ’ega’ re�resentaton is on’y aiai’ab’e to �eo�’e who earn ’ess than $318 a week

● # of �eo�’e re�resentng themse’ies in the ’oca’ court � increase (in 2008 it was 41%)m

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o In this way, the court system has demonstrated strains on tme, money and ’ega’ re�resentaton,

demonstratng its ineffectieness in �roiiding ustce for both the offender and the iictms

▪ Doub’e eo�ardy amendments

o Doub’e eo�ardy is a �rocedura’ defence that �reients an accused �erson from being tried again on the

same (or simi’ar) charges and on the same facts, fo’’owing a ia’id acquita’ or coniictonm

o SMH 2017 “Double Jeopardy: What is it?”

● sThere's a good reason the ’aws exist — to sto� authorites re�eated’y harassing �eo�’e that haie

been �roien innocent

o Case Study – R v Caroll (2002) HCA

● 1985 – found gui’ty of murdering a baby gir’

● A��ea’ed to CCA and was acquited

● New forensic denta’ eiidence ’inked him to murder � was tried for �er ury (’ying under oath) as

court cou’d not use murder again as a reason � WAS found gui’ty

● A��ea’ to High Court where coniicton was quashed statng he had been tried twice for the same


o Community Concerns ’eading to ’aw reform;

● Pressured goiernment to reform the ’aw The Crime (Appeal and Review) Amendment (Double

Jeopardy) Act 2006 (NSW) � enab’es �erson who is acquited of a SERIOUS crime to be retried in certain circumstances

o Queensland’s Atorney Generale Jarrod Bleijie states in 2014

● “If we can change a �iece of ’egis’aton that �uts a �erson before the court that st’’ has the due

�rocess and is ab’e to fnd that �erson gui’ty of a horrifc offence, then I think that s ustce seried”

o Controiersia’ ciii’ ’ibertarians argued it reduced common ’aw �rotectons of the rights of the accused

whi’st increasing rights of iictms

□ The Adversary System

● Issues; uries, ’ega’ re�resentaton (’ega’ aid), DPP

o Procedures + ru’es of eiidence designed for equa’ o��ortunity to �resent case (each side)

o Accurate ierdict + em�hasis on �rocedura’ fairness ru’e of ’aw

o Common Law rights - Right to Fair Tria’

▪ Common ’aw “right to fair trial” (Dietrich v Queen) � ensuring that there is a’ways an unbiased outcome

▪ Prosecuton burden of �roof �“innocent untl proven guilty” - greater ustce to the accusedm

▪ ABC 2017: “Can jury trials be fair in the age of social media”

⇒ “uurors running their own crimina’ iniestgatons using the internet and socia’ media is

increasing’y risking Austra’ians' right to a fair tria’”

o Eiidence

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▪ Eiidence must be co’’ected ’awfu’’y in accordance to the Evidence Act 1995.

▪ Breaches act udges dec’araton of the eiidence as inadmissib’e – cannot be used

▪ R v Scaf

⇒ Eiidence reiea’ed 2 urors conducted un�recedented iniestgaton of crime scene

⇒ Court of Crimina’ A��ea’ quashed coniictons + ordered retria’

o Effectie for accused – right to fair tria’, un’awfu’ eiidence is inadmissib’e

□ Pleas and Charge Negotaton

● Issues with receiiing ’esser �unishment – R i Loieridge (community outcry), Musta�ha Dib (integrity

of ’aw), Andrew Ma’’ard (�eer �ressured into gui’t)

o P’ea-bargaining – 2 �eo�’e who haie commited the same crime � receiie different treatment and outcomesm

o Effectie: reduce the cost + de’ay in the court system

o The Australian Parliament of Australia

● In oier 80% of crimina’ cases, the accused �ersons �’ead gui’ty to the chargem

● Charge negotaton is faster and increases the rate of crimina’ coniictons bringing greater ustce to

iictms of crime

o Issues of retributon

▪ Reductons in sentences for the offender - in ustce to iictms of crimem

▪ Those who �’ead gui’ty - giien a ’esser sentence than those found gui’ty by courtm

▪ R v Loveridge (2013 ): the DPP reduced his sentence from murder to mans’aughter community outcry

o Need to P’ead

▪ In additon, �’ea bargaining �’aces accused iictms in situatons where they fee’ the need to �’ead

gui’tym This may ’ead to a series of bu’’ying and mani�u’aton of the accused that forfeits their right to


▪ Andrew Mallard

⇒ Mnta’’y i’’ and �’eaded gui’ty to murder he didn t commit - coniicted for ’ife for murder of

woman in 1995 – wa’ked free in 2006

o Lacking consistency

□ Legal representaton – legal aid

● $$ Inequity – thresho’d is be’ow �oierty ’ine

o Success de�ends on both sides being re�resented equa’’ym

o Inequa’ity due to qua’ity of ’ega’ team

▪ Ex�erience + abi’ity of the ’ega’ team may be more im�ortant in determining the ierdict than the

qua’ity of the eiidence � �artcu’ar’y in ury tria’sm

▪ In summary crimina’ maters � �rosecuton wi’’ haie more ex�ertse than the defendant's so’icitor

inequa’ity and in ustcem

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o Cuts to ’ega’ aid

▪ ABC 2017: “160e000 people turned away: How the justce system is failing vulnerable Australians”

⇒ stens of thousands s’i��ing through cracks

⇒ Community ’ega’ centres turning away 160,000/year due to ’ack of ca�acity + additona’

10,000/year facing courts a’one due to cutbacks

⇒ s13% of �o�u’aton ’iie under �oierty ’ine but ’ega’ aid on’y for 8%

▪ Reduce the chance for equa’ity in re�resentaton

o Testmony

▪ Re’ies on witness statementsm

▪ Cases where witness fee’ uncomfortab’e in disc’osing a testmony in ustce

▪ R v Scaf,

⇒ Retria’ – one of �rimary witnesses refused to testfy in court (detai’s eient too traumatsing to


⇒ Law reform to a’’ow iideo eiidence in sexua’ assau’t cases

□ Defences to criminal charge

● Proiocaton – Good for Dom Vio’ence, Bad for men as iictm b’aming issue

o Im�’ies that the iictm has a ’eie’ of res�onsibi’ity in the crime; Defence � �roie that their actons were as a

resu’t of another �ersons actons

o SMH “Out-of-stop excuse is no defence”

● Other states (a�art from NSW) � abandoned �roiocaton defence, or restricted its use

● “because it has seried to excuse ma’e iio’ence against women and �romote a cu’ture of iictm


● Out-dated noton hai’ing from a tme when “men's honour and assumed inabi’ity to exercise se’f-

contro’ were more im�ortant than women's rights or equa’ity

o R v Singh

● Accused receiied 6 years for murdering his wife afer she to’d him that she wanted a diiorcem

● uury acquited the accused of murder and agreed he ’ost his contro’ � causing community outrages

● Case where “men ki’’ their wiies and get away with it”m

o R v Won

● Husband ki’’ed his wife s ’oier afer found in bed � 7m5 years ai’ fo’’owing due to �roiocaton

o A Victorian study of cases between 1998 and 2007

● Most common macm sentence for �roiocaton mans’aughter was 9 years com�ared with 18 years for

murder � HUGE dis�arity o In cases where �roiocaton is successfu’, someone who might rightu’’y haie been coniicted of murder wi’’

receiie the ’esser charge of mans’aughter, resu’tng in in ustce for both the iictms and the communitym

o Effectie; ustce for domestc iio’ence iictms suffering sbatered wife syndrome m

o BOSCAR (1990-93);

▪ 7m3% of cases used �roiocaton with 70% being successfu’m

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o R v Singh and R v Won � �ar’iamentary inquiry to �roiocaton defence

o 2012 SMH artcle “Losing provocaton defence could harm abused women”

▪ Lawyers warned �ar’iamentary inquiry into abo’ishment � “batered women who ki’’ their abusiie husbands wi’’ be disadim + more ’ike’y to go to ai’ for murder

▪ It defends women of domestc iio’ence to haie charge downgraded to mans’aughter

▪ “Such women, if that defence was remoied, wou’d be coniicted of murder''

o ABC 2013 artcle “Inquiry says provocaton defence should stay“

▪ “the defence of �roiocaton series an essenta’ �art in the crimina’ ustce system”

▪ “essenta’ for �rotectng women who haie been sub ect to ongoing domestc iio’ence”

● Menta’ I’’ness – Water’ow case, issue with sgetng away with menta’ i’’ness

o M'Naghten's case (1843)

● Precedent estab’ished � menta’ i’’ness as a com�’ete defence during tria’

● Defence they must �roie that their state of mind �reiented them from knowing that what they

were doing was wrongm

o Found not gui’ty by reason of menta’ i’’ness

● Accused go to �sychiatric insttuton

● Menta’ hea’th monitored by the Menta’ Hea’th Reiiew Tribuna’ � a’’ows rehab

o R V Waterlow

● Accused charged with murder of sister and father on the 9th Noiember 2009

● uustce Hidden ordered that Water’ow be he’d in Sydney's Long Bay Prison Hos�ita’ unt’ he is

deemed ft to be re’eased into the communitym

● Community �rotected from harm + accused he’d unaccountab’e for something they did not


o Community concerns � what consttutes “menta’ i’’ness” as a defence during tria’m

● Noton of what is consttuted as menta’ i’’ness � �recedent was estab’ished ’ong tme ago � argued

to out date modern society

● Not su��orted by current medica’ theory and know’edge

o The SMH 2014e “Criminals using mental illness as defence frustratng police and prosecute”

● Used too ofen “an easy way out”

● When offenders acquited in ustce to both the iictm and the greater society as they are �’aced at


o NSW Law Reform Commission report on Mental Illness (2012)

● Insanity �’ea is not as easy way out

● Offenders can st’’ be insttutona’ised when found not gui’tym

o Extreme’y hard to estab’ish

● Rigorous to �roie � defence inaccessib’e, seriing as an in ustce to iu’nerab’e indiiidua’s who wish

to use it

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● Se’f-defence – R i Si’ia, Kas�arian, Zeceiic

o When the accused carries out a crime in the act of defending themse’ies or someone e’se, whi’e atem�tng

to �reient a crime or �rotect from a threat

o Use “PROPORTIONAL AND REASONABLE FORCE” to defend themse’ies

o Good for Domestc Vio’ence iictms

o R v Kasparian

● Ms Kas�arian stabbed her �artner as a means of se’f defence during an argument when he was

extreme’y aggressiie and threatening

● Found not gui’ty of murder or mans’aughter

● She to’d �o’ice “Yes, I stabbed him but he was atacking me so I had to”

o R v Silva (2015)

● Abuse domestc iio’ence re’atonshi�; iictm �unched accused when he threatened to ki’’ her;

during scufe with Si’ia s father � she got a knife and stabbed him

● P’ead not gui’ty to murder

● uury found gui’ty of mans’aughter on grounds of excessiie se’f-defence

● Sentences to 2 years im�rison � this was sus�ended to a good behaiiour bond

o The Age 2014: Se’f-defence a com�’icated issue, udge te’’s ury in Bracken murder tria’

● “The ’aw says that �eo�’e may eien commit acts which wou’d otherwise be murder if they be’ieie

those acts are necessary to defend themse’ies or another �erson, from being ki’’ed or rea’’y

serious’y in ured," uustce Maxwe’’ said

□ Role of juries – including majority verdicts

● R i Scaf – issue with 2 urors, Techno’ogy – b’inded by science, socia’ media remoies im�arta’ity,

Lacking ex�erience and know’edge

o SMH 2013

● uuries �erform a ia’uab’e ro’e in “connectng the community with crimina’ ustce” - Nicho’as


● Ca’uab’e method of bringing ’aw abiding citzens into contact with the crimina’ tria’ �rocessm

o NSW Council of Civil Libertes ABC 2011

● Moreoier, uries can be used as a way of �rotectng the rights of the accused

● " udged by the diierse �eo�’e of the ury" as o��osed to a �otenta’’y biased sing’e indiiidua’

o uudge may haie outdated community or fami’y ia’ues, or a monochromatc u�bringing which may adierse’y

infuence their iiewsm

o Jury Amendment Act 2010

● As such, uries �roiide a contradictng accurate cross secton of the community

● The Act � which im�roies the e’igibi’ity and se’ecton of urors, a’’owing for a broader inio’iement, with the inc’usion of emergency seriices �ersona’ and ’awyers

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o 2013

● Ian L’oyd QC, " uries are swayed by many different factors which are not a’ways ’ogica’ or


● A ury common room can become a �’ace of heated discussion or bu’’ied iiewsm

o The NSW Law Reform Commission

● "DNA eiidence has �roien to be a com�’ex issue for uries"

o R v Murdoch 2005

● Where a ury had to be shown a �resentaton on the functon of DNA eiidence before they cou’d

giie an accurate ierdictm

o Oiera’’, uries �’ay an im�ortant ro’e in ensuring the mora’s and ethics of the community are used as the

standard, but the ’ack of know’edge and �otenta’ bias of the urors may ’imit their ca�acity to determine

accurate ustcem

o uurors ofen haie different inter�retatons of the meaning of ’ega’ ’anguage, insofar that this may affect the

ierdict of a casem


● “54% urors be’ieied that the �hrase 'beyond reasonab’e doubt' means 'sure [that] the �erson is

gui’ty ”m

o Pauline Wrighte Chair of NSW Law Society’s Criminal Law Commitee.

● uuries may �roie to be a disadiantage if a case was “so technica’ [that it] wou’d be hard for a ury to


● “There are concerns that cannot be oiercome regarding �re-ta’ �ub’icity” � a miscarriage of ustce,

borne of misunderstanding

o R v Scaf

● Fo’’owing the inita’ sentence, eiidence reiea’ed that two urors had conducted an un�recedented

iniestgaton of the crime scene to their own ex�erimentm

● As a resu’t, the Court of Crimina’ A��ea’ quashed the accused s coniictons and ordered a retria’ on

the basis of breaching the Evidence Act 19952

● Ma ority ierdicts – saiing court tmes, but remoies right to fair tria’

o A hung ury describes a situaton where the ury is unab’e to come to a conc’usion on the ierdict and as such,

a retria’ is requiredm

o The Jury Amendment (Verdicts) Act NSW 2006

● A’’ows for a ma ority ierdict of 11-1, in the eient of de’ayed de’iberatonsm

o SMH 2016: Atorney-General Bob Debus

● Ex�’ains the reform as to "�reient ’one rouge urors forcing mistria’", due to "unsustainab’e iiews or

�re udices"

o R v Burnell 2005

● Resu’ted in a hung ury, yet a retria’ in 2006 resu’ted in a gui’ty ma ority ierdict, through the new


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● This case suggests that this �rocess enab’ed a faster dis�atch of ustcem

o SMH 2006: NSW Law Reform Commission

● Proiides a confictng iiew that "it is �referab’e in the interests of ustce that the tria’ conc’ude with

a hung ury rather than an unsafe ierdict"

o SMH 2005: NSW Law Society President John McIntyre

● “Lead to innocent �eo�’e being wrong’y coniicted" as suggested by the

o NSW Bar Associaton Michael Slaterye QC SMH 2005

● Ma ority ierdicts, which are current’y used in NSW, are "inconsistent with the �rinci�’e of �roiing

gui’t beyond reasonab’e doubt" and

● “Pose a risk to the right of the accused to a fair tria’”

o As a resu’t, ma ority ierdicts a’’ow for the reducton of mistria’s, increasing the efciency of the courts, but

are theoretca’’y ’imited through the risk they �ose to indiiidua’ rights of the accusedm

Sentencing and Punishment

□ Statutory and Judicial Guidelines

● Mandatory Sentencing – R i Loierige (one �unch), Murder of a Po’ice ofcer � remoie udicia’ discreton

o Res�onse to the community outrage fo’’owing the Kieran Loveridge case, NSW Premier Barry O Farre’’ in

2014 introduced the eight- year minimum sentence for convicted one-punch ofenders

o Sione Penisini case in 2002, the NSW goiernment amended the Crimes Act 1900 to introduce mandatory

’ife im�risonment under the Crimes Amendment (Murder of Police Ofcers) Act 2011 (NSW)2

▪ uustce Buton ca’’ed the murder of a �o’ice ofcer a “direct assau’t u�on our system of

�ar’iamentary democracy and the ru’e of ’aw”

o 2011 Australian Insttute of Criminology reporte Dr. Lorana Bartels

▪ Mandatory sentences cou’d reduce coniicton rates + deter the offender from �’eading gui’ty

o 2016 The Conversatone “Mandatory sentencing leads to unjuste unfair outcomes”

▪ Mandatory sentences “remoie the udge s discretonary �ower to take into account case

circumstances” and “creates a �rob’ematc system” that im�edes the “ru’e of ’aw”

▪ 2002 - 81% of uieni’e offenders under the WA mandatory sentencing ’egis’aton ATSI

□ Purposes of Punishment

● Under�in a’’ essay questons

□ Aggravatng and mitgatng circumstances

● Aggraiatng – R i Scaf, Ebony case, R i Cam�be’’, R i Farmer, Mitgatng – R i Si’ia, R i Loieridge,

o Statutory and guide’ine udgements eierything is ’ayed out for the in an act but it u� to them to

● Sentencing is an estab’ished area of crimina’ ’aw: there are numerous ’aws, ru’es, guide’ines and

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cases on how sentences are to be determined

● Sentencing is when a udge decided on a �unishment � There are guide’ines that a udge must


● AIM to inform udicia’ discreton, and achieie consistency � BALANCES THE RIGHTS, giie �ub’ic confdence in the integrity of the sentencing �rocess

● In the The Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 (NSW) = �rimary source and max is in the

Crimes Act 1900

⇒ Identfes the �ur�ose and mitgatng and aggraiatng circumstances; ’ef to udicia’

discreton to determine

o Decide based on aggraiatng and mitgatng circumstances

● Aggravatng: R v Campbell (2010)

⇒ Des was found gui’ty of �ushing his wife uanet off a c’iff to� in 2005

⇒ Co’d b’ooded/ca’cu’ated manner of commitng offence � fact he went on ho’iday with

gir’friend rather than atending wife s funera’

⇒ Sentences to 25 years im�risonment

● Mitgatng: R v Loveridge (2013)

⇒ P’ead gui’ty of mans’aughter �got 4 years

⇒ Community outcry at �erceiied ’enient sentences � increase to 8 years on a��ea’

⇒ DPP a��ea’ and sentence increase

⇒ Factors: age 18, showed remorse, good �ros�ects for rehab

□ Victm Impact Statements

● A’’ow udges to fee’ im�act – increase ro’e of iictm emgm Thomas Ke’’y, ui’’ Meaghar dad

o A io’untary statement writen by the iictm about the im�act that the crime has had on them

⇒ Defned in s26 of the Crimes (Sentencing and Procedure) Act 1999 (NSW)

o It a’’ows the iictm an o��ortunity to �artci�ate in the �rocess by ’etng the court know how the crime has

affected them

o Jill Meaghar Case

o Loveridge Case

o SMH 2016: The problem with Victm Impact Statements

● NSW a��ea’ udge, Michae’ Adams � it wou’d be "monstrous" to suggest "for some reason ki’’ing her shou’d

atract a ’esser sentence than wou’d be the case if she had a ’oiing fami’y and grieiing re’aties"m

● uustce needs to be done for those who cannot artcu’ate the suffering they endure, as we’’ as those who can

o Good; inc’ude iictms, court can infer im�act, may assist in rehab of offender, �ub’ic’y ex�ress grief

o Against; sway im�arta’ity of udge, iery sub ectie, fami’y members degree to which they are ’oied, haie to

reiisit story again (distressing)

□ Types of Penaltes

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● Im�risonment – ’ast resort, resource inefcient, kee� society safe, offers retributon, does not

rehabi’itate (huge recidiiism rate)

o Sm5 Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 (NSW)

▪ sa court must not sentence an offender to im�risonment un’ess it is satsfed that no �ena’ty other

than im�risonment is a��ro�riate m

o R v Dean (2013)

▪ Accused ’et fre to a nursing home, ki’’ing 11 �eo�’e and in uring 8m

o Bilal Scaf (2002)

▪ 25 years im�risonment for his contributon to a series of gang ra�es

o BOSCAR report

▪ Im�risonment does not actua’’y deter offenders from reoffending

▪ Offenders giien a sus�ended sentence no more ’ike’y to re-offend than those giien a �rison sentence

of u� to 12 months in duraton

o 2014 Productvity Commission report

▪ Costs $250 �er day to kee� a �risoner in NSWm

● Fines – resource efcient, WDO s, Fines Act to reduce based on ca�acity to �ay, quick, deterrence

o Fines are usua’’y based on �ena’ty units � defned in Crimes Sentencing and Procedure Act 1999 (NSW)

▪ Chea� + effectie way of deterring �eo�’e from �ub’ic order offences

o 2007 BOSCAR study, ‘The deterrent efect of higher fnes on recidivism: driving ofencesn

▪ higher fnes do not reduce the risk of reoffendingm

o The Fines Act 1996 (NSW )

▪ Giies the court abi’ity to set a ’ower fne ’ess than the maximum in consideraton of the offenders

ca�acity to �ay � �rotect ’ow SES o Reforms to the on-the- s�ot fnes system in NSW, ca’’ed a Work and Development Order (WDO)

▪ Enab’ed offenders �ay fnes in other ways emgm community seriice with io’unteer organizatons or


o 2012 BOSCAR report;

▪ WDO s are a’so an exam�’e of the ’aws res�onsiieness to address inequites in using fnes to atain

ustce for ’ow SES iu’nerab’e �eo�’em

● Community Seriice Order – get back into community, retributon, rehabi’itaton, high non-offending

rates, but are bare’y used, Cronu’’a riots io’unteer at RSL

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o A community seriice order is a �ena’ty that can be im�osed by the court instead of a �eriod of detenton or


o It inio’ies com�u’sory su�eriised work in the community seriice orders are a means of �unishing and shaming

the offender, whi’e a’’owing for rehabi’itaton by requiring a �eriod of tme s�ent making amends in the

community for their wrongdoingm

o Community seriice orders are deemed to be ’arge’y effectie as they are cost effectie, benefcia’ to the

community and are a genera’ form of retributonm

o They a’so a’’ow offenders to maintain fami’y and community tes and encourages offender to rehabi’itate,

whi’e st’’ �ena’ising them

o 2013 BOCSAR report

▪ On’y 3m4% of offenders receiie a community seriice order, whereas more than 20% are �’aced on a


▪ Moreoier, adu’t offenders are a’so 19m8% more ’ike’y to reoffend on a good behaiiour bond in contrast

to community seriice orders where there is rate of 17m3 %m

o Case: Cronu’’a Riots working in RSL

o These statstcs suggest that Community seriice orders are more effectie at �roiiding ust outcomes for the

offender as they �roiide rehabi’itaton whi’st a’so seeking retributonm

● Diiersionary Program – MERIT �rogram, effectie in reducing drug addicton, reorientatng ustce


o Crimes (Sentencing and Punishment) Act 1999 (NSW)

o 2015 SMH artclee “Magistrate backs state-wide rollout of MERIT program”

▪ Magistrates fnd that the �rogram is an effectie mechanism for he’�ing �eo�’e with ear’y stages of


o MERIT programs 2014 annual reporte

▪ 65% of MERIT �artci�ants who entered the �rogram in 2014 met a’’ requirements and oier 65% did

not reoffend in the 15 months afer ’eaiing the �rogram

o Nick Cowdery 2015

▪ “Programs such MERIT and drug courts are far more a��ro�riate ways of deterring �eo�’e from


□ Alternatve forms of sentencing

● Circ’e Sentencing – cu’tura’’y a��ro�riate, re’atonshi� strengthened, reduced recidiiism

o Magistrate Doug Dick - member of the uudicia’ Commission of NSW

▪ CS is a “cu’tura’’y a��ro�riate measure aimed at [focusing] on the root cause of crime”

o Don Weatherburns

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▪ Comments on the �rogram as “direct inio’iement encourages Aborigina’ offenders to critca’’y refect

u�on their behaiiours”

▪ Reduces the cyc’ica’ nature of recidiiism


▪ ATSI offenders were no ’ess to reoffend in the 15-month �eriod afer their circ’e sentencing that those

sentenced in traditona’ court setngs

o 2016 SBS artclee “Circle Sentencing ‘helping keep our mob out of jail’

▪ Res�ected e’ders in ATSI communites are “iery �assionate” about this method as “it has a ’ot of

�ositie outcomes”

▪ Aborigina’ Community ofcer in Nowra, Rebecca Phi’’is -“circ’e sentencing reduces the barriers

between the Aborigina’ Community and the uustce System”

▪ Youth uustce Conferencing – ’ess adiersaria’, meets needs of chi’dren

o The Young Ofenders Act 1997

o BOSCAR 2013 report on “Partcipant Satsfacton with Youth Justce Conferencing”

▪ “The offender and iictm satsfacton is high immediate’y fo’’owing a YuC”

▪ Victm satsfacton rate of 88%m

o 2012 SMH “victm meetngs ‘donnt stop recidivismn

▪ Don Weatherburn - “it doesn't a��ear that referring young �eo�’e to a Youth uustce Conference

reduces their risk of reoffending”

o 2012 BOSCAR “The efect of Youth Justce Conferencing on re-ofending”

▪ No difference between the YuC and court grou�s in the seriousness of their re-offending

o Former Children Courts Magistratee Barbara Holborow states that

▪ “it costs a ’ot more to kee� a kid in a detenton centre than it does for �rograms such as YuCm

o Don Weatherburn in a SMH artcle

▪ effectie at “addressing under’ying causes of youth crimina’ behaiiour”

● MERIT System - effectie in reducing drug addicton, reorientatng ustce system

o Crimes (Sentencing and Punishment) Act 1999 (NSW)

o 2015 SMH artclee “Magistrate backs state-wide rollout of MERIT program”

▪ Magistrates � �rogram is an effectie mechanism for he’�ing �eo�’e with ear’y stages of addicton

o MERIT programs 2014 annual reporte

▪ 65% of MERIT �artci�ants who entered t�rogram 2014 met a’’ requirements and oier 65% did not

reoffend in the 15 months afer ’eaiing the �rogram

o Nick Cowdery 2015

▪ “Programs such MERIT and drug courts are far more a��ro�riate ways of deterring �eo�’e from


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o Post-sentencing consideratons

● Preientatie Detecton – good for community, Haneef case

o Unconsttutona’ in the High Court case of Kable v DPP (1996) � most Austra’ian urisdictons haie

’egis’atons enab’ing genera’ �owers of �reientie detenton in restricted circumstancesm

o Ant-Terrorism Act (No222) 2005 (Cth)

▪ Exce�ton to genera’ 6 hour detenton ru’e �erson sus�ected of engaging terrorist actiity can be

detained for 48 hours w/o being charged

▪ A’’ows �o’ice to make an a��’icaton to detain a �erson in custody for a maximum �eriod of 14 days

if they reasonab’y be’ieie the sus�ect wi’’ otherwise engage in a terrorist act

▪ Kee�s community safe

▪ Case: Dr Haneef

⇒ Doctor detained for 2 weeks

⇒ Federal Government inquiry (Clarke Inquiry) in 2008 to iniestgate the circumstances of the

arrest and detenton of him

⇒ Found that Haneef was wrong’y charged and critcised the iarious bodies inio’ied with the


▪ Protectie Custody – �rotect offenders, Scaf and Eddie Obeid

o Crimes (Administraton of Sentences) Act 1999 (NSW)

o Protectie custody is �roiided in NSW correctona’ centers to offenders who are iu’nerab’e to atack from

other �risonersm

o Bilal Scaf

▪ Ke�t in �rotectie custody at Longbay Correctona’ care because of numerous threats from his


o Eddie Obeid (politcian)

▪ Coniicted for misconduct in �ub’ic ofce and sentenced to fie years in �risonm

▪ Paro’e – good integraton, endangers community, Adrian Bay’ey out on �aro’e when he ki’’ed ui’’


o Paro’e refers to the conditona’ re’ease of a �risoner from custody afer the com�’eton of the

minimum term of the sentencem

o The fundamenta’ �ur�ose of �aro’e is to �roiide the offender with an incentie for rehabi’itaton

▪ Possibi’ity of ear’y re’ease wi’’ increase the ’ike’ihood of the oiera’’ reform of offenders and

encourage beter �risoner disci�’ine within the �rison setngm

▪ Encourages indiiidua’s to behaie, c’ose su�eriision he’�s to assimi’ate into society, and the

gradua’ integraton into the community reduces recidiiism

o But offenders can reoffend

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▪ Adrian Bayley, who murdered ui’’ Meagher whi’e he was out on �aro’em

o According to 2016 ABC artclee “Jill Meagher case: Prisone parole authorites could have prevented her


▪ Meagher s death was atributed to the fau’t in the Correctons Seriices of Victoria as the offender was

on �aro’e for �reiious ra�e when he ra�ed and murdered the iictmm

▪ Sex Offenders Registry – ANCOR, good for community, bad b/c it �ro’ongs treatment, harassed by

court (teenager artc’e)

o The Australian Natonal Child Ofenders Register (ANCOR) and the New South Wales Child Protecton


▪ Both web-based systems designed to assist �o’ice with the registering and case management of

those who haie commited sexua’ offences against chi’drenm

o Estab’ished under the Child Protecton (Ofenders Registraton) Act 2000 (NSW)

▪ a �erson coniicted of s�ecifed iio’ent or sexua’ offences against a chi’d must register at the ’oca’


o 2016 SMH artclee “Teenager wrongly branded a dangerous sex ofender – how can this be justce”

▪ sex offender registries ofen make offenders “fee’ harassed by the �o’ice and iictmised by the


▪ sometmes contentous, as they target certain offenders ’ong beyond the �eriod of the sentence

they haie been required to serie, denying the chance for the offender to moie on in the

rehabi’itaton �rocessm

o In this way, sex offender s registries are ’arge’y effectie at �rotectng and kee�ing the community from

harm, howeier they are most’y ineffectie at a’’owing offenders to oiercome their crimesm

Young Offenders

□ Children’s Court

● A’ternate way of dea’ing with kids, not o�en to �ub’ic, ob’igatons under CROC

o The Chi’dren's Court � maintain the distncton adu’t and young offenders

▪ S�ecia’ised court ensures that a’’ �ossibi’ites for rehabi’itaton �rioritsedm

o During the crimina’ iniestgaton �rocess

▪ Law enforcement agencies must adhere to strict conditons to ensure that eiidence is not

misconstrued or that the naiiety of a young offender does not obstruct the �ursuit of ustce, ’imits

that are out’ined in the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilites) Act 2002 NSW (LEPRA)2

o R v CKT 1999 (NSW)

▪ The �o’ice fai’ed to �roiide an adu’t guardian � eiidence gained during an interiiew with CKT was

deemed inadmissib’e to the court

▪ Limits effectie’y ensure the rights of chi’dren are not breached during the tria’ �rocess and create a

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distncton between the treatment of adu’t and young offendersm

o Chi’dren's Court �roceedings are c’osed sessions, and the name of the offender is re�’aced with a three

’eter �seudonym in �ub’icatonse R v SLD 2002 NSW

o UNSW 2014:

● Re’ies on the "s�ecia’ised know’edge of magistrates and udicia’ ofcers" in determining an

"im�arta’ decision" that wi’’ best he’� the uieni’e crimina’

o (NSW BOCSAR 2012 - SMH).

▪ 65% of young offenders during 2012 were reconiicted of another offence with 24 months of

a��earing in the Chi’dren's Court

▪ Estmated $2200 cost of the tria’ and $2800 cost on im�’ementng �unishment

▪ ATSI are disadiantaged within the crimina’ ustce system � fee’"stgmatzed" by the Chi’dren's Court

and thus are ’ess ’ike’y to engage with rehabi’itatie �rocesses

o (SMH 2012)

▪ This is com�ounded by community dismay at the inabi’ity of the court exem�’ifed through media

cam�aigns that em�hasised that "Chi’dren reoffend as system goes sof"

o Thus, whi’st the Chi’dren's Court is a s�ecia’ised tria’ �rocess design to �rotect young offenders in manners

not aiai’ab’e to adu’ts, it of strugg’es to effectie’y incor�orate chi’dren and fami’ies into the court


□ Alternatve to Court – YJC

● Youth uustce Conferencing – ’ess adiersaria’, meets needs of chi’dren

Internatona’ Crime

□ Dealing with domestc and internatonal crime measures

● Sign internatona’ Treates – �ass ’aws to refect

● Human Trafcking transnatona’ crime (a’’ Human Rights stuff)

● ICC and ICu

o Internatona’ courts and tribuna’s are a’so moderate’y effectie at reso’iing confict and �romotng �eacem

● Effectieness � iaries from court to court + re’ies wi’’ingness to com�’ym

● ICC is (UN) “principal judicial irgan if the United Natins”

● Proiides;

1m Adiisory o�inions

2m Contentous dis�utes between statesm

o Adiisory o�inions

● In theory are effectie � �roiide a non-biased third-�arty decision in the best interest of the internatona’ community + �reientng countries from using force

● BUT re’y on the wi’’ingness to com�’y

● Emgm Israeli West Bank Case (2004)2

⇒ ICu says � wa’’ “cintrary ti internatinal law”

⇒ Artcle: (Al Jazeera 2015) ‘Israelis wall: Secuirty or Apartheid”: Israe’i goiernment refused to acce�t

Page 22: Main Arguments - Crime Arguments - Crime (Neilab Osman… · Main Arguments - Crime The Nature of Crime The categories of crime Crimes against the Person (murder) is the highest -

the ICu s urisdicton by contnuing to construct what is today accused of being an “apartheid wall”

between Pa’estne and Israe’m

⇒ Non-binding nature of ICu decisions

⇒ Artcle: (JPost 2017) ‘ICJ should rule on Israeli, Palestnian compliance failure: 'Conficts cannot be

reso’ied if naton states are not wi’’ing to com�’y with the reso’utonsm

⇒ Long-standing and intractab’e tensions between Israe’ and Pa’estne dee�’y entrenched socio-

�o’itca’ issuesm

o Contentous inter-state dis�utes

● ICu is ’arge’y effectie at reso’iing conficts and �romotng �eace when countries agree to “abide by its decisiin”

● Emgm Benin v Niger (2005)

⇒ ICu ended a 4 border dis�ute between the two countries oier 25 is’ands by awarding each naton a

s�ecifc number of dis�uted is’ands

⇒ Artc’e: (IRIN 2005) sInternatinal Ciurt rules that main disputed island belings ti Niger nit Benin’”: The

West African natons �roc’aimed their state soiereignty and atended the ICu in 2002, �romising to

“cimply by its decisiin”

⇒ Ro’e of the ICu in seriing as a forum for discussion and negotaton between host’e states who are

wi’’ing to com�’y

□ Limitatons

● State soiereignty
