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Mahatma Gandhi

Page 2: Mahatma Gandhi

English Rule over India

First we need to talk about England!

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English Rule over India

In the year 1600 British Queen Elizabeth created the East India Company of England

to travel to the Eastern part of the world and conduct trade with those countries.

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English Rule over India

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English Rule over India 1.The East India Company arrived in

India in 1608 2. East India Trading company was in charge of trade with China, India and

South East Asia.

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English Rule over India 3. The East India Company arrived in India in 1608.

4. East India Company was able to quickly establish trading posts and factories in some of the major

cities of India.

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English Rule over India

5. The British had firmly established

themselves on Indian soil, and had started ruling the

people immediately.

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English Rule over India 6. Indians started rebelling towards the English,

and in 1857, the First mutiny was launched

7. Mutiny - Rebellion against authority (people in charge)

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English Rule over India Great Indian leaders rebelled until the English

could take it no longer and agreed to 'Quit India'.

This happened in the year 1947, when India declared herself an independent country.

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English Rule over India 8. British ruled over India for 339 years.

9. Mahatma Gandhi was one of the Great Indian Leaders who helped kick the British

out of India…

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? 10. 'Mahatma' means Great Soul… When your first name means Great

Soul you know you are going to be awesome!

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? Gandhi was the leader of the Indian

movement against British rule

11. He is considered the Father of India.

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? Gandhi created a policy of non-violent

protest to achieve important goals for India.

12. Protest - The act of making a strong public expression of disagreement and


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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? Important!!!

All of Gandhi’s protest against British Rule in India were PEACEFUL…this is almost unheard of in modern


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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? Born in Porbandar

in Gujarat on October 2, 1869

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi?

He believed the universe was regulated by a Supreme Intelligence which he called Satya (Truth)

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? Gandhi was married by arrangement at age 13

Arranged Marriage - a marriage in which neither the bride or the groom has any say over who they can


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Who was Mahatma Gandhi?

Kasturba Gandhi (Wife) and children

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? 14. Gandhi moved to England in 1891 and

began Law School. He began to work as a lawyer in Bombay, India

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? From 1893 to 1914 he worked as a lawyer in South Africa.

While in South Africa he began to see racial discrimination towards India

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? 15. He assumed leadership of protest campaigns and gradually developed his

techniques and tenets of nonviolent resistance known as Satyagraha

Satyagraha – “steadfastness in truth” (Gandhi with friends in South Africa)

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi?

Returning to India in January 1915, Gandhi soon became involved in labor organizing.

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi?

16. The Amritsar massacre (1919), in which British troops fired on and killed

hundreds of nationalist

demonstrators, turned Gandhi to

direct political protest’s.


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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? 17. In 1920 Gandhi became a politician

in the Indian National Congress

He wanted to work towards a unified India without Britain ruling them.

(Capital Building)

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi?

Gandhi continued civil disobedience, organizing protest marches against unpopular British measures,

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi?

18. A campaign of nonviolent protest against the British salt tax in colonial

India which began with the Salt March to Dandi on March 12, 1930.

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? Indians were unhappy with the tax that the British put on Salt

Gandhi decided to organize a boycott of British salt and walk to the ocean where salt was free.

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? 19. Boycott – Refuse to use, to

sponsor, or to do business with.

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi?

Along the way hundreds of Indians joined Gandhi on his non-violent Salt March.

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? 20/21. Gandhi was repeatedly

imprisoned by the British and resorted to hunger strikes as part

of his civil disobedience.

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi?

Hunger strikes - A strike where one

does not eat

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? 22. His final imprisonment came in 1942-44,

after he had demanded total withdrawal of the British (the "Quit India" movement) during

World War II.

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? Gandhi was also tireless in trying to forge

friendships between the Hindu people and Muslims.

23. The Hindu and Muslim religions did not see eye to eye.

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? 24. His greatest failure was his inability

to discourage Indian Muslims, led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, from creating a

separate state, Pakistan.

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? 25. Pakistan became a country in 1947.

They are still constantly fighting with India and the threat of Nuclear War is

always on the Horizon.

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi?

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi?

26. On January 30, 1948, Gandhi was shot while he was walking to a platform from which he was to address a prayer meeting.

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi?

27. The assassin, Nathuram Godse, was a Hindu separatist who said Gandhi was responsible for

weakening India by insisting upon giving financial aide to Pakistan

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? Remember at this time Pakistan had just broke away

from India and created a new country.

They were very poor and Gandhi wanted to help them by giving them money to help create a government.

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi?

Gandhi’s Funeral

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi?

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi?

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? Mahatma Gandhi’s body lay with his head to the north In that position Buddha met his


Ramdas, the third son of the Mahatma, set fire to the funeral pyre. The logs burst into flames.

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? Gathering

Gandhi’s Ashes

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi?

Gandhi's ashes are at Aga Khan Palace (Pune, India).

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi?

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? Gandhi dedicated his life to the wider

purpose of discovering truth.

He tried to achieve this by learning from his own mistakes

Conducting experiments Gandhi stated that the most important battle to

fight was overcoming his own demons, fears, and insecurities.

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? "When I despair, I remember that all through history

the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall — think of it, always.“

“A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.”

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.“

"There are many causes that I am prepared to die for but no causes that I am prepared to kill for."