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An acknowledgment should be written when you

receive merchandise.

Should be send as quickly as possible, if is delayed

then it should begin with an apology.


Thank you for your kind letter of March 15.

You will find enclosed our most recent catalogue

and price list.


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WELOLU, INC. 3000 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY 10019

March 22, 2012 Mr. Gus Andrea Quality Industries 1876 Magnolia Boulevard Detroit, Michigan 48233 Dear Mr. Andrea: I already received the contract that you sent to us. Thank you for the promptness that you have sending this important contract that will be placed in a safe immediately. The service that you offer for the next three years will help us to have the machines available. We look forward to a successful working relationship. Sincerely yours, Lorena Monzon Manager LM/lm

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After a decision or agreement has been made, either

at a meeting or in conversation, it a good idea to

send it, to establish a written record of the



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QUALITY INDUSTRIES 1876 Magnolia Boulevard Detroit, Michigan 48233

April 12, 2012 Welolu, Inc. 300 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10019 Dear Sir or Madam: Two weeks ago we made a contract No. 2430 to service all Quality‟s office machines for the next three years. We have not heard from you at this time. We want to know when the service will start and how much time will the service take. We have you could reach us as soon as possible to organize the office. Sincerely yours, Gus Andrea Manager GA/wm

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The information should be clear, correct and

complete; they let the client know that there is

something pendant.


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Boulder, Colorado 80301

March 27, 2012 Mr. Justin Michaels 622 Garth Street Boulder, Colorado 80321 Dear Mr. Michaels: I would like to confirm our lunch on April 7 at 1 P.M. that will take place at Territorial di Marco, at the corner of Tenth Street and Western Avenue. Territorial di Marco is one of my favorite place to eat because its food is spicy and delicious. I hope to meet you there. Cordially yours, Nancy Carson Architect


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Should contain any information regarding of the

order that is needed for the proper crediting of your


1. Account number

2. Invoice number

3. Amount of the check

Do not include extra information.


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QUALITY INDUSTRIES 1870 Magnolia Boulevard Detroit, Michigan 48233

April 9, 2012 Welolu, Inc 300 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10019 Dear Ms. Monzón: We have enclosed a check No. 007 for $60,000 in payment of the contract that we have sent you on March 22. The number of the contract is 911.

Sincerey yours,

George Cluney Manager


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Should be written to a new customerorto a large

order by a regular customer.

Should contain:

1. Date or number of the order

2. Order of invoice number

3. Explain the date and method of shipment

4. Acknowledging the method of payment.


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WALMART 2019 Logan Street

Paramus, New Jersey 70622

April 12, 2012 BDRM Bedding Store 529 Eaton Avenue Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18115 Dear Sir or Madam: We are pleased to have received your order No. 0713 of March 31, 2012. We are eager to deliver to a n new client. We will send you 50 Beatyreat Euro Square Pillows, 75 Classic Reversible 3 piece Bedding Comforter Sets and 30 Timberland Quit Sets. They will be shipped by DHL Express on April 15. It will be an extra charge for the delivery of your merchandise of $150. Unfortunately, we will shipped you this order in two separate consignments because in this moment the Twin Microfiber Sheet sets and Queen Microfiber Sheet Sets are not in stock. Therefore, we will send you the second consignment on April 30. The payment is by check to the name of Walmart. We are enclosing you the envelope

Sincerely yours, Martha Sánchez Manager MS/lm

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A stopgap letters are written when we do not have the information requested and we let they know that we will not ignored and we will answer as soon as we have the information.


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LAWSEN LINEN COMPANY P. O. Box 762, Bloomfield New Jersey 07003

April 17, 2012 Mr. Marianne Rollins 444 Ross Avenue Caldwell New Jersey 07006 Dear Mrs. Rollins: In reply to your inquiry of your order No. 2643 of one set of Floral Mist queen-size sheets and pillowcases, the order being processed. Unfortunately, the company that provides them is on a strike and all the orders have been held up. We assure you that a settlement is expected soon and we hope send the shipment as soon as possible with a special price for this delay. Sincerely yours, Jonathan Smith Manager JS/lm

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It should begin by thanking the reader for the interesting in your company and end by offering further assistance. The purpose is to give information.


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OR 78821-4432

April 30, 2012 Mrs. Cindy Jones 1234 NE Hancock Drive Woodinville, WA 98072 Dear Mrs. Jones: Thank you for your interest in the Hampshire School of Etiquette. We are happy to supply you with the information you requested. Unfortunately, this course had an overwhelming response, but we can accept her on Saturday afternoons for a special seminary called “Etiquette for Tweens” for the next four weeks. We are enclosing you a brochure of the class description and an enrollment form. We are sure that this program will give your daughter confidence and poise in every day and formal situations. We look forward to help your daughter grow up and we hope that the information that we send to you will be useful to you. Sincerely yours, Lorena MonroyMejía Sales Manager LM/wm

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Some business inquiries can best be answered by

another person. It should explain why and to whom

it‟s being referred.


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WELOLU, INC. 3000 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY 10019

April 23, 2012 Mr. Maxine Smith Sportswear Manufacturing Co. Inc. 842 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10018 Dear Mr. Smith: In reply of your letter of April 10, you requested us information about the wholesale price on Sportswear. We cannot provide this information; it can best be answer by one of our dealer. I am therefore referring your letter to Mr. James Wong; he has his office in 4069 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 1077. I am sure that he will help you. Sincerely yours, Ricky Martin Manager RM/lm

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You should never use the word „‟no‟‟, your reader

deserves an explanation of your refusal, you should

be careful to keep your letter open-ended and a not-

at-this-time keeps the possibility of future business.


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NASHUA, NH 03051 April 27, 2012 Mr. Arthur Edward President Pacific Growth Properties L. P. 2785 Kimberley Melbourne, Australia Dear Mr. Edward Thank you for your request of the bar-code scanning equipment for your company. You already have a discount of the 10 percent for the wholesales price, for that reason the 25 percent that you requested cannot be process. However, we can give you an extra discount, for being an excellent customer. The discount will be of the 5 percent which means that you will have a 15 percent of discount in total. Sincerely yours, Vinn Disel Manager