Page 1: MADAM PRESIDENT The Secret Presidency CELEBRITY ... · rific show filled with stories, poems and songs. Their shows are geared toward ages 3 to 9, but everyone gets a kick out of

Ansel Adams Inspired Photography Contest Wednesday, February 20th-Sunday, March 31st. Take your best Ansel Adam’s inspired black and white Blue Island landscape picture and email it to the library by March 31. Winner gets an Amazon gift card.

Hearing Screening Tuesday, March 5th, 2:30 PM. Come get a free hearing exam performed by an expert from Hear USA and learn more about your hearing health.

Book DiscussionTuesday, March 5th and April 2nd, 7PM. Read and discuss, Shakespeare: The World as Stage by Bill Bryson (March)

and Hatchet by Gary Paulsen (April).

Yote: African Game of CheckersMonday, March 11th, 5PM. Learn and play Yote, the African Game of Checkers.

Protect Yourself Against ScamsTuesday, March 12th, 7PM. Humana will explain how to avoid scams and answer all of your questions.

EVENT CODES / CÓDIGOS DE EVENTOS: ‘A’=adult / adulto, ‘C’=children / niños, ‘G’ all ages / todas las edades, ‘YA’ young adult, teen / adultos jóvenes, adolescentes

Computer Basics Tuesday, March 5th, and 12th 11:30PM. Get answers to all your computer questions!

Wednesday Night MovieWednesday, March 6th and April 3rd, 5PM. Join us monthly for our movie night! In March we will be viewing Night of the Living Dead (1968) and in April Charade (1963).

Email BasicsTuesday, April 2nd & 9th, 11:30 AM, Get the answers to email questions!

2019 March / April | marzo / abril

@ The Library All the Time

C E L E B R I T Y C I R C U L A T I O N C L E R K S W A N T E DJoin the Blue Island Public Library Circulation Services staff during National Library Week (April 7-13)

for an hour to meet-and-greet library patrons and help us celebrate this year’s theme “Libraries = Strong Communities.” Chat with your neighbors and friends while promoting the library’s services to the community and your organization. Don’t be shy, if you’re a Blue Islander, you’re a celebrity to us. Stop by or contact Dave at [email protected]

T E L L U S Y O U R L I B R A R Y S T O R Y C O N T E S TAll through National Library Week (April 7-13), patrons are welcome to submit a library story and gain a chance to win a $10 Amazon gift card!

C E L E B R A T E W O M E N ’ S


M A D A M P R E S I D E N T :

SATURDAY, MARCH 30TH, 2-4PM. Celebrate Women’s History Month

with the telling of the largely unknown story of our “First Woman President”

Edith Wilson. Historian William Hazelgrove wil l discuss how

this First Lady ran the country f rom 1919 to 1921 af ter

President Woodrow Wilson suffered a massive stroke.

The Secret Presidency of Edith Wilson

AdultsAdults Lynn Tarkowski | [email protected] | 708.388.1078 x30U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E I N D I C AT E D , E V E N T S TA K E P L A C E I N T H E L O W E R L E V E L — M E E T I N G R O O M .

Created by Davidzydd -

Page 2: MADAM PRESIDENT The Secret Presidency CELEBRITY ... · rific show filled with stories, poems and songs. Their shows are geared toward ages 3 to 9, but everyone gets a kick out of

AdultsAdults Lynn Tarkowski | [email protected] | 708.388.1078 x30U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E I N D I C AT E D , E V E N T S TA K E P L A C E I N T H E L O W E R L E V E L — M E E T I N G R O O M .

Created by Davidzydd -

Captain Marvel Craft Thursday, March 7th, 5PM. Captain Mar-vel comes out March 8th. In that spirit, decorate a bookend for the YA Graphic Novel collection.

National Prom-posal DayMonday, March 11th, 3-9PM. Stage your Prom-posal in front of a green screen and pick your background. Photo ses-sions are first-come throughout the day, and as staff is available.

BreakoutEDU Escape Room Event Wednesday, March 20th, 4:30-6:30PM.

Participate in an escape room event at Marist High School. Teams of two will compete to solve puzzles and win prizes. Registration cost is $30 PER TEAM. Made possible by a RAILS library system grant between Marist High School and Blue Island Public Library.

Maker: Hemp BraceletsTuesday, March 26th, 4PM. Make a simple hemp bracelet for yourself, or as a gift. It’s back in style again, right?

Geek Out! Tech Fair Wednesdays, March 27th, April 10th and April 24th, 3PM. Our tech fairs give teens a chance to play with our new educational toys!

Teen Oculus Rift Hour

Mondays, April 1st and April 15th, 3PM. Experience virtual reality with the Oculus Rift headset! 20 minute sessions per pa-trons. Patrons must be 13-19 years-old. Only 3 slots per day! Guardians of minors must sign a waiver.

Cover Letters and Coffee Thursday, April 4th, 5PM. Review or learn anew the components to an effective cover letter. Intended for a teen audience.

Simple STEAM Project Thursday, April 11th, 4PM. Make a rocket bookmark that lights up.

Easter Craft: Tie-Dye Tuesday, April 23th, 4PM. We’ll provide some cheap t-shirts and other dye-able stuff, but feel free to bring your own.

Creative NonsenseEvery Monday, 6-8PM. Teen Open Stu

dio. Art supplies and tools are provided.

Movie and a Pizza Night Last Thursday of every month, March 3rd, 28th and April 25th, 6PM. Come eat some pizza and watch a movie.

Origami ButterfliesEvery Monday, 5-5:30PM. Come learn how to make a simple origami butterfly. Make a

few for the library, and keep one for yourself.

Young Adults Micah Rademacher | [email protected] | 708.388.1078 x31U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E I N D I C AT E D , E V E N T S TA K E P L A C E I N T H E L O W E R L E V E L — M A K E R S PA C E .

Created by Vilmosvarga -

@ The Library All the Time

Adult Craft Corner: Safety Pin BraceletTuesday, March 19th, 7PM. Learn how to make

a colorful bracelet using safety pins, seed beads, and elastic cord.

D.I.Y. Dream CatcherWednesday, March 20th, 6PM. Learn how to make dream catchers.

Jello Art: FlowersFriday, March 22nd, 11AM. Come learn techniques used to make edible flowers in clear gelatin (Jell-o).

Morra - The Italian Fingers Game of Italy and Old Blue Island Friday, March 29th, 12 pm. Learn to play the historic finger competition game.

Learn How to Make a Balloon Arch

Monday, April 8th, 1PM. Take your par-ties to the next level by making a balloon arch. Registration is required.

Rules of the RoadMonday, April 8th, 1:30PM. A represen-tative from the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office will be here to give a refresher on the Rules of the Road.

Convert VHS to DVD Thursday April 11th, 11AM. Learn how to convert VHS to DVD. Intermediate computer knowledge is required.

Vegetable Gardening Workshop-Thursday, April 11th, 7PM. Join gardener Anna Stange to learn about seed start-ing, transplanting, and crop rotation.

Air Plant TerrariumsFriday, April 12th, 11PM. Create a fantas-

tic mini terrarium featuring an air plant!

Stretch Your Grocery DollarsTuesday, April 16th, 7PM. Learn easy ways to get the biggest bang for your buck on healthy foods.

National Preservation WeekMonday, April 15th - Saturday, April 20th. Stop by to learn how to digitize and scan your photos to email or a flash drive.

Adult Craft Corner: DIY Tote BagTuesday, April 23rd, 7PM. Go green for Earth day by painting a reusable tote bag.

PHOTOSHOP TUTORIAL: Make Your Own Dreamscape From Scratch! Tuesday, March 12th, 5-6PM. Learn to create an Instagram-like dreamscape. SKILL LEVEL: Familiar with Photoshop.

EVENT CODES / CÓDIGOS DE EVENTOS: ‘A’=adult / adulto, ‘C’=children / niños, ‘G’ all ages / todas las edades, ‘YA’ young adult, teen / adultos jóvenes, adolescentes

Page 3: MADAM PRESIDENT The Secret Presidency CELEBRITY ... · rific show filled with stories, poems and songs. Their shows are geared toward ages 3 to 9, but everyone gets a kick out of

Learn Spanish or English with DuolingoMonday, March 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th, 6PM. Join the Children’s Depart-ment Duolingo classroom to learn and compete with other children. Small prizes will be awarded monthly to top students. Bring headphones and Duolingo compatible devices, comput-ers and tablets are available on a first come first served basis. Ages 7-14, and sign-up is required.

Blue Island Children’s Books Club DiscussionWednesday, March 20th, 5:30PM. Kids can meet up to discuss the newest YS Book Club Book, Al Capone Does My Shirts by Gennifer Choldenko.

Blue Island Children’s Books Club DiscussionWednesday, April 17th, 5:30PM. Kids can meet up to discuss the newest YS Book Club Book, Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson.

The Mad Hatters Group Saturday, April 20th, 11AM. We welcome back the

Mad Hatters, a community project of the Junior League of Chicago. Enjoy a ter-rific show filled with stories, poems and songs. Their shows are geared toward ages 3 to 9, but everyone gets a kick out of their crazy hats!

Kid’s Day CelebrationSaturday, April 27, 2PM. Come celebrate Children’s Day with the Chicago Bubble Show! Games, prizes, face painting and lots of fun. Don’t miss it!

@ The Library All the Time

Children Deborah Beasley | [email protected] | 708.388.1078 x22U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E I N D I C AT E D , E V E N T S TA K E P L A C E I N T H E L O W E R L E V E L — M E E T I N G R O O M .

Created by Starline -

Design | Tips & Software TutorialsAPPOINTMENT ONLY. Ages 12+. Ever wanted to design a flyer, or a book cover, or

poster? Well, this program’s focus is to expose you to some design principles and get you trained in design software.

Songwriters Circle: Weekly Meet-UpEvery Tuesday, 6PM. A weekly gathering for

anyone interested in songwriting: get to know other songwriters, discuss a variety of topics related to songwriting, and get hands-on experience crafting, sharing, and critiquing songs.

Blizzard Hearthstone: Fireside GatheringSaturday, March 2nd and April 6th, 12:30 PM. Join

the library, in the electronic card game Hearthstone with a Fireside Gathering and celebrate some friendly competition! (Laptop or Smart Device Required)

Microsoft Word ClinicMonday, November 12th, 6-7PM. Ages 12+. Microsoft Word got you frustrated? Come to our

free clinic to get the support you need. Register online.

@ The Library All the Time

All Ages Oscar Arellano| [email protected] | 708.388.1078 x30U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E I N D I C AT E D , E V E N T S TA K E P L A C E I N T H E L O W E R L E V E L — M E E T I N G R O O M .

Created by Kjpargeter -

Family Friendly Friday MoviesFridays, March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th and April 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, 3PM. All movies are rated G or PG. All adults must be accompanied by a child.

Board Game MadnessMondays thru Thursdays, starting March 4th, thru April 26th, kids can play board games, puzzles, coloring crafts, Legos and more.

Read an E-Book WeekMonday, March 4th-Saturday, March 9th. Schedule an appointment with staff to kickoff your ebook reading with the library ebook app, Libby.

Supermoon Viewing While Eating Moon PiesWednesday, March 20th, 8PM or when it gets dark. Enjoy a delicious moon pie as we travel through the sky with a tele-scope. Rosalia Lugo, Adler Planetarium Program Manager will give insightful information about the sky and moon!

Open MicTuesday, March 26, 6PM. Musicians and poets are welcome to perform! Only family friendly material. Sign-up in the Tech Annex!

Three Player ChessThursday, April 25th, 3PM. You’ve played and won at chess before, but can you win at 3 man chess?

EVENT CODES / CÓDIGOS DE EVENTOS: ‘A’=adult / adulto, ‘C’=children / niños, ‘G’ all ages / todas las edades, ‘YA’ young adult, teen / adultos jóvenes, adolescentes

Page 4: MADAM PRESIDENT The Secret Presidency CELEBRITY ... · rific show filled with stories, poems and songs. Their shows are geared toward ages 3 to 9, but everyone gets a kick out of

EVENT CODES / CÓDIGOS DE EVENTOS: ‘A’=adult / adulto, ‘C’=children / niños, ‘G’ all ages / todas las edades, ‘YA’ young adult, teen / adultos jóvenes, adolescentes

Inscripciones para Curso de InglésMarzo 19 y 21, 10AM-12PM. Ven a días de inscripción para asistir al curso de inglés en la primavera. Este curso de 8 semanas te ayudará a leer, escri-bir, escuchar y practicar hablar inglés. Es necesario que te registres antes de empezar el curso en Abril.

Clases de Computación ESLLos martes, Marzo 5, 12, 19 y 26, 12PM. Curso de Computación para adultos principiantes. Ven aprender lo básico de computación. Aprenderás las partes de la computadora, Word,

Navegar el internet, redes sociales y el correo electrónico. Por favor de registrar antes de Marzo 1. Para más información contactar a Oscar Arellano o Sonia Ro-driguez. Espacio limitado.

Curso de CosturaLos miercoles 3 de Abril al 8 de Mayo. ¿Tienes máquina y no sabes cómo funciona? Ven al curso de costura para aprender la función de la máquina de cocer. La instructora de costura te ense-ñará lo básico de la costura para hacer proyectos especiales.

Celebración del Día del NiñoSábado 27 de Abril, 2PM. ¡Ven a celebrar el día del niño con el Chicago Bubble Show! Juegos, premios, caritas pintadas y mucha diversión. ¡No te lo pierdas!

2433 York St., Blue Island, IL 60406 [email protected] 708.388.1078 | Monday - Thursday : 9AM-9PM Friday & Saturday : 9AM-5PM Makerspace Hours: Monday : 6-8PM Tuesday - Friday : 3-5PM Scheduled Closing: 4/26 Staff In-Service


Departments:Director Colleen Waltman [email protected] Reference / Technical Services [email protected]’s Services Deborah Beasley [email protected]

Circulation Dave Boras [email protected] Outreach Sonia Rodriguez [email protected] / Social Media Lynn Tarkowski [email protected] Annex / Blue Island History Museum [email protected] Adult Services Micah Rademacher [email protected]

ESL Grupo de Conversación en InglésTodos los miércoles del 23 de Enero al 20 de Marzo. 10-11:30am. Los estudiantes de inglés intermedio y avanzado pueden unirse a

este grupo de conversación para practicar su inglés. Las sesiones son dirigidas por hablan-tes de inglés con fluidez. Inscripción será el primer día del programa.

@ La Biblioteca Todo el Tiempo

En Español Sonia Rodriguez | [email protected] | 708.388.1078 x18U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E I N D I C AT E D , E V E N T S TA K E P L A C E I N T H E L O W E R L E V E L — M E E T I N G R O O M .

Created by Freepik

Are you an artist? Enter the Summer Reading Program T-Shirt

Design Contest! Winner will receive a $25 gift card.

It's Showtime at Your Library!Summer Reading Program 2019

T-Shirt Design Contest T-Shirt Design Contest

SpecificationsAll artwork must incorporate title:It's Showtime at Your Library!Summer Reading Program 2019Submissions must be:JPEG format/PDF-8.5 x 11 Inches At least 150 DPI

GuidelinesContest is open to all artists. All ages.

Deadline: Entries must be received by April 30, 2019.Only electronic copies will be accepted.

Send to [email protected] will be evaluated based on content and marketability.

Design may be chosen to represent the Summer Reading Program.

This summer the BLUE ISLAND PUBLIC LIBRARY will be providing lunches to youth

up to age 18 during the weekdays in June and July. We are looking for adult volunteers willing and able to spend an hour or so from noon to 1pm one to two days/week, handing out meals and monitoring activity in the room. There will be training and a background check. This program is possible through the Illinois State Board of Education and the Greater Chicago Food Depository. Interested individuals should contact Colleen Waltman at (708) 388-1078 or [email protected]