
Annual Symposia of

The British Ecological Society

42 Dispersal Ecology Bullock, Ken wa rd & Hails, 2002

41 Ecology: Achievement and Challenge Press, Huntly& Levin, 2001

40 The Ecological Consequences of Environmental Heterogeneity Hutchings, John & Stewart, 2000

39 Physiological Plant Ecology

Press, Scholes & Barker, 2000

Special Symposia of

The British Ecological Society

15 Genes in the Environment Hails, Beringer & Godfray, 2003

14 Integrating Ecology and Evolution in a Spatia l Context Silvertown & Antonovics, 2001

37 Dynamics of Tropical Communities Newbery, Prins & Brown, 1997

36 Multitrophic Interactions in Terrestrial Systems Gunge & Brown, 1997

33 Genes in Ecology Berry, Crawford & Hewitt, 1992

30 Toward a More Exact Eco logy Grubb & Whittaker, 1989

13 Ecology of Arctic Environ men ts Woodin & Marquiss, 1997

12 Primary Succession on Land Miles & Walton, 1993

Macroecology: Concepts and Consequences The 43rdAnnual Symposium of the British Ecological Society

held at the University of Birmingham

17-19 April 2002


TIM M. BLACKBURN School of Biosciences University of Birmingham Birmingham, UK


KEVIN J. GASTON Department of Animal and Plant Sciences University of Sheffield Sheffield, UK

fl) Blackwell Publishing

(~haptcr 2 Evolutionary analysis of species richness patterns in aquatic beetles: why macroecology needs a historical perspective

Alfried P. Vogler* and Ignacio Ribera

Introduction Species richness differs dramatically between groups of organisms, but explanations for these differences are elusive. For example, it is widely recognized that body size correlates with species richness, and richness is shifted towards small-but not the smallest-species (May 1973; Lawton 1995; Purvis eta!., this volume). This striking

body-size distribution of species diversity is observed almost universally across

many taxonomic groups. Even more pronounced are differences in species richness between major phyletic lineages, but these are less regular and predictable. Examples have been presented from vertebrates (Stiassny & Pinna 1994), plants (Sanderson & Donoghue 1994), insects (Mayhew2002), tiger beetles (Vogler & Barraclough 1998)

and many others. These differences in clade size are the result of variation in specia­tion and extinction rates in the history of a clade.

Similarly, geographical patterns of species richness vary greatly. General trends in

species distributions have been described that apply widely to many groups and

geographical regions, such as the species-area relationship or latitudinal gradients (Arrhenius 1921; Preston 1962; vVilliams 1964; MacArthur & Wilson 1967; Lawton

1999). Numerous studies attempted to establish the underlying causal mechanisms from counts of species numbers and their statistical correlates at regional and global scales (see Brown (1995) and Rosenzweig (1995) for reviews). Usually the existence

of these patterns is explained as the result of physical parameters differing between

areas, such as available energy and potential evapotransporation, or geographical

parameters themselves, such as the area size (Brown 1995; Rosenzweig 1995).

Understanding the evolution and the ecological correlates of species richness ('macroevolution' and 'macroecology', respectively) has been the objective of many

recent studies. However, both fields have not easily found a common ground, as the

methodological and conceptual approaches are quite different. Yet it is clear that

macroevolutionary processes of speciation and extinction in a clade depend greatly on the ecological arena in which these processes take place. Equally, macroecological

* Co rrespondence address: a. [email protected]. uk



patterns are affected by the taxonomic richness of clades, resulting in diversity 'anomalies'where species richness is not following the expected geographical trends but is mostly determined by the local radiation oflineages. Hence, macroevolution­

ary and macro ecological patterns cannot be considered in isolation. This paper will mostly focus on the macroevolutionary approach to analyse and

explain differences in species richness, and how ecological mechanisms have been invoked to explain macroevolutionary patterns (species diversification in lineages). This approach presents various problems, as we will demonstrate. We will also show the significance of evolutionary traits for patterns of geographical (macroecologi­cal) species richness, and how the geographical processes, in turn, might affect macroevolutionary rates of species diversification in a clade. It will become clear that

neither macroevolutionary nor macroecological approaches in separation are satis­factory to explain richness patterns, and in particular, there is little hope to under­

stand macroecological patterns without an evolutionary perspective. We will use our recent work in aquatic beetles to illustrate some of these issues.

Macroevolutionary approaches to understand species richness Traditionally, the analysis of macroevolutionarypatterns and processes has been ad­dressed with two principal approaches. Each of these attempt to understand the processes of taxonomic diversification from an ecological perspective. They can be subdivided conveniently by the hierarchical levels on which they are proposed to operate. First, an explanation of species richness is derived from the correlation of

species numbers and particular ecological traits. This idea gained momentum with the classic study of Mitt er eta!' (1988), who demonstrated an increased species rich­ness in phytophagous insects relative to their non-phytophagous sister groups. With the wide use of (molecular) phylogenetics, this comparative approach has received wide application recently (Sanderson & Donoghue 1996; Givnish & Systma 1997;

Barraclough et al. 1998; Farrelll998) but it goes back to Simpson 0 .953), who sug­gested that the gain of a functional trait permits the exploitation of new resources,

which directly or indirectly leads to species diversification. Such a 'key' trait enables

its bearer to gain access to a new adaptive zone and the opportunity to diversify. Al­though in Simpson's writing the link to taxonomic richness was less explicit, the

term 'key innovati~n' later gained widespread acceptance to refer to traits that confer

an increase in the apparent speciation rate of a lineage resulting from the utilization

of a new range of resources (Heard & Hauser 1995; Hunter 1998). The term has

become synonymous with an approach using phylogenetic trees to study relative species diversity in a lineage in relation to ecological transitions.

The second approach to investigating lineage-specific diversity similarly invokes ecological mechanisms to increase species numbers, but it is concerned with the

process of species origin and speciation itself. Diversification is considered at the level of the species, where ecological, behavioural and geographical factors generate

differences between populations that lead to speciation, in a set of phenomena

usually referred to as adaptive radiation (Lack 1947; Givnish & Systma 1997;



Schluter 2000). The hypothesis initially formulated by Lack ( 1947) on the basis of his work on Galapagos finches is that speciation results from changes in resource use in populations, in combination with allopatrically derived neutral traits and/ or sexual­ly selected and other behavioural differences. Under certain conditions, as frequent-

1y encountered on island archipelagos, lake systems and mountain ranges, the result is an ecologically driven increase of species diversity, coincident with greater varia­tion in ecological traits.

In the following we will investigate macroevolutionary patterns in aquatic beetles based on these two principal approaches (clade level and species level). In particular, the transition from land to freshwater habitats in the Coleoptera (beetles) provides

an example of a major ecological shift and the acquisition of a novel adaptive zone. We will establish general trends in species richness associated with this shift but

it will be apparent that the clade-Ievel approach is not suited to establishing the underlying mechanisms of how diversification rates are modulated. 'We will also present species-level analyses, in particular with regard to the differences observed in standing water (lentic) and running water (lotic) species. The latter provides an

example where the transition between habitats also has profound implications for macroecological patterns, and by investigating these patterns in phylogenetically independent lineages, an assessment is possible of what caused the formation of these patterns.

The transition to aquatic habitats in Coleoptera Aquatic beetles are taxonomically and ecologically highly diverse. They include

many species with a hydrodynamically shaped body and modified legs with swim­ming hairs for improved locomotion. Beetles also differ in their swimming perfor­mance. Whereas some species essentially walk under water, crawl on submerged rocks or plants, or burrow at the bottom of the water bodies, others exhibit co­ordinated movements of the middle and hind legs, permitting great swimming

speed and excellent manoeuvrability. In the extreme case of specialized aquatic modifications, the Gyrinidae (whirligig beetles) swim in the water surface film at

high speed, being able to see simultaneously in the air and in the water column with two separate pairs of eyes.

The great morphological and behavioural diversity of aquatic beetles has sparked a debate about their origin (BeuteI1997; Hansen 1997; Shull et at. 2001). The two

main coleopteran suborders, Adephaga and Polyphaga, include clades of aquatic

beetles, and the suborder Myxophaga, a small group of only 56 known species of

minute beetles (Crowson 1955), is entirely aquatic. Hence, within the primitively

terrestrial (Crowson 1960) beetles at least three independent transitions from land to water can be inferred. In addition, phylogenetic analyses within the two main sub­orders revealed further land-to-water transitions. Whereas in Adephaga the aquatic lineages (,Hydradephaga') were found to be monophyletic (Crowson 1955; Shull

et al. 2001; Ribera et al. 2002b) indicating a single transition, the situation in Polyphaga is more complex (Hansen 1997). Hydrophiloidea and Hydraenidae, two



Table 2.1 Sister comparisons of species richness in major aquatic lineages of Coleoptera. The number of species used in sister comparison of Polyphaga + Adephaga is shown in parentheses, as it also includes several aquatic groups.

Aquatic clade Sister group Species aquatic Species terrestrial Significance'

Myxophaga Polyphaga + Adephaga 56 (350000) 0.0003

Hydradephaga Geadephaga 5500 24000 0.37

Dryopoidea? Byrrhoidea + Buprestoidea 5000 40000 0.22

Hydrophiloidea Histeroidea? 2800 4500 0.77

Hydraenidae Ptilidiidae 1163 5000 0.38

• Modified Slowinski and Guyer test, p < 0.001.

aquatic groups in the Series Staphyliniformia, apparently are not closely related

(Hansen 1997), and are also phylogenetically separated from Dryopoidea, Cl possibly

monophyletic (Ribera et al., unpubl.) group of a dozen or so families in the Series

Elateriformia. This indicates three main independent origins of aquatic lifestyle in

Polyphaga, and five in total (Table 2.1) (excluding Scirtidae and smaller aquatic

groups in mainly terrestrial families, such as Chrysomelidae and Curculionidae).

Vvith fairly complete knowledge of phylogenetic relationships in Coleoptera, sis­

ter groups can be compared for species richness. In all five sister comparisons, the

aquatic lineage is less species rich than the terrestrial counterpart. This result is not

significant in most individual cases when measured against a model of stochastic

lineage separation (Slowinski & Guyer 1989) (Table 2.1). However, the modified

Slowinski and Guyer test, which assesses species richness across several independent

sister comparisons, is highly significant (p < 0.001) and lends support to the conclu­

sion thatt pecies diversification is generally depressed in aquatic lineages.

Although there is a general trend towards reduced species richness in the aquatic

lineages, it is not universal, as species numbers vary greatly between subclades. For

example, in Hydradephaga there are three monogeneric families, Amphizoidae, As­

pidytidae and Hygrobiidae, with a maximum of six species. Based on the most recent

phylogenetic analysis of Hydradephaga (Ribera et al. 2002a), the six species of Hy­

grobiidae are sister to several thousand species in Dytiscidae (Fig. 2.1). Similarly,

there are great discrepancies in clade size within these family-level taxa. For example,

the single known species of Spanglerogyrininae is sister to over 1000 species of the

remaining Gyrinidae; and the only species of the genus Phreatodytes is sister to the

c.300 remaining members ofNoteridae

Conceptual and methodological problems of clade size comparisons The findings from the terrestrial-aquatic transition are contrary to the strict predic­

tions of the key innovation hypothesis, in that the ecological transition resulted


Geadephaga 24,000


Gyrinidae Haliplidae Noteridae Amphiz Aspid. Hygrobiidae Dytiscidae 1,000 220 270 6 2 6 4,000

Figure 2.1 Phylogeny and species numbers in aquatic families ofHydradephaga. The tree is derived from l8S, l6S and COl gene sequences plus morphology, and is based on the analysis of several exemplars for all larger families (adapted from Ribera eta/. 2002a). Amphi., Amphizoidae; Aspid., Aspidytidae.

in generally lower, rather than higher, species numbers. This is in contrast to the

classic case of herbivory in insects (Mitter et al. 1988) where this trend is positive,

but consistent with other 'innovations' such as leaf-mining in insects (Wiegmann

eta/. 1993), or the transition to endogaean (subsurface) habitat in beetles (Gibert & Deharveng 2002; Ribera, unpubl.). \Vhereas the strict correlation of evolutionary

innovation and increased species numbers is perhaps only an addition of the more

recent literature to the notion of key innovation, it is perhaps more revealing to

consider the problems of drawing conclusions about ecological shifts and diver­

sification rates.

First, the frequent practice of simply conducting comparisons of species numbers

in sister taxa will produce ambiguous results, unless they can be seen in the context of

the wider phylogenetic tree, as sister comparisons alone would not reveal the direc­

tion of change. Hence it will remain ambiguous whether the aquatic clades are de­

pressed in net diversification rate, or the terrestrial groups are increased above a

modal rate in the lineage, possibly correlated with an ecological difference that is not

the focus of the investigation. Second, as differences in species richness within the

aquatic lineages are much larger than the discrepancies in clade size with the terres­

trial sister (Fig. 2.1), the common practice of calculating sister comparisons as the

average over all nodes in the aquatic-terrestrial sister groups will fail to expose the

most striking examples of rate differences. Because these differences in species rich-



ness are independent of aquatic versus terrestrial habitat associations, their explana­

tion cannot be sought in these two alternative ecological categories. In addition, there are practical problems with these analyses. Sister comparisons

are only as good as the phylogenetic trees that they are based on, and frequently phy­logenetic data are insufficient. For example, the ongoing debate about the mono­

phyly ofHydradephaga (Beute11997) leaves a question mark in particular about the position of Gyrinidae. In the alternative hypothesis of Beutel and co-workers this

family is the sister to all other Adephaga. Whereas this phylogenetic position would

bias the aquatic-terrestrial sister comparison even more clearly against the aquatic

lineage on one occasion, the exact position of the 4000+ remaining species of Hy­

dradephaga relative to a particular terrestrial sister clade will affect the conclusions

of clade size comparisons in another instance. Finally, the great discrepancy of species numbers in subclades highlights the importance of sampling the tree prop­

erly, in particular because small lineages may be more likely to remain unknown if taxonomic knowledge of a group is poor. For example, in the Adephaga the family Aspidytidae (Fig. 2.1) was discovered only recentlyin a specialized habitat rarely sur­

veyed for aquatic beetles. To date we know only two species, from South Africa and China, but morphological and molecular data place them as sister to the large Dytis­cidae plus Hygrobiidae (Ribera et al. 2002a). The general practice of using a single

exemplar in a phylogenetic study to represent a large number of species is justified only with good knowledge of all major clades, and with solid taxonomic informa­

tion about the total species number in each group. This is rarely available in studies of diversification rates, and fully sampled trees for larger groups are hardly ever to

hand. This constitutes a great drawback to firm conclusions about where in a tree the

change in net diversification rates occurs. In summary, sister comparisons of ecologically defined groups, such as the

aquatic-terrestrial taxa, in most cases can provide only a heuristic approach for de­

tecting richness patterns in different habitats. Clearly, the transition from land to wt ter is a major step, a syndrome of complex changes in physiology, behaviour and

morphology, which were achieved by only a handful of insect groups. The

Coleoptera are generally more plastic in life strategies and ecomorphology than

most comparable groups and hence it is perhaps not surprising that they constitute

one of the few groups that have made this transition multiple times independently.

Even if diversification rates are low compared with terrestrial groups, these ecologi­

cal shifts result in novel radiations and hence increased total species richness of

Coleoptera. This effect of evolutionary novelty to produce greater species richness is

an important contribution to overall species richness, but it has to be separated from

the question about the speed-up of net diversification rates. More generally, the rela­

tionship between species richness and the evolution of novelty is complex, and both

phenomena should be disentangled as much as possible.



The mechanisms of species diversification: investigations at the species level As shown above, the simplistic approach of correlating key traits and clade size is un­likely to reveal the mechanisms of how species diversification rate is modulated. Cracraft ( 1990) remarked about key inn ova tions that 'a more rigorous methodolog­ical approach to the study of innovation is required, one that begins at the hierarchi­

callevel of speciation analysis and extends downward to molecular developmental

genetics.' Specifically, any trait invoked to cause differences in clade size will have to affect the dynamics of speciation and extinction rates. Hence, the study of these

effects has to be conducted not with clades but at the hierarchical level of species,

where many of the processes regulating macroevolutionary diversity are likely to operate.

In aquatic beetles it is generally assumed that speciation is largely the result of ge­ographical factors, as beetles exist in a subdivided spatial matrix of freshwater habi­

tats. Because these beetles are mostly confined to small water bodies such as ponds and creeks, some of which are temporary, many populations persist only by moving between patches of habitat, forming a network of populations with higher or lower levels of interaction. This spatial set-up of populations produces a potential for per­

manent (geographical and/or reproductive) separation between patches, and hence speciation. Conversely, the short-lived nature of some water bodies also increases the risk of population extinction unless species maintain some level of dispersal be­

tween isolated patches. The dynamics of speciation/extinction and the resulting rate of clade diversification may thus be seen in the context of spatial processes at the level

of subdivided populations. Water beetles, as well as many other aquatic invertebrates, exhibit strong prefer­

ences for either standing (lentic) or running (lotic) water bodies, with only a minor­

ity of species found in both types (Ribera & Vogler 2000). This habitat preference

appears to be phylogenetically constrained, as closely related species of diving

beetles usually do not differ in their preference. Nonetheless inferred transitions between either type are fairly frequent within a clade (Ribera & Vogler 2000). Hence,

these changes between habitat types can be viewed in the same framework as other

ecological transitions such as the terrestrial-aquatic transition discussed above,

although in this case they appear much more labile.

We found a remarkable difference in the average sizes of geographical ranges of

aquatic beetles depending on their habitat type. Lentic species generally occupy

m uch larger ranges, sometimes corresponding to continent -size areas, whereas their

lotic counterparts are frequently confined to a smaller area (Fig. 2.2). This observa­

tion is valid for all four clades of polyphagan and adephagan aquatic beetles (Table

2.1), and also in comparisons of smaller clades differing in habitat preference within these major lineages (Ribera & Vogler 2000). Hence, evolutionarily this difference

has arisen independently every time a clade experienced habitat transitions. The

proposed, but still unproven, explanation for this observation is that either habitat

type selects for different life strategies: standing water bodies such as small ponds

tend to fill in and disappear within decades or centuries, and populations are forced




... ..... -,'\

Figure 2.2 Examples of distributional ranges for lentic and lotic species. The top tv-'O maps represent the ranges of the lotic Deronectes algibensis (A) and D. moestus (B), whereas the bottom figures show the distribution of the lentic Ilybius meridionalis (C) and I. angustior (0). The ranges shown represent species with the smallest and the largest range sizes in their respective lineages, and they illustrate the vast differences in range for species of each habitat group, although exceptions are found in either category.


to disperse, whereas running water bodies provide greater temporal stability, even if

the water course changes, as beetles can track the habitat continuously. Hence both

types would result in different dispersal strategies, resulting in dispersive lentic and

static lotic species (Ribera & Vogler 2000)*.

If it is correct that the dynamics of speciation and extinction in a lineage is af­

fected by the spatial and temporal patterns of aquatic habitat 'islands', lineages oc­

curring in either of the two main habitat types may differ with regard to these para­

meters and hence differ in diversification rates. As the ranges in lentic species are

larger, presumably owing to their greater propensity for dispersal, they should also

have a greater connectedness of populations. Hence speciation resulting from pop-

~ For the same reasons a/differences ill the prupensityfordispersal, the local diversity ofcommllllities o/rl/II­

Iling water species will be law, but the regional (or 'metacommu nity ') richness will be high, and vice versa for

standing water species (Hubbe1l2001, p. 218; Ribera etal. , 2003, and (lI1pt/bf. data ).



ulation subdivision is expected to be infrequentt. In contrast, speciation in lotic

species is expected to be at a higher frequency, largely in allopatry and by subdivision

of (small) geographical ranges. The difference in population structure also has an

expected effect on extinction: the greater propensity for 'dispersal reduces the risk of

any population going extinct, and hence lentic species are long-lived. In lotic species,

populations and newly formed species are more prone to extinction, resulting

in short-lived species with small ranges (Hubbell 2001, p. 256; Ribera et al. 2001,


How does this difference in temporal stability and the correlated difference in dis­

persal ability affect diversification rates? We performed a test of diversification rates

on the basis of species-level phylogenetic analyses of a lotic and a lentic lineage of

dytiscid water beetles (Fig. 2.3). Surprisingly, lineages-through-time plots of both

groups showed a remarkable similarity in net diversification rates. We also tested for

differences in the degree of sympatry, as it could be expected that widespread and

dispersive lentic species would gain a high level of sympatry, whereas cladogenesis in

loticspecies should give rise to multiple allopatric isolates. However, plots of sympa­

try against node level show substantial overlap in geographical ranges even between

close relatives in both groups, indicating a high proportion of range movement also

in lotic species (Ribera et al. 2001). These results need to be confirmed based on

larger samples, but with the data at hand the observed differences between lotic and

lentic species are mostly related to geographical scale, rather than the precise spatial


Effects on macroecological patterns Although we did not detect clear differences in diversification rates (macroevolu­

tion) between habitat types, the macroecological consequences of the habitat shift

were substantial. In a comparison of species numbers in aquatic beetles in western

Europe based on distributional ranges of 813 species (Ribera et al. 2003), lotic and

lentic species differed with regard to species turnover and latitudinal gradients.

Lotic species followed the expected latitudinal gradient, exhibiting much greater

species richness in southern compared with northern Europe. Their species richness

in a given locality could be predicted with high accuracy from latitude only, whereas

in lentic species no latitudinal gradient was apparent. Species richness in lentic

There is all alternative prediction from the application of a Wrightian model of genetic drift which wo~tld

suggest that large ranges result in higher, rather than lower, rates of speciation owing to the greater chance

of allele fixations across the entire range. In addition, the larger ranges may increase the probability that

geographical barriers to dispersal form within the area, increasing the probability of allopatric speciation

(Rosellz!Ve ig 1995). However, these propositions ignore the greater effect of dispersal that is needed to build

up and maintain large ranges, and would counteract the chances 0/ drift or a/lopatric speciation. If barriers

form frequently, lurge rangcs could not be estab lished in the/mt place.

Therc is an inherent problem to empirically demonstrating the predicted patterl1s.· ifpoor dispersers hnvt'

smaller ranges, lower ab~lndances and shorter lifespans, they are less likely to be sampled, introducing a strong

bias il1 any possible comparison (H~lbbe1l2001, p. 258; Ribera et al. 2001).



Log(lineages) 3.5




_____ I/ybius 0.5

-0- Deronectes

o -0.25 -0.20 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00

Age towards present

Figure 2.3 Lineages-through-time plots for Deronectes and Ilybius. The yaxis is the log

number of lineages. The xaxis represents the relative age towards present, based on

maximum likelihood (ML) scaled branch lengths from a mtDNA-based tree. Both plots are

presented together for comparison, although this implies equivalent rates of molecular

variation in both genera, an assumption necessary for a direct comparison of relative rates of

species turnover. From Ribera eta!' (2001).

species was almost entirely predicted by 'connectivity', a geographical measure of potential dispersal between areas. The nested species-area accumulation curve for all species had a z value near the canonical 0.26, but when separated according to their habitat type, species turnover for lotic species (z= 0.38) was much greater than for lentic species (z=0.21) (Ribera etal. 2003). These findings are consistent with the observation of extended range sizes oflentic species, resulting from greater dispersal ability, which reduce spatial turnover and increase distributional ranges into north­ern latitudes to sites more distant from the glacial refugia. Their lotic counterparts, with poorer dispersal abilities, are confined mostly to the southern refuge areas (Ribera etal. 2003).

In the case of aquatic beetles, the macroecological and macroevolutionary pat­terns presented above are consequences of a habitat transition, but mediated through a third factor-the change in dispersal propensity. This means an addi­tional degree of freedom, with the possibility that the consequences could change in



an unpredictable way. In other freshwater organisms the same type of transition could have different effects. For example, in mayflies (Ephemeroptera), which have terrestrial adults, species occurring in running water tend to fly upstream, to com­pensate for the general downstream movement of the la'rvae carried by the current, and hence rely heavily on dispersal (albeit over short distances in some cases), in contrast to lotic species of beetles.

Implications for the macroecological approach Macroecology is concerned mostly with the distributional patterns and general trends in species richness, testing plausible hypotheses by statistical analysis but without recourse to evolutionary history. However, the units of this analysis, species and populations, are the result of evolutionary processes, a fact to which macro­ecological research has paid little attention to date. It is likely that in many cases the discovery of a macro ecological pattern is possible only by boldly counting species or abundances in a given area, community or habitat. There is no doubt, however, that the entities of the analysis are not equivalent to each other, as they may not share a common evolutionary history, and hence certain traits (Freckleton et al., this vol­ume). These traits are important determinants of ecological parameters such as dispersal, range size, habitat, climatic amplitude and, ultimately, the propensity for species origination and extinction.

Aquatic beetles provide examples of the problems associated with a non­historical approach to explaining the causes of macroecological diversity patterns. First, species richI?ess and the propensity for species proliferation varies greatly be­tween major lineages. Hence species numbers in a given area are strongly influenced by the presence or absence of certain lineages. The presence of such fast -diversifying clades may be the result of evolutionary history, including biogeographical history, antiquity of an area or habitat, or historical accident, rather than parameters of the environment such as available energy or potential evapotransporation; geographi­cal parameters such as area size; or other parameters commonly used to explain macroecological patterns. Although geographical or environmental parameters may have an influence on rates of diversification, their effect on the different lineages is far from universal and hence they may have contradictory effects on the diversifi­cation oflocal radiations.

Second, closely allied to the above, the underlying mechanisms generating macro ecological patterns vary greatly between lineages, which acquire particular traits at some stage in their history. In the case of aquatic beetles in Europe, the highly dispersive lentic species will tend to reflect a local equilibrium determined by current geographical or environmental variables; whereas distributional patterns in the lotic species, with their small ranges and short evolutionary species persistence, mostly reflect local species origination and extinction and hence their diversity will be highly dependent on historical factors. Ignoring the lineage history in a purely de­scriptive approach is unlikely to reveal the causes of species richness patterns, as they are not necessarily correlated with current conditions. The areas in which the species



originated, with their associated geographical and environmental conditions affect­ing speciation and extinction rates, are not necessarily the same as the areas in which species are encountered at the present (Janzen 1985). Descriptive correlations with present conditions therefore may not be related to the processes that led to greater or lower diversity in a lineage. The fact that lentic species have relatively greater species richness in northern latitudes provides little information with regard to the areas of higher or lower speciation rates. Similarly, the fact that species diver­sity is generally greater in the tropics may provide little information as to whether lineages currently with tropical distribution exhibit comparatively greater diversification rates.

Third, not taking into account the phylogenetic affinities of taxa in macro­ecological studies greatly reduces the power of the analysis of species richness pat­terns (see also Blackburn &Gaston, this volume; Purvis etal., this volume; Freckleton et al., this volume). The lotic-Ientic differences have arisen independently multiple times in all four major aquatic lineages of the Coleoptera. The multiple and indepen­dent occurrence of the associated patterns allows tests of hypotheses on causal mech­anisms, but this would not have been possible in a non-evolutionary approach by pursuing explanations based on descriptive macroecological correlations.

In conclusion, non-historical approaches to studying macro ecological patterns have shortcomings. Species richness is the result of past diversification in evolution­ary lineages, historical range movements, as well as equilibrium responses to envi­ronmental and geographical parameters. The challenge for the study of species richness in the future will be to integrate existing statistical approaches with phylo­genetic information.

Summary Using aquatic beetles as a case example, we show how macro ecological patterns are necessarily affected by the evolutionary history of species and clades. To start with, lineages often differ greatly in their species richness, resulting in highly unbalanced phylogenetic trees. These differences mayor may not be correlated with ecological shifts, as, for example, a depressed total species number in the aquatic lineages of beetles in comparison to their terrestrial counterparts, but in any case they will have general effects on species richness patterns. Differences in traits acquired along the evolutionary history of lineages may also affect macroecological patterns. In the case of aquatic beetles, one of these traits is the type of habitat. Aquatic beetle species usu­ally are confined to either standing or running water bodies, and although multiple transitions exist, the trait is phylogenetically conserved. We found that total range size, latitudinal gradients in species richness and species turnover are very different between species living in the two types of habitat. Differences in the resulting macro­ecological patterns may thus become properties of entire clades, and the comparison of sister groups is of great help in revealing the underlying causes of these macroeco­logical differences. Non-historical analyses of species richness patterns by statistical correlations of species numbers with geographical and physical factors of the envi-



ronment ignore the constraints of evolutionary history, and hence one of the most powerful analytical tools for explaining the origin of macroecological patterns.

Acknowledgements Our work on water beetles was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (UK) and the Leverhulme Trust. We thank Tim Barraclough, Richard Davies and Garth Foster for discussions.

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