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Media Art Asia Pacific

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MAAP would like to thank all our sponsors for 2013

MAAP-Media Art Asia Pacific gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland. MAAP is supported by the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, state and territory governments. The 2013 program is also supported by the Australian Government through the Australia Korea Foundation of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Australia Council for the Arts. MAAP would like to thank Mal Nyst for venue support.

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A visitor interacts with Shilpa Gupta’s Speaking Wall, an audio work activated by motion sensor, at MAAP SPACE in 2013.

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ContentsDirector’s Foreword ..................................................................................................... 5

Background ................................................................................................................ 7

Executive Summary..................................................................................................... 9

2013 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION ............................................................................... 13

1. CORE BUSINESS ..................................................................................... 15

Financial and Accounting System ...........................................................................................15

Governance ............................................................................................................................15


2a. Exhibition Project: LANDSEASKY ............................................................ 17

2b. Australian Arts in Asia Award ................................................................... 19

2c. MAAP SPACE .......................................................................................... 21

Wang Gongxin ........................................................................................................................21

Shilpa Gupta ...........................................................................................................................21

Yeondoo Jung ........................................................................................................................ 23

Derek Kreckler ....................................................................................................................... 23

Barbara Campbell ...................................................................................................................25

3. MAAP RESEARCH ....................................................................................27

MAAP SPACE publications initiative........................................................................................27

Dinner for 2 .............................................................................................................................27

Critical dialogues ....................................................................................................................27

4. SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ......................................................29

4a. MAAP Media Bank ...................................................................................29

4b. MAAP Consultancy: Queensland emerging artists & ARIs .......................33

5. REPORT CONCLUSION ............................................................................35

APPENDIX 1. 2013 MAAP Media Bank Loans Summary & Value .............................. 37

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Director’s Foreword 20132013 – what a year for MAAP! MAAP was awarded the highest national accolade for Visual Arts at the inaugural ‘Australian Arts in Asia Awards’ and, as an organisation, was bluntly faced with radical funding changes in November.

2013 is MAAP’s sixteenth year of operation since first incorporating in1998. It is the eighth year of MAAP Media Bank AV lending service and the second full year of exhibition programming at MAAP SPACE in Brisbane, Australia.

While much of the year was absorbed in the development of MAAP’s forthcoming international touring exhibition ‘LANDSEASKY: revisiting spatiality in video’, there were many other artistic programs and activities that the organisation generated and participated in.

The exhibition program at MAAP SPACE began with Wang Gongxin’s piece, ‘Basic Colour’. The 5 screen projection filled the main space and we had great feedback on the work. We were very happy to present a powerful exhibition by Shilpa Gupta partnering with Frankendael Foundation in Amsterdam to redevelop technical aspects of Gupta’s interactive work. It was a rewarding opportunity to bring Shilpa to Brisbane and have her (all too briefly) here for the exhibition set up and public talk. Following closely, Yeondoo Jung, from Seoul, introduced audiences in Brisbane to his major video works.

The MAAP Media Bank enjoyed a boost through an injection of funds and borrowing has increased supporting more ARIs and emerging artists along with some surprisingly large institutions, including the Queensland Museum. MAAP hosted two formal mentorships, an internship, three artists’ residencies to develop new work, and supported artists more informally through consultation and technical support.

As Director, I was proud to represent MAAP at several national and international events, symposia and industry summits and of course enjoyed connecting and reconnecting with talented peers. A symposium in honour of Professor John Clarke was a highlight and reminder of our ongoing engagement with Asia.

I’d like to thank the staff and volunteers that contributed so much to our program this year – a particularly well skilled and talented group! Sincere thanks goes to MAAP Research and Program Manager Madeleine King who, after contributing for just over five years, leaves us to pursue her own creative projects. In the following pages please reflect my thanks onto each artist, writer, sponsor, and contributing partner. Finally, I’d also like to recognise the MAAP Board who have steadily guided the organisation to see it achieve great heights this year – thank you.


Kim MachanDirector, MAAP - Media Art Asia Pacific

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MAAP is a platform for contemporary art development, presentation and critique. Our reputation has been built on a strong portfolio of international multimedia festivals, exhibitions and symposiums in Australia and the Asia Pacific region, locating Australian contemporary media arts within a plural international dialogue.

MAAP is recognised for critical exhibition and research initiatives based in Australia and throughout the Asia Pacific region. MAAP operates internationally as a team of agents, researchers, artists and curators.

In addition, MAAP supports a community of visual artists with Media Bank equipment loans, online resources including artist and curatorial networks.

A Brisbane based not-for-profit organisation, MAAP is dedicated to linking practitioners, curators and organisations to resources, opportunities, and international audiences.

MAAP Board

Zane Trow - ChairpersonDave Allen – TreasurerJeffery Sams – memberPaul O’Kane – SecretaryChristopher Meakin - memberKim Machan – staff representative, member

MAAP Staff

Kim Machan - DirectorMadeleine King – Research and Program Development ManagerJessica Row - Gallery Assistant and Media Bank OfficerEunju Kim - Korea Project CoordinatorPaul Bai – China Project ManagerTroy Skews - exhibition installer

Volunteers: Bridgette Liu, Matthew Allan, Catrina Udy, Sanjeev Sharma

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Visitors review the print catalogue of the Shilpa Gupta exhibition at MAAP SPACE in 2013.

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Executive Summary

MAAP moved into its second year of operating the MAAP SPACE program of exhibitons in Brisbane, at MAAP’s Fortitude Valley gallery space. Exhibitions by leading artists from China, Korea and Australia helped to bolster MAAP’s current programming focus in this region. The gallery program enabled MAAP to develop partnerships, support the development of new work, and raise its profile with audiences and professional networks both locally and overseas.

Catalogue publications continue to be produced for MAAP SPACE exhibitions, and in addition, MAAP launched a new publishing series called ‘Dinner for 2’ that engages writers critically with the exhibitions program.

MAAP Media Bank is in its seventh year of providing audio-visual equipment to local artists and arts organisations free-of-charge to assist in the creation and display of new work. The service provided $106,609 in support to the creative community in 2013, with a grand total of $1,168,594 contributed since it began in 2006. Additional support to emerging artists was provided through MAAP’s consultancy and mentorship. Two formal mentorships were conducted in 2013.

In 2013, MAAP has been developing the 2014 touring exhibition, LANDSEASKY, in partnership with a suite of museums and galleries in China, Korea and Australia. The tour commences in Seoul, with artworks to be displayed across the Artsonje Centre and six commercial gallery venues. The tour moves across to Shanghai at the OCAT Contemporary Art Terminal, and then concludes in Brisbane at the Griffith University Art Gallery. The project includes some of the leading video art practitioners in Australia, China and Korea, as well as some seminal 1970s video artworks by Dutch artist Jan Dibbets.

LANDSEASKY follows on from MAAP’s highly successful touring project Light from Light (2010-2012). This year, the Light from Light exhibition was the subject of the federal government’s newly launched Australian Arts in Asia Award. MAAP was nominated in 5 categories, and won the visual art award.

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Visitors congregate around the entry of MAAP SPACE.

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Content Overview

Section 1. Core Business provides an overview of human resources, financial and accounting systems and governance (including an overview of board meetings held in 2013).

Section 2. MAAP Curatorial Programs, Events & Projects details activities relating to MAAP’s 2013 artistic program. This program is comprised of: the developing international touring exhibition ‘LANDSEASKY: revisiting spatiality in video’ and ‘MAAP SPACE’ exhibitions program. The MAAP SPACE exhibitions and residency projects discussed are Wang Gongxin, Shilpa Gupta, Yeondoo Jung, Derek Krecker and Barbara Campbell.

Section 3. MAAP Research provides information on MAAP’s 2013 research activities. Research outputs include the MAAP SPACE Publications Initiative, the ‘Dinner for 2’ publishing series, and participation in a number of critical forums throughout the year.

Section 4. Sector Development Program umbrellas the MAAP Media Bank service, and MAAP consultancy to emerging artists and Artist-Run-Initiatives. This section provides an overview of service developments and loans value of the MAAP Media Bank (with a detailed break-down of loans data provided in Appendix 1) and MAAP’s 2013 formal and informal consultancy activities.

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1. MAAP Core Business

2. MAAP Curatorial Programs, Events & Projects

2a. Australian Arts in Asia Award 2b. MAAP SPACE 2c. Exhibition Project: LANDSEASKY: revisiting spatiality in video

3. MAAP Research

4. Sector Development Program

4a. MAAP Media Bank

4b. MAAP Consultancy: Queensland emerging artists & Artist-Run-Initiatives

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Daily operations were carried out from MAAP’s office, gallery and resources centre in Fortitude Valley, led by founding Director, Kim Machan (in the role since 1998). Research and Program Development Manager Madeleine King continued her role for a fifth year part-time. Jessica Row joined the team in 2014 as part-time Media Bank officer and gallery assistant. Eunju Kim commenced an internship position in August and worked on the development of the LANDSEASKY exhibition, providing Korean translation and project support. Four volunteers took up short-term placements over 2013 as part of the Bridgeworks program, offering a range of specialist skills including marketing, book-keeping, I.T. and design. MAAP also worked with a team of contractors throughout the year, including graphic designer Paul Bai and exhibition installer Troy Skews.

Financial and Accounting System

Jeanette Saez from All Figured Out Bookkeeping Ltd continued to keep the MYOB accounting system up to date, and Sandra Edmondson took over the position of MAAP’s part-time bookkeeper in November. Accounts are audited with Brian Tucker Accounting. Budgets and financial forecasting are overseen and reported to the board by MAAP Director Kim Machan and MAAP treasurer, David Allen. MAAP operates quarterly GST reporting.


Over 2013, the MAAP Board was kept in close contact with program developments, staffing arrangements, budgets and other pressing issues via regular meetings and email ‘flying minutes’. In the year there were 4 meetings that met or exceeded quorum (4 members). The Board’s ongoing evaluation of MAAP operations through ‘monitor-review-report’ strategy and ‘appreciative inquiry’ applied at Board meetings, ensures improved business operations.

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LEFT: Callum Morton, artist and National Gallery of Australia Board Member, newsreader Lee-Lin Chin, former Minister for the Arts Tony Burke, and MAAP Director Kim Machan, receiving the Australian Arts in Asia Award for Visual Art. BELOW: Janet Burchill & Jennifer McCamley Light from Light. Solar-power geodesic dome presented at the National Art Museum of China as part of MAAP’s touring exhibition, Light from Light.

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2a. Australian Arts in Asia Award

In an important national acknowledgement of the exceptional work that MAAP produces in the Asia Pacific region, MAAP won the Visual Arts category of the high-profile Australian Arts in Asia Awards. The inaugural awards, presented in Sydney on Thursday August 1, “celebrate the achievements of Australian arts celebrate the important role Australian artists and arts organisations play in enhancing our relationship with Asian countries”.

MAAP’s 2010-2012 major China-Australia touring exhibition ‘Light from Light’ was nominated in five categories, which was the largest total of nominations for a single project at this year’s award ceremony. MAAP was the only award winner from Queensland.

The Australian Arts in Asia Awards acknowledge the work of Australian artists and arts organisations making important cultural links in Asia. There were 69 finalists nominated across 14 categories this year, with MAAP nominated for visual art, innovation, partnerships, digital and film and small to medium organisation.

Light from Light was an international touring exhibition of contemporary art from Australia and China. This project spanned from 2010-2012, visiting five major libraries and art museums in Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou and Brisbane. The exhibition featured artworks themed around the idea and properties of light, as interpreted by world-renowned Australian, Chinese and international artists. A collection of light-inspired and light-generating artworks was displayed throughout library collection spaces, reading rooms and public areas of the library venues, including the National Library of China, Shanghai Library, Hangzhou Public Library and State Library of Queensland. A solar-powered geodesic dome, commissioned from respected Melbourne artists Janet Burchill and Jennifer McCamley, was installed as a temporary public artwork at each library site, and visited the popular National Art Museum of China. The Light from Light artists were (from Australia) Archie Moore, Eugene Carchesio, Grant Stevens, David Haines, Joyce Hinterding, Janet Burchill, Jennifer McCamley, (from Europe) Josef Strau, (from China) Zhang Peili, Wang Peng, Pak Sheung Chuen, Lin Tianmiao and Wang Gongxin.


MAAP SPACE, MAAP’s gallery venue and exhibition program based in Fortitude Valley, was launched in August, 2012. With additional funding from the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, the space is MAAP’s Brisbane hub for exhibitions, artist and curatorial residencies, and public programs as well as the MAAP operations and resources centre.MAAP SPACE exhibitions are designed to extend MAAP’s domestic and international market reach. They leverage the connections established for our international touring programs, and the opportunities presented by our exchanges with curators and artists in the region. In this way, Queensland audiences gain close access to the international artists and curators that we engage with through our research, networks, and international exhibition development. In its second year, MAAP SPACE presented three solo exhibitions by Asian artists, and three residency projects with Australian artists, each detailed below. The program has been positively received by local audiences, who appreciate the exceptional quality of work on display, and the specialized expertise that MAAP brings to the presentation of art from the Asia Pacific.

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Wang Gongxin Basic Colour (2010). 5-channel video projection installed at MAAP SPACE (above).

Wang Gongxin Tonight Maybe Have Wind (2006). Single-channel video installed at MAAP SPACE (below).

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MAAP SPACE EXHIBITION 1Wang Gongxin, 22/3/2013 - 26/4/2013

Wang Gongxin has a significant place in contemporary Chinese art history. As a senior first generation video artist in China, Wang has produced an accomplished body of work over the past twenty years and has had great influence on a younger generation of artists within China. Two related works were presented in this solo exhibition – Basic Colour, 2010 and Tonight Maybe Have Wind, 2006. Both works employ a form of landscape and explore an extraordinary aesthetic experience of time within the medium of video. Presenting Basic Colour was a significant technical achievement for MAAP, as the work was a large 5-channel video installation that relied on precise video synchronisation. Many visitors remarked how impressed they were with the polish and finesse of this video in particular.

This was the first time the work has been shown in Australia and MAAP is one of the few international venues to show the work. This work was a highlight of the landmark exhibition ‘20 Years of Video Art in Shanghai’ at the Minsheng Art Museum. Local curators of Asian art, including Russel Storer from QAGOMA, came especially to see the work, and were grateful for the opportunity to see recent work by this important Chinese artist. Real Time magazine headlined the work in an electronic bulletin and wrote a print review.

MAAP SPACE EXHIBITION 2Shilpa Gupta, 26/7/2013 - 30/8/2013

Indian conceptual artist Shilpa Gupta presented four major works at MAAP SPACE in a solo presentation of video, sculpture and installation work. Launching her career in 1997, with a strong focus on media and interactive art, Gupta’s work has come to be internationally regarded for its commentary on the intertwining of the political and the personal across a vast range of contemporary issues.

As part of the exhibition, Shilpa Gupta visited MAAP SPACE to install her work and present a talk. Her visit was an important networking opportunity for Australian curators and arts organisations, as well as for the artist in creating new markets in Australia.

MAAP presented a group of technically accomplished new media and video artworks, in what was one of the more challenging installations undertaken in MAAP SPACE. The interactive sound installation Speaking Wall (2009-2010), activated by motion sensor, was the most complex. MAAP partnered with art museum Huize Frankedael in Amsterdam to commission an upgrade of Speaking Wall. To achieve this, MAAP collaborated with the artist, an independent technician and the Museum on the technical development of the new edition of the work. MAAP then coordinated with the artist and gallery technicians in Amsterdam to document the installation of the work and resolve a number of idiosyncratic technical issues post-installation.

Shilpa was extremely pleased with the technical support MAAP provided for this work, along with others in the exhibition. The video work One Hundred Hand Drawn Maps of India (2007-2012) required rescaling to meet the dimensions of the space. The artist reported that this was the best way that the work had ever been presented. The artist was excited about the selection of works, and they way that they were presented together in the one space. Although the works had been installed in a number of gallery environments internationally, she felt the opportunity to experiment further with their display whilst at MAAP helped to reinvigorate them.

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Shilpa Gupta at MAAP SPACE with Stars on Flags of the World (2010-2011) in background (above).

Insallation view of the Shilpa Gupta exhibition at MAAP SPACE (below).

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Shilpa was interviewed as part of the arts program on local radio 4ZZZ:

MAAP SPACE EXHIBITION 3Yeondoo Jung, 27/9/2013 - 8/11/2013

MAAP invited South Korean artist Yeondoo Jung to create his first solo exhibition in Australia. Two of his video artworks were shown: Documentary Nostalgia and Twilight Seoul. Documentary Nostalgia has received considerable international attention, however, Twilight Seoul is a lesser-known work. Both employ his trade-mark DIY sensibility, whereby he constructs elaborate artificial environments often from simple materials at hand. The works are extremely engaging, and at 1hr 20mins, it was a testament to the quality of the work that a number of dedicated audience members stayed to watch Documentary Nostalgia in its entirety. MAAP tried to create a comfortable, almost cinematic, environment to view this work in, projecting it at the full height of one of the gallery walls, and providing a darkened space with beanbags. Despite the artist’s strong international profile, many in Brisbane were unfamiliar with his work, and were very excited to become initiated with it. Local curators were particularly receptive of this opportunity to access some of the most exciting contemporary artwork to emerge from South Korea in recent years.

The exhibition was the subject of a critical review in Eyeline magazine.

MAAP SPACE RESIDENCY 1Derek Kreckler, 24/8/2013 - 3/9/2013Open Studio Event, 30/08/2013

Sydney based artist Derek Kreckler participated in a MAAP artist-in-residence project in Brisbane, August 2013. During his time with MAAP he was developing a series of new works for MAAP’s upcoming major touring exhibition LANDSEASKY, which will visit China, South Korea and Australia in 2014. His intensive period of experimentation during the residency, which began in early 2013, culminated in a one night only public presentation at MAAP SPACE on 30 August 2013.

Derek’s assistant, Jenny Chubby, actively participated in the residency project. Jenny, an emerging artist, also shot several video pieces for her own practice while in Brisbane.

MAAP SPACE RESIDENCY 2Barbara Campbell, 11/11/2013 - 20/11/2013

Barbara Campbell is an established artist based in Melbourne who is also featured in MAAP’s upcoming LANDSEASKY exhibition. She used her residency at MAAP SPACE to test projections for a new video installation. During her residency she was assisted by media specialist and artist Gary Warner, who filmed and provided other technical support. She was thrilled with the outcomes of the residency, and reported on how important it was to receive feedback from exhibition curator Kim Machan as the work progressed. Barbara also commented on the accelerated development of her work through the intensive process of the residency.

MAAP SPACE RESIDENCY 3Paul Bai, August & November, 2013

Brisbane based artist Paul Bai undertook a MAAP residency that gave him equipment and space to develop his work for the ‘LANDSEASKY’ exhibition. He filmed, and made test projections in MAAP adjoining space in August and November 2013. Paul commented that access to a space where the work could be considered in full scale was of great benefit in the development process.

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Yeondoo Jung Documentary Nostalgia (2007). Video still (above).

Scenes from Derek Kreckler’s residency project at MAAP SPACE (below). The artist (bottom right) constructed a purpose-built video projection screen as part of the project.

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2c. Exhibition Project LANDSEASKY: revisiting spatiality in video

2013 was an important year of project development, with preparations for MAAP’s 2014 touring exhibition LANDSEASKY: revisiting spatiality in video. The project sees some of the most interesting and challenging video artworks from more than 18 international contemporary artists travel to South Korea, China and Australia in a major Australia-Asia tour. The exhibition tours to Seoul, Shanghai and Brisbane across multiple prestigious museums and galleries in 2014.

Meditating on the motif of the horizon in sublime and complex ways, the exhibition features some of the world’s sharpest contemporary artists. Artists include Jan Dibbets (NL), Paul Bai (AU), Lauren Brincat (AU), Barbara Campbell (AU), Wang Gongxin (CN), Shilpa Gupta (IN), Zhu Jia (CN), Yeondoo Jung (KP), Derek Kreckler (AU), Heimo Zobernig (AT), Giovanni Ozzola (IT), Joao Vasco Paiva (PT/HK), Wang Peng (CN), Kim Sooja (KP), Craig Walsh (AU), Sim Cheol Woong (KP), Yang Zhenzhong (CN).

For this project, MAAP achieved project funding from Australia Council for the Arts and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (The Australia-Korea Foundation). Additional support is being provided by a network of partners in each country including the Australian Embassy Seoul and Australian Embassy Beijing.

LANDSEASKY has been in development for two years. It was initially conceived as a collaboration with the Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA) in 2011, and further developed as a MAAP curatorial residency in Seoul in 2012, where the project received input from curators at SeMA. New partnerships with a number of venues on Seoul, Shanghai and Brisbane were developed over 2013. In Seoul, MAAP developed a partnership and strong collaboration with leading curator Kim Sunjun at the Artsonje Center – the Center is now a major venue for the exhibition in Seoul. Sunjun helped to broker new partnerships with five leading commercial galleries. The exhibition will be spread across these 6 venues, allowing artists to have a generous space to work with, as well as new opportunities for market development in Korea.

MAAP has been working with Zhang Peili (a leading Chinese artist and long-standing MAAP collaborator) and curator Maria Graziaconstantino to develop the exhibition at OCAT Shanghai. MAAP’s Brisbane collaborator is Naomi Evans, Director of the Griffith University Art Gallery.

This project is designed to build dialogue with our Asian neighbours, and promote creative exchanges with artists and curators across the region. It aims to:

• create a new context for Australian artists in China and Korea• make opportunities for Australian artists to travel and gain new networks in China and

Korea• raise the profile of contemporary Australian video and new media art• refresh and revisit MAAP’s engagement and exchange with its Korean and Chinese artistic

networks (initiated since 1998)• strengthen MAAP’s profile in Korea and China• develop new partnerships with artists, curators and cultural institutions in Korea and China• create opportunities for future Korean and Chinese projects in Australia, and vice versa• share contacts and exhibition opportunities with other Australian cultural organisations

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LEFT: Jan Dibbets Horizon 111 (1971). Still from video. Courtesy Stedelijk Museum.

ABOVE: Derek Kreckler Work in progress for LANDSEASKY. Video installation.

LEFT: Barbara Campbell Moreton Bay sketch, work in progress for LANDSEASKY. Photo-Gary Warner.

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21 February - 23 March 2014Venues: Artsonje Center, Lee Hwaik Gallery, One & J. Gallery, Opsis Art, Gallery IHN, Gallery Skape.


20 April - 20 July 2014Venue: OCT - OCAT Contemporary Art Terminal, Shanghai


September - November 2014Venue: Griffith University Art Gallery

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MAAP – Media Art Asia Pacific

MAAP acknowledges the assistance of the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland. MAAP is supported by the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian,

state and territory governments.

Media Art Asia PacificISBN 978-1-921858-21-5

Shilpa Gupta     26 July – 30 Agust 2013

111 Constance Street, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, Australia

+61 7 31088559 | [email protected]

Gallery opening hours: Tuesday to Friday 10am – 5pm

Indian conceptual artist Shilpa Gupta presents four major works at MAAP Space in a solo

presentation of video, sculpture and installation work. Launching her career in 1997, with a

strong focus on media and interactive art1, Gupta’s work has come to be internationally

regarded for its commentary on the intertwining of the political and the personal across a

vast range of contemporary issues.

Gupta is interested in human perception and how information, visible or invisible, is

transmitted and internalized in everyday life. Constantly drawn to how objects are de�ined

and how places, people, experiences are identi�ied, Gupta explores zones where these

de�initions are played out, be it borderlines, labels or ideas of censorship and security.

Though overtly political, Gupta avoids sensationalism by parsing her subject matter through

personal and private experience. Indeed, her work engages the viewer with intimacy,

dialogue and emotional intensity; direct but never didactic.

The artist’s recent work encompasses a wide range of materials including photographs,

video, interactive media, sculptural objects, websites and audio. Contemporary technologies

play an important role in Gupta’s practice, and her work demonstrates a wilful command

over both media and message. For example, her interactive sound installation Speaking Wall

(2009-2010), activated by motion sensor, plays to the authoritative nature of the medium.

The artist’s direct instructions to the viewer (move back/move forward) are spliced with a

poetic monologue on borders: both in the geopolitical sense, and with respect to the

delineation of space de�ined by the installation. The sense of distance, surveillance and

bureaucracy imposed by the electronic display is embraced and then displaced by the

artist’s contrasting use of instructional and conversational tone.

The two video works in the exhibition, Untitled (2012) and One Hundred Hand Drawn Maps

of India (2007-2012), are similarly sensitive in their use of space and medium. Both are very

intimate in scale, drawing the viewer in close (or in the case of Untitled, crouched to the

ground to meet the plane of the video) for the best vantage point. One Hundred Hand Drawn

Maps of India, a sparsely animated collection of drawings of the Indian map, draws us into

the complexities of manmade borders. The �inal work in the exhibition, a cloth

wall-hanging embroidered with machine-sewn stars titled Stars on Flags of the World

(2011- 2012), speaks to ideas of geographies, imagined communities and nationhood. In

her choice of form for this particular work the artist �louts any perceived allegiance to

digital media and instead heeds the material conventions of her subject matter, the �lag.

Over the past decade Shilpa Gupta has exhibited in numerous internationally signi�icant

exhibitions such as in the Daimler Contemporary, Berlin; Mori Art Museum, Tokyo; New

Museum, New York; Yvon Lambert, Paris; Solomon R Guggenheim Museum, New York;

Centre Pompidou, Paris; and has produced commissioned work for Tate Online, London.

There is no question that Gupta’s practice is international resonant, or that her work has a

“singular ability to touch its viewers”2.

1 Gupta trained in sculpture, started her practice with Installation, moved to interactive Installation, and then video and digital image,

however, her work also typically integrates low-tech materials found in everyday life, for example soap, string, bricks.

2 Renee Baert, ‘Troubling Borders’ in Shilpa Gupta: Will We Ever Be Able to Mark Enough, 2011-2012

Image: Shilpa Gupta, One Hundred Hand Drawn Maps of India, video still, 2007 –2012


MAAP – Media Art Asia Pacific

MAAP acknowledges the assistance of the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland. MAAP is supported by the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian,

state and territory governments.

Media Art Asia Pacific

MAAP’s next exhibition in Brisbane continues a

focused series of leading media artists. Wang Gongxin

has a signi�icant place in contemporary Chinese art

history. As a senior �irst generation video artist in

China, Wang has produced an accomplished body of

work over the past twenty years and has had great

in�luence on a younger generation of artists within

China. Trained as a painter, Wang moved into video

and photography after an extended time living in New

York during the late 80’s and returning to live in Bei-

jing in 1994. Working across media, Wang explores

single channel video incorporated into sculptural

objects and installation, performative and multi

channel immersive moving image installations. A

hallmark of the artist’s practice is his rigorous

deliberation of imagery with great attention to the

technical execution and presentation.

In this exhibition two related works are presented –

Basic Colour, 2010 and Tonight Maybe Have Wind,

2006. Both works employ a form of landscape and

explore an extraordinary aesthetic experience of time

within the medium of video. Natural phenomena like

wind, rain, and falling snow or dust are appropriated

catalysts driving change within the works. Time, as a

crucial attribute of the video medium, is expressed and

experienced with two quite distinct approaches. In

Tonight Maybe Have Wind, we see a manipulation of

time through editing that stimulates thoughts about

linear time, natural time, electronic time, and our

perceptions of it. The image moves one hundred times

slower than normal for ten seconds and is then sped

up two hundred times faster for one second.

Basic Colour, is a �ive channel video installation

projected onto a continuous wall. The �ive projections

are orientated vertically; within each vignette, a tightly

framed section of the body is apprehended and set

against a neutral �lat empty space. The undulating

curves and creases of the body imply a landscape that

is abstracted further by the gradual sprinkling of

coloured pigments of black, blue, red, yellow and

white. The slow accumulation of coloured pigment on

each image is a kind of performance-based painting

that is both suspended and propelled through the

treatment of time and the looping of the video.

Image: Wang Gongxin, Basic Colour, video still, 2010

ISBN 978-1-921858-17-8

Wang Gongxin     22 March – 26 April 2013

111 Constance Street, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, Australia

+61 7 31088559 | [email protected]

Gallery opening hours: Tuesday to Friday 10am – 5pm

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MAAP SPACE Publications Initiative

The MAAP SPACE Publications Initiative encompasses the print and online material produced for the MAAP SPACE gallery program. For each exhibition project at MAAP SPACE over 2013, MAAP produced a small catalogue publication on a collectable A2 poster format. Materials are produced in a low-cost print format, and are distributed electronically as downloads from the MAAP web site. This material contributes to the short- and long-term legacy of the MAAP SPACE program, and is useful for promoting the program to our national and overseas networks.

Publishing series: ‘Dinner for 2’

MAAP’s new publishing series ‘Dinner for 2’ invites guest writers, curators and academics to attend MAAP SPACE exhibitions and develop a piece of critical writing in response. Two writers are provided a modest dinner in the gallery space amongst the exhibited artwork. The dinner setting promotes conversation between the writers and a fresh perspective on the exhibition.

MAAP launched this novel initiative in August 2013. Curators and experts on contemporary moving image works from Asia, Naomi Evans (Director, Griffith University Art Gallery) and Katherine Weir (Curator, QAGOMA), were the first participants and they dined at the Shilpa Gupta exhibition. The artist phoned in from India with specific instructions for the table setting, requesting that a small square of pepper be presented at the table. This instruction suggested the presence of the artist and gave pause for further reflection on the exhibition. Subsequently, Weir and Evans wrote a critical review of the exhibition and reported that the dinner expanded their experience of the artist’s work. Similarly, Reuben Keehan and guest were invited to dine and review at Yeondoo Jung’s exhibition in November. This series will be published online and MAAP will look to publish in the future as a collection of art criticism.

Critical dialogues

MAAP participated in three symposiums in 2013. In August, Kim Machan was invited as speaker on panel discussion at the National Portrait Gallery in Canberra, Urban Imaginaries in Asia, a joint venture between the National Portrait Gallery and Humanities Research Centre at ANU with Dr. Caroline Turner. While in Canberra, Caroline Turner and Michelle Antoinette, from ANU, also recorded an interview with Kim for a forthcoming book on cultural networks in the Asia Pacific region. In October, Kim was invited to participate in the West Bund 2013 Contemporary Art & Architecture Biennale. She was part of a roundtable discussion on ‘Public Performance Space and the Urbanisation Process’. This high-profile symposium was an excellent opportunity to establish new cultural networks in China. In November, Kim presented a talk at the Tilting the World: Histories of Modern and Contemporary Asian Art, A Symposium in Honour of Professor John Clark organized by the Power Institute, University of Sydney, and the Art Gallery of New South Wales. The discussion was themed around ‘Asia-Australia artistic engagement in practice’ and was chaired by Francis Maravillas, University of Technology, Sydney.

Also in 2013, MAAP contributed to a print publication for ‘Put up a Signal’, an Australia-Asia exchange project by Asialink and Bus Projects. Madeleine King contributed an essay on the history of MAAP’s video art exchange in the Asia Pacific region.

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MAAP Media Bank supported Brisbane-based Artist-Run-Initiative Inhouse ARI with audio-visual equipment for their exhibition One and Other.

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4a. MAAP Media Bank

The MAAP Media Bank offers a free, member-based loan program of audio-visual equipment to the local and national artistic community for exhibitions and project development. The service was started in 2006 with equipment repurposed from MAAP’s exhibition program to address the considerable and often prohibitive costs associated with producing and exhibiting media art.

Since 2006, MAAP has generated over $1,000,000 of value through free loans of audio-visual equipment to artists and has attracted funding and equipment donations since then to add to and maintain the Media Bank stock. MAAP Media Bank is the only free loan service of its kind in Australia, offering audio-visual equipment and consultation to the artistic community.

MAAP Media Bank supports projects of high artistic merit that align with MAAP’s own curatorial endeavours, with priority given to artist-run-initiatives and non-profit creative projects.

2013 Media Bank Loans

In 2013 MAAP Media Bank supported a total of 51 exhibitions nationally to a total value of $106,069. Of this, 44 exhibitions totalling $82,304 were based in Brisbane.

2013 has been a very busy year for MAAP’s Media Bank. After relocating from Southbank in 2012, MAAP Media Bank spent a full calendar year operating out of the larger and more suitable loan processing space at 111 Constance Street, Fortitude Valley. In March Jessica Row was employed as the permanent part-time Media Bank Officer, while in October MAAP was successful in applying to the Gambling Community Benefit Fund. Grant money received will go towards the maintenance of old and purchasing of new Media Bank equipment.

The above factors helped to facilitate the following in 2013:

• Generating one of the largest volumes of annual loans since the program commenced in 2006.

• Generating the largest number of national and touring loans with MAAP Media Bank equipment since the program commenced, facilitating exhibitions in Sydney, Melbourne, Gold Coast, Townsville & Newcastle.

• Facilitating the largest amount of arts festivals & creative conferences with MAAP Media Bank equipment since the program commenced, such as Bleach* Festival, Colourise Festival, EXIST-ENCE 5, Kultour Gathering, Brisbane Emerging Art Festival, Light on the Fringe, Lost Movements V & Containerval Festival.

• Influx of new members to the MAAP Media Bank Program who were met throughout the year at Induction evenings and MAAP Space exhibition openings.

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MAAP Media Bank equipment helped Brisbane media artist Keith Armstrong to stage his sophisticated interactive installation Finitude at Artisan.

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Feedback gathered at the completion of each loan process indicates that MAAP Media Bank continues to deliver a much-needed service to the artistic community whose projects may not have been as large-scale or be able to be executed at all without the use free audio-visual equipment through the Media Bank loan program.

The full details of loans and their values for 2013 is outlined in APPENDIX 1: MAAP Media Bank Loans Summary & Value.

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The 2013 Macquarie Digital Portraiture award winner Nik Lee with Kim Machan. MAAP has been mentoring Nik while he develops his portfolio for tertiary study.

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4b. MAAP Consultancy: Queensland emerging artists & Artist-Run-Intiatives

JUMP mentorship

In 2013, MAAP participated in a fomal mentorship with Brisbane Artist Run Initiative, Vegas Spray.

The Australia Council’s JUMP Mentoring aims to make a positive impact on the early stages of a creative practitioner’s career, helping them gain networks, be inspired and exchange ideas while working on an applied mentorship with a mentor who helps them jump to the next level.

Vegas Spray worked with MAAP Director Kim Machan to develop a Sister City Artist Resdiency Program. The SCAR Program is a new residency platform which supports professional development and cultural exchange between artists and arts workers from Brisbane and Chongqing. Within the sister-city context, The SCAR Program comprised a six-week residency period (three weeks in Chongqing and three weeks in Brisbane) for artists based in Brisbane and Chongqing.

MAAP provided advice and guidance on developing cultural exchange projects, and assisted with venue development in Brisbane. MAAP was also able to expertly advise on protocols for working in China. As a result of this successful mentorship project, Travis Dewan from Vegas Spray returned to China to further develop opportunities in the region.

Macquarie Digital Portraiture Award mentorship

Kim Machan was one of the judges of the Macquarie Digital Portraiture Award in 2013. As part of the prize, MAAP is providing winner, Nick Lee, with a mentorship while he undertakes a residency at the Edge (State Library of Queensland) in 2013-2014.

Kim has been engaged in a series of meetings with Nick, critiquing his photographic and video portfolio to assist and prepare him in his application for a scholarship at a New York art school. MAAP will be available to support the artist throughout the 2013 holiday period, and into 2014.

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Visitors to the Wang Gongxin exhibition at MAAP SPACE.

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MAAP has:

- assisted the development of new work- engaged emerging curators and artists in its programs- established local audiences for national and international content- brought new international audiences to Australian content

MAAP generated:

- hands-on approaches to presentation outcomes (collaboration with artists and curators to present work in the best manner possible through access to equipment and exhibition design)- promotion of media art in Queensland and internationally, which has engaged new audiences and fed critical discourse- a contribution to media art culture nationally/internationally feeding artistic vibrancy and support of media art growth in Queensland

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Some of the projects supported by MAAP Media Bank equipment in 2013, including Addition 6 at Addition ARI, Vegas Spray at Lockup Cultural Centre Newcastle, Anita Holtsclaw at the Block, Threefold at Boxcopy, and the Light on the Fringe festival in Townsville.

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APPENDIX 1: MAAP Media Bank Loans Summary and Value

MAAP Media Bank Loans Summary: 2006-2013

Total Value of MAAP Media Bank Loans $1,168,594

Total Number of Exhibitions Supported 282

Yearly Loans Breakdown

2006Total Value of Loans $8,000Total Exhibitions Supported 2

2007Total Value of Loans $43,320Total Exhibitions Supported 13

2008Total Value of Loans $75,209Total Exhibitions Supported 34

2009Total Value of Loans $404,674Total Exhibitions Supported 57

2010Total Value of Loans $122,865Total Exhibitions Supported 40

2011Total Value of Loans $243,335Total Exhibitions Supported 39

2012Total Value of Loans $163,222 Total Exhibitions Supported 43

2013Total Value of Loans $106,609 Total Exhibitions Supported 51

The following pages detail the MAAP Media Bank loans made in 2013.

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Chris Bennie’s Track and Field Meditation at the Hold Artspace was supported by MAAP Media Bank.

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2013 MAAP Media Bank Loans 1/4

Artist Name Exhibition City Venue Date Equipment Dur. Value

Ben Butcher, Andi Halfpapp, Jake Sun, Jess Quin,

Dominic Reidy, Angelica Roach Wilson, Yannick

Blattner, Matt Wyth Done, Kiah Reading, Jared

Worthington, Synching Boat, Grace Perkins, Anna

Carluccio, Katie Martin, Green Nose, Mysteries,

Footy, Barbituates, Happy Times, Raw Prawn,

Forces, Samedi Sound System, Multiple Man

4ZZZ Happy


Brisbane The Zoo and

Winn Lane,




- 09/07/2013

2 x 2500 lumen NEC data

projectors 2 x dvd players, 2

x projector stands, associated

cables, consultation

7 days $1,630

Art From The Margins Recovery


Brisbane Bleeding

Heart Gallery,

Brisbane City


- 16/05/2013

Consultation 1 hour $70

Keith Armstrong Finitude Melb Screenspace



- 01/11/2013

1 x 2500 lumen NEC data

projector, 6 x behringer

studio speakers, associated

cables, consultation

47 days $4,145

Yannick Blattner It's all gone Shane Warne: 708 wickets in one hour

Brisbane Inhouse ARI, New Farm

03/04/2013 - 09/04/2013

1 x Projector support ceiling mount, associated cables, consultation

7 days $110

pirrin francis nightfall recollections

Brisbane Inhouse ARI, New Farm

30/06/2013- 12/06/2013

3 x 51cm CRT Monitors, associated cables, consultation

14 days $430

Jake Sun, Tara Heffernan Jake Sun - One and Other

Brisbane Inhouse ARI, New Farm

05/03/2013 - 11/03/2013

6 x NEC data projectors, 3 x behringer studio speakers, 3 x projector support ceiling mounts, associated cables, consultation

7 days $1,300

anastasia booth Soon to be Titled

Brisbane Metro Arts, Brisbane City

16/04/2013 - 14/05/2013

1 x DVD player, 1 x 1500 lumen data projector, 1 x set of Edirol speakers, associated cables, consultation

29 days


Chris Bennie I, Object Brisbane The Hold Artspace, West End

02/10/2013 - 30/10/2013

4 x speaker stands, 4 x projector support ceiling mounts, 1 x wall mount, 2 x Phillips Media Players, 3 x Sharp Data Projectors, 2 x behringer Studio Speakers, 1 x Biema Stereo Amplifier, associated cables, consultation

29 days


Megan Cope Untitled (Toponymic Interventions Pt2)

Gold Coast

Metricon Statium, Gold Coast

05/02/2013 - 08/02/2013

1 x 2500 Lumen Data Projector, associated cables, consultation

4 days $570

Sean Barrett, Elisa Jane Carmichael, Simon Degroot, Andy Harwood, Genine Marie Larin, Dan McCabe, Judy Ann Moule, Leena Riethmuller, Camille Serisier, Karl Shoobridge Tyza Stewart, Jake Sun

Vegas Spray - Roadtrip



The LockUp Cultural Centre, Newcastle

25/06/2013 - 30/07/2013

2 x digital video cameras, 3 x dvd players, 3 x CRT monitors, associated cables, consultation

36 days


Timothy Kendall Edser Tension 17 Brisbane Metro Arts, Brisbane City

25/02/2013 - 19/03/2013

4 x sony bravia 32" TVs, 4 x wall mounts, associated cables, consultation

20 days


Lawrence English, Keith Armstrong Nightrage Sydney Powerhouse Museum, Sydney

17/05/2013 - 30/08/2013

5 x behringer studio speakers, associated cables, consultation

106 days


Eugene Carchesio, Lawrence English, Liz Harris, Paul Clipson et al

Imaginary Landscapes

Brisbane Hutton lane, Brisbane

05/04/2013 - 09/04/2013

2 x Sharp Short Throw Data Projectors, associated cables, consultation

5 days $1,320

Pirrin Francis, Hayley Brandon, Melissa Ryke Boxcopy Summer Residency

Brisbane Boxcopy ARI, Brisbane

11/02/2013 - 11/03/2013

3 x Behringer Studio Speakers, 3 x Neuman Headphones, 1 x DVD player, associated cables, consultation

30 days


Nat Koyama, Lucas Davidson Addition 6 Brisbane Addition ARI,

West End


- 1/11/2013

4 x dvd players, 1 x projector, 6

x Hicon CRT TVs, associated

cables, consultation

10 days $1,430

Anita Holtsclaw Palaces Brisbane The Block,


University of



- 15/05/2013

2 x NEC 2000 Lumen Data

Projectors, associated

cables, consultation

13 days $730

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MAAP Media Bank supported David Chatfield’s exhibition at the Hold Artspace.

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2013 MAAP Media Bank Loans 2/4

Artist Name Exhibition City Venue Date Equipment Dur. Value

Annette Shuh Wah, Terese Crea,

Tony Yap, Li Cunxin et al.




Brisbane Queensland






- 12/09/2013

3 x Digital Video Cameras

and associated equipment,

associated cables, consultation

7 days $2,290

Chris Howlett New Dawn Brisbane Boxcopy ARI,


04/-8/2013 -


Consultation 1 hour $70

Beastman, Shelli Bankier, Salvador Cantellano,

Nicholas Chalmers, Jae Copp, Narani Henson,

Mari Hirata, Claudio Kirac, Nick Lawrence Tristan

Shultz, Trent Mitchell, Ted Grambeau, Peter

Joli Wilson, Mick Richards, Michael Aird






Elizabeth Park

& Kirra Hill,


14/02/2013 -


2 x Apple Mini Mac

Computers, 6 x NEC Data

Projectors, 2 x Dvd Players,

associated cables, associated

cables, consultation




Judith Wright, Carl Warner, Shayle

Flesser, Jumaadi, Maio Xiochun

Platform 2013 Brisbane Jan Maton

Gallery at

Metro Arts


- 03/09/2013

1 x NEC 2500 lumen Data

Projector, 1 x DVD player,

associated cables, consultation




Alex Murray-Leslie, Melissa Logan Chicks on


Brisbane Institute of

Modern Art,




- 25/09/2013

Consultation 1 hour $70

Robert Millett, Genvieve Trace, Mike Willmett Aurelian Brisbane Metro Arts,

Brisbane City

11/03/2013 -


2 x Sanyo Multimedia Projector,

2 x Projector Ceiling Mounts,

associated cables, consultation




Henrik Hedinge, Peter Baren, Labanna Babalon,

John G Boeme, Nathanial Pyewacket, Julie

Vulcan, Sari Kivinen, Bonnie Hart, James

Cunningham, Anna Carluccio, Alrey Batol,

Holly Childs, Jade Boyde, Eric Rossi



Brisbane Queensland

College of Art,



- 02/07/2013

1 x Digital Video Camera,

1 x Tripod, 3 x NEC Data

Projectors, 8 x lighting/

speaker stands, 4 x Arri

Fresnel Spotlights, 2 x

Graphic Equalizers, 2 x Dvd

Players, 4 x Beringher Truth

Studio Speakers, associated

cables, consultation




Leif Gifford, Barbara Rosenthal EXIST curates


Brisbane 189 Boundary


West End

04/10/2013 -


1 x NEC 2000 lumen Data

Projector, associated

cables, consultation

5 days $695

Alrey Batol, Stasis Duo Cold Metal Brisbane Metro Arts,

Brisbane City


- 07/05/2013

1 x Apple Mac Mini Computer,

1 x NEC 2000 lumen Data

Projector, associated

cables, consultation

5 days $1,095

Alrey Batol, Courtney Coombs, Christopher

Handran, Rachael Haynes, Luke Jaaniste,

Sarah Oxenham, Thomas Payne, Sancintya

Simpson, Tyza Stewart, Athena Thebus



Art Festival

Brisbane Judith Wright

Centre of


Art, Fortitude


26/07/2013 -


3 x Sanus Wall Mounts, 3 x 24"

LCD Monitors, 3 x DVD players,

associated cables, consultation

12 days $3,520

Liam O'brien Glaze Brisbane Boxcopy ARI,



- 15/11/2013

1 x Edirol Studio Speakers,

associated cables, consultation

31 days $270

Christine Peacock Colourise

Festival 2013:


Brisbane Murri Mura,

36 Cordelia

Street, South



- 12/07/2013

1x 42" Sony Bravia TV,

associated cables, consultation

8 days $795

David Pestorius, Sarah Morris Sarah Morris Brisbane Pestorius




- 30/1/2013

1 x Dvd Player, 1 x Sony Bravia

40" LCD Monitor, associated

cables, consultation

7 days $540

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2013 MAAP Media Bank Loans 3/4

Artist Name Exhibition City Venue Date Equipment Dur. Value

Addis Fejiz, AJ Gogas, Amber Kilkenny, Brian

Sanstrom, Carol McGregor, Chris Kelly, Dale

Harding, Dan Elborne, Ellie Coleman, Eric rossi,

Glen Bowman, Glen Skien, Grace Dewar, Jason

Castro, Julie-Anne Milinski, Katherine Appleby,

Kay Lawrence, Linda Clark, Lynden Stone,

Michelle Roberts, Olivia Bradley, Tarn McLean

Down the

Rabbit Hole

Brisbane Project



College of Art,



- 30/08/2013

1 x Sanus Wall Mount, 1 x

40" Sony Bravia LCD Monitor,

associated cables, consultation




Eric Rossi, Daniel Herberg, Marcel Daniels Role of the

Artist in the


World, panel

discussion at

Metro Arts

Brisbane Metro Arts,

Brisbane City

05/07/2013 -


1 x NEC 2500 lumen Data

Projector, associated

cables, consultation

4 days $570

Ainslie Langdon, Alan Junior, Clayton Tonkin, Danielle

Berry, Ebony Wilson, George Hirst, Gerald Soworka,

Jesse Midgley, Melinda Gould, Michelle Hall, Penelope

Sheridan, Roshan Karunanayaka, Sarah Welsch,

Shane Gallagher & Tony Lamont Robert Chrisp

Light on the





Studio, 482

Flinders Lane,



- 10/09/2013

2 x Apple Mini Mac Computers,

6 x NEC Data Projectors,

associated cables, consultation

19 days $3,940

Mitch Goodwin, Raul Posse, Dylan Howels,

Arik Anidjar, Farley Roth et al.

Synthesis Towns-



Studio, 482

Flinders Lane,



- 25/2/2014

3 x NEC Data Projectors,

associated cables, consultation

71 days $5,020

Beau Deeley Lost

Movements V

Brisbane Coniston





- 09/04/2013

1 x NEC 2500 Data Projector,

associated cables, consultation

7 days $235

Llewellyn Millhouse, Danny Wild, Jared Worthington,

Athena Thebus, Maxxim, Christopher Cipollone,

Kiah Reading, Josh Watson & Eric Rossi.

Illegal Brisbane 131 Alfred




01/11/2013 -


2 x Dvd players, associated

cables, consultation

4 days $150

Tom Brooks, Christopher Handran, Charlie Hillhouse,

Luke Kidd, Carly Scoufos, Tachika Yokota

A River

Without Banks

Brisbane The Hold ARI,

West End


- 17/02/2013

3 x Sony Bravia 32" LCD

Monitors, 3 x Sanus Wall

Mounts, 3 x Dvd Players,

associated cables, consultation

15 days $3,550

Rachael Archibald, Anna Carluccio, Courtney

Coombs, David Creed & David Spooner,

Pirrin Francis, Caitlin Franzmann, Callum

Galletly, Tor Maclean, Leena Riethmuller

You & I:

Thoughts on


Brisbane The Hold ARI,

West End

07/08/2013 -


1 x Edirol Studio Speakers, 4

x Dvd Players, 2 x Sony Bravia

32" LCD monitors, 2 x Wall

Mounts, 2 x Neuman Stereo

Headphones, associated

cables, consultation




Chris Bennie, Bridie Gillman, Eric Rossi,

Kylie Spear, David Creed & David Spooner,

Sancintya Simpson, Athena Thebus.


Borders: video

art, place

and identity

Brisbane The Hold

ARI at






- 12/11/2013

1 x NEC 2000 Data Projector,

1 x DVD player, 2 x Behringer

Truth Studio Monitors,

associated cables, consultation

7 days $350

Alrey Batol Waterbirds Brisbane Inhouse ARI,

New Farm

18/04/2013 -


1 x Apple Mac Mini Computer,

associated cables, consultation




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Artist Name Exhibition City Venue Date Equipment Dur. Value

Jake Sun, Yannick Blattner, Alrey Batol,

Pirrin Francis and Benjamin Crowley

Out of House:

Inhouse ARI

at Metro Arts

Brisbane Metro Arts,

Brisbane City

17/07/2013 -


6 x CRT TVs, 2 x Sony Bravia

32" LCD Monitors, 2 x DVD

players, 1 x Home Theatre

Sound System, associated

cables, consultation

21 days $4,510

Kaye Stuart, Deb Nicholls, Wendy Brown, Scott Avery,

Cherie Scalia, Susanne Schroder, Karen Rooth

Unseen Brisbane Wooloongabba

Art Gallery,



- 11/06/2013

1 x Sony Bravia 40" LCD

Monitor, 2 x Sony Headphones,

associated cables, consultation

14 days $1,210

Helga Groves Geomorphic Brisbane Milani Gallery,

South Brisbane


- 11/12/2013

1 x NEC 2500 Lumen Projector,

associated cables, consultation




Lawrence English, Keith Armstrong Nightfall Brisbane QLD Museum 04/12/2013 -


1 x Sharpe Short Throw

Data Projector, associated

cables, consultation




Jade Boyde VHxorciSm Brisbane Project Gallery,


College of Art,



- 2/07/2013

5 x CRT TV's, 1 x 20"

LCD Monitor, associated

cables, consultation

8 days $1,095

David Chatfield, Felix Merry, Emma

Leslie & Sarah Oxenham

For Want of a

Better Word

Brisbane The Hold ARI,

West End


- 05/11/2013

3 x NEC Data Projectors, 1 x

Media Player, 2 x Projector

Ceiling mounts, associated

cables, consultation

15 days $1,300

Braxton Neate & Sofia Dique, Erin Van

Occi, Sloe Motion, Graffiti Technica

Jugglers Art

Space at



Brisbane Containerval





- 30/11/2013

1 x NEC 1500 lumen Data

Projector, associated

cables, consultation




Yeondoo Jung Yeondoo Jung Brisbane MAAP Space,



20/9/2013 -


1 x Data Projector, 1 x Sony

Bravia 40" LCD Monitor, 2 x

Neumann Stereo Headphones,

1 x Apple Mini Mac Computer

51 days $6,075

Derek Kreckler Derek


Open Studio


Brisbane MAAP Space,




- 30/08/2013

2 x Data Projectors, 2

x Media Players

7 days $480

Barbara Campbell Barbara






Brisbane MAAP Space,



11/11/2013 -


2 x data Projectors, 1 x

Apple Mac Laptop

10 days $1,316

Shilpa Gupta Shilpa Gupta Brisbane MAAP Space,



22/7/2013 -


2 x Data Projectors, 2 x Apple

Mini Mac Computers, 1 x

Sony Stereo Headphones




Wang Gongxin Wang Gongxin Brisbane MAAP Space,



18/3/2013 -


1 x Data Projector, 1 x

Apple Mac Laptop




TOTAL 2013 LOANS No. Exhibitions: 51 $106,609

2013 MAAP Media Bank Loans 4/4

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