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Are MOOCs providing the European workforce with the necessary web skills?LAIA CANALS


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MOOCs for web talent project

Aim• Fostering Web Talent in Europe by encouraging

the use of MOOCs focused on web skills


• Making a precise mapping about the available MOOCs in Europe in the area of web development

• Suggesting measures which would strengthen the MOOCs environment for web entrepreneurs and facilitate its growth

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What do we mean by web skills?

• Web authoring tools such as raw HTML, XML, and CSS, web programming or scripting, and website design. Core web skills

• Graphic design, animation, and software engineering. Extended web skills

• e-learning, games and gamification, online-entertainment, and digital art. Adjacent web skills

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Project activities: desk researchObjective: to determine the current offering of MOOCs in the area of web skills



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Project actitivies: surveyAim: to determine the actual benefits MOOCs offer and their potential to increase web talent in the EU

Respondents: 23-42 years old, male, hold a graduate or post-graduate degree

Close to 3,000 responses coming from

5 continents and 121 different countries

Most had taken a MOOC: 61% of the students, 67% of the

developers, and 61% of the entrepreneurs

Profiles: students, academicians, teaches, developers, corporate



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Entrepreneurs and recruiters perspective

Value given to skills acquired through MOOCs

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Did MOOCs help develop the skills they needed?

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What students want…… that MOOCs don’t deliver just yet

o Mapping of supply & demand

o Quality standards

o Massive pedagogies

o Acreditation valued in the job market

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MOOC providers perspective

Business model

Barriers for MOOC provision

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Conclusions drawn from the survey

o Entrepreneurs & learners want hands-on, practice based offerings which develop specific skills, suitable for on-the-job professional development.

o The current supply does not always fit this model.

o Abundance of provision, yet learners are struggling to find the MOOCs they need.

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Emerging themeso Growing eco-system of campus, blended, hybrid and open online courses, which would leverage the overlaps and synergies between different modes of delivery

o Rise in awareness to issues of learning design, evaluation, assessment and quality control, which are much more salient in on-line courses

o Importance of accreditation and verification schemes, specifically practice-based schemes (e.g. Portfolios) which would allow learners to demonstrate the skills they acquired to potential employers

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Project activities: webinar

MOOC accreditation and recognition

July 1st, 2014

150 people registered

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Project activities: MOOC workshop at EC-TEL13Can MOOCs sabe Europe’s unemployed youth? September 17, 2014

o 13 submissions and 7 papers accepted

o 25 people participated in the workshop

o Topics discussed:

o MOOC quality

o Registration and retention

o Certification and employability

o Benefits and costs of providing a MOOC for web skills

o MOOC platform panel FUN, Open Classrooms, Open Course World, and openHPI

o Response to the presentations by Davinia Hernández-Leo & Carlos Delgado-Kloos

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The MOOCs for Webtalent Network

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