Page 1: · Sri Kannabiran temple today ... bronze idols of Narasimha, Lord Krishna, Lord Siva, ... “Sri Durga Chandrakala Stuti”


The Neighbourhood Newspaper for T. Nagar &


FREE904th Issue : October 13 - 19, 2012Vol. 18, No. 20

CCTV cameras to monitor crowdsduring Deepavali in T. Nagar

By Our Staff ReporterA new police booth with CCTV camera will be installed at

Pothys Junction, Usman Road, T. Nagar before Deepavali.A police offcial told Mambalam Times that additional cam-

eras will also be installed in other busy shopping areas alongUsman Road and Pondy Bazaar to help in monitoring the crowdand nab offenders.

Page 2: · Sri Kannabiran temple today ... bronze idols of Narasimha, Lord Krishna, Lord Siva, ... “Sri Durga Chandrakala Stuti”

MAMBALAM TIMES October 13 - 19, 2012Page 2


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Page 3: · Sri Kannabiran temple today ... bronze idols of Narasimha, Lord Krishna, Lord Siva, ... “Sri Durga Chandrakala Stuti”

MAMBALAM TIMES Page 3October 13 - 19, 2012

T. Nagar Post Office conductscustomer meet

By Our Staff ReporterAs part of Nation Postal

Week celebration, T. NagarPost Office conducted a cus-tomer meet on Oct. 10.

N. K. Subash (Senior Super-intendent, Chennai) and S.Samuel (Senior Post Master,T. Nagar Head Post Office)addressed the audience andnoted down their grievancesand suggestions.

Page 4: · Sri Kannabiran temple today ... bronze idols of Narasimha, Lord Krishna, Lord Siva, ... “Sri Durga Chandrakala Stuti”


Page 4 October 13 - 19, 2012

Mahakumbhabhishekam inSri Kannabiran temple today

By Our Staff ReporterThe work on the second arm

of the Y-shaped Rangarajapu-ram flyover has been com-pleted, but is yet to be opened.

Barricades have been placed

Work completed on second arm ofRangarajapuram flyover

at both ends of this section ofthe flyover to stop motoristsfrom using it till it is officiallyopened.

This part of the flyovercrosses the railway track and

connects Bazullah Road (T.Nagar) with SubramaniaNagar Main Road (Kodambak-kam)

According to a Chennai Cor-poration official, one arm of the‘Y’ shaped flyover leading tothe Kodambakkam side wasthrown open to the public inSeptember last year.

The flyover has been com-pleted at a cost of Rs. 23.75crores.

Residents who are reelingunder traffic problems in thearea have appealed to the offi-cials to inaugurate the secondarm as early as possible.

Residents of Rangarajapu-ram and West Mambalam toldthis reporter that the flyoverwill help in smoothening thetraffic in the area.

PrasannahRaman’s salangai

pooja today

By Our Staff ReporterPrasannah Raman (resident

of 41/8, R. K. ShanmugamSalai, K. K. Nagar) will haveher salangai pooja at 6 p.m onSaturday, Oct. 13 at VaniMahal (G. N. Chetty Road, T.Nagar).

She is a disciple of D. Bhavani(Sri Bhavani Natyalaya, K. K.Nagar).

All are welcome.

Mahakumbhabhisekamwill be performed between 7.30a.m and 9 a.m on Saturday,Oct. 13 in Sri Kannabiran tem-ple (Bajanai Koil Street, T Nagar).

Uyiradi Utsavam will beperformed at 7 p.m followed byprocession of the presiding de-ity. As part of Mahakumbha-bhisekam, a huge mould sha-ped like an anthill has beenmade out of plaster of Paris.Idols of Lord Krishna andRadhai and other deities havebeen placed on this mould.

The events has been orga-nised by Sri KannabiranBhakta Jana Sabai.

All are welcome.

Neelayathaskshi’s painting exhibitionin C. P. Art Center

By Our Staff ReporterG. Neelayathaskshi (resi-

dent of Mettupalayam Road,West Mambalam, Ph: 9444025900) will exhibit her paint-ings under the theme ‘She’ from10.30 a.m to 7 p.m from Oct.16 to 18 in C. P. Art Center (1,Eldams Road, Alwarpet).

The exhibition will be inau-gurated at 6 p.m on Monday,Oct. 15, by S. Jayaraj (re-nowned artist).

Neelayathaskshi toldMambalam Times that the

Badmintondoubles tourneyfor men on Oct. 23By Our Staff Reporter

Lions Club of South Centraland Exnora Sports Club willjointly conduct a badmintondoubles tournament for menfrom 9 a.m on Tuesday, Oct. 23at Corporation Playground(Bakthavatchalam Street,West Mambalam).

M. Babu (President, ExnoraSports Club) told MambalamTimes that the tournament willbe conducted on a knock-outbasis.

The entry fee is Rs. 150.Those interested in partici-

pating need to register by Oct.20 by calling 98414 75566.

paintings on display will high-light the natural feelings ofmother’s love and affection.

The theme of the exhibitionis to bring out the power inwomen to rescue this world outof distress through peace, pa-tience and love.

She is a student of renownedartist K.S Nandakumar.

She recently conducted afund raising exhibition to helpunderprivileged school stu-dents through Nangai Chari-table Trust.

Navarathricelebrations inSri Rama Samajfrom MondayBy Our Staff Reporter

Sri Rama Samaj (AyodhyaMandapam, Arya GowdaRoad, West Mambalam, Ph:2489 3077, 2371 8286) willconduct special programs fromMonday, Oct. 15, to Wednes-day, Oct. 24, in celebration ofNavarathiri mahotsavam.

Devi Mahathimaiyam para-yanam and Lalitha Sahasra-naamam will be conducted at 3p.m on all days.

Navachandi homam will beperformed at 4 p.m on Wednes-day, Oct. 24

Devotional songs and Nava-rana keerthanaigal will be sungby various troupes at 7 p.m onall days.

All are welcome.

Free Veda classesduring weekends

Free Veda classes are con-ducted from 6.30 a.m to 7.30a.m on Saturdays and Sun-days in Krishna Gana Sabha,Maharajapuram SanthanamSalai, T. Nagar.

More details can be had inphone 98843 05676.

By Our Staff ReporterThough the northeast mon-

soon is at least a fortnightaway, the fever season hasbegun with a number of pa-tients crowding the city hospi-tals with severe viral infec-tions, including a high rate ofdengue and cases of encepha-litis, meningitis, bronchitis andpneumonia.

According to Dr. K. P.Parthasarathy (Sarayu Hos-pital, Anna Nagar), “We areseeing an unusually high num-ber of fever cases, more thandouble when compared to thelast year”.

Children’s wards in some ofthe major hospitals in Chennaihave already begun issuingwaiting lists for admission.

According to Dr. Deepa

Dengue-related cases on the rise in the cityHariharan (Paediatrician,Apollo Hospital), viral infec-tions become more severe insmaller children.

Doctors have advised par-ents not to bring children tohospitals as soon as fever be-gins but to wait for at least 48hours. If children aren’t activeor not eating food, dehydratedor have rashes on their body,then they can bring them. Else,they would be needlessly ex-posed to infections.

On Oct. 11, representativesof 452 hospitals and laborato-ries from the 15 zones partici-pated in an emergency meet-ing called by the Chennai Cor-poration.

As part of the efforts to copewith the challenges pertainingto spread of dengue in the city,

the civic body has asked hospi-tals to commence reporting ofall suspected cases of dengueon the same day.

All the 15 zonal AssistantHealth Officers have asked thehospitals in their respectivezones to commence fogging op-erations in their premises on aweekly basis.

The hospitals with sus-pected dengue patients havealso been directed to use mos-quito nets for each patient toprevent spread of denguethrough mosquito bites at thehospitals.

The civic body has alsostarted distribution of 2 lakhpamphlets in vulnerable locali-ties and a total of 25 schoolshave been covered in the aware-ness campaign last week.

Page 5: · Sri Kannabiran temple today ... bronze idols of Narasimha, Lord Krishna, Lord Siva, ... “Sri Durga Chandrakala Stuti”

October 13 -19, 2012 Page 5 CMYK


5-day exhibition on paintings, bronzeidols and lamps Plant more trees

By Our Staff ReporterAs part of Navrathri celebra-

tions, Kalpana Sridhar andMalathi Ranganathan (resi-dents of T. Nagar) will conductan exhibition of traditionalwood carvings, paintings,bronze idols and brass lampsfrom Saturday, Oct. 13, toWednesday, Oct. 17, from 10a.m to 2 p.m and from 5 p.m to9.30 p.m.

There will more than 1000exhibits on display which willinclude Kerala murals, Tan-jore paintings, tribal paintings,bronze idols of Narasimha,Lord Krishna, Lord Siva,Lakshmi, panchaloga idols,Yazhli, Bothiyal mandapamand lamps with chains.

They told Mambalam Times

that that aim of the exhibitionis to demonstrate the handi-works of exhibits to youngminds and promote culturethrough the exhibits.

During the exhibition, ex-

perts will offer advice on main-taining old idols, antiquities andpaintings in households.

All are welcome.For details, 94434 56774 or

94440 34123 may be called.

Concert onAnnamacharyacompositions todayBy Our Staff Reporter

In celebration of ‘Annama-charya Day’, Indian Fine Artshas organized for a thematicconcert on Annamacharyacompositions by Dr. T.V.Meenalochani (resident of 23/10, Kuppiah Street, WestMambalam, Ph: 93847 31651)at 4.30 p.m on Saturday, Oct.13, at PRCC Centenary Hall(Lodi Khan Street, T. Nagar,behind Holy Angels School).

She will also present a devo-tional concert at 9 a.m onWednesday, Oct. 17, at Sanka-ra Mutt (Easwaran Koil Street,West Mambalam) on the oc-casion of Kanya Pooja.

All are welcome.

By Our Staff ReporterIn connection with Appayya

Dikshitar’s Jayanthi, SrimadAppayya Dikshita Foundation(Kottivakkam) and Mamba-

Appayya Dikshitar’s Jayanthi celebratedlam Samskrita Vidyalayajointly conducted a seminar onhis works on Oct. 6 in Ahobila-mutt School (West Mamba-lam).

Sri Ramakrishana Srou-drigal conducted Sama VedaParayanam which was fol-lowed by devotional songs byAbirami Sundari

R. Mahadevan (Director,India Pistons) presided overthe function and outlined theimmense contribution toSivaadvaita by AppayyaDikshitar about 500 yearsago.

C. L. Ramakrishnan. I.P.S.(Rtd.) gave a talk on “Atmar-pana Stuti”.

R. Thyagarajan (formerH.O.D, Sanskrit Dept., Presi-dency College) talked on thenoble life of Appayya Dikshitarand elaborated his works of“Sri Durga ChandrakalaStuti”.

K. Srinivasan (H.O.D. San-skrit Dept., Vivekanada Col-lege) gave an talk on “Sidh-dantalesa Sangraham”.

‘Avahanthihomam’ todayBy Our Staff Reporter

Under the auspices of (G-1, Kala Flats,63rd Street, Ashok Nagar),‘Avahanthi homam’ will be per-formed at 10.30 a.m on Thurs-day, Oct. 18, in Goh Samrak-shana Shala (Kasi Viswana-thar Koil Street, West Mam-balam) on the occasion of SriMaha Periyaval AnushaJayanthi.

Shymala Subramaniam (Co-ordinator) has appealed to devo-tees who have collected ‘oru pidiarsi’ (one handful of rice) andone rupee daily (as directed byMaha Periyaval) to hand overthe collections to the organiza-tion for ‘anna-dhanam’ whichwill take place at noon.

Special raksha will be givento all devotees.

All are welcome.

By Our Staff ReporterAutomatic traffic signals

installed a month back at thejunction of Govindan Road andKodambakkam Road (WestMambalam) are yet to be ac-

Newly installed traffic signalnot activated for over a month

tivated.Traffic congestion is a com-

mon sight at this junction asmost of the time there is notraffic police to regulate the traf-fic, especially during peak hours.

By Our Staff ReporterUnder the auspices of Glo-

bal Sri Vishnu Sahasranaa-mam Federation and All IndiaVishnu SahasranaamamFederation, members of SriPrasanna Venkatesa Peru-mal Vishnu SahasranaamamMandali will chant VishnuSahasranaamam, Mahalak-shmi Astagam, Lakshmi Ashtottara Satanama stotram

from 7 p.m on Saturday, Oct.20, in Sri Prasanna VenkatesaPerumal Temple (Mettupa-layam Road, West Mambalam)for maintaining world peace anduniversal brotherhood.

Devotees interested in par-ticipating in the chanting canregister in phone numbers24853668, 2489 5407 and98412 94449.

All are welcome.

Group chanting of VishnuSahasranaamam on Oct. 20

Page 6: · Sri Kannabiran temple today ... bronze idols of Narasimha, Lord Krishna, Lord Siva, ... “Sri Durga Chandrakala Stuti”

MAMBALAM TIMES October 13 - 19, 2012Page 6

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ACUPUNCTURESPEEDY recovery for diabetes,

blood pressure, kidney failure,heartburn, asthma, allergy, hip, knee,heel pains, migraine, gastritis,ulcers, sinusitis, pimples, wrinkles,breast development, facelift etc. Dr.T. C. Chandra Babu, M.D., No. 5,Ramasamy Street, T. Nagar & No.49, Thacker Street, Purasawalkam,next to Saravanas). Ph: 2434 1844,2641 2438, 2642 1450.


Vaidhyanatha Iyer,Parambarai Jothidar(52 years paaramba-reeyam), Horoscope,Palmistry, Nume-rology, Samudhrikalakshanam, Vaasthu(Iyyanar upasakar),SangeethaupanyasakarHarikatha. RangoliKalaignar TV pugazhastrologer, storywriter. Contact: 46/37, Jubliee Road,West Mambalam. Ph:94446 84006, 64521593, 2471 0914,2471 0917.

JATHAGA, Vaas-thu, Nameology exp-ert “JyothishaRathna” Srimathi V.Akilandeswari, M.A.M.Phil. D.I.A. Specialist in Palmistry,Astrology, Name-ology, Numerology,Marriage matching,Vaasthu and Sarv-amuhurtha Nirna-yam. Sri Raja Raje-swari Jathagalaya,16/38, Postal Colony1st Street, West Mambalam, Ph: 9444151597, 94449 97942,94449 97946, 23711068, 2484 1969.


MAHINDRA GIO, model 2011,1st owner,11000 kms. Full bodycovered. Ph: 97101 44122, 9710225533.


aken for marriage (Ato Z), small functions,nitchayathartham,seemantham, ayushahomam, upana-yanam, shashti-apthapurthi, sathabi-shekam and graha-pravesam, birthdayfunctions. Contact:Mahalakshmi Cate-ring Services (WestMambalam), Ph:91763 49027.SHYAMALA Catering Service

(West Mambalam). We undertakecatering for marriage, seemantham,nichayathartham, ayushyahomam,upanayanam, grahapravesam,sashtiapthapoorthi, sathabishegamand birthday functions. Reasonablecharges. Quality maintained. Ph:6567 1295, 93805 36735, 9382351712.

WE undertake catering forbirthdays, engagements, grahaprav-esams, seemanthams, ayushyaho-mam, upanayanam, sathaabish-ekam, shashtiapthapurthi & marriage(A to Z), meals, tiffin minimum 50.Contact: K. Murali, Ph: 99416 26118,94440 86078.

SUBRAMANYA Food Serviceoffers pure vegetarian packed foodsat your doorstep, packed breakfast-Rs. 45, packed meals with rice- Rs.70, without rice-Rs. 60, packeddinner-Rs.50, orders invited for allfunctions, Adambakkam, Mandaveli,Nanganallur, West Mambalam. Ph:98405 44430, 99400 20404.

SRIVATSA CATERING. Weundertake catering for birthdays,engagements, seemanthams, etc.Meals and tiffin, minimum 20 Nos.Carrier meals also. Door delivery.Ph: 95661 54339.


Constructions (Ex-Alacrity) undertakesnew building con-struction, alter-ations, bathroom,terrace leak repairs,terrace weatheringcoarse, internal &external painting,interior painting,aluminium fabr-ications, compet-itive rates, timelycompletion, goodquality. Ph: 9840541653.


LEARN MS-Office, Internet,Tally, ERP, DTP, Expert ACCT.,Multimedia, Web Designing, DCA,PGDCA, Oracle & Visual Basic,Hardware, Networking, C, C++,Java, J2EE, .Net, Testing, PHP,MySQL. Megamind (since 1993) -ISO Certified, MM ComputerEducation (P) Ltd., 20, NatesanStreet, T. Nagar. Ph: 98841 11494.


ON-CALL service Rs. 100. Sales,service, rental, upgradation, buyback,peripherals, UPS, AMC, laptops,networking, printers, internetsolutions, web solutions, software &hardware solutions. 10 yearsexperience. Sundays also. Contact:FM Systems and Solutions. Ph:98401 30937, 99650 37419.


hing Centre, New No.44, Lake View Road,tuitions upto 8th Std.,all subjects. Experttuition: Monday –Friday from 5 p.m to6.30 p.m. Ph: 9944802103, 2474 0349.

SADHANA Coac-hing Centre (Estd.1979), Guntur Subb-iah School T. Nagar.Classes for std. 9,10, +1, +2 (all boards& subjects), Maths,Physics, Chemistry,Business Maths,Accountancy, Comp-uter Science, English& French. Personalattention & test(every Sunday). Ph:94440 59108, 9840052853, 98943 00399,2434 0873.SPOKEN Hindi / English and all

Southern languages. Regular andweekend. Contact: Jaya. Ph: 9551941475.

SRI Sai Institute : Regular / hometuitions for school, UG- B.Com,BBM, BCS, BBA, BCA, BE,Diploma. PG- MBA AND final yearprojects are also done. Ph: 8189814713, 81898 14715. Email:[email protected]


Bhawa Man Power,West Mamabalam,we arrange veget-a r i a n / n o n - v e g e t -a r i a n / b r a h m i ncooks, housemaids,p a t i e n t / b a b ycaretakers (male/female). Ph: 9380578731.


Corporation of India policies, carpolicies, mutual funds. Forimmediate requirements contact R.Selvaraju. Ph: 94444 47379, 9841014379.



alliance? Think of us.Chennai Sai SankaraMatrimonials, 7 (15/2), 9th Avenue, AshokNagar. Ph: 24716920, 98403 30531.Web: Astro services,latest chart availa-ble. Thank you formaking us No. 1. –Panchapakesan.

FREE registration,select your Bride /Groom www.swaya m v a r a l a y a . c o m .Solve any problemconsult Thetiyur V.Mahadevan. Freea s t r o l o g i c a lguidance and adviceon every Saturdayfrom 11.30 a.m to 4p.m, by appointment.Ph: 98417 89483.

MUSIC & DANCETRINITY Music Point. Piano,

keyboard, guitar, Trinity examwestern & carnatic both Rs. 350 permonth, 15 days camp Rs. 1500.Timing except Monday, all days. No.55/26, Murthy Street Extension, WestMambalam. Ph: 99403 15101, 42668646.

UNISON Keyboard Music Schoolconducts Sunday morning class inRKM School (North). On Vijayada-sami Day, pooja and admission from9.30 a.m in Karnataka SanghaSchool, T. Nagar, 5 p.m in SRMNightingale School, WestMambalam. Raj Vasanthan. Ph:91765 26582. Visit:

VIJAYADASAMIadmissions open formusic, keyboard,crafts, drawing andpainting classes,only on weekends onLake View Road,near ManirajamMahal, pre-regis-tration compulsory.Ph: 99448 02103,2474 0349.S.S. ACADEMY : Carnatic vocal,

violin, key-board, slogam, bhajans.Navarathri festival offer: We arecouple singing Ambal krithis only atyour homes. Santha LakshmananM.A. (Music), Kamakoti Nagar, No.20, Rameshwaram Road, T. Nagar.Ph: 95660 57539, 89253 16584, 8925314193.

VOCAL, Harmonium & Miruda-ngam classes commences from24.10.2012 from 4 p.m to 6 p.m inAndhra Balandam Building, 64, BurkitRoad, T. Nagar. Contact: Harish.Ph: 98416 76892, 94443 55642.


NEW faces wanted immediatelymale/female models, children for Ad-films, compering, character role,news readers, acting class,modeling. Contact: Sangeetha Balan,Le Mannequin Model Company. Ph:99414 81483, 97899 80573, 4261 6787.(Since-1998).


MAMBALAM SriThangam Packers &Movers for shiftinghousehold, localChennai city, fulltruck, mini truck,sharing load. Door-to-door Tamil Nadu,H y d e r a b a d ,Bangalore, Pune,Mumbai, New Delhi,all over India. Safe,0% damage, reliablereasonable charge.Ph: 4212 0864, 24414055, 98412 22437.

MAMBALAM ACLPackers & Moversfor shifting in localwithin Chennai Rs.3300, insurance free.Chennai, Mumbai,Pune, Delhi, Hyder-abad, Kerala, Banga-lore, including cartransport in all overIndia. 0% damage.Ph: 98400 47501,4263 9387.

MAMBALAM SriBalaji Packers &Movers for shiftinghousehold goods,local Rs. 3000 to4000, Tamil Nadu,Kerala, Karnataka,Andhra Pradesh,Maharastra, all overIndia. Safe, reliable.0% damage. Ph: 42158814, 4215 8871,98411 59460. Email:s r i b a l a j i p [email protected].

MAMBALAM SVLPackers & Moversfor shifting, Local.Insurance free, doorto door. Chennai,Mumbai, Pune, Delhi,Hyderabad, Kerala,Bangalore and allover India. Just dialand relax. Ph: 9841044422, 93831 44422,3251 4422. Email:svlpackers&movers@ y a h o o . c o . i n .Website: svlpackersandmovers.coms.


(EDUCATIONAL)WANTED 1) Lab assistant –

Graduate with Chemistry. 2) P.T.Teacher – Female – Graduate withB.PEd. 3) Office attender – 10th passedor 12th. 4) Aayas – 2 nos. Contactimmediately : Sri Sitaram VidyalayaMatriculation Higher SecondarySchool, Ramakirshnapuram 1st

Street, West Mambalam. Ph: 24893001, 2471 0840.



office assistant,qualification 10th / +2from T. Nagar andsurroundings, agearound 40 years.Cotact: Silver ParkApartment OwnersAssociation, No. 24/36, ThanikachalamRoad, T. Nagar. Ph:93802 79461.

WANTED part time sales girl forPooja Shop. Timing 4.30 p.m to 8p.m, salary Rs. 2000. Contact: SriAmbal Trading Agency, 55/22, AryaGowda Road (upstairs), oppositeAyodhya Mandapam, WestMambalam. Ph: 90944 43220, 9841164717.

WANTED fresh male graduate,preferably B.Com. / M.Com withcomputer knowledge, age below 30years, salary Rs. 10000, notnegotiable, working time 9.30 a.m. to7 p.m, for a Construction Companyin West Mambalam, further detailscontact. Ph: 98417 47196.

MARKETING coordinator for areputed Pan India Company, graduatewith good communication skills inEnglish / Tamil / Hindi, proficiency inMS Excel, tenacity and attention todetails. Ph: 93440 38815, 2829 4353.Email : [email protected].

WANTED drivers for a touristtravels in West Mambalam,minimum 5 years experience, licenseand tourist endorsement must.Persons in and around WestMambalam, Kodambakkam, AshokNagar preferred. Walk in:Venkateswara Cabs, No. 13, 0-5, 1st

Floor, Brindavan Street Extesion. Ph:2473 5354, 93817 32537.


ANDHRA yathra –Sri Koormam, Sim-machalam, Annavaram, Draksharama, Badrachalam- for 8 days from 10th

December. Panchadwaraka yathra for14 days from 29th

January 2013. Navaj-othirlingam yathrafor 16 days from 3rd

February 2013.Sujana Tours. Ph:2489 5144, 9444085144.

(1) Dec. 28 to 31:Ahobilam Nava Nara-simhar. (2) Jan. 21 to27: Malainadu (13)Divya Desam,Varkala, Guruvayur,Tiruvanjikalam. (3)Feb. 15 to 25: PanchDwarka, Pushkar,Jaipur. Contact: Vai-dehi Partha Sarathy,94447 62968, 9444754468, 99401 47313.

11-day Navrathri poojas and musicconcerts in Sankara Math fromMondayBy Our Staff Reporter

In connection with Navrathri, Sri Sringeri Jagadguru Sankar Math(29/38, Krupasankari Street, West Mambalam, Ph: 2483 5701) hasorganised special homams and music concerts from Oct. 15 to 25 in itspremises.

There will be homams, paarayanams, archanai and alangaaram invarious vahanaas on all days at 9 a.m and Radhotsavam at 7 p.m onOct. 25.

The following are the music programs to be held daily at 7.30 p.m onthe following days.

Oct. 15: Namasankeerthanam by Udayaloor K. KalyanaramaBaghavathar & party.

Oct. 16: Vocal concert by Madurai T. N. Sesha Gopalan accompaniedby Vittal Ramamurthy (violin), Guruvayur Durai (mridangam), N.Guruprasad (ghatam).

Oct. 17: Prayathana & party.Oct. 18: Discourse on ‘Meenakshmi Kalayanam’ by B. Suchitra

accompanied by Suresh Kumar (violin), Thanjavur Subramanyam(mridangam).

Oct. 19: Mandolin concert by U. P. Raju & Nagamani accompaniedby Tiruvallikeni K. Sekar (thavil), N. Rajaraman (ghatam), B. S.Purushotham (ganjira).

Oct. 20: Vocal concert by Gayathri Venkataraghavan accompaniedby V. V. Ravi (violin), Kallidaikurichi Sivakumar (mridangam), TrichyK. Murali (ghatam).

Oct. 21: Vocal concert by Sikkil C. Gurucharan accompanied by V.Sanjeev (violin), Poongulam Subramaniyam (mridangam), E. M.Subramanyam (ghatam).

Oct. 22: Vocal concert by Maharajapuram S. Srinivasan andMaharajapuram S. Ganesh accompanied by Nagai Muralidharan(violin), Mannarkudi A. Easwaran (mridangam), VaikomGopalakrishnan (ghatam).

Oct. 23: Flute concert by Dr. N. Ramani accompanied by Dr. M.Narmadha (violin), Trichur C. Narendran (mridangam), K. S.Rangachari (ganjira).

Oct. 24: Nadaswaram concert by D. M. Villalan and Muthaiya bandmembers. All are welcome.

By Our Staff ReporterLions Club (Prakasam Road, T Nagar) in

association with other Lions Clubs in Chennaiconducted mass cleaning of Marina Beach lastweek.

Hundreds of school and college students par-ticipated in the program.

Appreciation certificates were given to theparticipants.

Lions Club conducts masscleaning of Marina beach

Free breast examination programon Sunday

Vasantha Memorial Trust will conduct a free breast examinationprogram from 10 a.m on Sunday, Oct. 14 at Vasantha MemorialCancer Centre (No. 33, 35th Street, Ashok Nagar, Ph: 2471 7871,2471 7877, 97910 48379)

The screening will be done by Dr. Shyamala.During the camp, Sundari Vishwanathan (Trust volunteer), will

educate the participants about techniques of self examination fordetecting breast tumors.

Those above 40 who attend this program can avail free mammogramand breast ultrasound tests.

Owner finds his missing bike kept safely in police stationSir,- Last Sunday night after taking my 2-wheeler out on a short trip,

I by mistake left it parked in front of my house and went to sleep.The next morning I noticed that the bike was missing from the spot

where I had parked it the previous night and after making a search inand around, I came to the conclusion that it had been stolen.

I then went to R7, K.K. Nagar Police Station to report the theft.To my pleasant surprise I found my bike was parked within the

compound of the police station.When I enquired regarding the bike with the Station Inspector, he

said that during night patrol the previous night, a constable had foundthe bike parked on the road side. Since he could not locate the owner,the bike was brought to the police station for safe keeping.

The inspector handed over the bike to me after inspecting the originaldocuments of the vehicle which I had carried with me.

I wish to thank Chennai Police for such an exemplary public service.-K. Gopalan, 5th sector, 21st Street, 433, Ramasami Salai, K.K.Nagar


Women Helpine 1091

Page 7: · Sri Kannabiran temple today ... bronze idols of Narasimha, Lord Krishna, Lord Siva, ... “Sri Durga Chandrakala Stuti”

MAMBALAM TIMESOctober 13 - 19, 2012 Page 7

Classified Advertisements under the heads Accommodation Required, Old Age Home, Marriage Hall, Mini Hall,Real Estate (Buying & Selling) and Rental will be published on this page. The charges are Rs. 500 (upto 35words); Bold Rs. 750. Ashok Nagar- K.K. Nagar and Mambalam- T.Nagar Editions; Display: Rs. 240 per col.

centimeter. Each advertisement of Real Estate and Rental must relate to only one house / flat.Advertisement will be received upto 1.00 p.m on Friday.



BACHELOR Accommodation available forpersons working in reputed organization, oppositeThirumalai Tirupathi Devasthanam (TTD), nobrokers. Ph: 98947 80063.

T. NAGAR, Pinjala Subramaniam Road, nearPothys & Panagal Park, excellent location, airy,good ventilated, independent 1st floor portion, 24hours water, 2-wheeler parking, suitable for onlybachelors (2 persons can share), bank staff / ITprofessional preferred, no brokers. Ph: 2434 5209,94456 15209.

MINI HALLBALAGRAHA A/c Mini hall, 6/31, Veerasamy

Street (next to SRM Nightingale School), WestMambalam, for all functions at nominal rate. Ph:94449 18484, 2489 3884.

T. NAGAR, Sri Malola Mini Hall, New No.174, Habibullah Road, near KodambakkamRailway Station, available for small functions,non A/c. Ph: 2814 3406, 92831 12153,94446 38577.

WEST MAMBALAM, Mahadevan Street(State Bank Building), 2 Halls – Kamakshi MiniHall A/c (100 guests), Kamakshi Hall A/c (200guests). Ph: 4351 2233, 4351 2556, 99404 54545,94450 54545.

OLD AGE HOMESRI Vidya Old Age Home Trust, West

Mambalam. We care for aged citizens (both menand women). Healthy, hygienic food and cleanaccommodation will be provided with motherlycare. Contact: B. Vijayalakshmi, Ph: 94459 98939,95660 28520, 2474 0886.

SENIOR citizens home in Keelkattalai, 3 timesfood, 2 times coffee, food prepared by Brahmins,bed-ridden allowed, normal citizens Rs. 6000,bed-ridden Rs. 10000, very near temple, hospital,bus stand, doctor, attendant available. Ph: 9884056233, 98840 56203, 2247 3586.


PAYING guest accommodation available forladies with /without food in West Mambalam. Ph:94441 65411.



PLOT for sale at Urapakkam, suitableinvestment in Chennai, for NRIs, IT professionals,doctors and others. Ph: 89399 65022.

WEST MAMBALAM, Srinivasa IyengarStreet, 2 bedroom, hall, kitchen, 650 sq.ft, groundfloor, 2-wheeler parking only, no brokers. Ph:98415 96663, 90944 72262.

RENTALWEST MAMBALAM, Lakshmi Street, single

bedroom, 2nd floor, lift, furnished, rent Rs. 8000,advance Rs. 80000, Brahmins only, no brokers.Ph: 99416 97694.

WEST MAMBALAM, Brindavan Street, brandnew, 1 bedroom, hall, kitchen, 2nd floor, suitable forcouple / small Brahmin family only. Contact: SaiShiva Realities. Ph: 80154 22914.

ASHOK NAGAR, 18th Avenue, decent 2bedroom, hall, dining, kitchen, 2 bath, ground floorflat, woodwork, geyser, open car parking, rent Rs.18000 + maintenance, Brahmins only, availableafter November 15th , no brokers. Ph: 94430 06142.

WEST MAMBALAM, Manickam Street, 2bedroom, hall, kitchen, 950 sq.ft, 2nd floor flat, carpark, lift, rent Rs. 20000, Brahmins only, no brokers.Ph: 97876 63138.

WEST MAMBALAM, Old No. 20/2,Rajagopalan Street, opposite Sathya NarayanaTemple, independent house, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 1500 sq.ft, covered car park, Brahminsonly, no brokers. Ph: 98400 54900.

WEST MAMBALAM, Murthy Street, 2bedroom, 1250 sq.ft, 1st floor flat, lift, car parking,rent Rs. 20000, Brahmins only, no brokers. Ph:94430 52151.

T. NAGAR, Gopalakrishna Street, near G.N.Chetty Road Bus Stop, 2 bedroom, hall, kitchen,balcony, bath attached, 1st floor apartment, rentRs. 15000, advance 6 months, family / bachelors/ office also. Ph: 2433 3477, 95660 82178.

K. K. NAGAR, No. 26, Munusami Salai, ChozhaFoundations, 2 bedroom, hall, kitchen, 800 sq.ft,car park, 24 hours water, rent Rs. 15000,vegetarians only, no brokers. Ph: 94445 43856.

T. NAGAR, Mylai Ranganathan Street, 2bedroom, 850 sq.ft, 2nd floor, good water, Brahminsonly. Ph: 90031 95545.

K. K. NAGAR (WEST), TNHB Flats,Munusami Salai, 2 bedroom, hall, kitchen, poojaroom, dining, 2 bathroom, 2 balcony, 1150 sq.ft, 2nd

floor, rent Rs. 14000, bachelors also, no brokers.Ph: 94443 67900.

ZAMIN PALLAVARAM, Eswari Nagar 2nd

Street, near Pallavaram Railway, new flat, 1100sq.ft, covered car park, 24 hours Palar water, rentRs. 12000, vegetarians only. Brokers excuse.Visit on Sunday, from 12 noon to 5 p.m. Ph: 247114722, 94441 21784.

ASHOK NAGAR, New No. 42, Flat No. 14,Rams Flat, 2nd Avenue, double bedroom, 520 sq.ft,3rd floor, 1 A/c, fans, lights, no lift, 24 hours water,rent Rs. 7500, vegetarians, no brokers. Ph: 9003031672.

WEST MAMBALAM, 11/6, Rajaji Street, nearStation Road, single bedroom, small portion, rentRs. 6000, advance Rs. 40000, EB card rate, 24hours water, Brahmins only. Ph: 92831 80834,2370 0834.

WEST MAMBALAM, ShyamalavadhanaStreet, 2 bedroom flat, hall, kitchen, 750 sq.ft,Brahmins only, no brokers. Ph: 94443 57544,2817 3363.

T. NAGAR, Rameswaram Road, 2 bedroom,hall, kitchen, 2nd floor flat, rent Rs. 13000, familyonly. Ph: 94446 71760.

ASHOK NAGAR, 7th Avenue, near AnjaneyaTemple & Water Tank, 3 bedroom, 1300 sq.ft, 1st

floor, new flat, covered car parking, lift, no brokers.Ph: 94444 92420, 94449 62738.

T. NAGAR, Sarathy Street, deluxe flat, vastu,2 bedroom, hall, kitchen, 1 study room, 1210 sq.ft,1st floor, lift, woodwork, covered car parking, rentRs. 21000, Spartek flooring, 24 hours water. RaviRealty S. Ravi Chandran. Ph: 98410 89791. Email:[email protected].

T. NAGAR, Venkatesan Street, 1 room,attached kitchen, 220 sq.ft, 3rd floor, workingwomen, Brahmins only, no brokers. Ph: 9092091718, 94440 23071.

WEST MAMBALAM, Umapathy Street, 2bedroom, ground floor flat, woodwork, geyser,electrical fittings, 24 hours water, rent Rs. 17000,Brahmins only, small family preferred. Ph: 42065254, 99620 04862.

WEST MAMBALAM, No. 28, Giri Street, 2bedroom, hall, kitchen, 800 sq.ft, 1st floor, lift, carpark, semi furnished, A/c flat, small family only,inspection on Sunday from 10 a.m to 1 p.m. Ph:98400 57200.

WEST MAMBALAM, Murthy Street, singlebedroom, hall, kitchen, rent Rs. 7000. Contact:Agent. Ph: 99404 98789, 94453 06599.

WEST MAMBALAM, Postal Colony, 2bedroom, hall, kitchen, 700 sq.ft, 1st floor, rent Rs.12000, Brahmins only, no brokers. Ph: 9444113205.

T. NAGAR, Melony Road, near Hindi PracharSabha, double bedroom, modular kitchen, 2nd floorflat, lift, open car park, rent Rs. 20000 (negotiable),vegetarians only, no brokers, occupancy from 1st

December 2012. Contact: Rajan. Ph: 98418 67326.

T. NAGAR, Rangan Street, 1 bedroom, hall,kitchen, balcony, 640 sq.ft, 2nd floor, no lift, rent Rs.12000 (negotiable), advance 6 months. Ph: 9003050754.

ASHOK NAGAR, 12th Avenue, brand new 3bedroom, 4th floor flat, lift, covered car parking,Brahmins preferred, no brokers. Contact: V.Kunchithaptaham. Ph: 98410 12138, 98408 75887.

T. NAGAR, Crescent Park Street, 2 bedroom,ground floor flat, fully furnished, 2 A/c, geyser,reserved car parking, rent Rs. 22000, preferablyvegetarians. Contact: Agent Chandra. Ph: 9884934933.

T. NAGAR, Mannar Street, near KrishnaveniTheatre, 2 bedroom, hall, kitchen, 2nd floor, fullyrenovated, semi furnished, open car park, rentRs. 18000. Ph: 98408 52996, 98408 52996.

WEST MAMBALAM, 30/A, Chakrapani StreetExtension, 3 bedroom, 1100 sq.ft, 1st floor, individualhouse, covered car parking, 3 phase, rent Rs.18000, family / office purpose. Ph: 90032 87828,2371 8284.

WEST MAMBALAM, K. R. Koil Street, 2bedroom, hall, kitchen, 1st floor, individual house,newly renovated, car parking, rent Rs. 16500,visit on Sunday from 10 a.m to 12 noon. Contact:Arkan Estates. Ph: 94441 67851.

WEST MAMBALAM, Vivekanadapuram 1st

Street, near Ayodhya Mandapam, 1 bedroom,hall, kitchen, 460 sq.ft, 1st floor, rent Rs. 8500,wardrobes, no car parking, small Brahmin familyonly, couples preferred, no brokers. Contact: Giri.Ph: 94449 35650.

GEORGE TOWN, No. 138, Coral MerchantStreet, near Beach Station, safe and lockable unit,bedroom, hall, kitchen, bath attached, rent Rs.6000, ideal for young couple (doctor or bank /MNC employee), no brokers. Ph: 2815 1990,99401 68426 .

WEST MAMBALAM, No. 23, Rams, Flat No.10, Lake View Road, 2 bedroom, hall, kitchen, 800sq.ft, 1st floor, no lift, freshly painted, 2 renovatedbathroom, 24 hours water, rent Rs. 15000. Ph:94440 16794.

T. NAGAR, Srinivasa Reddy Street, near ArunaHotel, 2 bedroom, hall, kitchen, bath attached, 2nd

floor, 24 hours water, vegetarians only, no brokers.Ph: 96000 25895, 96000 34856.

T. NAGAR, Motilal Street, 2 bedroom, hall,kitchen, bathroom attached, balcony, 750 sq.ft, 1st

floor, rent Rs. 14000, 2-wheeler parking. Ph: 24337173.

WEST MAMBALAM, Mahadevan Street, 2bedroom, hall, kitchen, bathroom attached, 1100sq.ft, 1st floor, individual house, rent Rs. 17000,road side car park, Brahmins only. Contact:Anand. Ph: 98407 30155.

WEST MAMBALAM, Postal Colony, 2bedroom, hall, kitchen, 1300 sq.ft, 1st floor, lift, rentRs. 22000, car parking. Contact: Agent. Ph: 9789939056, 99404 98789.

WEST MAMBALAM, Baroda Street, 2bedroom, hall, kitchen, ground floor, rent Rs.14000, car parking. Contact: Agent Mohan. Ph:98408 73363.

ASHOK NAGAR, 7th Avenue, near JawaharVidyalaya School, 2 bedroom, hall, kitchen, dining,study room, 1450 sq.ft, 1st floor apartment, carparking, rent Rs. 22000, vegetarians only, nobrokers, visit on Sunday 2 p.m to 6 p.m. Ph: 9962573635.

T. NAGAR, Old No. 6/1, Ramanathan Street,commercial shop, 250 sq.ft, 1st floor, rent Rs. 35per sq.ft (negotiable), usual advance. Ph:Santhanam – 2436 1064, Nandakumar – 994193994.

N. Vaidyanathaswamy, (resident of 15,Radhakrishnan Street T Nagar) passed awayon Oct. 10.

He was 95 and had been a resident ofMambalam for over 60 years.

He started his career as an agriculturist andtook to a number of businesses after coming toChennai. He spearheaded the cause of GohSamrakshanam under the guidance and direc-


Houseowners lookingfor tenants advertise

in the Classified Columnof Mambalam Times

for immediate response!

tion of Jayendra Saraswathi Swamigal of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham.He was the past Secretary of Goh Samrakshana Shala (behind

Sankara Mutt, West Mambalam) and was actively involved in itsdevelopment.

He was conferred the title of “Goh Samrakshana Mani” by JayendraSaraswathi Swamigal for his yeoman service at the Shala.

He had been a philanthropist all through his life and was associatedwith a number of social service organizations.

He is survived by 4 sons, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Page 8: · Sri Kannabiran temple today ... bronze idols of Narasimha, Lord Krishna, Lord Siva, ... “Sri Durga Chandrakala Stuti”

Page 8 October 13 - 19, 2012MAMBALAM TIMES

Edited & Published by K.S. Ramakrishnan. Office: 7/3, Madley Road, T. Nagar, Chennai 17. Ph: 2434 9236, 2431 39 37. Printed by Ramesh Adityan at Powerfull Printers, 74, Kannappan Street, Aminijikarai, Chennai 29.

CMYKWoman found murdered in

her office by employer

By Our Staff Reporter30-year-old Jothilakshmi (a

graphic designer by professionand a resident of T Nagar) wasfound murdered with her throatslit in her office on Varadhara-jan Street (T Nagar) on Thurs-day.

According to the police, 2.5sovereigns of gold chain andtwo gold rings that she waswearing had apparently beentaken by her assailants. How-ever her earrings and nose studwere not removed.

When Sri Kumar, her em-ployer, came to the office ataround 6 p.m, he found the maindoor of the office locked fromoutside. When he entered theoffice, he discovered Jothilak-shmi’s body covered in a pool ofblood. He immediately calledthe nearby police station.

The single room office is iso-lated from the main building ofthe 2-storey residential apart-ment complex. Since there wasno sign of struggle and none ofthe neighbours had heard anyscream, police suspect that theattackers might have beenknown to Jothilakshmi.

Jothilakshmi is survived byher husband Muthupandi anda 6-year old child.

Her house is just a couple ofstreets away from her officeand according to her neigh-bours, Jothilakshmi usuallycame home for lunch at around3 pm, but failed to turn up onthat day.

Free eye screeningcamp on Oct. 20By Our Staff Reporter

Dr Agarwals Eye Hospital isconducting a free eye screen-ing camp on Saturday, Oct. 20,from 10 a.m to 4 p.m at BumbleBees Play School (50th Street,7th Avenue, Ashok Nagar).

The screening will be con-ducted by qualified personnelof the hospital with equipmentslike Trial set and AR meter.

Auto and subjective refrac-tion check-up will also be done.

All are welcome.

60 persons benefitfrom medical camp

T. Nagar Agada DiabeticCentre & Bharathy NagarSarathy Street Civic Exnorajointly conducted a free medi-cal camp on Bharathy Nagar1st Street (T. Nagar) last week.

60 persons benefitted fromthe camp. They were screenedfor diabetes and blood pres-sure. Free consultation was of-fered to participants detectedwith ailments.

Child Helpline 1098

Pasumpon Trust and LionsClub of Pasumpon will jointlyconduct a free medical check-up and blood donation campfrom 9 a.m to 1 p.m on Sunday,Oct. 14 in Pasumpon DevarMandapam (158/100, Habibu-llah Road, T. Nagar).

A team of doctors from HinduMission Hospital will screenthe participants for diabetes.Screening will also be done foreye, ENT, dental and skin re-lated problems. Free cataractsurgeries will be done for poorpatients. For further details,93810 40234 may be called.

All are welcome.

Free medicalcheck-up andblood donationcamp on Sunday
