
I ', ••' »qPE <•'.-?-- -v^-'sJSti: . , :—"





S. to at Ace af 8S.


Mrt. Elizabeth HixMB Hondwlcer. B rendcBt oC MaausBS Cor B a n t t e a a a v e a ^ y a a n , 4ied Moadsy H C M a t har hone ia West aUuri; after a i iac-criac fHanw Jfaa. ««M7^tkzee y e a n «U and interna keami f v M d a a t a t h e iiJiMJrira << aga.

4 a r >Mnunc at & • ONOch. or wUch ^ e kai Cal wiiaihar iw vaar yean 'T te ••rvfcai ««R wilartiil bjr the pMtor, Scv. A. R. laaiMMi. aswrtiil hf a temer paati^. Ber. J a M a M. N a n a e .

w e : Meaara. IL Biuue W^ itaaoMa I, J. MflCfiMsr, TtHOMa H. Uan. W. D.

& K. giaifinn. F . K. aaaa-J. Battle aa4 i . H. Oadca.

Miw Balk Loth Is Briit af Mr.Wha«C


teiy-X t s . TTm n l w i u was bora at Blaita-

towa. N . J; J i m a i T «. IAS9. Her I Naah and H a i r BiXBOB. A e e a a e to Piiaee Wa-

liaiii I iwi j i at tin err nf r i r ^ She laSJ to X r . i a b a K.

r, WIM died fiae j iura aca. acB itf liria

Edward I^ n i i a l w t a r . i l > 1 3 , « a « t t s .

a J. Miwtat a a ^ X n i . C. D, Bafcer. • I k t e o . Mza. ) 9 a Mta»,

Waltec af Baabm, A L , • ^ b r clttUMi fciaadjlalilrwi and s ix C r e a t - c n a A e h a ^ a a . The s iaad-c U d n a are: Ifr. J . WilBs Meertae ^ i t BtOe Ifias Otristiae Miartai, Mr.

Mmt OSnc flantekersBd Xr . WaHar L. ITsiafcatn. aS af X s i i w a s ; Ifr. O a i M e a Xeetae, of New X. X : l i e Braaat & M c E a n r H. Cola.; » r » . G. A. ftafeaKr af

l a a aetlaac e l feraa, a a t i — laa«as and efaryaaathcauaas aad ia tbe ju'ea-cMe el a 1M«C rmiifaiij tfl tiiatioas ai>d friewis. the B a r n a c * it M B * ftath Vircaiia Leith. daachter at Xr. aad XiB. Geaiae W. Leitk, task flaoe raawlar i w i a f at ».M a'cJaek at the Primitive Baptist Chai'irii T. & Dakaa. <t Balti—ira. laalaa a* the d h a n ^ ^f^r^mt^

BrfoK the eatraaec af the bridal parlsr. Cadaua% '^ pUymi br XiM VfachM Nelasa Srci-dea, a atadeat of tha Kenide Si^ool a C X a s k , w t o prBaidrf at the ptaaa. Xias SftHm playad ' T h e ^ r i d a l Canras" ft««a T i ib i i , i in a s tha bridal partjr orterad tha d n v A w d "Be­lieve Me, If AH Theae fiadaariaff Toaas C^araw" was iieudu'ed aaftir dartaff the serriea,with Xewdritasbn'b. weddiac nareh a s a seeeMaadL

Tlae brifde wore a tiavcliBr n i t eC aary blae. a^th fara and a beeoauac fa^ to laatdL Her fiowen were Kil-IjKaeybods. X 3 M Taaif« Maa C w M . oS WaahiactoB, was asaad et "bswnr, wmi Xr. Lean Waters, aC aaraed as beat aoaa. Tbe a Xe . SSareae Dayia, et Xr. WaAeld Dewey, «< -vSla, eeoaai of the bride.

Tba bridecracan is a aea cf X c X n . Jaeob W. Xeaehast, o<

rmam «mtlm w 3 t Maha <heir I Ue the a It with the aaaa i


Senator Swanson and Representatioe Moore Re-Ekded—Virginia Sends^U Democratic

P^egation to Congess—Slemfi Dis­trict Redeemed Bg Peerg,


F U d N C I S

Aden ^ BrentsviUe Catiiarpta . Doonfnea Greenvkk Haymariket — Uickoiy GtoTO. Hoadlf ._ Hortoa'a ^


(R. A. Baat, Oaaa Tlieae wiD be a ma^mt i

fz^jt WiBiaiB O a o l r O rtiaiiinaa Bad OMoa. mt tha

»uat . AB

AribB-«a Iha A. B . C. yaa <

What the Al B . C haa Sei^endMa- 1 ia the S v y * «a a saaapie « ( its eAoeaey a « f ^ t J M B so short a




w31 be OK at tbos


A pelitaaa to the AxtmAaf af Xi I ire ia btJ i t t in alatad Ihimisb t iBsaae taaaof t^ i sMi i t i j a ^ i a r that the AwhbwbsB refeaae Bev. F'ather Oaevaa, aa that he eaa rc*«ra t » this e o a t r y and ta the cbacce af the Uttla 9L Hary^ CalhoBc Chaw* a t Faii^ fax atatiaa. FMher Caaoaa bad beea m elMrce of S t XazyS C h v e b «sr

aatf s>aa4r balaaed

. « » b a '


T h e ^ d C a l a m a l ^ GhK<» St WiddiCe, Oaxba ty, was the aeeM of tfw aatasday af ICaa X a i y 1

• f Xxa. IMaaid Dorair, aC

X^aM, of Hagrmaxhet BeK.< l^eat, laetar af C^aase

ride i ^ c aiattee, Xr . Edward F. Dor-

Xiaa GazaSae Xarta, W. Va^ waa asaid c<

rje4 fisk. Litde aad

c(f flaiwaiilli. aaeeaa of Hm^^akt, wet» flawcr (iria. Xr . L d a y Wlarfr-weS, af Havoe de Graee, Xd., was bast

iflpGn Pfia

NokesviBe OepoqoaB Potomac -Tobesi ___ Watcrfafl

Totab C12


1 »

TURSEf PBMXS S n U A B E H i a i


4Xra. B. Le loy Byrd, Secretary) Tlte Noveoiber mtetatg of tbe Xa-

aaasas Otapter, United Daacbtan af tbe GoBfedotaey, was bdd Friday af-ternooa at the boMe of the tataidtat,. X ia . W. A. Kiiwiaan ,E«sbt aMabats

Tbe° ateetii« was aaUad to arder aad MBod with ^ a y e r lad by the p n s -Mt. The wimrtaa war* road by the

aecvetary was read., Tite |a«aidiat Ihaa save a veirbal

report of the state coavaBtiea wbadi was raeaat^ hdd at Fraderiekabnr. TSe lUMiialiiw atdopted tmuiatigiai opfMaiar the pregoaad plan to re-a o d d the Leo aiaasiiii am a t L e z a c -tan. Alaa the diavtars ia Vi t tnaa ai« nrred to mlubratf i a a s 14. the birth<hiy of Xattfaew FoateiM Xaary.

Oek«atea to the ceneiai ceaaao-taoD to be bdd ai, BaaiiaBbaw. Ala., were dected aa t ^ a w a : Xza. W. A. N e w v a a . Xra. Albert Speidea, Xra. Maisaret BarfoMr; altoraataa, Xiaa Lamaa Xaaiey. Mia. W. G. X n . B . L . B y « d .

After liaiiimi'tii'ir a t h « tha ai'oitiag adjanaed to Xia . A f t o t S ^ d a a tta i a

fw Twortr Taan.

Theaffidal) iforPtmee'!

i C o u i i y , <


The miabnraa wsae, oa which Fkaaidant H a r f i v rede «a the White

Taeoday. The i i f h r i r s i n w S ba«e fifiy-tapa

aeata hi A e Oaaati; the Jurlif-thiacv atidi the l a

Xra.: M a t h e r b a n e la was bora at ttstaw, I h u e^aaty, 8 e ^ teeiber 2 ^ IKS, and had li««d at Bxartaw, X a o l t F e m o s aad Daaifriea be«Ma atovB« to Waabin^aa tiarty-

t a Xr. O n v ahe waa I f i n X a i y Osth-

w^ Xia . Wa&BB Brawaer.

af Wa


of X o .

t ^ b y i

p t Boyal S.


l i a l l K i

OMtarCSftert X ffiteheach. of Na-




la W.

ta a aa h r t h e

r n l i a i a Da-

aad cHarted f^^^-

Tbe t v h o y baa always ia tliis eoaa-t iy eajoyod uiarisipiitoH reeocnrfjoa aa oar aational ttmakavriat bird. Uatfl raoeirt years, poor faeaie ia irioeb be Ad place of booor as the afforiar exprawrve af to the Giver «f AD Good fsr the 1 iags of the year that this aaaaal aa> caaion is intended to emphaBae. B a t tiflMa aad caBteJons chaace, aad ay-petitea, pcrfsne. bave ta idtaace w ^ h tboB—or, a t least, to adaptable. Tbe nataoaal iac bird is loaiac (ronad. Lfte Wo row Wilson, Goarcaa David Uoyd Geocss aad < of a recedine period, be io beiaar ' •a -l^aced in poHtMas of iMoor by tha less iUastnooa.

These TtAKftiems are inspmd by a gmieiaiaeat report. The fciiiiiaaiaf. tta n b e caauBint (Bod,^ keeps statia-taeai tab oa every phase of oar aa-tioaal UU, iatladiaK o>Br varied adna-triea, ao aa to giva as a baiiiaiilib nadiitg af haw we are tfMmg a laac ia the werid. A l o « w t t tbe aoaal aanoHioeMKt tiait tarfceya w a ' ^ e e a t aMre- this fall, the Dtpaitiai iit « f Aciiealtare baa iaaaed a statcaaaat

eapaeiaay biU i eaUiic ia with the ohaervatieaw iada

|BX90>,aayB4he 0 5 laiiif ja weza oa the fimm, while hi U » there a M W j P g a ftjaag «tf af a]

i a c for the past tweodiar y e a n . ^^^^

of y d e a . b the aeaaaw of iSISb-a, tat)i«fa beoi«ht a a avarafc of a eeata a poaad, while laueallj as tha aaaaoe of X t U - l * they Uaa^ht bat IS ecaria. The depaitiuaut baaea tha daaiV IB' prodartina oa a diaeaaa

Idf i ihr ia i l" aaA to tha

T t e brifc aaa Siaca J er eUort baathar, Ife.

af c i a y . «aa-


• « y 'Ba.

fifiaa< U t B U l K VO W K S Q N

tidEet. aa a

of the


of Ae


Fraafe W. ader ia the Baaae af oa Face R v c )

C A .

Xr. C A.



t ^ c af SM laat oa Otaai iniH I Md 4m feet oa Woat atraet ia

n II Xr. Biarktr Mho report at the aext aoat iac , te «a take plaec at Iha p a n b

a B a a i w at t a'daek.


r . i . B . 1

Keova. J. X BeB. J. B. l^m. J. C Patsish, W. L. Wiaaai ic . W. K. HerBdaa, Carter. B. T. KiSa. G. B M f P i a i H G. K. Qsai , G. Bay-

and A. L. Maea.

U t i l e


M > I I ^ f i e Hdea Sae T t s U e , aix^

joU d a ^ ^ t e r of »• • TWahJe, s f V a «

:af wftilaar-t of VirKhaaBaa

ad adaiiiLXS ea to bis laee day ta pay their TUa brother, Xr. immm Pridtfwth, of

n i J M aad Babert B a e b l v . «f CHt- a a a of the caanaiCtee at cterca af « ^ taa. Xr . Thaaaa W&oa, af Kt^ ramgaaeiit^ K n . Abraan alae aai« Bead, was B a ^ e r of ciereaicai)^ j ^ n * Xiaa <Nive Chaae, Waahiartaa.

The bridal pax% aad reiativas w e r » , D . C , waaH praaeat a l a i l K at l a w -

• f the bride** Bother after the eer*- |Xiaa Chaae baa the giaataat c a B e ^

^ aftaiaoaa tnda for a brief waA-lit i s sadi. dBac trim altar « h ^ t h v a a xaaade I I W esanaittec aaid that ieCtas aa« hi BiebBaad. j t d e « i a a « froB Baay aear-by ^abaa

The bride is a daachter of X i a . j bavc been reeeiviad a a y a c d a t 4eia-Xary E B « a Q a i c c of rHft*rr She {gatiaaa' wiD ceaie to jaxa W a d i n c -baa beaa a t e w t e r ia tha pdbiie toaiaaa B deias haaor ta A a '

aad baa beaa a c«a both a U aad yoMT lipiriiit of a U r f e

af aBwha^



aflora of the warid of the war b i i t i i i

ley X K. Cbareh oa Batardep vaBhar U . at 7 J » p. M. IVa <

Piaaideut aad Xra. Waa atMe day. Nueuhbu I L



ha baU at tha Piaabitniaji O

I t , at 7:M o'dach. fer d a serviee w e n

MTwawatthe w of the Xaaaaaa

of Graea X K. O

Pxaaideat, Bav.

Bev. J. A. r. Bar. A. B.




^mmm, FRIDAT, NOVEWaft !«, >•

STAIENEWSNOIK tlwMW N«h«i Pkc* Dias.

Thomaa N«la<Ni Pmf, fonn«r u i -baaaaaor to Itsly and noted aatiwr, dMd of bMot dtoMMc November t »t Ua MKMtnl hoBM. OakUukd, whw* ho wa« baVB. MMT Bewror Dam in Hanovac county. Us waa walkiiu; in the surtet vMb hi* aiater-in-law.Mn. Roaewtil Pace, vlien be soddenly eol-Upaadi dyinr within a few miwitea. Ha waa atotj-niae yean of aca.

Twanty-flTe yean ago Mr. Page abandonail the practice of law and de-Totad Ua ntire attention to literary work. Since that time he has wiittea a number of booka which make up a part of the country's best literatura. In addition to this work he kept up his magazine writing, and thr Migfa this medium contributed much to the pablic thought on current topics, po­litical Knd economic.

Mr. Page was twice married—in 1886 to Misa Anne Seddon Bruce, who died two yaars later, and in 1S83 to Mrs. FlMvnee Latiuop Field, widow of the late Henry Field, of Chicago, and a p e a t niece of the late James Bazboar, a former governor of Vir­ginia, the secotul wife dying a year ag«. Two daughters survive—Mrs. AlgcRMa, Bamaby, of England, and Mrs. Thomas Lindsay, of Boaton.

Killed WUIe Banttag: The first fatality of the banting

seaaon in Caroline eoonty occurred last Thnrsday when Deoglas Broad-dns, twenty-five years old thot and instantly killed himself. &^>addas was banting with several companions, and while sepiarated they heard thcf explo­sion of a gun, followed by a scream They riished te the spot and found the young man lying on the ground beside a stump with a large wound in his side bleeding profusely. Life was extinct. Broaddus, it appears, slipped off a stump on whieh he was standing and fell with his loaded shotgun, which exploded, and the entire load pierced Ms aide and abdomen.

Patriae Henry Home Harked. A granite shaft marking the one­

time home of Patrick Henry was ded­icated Friday by Dr. Kate Waller Bar­rett, state regent of the Dasgfaters of the American'Revolution, on the f^rm

'«f S. D. Hooker,, between Danville and Martinsville. The shaft was. made poesiUe throng the Patrick Henry Chapter 4rf the organisation at Mar-tinaVille. :

Jafai S. Gatees Dead. Jtibax S. GaBMS, prominent sports-

mait, farmer and former banker, died at his home near Warrentm on Fri­day. ' Mr. <zaines ittd not been wdl for several dajps, and Us death, ac­cording to r^ert, waa dne to a dose of catbolie acid, preammaUy t^ken by mistake.. Mr. Gaines was a Bon of the late J n ^ e William Gainea. ^ e b survived by his wife and several chil­dren, odie broAer, Mr. Foeter Gaines,

toaatmaatar and atade an addraaa of p«a. Ottew apartaw wace: J44

mir^ B. E. CaaBts. U. a N ^ L. Fer«ait. deaa «t CSwHt* ton ^aharaity law aAoai; JaiMa U Wila^Mh. fomar diiaetar «t the Uaitod Statca b«B«a« at aBgntviag aad printing, and Kobert 8. Barrett, of Alaxaqdria and N«w Toik.

Malar Glaaa Shet. Maj. Powell Glaaa, aoa o< Saaator

Carter Glaaa, adip was a major is the Sevwntieth divtston during tita world war, waa aeeidantaUy shot lata Toaa-day by a frioid with whooa ha waa hunting near LyBchbwg. El« ra-ceivad about fifty bird shot in Us face at cloae nmge.

It is fearM that UB left eye ia da-strayad. Hia rifkt aye, howarar, was untoaehed.

Fairfax Bead laaaa. Indoraament of the 1175,000 bond

tssna to build Lee highway aeroas Pmvidanee district in Fairfax county was given by unanimons vote at a maas meeting at Fairfax eonrthouaa Friday aight Prominent eitiaan* af Fairfax county and oAdals of tfce Lae hiiHtwy aaaortation ware apaafcars.


"Each blade of grass holds ita own d r ^ of dew."

On Monday evening, S^»tember 26, tile Clark residence was favored with a friendly and inspiring call from 'Miss Gretta Hopkins, under escort of her nephew. Master Charles Webster Hopkins. Conversation at once turn­ed to the diaeuasi<a of the proposed hospital, in the iirterest of which Mr. Clark on the day previota' had re­signed h» pastorate, and it is need­less to enlarge on the comfort and en-eouragenient this conversation afford­ed. Monday inevitably had­tended by the mysterious season of depression , which, perhaps, without exception attends each forward step in the walk of faith, and never did the dew fall on a more thirsty blade of grass than that whidi drooped be­side old Sudley Road in the person of the ex-pastor on the occasion of Hiss Gretta's visit. As each Made of grass is precious in its Maker's sight and is formed te receive its individual share Of his bounty, so £d this friendly call in a crociri hour verify the trutii of the poet's anUime seatimeBt, "Each tiade of grass hoMa tta'oini dix^ of IS0W. ^—3L.



Pursujuit to a deed of tnut irom GvUe S: Rosaon and WilUe B. Roaaon, her husband, of date <a A|»il 29, 1916, and recenied in the cleA'n office of the circuit court oTJgrince William eouaty, Va., on Ibty 8,1916, default hav< ias been made in the payment of the debt therein secured, the un-denrisned tnistee wiO, from the statiim platfwm at Cheoy BiH, Va., at 12 o'clock noon, on

TluuBday, Noveiriw M^inz. oBer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land known as the old Williams Tract, on Powell's Creek, Prince William county, Va., adjoining the lands of Kinchlow, Carroll and others, containing 110 acres and situ­ated about one and <«e-half miles north of Cherry Hill Sta­tion, and is the same property conveyed unto Willie B. Rosson and wife by deed dated Novem­ber 22, 1915, recorded in the clerk's <^ce of tiie circuit court of Prince William county, Va., in deed hook 67, page 211.

Also a certain lot with house thereon, at Cherry HiH, Prince William county, Va., containing thirty-nine (39) square poles, being the same conveyed unto-the said Willie B. Rosaon, Jr., by Alick Stone and wife, by deed recorded in the cleric's ofSce aforesaid, in deed book 60,. page 13.

Terms of sale:—Cash, but a loan can be arranged with the trustee at tJie time of sale.

ALVIN T. EMBBfiy, 25-4 ' Trustee.


Cathsupin, Va.


Wednesday, Nov. 15/22 Commencifig Promptly at 10 A. M.

NinrcE Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. iV, 1982.

To Whom It May Concern: f This is to certify tiiat I liav« thia

17th d*y of October^ 13% kppamted C J. Meetze, «f Manassai^ Va., my agent, with full power and authority to take charge and operate .lor me my farm, coataini^ 1,9.12 acres,'located in Prince Williun and Fairfiuc coun­ties, known as "Ben Lomond;" also to see after any business whieh has arisen from the operation of the farm m .the past and to aet in aU mattns for me, and in my rtead, coneeraing

of New York city, and two aiaters, | * ^ ^ ^ t i ^ _ o ^ . ^ e _»«<l_^™i Mrs. E. Chines-Smith and Mra. J. C. Biddle.

Under and by virtue of a deed of tnist. dated August 25, 1921, executed by A. U. C. & C. W. Krii Fsberg, the undersigned trustee therein named, having been so requested by the benefi-' eiary t h ^ ^ secured, and de­fault having been vaade in the ptmnent of the amount therein, WW offet* for sale at puUic aue> ti<m, to the lughest bidder, on

MMHbiy, Nevcu^bo- 77,'i9ti, at ten o'clock A. M., in front of tlte courthouse in the Town df Manassas, Prince William coun-

Witaess my hand and seal this tfae ITtli day of October. 1922.

, F. W. BBDCH.


The Public Take Notice: Ben Lomiend F^rm has

been assigned by ita owner, Mr. F. Bmch, to -the state of Virginia, as a bird and game sanctuary. This meaoa that no hiBiting ar tnipfiBg will be allowed i^oa tlds taxm by any parsMi, white or blade, under the penalty of

Viean Hea laTnmUe. Two men claiming residence at Vi­

enna were in serious troublie last week, according to the newspapers, says a Laodonn exchange.. , Second Lieut. Harry N. Jennings, of Walter Reed hospital, Washington, post exchange oflfcar, disappeared and discrepanctes in his accounts remain unexplained, aaya the report. He had been in the army twenty yeara, most af 4>e ttate as an aalistad man, and at Walter Seed two yaara. He leavea hia wife nnd; j , ^ ^ ^ , ^ ,nd"p««OT8 tave ignwrad ten-yaar-aM child at Vienna. I it, but the game warden ia going to

Raymond Bolls, twenty-three yeara , be on the job, and if people i ^ ins old, waa arrested bv Utt Wa^ingtte ' poUee^^arged wUfc iieor rahhsrisa af

I will offer for sale at public aucticm op the above-named date at the Putnam farm, IH miles northeast of Catharpinp the following personal property:

Three mares, two 2-year-old colts, horse, ten cows, two fresh and one which has calf, two brood sows, nine shoats, 12 tons hay, 100 shocks fodder and com, 2'horse wagon, l^horse wagon, carriage, disc drill, riding cultivator, walk­ing cultivator, springtooth harrow, spiketooth harrow, two double-shovel plows, five-plate plow, mower, horse rake, double corn planter, single com planter, corn sheller and cutting box, 1-horse plow, 2-horse plow, forks and hoes, shovels, single and doubletrees, set double army harness, good as new; set carriage harness, bridles and lines, set of buggy harness, two sets plow harness; 250 fowls, 35 turkeys, household and kitchen furniture, ^pright piano, $1.00 a chance.

TERMS:—Sums of $10.00 and under, cs^h; over that amount credit of t% elve months will be given, purchaser ^Eecuting interest-bearing, n^^tiable note with ap]»roved security, payable at t l ie flatioiial Bank ol Manassas.

ty, Va., ail that certain tract of land situate on Quantico Run, iA CcAea Dis^ict, aforesaid county and State, which was allotted to EUiza E. Carta* in the division of the Philip Carter real estate and was conveyed to said A. U. C. Kringsberg by Norman Ginn et ux by deed of August 25, 1921, of record iii deed book 77, page 275 - (where it i descr3>ed by metes and bointds) in the clerk's office of aforesaid county, con­taining, nuHe or less.

Rfty-Flve Acres T&rma: — Gash mffident to

] pay the matured notes due un^ the law, and the law wai surely be ^ g^tf} trust (about $260) and " ^ r l i o t i c e in regard to the state ^^.^^^P^^^^tf*^ " P l i ^ ' ^ of Vir^rinia having taken over this farm for this purpoae was published

stores aisag F atreet printa ar* said ta


before thr amat. aavwal ai^fts

Fairfex DMrf. Etfaelbert Fairfax, of the Virginia

Fairfax family, died at tua borne ia WashmgtMt last week, aged acwaty-seven. He had beca witii the txaaa-urer's dqiartatent of the Southern raUway for fifty-two years. He waa a native of Alexandria aad a ^edaliy selected courier for General Lea awl was wounded ia the battle of Baatoa^ viOe, N. C He was a Mass*. He

insist upon earning upon piwerty without pcrmisaioB, they wiu do ao at

TWa aataea mtam tXL C J. MEKTZE,

Mgr. Bmi Loasoad Fans.

Mad Dog at Large. Four children ware bitten Saturday

in AtexaDdria by a dog wUeh waa suffering froa rabies, accoidiay to a stateascot made by Dr. L. E. Ponlka. city iiMkh oAeer. The baakh depart-aseat haa maad tine «f Oa dnidiau aad ia seeking the fUurO.

Vitgiaaa Maaoos Saturday evening ia tha Mssaiih Mmpic at AlMmadria edebratsd the iTtth andvanary «f Geoi«a Waahingtaa'k beh« a Masea. The talebfUtWn was Wd mtdar the auapicaa af Alexandria-Waahingtaa and Ajidf«w Jaekaoa ladgea. Waah-tagten was made a Maaen by the Fredariekaburg lodge.

Chariaa H. OaHahaa, deputy grand «f Msiiaa ia Virginia, waa

LUDENS! ":S'h3L ZUuZ^ J-i

due payable i^ such time aaad secured in such manner as sdd gruitors riiaH preser&e and di­rect, or, if t h ^ iafl to give such directaoBa, t&en said reaktae ahidl be payabfe one fmt from sale and aeeiaed hy deed of trust

H. TB(»NTOiN DAVIES, 24-6 Trustee.


I Make stody and Ueatuwt of any kind of disease tlM faa-i^ Doctor is not cmtiag. TtML Be your trouble aad m tell JOB what k your iliTaac and what eaa be done for It FM •end Uank and Oire me your aaaas;

Manassas Tranier Co. W. a. ATHMT,

FURINTURE Tau win tad at S. T. HALL'ft

FUKNITCRE STORE everytkiag fraai a Teaapaaa ta Imparted Chiaa for tke trtie aa^aB kiafc af kHdMS

AhabedraaM saita, feaa b e * I, •attrtaata; a l Uafa t€ tmt-fraa a ahact ta a l ae waai


Biffs F m t e e Sim MANASSA3. VA.



AND UCSN8B9 I Laa Av... Near C B ,

Prompt attaatioB gtvaa all ftiaaa aa low as gaad

The 1923 SUPERIOR Chevrolet 5'Passenger Sedan

tfaeS«k». Thi»sem¥bhtthoirSedmiBamS»^t^^SpZ

q U A i n r kas bem adn iiixdier iBiproved W XMcd cqtripmgpt .

ECX>NCA4Y has been still farther inaeaMil Ky «ifl«*> ritig >>fn •nd gieatir fnocMed tedUtka.

SERVICT is tiaw otfoed oa a flac n te b « b bf lOgOOO deakts


PRICES of the

Some Disdacdve Features Price> 1 o. b. FKnt, Ibftr . Soeamline body desim wtdi h i ^ hood; vacnuai feed andnar r'^rw tmk on all nodela; draa type head bmpawidklc^knaea. CmtaiMepaD wA dooca 9f open mocUa Models have olate flaas Tcraatadt

wtaoowa, atral^ side oocd ,aiai viKx. windiUeid

d a r i i l ^ TheSednanaia

TwoPkM a i ^ R o « l n r «510 I W P k w arrToviqg - SO T«DFteai nrrUtillrrOaiVi « 0 FOOT n n a«erSedaDa« • » RvcPkw o^r Sedan • • SfO Ui^DeitoacT Trade - - 510 1

See tJMae wmarkable cara, Studytlke

Noihmi Compares JViik CherroUt.

DR. Da C CLINE, Dealer, Dumfries, Va.

imw^v'. 'r^m^rT'.'"":" -y- ' V,-^-1' i* **'


Established 1896


V / -D. K. LEWIS.

Ikitmd at the port oAo* at Ta,M«M«ad att«r


Subscription—|1JM> ft year in Advance

FBIDAT r.'vt , !' I


T9X, RiVUBUCAN WAVE lUBCBlMS Tue. Hy's election may be accepted as a fairiy

sood forecast of the presidential year (^ 1924 Th* story is very different from the stmr of 1920.

In New York the democratic victory attained the pnHx>rtion8 of a landslide, former Governor Alfred E. Smith defeating Govflnlnr Miller, Dr. Ck^eland jdef eating Senator Gaidar and the entire state tiidut, loading thiiteea oongressmsn, be-kigeleatedL >

Ninetaan states elected demoeratie governors •nd fourteen elected repubUeans. Twenty-two democratk isnaton and twalve r^^iUiesna wet* flieited, tea demoerfttB dmffting re^bUeaa wm-atoks and two MpobUeaM deCeatiaV demoenAa. 3e^enty-8even ne^ doaocratic faces and Hiirty-five repuUicans will be seen, in the House. In fottner r^mbliean strotu^cdds th^ lead has been split to the danger point The new congress still finds the repubUoaos in the majority, buf the margin is so aksder tjiat every membor must be laspt in the fold.

Virginia has experienced her share of the na> tional reaction, and f ol* tiie first time in twenty years has an idl-democratic delegation in congress. The tSuih district, represented by the Slemp fam­ily tat two decades, has been redeeme4 by George C. Peery, through his own w^-directed hearts and liie staundi support of &e deraeeraey of t te ninth. The sev«tth <fistriet, normally donoentie, ^Mke wiA a load voice in oondonnatioB «f the Paol episedeef 1920.

Altogether, the 1924 outlook is entirely satisn factory from a d^noctatic pdnt of view. PeSiti-ciahs already have began to wondor whether i^esident Harding win lead his party once more, or 1»iiie|her stronger material win have to be flooiB^t in an effort to stem the demoeratie tide.

VIRGINIA'S CHOICE Senattnr Swanson and B^resentative Moore <»i

Tuesday woe elected to succeed themselveli ia «ngi»ss,< ree^Visg the higife eoamnitiiiiitaTy 5 5 ^ that was expected. caaq^]k- Swaason con­tinues a career Kit distinguished pufafic service wluch begim wfOi the fiftHiurd oons ^ ss at the time of the CIe««eland administnitka.> la 1906 he resigned his seat in congress aatf faeeauMfgenrernMr of Virginia, aad in 1910 he af)taiBed*the senate: B. Walton Moolr a promineat m^iber of the bar for a numbed bf yean, has ii^reMntedthe ei^tl i confl reesiooAI distriet j^e^l919. ^ Served'ta the Virgraiil seMite one tttm voA m ^ ditfUta-tional eonv^itfoB o€ lWl-2. ' • , HH- .

MAINTAm Tdl^ SnXNGTtf " i The Aioerl^an Red Cross, beginning on Armia-:

tice day and omciuding on tlwakagiving day, iriil "call the roU." This has bean aa annual cere-mmial since the war time. It means a dtdlar frtaa every enrolled Americaa, and the membersh^ of the Red Crote is now more than four mfflioa. During and immediately following the war it reached five milli<m. The drive ought to be re­sponded to so that, at the very least, this yeai^ stiength wiU be maintained. It woold be sideafid if it were increased; the slogan is: "Every Amsr-ican everywhere a member of the Bed CnMsT

"nie doDar dues aakad of the sustaining mem­bership do not begin to meet the annuid needs of the oiganixation. The estimated budget for the coming year approaches ten million dollars, the expenditures always being for b«ievolent activi­ties that the Govermneat does not take a hand in, and for the fmtherance of which no Govemmoit funds are available. The field is as broad mt the country, and. every eommintfty is a headldaiy. Lsf• have ttat little doUar ready to exchange for ffaa Bai CmMfwtten of 192Sv->?rovideaea (JL L) SbatiMt''


I Utt mr dad. Ma tmn, hia flow« BMaoae my aalT teraM Wa «Mr; I left BIT dad—twM wvoiw, a< Baeanae my eak hecnw Ua hatafl). I left my dad to sow and nap Bataa— my lamb baeama Ua sheep; I dropped my tee and •tnek my fock^ Baeanae my pis beeama bU p«rk,

. _Jlw^ardca Indc I made to craw Waa bli to aitf and mine ta boa.

Not Bgasting-Biit hmm f We woaU be pisaasd to have yea laveatigate any dafaaa

mnr Beak mayattka. Tea will lad that we eaa adMtaatlate a l ear ststsMsata.

1| Evoy oMccr of ea^ Beak is worthy 9i year trasC Bari-aeaa faitraated «• them wiB be tcaaaacted wtth gwaiptaaw, Mal-tty aad la atrteteat ceaMeaca,

1 We piUe eanMlvsa oa haii« able to aieaaars 9 to the baaklag imaLriwato e< thk u^aiaaltj aai Javito hveatlgatfaa aa to ear rMMMi, a v |»1«#f^ aai M ,tha OitiVBthateaaii.' ' '' \ " ~ -

* O


With dad and me it's half aad half— The eow I o«Ri yn» once Ua eal£; No town for mine, I wiB aot boH, Becanae my bene waa oiiee bm e ^ ; Pm c"*B8r te stiek right where I Mm Baeanae my abeep was <mee Ma laafb; ni atay ritb dad ha fcta my 'vota BeeMMa my !>•« v** « • * Ma shota; ft% '•Mar-Ofty" witk dad «ad M » ^ A ff«at«ba(iac <

"Be more than bis dad; be a ebma to the lad; Be a part of hk "SH erety -boar o< the day. Find time to talk with h ^ take time to walk with Umi, Share in his trooUea and ahaM in bia play; : lUce him to ^ ^aees, to the baU «amai and tha xaeaa. Teach him the titogs that yoa want him to knew; Doat Iha apart firaas hxm,doB« Inep your baaM tens Urn, B» hia beat charade; he's

t--• ^-" \

THCOIAS NELSON PAGE An \^rgiaSa1noaxu~tiihe'passuig~«f Thoaas

Nelson Page, lawyer, author, statepqan and dip­lomat, and one of tier mildest soaC

-The cr^ttfir of ' Bursfr GhanT tf Ae family of "Bed Rock" and of'Heh Lady" has a berth in tha Inert of America that is secure and steadfasL Hw kooiriedge of the (Hd Sooth, ci her trafitioaa and of tor ideals, lend a tone to aU he wrote that .few modnn writars have hem able to achieve.

America may forget ia years to eome that Thomas Nebcm Page was a lawyer of Virginia, may forget that he rqneaented the nation as am­bassador at Rome, but the writer of innnmeraUe and miraatable southern stories wiS always hek) a warm place in the hearts of the fotara tk>ns.

, GOODirOSK wha waa wantad bj th* ptdiee had baaik ^wt»-m^tx dUhvHit poattiMi ami tte

etreolated wrote oatodtoa

THE TURK AND HIS WATERLOO The'I>»TiUeT^jrkisatitagain. TheKemalisto

last week pat aa end to the sidtanate, ordering the abdication of Mohaamied VI aad ddegating the powers of govenuaent to the graad aatieiial asseml:^ of Ai^iota.

In addition to this bit of inward turmoil, which might not serion^ eoncCTn the rest of the worid, they hive seised the city of Constaatinoi^ de­manding the withdrawal of allied troiiqis, aad in­vaded the neutral waters of the DanhariW, admittiag forsiga vessda oaly at the iilfiiiiiii of KemaL

Peziiapa Kemal is depending upon tha "wedg^ he drove between France and Kigland. Perhaps he thinks that Bonar Law win not ooauait ib» British govanunsat to any definite eastera poBcy DOW aad that the British lioa oa the eve ef t>oas wookl register hesWstfaa with a lo

:iriiatlineof lusBiaiiwgaaimstadhia it is not easy f cr Ae western miad to eon-

ceive. Periiapa, after aB, the wasftiiiiig waa nil. At an eveoto Great Britain aad Prance may be aaid to be at one if the British admiralty finds it necessary to take action in the Dardanelles.

Nothing 8b<»t of war can be expected if the Turic persists in laying claim to the deep waters of the DardaneUea. A few more steps to the saaw direction and Us roloaial arroganee wS meet Ha Wakotoe.

L A 1 7 6 M A N D fcf T B

A SmeLK^TBACK MDI]> North—I can get yoa six par ceet. W«at-r«iKaU Man, I can taato tt afaraadyl Nottf^-^a; I mean ftr yoor aMOcry. Ve<l>.»yali^ 1 ej^aet to pay tor i^ a« eapaai^-Mh.

^ ^ S - ^ ' f^'/', '.• • • •-•,...

OQ|N6 HIS n S T They say p e o ^ with « >pe be dharaetoiatks make tiia

happieat marriacea." 'rTea; that% ^Aiy Tm ktoking fte a gizl witfc w—^ *—

OtoMJan Advocate (OacBMtf).

tta poliee. The eUef ia a a tow di9s lain, aayins,"% d ^ a< the six miat.iaaata fAeae eapton an^tod i w of OiMi; tha afaith is

aad wiD ha taken Advocate.

National Bank of Manassas riHB BANK CHF PraiSONAL SEBVIGS"

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Phone <Hr G>iii^ tQ Vn Wh^i in Need of

and Green ^^peckl^SdAxBcday and Monday BestCvedBav . BcstOvdlSpyff BestSMrt . .

26c GMdRMst . ; . 18c ia 20c 2ec MBii^Meit . 12^teI5c 21c FRII SMHife . . ,2k

I A M be if Stek Gnccries aai Greci TefdaUtt. Wepayeidilv allMiirCiaiibirht^^

£• R. (Conner & Cou - Oinr Mbtto; Saoilatioii, Quafity, Price

TKB HOONOHIST BeosBtly Haciy Braoha areratayad hia laat ear at a

h>d8s meetiag. Aa ha «ama oat «r Oa biddtoc Ms teak np a poeitioB i s fraat ot the hooae «f this hwal doetev aad gaxed apward at fha daihaeed wtoiaep* HmMt h a p d a d imnaelf together aad then pidled at tha 4oetert beO, aeariy tearing it oat by tlte roata.

"Doctor, doetw, emaa q a i d ^ ' he cried. ' I fa 'a bad ease o««r at ShilUngten. Dealt detagr."

n a dectR^ came bosttiag d0W»«taics and hastled Us car a«t of tike garage Ia>1hraa mhnHea thay w«ia off, Harry aittmg by tha doctor..

"That^ tha hones ttat one," aaid the psmswgw at last, at the e ^ «C • spadthig drive «f at leMt ftaa atOsa. "But wimt% y a v i n , dodorr'

"Oh, tva daDara, tor aa etdhmry ai^it vtott," WM the

Then here yaa ai«. Thera waaot aivoiie ia tim place a a to* lam tfaaa aaw-tftjf.".


m y wtto was hit by a traDar. —>* I i^aay.- said the cUei^ "WaU," aaid tite lawyer, adjastiag

tha rale «f to

isahltarto Ifte's aB Hack aad btaa aad K harta,'

tlta kyHrfsttj M. W » a

wt toe

of imt limHtoa

8U0CSS80R8 TO f We beg to laaiiiTi to ear shippers, ftiiafa aad pafceas wha have

mMiy toTored the torn af KISSER BBOSL CO.. 214-XU Cal-S t , Philiiilphis, Witt their Liiiiigiwiti af tatkeya ia pre-

yaara ttat the haaiaeas to fatore wffl be essrfactad aai i i the Ikm aame of BISSER AND SABINOWRZ. t Mr. C N. Bteer. wha haa peraaaaBy handled year trnkey Mp-sseate to past years. wiB iiatissf to peraeaaDy aapwriae tUa cad si the h—iaess. aad sUppcra caa caotiaaa to expect and he aaavsd ef the same sqaare diaWags that iwra aiwaya charsftsnied the ana m HfSSBK BB06. CO. f We trwt yea wtO caatiaae to faTor the new irm as liberally as ya« Cava tlw eld, aad wc ea ear part will gaaraatee sU sMpmeats tim same iadMdaal atttatiea. the mast iMtiiat serriee a»i tlM hightat ralaea iiailn n with ^ashty aad marhK luadilieas niiWily ahtoiaabie. If yea have not s sapply of KISSBR AND KABINOWITZ taga, aae

BROS. CO. yeUaw tacs as hecatafwa. Thay wffl carry la JBSt ss qakkly sad aafi AND RABDfOWrrZ.

f ET yoa coatempUte baadBag er shipping say tarhsya. Aher er BTC. far the early ThsakagiTtog haiidaya. we sUiagly wrge that yaa gat to taa«h with as laaiidiatily. Let as fanirii raa with faO. rate iafermatioa regsrdii« psspiHiie priess aad ms

WiB aadeaht«ibbe of ratoa te yaa aad aid to

Ow MW^hmtiaa aad facilities are greatly larger u d , aid. We hava caiargod o v aatiet nasi^dirihly, atol feel btyead «

I as to the paat, wa fael tha* we can rely _ _ ^ year. If yaa aaver hare eeasigasd as aaythiay. S v

' w* w S I

tags of



PHILADBLPHIA. PA. flslimnra- Ut-U4-4H-4U S. Frmt. St. Ofca, Ml-lSS Plae SL KKrHBKNCBS: Uaiea Nstisael Baak, PWladaipM% Pa., State Bank

ef PhiUddpUa. Philadelphia. Pa.; AB Miriaarti Afsaitoa: Tear (>wa Baafcsr.

ASVANTAGBS: Ftosaciall? Straag: Bert •sat Oetlstt Meat BttcieBt Sales Serriea.

We Ssiielt Tear Tuhey Natieaal Paaltry. Battm- aad I g g Aas

WritoVidBy far

Ftoe Acriodtaial Lead three ef CatisCt aa Ce*v teres, w d watered

AI«D IN FDiB CX»nHTION BiihtH 4 4 x M n .




Dt . y . V. dLLUH


• p p p f i ^ i i P I I I iii«ni|«i^^M«m««:«mpm!inpi i ^ » PfP» ^ K fni^m|pqinMif |^<*( ! l j i J JP.u iii^i,J, «BWJU •JH.-'i4f.'*lU:JiS!j : t..i":l!'\:^i^!W"


BRIEF LOCAL —Mr. C. E . N a « h b o « t i f t w s M « <

—Sergeimt L M WaBwr, U. & M. (X. and MU* Virdnia iona*. of Qwmtieq, yiNn MMTtitd mi Fndatiekslmrf • f<)« day* «co by Mmr. M. L. Swift

—Mr. B. P. AnMBtamtt, who ha* baMi yrj iQ, was takan to* WtmUi^ tan tMqrife^ on Saturday to oadargo «a oparatiaB aad ia Mid to ba iinprov-

—Tha buUM of the Aid Socivtjr of M. B. Church will hold a rum-•ala OB Friday, November 17,

«t t te UiiUa-Oorrall irarw«oma OD Battla atraat

—rBaporta for the first six week* of achaol work are being s « t out tiiia weak from the Manassas schools. The hoaor roll for tbe differaat ptawM will be poblished aext weak.

^Mis. Lucy A. Codec has boaa has been quite sick smee Sonday at the home of her son, Mr. G«ort« B. Codu. She is attended by a trained nmt*«, Miaa SalUe CUmpsoa, of Dan-TiBe.

—Mia* Oliva Hombaker, youngest davfhter of Mrsw E. L. Honihdcer, who has been at home since July, will return to WaahiwgtMi on Wtrfaaaiiay to reanme tax trainia« at Sibley boi-pitaL

—Mra. JoMi>h Prastoa lijttn was hestaas to the Acaei^^bridg* elob on Wednesday aftemoMi at her home in waat Mawsasaa Highest score bon­ers were wsa by Mies Ajaeiia Foon-taine Brown.

—Bev. T. I>. D. Claric will preach at the &ptist Church at Braady on Soaday, Movember 19, while the Brandy pastor, Bev. G. W. Hnrt, la attefiding the B a | ^ t general conveB-tioB at Newport News.

— A varied pn^ram of songs, piano solos and readings will be ^ven by the faculty and students of Eastern College on tbe evening of Friday, Ifo-vearito- 24. m aU «t the U. B. G. traasory. Forthar derails -wiQ bo ^ven later.

—lUsa Boena E. Sfaaner, a tespep-anee lactam: from Miaaourl, waa heard h«<e in Tuesday evening at Grace M. E. Church, South, aader tha aospiees ot Hit local Woman's Chri«-tian Temperance UnioB. Miaa Shaaer also qxike at tlw hig^ scho<d.

-Those who were pres«it at the Presbyterian Church l u t Sunday Kad the pleasare of hearing a solo en-titied "Adore and <ittiet Be," rendered in spkndid manaw .1^ Miss Anna B o x ^ head of Ute voice department of Eastern CoIlege-GMiscrvatOry.

—Bev. X A. Golihew has just dosed a sueeessfol revival meeting: at An-bom Baptist Church, Fanqnier county. Eev. M. F. Saafwl, of Chatham, as*, ^ rw r» ^ ^^,2-sisted th^pastor. A. a re«.lt of t h e ^ ^ T ^ ' ^ ' ' ^ ' L ^ J T r " ^

—Mr. i. F. A. Myers, of Fairfax. has aoU hfe fisna to Mr. John If. Ra^Mt Fairfax, tat tStflOt, aeoovi-iag t» tha Fairfax Het^d.

—Roaevilla. Stafford eooaty. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mon­tague, was the scene of a beautiful marriage oa Sunday, wlten Miss Mar­garet Louiae Moatagtie, their daugh­ter, became the bride of Mr. Victor Godfrey Hehr, of New Tork. Tha eerMBoay was petformed by Sav. Wastwo0(i Hutchison, of Manaaaas

—The Bethlehem Good Hooaekeep-ers' Club )s cordially invited to meet at the home of Mrs. Bruo* Whitsnore on the aftemoMi of Saturday, Novem­ber 11, at half paat two o'clock. Mrs. Hart will join Mrs. WUtmore as hos­tess. Kindly notice the date and the subject of the ipiotations ia response to the roll ealL—CUoe E. l l y Hod|;e, denetary.

—batting the tim« between Wadt-iagten and Atlanta one hour and forty five Ainutes, Southern raflway tndn No. S6 began a new srhadats aa Soa^ day, leaving Washington at 11 a. m> and Manassas at 12:10 p. m. and ar-> rivinc in Atlanta at 6:40 a. m. TUa train will cany throttgh sleeping ears from New York to New Orleans, New York to Birmingham and New York to Cobunbua, Ga.

— The. Patrons' League of the grad­ed aehool will bold a meeting tm Fri­day afternoon, November 17, ht 2:30 o'clock. The bnsinaas session wiU ia^ dade an dection of oOcers, afte^ which a moaieal program will be ren­dered and Tefreahmants served. The preaent <rfBcers pf the league ata Mrs. R. S. Hynson, prcaident; Mzs. J. P. Lyon, secretary, and Mrs. E. R. Con- aer, treasuar. -

—B«v. Tlicaaa H. MadLeod, paster of the Clifttm Presbyterian Chordi. and Rev. A. B. Jamison, pastor of the local Presbyterian Chnrefa, will ex-' chaage pulpita for iba 11 a. m. anv-ioa next Sunday. Miss Bobbie Carr, hedd of the violin departin«it of Eastiem College - Coaaervatary, wffi render a violin 84do at the aarviee here. Mr. S. B. Wagoner wBl be tiic aohrist at the C&tftaa cknr^

—^Mr. S. M. Arendell, who has been employed for a year on the n i ^ t force of tiie Manassas Feed and Mil-liag Company, left on Monday t» take charge of a mill at Ddaplane. He was aceeatipaBied by Mra. Axand^ Mr. and Mrs. Aremdell viaited Mrs. Arenddl^ rdativea in Laurel, Md., last week, returning to Manasaas «m Saturday to give uptiieir.apartBMBt

i at the rcaidawce of. Mrs. Mary V. Conner.

—The Prince William county school board heid- ita imual monthly meeting at the courthouse iw Monday All membws of the board were present, inetadiag Rev. J. R. Cooke, of Green­wich, chairman and member of the board fttim 'Breataville district;. Supt. Charles B. McDonsld. i^. Catharpia.

LITTLE JOURNEYS Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Vaughn will

spend the ireek-«nd iii Alexandria. '

Mias Gertrude Strother left Wed­nesday to visit friends ia Alaxandria and Washingtoa.

Mrs. L I. Anderson and bar Leatar. of Catiutpm. wwe vidtors Saturday.

Mrs. Cora Pitser, of Roanoke, the. gueat during the week 9i eoosin, Mra. R. B. SprinkeL

Mr. Paul ^rinkdi, of Washington, spent the iVedt-end with his partttta, Mr. and Mra. R. B. Sprinkd.

Mrs. Akers and her daughtw. Miss Ruth Akers, of Washington, wet* in Msnaaass oa businees today.

Miaa Julia Wileoxon Lswia, of Washington, spent several daya this weak with Miss Kate Willeoxon.^

Mrs. R. B. Larida has been in Waak-In^tim for a week aa tin guaet of Mrs. C. O. Sla«a mad. Mrs. A. J. Adams.

•. •

Lient Boswell Round, of Fort Benja­min Harrison, IXML. is here to vend a month with his natha-, Mn. Gfiuew* C Bound.

Mrs. Howard A. Kaevels, of Ben Lomond farm, left yesterday to spend a month ia Canada and tiie middle west Mrs. Kncvds will visit her daaghtar, Miss Ada Kaevels, at De­troit Mich.; her daughter, Miss Dor­othy Knevels, at Kalamasoo, Mich.; her son, Mr. Howard Kneveb, at To­ronto; her SMt, Mr. Robert Knevda, at Haatilton, (tet; friends and rda-ttvaa at Elkhart. Ind.. which was her hame for twenty-flve years, and friends at Cleyelaad. Ohio.

Mrs. R. Letcher Kane, of Nokasville. left recenUy MI an wstended western trip. She will vidt her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Potter, on Potter's raadi, near Haskell, Okla.; her sister, Mrs. £ . P. Boone, of Tulaa, Okla.; friends and rdatives in Oswego, Kan*., where a femily reunion is to be held; her micle at Joplin, Mo., to which place she wiU motor frenT Os-. wego, aad other friends and relatives in St. Lania, Mo., and LouisviUe. Ky. Mrs, WMO» is expected to rat*Ba fone time, in December.

The &eat Atlantic and PacfficTeaCa

TW Largest Grocerj H«ise a tke Wary



Official Opening—Nov. 15th


Rev. 8. M. AtlMy Unde eC W. S., T.' H. aad i . S. Adi«y.

lag Dumfries district; Mr. E. S. Broekett, r^reaentiag Oecoqaaa <fis-trict; Mr. Charles B. Allen, represent­ing G*ii>esville district; Mr. Tboaas J. Wooifaoden, repreaentinc Galea dia-frict, and Mr. D. J. Arringtoi, M^e-aenting Manaaaas diatriei

meeting aine- persons w«xe baptised i by Bev. Mir. Gelifaew on Saadt^ in Kettl« nm.

— Rev, J. Murray Tayiaf, of Abing­don, will preadi at tbk Mansssas Ba^ tist CSnirdi on Sunday at the 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. services. All mem- M M r» ci.. . ^^ ^ V _< XI. ^ ->. —Kn. Blaiy B. Staples, mother of bers of tiie eongregatten are teqaest- « _ . , » r J n - i - i l . ^ «»»L m ed t» be present at an important bud- ~ ^ J ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ness sessMB at toe ctose vt tae mom-,,. v j - f i j t T,. J_..„LJ^ for a month, during which tune three

™***'^** deatlia have eecurred fa ttte &auly— —Kev. A. I^uart Gibson, rector a< Mr. D. W. Coiddcy, Mrs. Sti^isa'

Trinity Epjacopal Chmreh, has recoit- brother, died suddenly on a train go-ly dediaad a caB to S t Anae's parish, iuff heme from Washington to Fred-Essex eonnty. Rev. Mr. Gibaoa mo- erickaburgrUn- S. B. Payne, her sis-

Eloiae Giddiags and Miss Mary Giddinks recently visited their grandmother, Mrs. Gleaville Giddings, in Leesburg.

Mrs. Jdm L. Hynaon will leave to­day for Cape Girardeau, Mo., t^ visi^ her dsters, Mrs. 0 . B. Smith ai&| Mrs. A. L. Oliver. ^

Mr. and Mra. Preston Moran, of Washington, were week-end .iMiteKs at the home of Mrs. MoranSi 4nher, Mr. John R. Hottel.

Messrs. John H. Nelson aad. Jamea E. Nelson, of Washia^wi, wist* the guests of their sister, Mrs. ^Albert Speiden, during tlte week.

Mr. and Mrs..a H. Wise and their Itttfe dmghttf, Bntli Virginia, of WiDces-Bane, Pk., laat week visited Mr. Wiae'a mother, Mrs. Mary Wise.

i •

Mr. aad Mrs. W- H. Upaeomb, of Mew York, ai» the guests 6f Mr. Lips-eomb's; aaether and dator, Mra. W. N. lipacomb aad Mra. Howard W. Jami-

Rev. Samud M. Athey, Baptist min­ister and Confederate soUiar, died at his home* at Qrlaan oa Satorday, af­ter a lingering illneaa. He was aanr-enty-eig^ years old.

Funeral services were conducted at the old homestead by Rev. G. W. Cole, of Remington, assisted by Rev. Oharles' B. Heradoa, <a Warxenton, who speks witit d e ^ feeliagr of the deceased, ^riio had been his pastor, uid J>y Rev. Westwood Hutchison, of Manassas, wlio offered the closing prayer. The pallbearers wws the

tored to Caret, EaacEX eoorty, laat week aad was the gasat at Mr. Rob­ert Beverly at Us "Blandfidd.-

tM, dropped daad ia a diareh in Wa^ington. aad Mrs. Foster, a rda-tive Uviag ia King George, fied fd-iowiag a paralytic strdce. Mra. GoB-h*fw returned to Mswissas today, af­ter qtemfog a mootii with her moOer. She was aeeompaaied by hw three little cluUian, ^^det, EUobetk-aad Anna.

—Mr. C D. Fately. whoae foot was badly mashed a few wssks ago, ia much iminwved. He is atill a patient at Alexaadria hospital. The acddent is said to have oecuned at Edsall. near Alexandria, wkca >Mr. Fatdy ~**'- » ^ ^™- E * « ^ Jaekso* was engaged in laStead work and a j Hotchkiss, ef Warrentea, hava a»-tie fell oa hk foot I "o^w^d the en^tgeatent and ap-

I proaching marriage of thdr daughter, —Rev. Edgar Z. Pence, pastor of ' Eleanor Fleteha-, to Rev. William Glb-

the Lotberaa Church, has announced : MB Ptaadletasi, D. D., of Lynchbtog. his appdntoieats for Sunday as fd-JDr. Pcadletan was rector of S t lows: Bethd Uithcraa Oardi. Ma-bases'Cfaareh at Wamntoa for soaa nassas, Sunday sehod at 10 a. m. and , jraara «ad was immeasely popular preachiag at 2:30 p. m. NokeaviOe tiiara. F«r tha laat two years he baa Lotberaa Chardi, ftniday s ^ o d at 10 a. ai. snd fnmAamg at 11 a. B .

—Mrs. R: S. Hyasan entertained the MsBsssss Good Housekeepers' dab Wedncaday aftemeoa at her r«a-idcBce ia Eart street la addition t* members of the dub, her guasts in-eluded Mrs. W. G. Coetngtoa and Mra. WilliaaB Stevena. A Ttamkagrdnc

b«« priaeipd of the Yirgiaia Epis-cofal scbod for beys, near Lyneh-buig. Miss Hetdkiss was graduated itrna the Warrentoa Country Sehod ia USA sMl last year SDed the poai-^m «( Mcretary at tks Epiaeapal irhsul. The awrtiaga wi^ take cMly In

renaiwBMnta were samvd.

—"ntm Fed«nri Land Bank has ruled that no appraiaala wiD be made after the grooad freezes, or if the ground is covered with snow, aeconUi^ to th« aimoaneement of Dr. C R. C Johnson, local secretary and treas­urer, who urges all WIM expect te need loans between new and Maaah I to place their anbcatioM nevt

A PALDOMtOin A palindreaaa h n'Baa a

that reads Oe naaM hnekward or for­ward, as:

"Madam. Pm Adam," or "Able was I ere I saw Etba.- erad-

tled to Ns^oleoa.

JaOy the fellow who's down today. Give him a smile for his sorrow,

I t s worM sometinMS has a funay way And YOU m(y be down tomMTow.

Mn.,Csri 8. Lynn, Misses Lois a|id Holda Lynn aad Miaa Virginia. Leaiy, of Orroqinw, were gneats <tf Mrf. Lynn's motW, Mrs. Mildred E. Akers, on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Pterson, of lower Loudoun, 'who hf ve been living at Hamilton for the past year, have gone to Massachuaetta, where ti>eir daaghter„Mr8. Walter Hamilfain, lives.

Mr. and Mrs. Bad Danid, ef Lees­burg, spent several days- laat week with Mrs. Daniefs sisfer. Mra. £iicy Smith, of MinnieviUe, Vid^g.Mr. aad MrS; L L Andaraati, of CattmTpin,-on tita way home. '

Mr.-R. R.:WUtmore, wlio is in the auviei of tlie ^tate tMard of hedth, 9 e n t Sunday here with Mzii: Wtut", more and thdr baby dangfatcr^ Anne. Frances, at the home of Mra. Whit-Bwra'a mother, Mra. A.,E. i^es .

Mr. Berkeley Anderson, of WMh-iagtoa. who has rdatives in the Ost-aarptn i^ighhothood. recency made a t z^ ta Dtftmit, Midi.. AnvB« an antomolHle f « a Waakaigtaa 4eala'. Mr. Andonoa auade the trip la five daya.

Mr. Artintr W. Ti^lett. of Baiti-'

malring Us heae witb Us children smee he add his fans . "Maple Lake," at CatooviOe, Md, is new witt Us broth«-in-]aw and aiater, Mr. aad Mra. R. H. Lee, near Giaenwfch. Mr. Tri^ett wOl reaaia with than untO s^iag.

Mias LdlUe D. Evans and Miss Mary Larkia spent the w«ek-aid ia Wash­ington at tiie hoBse of Miss Larida's mother, Mrs. L. A. Laridn. Miss Evans remained in the city to vidt other frianda and wiU return to Ma­naaaas today to V the gwat of Mra. NervcB LaiUa before satamiag to iter home at SeottoviDa.

. Mra. Aanie McLeamt, of Baltimore, waa the gnast of Mia. M. J. Bnahoag last week. She waa aeeempanied home oa Monday by Mrs. Bushaiv. who went froa Bahjaiare to Rels-terstown, Md.. to vidt Mrs. Mc-Learen's ancle aad aaat. Rev. and Mn. W. T. Govor. Rev. Mr. Cover is a itonnec paator af Ifae MMhoAat

; x^amtCa •CTB.

Mr. and Mra. Walter R. Akers had as their gnesta for the week-ead Mrs. Aken' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geerga Edmonds, aad Miss MoUie Ore^raa, of Alexandria/Mrs. Edmonds rsmaia-Big here until Wedneaday. They were accompanied to Manasrss by little Misaas Ruth and J«aa Akera, who have been with their gnadparanto for six weeks.

sons of the deceased, abd Mesars. T. H. Athey, W. S. Athey and J. S. Athey, of Manaasas, his n^hewa. "The body was laid to reat in the fam­ily barsring ground.

Rev. Mr. Atiiey enlisted in the Con­federate army at the age of sevoiteea and served throng UHit the war. He was made prisoner at the battle ef Gettysburg during Pickett's charge, and taken to Point Lookout, DeL He began iH«aehing wjiile in the prison at Pbint Lookout and continued to preach until he became too fatUe to leave lm borne. During his miaistzy he had s^ved churches ia Loadonn. Fanqnier, Fairfax, Rmpahaimock, Greote, Warren and Pace eountiea and waa widdy known fa the Baptist raaka.

Surviving ia«fib«a of the family .are Ua widow, f6ar danghtera—^Mrs. J. H. Layeoek and Mrs. Oscar Kep-liart, of Leesburg; Mrs. James M. Douglas, of Sitlingtoa, aad Mrs. Rice Rossell, of Orleaa—and four sons, Messrs. J. C Atiiey, of Orlean; Sam­ud G. Athey. of New York; Eppa Hantoa Athey, of Johas<» City, Tenn., and Rev, TlH^nias H. Athej;, of WJI-liamaon. W. Va., all of whom attended the funeraL


VEMBER 13—18





Wtth AB-Star OMt-rSeisafalt News

F R I D X Y , NOV 17-"1P8 A « « A T imr' Witii a Wenderfd Caat


"BILLY JIM" One of tiie besj westerns you have

Paths News.



APOCALYPSSr With Spedd Made Dent Mke It

Kitchen Economy And Aids to the Better

Kitchen Campais^

Come in to see our line of Aluminum, Agate and Tin Wares

Abo All Kinds of Kitchen Notions

Best Prices in Town ^ - — / (

ity Grocery Slor« MANASSAS. VIRGINIA


* - •

Home. S^Voai Office. Wkether yea waat handscwM statiBiicfy fiH* year troaie, moq^*

statiQiiery for aehoel, or regubr oSee staUoner: , ^mie to owe 4n« stine and we caa InmAf Jvm. We carry a Ms Vae of oflee 8 9 -pHes, sat* as yens, fc^idh, featala p«H» Uea, etc., aiM oar prfew ate ahrays'law.


- (

•SAT rr Wi-fH FLOWERS." A^rnqr far Gaie Una. Oow

Locke 's Pharmacy ; E 0 R G B B . COCKE. Proyrieter

' ^ e Fffl Praaer^tioaa. Vtrciate


BegiuBfag Sunday, Nev. 5, Oontbua Railway trafa No. tt will leava Waah-kagtea 11 a. m., Manaaaas U:10 p. as.; an««« Atiaato 6:M a. m. 1 b o v 4S

Trafa No. 1S5 will leave Waahn^-ton »it6 a. m, Maaaasaa U:«K a. m.; arriwa Atlanto S:S5 a. m.

& & BITRGESS. Div. Paaa. Agt, Soathem Railway

System, 1425 F Street, NW, Wash­ington, D. C

Steam, Hot Water and Vapor Heating Plants

Do yaa knew tkat NOW ia the tiaw to taatall that HEATING PLANT? It may be yea have ns eeOar. Let aa give yea aa sallmali ea tke AStCOLA BOT WATMR HEATING PlJlNT. Yea C M pat M

W r i t e OH PiKMie C. H. WINE MANASSAS,


T H l JOURNAL—fua tlM ; Job Work Our Specialty

.J""PIW4. 'J ».».,i,.in..|||iii„, . i l , i^>J«'. i^u.i 1 "9ir"


• ^


(CoatiiiQed fr(«i Page One) RepreataUtivM. A repobUean gov-eraor waa named.

In lixtiana former Governor Sam­uel M. Ralston ran altaad of Senator Albwt i. Beveridtra, wiM kad bMHi prominently mentioned tar tte raysb-liean nominatjaa ia IMi.'' '

In North Dakota, where a z«pah-lican governor was elected, J. P. T. O'Connor, democrat, defeated foraar Governor Lyian Fraxier, who wrwtod UM repobliean nominatioB from tiie veteran Senator McComber.

In Montana Burton K. Wheeler, democrat, was elected to the senate.

In Iowa (^L Smith W. Brookfaart, republican, was elected.

Senate Poindezter, repobliean, iraa re-elected IQ Washiacton.

Wisconsin returned Senator La-FoUette.

In New Hampshire Fred H. Brown, democrat, was elected governor. TUa state, which ratoraed a republican majority of 31,000 in 1020, went dem­ocratic by 10,000, the second time a democratic governor has been elected there in dfty years. The democrats captured one of tha state's two con­gressional seats, won control of the lower Iwaaeh of the legislature and redocod the repoblicaM^lead in tbe soiate.

In Virginia Senator Claude A. Swanaon made tha sweeping victory expected over Us republican oppo-nent, 3. W. McOavock. Representa­tive R. WaHcm Moore won the victarj already assurad in the eighth dintriet; Representative A. J. Montague, third district; Repreaentative Pabiek H. Drewry, fourth district; Represoita-tive J. Murray Hooker, fifth district; Represntative C A. Woodmm, sixth district, and- Re)>resentat>ve Harry St. Cteorge Tucker, tenth districL '

George C. Peery, democrat, of.the ninth district, defeated his republican opponent, John H. Hassinger, bring­ing the ninth into the democratic fold for the first time since the first Rep­resentative Slemp, father of the re­tiring Representative Slemp, was elected twenty year* i ro. . Representative lliomas W. Harri­son, democrat, of the seventh district, won a victory over John Paul, repub­lican, who contested the election of two years ago, but had not obtained action by the House, although award­ed the seat by a repuhUean House committee.

The movement to held a xconstita-tional conveatioii^vms pvervhelmiq^

leated throu^oot the state.. ^

B U S D ^ LOCALS OaaCi^aWai;^ Mfaiimai. S e

For Sale—Tjmited number Barred Rock coekerela, ftix» winners, Thom­son strain; large, strong, well-devel­oped birds. Mrs. B. L Rinker, Ha-

8, Va. 26-3»

Fbr Sale or Rent—Farm of 42 acres two milea from Msnwiisas New Stieff jBaa»r Foid car and other ar­ticles for sale - immediately. ' Mrs. Rdla Beaver, C«itreville Road. 26-1*

For Rent—Five-room house near Manasaas. Apply to C. F. Whitmer.


IrfMO—Two blade and tan beagle puppies. Last seen at Limstrong No-vHtber 1. Fiader return came and receive reward. E. H. Dkkitts, Bris-tow.Va, »-l*

C. ATIiOR, Briatow, Va.

Wanted—^^Hmisekeeper for small V fM»«^; gooi wagea. Settled Ia4y

m; •j'f ureferied, W.

/ Wanted—^Te hire naaQ f a m , not ' too far trvm Msnssaas, with privilege

star OB. R. B. WAGONER. y too far fnwi Mi

of buying later



• , • . |

TkxMycr QiMstioM D M U M of Bo«rJ ia DtswUiwiiiK P»rai

(J. C. Parrish) Since the action of the board of

•uparvisors deciding to diaoontinne demcBistration, as a taxpayer of this-couaty I and the other taxpayers j would I to to know how the board of superviaon I arrived at the daeisiaB.\

With approximately 1,000 faraiers in the county, with an acreage of thi«e acrea aad up, and the bMcd ap^<qpi-atiag $300, it raeaaa iriMMt 86 osBta

In the Gold Ridge neighborhood, since a cheese factory has beoi estab­lished in that eommoaity due. to ex­tension work, there has been a check going to most of the«&amera, which was never known to a lot of thaoi bo^ fore, bvt,.aoe(wdinc to the supervianrs, this has caused these paopla to work, ioocer hours, eaoaad tbem to dalivw' milk, an added Job to their already full day, and in general it waan*t worth 86 eents each to these aten.

The Muae thiag ia true ot the sec­tion aroond the Minaievllle cheese factory. It has caused these farmers to buy .mora o«fw pea aad a^y beaa seed, in order to better winter more cows, in order to produee more-milk next spring, which wUI aeeessarily cause more 'work. This S6 e«tta it coats these farmers to cmtinae extaa-sien work is not worth the tnwble it takes in increased labor 'due to the influence of the county ag ent.

A cannery wfaidi wiU pay to the farmers around Occoquan f2,000 in cash, which is BUHre than they would have had otherwiae, an'd which cost these farmers interested 38 edits to have it agitated, WMht worth the price—it caused them too much addi-ti<»ial work.

A cheese factory at Catharpin v^^h is going to increase the dury products raised in that part of the county several hundred p«: eoit, and which will stimulate all kinds of co­operative effort among the burners m a an ri^it, bat it maa't worth 85 eenta eadi to these fioiaiera to inve a county agoit advecste and pat it aetOB*.

A few farmers Me interested in having th«r chirkeiw cuUed, and in soaHT deiea as many "as' SO per eoit of the lards are feaad to be not prof-.itable to ke^, aad by euQing them the farmer is saved the feed of these boarders. Aad out of approximately 4,000 Wds cuBed there was feoad 825 of these boarders. Oar siipervisors say it is not Wwth 36 cents each for these farmers aad Utair wives to kaow how to tell a loafer from a paying bird.

To these fathers whose hoys aad girls have become iaterested in rais­ing a pig or calf or a crop of their

.own, and' become intoested in tlie ttings at home in*tw>d of at e very first opportunity getting away to the city, it iias been too much of a job to furnish the boy with the money it took to get these animals, or it .was too mneh trouble to endocse a note for the boy at the bank; better tet him go than to spend 86 cents aad try to BHdke i » a M^riM at hsaiSL.

If you have over had a head of stock shipped in a co-operative riiip-ntent to autfket, do you ttdak it was worth 36 cents to yon to have aa aa-sociation through which to ahipT

Xtt taming down ezteaaiea woric, this ia what our board of sapwiaon haa said to yon and ma. Do w« he-Uave It, and are we gamg to let <Betate to as wliat we ahaB havT

WBATITIEANS #KitONDO«r A1HJN DOWN" ieehng is a dan­

ger agnal. If you negkct it. you ace leaving the door wide

oyan to daagenuB diaeaam. BoSd yourself up to Itealth and

rtnorth with Codecs Pepto-Mngan. It wiU maiiy and eohcfa your biood, tone up fpur nervous system, and help you eat well, sleep well and feel well.

Gude'k Pq>to-Mansan is a time-tried tonic, rBOonM|w&ded by pfayiidHa ftt over 80 yean. At your 4lni8|iiifr~-liqiBil or tablets, as you pccfer.

Jamc atid Blood Enrichm'


Wonaa OOee Scdur i« Bm-w ^ D»iic«i Hah-Hola

to BMirtoia V«4«n.

TTT^rr ^^^^y

For Sale-^1%e Manassas and'Dum­fries Telephone System, connsting of the right of way and franchise'cover­ing the entire lower half of Prince, WflHam county. I h e system consista of about 100 miles of poles and wire, new swit^board, witii central oflice at Independent HiH. This system has right of way and enters the two most important points in tl>e county— namely, Manassas and ^Qoantiee. The

< lines are tSi in operating order. Sealed bids win be received up to 12 o'clock noon November 14, 1922. Bids wiU be opened by the Directors at Inde­pendent Hill November 16, 1922. The company reserves* the right to reject any aad all bids. Address all eommu-nicatiOTis to WM. CROW, President, J<ylia,Va. H ^ < / , ^ 26-2

Riner A Rabinowitz, of Philadel-Nj phia, successors to the weJl-known

' firm of Waser Broa. Co>, waat your shipments of turkeys, and can baiidle

either drsaasd or live to better atage and get y«a bettor reswKa any leceifer i^aa the maricet.



Notice—Six stray heifeni at my «-«laea. Owaer eaa get ttem by pay-Lat for tola ad. M. L. fleatter, Bris-^ o ^ , Va. 26-1*

Coal! Coal! New is the time to get year w i a t v

COAL. We have a limited aaptiy «a haad ef New River Mine Raa; also a car of SpHat Lamp roQiag.

See er pheas aa. We make 4a-Uvacy. DAVIS ICE ODMPANT. 28-4t

Mr. WiUiam CoracO, of aaar CUf-ton, had aa his gnesta oa Soaday his soa-in-law, daughter and grandson, Mr. and M n . Chariea Hedges aad lit­tle Oiftoa Hedges, of Agnewville; his soB-in-Uw, daughter and grand­children, Mr. aad Mrs. CSiarlea Doao-hae and Helen aad Sldaker Donohue; Mr. and Mrs. Efaaer Laws and little SOB, Jimmie; Mrs. Tracie Nela<m and two daughters, Bertha aad ChristiBa, aad Mr. W. B. Reimuad, «B «< Af-aewville.

Mia. W. E. Redmoad waa to Waah-iagtoa last wedc to virit hm tUtmt, Mrs. l a t e CoBias.

l b * . Matt BramUe visited Mrs. Graeie Neisoa last w a * .

Kr. MarahaB Badgea, af Cherry HiU, visited his brsttar, Mr. Charisa Hedgea, recently.

T B E FAIEBST LAND There is a httie old PMaf«i

in which an iaqarrer says: Traveler by the camel's side^ Tharu hast wandered fSsr and wide Tell me on what fabled strand. Hast thou found the fairset land?

And the old, experienced globe travaler replied: Where thy friends aad lovad eaea

stand. There thea hast the fairest land.

Real Economy in Horse Feed

b ooati less to feed jroar itotses and nwlet on Taxedo Chop. It actually costs less per feed than aoythiaf that can cocnpare widb it in feeding rcsuks. Becaiiae Tuxedo Chop contains just those food el«-meota a^ich jour bones require, and in jus the right propomoo, .|liere is ao wasto. The grains are crudi* ed, and di« f«ed as easef digested aad more completeir iiiimilsfrd

Horses aad mules retiih Tuxedo Chop. Ask for a c o ^ of tha T o a d o Primer. It is brim full of facts about f e -d«»


a M. Uuftkin & Co^ MANASSAS, VA.


Mrs. Woolsey, candidate for a seat in the territorial legislature of Hawaii, goaa about her campaigning with woauwly logic Some f oUu will amlle at her antiea. At a recent poltti^al rally she did the hula-hula daaee for the iMaefit of the independent voteia there aaamaUed. In oth«r words, aha todt advantage of the best laeana at her cwamand to aatertaia the geatle-men.

'What does the average candidate for office do ? He haa the same object in view as Mrs. Woolsey—to eatar-taia the gentlemen. But he seldom is able to present an act so interesting aa a hula-hula dance. 'What differ­ence is there between dancing for the voters and trying to entertain them with a lot "of meanins^sM oratory, in^ possible promise, and the rest of the ordinary stock in trade? Most men would prefer to witness a Hawaiian dance tlian listen to a lullaby. Few officeseekers make any effort to pre­sent an argument that will appeal to their Blinking eonstitaenta. They know that the voters who can under­stand what they are taDdag about are not aufficietit to naaAers to iafinenee the result at the^pqjla. 1%ey seek simply to intoxicate their hearers with words. They talk about repealing pndsibitieB. for tnstaafr .Of eenrse any promises they make along this liiie plainly are impossibte. But they knoY that not one man m a Jmndred will quesion them. '

We would prefer that politidans talk simply, seriously, conservatiyely and''soisibly «m national or local is­sues. Bat siaca we cannot have this, we prefer hula-lrala dances. If polit­ical rallies most be made vaudeville shows, why not have good vaudeville?

Former Mayor John J. Sitsgerald, of Boeton, achieved soase national fame by his unique campaign methods -^fliethods which proved very effec­tive in fillinr ballot boxes. Mr. Fits-gerald wished to entertain his cimstit-uents, and he waa a .good singei'. So he sang to them. "Sweet Adeline" became a by-word frosa me wa& of the Bay stote to 1 ^ oUio'. This was perfectly' proper. The jjeaioeratic vMera of MassarhiisutH di<brt care partacalarly what paliriea-the aiayor advocated. Ther kosw that H wwld aot BMIM aay daferenre aayway. As a amyor he waa aa goadaa the ava-age—peHapa a bit better. His smg-iag eatertaiaed them atere Ihaa his speakii^—aad why sharidat tiidj^ have what they waatad?

We have reaiaiaed m the senate sometihMs aad Hsteaud to loag-wind-ed speeches idteot aothiag. T h ^ coalfa't poasihiy Aaage asiagtevot^ Not a siagle-aew fact was biou^it oat Ibe worthy senators were jasfc talking for the benefit af th^ gallery. But they waeU famish mndi better eatotainment by sincing at danring. The aodiewee woald be better pleaaed. Seldea^ indeed, doea a speedi to the senate get so moeh api^ase as even a poor act to a local vaodeviBe show. Some of the senators miglrt do well to reabae this—aad take, to siaging and dandag imtoad of taUag. Less tirna erne epsu.h a w e ^ watfd be saf-fteicirt to tsaaaaet the baataam of the aatioa.

Mrs. Waelsey may aat be aUe to establish a prteedeat but at least she is logicaL We hope tts good v«ter««< Hawaii ax«

vn <P%



BOIX OF RONOK ' Vm hoaar roll far Ortahm, Waed-

Behael, i s i w fcOawai Grade 1—Sdaa BiM» M a i M Saa-

fbrd. Grade 2—Loraine Allea, WiUa

Bonrae. BiOy Saaf^ed. Grade 4—Barvap Ana ld , Gattaad

K e e a ^ . Grade 6—Mary Fairfax. Grade »—Marioa McMahoa, James

Eike, Barkley Davis. Grade 7—Delia Sike, WiUard Bal-

loek, Harry •osdatta. CUftoa Biky.



The Saiithfleld school and civic ieagne held ita regular meet iac a t Saiithfield school hoiMs Sa tord iv evening, with Mr. G. V. Kairhaafca presidiag. Aftor the nsaal lovt iaa business, a shcnrt program w»» gtvaa and refreshmenta were soM.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hobnes aaA t n » children, Andrew Lee and LoiB,.«paa8 several daya laat week with I f m . Holaua' father aad aister, Mr. A»< drew Kiarhekw aad Mias U M ^ Kiaeheloe.

Miss Alice Vaughaa spent the week­end with Misses Veraiee aad BUsa-b ^ Posey.

Mrs. U a i l a y e s aad Mr. J. A. HiU were recent guesto of Mr. and Mra. G. V. Fairbanka.

Mr. C. A. Barbee autde a buaineas ^ trip to JopUn neii^iborhood Monday. J Miss Mary Ktochaloe was a week­end guest of Miss HiUa Bainea.

Many reaideaU of this asetioa are enjoying, the huntiBg seaaeo, aad many viaitors axe here to haat.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Barhee aatotr taiaed a host of relativea aad frlsBJi during tlie wedc.

Wr. and Mrs. O. L. Keys aad childraa, oS S t Elaw, visited Keys' father, Mr. Andrew Kinrhidoe, Sunday.

Sagi. Charies R. McDonald, of Cat-barpia, reeaidiy vmitod garfthflaM school.

Mr. R. C Cooper aad hia soa. George, atotored to Manassas oh Moa-

Misa Roae Shcdtis, who haa a posi-titm at Qnaatico, speat the wedc-ead at h w home here.

Miss Mary Pearson entared upon her duties aa assistont teacher of the Smithfield school aa Tuesday.

Mr. and Mra. a A. Barbee and their •on, Ashby, were m Manssaar Tuaa-

INMEMORIAM In aad but lovtog memory of asy

dear grandmother, Mrs. J. N. ITtter-back, who departed this Sf e November 12, 192L

Ovit the tonderest of mem«mcs , Can ever take your place. Until that happy day, when we

Shan BMct you face to face Mrs. CSafeiKe Worgcr,

Pawtncket, R. L

WORLiyS GREATEST WRITSZS Theae m « i and wom«i are coeitr&t-

utang regularly to The WashingtoB Star eadi Sunday. Next Sunday sadi authors aa Irvin S. Cobb, RSag W. Tardnw, P. G. Wodehenae aad Bea Aates WilUama hasa for tes in tlm wagariae. Order your torn ft next Suadasr's Washington Star from your newsdealer today,

Tuesday, Nov. 14,1922 Begimiing at 10 O'clock A. M.

Having decided to discontinue fanning, I wiU sell at pub­lic auction on my farm, situated on tlie Bristow and Birents-v ^ road, the fdUoiring p^^onal pn^>erty:

Two good work horses, well matched; cow, due to freshen by sale; double disc harrow, Hoou^r disc grain driU mow­ing machine, hay rake, top buggy, 3H Brown wagon with b^l, Sjrracuse left-hand plow, single-shovel plow, 5-tooth cultivator, hay fork, pulleys and rope, 1917 Ford touring car, 6. barrels, 30-gallon iron kettk, scalding trough, lard press, sausage grinder, grindstone, lot of harness, double trees and single trees, 140 shocks of com, 5 or 6 tons of hav, about 50 cotton sacks, lot of tools, 200 cedar posts. All household and kitchen furniture, consisting of 3 bed­room suits, parlor suit, desk, heating stoves, cook stove, oil stove, washing machine, 3 33^12 rugs, dining-room table, 3 stands, dishes and other things too nunferous to moition.

TERMS:—Sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount credit of nine months will be given, purchaser executing interestrbearing, negotiable note with approved security, payable at The National Bank of Manassas.

J. P. KERUN, Auctioneer. C T. SUTHARD. •

I ,'">,'<"'l'W"W!n^*TiW'! ^mm^t^fif

m MANJISaAS lOintCAU UnjiilHItt. HlKdMU FRo>AY, MoiriiMaMst lo, IMBI


l l w Aid Society of tto PrMbyterUn Gtmr^ m«t at the hoiM of Mr. and Ifn . W. H. Sielwrds Ifaater creniaf.

' Ba*agh money WM mlacd to ftnWi pagrinf for the roof on tho rear taild-inc ond loave a BMAU tt^aaee In tha troaanry.

Mrs. Riefaarda la ill again. Mr*. Aatliony Hart, Mia. Eiuor and Mia* JoaaiAina KUrnOk faava also bow UL

TIM B^ptjut fi^^ntatioB will iiava an oyatar n^^m Wednaaday in the Masonic halL

Mr. Ciaorta /TUlett haa boeii qnite ill, Iwt fa r^ortad better. '

Miai CampbaU and Hiai EUaabath Patwtier toUc a oivil cervice Mcamina-tion in Washington Saturday.

Miss Ruth Quigff and her brother, Paul, left Smday night for Char-lottasville, aftar atUndiag thair aJa-tar'a wwdding. BCisa Qnigg want from ChmrlotteaTilla by •oto to EarlyaviBa, and Mr. Qnlnt oolc • train for Blaeka-' borg, i^ar* be is a atadeat at V. P. L

The yaang peoi^ bad « daaea at the Maaonie hall Saturday evaBing.

Mr. Vamon Wrigbt baa aaauiad » position in Ohio and haa g«M tiMra to taka «p hia work. Mra. Wriflrt «x> peeta to Join U n tUa iradL

nm Down nmm


Mrs. lamea Anderson and daogbter. Marjorie, are visiting at thair home here.

Mr. Orlean Comweil, of Wariiing-ton, spent the week-end witii labitlvaa and friends in Poreatbnrg.

Mra. George Cornwall and Mrs. Bealab Watson, of Damfries, Tisited at tJia home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. King on Sunday.

Mr. and Mra. C. C. Dnnn and dangh-ter, Dorothy, of S t Ebao, spent the week-end with Mr. Dunnla moth«r, Mrs. Belle Onnn, retaming tp tbair home on Tuesday.

Mr. JR. W. Abel made a bnsineaa trip t« ftederick, Md., Satard^^

Mr. Fred GonaiwaH, a3( Waahlagton, r i s i t e d i t the home of Mrs. BeOa Dunn on Monday. '

Mr. W. B. King made a bosiness trip to Washington Tnosday.

Mr; and Mrs. C. C. Dmn and their daoghttf, Dorothy, Mrs. Bdle Dnnn and Mr. and Mrs. AI L. Fonlger, Jr« visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Loary, Of Ktmke, on Monday.

Mrs. MBMa Anderson w«a in Fred-erickabort^^^ baainesa Monday.

Rav. John H. Moore, of Brooklyn, has laid down ten doats for gtrla yikm want to marry, which taliaa la asoat every girl The rales tril tha giria the kind of nuu to marry. Eara th«f are:

1. Dont mary a man yon dont know thoroughly.

2. Don't marry a man yon axpaet to reform.

3. Don't marry a man yon dont love iatclligeatly or who doaa not lova you the same way.

4. Don't marry a nun vba doean't respoet womanhood,

6. Don't marry a man whom other men and childron disUka.

6. Don't marry an egotist 7. Dont marry a man who caa*t

support yoo. 8. Dont marry a man who haant

any Sanaa of immvt. 9. Dont marry a man •mha la not

i^prwdnutaly your own ag« and who baa not yonr own intaraata.

10. Dent manr a man who Iwa lad a f aat OCa.

socmr BTUDm mou Proebytariaa Ladiaa Bold Monthly

Ma*l|Bg WRh Mra. MHdbaDL

(Mrs. 3. H. Dodge, Secretary) The October meeting of the Wo­

man's MissiMury Society of the Pres­byterian Chnrch was h^d at the home of Mrs. E. K. lUtohea Mra. B. T. H. Hodge's devotional exercises included a discourse on "'Hie Naturalness of Prayer." "Prayer is aa natural as breathing, coming from a' sinearely true heart, expressed in many ways— an Indian naUs a horseshoe ov«r. his door, David knrit with his face to thb east—^«rimt«ver the jnany customs, our heavenly Father will jndge ac-cordhig to our faitiiVnd aiaoerity."

Mn. C. J. Martxe led in tba aftor-noon'a study, with a 9tper «n India; referriag to the different moverasBta of that country.

Mrs. G«Msa McDonald, a d«li«ata the Presbyterial Society at Wash-

ingt<m, gave a foil and intwestiiig ac­count of the proceedings.


^.i.f/> 0\AXli\ 1>^PMff>fiA ffVF f{ • . ' < ; • ' « * . " . > / » * "

Look Out for W. C Lansdon



Mrs. F. Gue and son, Ferris, of Ma­nassas, and Mr. wid Mrs. F. i. Chandler and their spn. Vane, motored on Sunday to Canova, Independent Hill, Dumfries, Quantieo, Woodlnidge, Occo<iuan, Agpewville and Hoadly.

Mr. Emory Ddosier aad famfiy were guests of ICr.,Harvey Tlwrpe and family on Stmday.

Rev. ^nifiam Stevens, of MswasBSs, preached at tlw MethwSst Chmdi here on Sonday afternoon.

Mr. Jamas Bennatt la at home again. •

Mr. J. A. Morgaxi met with aa aed-deat laat wedc WIMU an ante eoHMed with the wagon in which he was rid­ing, throwing him to the ground. Al­though a wagon wheel is said to hava passed over his bedy^ Mr. Ijargan was not serionsty inland.

The schod Imgne will give a Iwakat social at tte aehoot konse aex^ ffrU^r evening. Sverj^ody ia invited.


Man Tdb DaytM PaSee Story M Marit^ Careex.

William L. Jones, ftf^-afat, iHio says he has no boaM, tdd tbe poifee timt he is married to forty women, none of whom, is dead or (Svoreed, ao far as he knows, says a news dispatdk from Dayton, Ohio. He b^aa Us matri-monisl career in 18M, aftar serving as a minister for several yeara, and continued until a abort tiaM ago, when his fortieth wife was aeqoired la Chicagfo. '

Jones was arrested for attemptang> to pass a 1200 check which a Oeve-land bank refosed to bomw.

Re married nine women between 1890 and IMS, pofiee say be admit­ted, and livad with one woman from 1903 to 1917 beeaase she had plenty of money. TWs gav* est fa U17 and he started ent agaia, marrying two or tkrae a year oatil Itt l , when he added tea to Us list, »>«~Him to the priiae version of Us

Daring tha irst ten montiM tUa year be haa taken en fifMn addl-tioaal nlvaa.

Nine women ware married la CU-cago, fo«r alasabms la maoto; laar each ia Paaasytvania and New Totk; six each in Ohio and Midogaa, two each in Indiana aad TcBieeooe, and one each in Miasoori, Wiseaaata, aeeardiag to

He was bom in Oxford Pa., aad served a sentence in a priaoa for bigamy, he told oOcials.


and profitable dep^ads «n tlie In-aorance jrou can7.

Sound indemnity can be pro­vided b7 insurance In "The Hart­ford Fire insurance CQmp«ny.

Buildings can be insured asainst loss by fire, lis itninflr and windstorm; crops asainst bail damage; live stock against deatii from accident and disease; and shipmeata to marint apainst the perils of tnmqiMrtation.

For every chirace yoo take there is a Hartford Ptdiey to foot yGUr biUs in time of nm-fortune. Otiy sound prelection is acAA at this agency.

Write, call w ' telefdifloe f<»r inanxaBee service.

insurance Agency raOS. W. LMHf,


It takes (too men t* ran a tia '. sie.—Wa^iagtsa PMt.

U B a a * a , M. B.

Ooa m, WarMd.

Pint National Bank MMSJMmHA, Wk.-

D l O n D f l A '

He if 40 years old, iibout 6 feet taU and weighs about 200 pounds. He is from Kansas and wfaeii last hearc) ^pip was

talking on hjis favorite topic, which is Co-o|: ra-tion and the Farmers' Co-operative Union c America, for which he is a natiional lecturer. He mil be at

Mimassas November 13th lecture at the


r. ft', b"^i. ..

. 6 ;, !

He U probacy jkbe best posted man in the Umted States on co-operation. Hon. W. C I^sdon worked foiiO to make ^ ^rmer-owned elevator. a«^ a success in his native state. • ' " • " . • . • • , - • « ' • • , , . . • , • ' -

You win have but mie opportunilty tp beair him in Prince Wil­liam, so il you miss it don't blame fif |NI| yfpri<i^ Ladies 4>ecially invHed.


Riulivad Standard


• •A^etue* ^a» •

Witches, Qtcb aid iewikj Watek


IMl F. Stze^ CenMT Tmtk, WaahiactM. D. C.


Titteir Good Judgment te «f *'EI>lf ONDB" ^M^^ta the

is «w»


.r SPBCTAi BTB6LABSM nftiintb ttraal




9ik id! t Streets. 11 f » WAmiN<7T0If. D. C








gaed waUr. Pn>»s«ty laeaftsJ Pagaiaa, Prteee WlMaa OmSy, Tn. Kwj a«har inferMtian wfB ba N » -^ M ky W. T. WBfl^ B. F. IX 4. Ma*

C L R E C T O R & O a


notvics AS m vomwm

Sugar , any quantity, V^ lb Fruit Jars, Tin Cans, Jar Tops Jar Rubbers, Jdly Glasses Timothy Seed,Fertiliien of aB Kmds

A "V.


'VnarytUat oa Baxtk te Eat"

^ 1

Job Work Oiff Specialty

"•.•TfT , UJ!(.U':1:1, - mm,} rsfr^'' ^^^m^^m^

i: i


Larkin - Dorrell Company WOOHPOAATID

Dulribaton of

Lirrt Dairy Ftei Irase Fce^ Bru, I t t f a f i fiMi9 Fee4 Heal UfiW Oitei FeeJ

Cottto Seed i e d


H o r s e F e e d s Oats, Cracked Con^ SheOed Corn, Feed Meal IMas-

ses Fee<i Rolled Oats aod Conk

P O U L T R Y F E E D S little Cluck Scratck Feed, Pwdtry Cracked Con

Bd^ dikk Starts, Growing Mash, Uying Mask ^ Oyster Sltttts Beef ScrajK, Grft

Thmbi Fans Wagons, bierseii Bugpei

Manassas, Virginia

GAXKfBVILLIE I OoQit of the eoaBtjrof Priae* WUHam

Ifas. JviU Allm hM retani»4 ta «n the 17th d«y of. Oetobwr, IStt.

fonnst <WiMrvUl«> lifftcr a Tiait of BMBtka «t Woodatoek, htt home.

Mrs. Seldon, of Sichmead, and Zieut. aad Mn. Taylor Saldon, of AanapoUa, Md., are goaata of Dr. and Mrs. K. B. Uaratelkr.

MUa Hel«B Arthur apent the mtk-md in WaahingtoB.

Ur. WUliaaa Morehaad, of New Jar. aey, ia a sneat at the faiwte of Mr. C. E. Grove,

Mr. WilUam Cave, who ia employed in the ticket ofllee at onion atation, Waafainirtoa, apent aaveta) daya at home thia week.

Mr. Wallace Pieicy, formerly vt Gaineaville and now a reaident of Barbonraville, W. Va., ia viaitins rel-ativea here.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pearaon, of Washington, are viaittng Mr. and Mra. R. A. Pearami.

The bazaar held on Wedneaday evening to raiae fnnda for repairinc and enlarging the M. S. Church waa a aoeial and financial aoeceaa, due to the ontirinc afforta of Mra. C. I* l|g^anyB%ia. B. H. Fknraaee and Miaa Both Brown.

Mr. Frank Oliver, of Glouetttmr county, accompanied by M'- Bailey Tyler, of Hiekory Grove, waa ia Gaineaville on Wedneaday in the ia-tereat' of the Farm Bureau. It ia planned to make the Farm Bureau a atate-wide organization, ita membera to aell tfaeiir produeta through ita rep^ reaentative, direct to the conaumer, and to porchaae direct from the man-ofaeturM-.




^ We hare just recured some of the VICTOR HEALTH EXERCISE RECORDS. Come in and hear theafe A 8«t for $3.80. We get NEW RECORDS THE FIRST OF BACH MONTH.




H. D. Wenridi IocoiV«ratcd

Fine Watth and Jewdry B«g«hriiig MANASSAS, VIRGINIA


will never come if you try our oysters. If there ia any one thing that will ehase away the blue boys this tone of year, it is an oyster served rifl^t. We bdieve that we know bow to serve oysters in any and every style. Ti^ us the way you like tiiem and well do tiie rest If you had rather take them home, we sell them by the pint, quart or gaHtm.

We BpedaHM fai serrfa« •ttm4ht-moiwig yartisa.


Opporite Depot Va.

Mr. Thomaa' Everett Ganiett, a welU known citizen of this community, died Thursday momin r at bis' home hwe. He had been in frail health for some years.

Fimeral services will be held thia aftemooti at the Baptist Church in Hayftiarket.

Mr. Gamett has been a justice of the peace ,in Gainesville magisterial (Mstrict for several years. He is aor;-vived by his wife, who was) Miss Molr lie Gamett, of near- Ciiarlottesville, and three chiktrea,. Waa Julia Gar-nett, Thomas Garnett and Garth Gar-nett. , • '

Miaa Virginia Boxley has. taken a business posilaon in Waahingrton.

Mr. Felix Kloman, of. the junior elaaa of the Tfaeolog^cal Seminary, Alexandria, waa a viaitwr at the rec­tory for the week-end. . j

Deaconess Thompson, of S^ Louis, ia viaitiag Mrs. John M. Piercy.

Mrs. W. L. Walter is visiting at the heme of her jiarenta at linden.

Cap. Taylor Selden and bla bride, are the gueats of Capt. Sdden'a brother-tn-IaW and aiater. Dr. and Mra. Emlyn Marsteller, at their hoBte neat GainesyUle.

Everybody ia invited to be present at a q^eeial Anniatac^ day service at St. Paul's Church on Saturday at 10:30 a. m.

The nioving pictures at the pariah haU will be coDtinued throng Novem­ber. The picture for Satarday ia Bry­ant Wasbbom in "Bnrg^ Proof."

ONEIDA B. BIAN. Plaiattf. Againat

FOBBEST L. BEAN, Defendant The object of thia aolt ia to proeara

for the plaiatiif and from tbufimtmoA-aat an ahaolnte divorce, a viaeolo •QStrimooii; on tha crouada of wiUnl daaertioa and abawdonarteat for three yeara, aaid deaertion beins eootiaao«u and uniatermpted.

And an alBdavit having been atade Mid filed that the defendant, Foiraat L. Bean, ia not reaident of tin State of Virginia, it ia ordered tiiat ha do appear wiUua ten daya after due pub­lication hereof, and do what may be neceaaary to protect hia intereat in thia auit. And it ia further ordered tiiat a copy hereof be pnbiiahed Onee a week for four anccaaaive weeka in The Manassas Journal, a newspaper published in the county of Prince William, and that a copy be poated at the front door of the courthonae of this county on or before the aixth day of Novamber, 1822, that being the aaxt aucceeding ruU day aft« ttia «tdar waa entered.

GEO. G. TYLEB,. Cleric By his deputy e l ^ ^ L. LEDMAN.

A copy—teste: GEO. G. TYLEB. Owk. By hia deputy okric, -L. LEDMAN.

y . B, F. Cole, p. q. 23-4

/l |P the iCodrt of 1

Clerk's office of the Circuit the County of Prince William

m the 17th day of October, 1922. MABT S. NEWTON, Plaintiff,

Against E. E.' NEWTON, Defendant

The object of titis suit is to procure for the plaintUI and from the defend­ant an absolute divorce, a vinculo ma^monii, on the ground of natural or incurable impotancy existing at the time of entering into matrimoniat contract and ever since continuing.

And an affidavit having been made and filec) that the defendant, H. E. Newton, is not resident of the State of Virginia, it is ordered that he do appear within ten days after due pub^ lication hereof, and do what may be necessary to protect his interest in this suit. And it is further ordered that a copy hereof be published once a week for four successive weeks in lite Manassas Journal, a newspaper pd)>tiflhed in the eoonty of Prince WiUamraad that a copy be poated at the front door of the eouttlMMse of thif'coanty on or before the a ix^ day ^f^mmaiafirr 1922; tkct Vemi ^ M next aiKceeding rule day after thia order waa entered.

GEO. G. TYLEB, Caieric. By Ua iepatf dark. '

. L. LESMAM^ A ccqiy—ieet^:

GEO. G. TYLEB,. Cleric By hia deputy cleric, L. LEDMAN.

W. Bi F. Cole, p. q. 23-4 — , — > • . :—-^—""





SWE^ M^\K AND PURE CREAM EVERY DAY Oar BTleca a r ^ low as possible for GOOD GOODS. We

^^ • airf seHdt a eootiBMaee af suae



The civic and school improvemMit league held its regular meeting at tlu school house last Friday evening. The ao^torium waa filled to over­flowing. The soloa by Mr. a E. Lee and Mr. B. B. Wagona were excel­lent and the impMrsonatkwa 'by Mra. CUoe E. Lay Hodge were Ug^'kp-^ praeiated by the large aadicnee.

The debate waa very intereating and greaUy enjoyed, the tofde being *'BaselTed, That women ahmld exep-dae the right eeaferred farlOe nine­teenth amendteent" Major B. A. Mc Intyre, of WarrcBtoa, and Mr.. Cari Glaettii, of Catlett presented the at-firmative side in a very aUe mamer and received the jndge'a decision. CoL B<riMM A. Hotchiacat, aaaiatad by Mr. Cypertneona fltxwi^er, of Ndces-vilie, who to<^ Oe i^aee originally aaaigned to Prof. L N. H. Beahm, pot up an able defease. Mr. fttawater's comical xemarica during the debate twooght down the hooae.

Mr. and Mra. B. Bnea AtUman, of Waddagtoa, apaa« aawaial 4ays thia week at "TTie Grove."

Mr. John Macrae, ef New Tetk. ia vU)ta« COM. mi Mra. T, D. Veeder.

Mr. E. L Taylor, of Waahjngton, kpant aewral daya last wadi with Ua paraeta, Mr. and Mra. E. A. Ta^er.

Mr. C B. NaUa, of WaahhutOT, via-ited hia family bete for tiM WMk ead.

Mn. M. M. Waahii«taa waa te WaaUncton iaat week as tiM of Mr. aad Mra. B.

MATBB T-jwo/tiw ttM that no aaatter how

tan or how short a man was, his lega were jnst long eaesgh to taaeh tha groond. We add that no aaatter how long or how abort a boy awy be, hia bead will show above tba crowd—if he ia tha Und of boy who kaowa what to til hia haad with^—Tha AaMriean Boy.

In tbe Clerk'a office of the Circuit Coortof the County of Prince WilSam on the 23d day of October, 1922. ANDY ONDASH, J»laint|if,


UZZIE ONDASH, ANNA PASTI-. BIK, MABY ONEN, MKB'¥ON-KULICK AND NETTDB P. WBIGHT, DefeadaatK The general object of the abova-

atyled .anit is to have confirmation of a sale of fifty acrea, more or leas, of land aitoate in Coles IHatriet Prince WQSam county, of which LisA On-daakdied, aeized and poaaeaaad of an ndMdad one-half iatoreat or, in the wreat it ahoold be aaeertaiaed that tiM i^ice offered for tiM aaid land ia imdaqaatet that the aane may ba aold, and, ia ettber event the ^oeaada «f aala divided amongst thoae eatitiad OaMto, and for general reiki

And aa affidavit having been made and filed that tiie dafeadaata, Aaaa Ondaah, Mary Ondaah, Lixcia Oadaah, AioB Paatirik, Mary Onen and MOca Voidcslick, are not reaidenta of the state <rf Virginia, it is wrder^ that they do appear wttUa tat daya after daa poUkation hereof, aad do what may be aecesaary to protect their ia-tai«at ia MOM auit .Aad it is fortiMr ardared that a eoi^ hereof ha pt^ tiAil once a waek for fear tenaam-dve weeka ia The Manaasaa JaomaC a aewapapw pabliahed ia the eoonty of FMoee WQUam, aad that a eopy ba patted at tiie front door af tha eaart' liiwaa of thia eoimty on or bafM« tba < * day «rf November, I t B ; tiiat ba-i ^ Ike Mxt aaeeeding Mia day afkar

rdar waa entered. GEO. G. TYLXB, Ctak, By hia defMty^ L.LE0MAM.

A eopT—tmtt: QEO. G. T T U B , Oaifc. By his depoty, L. LEDMAN.

C. A. aiaehur, p. «.


i. C BaOUaM

the Bride . - « fflft of fawtisff eharsi and praetiod too ens ahe win b^ prood to BM in b v own boM*. The MUM bsUai a ftfi tnm tUs estabHahnrnt IwiaMa Ua bsMrty aal iasvas its ^^alitjr.



AH Mail Orders w Inqoiriss wiU ttttn proaupt aad carsfol attentioa.


To MaiiitaiD a Standard-is not always an easy task. In these times when the public is clamoring for something cheaper, it's a great temptation for cheapen their products. We have always refused to do tha for the quality hpre must be keep up. We huy only the best and sell only the b^—and at prices that are consistent with astandard quality. Sell­ing only meats we have no "baits" to throw out. Our only inducement for you to buy is: Quality plus Service and Sanitation. Our steadily ificreasing patronage warrants us in our belief to fight along«this line and not be tempted to resortjto the line of the least reeistanee: Your childi en will receive ^very kifld attention here. Bfay we aetsre

Saunciers' Meal Market

Buick Service Protecte Buick Owners Everywliere

Boidt owoers everywliere tecofniza tbis bisa aad white embleni at •ntlKM'ixcd sarvica as fa.rthsr naonmce of dapendsUe Buidi parfianDaac«k

Exparience has shown Buick ownara that "aotiwriacaf* service means « consctentioua, belpful interest ia the contiBoed aad perfect oparatioa of their Bvicks.

Autborixad aarvice ia a Koaraata^ of aUDcd labor frotn marhsnics of k » c azperience on B«dck cars, sod that cwsry o sw part is camnne, fartpry lasda ef tha i high qnsfity as tba original Ottit.

It is s o sssanmoe that the « to serra Bcdck o w n « s fint, way that wQ contii»M the boilt into cTcir Buidi car.






is conducted aad alwajra in tha


7 ~ ^ ;V"*;.I T y -•

! • , «

J / • * • '

I' i

ARMY GOODS We are t k only Direct Boyers of Army GMCIS from tlie fiOTemieflt in fids sediM of Viffiiiia Every item we ofer AS ARMY GOODS b a DIRECT PURCBASE of GeuM Army Goods b o n ^ by die D^ed States for tbe Army; oot a *'fake'' piece or item i i tlie ^ore . We boo^rt tkae goods at a sipall fraction of tbw Yiiie; paid casb for tbem before we got tbem; we did tbb a order to be aUe to oier yon REAL BARGAINS; we are not trying to see HOW MUCH but HOW CHEAPLY we e u sell tbem to yon. Many items woofd bring ns easily half to donUe wk^ we ask, bid wbat we ask gires ns a ^ m a ^ of profit, and tbat is a l we want la many instances we codd sell tbe army goods by tbe oiiginai bak formore tkan we seH yon tbe s i n ^ item, bit we bongbt to seB onr trade, mdweareadbering to tbat andofering yon tbese worl-bcatng vdnes. .


These coats are made bjr GvitcnBan Brothers, who make the beet kathw eaats on the mar­ket; theae eoala coat the toreniment aearly fifty doUars to hmy. Ther •*• alMcalkcr. some eMdnroy aad some chamois doth Hasd. Tk» coat woold be cheap at $20.00.


lliese coats are NEW; all sixes from 86 to 46. Tlie coat would cost to hay today Iqr itm him-dred not leas thaa aine to ten ddlLus. Oar price of six fifty puts tbem withtat the reach of afl podtetbooks, the tMnf we want to do.


These are genuine O. D. Army Puts , in Ser ges and Meitims; they are wcO wwth OSJiO; sizes 30 to 36. Th^ aukc a woaicrw fol work pants; when yoa consider that otli-« « want $2.00 fmr cotton pants, yoa can ap­preciate this biiy of Wool Paste at $L8».


H e y are afl wool; hmg sleeres, piO-ovar s t ^ ; woidd be cheap at $4.00. Oar price «f 9Z2i is maUBK them at a price to go M * ewtyhoaw. Tltgy are brand


Tluse are tfae.g«iaine C. P. 0. garment; i«e-OQiized as the best shirt the navy osed. .We oiderstaad the na<ry is paying $4.50 todar to biQT this ddrt, bat w« presome they a n j a i t not ragidatioa and were aold. We w*~ •» tJie job and btn they are at $2.40. ^ 14Krtol7. Erory diirt BRAND NEW.

D. & ARMY KHAS2 WOOL SffiRIS $2.49

These are NOT ARMY MADE SfiBRTS; we bo^ht tlie doth airi had the faetMy make Uiem q^ for OS in Army R^olatieia, hot we de!#Dt offer t h ^ as GcnebK Araqr Shirts; tlM# are jast as good, as Uray have evny-thlag the genoiae army ~ shkl BRAND NEW.

U. S. ARMY GLOVES We bought Huuiy thoasaad pain of Army GiovtB and are pridBK them to yoa at h t f and less than vsne: Jersey Kait, Loog Wrist (worth 2Sc

pair) . 2 pair far 25e AS-wool (worth 75e pair), pair 2Sc Ciennine Leatho^, fire i a g m ; strap wrist

(worth $1.00), pair 45e Cienaine Leathtt Mitt, thoaib and finger

(worth $1.25), pair '50e Boy a pair of adtte and with a pair of wool or two pain of Jcney Kalt and y«« have aa ideal, warm giovc to drira or wovk in; the ooe-finger and thumb amke the glove oyclid for work. U. S. MtMY CANVAS GAUNTLET! WITE


U. S. ARMY SHOES, $3.00 Tliere are two st^es; one the heavy Hob Nail style, exc^t w ^ ^ t than without tibe hijig and the marchiag shoe, lliey arc theMBST SHOE LEATHER WILL MikKE. NEWw

U. S. AltHY BLANKETS NewWtoa Bbakets (i^. Ib»—wttrth

$aJO) $L98 New Wod Gny Biaakete ( 3 ^ t» 4 lbs^$S.98 RedaiiMd Gray Wool Biaakcts OH to

4 lbs) $149 RedaiiMd Gray Wool Biaakete (4 to 5

Iks) . . . . . . . , . . r . . $2J8 Reclaimed O. D. Woini Biaakete (iW to

41bs $2J8 Redaiped 0. D. Wool Blaaketo (5 to

5%fta) . . . . : . . . $SJ8 Yoa andcastaad, of eeone, that afl the re­claimed Anqr Goods have beea abadotdy dwiiinwl aad parifiedand they are asdesa aadaaaitaty as any NEW GOODS. •


TkcT an.cotton fleeced, oottim ribbed md wool. Not a garauat eorid be booght for less thaa $1JOO qp to $2J0 a gariaeot. SOam, sUrts--34 to 40. » a a \ Dnwen—SO is 40.

U. S. ARMY a D. WOOL COAT $1-98

These are teaad aew; oaly two siies to offer yoa, 38 and 40.


Practicafly all siscs in b th aUrte and draw-en . When it conus to Iresr, thoy wifl give yoa afl you can get fnaa a saw garmwt. It pate'^eeiriag warm" at a low piie* aad wUh-ia the reach of aU.


These are the Coat Style Shirt; open down front like dress shirt; a n fufl eat; have no eoBar (coUar band oaly). Sins IS aad 16 only. A rtry cheap shirt at 75c '

U. 8. ARMY WO^fiKXXS Gny Wool, hmg t<q^ pair 25c Khakf, voy heavy, pair S5c These socks a n aU NEW uid eoaM aot bo booi^t for doidrie oar price, if beaght tsiay from factory. * f


$3.49 ire brand new aad Ifeis^ those olthe

Afl sizes, 7 to 12. These every psir standud makeJ best factories in the coaati y. These Hip Chun Boote.WQoM cost dose to 16.00 a pair to boy them froftiSct^ry todaH Yo« caa oaa as hip or if yta cat off tte tip yaa hav« a fcaee boot. '

U. S. ARMY BED SACKS, 49c These a n made of heavy eottoadiilflng; they have beea used; yoa caa r^ them uf aad yea have aboot 5 yards drffliag eottsa. Woo-dcrfaily cheap at 49e.


U. S. ARMY HATS 79c These are genuine Army Hate; haVe beoi re-Uodud; new sweat and new baad; the hat te jast aa good as any new hat aad woidd cost not le« thaa $Si»0 if bo<«^t fi«m the fiw-tof7 today. AB siaea, 6^ to 7H.


We were dis^pointed in oar October l ale in bavins to ntnrn the sh^nacat ei Army Riding Breeches, as we got the wrong tot; we have every assuranoe that the ones we bought have been shipped us this tisM, so we a n again advertising them.


These a n Corduroy, blanket Unei; the same coat as wsstdd bst year fen- $5J8, aad t h ^ did aot last a auath bcfon oar s t e d

These Rain Goate a n made out of gas ioWiu doth; we boy the gas mask dath aad have the rate coate aude lip for as. Sines SO to 50. A wwdcrfid eoat at $2.98.

U. S. ARMY I^GGINS "' U. S. Aimy Leather L e g | ^ (new). . . $ 2.98

(Botli Spring and Strap Style) U. S. Aimy Wrap Lccgias. HMSO a n

fan loigth. govcmnteat goodB... . . . $1.00 (Sold with a pair Ridiac Breeches we make

OwprieeTOe.) n. S A m y CSsavas Lecgtes.' 49e ALL THE LE6GINS ARE BRAND NEW •smHmmHi^aiHi^Hna^HaMiHiBMMHM^BHimMHaamHiBiaBMmi^Haimi^H^

U. S. ARMY TRENCH SHOES, $2.28 These a n afl rubbo' aad rubber and leather top shoes. Wf sold ncariy afl last seasMi; only a few cmeried ov« in sized 8 to 11.


49c They a n eoDapsflrio; take up praetkafly no rofHB and make aa ideal addtion to yoor auto equ^HMit. Have yon «v«r reafly wanted something to put-water la yovr ear and had Botkfaig? This backet fite ia to i ffy that waat. llMfy a n aew.

U. S. ARMY BARRACK BAGS ' 49c ,.• ~^ ' I «

rwi made M o t o b i

weald These are newi cost at least $240 to b^y today. ideal Latradry psgs.



These are new; a reafly heavy high top leather shoo; m ide Qie very best it is poasi-bJe to aufce a s loel if th«y do not wear, wfe aei ao way to i lakd a shoe that would wear. They wen maife t^ take hasd wear. 7 to 11.

make a s loel if way to I laks a : iren mrnfe ta ti


• v * .

MEN'S CLOTHING JtST ONE REQUEST—GIVE US A LOOK BEFORE Y(M7BUY. If we do net save yoa from $5.00 to $10.00 an yoor soit or overcoat, wo do aot waat yoor bastaeaa. N ^ , tUa may sooad BOASTFUL^ bat if yoa givjr dw UOQK and you a n not satisfied, we nprmeatcd hoaest-ly, we a n willing to accent your eritidsm gracefully, tt yoa waat a rnfly ffigft Class Soit or Overcoat, we lost ssy, *^art, Schaffaepr & Mm." n a t BMsns cverythiag that Idgh dad^ BMsas aad stands fn- la Mcofs dothmc. We ackaolwodge ao compctUion to tUa foe as then a n no siadlar Ines reprcseated te the comity. We know overyoae caaaot buy a Hart, Schaff-acr St Murx Sidt or Overcoat, for tMm we carry a fiae BOUGHT FOR CASH 14 a sariag to ymi thai kefesal-

McaTs Afl-wori Hard Fiaished W m s t e d ^ -a Q •«£« Solte $17.50 Priced Cor Noveaiber at tP i o * f O

(B^h RegaUr and Stoote fat the I ^ ) YoaiV Mea*s Afl-wod CosriaMre Solte ^ f Q ^ C $17.50. Priced for November at 9 1 0 « f 9

(Oae aad Two Pmitp Stfte to the XJae) Yoaac Mca's Afl-wod Sport- Soita, * t Q T C $22.50. Priced for November al ^ i « f « / 0

(One aad Two Purts Solte to the Lme) AH-wool Oswego Koe Sevgs Sidta, ^ t A T C $22.50. Priced for November at ^ i « f . f O

(Rcgidars, Stoota, SUam aad Stofaa to ths Uao)

$1740L PricsdfarNove $13.75 Men's PUa Wod Ovareeata,

J J ^ ' ^ T ' ^ $10.00 a n aot]

Ifao'a Afl-wod P Orercaats, $25J( for Novamber at.

[ m PLAIN, Miidivthay d hadt cMk)


Al-««d aad SOc Wod Woi W a r a to d Soita, $27.S0. IPnead fsr Navcovv a t . . . . $22.50

Stooto hi tka Uos)

Maa'a Al-wod PIpU Overeaata^ $20.00. for Novambcr at U**^ $15.00


Clonic 1922 Han

CMtBwmMdiilliiUbaiiSit t»v$ M>h Ttee Phew VnOk: Bsya* Afl-wod

paata, agca 8 to 17 $ C ^

Boys' Afl-wod Aamakeag Btaa Strgea, two paata, agaa 8 to 17 $g.5t

Boyi^ Al-weather Cumplio Soita» two ioa«a,agaa9tol7 $ < ^

AM tim ahovo aaHs a n fufl PimwA faead Md

Bart, Schaffaer & Marx B«y^ Kaee P*"to Saite $ i T ^

They a n auuie the aame good way aa Kpa'li Bait, Schaffaer A Man ft* ,

Boys'Afl-wod Sotta (ag« S to 8 ) . . . . $4J8 Bays' Afl-wod Jemgr Sidte (^as S to

8 yean) .7$«J6 Boys' Wiatar W c ^ t Camteten Soito

( a t a s S t o S ) . . $249 Bayif Ovarvoato (agos 3 to 8 ) . . . /. $8.75 mf Boys' Ovareoate (area 9 to lO^J . $7.50 op Boys' MacfcteawB (agos 9 to 1 # ^ L $5.00 ap

