

Dear Friends and Loved Ones,

Greetings In the name of the Risen, Living Savlorl What a privilege to know andserve this One who gives meaning to this life, and hope for the future onel

] have put off writing this letter for too long, I wanted to give you some definiteword about dates and an Itinerary for a furlough this summer or fall, but still cannot, Maybe it will be next year instead,

I hed eye pressure checks and a visual field test In February as scheduled. Themedication and laser treatments have not lowered the eyeball pressure enough tosatisfy my doctor, so he has scheduled a consultation with an eye surgeon for theend. of March. 1 still see well in good lighting, but X notice increasing difficultyIn distinguishing colors, contrast between dark, objects and shadows, etc, in dimplaces. My brother has glaucoma (my mother did) and had surgery on both of hiseyes in recent months. Re says he sees better than he has for years and is nottakh>g any medication. Please pray that the doctors will make the right decisionsfor my eyes that I can continue to serve the Lord.,

Two weeks ago we had an unusual experience for Malll church - a drop-in visitor.Ghe now lives close to the preacher's family and was married by him 10 yearsago. We have been trying to get an appointment to visit in their home. A co-workerof t!)e preacher's wife came last Sunday evening for the first time. We are gratefulfor each new contact.

The mother with the emotional problems I mentioned In the December letter came onlya few times, but the children attend my Bible Club and Sunday School sometimes.Ihe little boy from the Buddhist home continues to come regularly. 1 still pick1^) j.'tte or two Hawaiian children from the head of our valley. So seeds are beingplan ted.

"Meke Mailt Move" i.s our slogan for 1990, and we are endeavoring to get ALL ourpeople involved in some way for the Lord. Some besides the preacher have begunto read scripture, pray, give the communion meditation and lead the singing. On arecont .Saturday the preacher's sons mowed and trimmed all the grass on the entireproperty - two big city lots. We are planning monthly work days. Others are planning regular social activities. At the close of the worship service we sing, "Iam the church, you are the church, we are the church together. All who followJesus all around the world, Yes, we're the church together,"

We can't make any firm plans for our proposed preschool until more money is onhand to upg7*ade our building to meet State requirements. We have a little over$5000. T continue to tithe my mission income to that fund and we get occasionalgifts designated for that purpose. All gifts are tax deductible and are gratefullyreceived. Checks should be written to Mailt Christian Church and can be sent to

me (I'm the treasurer) or to the church at 87-672 Farrington Hwy. Waianae, HI 96792.


Henrietta Luttrellp, 0, Box;28^^?

Waianae# HI 9^^792Ph (808) 668 1753


Please note the financial report below. My December receipts were almost twicethe usual amount, but several persons sent twice that month—for January, 1991 too,So both January and February receipts were down — about '^500 each month. Theseare always slow months - I suppose because of taxes. I'm sure March will bebetter.

Thank you for your concern and support. I treasure your prayers and friendship.May the Lord bless and keep you!

Yours in Him,

FOR DISPLAY WRITE TO: Mrs. Harley Siders, Rt. 3, Box 220 G, Peru, IN 46970



CONITIIBUTORS - December 1990-February 1991

Utiiirches/fifoupsKokoiiio, IN

MnoeiJonla, Kokomo,INNee[ier, HOHoipJiig liniids-Osage

nni!3-rnisa, okLennna, KS

Derea, MO

How roiiit, MO

Kal Ih-Biirl Ingi-on, INOroeiiv 11 le, Tf.(hone Plalns-

fJarrollt-on, CA

Couples/liidlvldualsJeanne Gardner James Roberts

Gordon SpringerMark I.uttrell

Herbert Kurtz

I'armen Medlln

Marlon Alexander

Neal Bliss, Jr.Ron Simpson

Ray StormsGleo M. Parcel

Dill Blazer

Joyce VanceRuth Noble

G M Breedlove

Ruth Shoeniate

Wayne GerdsenClyde SlefersPaul Joliiisoti

Mabel McMillan

Howaixi Reeve

J. D. Young

T. Diivuacholle

Ralph BiaxnrJames Moffitt

Harry Durham

Henrietta Luttrell - Hawaii

ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTEDto Box 1065, Jo plin, MO 64802-1065

Hawaii Calls Mission

2847, Walanae, HI 96792

Balance oii hand, JanuaryRECEIPTS: First Quarter

J, 1990...



To preschool 1021.23Supplies 86.26Pay-roll taxes 163^^79Salary-gross ^73.80Newsletters/postage 907.00Utilities 628.30Housing Allowance '»800.00EQuipmcnt and/or Repair 1018.76Medical Insurance iPl-.OOVehicle Expense 519.03Miscellaneous 16.50

iNission Services Editorial Office!Box 2427

JOXVL TN 37901-2427






- 15619.67



3rd GlassBULK RATE

Permit 314Joplln, MO6 4 8 0 1


Dear Brethrenj

Henrietta LuttreUP. 0. Box


JUNE, 1991

Greetings from Hawaii to my extended family in the Lord. What a privilege to he apart of the Lord's family - to be His sons and daughters and therefore brothersand sisters. Thank you for your care and concern for me - your gifts, expressionsof love, and your prayers.

The neighbor who has recently been attending our services regularly phoned me the otherday and accepted my invitation to come and visit. She, Virginia, spent most of themorning here and then stayed for lunch. We both enjoyed it.

I have been wanting to start a Bible Glass for women after our morning worship service(our children's classes are held in the evenings) but had not. I told Virginia aboutit and she seemed interested. We agreed that June 1 would be a good time to start.She participated in the season of prayer and gave insightful answers to discussionquestions. We are studying I Peter.

This month I will be getting out publicity for our Vacation Bible School which beginsJuly 16. We'll be using last year's material from Standard Publishing—"FRIENDimension".We're trying a new schedule - meeting on Tues.", Wednesday, and Thursday evenings forfour weeks.

Finally I was able to get a man to check out the asbestos in the building that we praymay become our preschool building. He says the asbestos is only in the floor tile andit should not interfere with our use. If the building must be cut to move it, onerow of tile might have to be removed professionally which should cost less that $1000.Now we need to find a mover that will give us a reduced price. Then the owner wantsto be sure that they will be relieved of all liability over the asbestos, so theymay require that it all be.removed before they give us the building. We pray thatthe Lord will have His way in these arrangements. We have just over $7000 in ourpreschool fund which should get us started on this project but much more will beneeded. Checks should be made out to Maili Christian Church and designated for thepreschool. They can be sent to the church at 87-672 Farrington Hwy., Waianae, HI96792, or to me (I'm the treasurer).

After the addition of the last eye drop, my doctor was surprised that my pressure wasdown again - I6 and 18. His goal is to keep it under 20. I'm to have a recheck onJuly 1. I asked him about the advisability of being away for two months or so inthe fall. He guaranteed that I could go. J. -t u, f/ C. 5 e r ffA 7j/?!,. X a. 11 ^ e s e, H -fut jo <•'• 3^ jojci, j p f- 0c € e. ,So, the Lord willing, I will plan to be on the mainland in September, October, andpart of November. My present plan is to be in Indiana and Illinois in September andOctober, attend the National Missionary Convention in Illinois November 1-3» and thenmake a few stops on my way west. I'll be writing to suggest specific dates, but ifyou are planning some event in another area at another time which you would like meto attend, please contact me immediately.

Again, thank you for your support. May you consider all that happens here your workfor the Lord - we are partners in it. I pray for you regularly.

You!r sister in Christ,

LuttreU. Henrietta. PO Box 25WWa.anae HI 96792. ph.- 808-668^i/oo. F summer '91. FA- M

N.; AptLdi, Minneapolis, MN 55439,

July 15, 1991

P.S. Thank you for printing my name on your available speaker list.

However, two items should be corrected in'your files. The postoffice

changed my box number from 25W to 284?.

I do not have a forwarding agent. Since we are are on the U.S. banking

system it has always been easier to receive gifts directly and receipt

them from here.

Melba Hobbs is a dear friend who mailed a display for us for a short

time but no longer does so. In fact she no longer lives in Minneapolis.

X really appreciate all the support you give to we missionaries. May

the Lord continue to bless and direct you. I know it is a tremendous

task to keep up wilh address for so many people. It is a hard job for

me and my small mailing list.


I'YA 'jk>

(SO"""Henrietta Luttrell

P. 0. Box 28^7Waianae, HI 9^792Ph (808) 668 1755


Dear Brethren:

Greetings from the 50th State. Hay this summer season provide you with a changein your routine that will help you to be refreshed physically and spiritually.Perhaps you will be able to attend a Christian camp or conference,or the NACC.

My summer will be busy as usual. Right now we are preparing for Vacation BibleSchool. Zola Brown from the Waialua Church, our preacher's daughter, the preacher,and myself will teach the classes. We will use Standard's material for last year—"FRTENDimension". This year we are trying a different schedule—sessions on Tuesday,Wesnesday, and Thursday evenings for four weeks beginning July l6. Some adults ina Bible Training Center that meets on those nights will send their children. Thiswill give us a few more students.

We keep trying to find ways to meet State requirements to start our preschool. Ourold buildings and the cost of repair prevent us now. A bank building a few milesdown our highway has been sold. The developer planned to tear the building down,but may give it to us if we can meet the stipulations. The floor tile has asbestosin it. They think we need to have it all professionally removed before it can bemoved. The removal company thinks it should not interfere with moving it nor thesafe use of the building. The owners want to be sure that they would not possibly beliable for any illness or disability from the asbestos in the future and so requirethat we prepare and pay for a legal document and for such removal as may be necessaryWe're in the process of checking it out and trying to find a company that will giveus a reduced price. It is a frame building but not too old and has been well maintained. We have a little over $7000 in the preschool fund to begin the project butmuch more will be needed. Checks should be made out to Haili Christian Church anddesignated "For preschool", I am the treasurer so the gifts may be sent to my P. 0.Box.

I daresay you find it hard to keep people involved where you are, too. We have hadthree new ladies attend our services recently—one only once, but the other twoseveral times and they showed much interest. Now they have not come for a while.Others assumed responsibility for tasks at the beginning of the year, worked diligently for a time, but have not participated lately. The little boy from the Buddhist home continues to come regularly which is encouraging. Some of the other chil-ren attend only occasionally.

The pressure in my eyeballs continues to fluctuate. The surgeon's complete examination verified that I do have glaucoma. He added another eyedrop and at the lasttest my pressure was in a safe range. I will have a recheck on July 1, I askedhim about the advisability of my being on the mainland for a couple of months or so,and he assured me that my eyes would allow me to go.

So, the Lord willing, I tentatively plan to be in Indiana in September, in Illinoisand Missouri in October, and the Missionary Convention in Illinois November 1-3,and make a few stops on my way west. If you have specific events which you wouldlike me to attend and show slides, please let me know as soon as possible, so thatI can adjust my schedule accordingly. I want to visit as many supporters as I canon this brief furlough - my first since 1987* Any gifts for travel would be

appreciated. Correspondence can continue to be sent to my P. 0. Box here, and Iwill have it forwarded to me.

As I noted in my last newsletter, my mission income was down for January and February,but it returned to normal in March as I expected, for which I am grateful. Some ofmy supporters have been helping me since I came to Hawaii. I will begin my 30th yearof service on July 9* In is a beautiful place to live. Please keep praying that wemay find more effective ways to bring people to the Lord.

Your sister in Christ,

For DISPIAY HATERUI5 WRITE TOi Mrs. Harley Slders, Rt. 3» Box 220 C, Peru, IN ^970


Preacolt, AZ

Kokomo, INKokomo, IN-HacedonlaGreenville, ILLeanna, RSFalth-Burlington, INHelping Hands-Osage Hills

•hjlsa, OKNew Point, HOHoran, Ks


Berea, HOCarrollton, GA

Cross Plains

Texhoma, OK

Ruth Shoemate

Etta Cain

Mark LuLliell

C H Breedlove

Joyce VanceJeanne C Gardner

Eslil Cotlle

Carmen Hedlln

Ron SimpsonPaul Johnson

R. Ray StormsGordon SpringerJames F Roberts

Neal Bliss, Jr.Harlon Alexander

Charles Brandt

James H Hoffltt

Harry DurhamHerbert Kurtz

IN MEMORY OF LOLA K. ORTH ty Dorothy Harris and Harle St. Clalr, Neeper, HO

Henrietta Luttrell - Hawaii

ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTEDto Box 1065, Joplin, MO 64802-1065

Hawaii Galls Mission2847, Waianae, HI 96792

Mission Services Editorial OfficeBox 2427KNOXVL TN 37901-2427


3rd GlassBULK RATE

Permit 314Joplin, MO64 Big 1

Henrietta LuttrellP. 0, Box 28^7

Waianae» HI 9^792Ph (808) 668 9968THIRD QUARTERt 1991

Dear Friends 2

Greetings from Hawaii In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. May we be st^ngthenedin mind and soul as we consider the Lord's power and majesty and seek to be achannel for that power to flow to others.

Our Vacation Bible School is over, but not with the usual sense of fatigue and reliefthat usually accompanies a last day. In fact it was the spirit of ^ "S ^feeling of being used for the Lori's service. One of our teachers said she would behappy to continue for several more weeks. The 3-nights-a-week schedule was easy omaintain, prepare daily lessons for, and yet keep up with other tasks without strainor pressure. It was a blessing to the adults in the Bible Training .child care. The extra students provided enthusiasm in the classes. The adults troughthe children, so we picked up only one who lived nearby. There were a total of Z^different children in the school with six teachers and helpers. The total averagewas 20.6. The preacher's junior class was the biggest. Our church missionaries,Somchal and Georgia Panya, received the $101 offering. The boy we brought was theone from the Buddhist family who has been coming for months. The large family we used tobring from the top of the valley has moved out of the area.

It is decidedl The Lord willing, -I will fly to Indianapolis arriving there early onThursday morning, September 5. I plan to be in central Indiana through September andam eager to visit with all my friends and family in that area. Ipart of the time with my son, Philip, at 1005 Rowe Street, Frankfort IN b60W, orwith my cousin, Ray Storms, 1820 S. Washington, IN ^46902. They should know how tocontact me. In October I will be in western Missouri and eastern Kansas. I havenot made many definite speaking dates, so I would be delighted to have invitationsfrom classes, women's groups, etc. to show my slides. Some week-ends are filled, butmid-weeks are open.

One of the things I want to tell you about is our dream for a preschool at Maili Churrt.Even the State government recognizes the need for children especially in our arein preschool. The test scores in the schools on this coast are some of the inthe State. They feel that part of this is due to the fact that many of the childrenentering Kindergarten do not have the verbal and/or social skills to function in aclassroom. Many of the families are on welfare, are funtional illiterates and donot see the value of education - they keep children home to watch the younger onesand do chores. The State hopes to turn these values around by getting more childreninto preschools, so they are subsidizing the tuition of needy children. We wouldlike to show them Jesus' love, motivate them to want to learn to read and do well inschool, and influence their families to know and serve the Lord.

We have a qualified director and teacher, Zola Brown, and an aide ^uvold buildings do not meet licensing requirements. It does not seem feasible to justrepair of rebuild a part (the patib) of this old house, when the house itself is sobadly termite eaten. We had hoped to get a former branch bank building donated andmoved to our property, but the owners leased it to someone else. Perhaps we willhave to raise or bon-ow enough to build a new building for the preschool. We haveabout $7500 in the building fund. Please pray that we will get the right advice andhelpers to make this dream a reality.

Praise the Lord! At my last eye check-up the pressure was down in the targeted range—19 in the left eye and 1? in the right. I will need to continue taking 3 kinds of eyedrops and a Istrge tablet twice a day (l hope I can remember all that as I travel).I'll have the pressure checked a time or two on the mainland. Thank for your prayers!

I am looking forward to seeing many of my friends in their churches and at the NationalMissionary Convention in Springfield, IL. November 1-3* I hope that includes YOU!

Yours in Him,

fUtuuJudi/For DISPUY MATERIALS WRITE TOi Mrs. Harley Siders, Rt. 3»Box 22CX3

Peru, IN ^970

Churches/Groups sKokomo, INOsage Hills, Tvisa.OKNew point, MO

Fai th-Bur1ington, IN


Couples/lndividuatlsLeanna, KS Mark LuttrellKaoedoiiiajKokoiuO,IK Harry Durham

Berea, MONeeper, MOJOBS-Greenvllle,IL

Moran, KS

James F Roberts

Jeanne 0 Gardner

R Ray StormsGordon SpringerRuby SidersRon SimpsonAndrew Mattison

(Contributions are tax-deductible)

Henrietta Luttrell - Hawaii

ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTEDto Box 1065» Joplin, MO 64802-1065

Hawaii Calls Mission

284?, Waianae, HI 96792

Hission Services Editorial OfficeBox 2427KNOXVL TN 37901-2427

Joyce E VanceJa.7.60 II HoffittC M Breedlove

Ruth ShoemateNeal Bliss, JrMarion Alexander

Estil CottleWayne GerdsenKenneth IngelsCharles Sabo,Jr


3rd ClassBULK RATE

Permit 31^Joplin, MO6^+801


if 37I,

Henrietta LuttrellP. 0. Box 28^7

Waianae, HI 9^792Ph (808) 668 9968

4th Quarter 1991

Dear Loved Ones,

Mele Kalikimaka and Hauoli Makahiki Hou! These are my Hawaiian holiday greetingsto you. I pray that your celebration of Christ's birth will renew your sense of wonder of God'smajesty and grace. May you more deeply appreciate the privilegeof being His child, too.

Mythree-month furlough wasenjoyable and profitable for the Lord, I trust. As I return to thefield I willplay "catch up" on all the bookkeeping and letter writing. So please consider thisletter my personal Christmas greeting to you. I'll try to write individual letters later.

On September 5 I flew to Indianapolis and was met by son Philip, his wife, and two year oldBeth whom I saw for the first time. She speaks in whole sentences and is a delightful child.Dinner was served in Kokomo by a cousin with relatives present from as far away asPennsylvania and Missouri. The next two dayswere spent withold friends at my50th highschool class reunion. I spent September in Indiana giving mission presentations in fourdifferent churches, attending and/or giving devotions in various meetings in the church inwhich I grew up and in a nearbycongregation wherewe had previously ministered.

Philip and family drove me to Winfield, MO on September 30 where I spent the rest of theweekwith mysister. Her husband has Parkinson's disease and is senile, so she is tied closely tohome. I was glad to help and enliven her days.

On Saturday I traveled by to western Missouri and stayed with a former college classmate,giving mypresentation the nextday at New Point, MO. On Monday I continued to La Harpe,KS by busand visited for a week with the congregation whereweserved just beforewewent toHawaii. Former members returned for the program, and folks from two other congregationscame to visit me at the house.

A surprise invitation came from a ladies group in Wymore, NE, but buses do not go there.When I contacted friends in Lincoln, NE, they quickly offered to drive me to Wymore andinvited me to come early for visit. The wife, Debby, had served with us in the Palolo ValleyChurch in the early 70's.

Then I spent over a week with my sister until an appointment at Newburg, MO. There I stayedwith a family whose son had stayed with us for a school semester, and the father had held arevival for us at Palolo.

At the National MissionaryConvention I met friends that I not seen for years. I roomed witha nurse from Hawaii who is just finishing her military service and is looking for a ministry. Shehad brought flower leis with her, so I had a real orchid lei for my next presentations inStronghurst, IL and Minneapolis.

The weather was setting records almost everywhere I went. At first it was unseasonably warm,exceptionallydry in parts of Missouri and Kansas (they were haulingwater for home use). Theleaves were beautiful. I arrived in Minneapolis just after their record breaking snow fall

followed by record-breaidng cold for several days. They estimated that they had received 60%of their annual snowfall in that one storm.

I have had my eyes checked twice while on my trip and both time the pressure was well underthe doctor's limit of 20. Praise God! Thanks for you prayers. I had them checked in CAbecause if a rash on my eyelid with itching, burning, and tingling. I had shingles. It was notreally painful-just uncomfortable. The medication relieved most of the symptoms within 48hours.

My holiday letters include news of my children. Lora works for a small computer software firmand does their technical support and production. She works with the youth and children atchurch, especially in drama. She rooms with Leta's family. Philip continues to work at Frito-Lay in Frankfort, IN, helps as time permits with Habitat for Humanity, and with his wife hasjust begun to care for another foster baby. They have cared for several for short periods oftime. Mark and his wife continue to work long hours a Lockheed where he is a supervisor.They live in San Jose, too. Leta is part-time employee of the Green ValleyChristian Church.Her husband sponsors the college age group. Her two daughters attend a private Christianschool. Amy and her family live in Hawaii and are developing a computer business. They hadtheir second son and seventh child in September-Robert Hoakua. Her husband continues toremodel my house and maintain my rental one.

May the Lord give you and yours a happy holiday season. God bless!

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Yours in Him,

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