

Martin LutherThinker, monk, rebelH

is weapon was the Word, and he delivered it with conviction. Martin Luther, the Great Reformer,

not only revolutionized the church but also the way people thought, giving them reassurance

and conveying to them the comforting image of a merciful and forgiving God. A man who defined

his time – and whose message is as relevant today as it was 500 years ago.

More than 30 sites all over Germany

allow you to discover Luther’s legacy.

The most prominent Luther sites are

in Eisleben, where Luther was born and where

he died; in Wittenberg, where he lived for more

than 35 years teaching and practicing his beliefs;

and Wartburg Castle in Eisenach, where Luther

translated the New Testament into German.

The German National Tourist Office provides

you with useful tools to plan your Luther trip to

Germany. Visit for

detailed information on all important Luther

sites and events. You can also find information

about eight Luther routes featuring different

topics such as Luther’s legacy or Reformation

and cultural heritage.

Download the online brochure on the

Reformation’s 500th anniversary, including the

eight specifically designed routes in LutherCountry,


While in Germany, explore other famous sites

and cities this beautiful country has to offer.

Find travel inspiration at

The Heartland of Luther’s Legacy –A Journey of Discovery

500 Years of Reformation

In 2017 the Protestant Reformation marks half a

millennium. On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther nailed

his 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in

Wittenberg. This single act was responsible for a world-

wide movement whose legacy can still be felt today,

especially in Germany. It was an event that changed the

world — the Reformation did not only affect theology

and the church but also had an impact on culture,

science, business, politics, language and education.

Germany is paying tribute to one of its greatest sons

with an entire decade devoted to the church reformer.

Through 2017, this great anniversary will be celebrated

with exhibitions, festivals and concerts not just in

Wittenberg and Eisleben but across the country.

Follow in the footsteps of Martin Luther throughout

Germany and embark on a fascinating journey to the

great age of the Reformation.

The 500th birthday of Lucas Cranach the Younger in

2015 is a wonderful opportunity for those interested in

the arts to discover the works not only by this great artist

but also by his father, Cranach the Elder. The Cranachs

along with Albrecht Dürer are considered the most

important painters during the Renaissance in Germany

and their portraits of Martin Luther and Katharina

von Bora have iconic status. For more information and

special events visit and


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Luther Events & Exhibitions

March 1 – September 30, 2015Nuremberg

The Medium of Paper – A Nuremberg

Invention Exhibition, Museum for

Industrial Culture

June 2 – July 19, 2015Eisenach

The Cranach Studio's Portraits of

Luther Exhibition

June 12 – 14, 2015Wittenberg

Luther’s Wedding Festival

June 19 – 21, 2015


Luther City Festival

June 26 – November 1, 2015


Cranach’s World Exhibition

August 21 – September 20, 2015

GrimmaLightning Strike – Luther and the Reformation Exhibition

May 20 – September 30, 2017


Reformation World Exhibition

May 29, 2017


Festive Reformation Church Service

Wartburg Castle in Eisenach was where Martin Luther translated

the New Testament from ancient Greek into German.

DZT/Wartburg-Stiftung/Bildarchiv Monheim GmbH

For more information on Luther events and exhibitions, please visit

Enjoy an inspirational and purposeful journey

filled with insights into the Protestant

Reformation. A visit to LutherCountry is not

only a powerful spiritual voyage but also a special

way to honor and learn about Martin Luther. It’s a

once-in-a-lifetime experience to explore scenic

LutherCountry and to follow in the footsteps of the

Great Reformer, a transformational figure in the

history of the Christian Church.

LutherCountry is a stunning and very authentic

region right in the heart of Germany, between

Frankfurt (Main), Munich and Berlin. It offers

enchanting towns with half-timbered houses

straight out of a children's storybook. History

LutherCountryFeel the Spirit of the Reformation

The baptism center in St. Peter’sChurch, Lutherstadt Eisleben

IMG Sachsen-Anhalt/Klaus-Peter Voigt

comes alive in castles and elegant

palaces surrounded by lush forest and

open countryside. LutherCountry will

move you spiritually and emotionally

with endless charm, beauty and

compassion. Apart from being a

spiritual destination, LutherCountry

is home to many of Germany’s

UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It is

also where you can sample traditional

culinary delights such as the renowned

Thuringian bratwurst and Köstritzer

dark beer, which even Martin Luther

was a great fan of.

LutherCountry invites you to join

in the celebrations in the build-up

to 2017, the 500th anniversary of

the Reformation. Regardless of

when you visit, there will always be

something special waiting for you

in LutherCountry.

A Luther Bible in the library of the Francke Foundations in Halle (Saale).

Points of interest in the market square of Lutherstadt

Wittenberg are the town hall, Melanchthon and

Luther monuments, and town church.

IMG Sachsen-Anhalt/Harald Krieg

DZT/Jochen Keute

The Castle Church door memorializing Luther’s 95 Theses

Where It All Began – Lutherstadt WittenbergLUTHERSTADT WITTENBERG is known as the birthplace of the Reformation. It was

here on October 31, 1517 that Luther sparked the Reformation when he nailed his 95

Theses to the Castle Church door. Today, a massive bronze memorial door marks the

spot that changed the course of history. Pay your respects to the Great Reformer at this

door or at his grave inside the church, beneath the pulpit. Another significant church

in Wittenberg is the City Church, regarded as the “Mother Church of the Reformation”.

Martin Luther preached, was married and baptized his six children here. Be sure to attend

one of the English services that takes place weekly from Wednesday to Saturday between

May and October in either of the two main churches.

The Luther House, a former Augustinian monastery and Luther's home for more than

35 years, is now the world’s largest Reformation museum. Luther's living room is a real

highlight with his original desk and 500-year-old period furnishings on display. The

remarkable Ten Commandments painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder, a Luther Bible

from 1534 and a letter of indulgence can also be found here. At the Melanchthon House

learn about Martin Luther's formidable "right-hand man" in the permanent exhibition

Philipp Melanchthon: Life – Work – Impact.

The Circle of Life – Lutherstadt EislebenMartin Luther's birthplace, LUTHERSTADT EISLEBEN, claims to have introduced the

world's very first “heritage tourism” site with the biographical exhibition Where I Come

From – Martin Luther and Eisleben. The font where Luther was baptized in the City Church

of St. Peter and St. Paul still remains, and the new Luther Font was built as a tribute

to the Great Reformer. Also, the Church of St. Anne was consecrated by Martin Luther

and was the first Protestant church to be built in the region. The pulpit from which

he preached is still used today for major religious occasions. Luther’s Death House, a

late-Gothic reconstruction of the house in which he died, also can be visited. The new

exhibition includes furniture, documents and signatures, as well as the original cloth

that covered Luther's coffin.

Luther's Parents' Home in nearby MANSFELD-LUTHERSTADT sheds light on

the history of Luther's childhood and the Luther family.

In the Beginning was the Word – EisenachEISENACH invites you to wander through picturesque streets to the historic market

square, which is lined with half-timbered houses. The city is the birthplace of Johann

Sebastian Bach, a passionate Lutheran, who was baptized in St. George Church, where

Luther sang in the church choir as a boy and later preached. In the Bach House short

concerts featuring antique musical instruments take place every hour on the hour.

The historic part of the museum is dedicated to Bach’s life and family, while the modern

part focuses on his work and music with multimedia experiences. In fall 2015, the

renovated and extended half-timbered Luther House from the 14th century will re-open

as a museum, with the new permanent exhibition Luther and the Bible as its focal point.

Visitors can also see the two rooms where Martin Luther lived with the Cotta family as

a child or simply relax over coffee at the Bible Cafe.

Nestled among the hilltops of Eisenach is Wartburg Castle, where Luther translated

the New Testament from ancient Greek into German. Making the Word accessible to

the common man was his greatest cultural achievement. At the impressive castle, a

UNESCO World Heritage Site, step into the Luther Cell, where Martin Luther stayed and,

whilst hiding, completed this great work in only 10 weeks.








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The historic market square, Lutherstadt Eisleben

The half-timbered Luther House in Eisenach






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In Martin Luther’s Footsteps...Where to Go, What to See

LutherCountry’s Hidden Treasures The splendors of LutherCountry are

countless. Here are more tour-worthy

sites—additional reasons to put Luther

Country at the top of your travel list.

There is no better way to experience

authenticity than going off the beaten

path. Follow the LUTHERWEG

(LUTHER TRAIL), a route that connects

many Luther-related locations. Visit

SCHMALKALDEN, the half-timbered

town with the Luther House and where

Luther gave sermons at St. George’s

Church and published the Schmalkaldic

Articles of faith. LutherCountry is also

home to romantic medieval cities like


prominent during the Reformation, see

enormous Magdeburg Cathedral, the first

in Germany to be built in the Gothic style.

Martin Luther, together with Bach,

Goethe, Liszt, Gropius and Lucas Cranach

the Elder and Younger, was

a man who appreciated the

fine arts. Discover the

city of WEIMAR, where

all of these great men

left their mark. Luther

had a tremendous

influence on one artist in

particular, Lucas Cranach the

Elder. Cranach was a strong

supporter of Luther, and several

of his most important works are

on display in the Anhalt Picture

Gallery in DESSAU. Cranach

changed the way religious

paintings were composed,

conveying Lutheran ideas

through his art.

In HALLE (SAALE), step inside the

Market Church and see the original cast

of Luther’s death mask. The Francke

Foundations is the orphanage where

Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, known as

the Father of the American Lutheran

Church, taught before traveling to


Feel the Thunder – ErfurtThe very spot that God's voice "thundereth marvelously" and where Luther faced his

own mortality and devoted his life to God after being caught in a thunderstorm is in

STOTTERNHEIM, near Erfurt. Visit the Luther Stone, a memorial to the momentous event

that changed Luther’s life forever.

Erfurt, undeniably one of Germany's most beautiful cities, was Luther's spiritual home.

It is where he studied, became a monk and was later ordained as a priest. Luther served

as a monk at the Augustinian Monastery, now a pilgrimage center. In the monastery church

you will find the stained-glass windows with the famous Luther Rose, the earliest symbol

of Lutheran beliefs. The monastery offers 67 guest rooms and apartments for long- and

short-term stays in a serene atmosphere. It is also a modern conference center and museum,

with a breathtaking historic library. Stop by the Luther Cell during your stay.

Follow the “Luther Mile” through Erfurt and visit St. Mary's Cathedral, where Luther was

ordained. Next door is St. Severi Church. Standing together on top of a hill, the photogenic

cathedrals, connected by steps, serve as a stage for the annual Open-Air Cathedral Steps

Festival and Christmas Market. Merchants' Bridge, arching across the Gera River, is

Europe's finest example of a medieval inhabited bridge and dates back to 1325.

At Your Service – Planning TipsLet us help you organize an enjoyable,

faith-based tour in LutherCountry.

Simply check our

website for

brochures and

other helpful

information, or

browse the list of

experienced tour


Itineraries can

be customized

for any group size,

including schools,

churches, non-profit organizations,

orchestras and choirs. The tour operator

list also includes local agents in Germany

who can plan and arrange a personalized

itinerary. There already are a number

of tour packages available, but they

can be fine-tuned to suit your

specific needs.

Germany’s LutherCountry

Luther was a monk at the Augustinian Monastery.


/T. B



Ideas on where to go and what to do in

this brochure

For more information on LutherCountry, please

DAY 1 & 2 Frankfurt – DresdenAfter arrival in Frankfurt, travel to Dresden

and visit Old Town Square, the palace and

Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady). Take

time to explore this lovely town on the

banks of the River Elbe.

Overnight in Dresden

DAY 3 Dresden – LeipzigDiscover the city’s musical heritage at

St. Thomas Church, whose boys’ choir

has been performing for over 800 years.

Martin Luther preached here, and famed

composer Johann Sebastian Bach was its

choir director. Enjoy strolling through the

medieval market square.

Overnight in Leipzig

DAY 4Leipzig – Eisleben – WittenbergIn Eisleben, the site of Luther’s birth

and death, delve into his life by visiting

the museum inside the home where

he was born; St. Peter and Paul Church,

where he was baptized; and St. Andrews

Church, where he delivered his final

sermons. Continue to

Wittenberg and explore the

former Wittenberg University,

where Luther served as a

professor of theology.

Afterwards explore the family home on

the grounds, today a museum housing

his writings and other artifacts from the

Reformation. Then visit the Castle Church,

where the 95 Theses were posted,

launching the Reformation.

Overnight in Wittenberg

DAY 5 Wittenberg – ErfurtExplore St. Mary’s Church, where Luther

preached, was married and where his

children were baptized. Discover the

Renaissance-style home of Philipp

Melanchthon, Luther’s scholarly confidant

who aided him in communicating his

revolutionary theology. In Erfurt, you

will be able to taste the famous grilled

sausage before passing by the Merchants’

Bridge with its 62 half-timbered houses

with small shops on the way to the

Augustinian Monastery, where Luther

lived as a monk from 1505 to 1512.

Overnight in Erfurt

DAY 6 Erfurt – Wartburg Castle –Eisenach – ErfurtAt Wartburg Castle, where Luther

translated the Bible, step into the room

where he spent many months

in hiding. In the town of

Eisenach enjoy a musical

performance played on

instruments at the Bach

Haus dating back to Bach’s

time. Visit the Lutherhaus,

where Luther resided as

a child, and St. George

Church, where he was a

choir boy.

Overnight in Erfurt

DAY 7 Erfurt – Coburg – NurembergIn Coburg, tour the Veste Coburg, the

fortress where Luther took refuge and lived

during the Augsburg Confession. Continue

south to Nuremberg, a city that figures

prominently in Reformation and World

War II history. It also boasts the most famous

Christmas market in Germany and churches

with masterpieces by artists like Albrecht

Dürer and Tilman Riemenschneider.

Overnight in Nuremberg

DAY 8 & 9 Nuremberg – MunichTravel to Munich and feel the energy of

this lively Bavarian city during a tour that

highlights Olympic Park, the Glockenspiel

and Marienplatz, a beautiful square

surrounded by shops, restaurants and cafes.

Overnight in Munich

For more information, please contact the

German National Tourist Office:

[email protected]

For other itineraries, please visit


In the Footsteps of Martin Luther (9 days)

Frankfurt – Dresden – Leipzig – Eisleben – Wittenberg – Erfurt – Eisenach – Coburg – Nuremberg – Munich

Historic churches in Erfurt (above) and the Elbe Rivercity of Dresden (below) are itinerary highlights.

DZT/Dietmar Scherf


/T. B


